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Passed by the Common Counc it of the dity of St Paul a t its
meeting held June/Ith, 1888.
I' Whereas, The owners of the property
abutting upon and along the line of I •`I'ho Thos. A.Prehde rg as t Git y CI e rk o f the City
,Chadwell street have petitioned the f
Common Council of the city of St. Paul
to vacate said street,except that portion
of said street taken for Hubert street, of St Paul do herby certi iy T1hat 1 have w m-
1 which said petition duly sets forth the
facts and reasons for said vacation,and
was duly accompanied by a plat thereof
as nroposed to be vacated; and, pared the attached pr inted copy o f resolution
Whereas, The Common Council,upon
the presentation of said petitio n,deemed
it expedient that the matter be pro-
ceeded with and ordered said petition to with the or 1[�anal there of as passed by the doin
be filed of record with the City Clerk, 6
and notice to be given by publication as
provided by law; and, •
Whereas. Due notice by publication mon Council of the t;it y of St Paul at its
in the official paper of said city for four
commencing on the 12th day of'
May, A. D. 1888,to the effect that 9
said petition had been tiled with the meeting held June/ ( th, 18-i8, and do fur further
City Clerk,stating in brief its object,I
and that the same would be heard and
l considered by the Common Council of '
the city of St.Paul on Tuesday,the 19th certif v that t he said p rinted copy is a true
day of June,A.D.1888,at 7:30 o'clock
in the afternoon of said day, at the
1 Council Chamber in the City Hall of said
cit •and, and correct copy aid transcript o f said ori-r
Whereas, At the time and place last4
i aforesaid,for the investigation and con-f
sideration of such proposed vacation of
said Chadwell street, as aforesaid, the ginal and of the whole thereof.
;Common Council,after hearing all per
sons interested,and being of the opinion
that the same is necessary and proper,
and that the prerequisites therefor have •
all been complied with according to
law; now therefore be it
Resolved, That all of said Chadwell
street (except that portion of said Witness the sea I of the Cvt/y o f St Paul
street taken for Hubert street) ,
as the same appears of record
in the office of the Register r
of Deeds in and for the county of this 2 7th dal of SJ�t' �:r, A. j�.1888.
Ramsey.Minnesota,be and the sari is
hereby declared to be vacated and dis-
and i as e r i asked oe foe i said petition
and as hereinabove specified. ''l
Yeas—Ald.Blom,Bock,Cullen, Con-
ley,Fischer, Gehan,Hamm,Kavanagh,
1-Leit1lauser,Minea,Melady,Pratt, Sul-
livan,Yoerg,Bickel, Mr. Vice Presi-
dent.-16. C1•
t y CI e rk
Approved June 20.1888.
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To thee Honorable the Con'rr:on Coun ci 1 of the
Ci ty of Sai nt Paul.
The undersigned - a majori ty of the per son$owning property
upon t1e{ lute of the street known as ,Chad well Street in the ci ty
of Saint Paul , - respectfull y petition and request your Honorable
body to vacate and discontinue said Crladweln Street as the sane is
shown by and upon th e acc oc'panyinC pl.- here to at.t ach Fed, e tc yp t that
portion of sai d strut tak en for and occupied by/ St r_,.,t, in
said ci ty, and your pe ti tioners further show an d aver that said
ChactweiJ Street has be n rendered unnecessary and useless by the
opening of said idapsFat Street and that by reason of the course of
said streets your petitioners believe that the property on the line
of said Chadwell. Street will be largely increased in val ue by said
vacation and rend ered more available for improvement.
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State of Minnesota, county of Ramsey s s
,cr-fa iY(t,s, , elt-14-e ,PY / '
being c±uly sworn s iys each for hitns ,j1c , th- t, he is on of the peti-
tioners above named; that he has rpact the foregoing petition and
knows the cuntentF thereof; that the statements therein contained
are true.
Subs c ri hod anti sworn to
be fore me Novei,,hcr
y %.
Notary Public, Rams ey county ,
County of Ramsey.
orL'(.__:-..---;1 G7-;-/Gf�L being duly sworn,
deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of notice
of . ._—i L riff was taken
from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, _ •
during the whole time of the publication of said notice, 1: Vacation of Part of Chadwell
hereinafter stated, has been and is printed and published
ST.PAUL,May 11,1888.f
in the thy of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minne- Whereas,A petition has been filed in
this office, by order of the Common
Council,as required by law,asking for
sota. That the said notice was ublished in said news a ei' the vacation of Chadwell street,except
p p p' that portion of said street taken for
Hubert street;and
- Whereas,The petitioners state that
for the period of
�L1 successive eett:Z..!.E16.4 they area majority of the owners of
property upon and. along the line of
said street asked to be vacated,and that
3a the object and reason for said vacation
commencing OII the as asked for is,that said street has been
g ^ -_-......_.-___.day of rendered unnecessary and useless by
the opening of Hubert street,and by the
vacation asked-for the value of property
188...-., upon which day last mentioned it was first published, will be increased and said property ren-
dered more available for improvement;
Now,therefore,notice is hereby given
that said petition will be heard and con-
. and ending onAthe" Y day of ' _ _ - sidered by the Common-Council of the
g f city of St.Paul, on Tuesday,the 19th
day of Jun3,A.D:1888,at 7:30 o'clock
p.m.,at the Council Chamber in the
City Hall.
188..__ ...._, on which day last mentioned it was ast published, By order of the Common Council.
ntayl2-5w-sat City Clerk.
upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said
newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole
time of the said publication he was one of the printers and i
publishers of the said newspaper. .
_ate.joro _ 4",
scribed and sworn to (t me this
/7 day of
dert(---1 — ,r
A. D. 18 I
Printer's Fee,. $
l4Lc d fl4A‘(14.)-UMA--a-31-2K--_
. Notary Public,Ramsey County, Minn.
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