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County of Ramsey, - _______________
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Vacation of Part of.Alley, Block
being duly J- sworn, Forty-One(41),5t.Anthony Park.
e ses a•• says that the anne.ed printed copy of notice of Whereas,A petition has been filed of record
/,,/ — /�//i/////�// in this office by order of the Common Coun-
// L. �C/lI /4, ,//'l..(..t ll� cil,as required by law,asking for the vaca-
1//� % lieu of ten 10 feet on the north side of alley
d ............ , : taken from
and adjoining the south side of lot eight(S),
i / block forty-one (11), running onQQ hundred.
Vogt (150)foot,the entire length 1( said
the SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a new.spaper which, during let eight(a),all situated in St.Anthony Park,
City of Saint Paul,Ramsey County,Minn.;
And whereas, The petitioners state that
they own a majority of the lots in block forty
the whole time of the publication of said notice,hereinafter stated, (40)and block forty-one (41) and that they
also own lots from one(1)to six(6)inclusive
and lot fifteen (10) in block forty (40) and
seven(7) and eight(8) in block forty-one
has been and is printed and published in the English language in (41),being all the lots on the alley on the
south and west side of said blocks between
Langford Park place west and Langford
avenue—all said lots being in St.Anthony
the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minnesota, Park, City of baiut Paul, Ramsey County,
And whereas,The petitioners state that the
reason for such vacation is that the said por-
and published and generally circulated in said county for more lieu of alley asked to be vacated is not neces-
sary for public use; that a twenty-foot alley
reaches the rear of all lots in blocks forty(40)
and forty-one(41).giving then ample accom-
than one year next preceding the date of the first pi hcatior/ modations for all travel.and that said portion
of alley asked to be vacated is in excess of
public requirements.
Now,therefore,notice is hereby given that
hereinafter named: That the said notice was du printed and the said petition will be heard and considered
by the Common Council of the City of Saint
Paul at its meeting to be held on the lid day
of March,A.D.1891,at 7:30 o'clock p.m.,at
published in said newspaper fb he period of.... the Council Chambein the Cityllall.
By order of the Common Council.
(/(/// /J �� City Clerk
successl .... of each ID, Jun 2 sawks-fri.--e-
corn/-enc' g on �i � .. th
da if. _ / A : , on which,v last mentioned
it was first p
4-- f, ,ed and ending t he
t / 1 /'�
day of' �/ ,I�
on which day last mentioned it was last hed, upon
which days and times of publications aforesaid the said news-
paper was regularly printed and published, and that during the
whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers
and publishers of the said newspaper.
#e". v.
�bscribed s.-e n •t r
ne tlo
day of
... Il 1.J
Printer's fee, $
/ . , „,, ,
Notary Public,Rcrosey County,Minn.
� F.., ,
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r a
Transcript of Resolution adopted by the Common Council
of the City of St.Paul at its meeting held on the 3rd day of march
A.D. 1891 .
1 , Thos.A. Prendergast, City Clerk of the
Whereas, The owners of a majority of C�+
'foe lots in block forty the owners and block City o f 7l Paul do hereby certify that I
forty-one (41), and the ownera of lots Y � �. ,
from one (1) to six (d), inclusive.
and., y�, fifteen 15) In block forty (40)
and'tie'1i (7) and eight(8) in block forty
One(41),all iu St.Anthony ark, City of St, e
Paul,Ramsey county, Minnesota. have peti- have compared the attached printed copy
tioned the Common Council ofthe City of St.
Paul to vacate ten(10)feet on'the north side
of alley and adjoining the south side of lot
eight(8),block forty-one(41), running one o
of resolution with the original thereof
Ltlndred and fifty(150)feet,the entire length
of said lot eight (8), all situated iu St.An-
thony Park,City of St.Paul.Ramsey county, ,
Minnesota, which said petition duly sets 1, 7
:forth the facts sad reasons for said vacation. as adopted b�l the Common Councl•
o the
and was duly accompanied by a plat thereof
es proposed to be vacated;and -
Whereas,The Common Council,upon the
presentation of said petition,deemed it ex- City o f St.pan 1 at its meeting held on
pedient that the matter be proceeded with,
aipd ordered said petition to be filed of rec-
with the City Clerk, and notice to be
given by publication, as provided by law,
and the 3rd day o f March A.�). 1891 , and do
Whereas, Due notice by publication was
given in the official paper of said city for
four'weeks,commencing on the 23d day of
January,A.11.1891, to the effect that said
further rther certify that the said copy i s a
petition had been filed with the City Clerk,
stating iu brief its object,and that the same
would be heard and considered by the Com-•
I mon Council of the City of St.Paul,on Tues-
day,the3ddayof March, A.D.1891, at1:30 true and correct copy and transcript of
o'clock in the afternoon of said day,at the
council chamber in the city hall of said city;
Whereas,at the time and place last afore- said o ri# inal and of the who 1 e thereof.
said,for the investigation and consideration
,- of such proposed vacation oY'1aid property,
,the Common Council,after hearing all per-
eoas interested,is rec necessary and proper,the ,and Witness the seal o f the City o f
tat the same is pecessar su3 and �
■ that the prerequisites thereforhave all been
complied with
Now,Therefore, Be It Resolved, That all L�
of said ten(10)feet on the north side of alley St.Paul this 10th day of march A.D. 1 891 .
and adjoining the south side of lot eight(8), •
block forty-one (41),'running one hundred
and fifty(150)feet,the entire length of said
t lot eight(8),all situated in St.Anthony Park,
City of St.Paul,Ramsey county,Minnesota;
as the same appears of record In the office of
the Register of Deeds in and for the County —�
of Ramsey,Minnesota, be and the same is /�
lI ..QeelAred to be y"ticated aua instep- - L.
tinned,as asked for in said petition, and as-i
hereinabo,e specified.
Yeas—Aid. Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bott,
Copeland.Dorniden,Flandrau, Gehan, Mc-.,t
Namee, Melady. Minea, Sanborn, Sullivan,
Mr.President-13. , ClPassed March 3,1891. City (,l e rk.
O.C.CULLEN,President of Cotlneil.
Approved Marco 4,1891. •
Attest: THOS.A.PB.ESBERGAST,City Clerk.j
«. ry- 6.4; r.N.
cC �, ! "4.
1 � �' r
iQe i tz„(lb' b z• p 4 Q ; CAD
O ~O+d.OD �1 d V O !
. rw O 1
• I
Vacation of Part of Alley, Block Forty-
One (41), St. Anthony Park.
.ST.PAUL,Minn.,DS, ee.6 189(1•}
Wherealso a petition has been filed o�record in
this offic byi ord the Co. ..on council, e:
!� p required y law ask g for cation of ten
AFFIDAVIT O F 1 Z (1(3)feet ut nor 'slde o, e adjoi
big thee :ide o I
I ` ( i �.1.ck forty-
on ) l4 ) r anfiig n• ed d f ty(150)
fee ,t en,re len of id 1 ! eigt t (8),all
srtua d i St, thou• -a , cut of Saint
Paul Ra . ycou ty,M' '.y; _a
A d wh:+eas, a pet' .n• '' eta:-that they
ow a m:;.rity f the 1 )': i/ lot- forty (40)
an bloc.'/forty-one (• th•. they also
ou n lots from one(1)to (6) ;uclusive and
ST TE OF MINNESOTA, 1 fifteen(15)in blo• fo. (10)and seven(71
d eight(8)in bloc,orb one 41), being ail
SS. e lots on the alley. t l. son,._and west side
f said blocks bet/`en angf. d Park place
COUNTY OF RAMSEY. west andLangfor. ex it—all said lots being
in St.Anthony P:'.,c• of .t.Paul,Ramsey
And whereas f: ' Itiol rs state that the
reason for such ati,e, st at the said portion
°f.alley asked he a t:ijs nut necessary
. for public use; at n -toot alley ruches
the rear of all� s i . .c fort 40 and for-
F. DRISCOL , being duly sworn, 1°rOne(tray'I'a ,' a 'Ple accoinmodations
•a said portion of alley
asked to b:� ac a is in eacesa of public re•
says that the a Hexed printed cop of Mice quiremexxta.
Now,Cher re, o c: is hereby givon that the r.,,
id petiti.. Ivll b' and and considered by 1 he comet i� c n,1 .f the city of St.Paul at,is meetui•I. b : ax the 20th day of Janut
/ •ry,A D , 90, t 90 o'clock p,m.,at the
- ouncil c ,,hbe in city hall.
By ofd ;of the.. mon council.
the A. twee LRG_1ST,
' e d 5wks-tues City Clerk.
was taken THE m ro ]D
f AILY PIONELrc "rtclL.o.. ,
a newspaper which, dun ff, the hole time of publication '\ lb,
of said notice hereinafte stated, has been and is printed
and published in the Ci f i Paul, County of Ramsey,
v �`
and State of.M-innesota, That h4 said notice was published
in said newspaper for he perio, •f \.
successive weeks, on.. -`1P► of each week,
commencing on the. ay of
4.-7--18,1 0 upon which ay last r entio •• it wa.',first published,
and ending on e A a / 0 IIIII G.-d---r---------=---e-7
1897 upon w eh day last entiones%,�.. was last published,
upon which / l ys or time. of publi>,i ion • ? said the
said newspape was regula y publishe t., and that during
the whole tim: of the said pu•lil;r ion e was one of the
printers and blishers of the said newsp o er. `
, ",„ , - ,,,,,,, ,/
Subscribed and swo'to •..,/ore me, this
day of
i' Gf- ,, ,_7 sl. . 189 .....
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. ,
Printers' Fee $ � '
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