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County o f Ramsey, ) S. S.
City o f Saint Paul . )
1 , Thos. A. Prendergast, city Clerk of said City do •
hereby certify that 1 have compared the attached copy of the pro-
posed plat of Summit crescent, with the original thereof as on
fil e in this office, sa id original being the proposed pi at o f Sum-
mit Crescent accompanying the petition of Sarah T. Nicols dated
June 23rd, 1891 , asking for the vacation of portions of Summit aven-
ue, amounting in total areatv17. 3 square feet, said petition having
been o rd Bred fit ed o f record by the Bo and o f Aldermen of said City
at its meeting held September i st, 1891 and the City Clerk having
been instructed to give the necessary publication notice on said
Petition 1)7 the Board of Aldermen at its meeting held September
J st, 1891 .
1 further cert,if y that said copy is a true a correct, copy of .
said original and of the whole thereof.
Witness the seal o f the city o f Saint Paul this 3rd day of
December A. D. 1891 .
City GI erk. rs`
-....) • rm L .
a) ,t is
\ ^N W ,, M
CZ. . c) 7:: `.:-...) . m ; ,
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1•"�1 r l r,r, 1 c .r it ( +..).. t "-ir l "V."'' C.!6',(-}./ , !r�., ,,t,t ..
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Of Resolution Adopted by the Tr ans s c r i t of Resolution.
Coin moon Council of the City p
of St.Paul.Nor.24,1591.
'Bd F No.653- L
Whereas,the owners of the property abut- STArh[' OF MINNESOTA
Rug upon and along the line of Summit'
avenue,between Rice and Third streets.in
' the City of St. Paul.have petitioned the
Common Council of the City of St.Paul to CO linty o f Rams!!( ) SS.
vacate all those portions of Summit avenue ,. ,
in the City cf St.Paulpteacribed as follows, l
to wit: f
All that part of Summit avenue lying south
t of the south line of section thirty-six(36). Ci ti y o f p Saint, Paul . )
1 town twenty-nine (29), range twenty-three
(23),and easterly of the westerly line of lot
' one (1), block eighty-three (83),Dayton dr
Irvine's addition produced and between the Tho southerly line of said lot one(1).and the 1, iho s• A. Prend arFa st, Ci ty Cl mrk of
northerly line of Summit avenue as now
occupied and improved by the City of St.
, Paul:also all that part of the southeast quar-
t y
ter(v,),of the southeast quarter(I/O,of see- said�Ld City do hereby certify th at 1 have c or-
tion thirty-six (36), town twenty-nine(29). . f _range twenty-three (23), deeded by John
Nic ols and Sarah T.,his wife,to the City of
St. Paul and recorded in Book"U"of Deeds. t + i
page 531,which lees northerly of the north- ' pared the e a t,ached print ed copy o f Board Iii 1 e
erly line of Summit avenue as now occupied ' N
and improved he the.Cite nP St. Paul; and
also that portion' �
of said avenue
bounded as follows: Ou the northwesterly 1e 44��� •s � fr
side by the southeasterly line of lot sixteen No . 'Jh)3, b e if v a resolution Va ca 1,in g portions
(16),block three(:3),Irvine's addition to St.
Paul; on the southeasterly side by the north-
easterly line of said Summit avenue as now
occupied and improved by the City of St. Avenue, 1 h e T e
Paul; on the southwesterly end by the east o f Sl)R1R11 t wii,h._ the original a l th r as
line of section thtrty-six (36),town twenty-
nine(29),range twenty-three(23);and on the
northeasterly end ey a line parallel to the on f 11 P in l+
southwesterly line of Johnson's re-arrange- i ss o f f ice and as passed by t he
meat of part of block three (3), Irvine's
addition, and part of the southeast
quarter' (14) of the southeast quarter(%)
of section thirty-nice(39),town twenty-nine Ro a rd o f Aldermen o f said City November 1 7th,
(29),range twenty-three (23),and sixty-four
(64)feet westerly from the southwesterly end
thereof measured on the original northerly
line of Summit avenue; which said petition
duly sets forth the facts and reasons for said 18911 and by the As s e rnb 1 v of said City November
vacation,and was duly accompanied by a
plat thereof as proposed to be vacated; and,
Whereas, The Common Council upon the
presentation of said petition,deemed It ex- 24th 1 891 and a pX)!17 Ve d by t,h e Mayor of said
pedient that the matter be proceeded with , 11
and ordered said petition to be tiled of record
with the City Clerk,and notice to be given
by publication as provided by law; and,
Whereas, Due notice b y publication in the I
November 2 t h 891 a n1 furthe r certify
ffcial paper of said city four weeks, , ,
Commencing on the 16th day of September,
.D.1891,to the effect that said petition had 1
fn filed with the City Clerk,stating in Z
f its object,and that the same woulu be t})at sa 1 d copy 1 S a t,rl1.a and. Correct e op, o'd and considered by the Common Coon-
f the City of St.Paul,on Tuesday,the
day of November A. D. 1891. at 7:30
ock in the afternoon of said day at the p e neil t;bambereny Sid said original and o f the who] thereo and,
hereas. At the time and place last above gnaled for the investigation andconsid- y ^�ion of sueh rrroposedvncation of Summit Witness the seal o f the Ci ltv o f Sain t
nue.as aforesaid, the investigation and
Consideration thereof was postponed until
ties 17th dayhf November.1891,at 7:30 p.m.
,Whereas, At the time and place last afore-
'id,for the investigation and consideration Pa U1 , this rd day o f Dec emb er A• D. 1891 ,
such proposed vacation of said Summit
' venue,the Common Council,after hearing
1erp rsons interested and being of the opin-
if that the same is necessary and proper,
nd that the prerequisities therefor have
eeniu all respects duly compliedw;lih;now
erefore,be it +-"
Resolved,That all of said Summit avenue
the City of St.Paul described as follows.
wit: All that part of Summit avenue lying
uth of'the south line of section thirty-six
36)..town twenty-nine (29), range twenty
• 4 ..- ="6"al"-
roe(23),and easterly of tine,westerlyline
f lot one(1),block eighty-three-(63),Dalton-and Irvine's addition,produced and between City F?r k.
the southerly line of said lot(1) and the
northerly line of Summit avenue,as now oc-
cupied and improved by the City of St.Paul.
Also,all that part of the southeast. quarter
(14)of the southeast quarter(14)of section i
thirty-six (36),town twenty-nine(29),range
twenty-three(23),deeded byJohn l4icols and
Sarah T..his wife,to the City of St.Paul,
and recorded in Book"U"of deeds,page 531.
which lies northerly of the northerly line of
Summit avenue,as now occupied.and im-
proved by the City of St.Paul. And also that
portion of said Summit avenue bounded as
follovts: On the northwesterly side by the
s.-µdies steeli,..h ire_•-af.lo4,-sixt emit)-,*lane
three(3),Irvine's addition to St.Paul: on
the southeasterly side by the northeasterly
line of said Summit avenue,as now occupied
and improved by the City of St.Paul: on the
southwesterly end by the east line of section
thirty-six(36),town twenty-nine(29).range
twenty-three(23),and on the northeasterly
'end by a line parallel to the southwesteely
line of Johnson's rearrangement of part of
block three(3),Irvine's addition,and part of
the southeast quarter(14)of the southeast
quarter(%)of section thirty-nine(39),town
twenty-tune (20), range twenty-three (23),
' and sixty-four feet westerly from the south- '
westerly end thereof,measured on the orig-
inal northerly line of Summit avenue,be,
and the same is hereby,declared to he va-
cated and discontinued,as asked for in said
petition,and as hereinabove specified.
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Nov.17, �
President of the Board of Aldermen.
IAdopted by the Assembly Nov.24,1891.
Yeas-Messrs.Banholzer,Costello,Elmquist, ,
cicCafferty,McNamee,Murray,Mr.Vice Pres--
Vice President of the Assembly.
Approved Nov.27,1891.
Attest: Taos.A.PRENDERGAST,City Cleat:.
c: W `
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Vacation of Portions of Sum-
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- K+....w uvll
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j si peJoad i0 uaasaaruooq Jo saaqurnu gg
wi! 00011100 u q aAnq 7gnym ai suor;ipu
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�r 7 pug ant Jo saga;aa;s a.ram eae
hid slaty° 30 opglA `01310 0 of uam na
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sir�P '.raAamori`11001 aq� ra ro
i s 3o spayt;-o,N0 daana o;unpm 000 .10'311
AFFIDAVIT O F PUBLIC aog� Ion ��i« 07 nogg ;° eaapaoq
re�iy OOS Bm00 diuo 3J0I syy,L
bUg OA1�A •s;gas d;u
dto pi;nbstu 3o gaga 913 Aauoi�g;s sem uam
I I ar t luaAOoa1 agyn�a.r ag3 JO •0011(
�1 3g aA d ;p013 sal o
a o gaga lu paaynbaa a aym 11003Jt a sao.
4 g{ pug sdo moa
STATE OF MINNESOTA, }aa. `aa ;34 A.O o.rd 04 uoys.�tr 'j o7 wa s a 0
CO : aurae i� as ;7'i 00011;JO •uam 09Z;no 1?
ys gmnu 'syggs.r0ur s0yg7S p0 ru q
'Li do saaaoJ ay; pug `said;S pull sadg
I 's;dr:p aepun'uam OOZ ao'sdooal saluls y
-win Josaiu1duroa o,t 0 aaa
IZ aa.rcu nom,.._— 3 pasodwoasti
... .... being duly sworn,
I and sa, . „ii th• a Txed prited of notice of
.. ..... ._ 11 ��. G Dj/A.1 taken from
the SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, during
the whole time of the publication of said notice, hereinafter
stated, has been and is printed and published in the English
language in the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, and State
of Minnesota, and published and generally circulated in said
county for more than one year next preceding the date of the
first pu ication hereinafter named. That the said notice was
d l ted and pus ' he. .. id n- .page, • the seriod of
41 //i
/' / .... he
day d.... .18/ , on I/12 da, last mentioned
/ / ... _�he it was firs”pu lls and ending .n.
� da of
day ._-___ _--_ 189
on which day last mentioned it was last published, upon which
days and times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper
was regularly printed and published, and that during the whole
time of the said publication he was one of the printers and
publishers of the said newspaper.
7 ii
Subscribed and swo n o er•'• m: this
4 r day o
A.D. 189 7
Printer's fee, $
Notary Public,Ramsey Co.,Minn.