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County of Ramsey. )
William Rhodes( being duly sworn, deposeN and
say thatjh ,!/ ts the persons named in and who signed the foregoing
petition, that7he1 know. the contents thereof, and that the same
is true.
Seal )
Subscribed and Sworn to before me
/ " P-
this y day of G , / 1888. "
--`--T o-t ar y Lib—c , a s e y c;o.li i rin. -at–�
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`f!?A US+;H.IP1', OF b KSi)LUTioih
Pass-d b r the U',rnmon Council o f the Uity 0 f St Paul at its
I ,eetin}?; held April 15t,i, ,A. I). P9O.
Whereas, The owners of the property abutting
upon and along the line of the alley and portion
of alley hereinafter particularly described and.
hereby vacated, have petitioned the common a
council of the city of St.Paul to vacate the alley 1,�.I h 0 S .A.Fran de r l 'a s t, (i I t`' (,..1 o r K o t t}i e It o f
and portion of alley lying east of lots four(4),
E five(5), six(6),seven(7),eight(8) niue(9)and
ten(10),and between lots three(3)and eleven C� 7 l.
(11), all of block three (3) in West St.Paul St Paul d o Il ere hir c er i,1 PEA oh at 1 ri ave c o( pa re ri
Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate Addil
tion No.one(1)and between Bunker and Page
streets and west of State street as opened diag-
i onally across blocks three(3)apd four(4)of
said additlon,wh!ch Bald petition duly sets forth the attached printed. copy of reSOIu•t,ton with
the facts and reasons for said vacation, and
was duly accompanied by a plat thereof as pro-
posed to be vacated; and
Whereas, The common council,upon the pre i.,
Notation of said petition,deemed it expedient ti ?(� o r 1} 1 n al t h e ti•e o l as s passed by y ,,he G o t rJ rlo n
that the matter be proceded with and ordered)
said petition to be filed of record with the city
clerk,and notice to be given by publication as + `` L
provided by law; and (,ounc ii o f the (alt \t f 0 St Pala at its meeting
Whereas, Due notice was given by publication
in the official paper of said city for four weeks,
commencing on the 8th day of March, A. D.
1890,to the effect that said petition had been l d filed with the city clerk,stating in brief its ob- hell Ap ri I I hti 1], A• i)• I ;1 U, and d o f o.r i,h e L' C e rt 1-
ject,and that the same would be heard and con
sidered by the common council of the city of St
Paul, on Tuesday,the 15th day of April,A.D.
1890, at 7:30 o'clock in the afternoon of said l 1,Y1 P, said 1 Cf C'() « 1 S a �,
day,at the council chamber in the city hall of f.. t i 1 a. p,, ru`. and CO ''-�r C%f!t
said city;and
Whereas,Atthe time and place last aforesaid,
for the Investigation and consideration of such •
proposed vacation of said alley and portion of C o p e a}):I t ran SC r i pt 0 f sa i. 0 rl}�11"1a 1 a ri o I
alley hereinbefore particularly described the com-
mon council after hearing all persons inter-
ested,and being of the opinion that the same is •
•necessary and proper,and that the prerequisites
therefor have all been complied with, t,1-)r 1',/F101. i3 th e,-no f •
Now Therefore Be it Resolved, That all of
said alley and po rtion of alley lying east of lots
four(4), five(b), six (6), seven(7), eight(8),
nine(9)and ten(10)and between lots three(8) •
and eleven(11)of block three (3) in West St.
Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate
Addition No.one(1),and between Bunker and
Page streets and west of State street,as opened
diagonally across blocks three(3) and four(4) 4V11f e s S the seal o f the L 1 t y of St
of said addition,as toe same appears of recotil
in tie office of the register of deeds in and for
the county of Ramsey,Minn.,be and the same; t
is hereby declared to be vacated and discontin- Paul this 9:7 th ,air 0 f A �r 1 I ' • I, i:�U•
ued a asked for in said petition and as herein '
above specified.
Yeas—Ald.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,Conley,; .,,,r----Fisher,Gehan, Kavanagh, Leitbauser, Minea,
Melady,Pratt,Sanborn,Weber,Mr. Vice Presi
Passed April 16,1890.
ANTHONY YOBBO,JR.,Vice President of Conn .
Approved April 16, 1890.
Attest: Taos.A.PRENDERGAST,City Clerk. i. GI e 1 r .
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To the Honorable , The President , and Members of the
Common Council , of the City of Saint Paul.
Gent lemen:-
Being the owner of what remains of lots numbered one (1 )
to thirteen (13 ) inclusive, of block numbered three (3 ) , in West
St Paul Real Estate & Improvement Syndicate Addition, number One (1 )
and lots numbered one (1 ) and two (2 ) of Bryant do Minea' s Re-arrange-
ment of Block No. 13 , Woodbury Case ' s Addition to West St Paul ,
do respectfully ask that you cause the alley to be vacated, lying
east of lots numbered four (4) to ten (10 ) ; also between lots num-
bered three (3 ) to eleven (11 ) of said block three (3) , as shown
on the accompanying plan. I ask that the same be vacated for the j
reasons, 1st- Ti at the City of St Paul in the widening of South Ro-
bert street took a strip of land off the front of lots numbered
4�ff 4-...-%[44,
four (4 ) to ten (LO) �inclusive, about twenty (20) feet in width ;
thereby decreasing their depth to such an extent as to very material-
ly decrease their market value. 2nd- The City in the opening, widen-
ing and extension of State street, opened the same in a diagonal
direction across my property , which cut most of my lots , so as to
leave triangular pieces of land that are hari,ly of any value. 3rd-
Tat by reason of the opening of said street the city has established
the grade about twenty (20 ) feet lower at Page s reet and about
forty (40) feet lower at Bunker street , than the grade would have
been in front of my property, if tke street had not been opened;
thereby damaging my property, and putting it in such a position
relatively to the grades , and leaving small triangular pieces
which are of no value to the City, and quite a damage to me. There-
fore , I most respectfully ask that you cause such measures to be
taken, as will ;rocyre the vacation of said alley as asked for, and
your petitioner will ever pray.
lei, /
K. N
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COUNTY OF RAMSEY. uI siasnala satiaazUa l0 uoll'anucapBpscaeu1 GA001
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axe uoluroduioo ei woo pang,lodap collet OW 161
1no pail60 ac nois}0ap �auoa tU9a aaulOUV
deposes an says that thenexed printed copy of notice of ciaapaagv
j ...1 fro sleattt uollrolaogse seaad'a'lo[BQ nnoS a4L
o---t.„,- C-,� i "-�7 .7-31-°- �� Snano[pre anlBls�a[e10 tE11:111
1no5 a4y
L%/�� j - ,rn S,R7IU,
• was taken from j t-e/ PIONEER PRESS,
a newspaper which, during the whole time of publication
of said notice hereinafter stated, has been and is printed
and published in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey,
and State of Minnesota. That the said notice was published
in said newspaper for the period of
successive weeks, on e ,7 of each week,
commencing on the Q G day of '
189 0 upon which day lastme t ioned it was first published,.
and endin g on the day of -v Z
189° upon which day last mentioned it wa last published,
upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the
said newspaper was regularly published, and that during
the whole time of the said publication he was one of the
printers and publishers of the said newspaper.
,)/"/" /
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this
day of
,, = .A. D189c>
r '
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn.
Printers' Fee, $ —y
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To the f-Tonorl.'.ble , the President and lembers, of the
Common Council of the City of Saint Paul.
Gentlemen: - 44:14, -4,....,44
Weyt the undersigneditowners of property fronting on the
Alley running north and south through blocks No. 2, 3 , 4 , 9 and 10 ,
of the West St Paul Real estate & Improvement Syndicate Addition N0. 1
64-.4 44,‘:,-•-•-f C.6.0.4-4....4 4.-c-g-C--47........0‘...44-01-4-:01 e-e-v-14-1-4.--- 4X.ree,
A respectful y ask that you cause such measures to be taken as will
legal-ly vacate said alley in block three (3) , lying between Bunker
and Page street, and west of State street as opened diagonally a-
cross blocks No. 3 and 4 of the Addition last mentioned.
_. . ..
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