1892 .„. __ .. 1 4, . . . • i 1 IV \'4 • -. ., _\\ • \ .. • \\. i- / \,. \ \ , .,•- ,■ ill•• '- - .•, • 4 -- r , 0... . ....,..., 11 .... ‘$''.. ir,,,li • w‘. , . , . ... ..., ,-• 7- \ . , .i..4 .•,'---)k,,., ;',', 4, '.., ;. t V14 SS ■i3 '',', ' :.t,z ,., nreletj':'7 j'(■, .S9't -- , ■ II f 4 1 ‘ „, ,ir. " 7\c:)1/_ ( r � I ', \:' ) . 4 . \ . ,, '''. 4 4 8: ,, v t ' \le - 4 g, Ii, o (. 14 i1 KIt .: ilir'(-.a 9,m 1,1 u�iry O �,911'jF " acs 1111 � ,,, ,,,, l00‘, - 1 1,1 ;1111141 ti es AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF 1MlIINNESOTA, } County of Ramsey, 99. e /(e/Li being duly sworn, d//osses and says that the annexed printed copy of notice of p OFFICIAL PUBLICATION taea � �'1' ' was taken from Vacation of Part o�Asbury Ave- nue. the SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, Burin CITY CLERK'S July 24,OFFICE, � 1�`p � during Sr. Peul..MINN..\Ilxx.,July 34,it3'Jl.1- W hereas,a petition has been filed of recor in this office by order of the Board of a ke- the whole time of the publication of said notice, hereinafter men of Baia city aB required by ten feet and for the vacation of the easterly tweeu Capitol avenue and Ainuehaha street,the stated, has been and is printed and published in the English in Baia city. And,Whereas,• the petitioners elate that they area majorityy of the owners of property 1 language in the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, and State I on the line of Baid Asbury avenue resident within said City othe•pet tiorlers state that And,wiie`:n�- +fuilnn sthatsaidAs- the reason for such Va..-- j -�1 avenue of Minrfesota, and published and generally circulated in said ana said ue, be we street,a distance oI ue t P g .� bury avenue, betweeu said Ca :- L,� block is eighty feet in width,and that said, Asbury avenue fortheremainderof Itslength' county for more than one year next preceding the date of the is Bixty feet in width; and that Baia differ- once in width destroys the uniformity of said avenue,is unsightly and makes an awkward first publication hereinafter named. That the said notice was o therein,etc•,ete. j Now,the of re, oticeonw l be heard and given that t considered by said Board of Aldermen on du`�inted and published in said newspaper fo the period of tember1st,1391;at ry;3p o'clock p p Tuesday,Sep 3 p.m.,at the Council Chamber, iu the City /t!�G'W V a-4-'144( Hall. ,1, successive on j By order of the Board of Aldermen. THOS.A july25au 1 8 15,22 ity Clerk. i i of each week commencing on `G the...��*/ i I / day of dr 189/, on whit day last mentioned i i it wa first pu ed, and ending on /�' the 1 day of _-- 1 189/ , on which day last mentioned it was las published, upon which days and times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was regularly printed and published, and that during the whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspaper. . /' IF . 1, . Subscribed and sworn ef.•'me this gibe-6(1"y i day of yo A.D. 1892 Printer's fee, $ • //I qi a 0/810' i i Notary Public,Ramsey Co.,Minn. �� � � �. o 1 ---.......... Transscript o f Resolution. State o f Minnesota. ) ) County o f Ramsey. ) SS. ) Ci ty o f Saint Paul . ) I, Thos. A. Prendergast, City Clerk o f said City, do hereby certify that 1 have compared the attached printed copy of Board File No .422, being a resolution vacating portions. of Asbury Avenue , with the original thereof as on file in this BdFNo.4 - office and as passed by the Bo and of Whereas, A majority of the resident own- III ers of property abutting upon and along the lineof Asbury avenue have petitioned the Common Council of the City of .t.Paul to Aldermen of said City September 1 lot vacate the easterly ten feet and the westerly , ten feet of the said Asbury avenue between Capitol avenue and biinnehaha street.which said petition duly sets forth the facts and reasons for said vacation, and was duly ac- 1891 , and by the Ass an b l y of said City companied by a plat thereof as proposed to be vacated;and Whereas, The Board of Aldermen of said said petition,St.Paul upon tex expedient teat of September 8th, 1891 and app yo ved by said petition,deemed it expedient teat the , � , matter be proceeded with,and ordered said petition to be filed of record with the City Clerk,and notice to be given by publicatiofi • as provided bylaw:and the Mayor o f sa id City September 11th, Whereas, Due notice*as given by publi- cation in the official paper of said.city for four weeks.commencing on the litb day of duly,A. D.1807,to the effect that said yeti- 1 891 , and 1 f ur th r c er ti f,j that said lion had been filed with the City Clerk,scat- 1891 , e rug in brief its.object, and that the same • would be heard and considered by the Board of Aldermen of the City of St.Paul on Tues- day,the 1st day of September,A.D. 1891.at copy is a true and c orr eat copy of sa id 7:30 o'clock in the afternoon of said day in the council chamber in the city hall of said , city:and t, Whereas,toh inAt vestigation the time and place last.afore- or 1 gina i and o f the who 1 thereof said tor the iuvestigatiou and consideration T 1 ? of such proposed vacation of said portion of said Asbury avenue,the Board of Aldermen, after hearing all persons interested,and be- lug of tae opinion that the same is necessary and prepnr,and that the prerequisites there- for have all been complied with: Witness t he seal of Now Therefore.Be It Resolved, That all of said easterly ten feet and westerly ten feet of said Asbury avenue between Capitol ave- nue and Miunehaha street,as the same app CC pears of record to the office of the Register the city o f St.Paul, this 15th day of Deeds in and`toe the County of Ramsey, Minnesota,be, and the same is hereby de- 1 Glared to be vac l and discontinued,as specified.in said p ion and as hereinabove of September , A• 1�• 1891 . Passed by the Boak of Aldertneu Sept, 1,1h91. Yeas—Aid.Bielenberg,Bott,Conley,Cone- land,Cullen,Dobuer. Dorniden,Sauborn,Sul hvau, Mr. Vice President-10. I/. Nays-0. . JNO.P.t?FF1AN Passed d by President of the Board t. Aldermen. ���---- Yassed b7 the Assembly Sept.&1+iJt. Yeas—Messrs.Be uhnlzer.Costel lo,lt linguist, McNamee,ylurraA+,pppenhetm,Mr.Vice Pres- - ident-7. Nays—Mr.McCafferty-1. "7, , Joe.MINEA, Vice President of the Assembly. Approved Sept.11.1591. City Cl erk. ROBERT A.SMITH.Mayor. Attest: Tnos.A.PRENDERGAST,City Clerk. Sept.15. - • 11111.1111111111111..— .no j, I I()pcjg 1 o ■111 'RAI W713'11 -__.- ( .11,1-0Pf'(".:1. -1 1 0 Cl.t 1.3kt? ( •i-'.r. ( . . ,11C4 1 U ;' 1-1-1110 ) ( . 1 '11-1'; ‘ '.1.1-132 10 c/) f • o `-= oh ., .•SI,131.;SzEg i t) ,,,8,, hit o-f.Li , •/ .8 off`t' , I ,.. m 'RI ),o ., zrtlk, i.Z42, ,...6,4—o ..;_,sq c4. i!s, bf-rf.,;riri(),.--) PV.131', r. riicii, :r•„.41frAD .iIT ic ...4. • -., (\- to (t, tlkc.fit.q.ta,.n f 10 ,. 10 rif- 1. 1.1 .;,1rri p 0 t 5:s.i 1 . 0: (,ii ; fry 01). 1 o c‘,/ ... , ' - Ti '''■ ; this ., ( f 1,Hio 1_ uf, l .1 .11.0 Or*\\ itt V.r ,, 11, Ark ' Eldek C' .• c.:;\''' 2. 4, g..... ,...., 1...1(1) ..?' \ al ' CA' ,‘,..." [4•0'•-•••-v---, CO : to f13(4 kit.M( it eptcr ek; bf313 P )1 () to r° :::•,0', ,,T5 : 'sg' 7---.*: po b1 118 10 fr):11f)brA \ 1'". ,k, i I ,...' oL. o•`0 co L •••t;'' .. 3- :. rs- `--1' tl ,1\ -ALP ; .%.' /a ,fiAlillriffiA o cht- yd bi , 1.., •-• --! VI V2':).‘f (II citT s brt i , I(i81 , ridt< ied:',o,rqb? \v, ,..... .■ .....___ „au 11. le dm°JooP, lri-x:i hi Ise i o "Io'r 8 f* fikr 1)1.68 JJ3 flu' 7:i ..,C4 •! `f; r.‘;'f; I I h rt:pa Kt 1.12 'I U -,;(1(1) ,,';')(''1%0 .100 lorht f 1.05.-1,, ,J;:.; '1 0 1.-,.-us 1)3141 :1 '11. to 11sr.8 nit. J 889.(10i1,4 1:dc;f 01 . , r:..t3-i.J :- lo 1 n' f 411,T . • : I •(,. •k , - (1:,,f),.1. 1o? I l) - --- ..:1-1c. P., ,,J. , -----,.. ...., A StATF, of M1NNFSUTA. ) ) -` ttIUNTY OF RA'S.4SFY, i ) SS. IiiiQTY.OF SAINT PAUL. ) a 1, Thos. A. Prq-Ldergast City Clerk of said City do hereby certi fir that I have canpared the attached plat, with the original thereof as on file in this office, said original being a plat filed with the petition of Mrs. Amelia Adams and others, dated June 15, 1 891 , fur the vacation o f the easterly ten (00 feet and the westerly ten (IU) feet of Asbury Avenue, between Capitol Avenue and Minnehaha Street, said portion of said Asbury Avenue having been vacated pursuant to said peti Lion by Board File N0 .422, adopt- ed by the Board of Aldermen of said City September i st,1B91 and it... the Assembly of said City September 8th, 1891 . 1 further certify that said copy of said plat is a tie and correct copy of said original and of the whole - reof. Witness the seal of the City of Sai . • : a1 this 13th day of October A. D. 1891 . J (1,-iT, (rte k