1890 (7) t4._ _: .. • 4 • .• •• • • . . = -.... dr: :•.r.e f • .• %, *4,4 a••••••••1..Si 4•Milb •-4! • ••• - • 'Uwe • . ,111" - , AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. F. DRISCOLL, .. being duly sworn, deposes and says that the an xecl printed copy of notice of 77-c-e•-i d„� 1 Vacation of Blocks One (1), and Two (2)• and'Seven(7),of D.W.Ingersoll's Addi- tion to the City of St. Paul, Together With the Alleys Therein and That Street or Public Way Therein De- scribed as "Morton Place." CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. Sr.PAUL.Mora.,May 9,1890.} Whereas a petition has been filed of record in this office by order of the common council,as required by law,asking for the vacation of all that part of D.W.Ingersoll's addition to the was taken from THE DAILY PIONEER PRESS, that of St.Paul, described as follows: Blocks number one(1),two(2) and seven(7),of said, addition,together with the alleys therein,and a newspaper which, during' the whole time of publication tat street or public way therein described petition said s asks that such vacating and discontinuing shall and of said notice hereinafter stated, has been and is printed not nues in or pertain contiguouextes nd to said to an pry estreets mises exceper ating ve- as above mentioned. And whereas, The petition states that one of and published in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey the petitioners is a resident of said city of St. p y f County f ✓f Paul,and the sole owner of blocks one(1),two (2)and seven(7)of D.W. Ingersoll's addition. to the city of St.Paul,and that the petitioners and State of.Minnesota. That the said notice was published who signed said petition are residents of said city of St.Paul,and a majority of the owners of the property abutting upon the street and alleys therein asked to a vacated,and that the in said newspaper for the period of object and reason for sking said vacation is that a rearrangem t and replatting of such premises is necessary for the benefit • I' /I • • , r I 'I I�eek j of she public, which rearrangement and re- f f platting, so far as the streets and alleys are concerned,consists in a widened extension of on the / clay of ��� Rondo street a avenue,e,through g said premises to St. Anthony ceavenue, together with a dedication to the city of a certain area of ground in the angle formed by the proposed junction of said Rondo 189(0 u on which day last mentioned it was ftrst published street and St.Anthony avenue, for the Use of p published the public as a park,and for a certain alley across all of said blocks,which street,park and alley are shown by red lines on exhibit"A" at- nn. ill e --o f tached to said petition. Now,therefore,notice is hereby given that said petition will be heard and considered by the common council of the city of St.Paul on Tues- I -'-' upon which clay last mentioned it was last published, day, the 17th day of June, A. D. 1890, 7:30 o'clock p.ra.,at the council chamber in the city hall. upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the ■ By order the common council. THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, City Clerk. said newspaper was regularly published, and that during maylo-5w-eat the whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspaper. jAc--li d ' fe.,,,41 Subscribed and sworn to before me, this / day of . .4. D. 189-0 ■ #' , � Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. 6 0 Printers' Fee, $ /f .‘ �!. 'wx,F! .,y. ,• .. .. ,. P_"`, - ���� '�"'�-u.'•_ns' '"+''�i?p{�F.±Y"."'"'G� . i.i,y' ;tj,'� .. .,-,w,.r.,p� • • .'.' • r AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF MINNESOTA, SS. COUNTY OF RANISEY. F. DRISCOLL, .. .. being duly sworn, deposes and says th t the ann xed printed copy of notice of "Ma OFFICIAL 1 " �� / Vacation of Bloohs One,(1), and Two(2) f andSeven(7),,of D.W.Ingersoll's Addl. (.4------.F-- �� / `/� /�–�— tape,to the kilt' of St. Paul, Together ry(/� �-� r~� R"ith the Alleys Therein and That ,,•street or Publics Way Therein De. 4,eottl t as4•'Morton Place." CITY CLERIC'S OFFICE, t ' ST,PAUL,MINN.,flay 9,1890. Whereas a petition has been filed of record in 'this office by order of the common council,aQ required by tom,asking for the vacation of ail was taken from THE DAILY PIONEER PRESS, that part of D.W.Ingersoll's addition to tint city of St.Paul, described as follows: Block number one(1),two,(2) and seven'(7),of sai a newspaper which, during the whole time of publication ' a' "^ alleys thetrein,au•tigsnoq an03-Suraet4 15el or ausq :,92,51 'Maus 2IreQ 'ZS' sa `cyTIlU.t ;0 4mtoutl of said notice hereinafter stated, has been and is printed J s uotutagl ntntA„n °m q; urnminiWW iVlall ''1`ae tnour.agJ.''.'f e" pitungio, and published in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, sa 'b,,,,an x,,v9:•67 is;au`Omai r tusent:,iCt1 U t alrci lned•IS•to,1 .spun afg 1stnrn ptW sgodeetrurlq . and State of,Minnesota. That the said notice was published ra`na�"`'r09ttagaK that zgeltl Srepan f p ar43 :Itnto1 .1 • f�noS n.ores Iq�r S[Ila ir;pnn8 r I •spttrat Aiaaasast [adaoxa resigar,I,c1 TIT ssamoaiRaaetoZtiID seagxlttl in said newspaper for the period of nfs• .• ada •spuut a,s g p9p2Daad `sls.I �Oq a glnog purl ige.sen:satuanet:sit of each week g4a,"1 `elosanmW ?o, 3 successive weeks, on -� week, .0,`aauo. s sanrtan commencing on the 7 day of,7� 1890 upon which clay last mentioned it wa,o,t published, and ending on the 7 day o . ' 189 O upon which clay last mentioned,,i', as last published, upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspaper. . ,,, , . /� 7 �d Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7d---71- , day of .4. D. 1890. 4,'--- -tel-- f % / • 5� _ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. d -o Printers' Fee, $' C,‘ • • • Transcript of Resolution passed by the Common Council of the City of St.Paul at its meeting held on the 17th ay of June A.D. 1890. I, Thos.A. Prendergast, City Clerk of the t Whereas, residents of the city of St.Paul, •Minn.,being the majority of the owners of the y pproperty abutting upon and along the line ofthe Citir Of St.Paul , do hereby certify that Streets and alleys hereby vacatedhave petitioned ` •the common council of the city of St.Paul to vacate together with the alleys therein and that •street or public way therein described as"Mor- ton Place,"all that part of D. W. Ingersoll have compared the attached printed copy addition to the city of St.Paul,described as blocks number one(1),two (2) and seven(7) thereof, excepting that such vacating shall not pertain iguousextend to any premies or avenues excepting n of resolution with the original thereof as or contiguous to said premises excepting as above mentioned,which said petition duly sets forth the facts and reasons for said vacation, and was duly accompanied by a plat thereof as proposed to be vacated; and • passed by the C ornjnon (J o u c i 1 of f she City Whereas, The common council,upon the pres- entation of said petition,deemed it expedient that the matter be proceeded with and ordered said petition to be filed of record with the city +- its meeting L.1 ng held on the clerk,and notice to be given by publication as of St.Paul a t m.�, b provided by law; and • Whereas,Due notice was given by publication In the official paper of said city for four weeks, commencing on the 1.9th day of Ma A. D. s 1890.to the effect that said petition had been 1 7th day o f June A.D. 1 890, and do further filed with the city clerk,stating in brief its'ob feet,and that the same Mould be heard and con- sidered by the comnion found]of the city of St. Paul, on Tuesday,the 17th day of June,A.D. certify th c`a G the said copy 1 S a t rL1 e and L890, at 7:30 o'clock in the afternoon of said day,at the council chamber in the city hall of said city;and Whereas,At the time and place last aforesaid, transcript ;or the investigation and consideration of such correct copy and . of said proposed vacation of said premises above de- Scribed, the common council after hearing all persons interested and being of the opinion that + the same is necessary and proper,and that the original and Uf Uhe Wito1e thereof• prerequisites therefor have all been complied with; Now,thetefore be•,it - r Resolved, That together with the alleys there- 1 cv e al U f the City o f ,n and that street or public way therein de- scribed as"Morton Place,"all that part of D.1 W.Ingersoll additiop to the city of St.Paul,' • described as blocks n'hmbered one(1),two(3) St.Paul Pau1 this 23rd. , and seven (7) tliereol, as the same appears of day o f- June A.D. 1890. record in the office of the register of deeds in and St for the county of Ramsey, Minn., be and the same is hereby declared to be vacated and dis- continued as asked for in said petition and as herein above specified. leas—And.Banholzer, Bielenberg, Bott,Con- lev,'Copeland,'Costello,Dobner•Dorniden,Flan- draw, Geban, McNamee, Melady, Minea,San- IC norm,Sullivan,Van Slyke,Mr. President-17. • • •.,•.• ••C. • • • • Passed June 17,1890. 0.0.CULLEN,President Of Council, Approved June 18,1890. ROBERT A.SMITH,MEW� `/1+ C l e rk• Attest: THOS.A.PBENDERGA6T,City clerk. ` June 23. ■ C, 4 b ,....P-4;) 4,fir. , •M .py di• r i a c......‘ � &- M ..‘41 :Z 1. %... (3 !. 0 oh 31. z a , <-,.. .a. cm oc•-• .'* .11k , .., -4 ..2,,-,,.. r. ini: . " i z , o. z : ilt r s. s • • • • • o • L • • 4 • X / // AL,,,,,,- ,a( __ ) - . _ Y ) -.r - v • 1. . 7 f - rz-LA._ -4;if- 44),J tfie - afrue, et. tZy iat-, ci,vv.A.4_,.1. i 4- car_it,,,,647 i/24,,,A, stiv.,_4 „ ,ot,i6r, . J t' a-. • h 4.4/ '1,,t lt -1414 ltifiLtn-N GLN. aziU?A41-4/ .z 14/`ZA{ 1Z/ C217 G- liKic _ r1'1'',t 'a are GC 1 r:10 ^oitis `ai: cI'el. 01.e , t o 1;;. scvci: ( 1 ,2, L. 7) ti- _ . to L prat ppe 7 'red by the City Enuineer of t 3 Cit,. ;dint 7) tul1 vil-lie_', plat is ho rot a att,-).2„,e( =r_C <..'� ,, ' u n 1- ( -('.- - ^-L r 1, } i _ - lei 1 . • I 'ice • M u . • . . �. �-�- D]' to y - l _ t _ _ - , T. • s, r _ �t• r 1 _ . (4/ c 4.// 1, -1/7"VPI . 7 k4, 41n-r. 24..i&L. at 4-try-- I /4.7„,,./1-4, .r1-4172,01-1_, ."1"1./6. 74A-4-4"--4114:r to ,c. 44ii( //".774 1-113 7. / /, /; a --- c / �L )// • v. A 0", , ) L. t + 14 ; 177 + r i ; a .ce r6lict LL c n •�/` � GJLC 411. �' n� ®�• _ :!fir _! - ,r,- 4-0