1890 (5) I . m M,, 4 oo 0 0 ..000“ oo , .,4.;"A® Nt O 3 OFFICE OF > Di te.41 1>N4:g..� C�i�� `8Gr¢a�ur¢r. `� %mmm�nmmm mmmAeA4tMdtcnatan4t�mdtm4%at 1 1 I: a I I ,c,, _ 1 ,,,,, . c, ... , \ .0, / (.,. , p , \\. • (j `1 I . -. 1 ∎ 0 I '" I I \ \ 1 \ ,%.... 1 I 1 '‘1 \ \ I 1 1 I 1\ '� (74 1 >. - 1� ks , 1 I , I 1 1 2titi .... titititi'1•1titititititititititi A \*� � • ^s w %\I OED of or / ` 0: oo&- « A < lam: 9 „ -- - \ ¥2 ! �« 2� ��as=p£ r %„\ ... .mz..z _��\.°. } . - } / ) � ^ : \ / ) • V. 1 • r • / ( / Z Z / . } ' :,... » % ) ) . ( ti. / / k / / � ` ~ } �� » \ • F~ � ( \ . « ® : • , i.4 •:, ` ,� \ / / .� , / I . j 2 . \ } ),� ■ � } •\ \ . x N x• `1' ,Al'lSCR1P`1' OF RESOLUT'lori Passed BY the Common Council o f the City of St Paul at is meetinrr held on Tuesday the 4th day of ivia rch, A. ii. lt3JU. as,Residents of the city of Saint Paul 1 flnl o s. A•P r and err as i, ��� Ci.\T C e ` \ Et ta,being the rglijority of the owners oLy. , 11 1 , ,} l erk U f the le 1 t,l U f the property abutting upon and along the lint of Rt&nmoad.street,in said city,have petition ' the commoilcouncil of the city of St.Paul to va-, 1, + L l cate ibo much of said Richmond street as lies St Paul do h er e b y c er i d f i,r t h at 1 h ave comp ar ed between the south line of Niederhofer street ex-1 tended westerly and the north line of Jefferson; avenue extended easterly and westerly,being al portion of said street, two hundred teni ; �_ 10-100(210 10-100)feet in length,which said i�h e a v i,a eh ed rl nt ed cop�� 0 r e so lu tl on w ith r`t ticz`duly 3e La-hat 'EIRE tikre-iiiiireaElons for ,said vacation,and was my accompanied by a plat thereof as proposed be vacated,and Whereas,The common c mil,upon the res- c entation of said petition, ed it expedient the o rl 1 n a l fi h P,r P.U f d S passed b tit the' �i U Ilif`,011 that the matter be proceede ' th and ordered 'said petition to be filed of reco with the city; clerk,and noticeto be given ){ppublication as, provided by.la\v;and "k } i.,ouncil o Y the City' o f Sr, Paul an its meeting Whereas,Due notice was given-by publication in the official paper of said city for four weeks, commencing on the 25th day of January,A.D. 1800,tc4he effect that said petition had been! ��11 filed with the.city clerk,stating in brief its ob-; held on `i'u e s d a y;f the 4th day o f Fila r e h,A. 0. 1890. ject,and that •o,,same would be heard and con-` sidered by the u+;' on council of the city of St.. Paul on Tuesd. `4f a 4th day of March,A.D. 1800,at 7:30 o'cii,-t the afternOn of said i And I do f't 1 r th e r c e r- Ir E dav/a,t the council c -r in the city hall of t/f,. �i 11 a�� t rlf, s aid printed saiidcity, and i',"s, Whereas,At the time aliltplace last aforesaid, , for the investigation and cohsideratien of such proposed vacation of said portion of said Rich- c OM. 1 s a true a-i d co r re c t1 copy and transcript mond street as aforesaid,the common council, after hearing all person interested and being of the opinion that the-same is necessary and proper,and that the prerequisites therefor have • all been complied with:now,therfore,lien of said 0 rl ,1 n a 1 and o f th e whole thereof. Resolved,That so much of said Richmond street as lies between the south line of Niede-: hofer street extended westerly,and the north line of Jefferson avenue extended easterly and westerly,being a portion of said street,two hun- dred ten 10-100(210 10-100) feet in length,as` + the same appears of record In the office of the, 4�i t,))e S s i,he. Seal 0 f 1) a 1 ti y 0 f St register of deeds in and for the county of Ram- Bey,Minnesota,be and the same is here•• - clared to be vacated and discontinued for in said petition and as herein above i e • l(l Yeas—A1d.Bickel,Blom,Bock,Cullen,F Pal)1 1 S l L) f l-i l ,' ;11, t1. )• l ;. U• Gehan, Kavanagh, blinea.MeladyH Platt ;-•-: born.Sullivan. Mr.Chairman 1J - - Ya nf ssed arch 4,1i00 r;. HENRY WEBER Chairman of 1. _ / Approved March 5 1890. ` ROBERT A SMITH ayor. Attest: Taos. A..PRENDEROAST,City Clerk. March 10. _ City u,Jl erk• .K-. • ii • I : r .. • r' 4/f co• 1V4h i 4 \ N 7 �. \ •_ i !. 1 ' I riednii 111,Sthri ql* 0 :,'/,,,.a,:i A-t:SA. l' = Ir),,BrArt' '• •,, •4 .o,„117 -liff;11 -"" / ' ..,.1 .r— --,-, , •,,,...4...: -•). .414') ::,,'',,, ,',',)i ,--- 1--- rit •',3. !..7 '1,,-;'• ..*--• oH•:Hlo z-•-:: , . .. , ._ ..r. .. - -- .-- -' -.. i_.--,--eri ___>,____ ___ __Irt ,L-__ _-_, :-_,--_-----" :,, :'4,-1.*),.6.,........-:_i_l.1,:_,,1,.__- ,. • - -- 00000 ---• A,-, - . ..,,. ' - - .(, 0-., H LW.R U N DL ET T, 7Z _.. 74. ■1111%, I / gip■ 41r- ... ■ 4iw p.--e _. . - / 111 :11,111■- -■ /)..." . . . ...., vir /1011■VIO v , If' yd.._ ,., __<,‘,.......4....._ -.......-- • ai i 3 `Y--- ..,.. ,A---- ,, -,er ,., . 0 e ,' 3 3 , ... ,-.. .._ / 7 ce.--- . / 0 ,, • , _____, . , k% :; `X 4,t,.......,, (4, ..... 8 , ','■ '' 1‘‘ \+:4,.,‘ Ikk■\\ ril Ni 0 ) ,- -,..... k... 1111111 13 LIN Z / , . \ 1 tN4, i 0 t s. ci) C k kf til ah, i ' 1 ' \ ■-< \ • tilik k , isV ' \ r . . '•:k , 1 - \%•s,„ -,- x IL ---- - ,„.t '‘ 1 • " \,\I" - NI \' '. I ( ......... i . , ,.' inva ..Ls dirastia Ivor I.0111,1816 ,• 1.. Q) -Z.3 Q5 ______. ? •IN `N ;;., •'' ,2Z t -adJusuadj,Sluno,)atil 110 LtUUp daqumu ,-- • 3 •1•• '., % c.) 2tiwuotisa.i.to4 jo pruaaum u gum pud sum mg s!tu, t 2= k 2 k .24 % ..., F... tw t ' 0 ;• • •r...„,.., c:1 , • •t•J ...._ F..„ c,„ pall 0//t" th9//i4i e '7Zi •■•4 ,Q p 14 .4) SO •r•Z '6.-.4 ll Z5 ,., • .4... ,.., ^-,,-; c) •i swiy13 \ ;... ,z • ,..) l't % `+-• ,...) NO 3 3111 IN 1103 ' Z :•;:Z v..* ••• . .__,::.■`"-- ---' 1 % .1-. '.•Zi t4.■ :paA 0./dd V •N tt .+.. 1.4‘ ,•.t .,..., ,4) ''Z . V / 1 '11 40,/ ). lz,) '6•■■I.-Z.3 75 •-•i ."9 --- ..a....40'"".....".".......".."-Hfq padap.10 ,:lr."--'.' ...."Th .IN k•Z ,.. , , • -1- , 7 :1/ - 4' F•': '... ;., '''' ...--........4444.4.------ Jo zo.vej (If m '4) •— c••.,k4 Z **-. t= 1`.; ') * •oy _ - --, -1.... — _ ( , / 0/• i•-4 C' 'se) (4) t' 2 •,... E.-: 0 k ■Z: k ---- ---- - -- - ----I-- r-,.. rt Z.. Z'.3 Z3 •%.4.5. i . i__ .____ ' _ .....,..,.• To The Honorable , 4r The Presirlent and Conlon Council of the City of St.Paul: The undersigned respectfully represent that they are a majority of the owners of property on the line of Richmond street and residents of the City of St Paul; in the City of St.Paul ,Minnesota," that they desire the vacation of so much of said street as lies between the South line of Niederhofer street extended Westerly , and the North line of Jefferson avenue extended Easterly and Westerly ; that the plat hereto at`- ached correctly represents the premises proposed to be vacatred-, the same being indicated thereon in red color, being a portion of said street 210 and 10/100 feet in length: that said portion is not used or required for public use ; that the property on each side thereof between said points is the property of the city of St .Paul and is used by it for hospital purposes , ard that the portion of said Richmond street between said points is necessary and desirable for the uses and purposes of said hospital . Wherefore your petitioners pray that said portion of said Richmond street above, lesCribed,be vacated, and that the necessary proceedings be ordered and ta' en to that end. Owner a No, feet frontage. g/t , (//k 444 a;.w:ra,:N;:.aae.ess`V^1:wsm.>.,, _+.:. ......;.. ..a...,...... .w;n ,....-awwsxawc.+ rw+ax:v«,:..m..w.�:.....+,+...,.,...":. / y AW 4.4." 09" ..• I' i • ' . $ f %. s. fa a; N8. Feet front age. . # ,o, .•.'-".- 11(?_--- „,,," ye, ,ollef' dr- -Tege..en,,,,,,Katn,wraemo.A.P.......,,,,,r,....01,.., ................. ....oft.rn..- a.'i • %...W.etle.,9.1.rnel...,..4,I,Irsivitn ' . /0 . ,. --r- --- --,-,4- . •._...... . . _,.....,„,......,.........,:..4.-.....--„....,.-..„....................—........... / 1 q I ..., ( ., i ,11,-:, ,, ' i •Al.11111401k-t------ ' / 62- ./ dilir • . •t die ‘ a • (.----- -.-.,-, ...- . . , 7 ., /. '. // / /----- / i-1-7,_Fa.).„,_ ..., _/..., , i .......... ......... .._ ... ,...# _... • 4 . -.. 2....t........."LCAA 4,....,.........,2111.vor.41...5,01,117,6.”115,,,,,,...XVN,....t."....ornss,...,,........,m+,,,,,,,•,..........•■.,• Or • .. 1 ,...._ _.- 2 , ..... ei. • eilif .... 7c---) / 0 ..„ 7 i / 3, f X-,..,Z- aziugieu...." . “ . __ s . • •• . • •Z • • • • • • • • -°••> • • •• • t x • • • • , �. • • x.1 i• • •• . . • • • • • • • • • r • • • • • •• • • • • • • • C • • i• V\A e • • . . Tit ' 1 f '3A V NoSwJ.1jjr Sr s K i • l'5...I N _ — N ,ce ; z gnS ILI `J i I i ' ' N o , . i Co 1 1_1 i Vi f / _____4_1(3 N ii L 1 b I 4'• _ fi co 6p ...41 0, 1 4 t 11 r — I l I ti_t Y Ita - . .. \ , , + • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF MINNESOTA, SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. , - being' duly sworn, deposes nd says that the anne ed printed copy of notice of e7 rya--l-� n /f t--P', I IAL PUBLICATION.- Vacation of Portion of Richmond Street. CrrY CLERK'S OFFICE, ll Sr.PAUL,Jan.24,1890.} Wbereas,A petition has been filed of record in this office by order of the common conneil as re- quired by law,asking for the vacation of so was taken fro he ST WIL - ' .- :- PIONEER PRESS, much of Richmond street as lies between the south line of Niederhofer street extended west- erly and the north line of Jefferson avenue ex- tended easterly and westerly; and a newspaper which, during the whole time of publication Whereas,The petitioners state that they are residents of said city of St.Paul and a majority of the owners of property on the line of said of said notice hereinafter stated, has been and is printed Richmond street,and that the reasons for said p peonioon and sa dpropoaed vacation are that said portion of said Richmond street is not used or required for public use: that the property on and published in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey each side thereof between said points is the pro erty of said city,and is used by it for hos- ppital purposes,and that t aid,portion of said Riebmond streetbet�veen9a�d points is necessary and State of Minnesota. That the said notice was published and desirable for the uses and purposes of said hospital; now,therefore, Notice is hereby given that said petition will be heard and considered by the common council in said newspaper for the riod of ' of the city of St.Paul on Tuesday,the 4th day of March,A.D.1890,at 7:80 o'clock p.m.at the council chamber in the city hall. �` of each week, BY order of the common co-kelA f successive weeks, on / , mv�c A DRIT,NI1F.Rl & 'T' 1egl looms jtaunou d;ta aqo a.Iojaq spuoq commencing on the day of� ' 18JI`.P.. upon which day last mentioned yrits first publi hed, and ending on the �Z day of 1 °7 189 C. upon which day last mentioned it was last published, upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspaper. . . -,,-- ..... ,-4 _440,- _ _ _ Subscribed and s ern to before me, this Z-7 ----- ----- day of eff__i___04 .4. D. 189:( Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. Printers' Fee, $