1891 N'eiP'\Cv<cvos "_wst'o4.... t4t.......ft,Vatla0P4P.,„ VA ()05 loyermr.,”7,7„A,.. OFFICE OF pp 4 4, 1 : trn. < 01 15 ei vreazurer. 6.0, woo<5 0.„,,,,,, v,■/%44,4-1 %a14%‘%elmm,/ 1.,4Tatiel`'"eXt:'et7 4114176t7'X'el‘ne11‘%el‘%e.eila‘ j ... 4.4 -,1 ? co i • i 4 \ , , , , , e 4, ? . ,. . $ i e e e t e e e e \ e e 0 ( \ i t 4 t i t i %.■.j \s, l. , e \\ ;z e,..x.N.'.. -N.• • •N. N . . .N.N. N.N. N. N. Ni 111 ei lo a.1.-da*, Ira rts;' forq eff,- , eJj (),,c • I'lei ' o I ionuo') Isr rfOrr ktfi ed to ontql v d b tie E-robitu no !.,±13'10 10 * a ,bo.rt;iie Tfitbgt.r et' ei 1-13;1,* mtitoaeqprs xifIrttoe Teo(' ii a 10 etiil erEt {rtoi bits no 91 ' t. 9 ior cl: At t* 1 o ni f ‘'tB1 !! 0 11J TO ii qy 8V,(1 itt 8.--)AS+ Ill f r1.1 Xelbiftr, I o A LI.9.1 kt`IP T i bail brrp tJnxf ' .t I t ot.., .."(-_,*11!tifrrfri 00P.9 011t0 It brniciA113' 0 bri: 4- X2 :1'). Li ' F'‘.1%-r 1 V,0 t_r 9' h bf) ±tO 11 g ' ,' .1 , pi Mir'"i j• iloo I fi '2'1; (•;:t. ) o 91',` rto 1,9 ,`..) is.r-1-) II P (6t ) 7 0art rii: !rf: (X)Er: wfp, 1 (A (4 1,tftS F Jig+ 11,8 \ 1 tikt-et.4 '1 1 D9.0( 'ft) ,+p. 1 r! 1P`riff * `1%)0 I !ff ."1-80 if. ' r • r) • o r '• cy.f.rk c" ! ' L''Tf. !; • 'f(, O!f I ) ;; Ai j. Oi , • (, ('4(1 ' 's ( ,+() I DIP, r r t rjr,r) rf ( I ) 1111 ,r(*) ; "P - F: 1911 r co'T`t ftt qojf ! , (1 ry Hi . br, 't')1 08r-5. br.A (••••: '17' ' ; ;• •• ',) (ht ) `y:ip Ito u'llt .7A Davi:. 't ) 11 l`b P.! !' \17 ) tion6 erl.t 'to rio.htzpibeb t noxo ‘tartr ±nny. t, ,trzt JAM :vino asr. orru4 ege'rcvne 7o iIdry 1;1'4 4inD gii Ij.o I 9Itt )17.44 101011,P!tA •,4 / 0 +fJ j ,;ittlikt 0 9 ft,t 1 0 " UO aelmi diicArov. loo1}1 'to ( I ) ono ita.f. : n_tv,bru3.1 a eioatir bru3 Eteoei r lo I.Li t ; \"(' ) tic Nre),2 )toolti 1 o 1.1z ; yvi1 bBo'fit-r !h'k17.tiT ai ,' (ht.) ,frr..-'.„ tyip, o .11.11 ; ) b ti orit-ttxie Irk ( ym'In.'s.04,-5'4E! f0.1011i rtr, c'eo ai rirtolp.f)0 'tiff! ,:rtc (b ) ,fxi 11,1()Di •a)toold btu: ad-ol bifta to I Ij o coo o• M To the Honorable , President are Tiernber s of the Cornnon Council of the City o f St.Paul Gent1 Tien : -- The undersigned, a corporation under and by virtue of the laws o f the State o f Hirnesota , resp ectfully represents that it is the oe41 er in f ee of all the property upon and a long the line of those certain streets and alleys marked yell ow upo n the x lat here- to annexed and made a part o f th is petition, viz : A part o f Dudley Street and a part o f Raymond Avenue each hereinafter more fully de- scribed , and the alley lying between Block sixty-eight (68) and the St.Paul and Northern Pacific right o f way, and the a 11 ey be- tween Lots nineteen (19) and twenty (20) in said Block sixty-eight, (68) which said flat is a correct copy of a portion of the plat of St.Anthony Park as the same appears o f reco rd in the office of the Register of Deeds in and f or the County o f Ramsey, State o f Minne- sota, and also the own er of ens certain piece or parcel o f land marked red and being that part o f Lot one (1-) Block seventy-five (75) which lies North of a line 38.8 feet North from and parallel to the South line o f s aid Lot one ( 1) and South of a line 88.8 feet Nor th f rom at:d para11el to the above South line o f s aid Lot one (1). And also the owner of the a 11 ear marked "R.R. alley" lyinz_, between Block sixty-eight (d8) onthe Hast of said alley , and Block sixty- seven (b'7 ) and Block sixty-two (62) and r_:art of Raymond Avenue on the West and Northwest , oxcart, that dedication of the same has been made to the eublic fo r sewerage purposes only; that said plat in- cl udes out o f th e original plat o f St.Anthony Park the f ollowing de- scribed pieces and parcels o f land,viz : Lot one (1) of Block seventy. five (75) all of Block sixty-seven (67) ; all of Block sixty-two (62) ; all o f Block sixty-eight (68) with the private railroad alley between said Blocks sixty-seven (67 ) and sixty- two (62) and said Block s ixty-eight (68) ; and that the St.Anthony Park ,Company is the owner in fee of; al 1 of said lots and blocks . • ) o bo !of vvob 'Att • rt1 eviit n I i!du r ' ;..'mo(1. 1 it 30 I rl,tr, 1;c:tiff.'" -14`: 19'1 ktrffrie:iitaritiki At•TE Ile. ;4(1id1onv • ottol9t1 ttiti r b &4! b()■'ite:' C\ 31I.k if att9e/0's er10. 1() II I: t) L OiJC o 'to o -bt_r(1 2.,,,011()1 bod n rtB etii 1 h tf..;? Ito brti! J-1 tti ,e 5 9 :1,';7..(1. ej 1),B kterirCP y 1 tc,,r to 7 117W/ 0. t.ttl('''... ort+ Lift 7A fJffyp . r.: -1.81/3.1 :t e ( ) )tot;j: f I) qtto 011.4' .7:! rali!frA7t. i!Cl/t "\.i1;' fIffil_ ,+f)f)1 fZ hi: , I 4P tflbrf.1') ')41 on !ti rt 1 bii or.' 're r ftj to old 1 rishgct bzr'' ¶ :, 1 .)0 f4 ,~ y 'T.= )11iig , ftori.trA ,tool ;Fp rod nugovA iri o,+r.of) bif!rP) ; (W.)cyt,,t R )4.)0ifi nio,r5f . ((t\') -1i,4.11.)7) 1 ( 1) r J ,T esti' f eVi e:21;:;tc..{1 ti, t ris ,taoVi t F orTi *ft.,-1"..t1110)171 /4tf$1,: bi LIP :1 • If)8 )1001d U ) !WV) 'ft) ticaittyoo ,+nfftirf,t*TC 00,4' j3c+(V'''t r■■■;414,-. I 1) lUf bk 1: \.,c1 (tool O1' o _,ortu..-rr i i ± i r0 e9f1.0.1C1 fto i,r)mAt eoi. nu E Prrii:E7 E 1U tl JJ r or1131 2 Ito 03,j)14,4,- 1() 01ii I J.8eV: on fr!ofl.' 80W ot gt; ,+119.1"t1110r*.`„ Iftt.)11 E ii e1 6Iiir :131.iin OR on lA ( b}ma rinorfr ui trim tt4i e will to ii PrP 'n!' brIfs I isoti.+? ed.' o xew 0 ,trf;4i1 orf.4 Iitc to qufrimotl.e.f),;,:!, .cc, al‘+ rteer,tod Oil nil bstyrlit.;: ail o bit ,e 'IricorA ki •!".01! (6t)ttd ; i-CI-y,+x *re )1D(, ed orIA •kt 901' (.)1 1)()1), ',iffibi/Infli eu(e r ft hr.8P -N11(±8 )t)oIfT b kE P ( ):*)ytif.r)7`,* (id )rteatortirt e..to,T. oor.4, )Li Els .,-1 .141 or, fir r1 1 ;1,4-(N+ ; 1110'4 tr po(pa ()081 7.4.rlibcif ) bitii efrt 91: J. osi. (1 ,4. Ili 3-131,-, ()fir) *tiler!) -n.1' bttA LO ;sr, benil rori •+.41 brt 'nit I 1i , ate 7,3'1 olo 1 etirrieqP.1 ttE boXe !tile iE 8 rto;vt be'r 179 ;1.r!.; .e v,d booirroeob n,pal xerlieReorrt :icie ()oe a or.f o 1 kelbuti rtoq't Nni..19-w/ 1)/%1§ ould rri Irt gei loll 13 b 'TIir ,tnvig-4 • / ( • That for the purpose of accommodating the Rai lroad,warehouse, and other public as well as private business now being developed in that irmedi ate locality, it becomes necessary to rake a change and re- arrangerxnt of that, .;aid portion of St.A.nthony Park repre- sented by the said plat hereto annexed, by vacating all that part and portion of each and all of the streets and alleys marked yellow upon said plat, and described as follows, to-wit: So much of Dud- ley Street as is North of a line parallel to and 88.8 feet North from the South line of Lot one(1) Block seventy- five (75) ; Also that part of Raymond Avenue beginning with the Northwest, corner of Lot, one (1 ) Block seventy- five (75) which lies East of a line paral- lel to and 33 feet from the center line of Raymond Avenue as the said line appears in the recorded flat of St.Anthony Park,and ex- tending to a point on the West, line of Block sixty-two(d2 ) of St. f$5- Anthony Park feet, Southerly from the Northwest corner of said Block sixty-tovo(d2) ; (Said center of Raymond Avenue being 33 feet West from the West line of Lot one (1 ) Block seventy-five (75) . From a stone monument on said line 33 feet West and at right angles to the Northwest corner of said Lot one( 1) Block seventy- five (75) said center line curves to the right by a radius of 286.5 feet,a dis- tance of 233 feet ; thence on a straight line a distance of 240 feet thence on a curve to the left by a radius of 143 .2 feet, a distance of 102 feet , to a stone monument 33 feet West from the West line of Block sixty-two (d2) ) Also so much of the al ley adjacent to and Northeasterly of Block sixty-eight(33) and lying between said Block sixty-eight(68) art! the right o f way of the St.Paul and Northern Pacific Railroad as lies between the Northwestcerner of Lot thir- teen(13) Block sixty-eight(d8) and Hersey Avenue, said portion of said alley thus described including 16,000 square feet. Also the alley between Lots nineteen( l0) and twenty(20) of said Block sixty- eight(d8) including 1800 square feet ; total in alley 17,800 sq.ft. And by re- arranging the sane by donatiti to the publigg as and for streets , all the 1 and not now;: included among any of tie. streets said land being marked red upon said ann exed plat and hereinbe f ore described by metes and bounds. That it also becomes necessary to change that portion of the private railroad alley marked in blue and running from Dudley - P. ."01) . , • .).! • t ,i b .!()'T r ‘r t Vil,! 1 ). 0,+;:".t" 1 ').! r i";H:t+ I 0 i-!". " ic:- , -10;j j • i if!! I ri -y ! tri .• Hrt.)," I ' O ' 1 - '4; j f f. b.; ar 811 11C:.trt 1 ) ? I 9rfe.4 T 01- • r;:' u!ff..!) b 0,, 6qt,, I ei.:tt J, .(1 k; 1•‘;4 # , .1%1 ' Pli.(1 f3 -r() JIB .4`1 fti bn brie> I /i) t f' -et :Yr. ' d!! it WI) c ).P;;- -101 Jt c ti; ; bti. L n fr r! dt_1■ H,4 1)ilf3PTTO le CB eP.v. .)11dmi eft rn bo,.'solbab • d biriol' \f".'-i9Infi flOij 'TiUffIr! ort. abrtuod bat: afhtern o%olodtritr 9:f bel fLE Air •brati 1 (.) OP ! 0411 7 V d 'T')fr!fl ttfli ; Ft (+1", tir o'i r1 , .,ks3"P. ri P. • ri •1.;`).`, 70't ''',"!1/3 b, eer.0 Lilt{ 'fiHtt PJ?..6rIpe'T y f ff!9", *E' t'oitsi .f.'1 • !Twy " .0 lo rfot,+• 0 1 L`t.fiP 1r) A+ titr' ; "' -t".i !I . -rrf j: rift 41r?!"f,s f•ffr ..!•)ftz• ape. - 'rot i)oL P ''V(.)(11:3 ri ilfc.c:) ViOd rA •,+?, / Street to the alley on the North of Blocks sixty-txvo (62) and sip,/ ty-eight *d3) by changing the curve o f said alley, beginning with the center of Dudley Street from a center radius of 514.7 feet to a center radius of 435.5 feet ; that this private alley having been dedicated to the public for sewerage purposes and for sewerage pur- poses only, the undersigned asps permission to make the above de- scribed change, a;reeing to give to the public the sane easement for sewer purE ores as far as to a junction with said alley, the said alley on the North side of Blocks sixty-two (62) and sixty- eight (68) , as has before been given in reference to said private alley, as now locat,eds T That there is included in the part and portion in of streets hereby asked to be vacated and represented in yellow, and hereinbefore described by metes and bounds , the number of 18,000 square i eet of land; and in the part and For tion of' all eys hereby asked to be vacated and represented in yellow and hereinbefore de-• scribed the number o f IY�� ° square fee t, o f land ; and in that For- f tion hereby offered to be dedicated to the public use as aforesaid marked in red hereinbefore described by metes and bounds the number of 2750 square feet o f land. This request is made under and by virtue of the laws of the State off.innesota and of the ordinances of said city of St. Paul , in such case made and provided. Wherefore your petittioner respectfully requests that you order and direct the re-arrangement of said portion of St.Anthony Park as herein above specified for the uses and purposes mentioned. nay 7 . St.Anthony Park Carp, riy , • 1 ` 1y ` • j -(XIIt� `f0 t f'?�i.� fI`t�� t" I !r: •}f11t EfA it 11)' .') E)11,+ t. !19 r.9'l if3'I ('70(111 8 lei VD 1 It n ±IY. 81. ="1 u din b !3 o''S` n)', 110.1,}Itte I '� '1 [i)•'0n1.) { Jt3 'T a al tI! Ili 9'14L} 1 c im.f I +131 r:a ii} i ,fJ! 09 led r.''" ro,) f ') 1 `1!i ,} EST' nrt•! b •3;-t'i3!To rt' ,. r,` 'r r) r1 ±Tr" b ,� 0: . , ;,+ f ' )': ., , °1) .-°i,1 `'T 61JP cat lq P9'2 r,f �0 C}1}`1 ,Iii(.41 iii t},l'{' • 11.r.:i•tl? J o vtE ) Cti! n 1..COf1tto.) `Ol -- : WO' f.tt)Yc.°% —I11;G.':nrf tiJ ov,ittoe•{Ra on,. I '1o;>1IU €:* ow 110 t',rfjttiy:f:'1 Lyn nom,! f L70 fit C'' fi0tt#'o,:+1ff1i)O rij F.fartOti+ff. *Tr tt 4', r vo dP '#`1 ,# •2• i o 170.C:`f3'J137 14118 /G9t7i) ''7r!`4 !tt)!1 "r+1• 3iit' Itt ^i 17O::Ot' tt )04.It';, .,,,I 'Aft. +! .438 t" `';.1/1`C7/1 r`' s) , �i () �.'r9'Z ,) 9' b ! t . i f / t .are f �1 n ' • • .. b 'S. �1. j• 1 L "'T r w��• �1 4' JcJ i.7 ogit xjx)I1 .,j (1;r1011, . • A i 4. 61 : •t 091 •l ,J!' ltlf) .rU I t� ti •`1 •`iJ"1�f •l,'"°),1 •t1...:f t *1''�r�.!P. • - � r (hoiStti,#ryt)'1� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS COUNTY OP RAMSEY ) C.H.Pratt, and Anson Blake being duly sworn, each for him- self pier uses and says ; he is an officer• as above represented of the petitioner above named; that he has read the foregoing petition and knows the contalts thereof, and the same is true as therein stated and set forth of his om. tolowledge. `1"--f") -----n Subscribed and sworn to before me ) this ^� day of '?-441-y A.D. 18 fi . '.) if--.e&P14 Notary Public , Ramsey County , Minn. Tothe Honorable, the President and rfernbers of the Coranon Council of the City of St.Paul . Gentl ' : -- . We the undersigned owners of the respective lots herein- of ter maitioned in connection with our names arts fronting on Ray- mond Avenue or Dudley Street, do hereby join in the above petition of the St. Anthony Park Company fo r the vacation o f t hose parts of said Raymond Avenue and said Dudley Street described in the foregoing petition and the accanpanyiig plat, and we do respect- fully request your Honorable body to grant said petition. Dated , S t.Paul , the "c7"� day o f (- 4) A.D. / qif 18 -- Owners of Front Signatures. ' hot. ' Block. Addition. Street. Feet. 4, J (Continued) r I (Continued. ) 0r.vner s of Front Signature. Lot. Bloc k. Addition Street. Foot. St.Ant,h ony Park Co. 8,9, 10 49 St.A.Pa k N. Raymond Av.. 150. By .$- .�.,�t -,L.,=_, - 1&2 26 A- ��11 P • . 126.5 a „,,,,,„ Sectli.8&9 29 • • • 155.6 g-o-- --- 1 ,3,4,5`&� &-..-----e.__ 4/5 of 6 34 ” • • 308.9 T« 62 • • • 200.9 S 0.,"` 68&67 " Dudley«Rayrr►ond 450. S-�,,,,,�9--- 1 ,2&3 75 • 350. 1'/, 18,20. c-u --,�_ 21 66 • Raymond 210. „Aw All of . 68 • (including all the ) (frontage on alleys (named )i 000. �_ 9 & 9/10 ,- 10 '79 St.A.Park. Raymond. 95. g-4:. 15,16(9419 • • • 194.2 � -. l�-/, A3 ;..o �,c-( '-. 1344 � _ ., °% r e(i /9/aid - rte-. A )441 i k `tee,. .3-./ b 4A/14,017.-R, $.si 0.. 3 g' K '7 5` ids 8- 17 s /� f5- 6 P �r y/ . a r . ,,. t7 4,e--- c_ P..�., R � I 1/ l i'v 11 _.1) : ` J `(ice ,c1 ,1,5.Lc, 13.�� D per. ,� ?; 6% , �- b ' 6, 4 6.lG3 `-(-Cs*Gtr. . rn /) `., i liA1C, 1 ° a 2,t6„, 0 v , : f3.'1 s LI_ t— 'yv 0.974,00-144, r r -.ir„' ice., 0 Al .. ,,� ' tV U .s, i /7„:I ii 4, ., 1 471, ;.i■ I ( ,oL___ 6, 7cf: r FVP -, ' ' c-( 111 fito - r I ti (,--) Ziisiti) 4 ,30 41---a.,t6z44,7 L ,„,„ ,,, „4, 4. 4 • • • • J.1101'4 1() ■!1:II','I) .ttopY noitt ibi)A . Lc 1f{ .,to,T r .0(1I . A Ivor:10R 'n1 .A ato 0103,h .or) Ct.t1 . 0 b rd U • • (leg. ot/OC 11 V ti 'to \4" • it 4 • I • .( 4\ "rez; U, It (;\' t)(•". 1 c t ' v1.401 briopou,„H L ( o 1111 o TIA a-,.t) I ifs no d;tottiw:1) • 00(11 ( 01\r: .dU • of,,,)!• .N1s •A . ON' 0.[ St.1\0•1 • • (,; , • •• ..r ■ - l / e tAr' A `ems-� ;Nh4c,f,t_ ad„0_,(/ mc,,I, --ctuk-ot-- ca.ubi�� �U 91•. 44.1. g e_.6j , 3kf A----(4,24,7 '‘,.,/,._ /6o 0,. iii- i Z...-,6- -- . , , I ''G4 W „x,, 1--k-P 6, L4.6 -1 L. /5^u z ■ '. /41e/Ile--0°-, c79,4 IN es,t Jj(- 9 4'6" '' 1;14/ 11'/.4 '. ' a--- `3('`) / 0,114Ak 1 IH 71-1,N-.—C -11-...-- ,Ci,,,,, i# i3., citr-ot...,/, '''. ' /fro P- L3�t f ) 4 i is 3 .../Cri,ry,h, 6 vi. 6. , ; 4. 1,,„,t ,g 4 3 r, , /?0`'`v'""—„") /3 z 0-- ,,,“4.4,-. -:".„.2, t LI ' fril 0 e IL .., gri.' ,,,,, wig, c ., ) t / S V f-ki , ', , ' 9/j// 114 4),-/4//7, , , ,,,,,_ ,1 ,,,, 4 0 xi 0 - ,Nr? 'il 4 Qt.; 4.d-t 4"4-4.4.-<, ..? r ' — on.... *(3°?„, )1.,,,,,,L. Co., 04,,,;,,,,..:1 4 ,,, ,, ‘,..,, , , , /- -, gc:////,-- / ) , (k1A/y / / 94 ` "� '' ` 4 5 1-4. X44 rte-- s- •-&Z‘ , a, i,e)-ex__ _ /,7, /7 !if- ., v ' z s-U 07:442--(Azu,/ -ell q:_.>/-d ...... %,`Lo `2,.. ft it tk il F,.i,k_cc.„,_ C?,)2�2, I' P i '`', ,t ' t k `k i -(s?-/c__000, q /_\ ,- PI , ii 1, /..., 1 0 u d2,1 A.&& 14 ` .400 \ lici-4,,,, C;sijItivv.,_, /P7/ /' if /1 100 G� ,i44.7 a. ,r4/k 'o In e.° R 1- 0-e)-0 ■ fta tr, /01 4 • A 4t 4% t • \ • idiab CA ;e,z- -7u,k Zzar,,•%-,f �� , �°a • f ----�- , �✓L� , r 1 I - „At --e9ThA,,JJAR (91 k&A„A_D__QAti eArl÷rNrU- 1/4- G.r �. c _ �,,a,�., AAA"-oce.."._ c.c.,,•- _ 6-4 t V-%/-cam vt\ 6-7 q,1../t)-v\ . 4 r t 6-1 a /J �"`6t, C cJw-,�.. 6 `7 U 6 . l�� �.. „ dl� (w-Fns c. �- 6Y A - .. , ; cxx.0 x-y=/' &/i4G)—zi die4, AA , I'k 0 effaAA '1- / , !—. / 1"-it/ _ 1 fa 0 4 � , D!PARTMENTPUOL1C WORKS L. t -_ .. ,, 4 Vlit r Tfl ' '' 1Prir 11 ,1 1 , ar,,,,,: ------ -,;,_..4 : 3 01 L [— i riV i Pk .4i e ' ril av l i llI 1949 Tr L W.RUNDLETT, / J �:/ �� -Z �//v/,' �Septr.l3th.89. Alderman R.V.Pratt, Dear Sir:- I have examined the plat of the pro- posed vacation of streets in StAnthony Park ,and have had the fig- ures ,relative to the amount of square feet to be vacated and the amount to be dedcated,verifieci,and find that they are practically correct. As the part to be vacated is larger than the part to be dedicated it will be necessary to determine the amount to be paid by the petitioners,at the assessed valuation. I believe it is customary for the petitioners to have these matters looked up and a certified statement brougit in from the Assessor. As far as the City ' s interests are concerned, ' see no objections _ ':,.' T- c...,..0._to the . vacation as asked for ,as I think 1.he public would be, ., well accommodated; except that I should insist that the petitioners s should build whatever retaining wall might be necessary between Raymond street and the alley in front of lots 4,5,6,7and 8 block (37. Very truly y urs, , t 'ngzneer. ;Pr V \ • _ ;4'," CHARM N. PRATT, ,, .,,;1 AN30N 'LAKE, // PRESID[NT. VICE-PR[SWENT. '- 6EC'Y AND TREAS. d.4-t. *.-tg..b .Park @mcopan.b. ,- Office; Room 44, Minnesota Loan & Trust Co.'s Building. ne- c , February 12,161i0,'d.... 1,. l'i. Rundlett, Rsq. City Engineer, St.I'au 1. Dear Sir : - I send you herewith the new pe~,it.ion and map relative to the vaca' ion of T,roter+,y in S ,. Anthony lark on Dudley 4t . and •Ray mrinua Avenue, and certain all eys ,and I ret Iu'n also 4-he paT �r's con- necied nit n t.tte f crier pstition. You then deciaed on Poo as a fair valuation o f tiv prof erty on Dudley St. an Raymond Ave. To this is to be added the vacated alley in rear of Block ddd from the North- . west corner of Lot 13,Block dti, to Hersey Ave. 10000 sq.ft. and al- ley bete;Pen Lots 19 and 20 Bl cck ,i8, 1600 sq. ft. The average val- uation of hots PI to 19 inclusive Block rats is $115 each, and of Lots 20 to 28 inclusive , same block , $225 each, or a mean valuation on all these lots of $172 each . In our plat we average four loth to the acre, which -could give an assessed valuation of $088 per acre, or $281 for the 17800 sq. ft. of vacated alley. As to the petition a search of the property on Raymond Ave . ,beginning with St.Anthony Park North and continuing to Desnoy- er Station on the Milwaukee road,shows a good deal of the prof erty _ held by non- residents. I have included in the r et,ition the hold- . of the St.Anthony Park CoasTany, but oven wiAiout, this he pe- tition wil t si'oi a very lal.g Z.ajority of the res1at-:.4, i c -,. holders. In fact evel.yone has signed whom I have been able to (us- cover ,and the petition includes aboutlO9O0 feet of frontage on the Avenue referred toy 01 (b L w ¢-1 1-,J - Yours +,2t.rly, e ‘,(__ i . ' 7l._,CAA----7L7 ‘ t . { • .Ot161,S1 ,;"arride'q •pre+ f,• : > t, vt•`P 1F-i'? .4t Lis Rt,�et 1.'1)1 err £rack• € } ,4o11 r,.� I ( .� 4 two •'1 t' •1 At) • i? .p. C`, t<•p •'t.,. t ,- '-1eue .t F a.: 414 A'f4 ' late • '07 1 utteleit't i.'. + .. a 'C rit' .^'ldvA .. .,.. tit a $8 0,00/11 tom Net:tae +14 t Y oft 4 t!v 4 le•?, t 1 ' ry i OW ?' tt eiri.t t,T •a4 blot! i ixth •,•P ' oII u(1 ..o xt.rf, 1074 to - tto( : ,tv • rt•'!«ti et' ; mrrt l' $ ) 1001.H. ;0 'u e t t11 o 11 B L . $Dl v or±,+ bllbb a -la btu: •J1•ri /$KThl .evA vocir4t n,+ ,bb ioo tt1, ! ,tort 'to wotirt .� yY.s; , s.,�•:•!'r. .+"!.l �: ooei tr,; 112atif MI brat tiI P,i'03 rttrP°•4• • s t l.i'r trtWan (111; t71" *An !!! rj r.T to tir. . .;�1 4' i b ;`:;4 99I A.111 0/i' 0!". + i�T zrt9t �!t ? ty; � -v,� ':.► r .j, -1 . i)13 ::S'1 ! r + „ ever! f1 ! •'4 a. ttn�•�r:.';f.`Y !�f is t1Q"!C 1' :!„ ..`��. �� •. -...y.: �• ; JrfY' � .�k; • • L ■ i .a :;f• -B31 V t<< �'f ? l 1 ` !-)J; !t•, 1 } If al' 'to riuftnr• r t f r A -xortatr--., :)1:1.; r',tT " .? `t:A• 2 'i.+it•• �n , . n w �.. f ,► 1 ,) lash 1,o<t; ,a Brori7,ba o'i rert&arlt!4 no n;:;*x P •,, .bluff i ttri ' tie bftt:tt 13 rii A PKti I .a.+ttobi i3E 1 -t1fl!i , (1 -4 fl iiti ' s'hort 'er aMT ; U .Ylis1ts);) *le xn f1 fa•,`' eft 4 + _•44 ., 4 4 ne4t awl ea,* i r,. 'i fi,#'1`. ,� ��} i`i• $ Vint 6 .: it i' rto { T •lus tt •1 overt I mod,- *xi tkW .sro **pet nI .tti�iel:ior! art+ no ctlia.'riu•!t lo stoat (4)PC + . ida Sett/1011i n01.*t,•P 4 ed.' t;rus, levoo •o' boil-alert ')iist vA f • / r .... -9.'"'".."- a 9 . +,. 1 3 ` yi �a i r x H ri • - -, j rat t;`/ ,$ 6 ` �'' �'°�" '"� � -� .� � ,fib�`�"' � s��. i) i.:- . " e i . ,, ,,..-,..,... .■„, ,,, 14 c,,,,. i ,,,,,...„,.-- ,:,‘\ ' ,,,,, \ ,, . . r I ' E ,,,,, 4.,-5• 1 IL:7 1,Niiii. ,u.,,,_, . ..,-, - ."' 6 i _ '.... il,l‘ki. ,4"., .., • .,. .--(*—ir.\\t., ,Its.''''j" ,.'. * '. ,-.,,.,., , t.,\..,. :,,,siti,,,,.5,,,,,,,,..,,,,,„,,,i,,,,,, ,,,., :,, ' i ,,, ,, , .. l ' • 6 voNc :„... j - '' II:: i 44 _ ' 4, ii .tr,,_,,r;c_, ,t.,... ' '' ' ?„,,, , ,ti.,..i. ,_ , _ ,...,, „,, .. ,0,- 14,„,„ ,,,. . „,,,i , !.':,.,2 jfr ,.104 05,1M" 1 , tflItij. N '''1,.:--,' .., -'At, *1 ,ii \I 11)41'1 ' 6054°4- ilf-"" "1i. 14 . r :* � Z.. t ... N..-‘4‘ . ,, . M1 i 1 • . 1 I ■ 1 • .. ..it':r..''''''' , ; % ,,,,.-,.,,,..,:t:r. /.... : ,. ..,r. .„,r4 ALI1/4-------- - -- '1' ' ,.... 4, r4 4. ..-.„..---.z,-,,,,„„, , ,,,,,„;,' . ;:,... , L..1 . litti,jrli 1,040 1,1' '',tog ri t-+,i tvii;i1 . cf„- ..,,,,, ,,,r__., ........: „,,,,,,,,,,, - RT1'..--'...1.7"--..:'`" -t1.11,i1.1. .=,k_,,,,,..t.t..etel, •,,,, ' -—:trilk,TPOEti 1 4TIL I'''' :.1'r..c* '' rtY4~-ie&J,le,( (17- ' // 1/1-1----//-4 • ,ii, ),,ya i,...,„,,,,,(.4' -id/4 ' . co .` .„4 . ' : - °I Cti(Le; l'CI:31-A:.:4'tt k a'L/Ci ' ID* 1°#1 1 1 4."." '6t(:'' d( .(A.{''''' 6694' ' Y . zg,. v. _., 4 4, 7 /., ,/, ,.. ,,i--cr f 4 . 4(41 7 • • q.6tx.664,7 .. . 1 .1 , ,, / ' ' ` . �J • � � ` � . � �.-- • , . ° --- - -- _ ' ( � ' / � / - _ - ' -_ �- - '� pp I •x'95'— ,LI t 1 // b 'Se 1 Al � i� - �1 IJEPARTMENTPUBLIC WORKS -,4e- -��� � � � ! s , : ry p �4�'x r _..v"T • '..,i <� !'h',�,+"i sf+pY.�SeC' ! 3kI Pi i ñAi[FNi1pu.er l ` ` ._ _. _.---��' e•, ii y .,�_i. Bpd` x` ,, �� 6 ®.fine ,' L.W.RUNOLETT, _ /r//�/ •, pi •N� •"" (Vviiepuzeer �. / CV/� ��.� . �✓��/.. /,;/,//Nov.30th.89. j*,„ To the Committee on Streets, Gentlemen:- ,94:`,Z I have looked over the valuation t of the property asked to be vacated in StAnthony Park,on Raymond n avenue , in connection with the owner and the Alderman of the Ward, and report that $300. appears to be a fair valuation of the proper- ty, in accordance with the assessed value of block 67 StAnthony Park , of which it will form a part. P.44 ..,) Respectfully submitted, ,4-. City Engineer. ait,,t athi 4 w.. .°T.C14,,ifee-: 01 4-4 0 It'K.---- ii' 0 , 4-- 4, - ' "1'4 illiii 66+,,,,,,,,, oi ii., 13 (3 t; -o , fil,--dn,,,,,,t, Citii,„, til,„, . _..... 0 - u- .__ t6 r I q 4,„ •kzett 4 k 6 sc P 1 bit, 64 ). , afrotka.f, c.,,,, ti-et, A . uvt., i 44 ifl - t„, , 4,_ ki--0 ( Y It Z tat .0 ,ie / „, 7 , ,,it yp� a �`h 691A— fi A.it'ry..Ny ) �ik L h�"'.r',: ::41.1.54, �`„}� 4F�4.,c.s..'' n i �Y''^,� ,y�., { �G! �i�. ��' 7 .- w" i t s c r 1 i r + • • q Y -� ) • ' . ,. .. -\\If' . ' I t\ : 6 , .., .:. , \NH, ,,. , ' ,. 1 ros..C. ft.4, . -,t , .....„....\\._ , 1 t . I k,y%. ....„. .._,[i ..„ \ It* ,., , i r r- • 'I f . (;4) : , '', :‘'N ' II N ‘,,, 1„.„,.. 1 f 1. • • 7 L, 1 • • • , , I e3 a ' , _ - !.,!- /,---- 11%--z_t_, I.t /II , • _ _ xf � 'NYC �`�f' 4 ... Q� I� I EPARTM E N POE LI C WORK ; 1,-t---- 111.K ,t_,,,��� \ 4 r I p °i"a:,A M1� h;x'p �\\ I:. i n Ili R O� . -2.. . m' ,�!!'yam" ,,.,, 4 T;.k-t.'v`} .^4,.:;I ^W^.1." '10 WI 1 • ifilt•!g it tut 1}iI 11, 9&LLe 14 rir 1 0 T J 1 i 5 i .t ' ,. y3.�gt�4 , , � aP ��� �`.7h"��a L.W.RUNDLETT, �—_�� � � ! Q ®1 , , .i H _ — C'thcF.rtr/irtccr (6,--___), _�—(/ .,; c_i/i c //4 /1/7...// 4477/Nov.27th. 89. tTo the Committee on Streets , i .' Gentlemen:- r i 'c C..) i In reference to the petition of the StAnthony Park Company,by Charles II. .Pratt Presi dent , for the vacation of part of Raymond avenue , I would report that I have I measured up the area colored yellow on the plat presented by the Park Company, showing the land which is asked to be vacated,and make the area 18,000 square feet. In accordance with the figures given by the Assessor ,this piece would have a value of $283.on the basis of the valuation given v t gl en for block 67, or,about double that amount if * on the basis of the value given for block 62. As the--p-rorPrt�y,. >_ r asked to be vacated is on a side hill and not very valuable for street purposes , I should think the former value would be al)out,i+13 , . right . I would re commend,however,that in the vacation the City' should reserve the right for slopes on any of this property;and el ZA, also require the Park Company to protect the Railroad alley by a c''''',2 ' stone wall , if necessary,provided they infl•inge in any way on the .1Ir41pe of one and one-half to one on Raymond avenue. � Res ectfull submitted 46 I il A.CSC • z, City Fn)rrina.er: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF MINNESOTA, SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. J F. DRISCOLL, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he exed printed copy of notice of o F1CI L=P�JBLICA'1'iUN. r • Vacation of Part of Dudley Street, Part of Millpond,Avenues Part of.Alley Ad- .. �1 Jacent to Block 88, Si. Anthony Park, P!' and`Alley Between Lots 19 and 20, of Said Block.08 CITY CLEIleR OFFICE, ) i ST.PAVE,Minh.,April 25,1890.5 Whereas a petition has been filed of red- ord in this office by order of the common council as required by law asking" for the vacation of so much of Dudley street as is north of a line parallel to and 88.8 feet north frdm the south line of lot one(1),block seventy-five(75); also was taken from THE DAILY PIONEER PRESS, that part of Raymond avenue, ginning with t the northwest corner of lot one(1),block seven- ty-five(75),which lies east of a line parallel to • ''a newspaper wl2l ch, di ring the whole time e of publication and 38 teat from the center line of Raymond avenue as the said lice appears in the recorded } plat of St.Anthony Park, and extending to a point on the west line of block sixty-two(62)of of said notice hereinafter stated, has been and is printed St.Anthony Park,185 feet southerly from the northwest coiner of said block sixty-two (62) (said center of Raymond avenue being 85 feet west from the west line'of lot one 111,block and published in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, seventy&ve(75). From a stone monument on , said line 33 feet west and at right angles to the northwest corner of said lot one(1),block se' .enty-five) (7b); said center line curves to the CGnd State of Minnesota. That the said notice was published I right by radius of 286.5 feet,a distance of 283 feet;thence on a straight line a distance of 240 feet;thence on a curve t0 the left by a radius G72 said newspaper for the -•'Plod of of 143.2 feat, a 'distance' Pf feet west to a,.�stone mpnument ' 33 feet west from the west line of block sixty-two'(62);'also;1 sq with of the alley adjacent to and northeast- successive weeks., on of eat>h week, erly of block sixty-eight(68)and lying between; said block sixty-eight(68)and the right of way, of the St.Paul&Northern Pacific railroad-as of between tho northwest Horner of 10t thirteen commencing on the day of ii 73),block sixty-sight(t1S ,and ilergey avenue,�r— - aid portion of�saidalley thug described includ- a � - ' ug ld 000 squar$.feet; also the allay weeu 189&._ u on which day last mentioned it wa rst ublished ots nineteen(19)and twenty(20)of said block 1 p .� /" p � ixty e�f,ht(6 iuelud#ng 1,500 s uare feet:to tal in alley, 1`7,800 square feet. Said petition /G asking also for pe nussion to change that por and ending on the �`� day Of... tiou of the private railroad alley marked in blue y on plat accompanying Said petition and cannin,i from Dudley street to the alley on north of 189 e. upon which day last mentioned it was last p-u,blished blocks 62 and 68;St.Anthony Park,by ehuug- king the curve of said alley,beginning with the i center,of Dudley street, from a center radius of 614.7 feet to a center radius of 435.5 feet. upon which clays or times of publication aforesaid the And whereas,the said petition states that the petitioners are the majority of the owners resi- dent in said city of St.Paul of the property said newspaper was regularly published, and that during abutting upon and along the line of the streets and alleys portions of which are asked to be vacated " in said petition, and that object and reason for asking.said vacs the whole time of the said publication he was one of the tfou is that for the purpose of accommodating pulic wn, the railroad,;warehouse and other public as well as private business uowbeingdeveloped in that printers and publishers of the said newspaper. immediate or ediate Locality it becomes necessary to make i change and rearrangement Of a. to, / of St.Anthony Park represented byte plat attached to said petition and described < as follows: Lot 1 of block 75; all of block j / 67; all of. block oil all t block 68 v<itnil private railroad alley between lock / blocks 07 and-82'and.said block 68; now there- ,�� !fore Notice is hereby given that said petition 7� be heard and considered by the common coon 'cll,of the,city of St.Paul on Tuesday,the 3d day of Jgne,A D.1890,at 7:50 o'clock p.m.,at the council chamber in said city. Subscribed and sworn , before me f this By order of the common council. TliOS.A.PRN,DER(�A9T,City Clerk. apr26.5w cat. __s J dayof _._. ___ _..,_:.. __,._.., _____ . G(j"u.,--7-77 • .4. D. 189../_ // � /� � , Votary Pubtc, Ramsey County, Minn. a /r/ 'U Printers Tee, �5... . .