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Passed by t', e Common Counc it o f the City o f St Paul at its
meeting held January 17th, 1888.
Whereas, The owners of the property
abutting upon and along the line of Ox-
ford and Beun streets have petitioned
the Common Council of the city of St.i
Paul to vacate that portion of Oxford
street described as follows: Beginning
at the northwest corner of block four 1 ,• ,_•
, Thos.A.Pren der gas t, Ci tv Ci Ci
erk o f the t y
(4)of Michel&Robertson's addition to
a St.Paul; thence west thirty-eight and
seven-tenths(38 7-10)feet more or less: 0 f St Paul do h ereby ce r ti f tha t 1 ha ve c oin-
thence southwesterly to the southerly y
line of block four (4) produced west;
thence east two and one-half (234) feet
more or less,to the southwest corner of
block four (4); thence northeasterly pared p ared the art ached Tinted copy o f resolution
along the westaexly line of said block
four(4) to the': oint of beginning,it
being the intention to vacate all that
I part of Oxford street as laid out be- with the or igi na 1 there of as passed by t he Cott
1 tween blocks "four (4) and fine(5)of
Michel&Robertson's addition, not in-
eluded in Oxford street as lain out in Inon Co un.c i1 o f the Ci t y of t Paul at its
Ridgewood Park addition.
Also that portion of Benn street de-
scribed as follows: Beginning at the
northeast corner of block four (4) of meeting el d c) anu a 1 7th 1888E and d o ?u rthe r
Michel& Robertson's addition to St. , ,
-Paul; thence west one hundred and
seventy-six and seventy-one one-hun-
dredths(176 71-100)feet, more or lea's; ce rti f y that t he a tta ch ed c o i•
s a true and thence in a northeasterly direction py
thirty-five and two-tenths(35 2-10) feet,
more or less,to a point thirty-three(33)
feet north of the north line of block correct, copy and transcript of said original(4),measured at right angles there-'
from; thence east along a line thirty-
three(33)feet north of the north line of
said block four (4) one hundred and of the whole thereof.
eighty-five and two-tenths(185 2-10),feet
more or less, to the westerly line of
Pleasant avenue; thence southwesterly
to the place of beginning, the intention
being as vacate all that portion of Benn the seal o f the Cl ' t f St Paul
street as laid out in Michel & Robert-' witness ti
son's addition and- not included, in
Juliet street as laid out in Ridgewood
Park addition which lies north of block
four(4)of Michel& Robertson's addi- this 27th day • e it f, .D.1889.
tion; which said petition duly sets
forth the facts and reasons for said va-
cation. was duly accompanied a
plat .r
plat therereof as proposed to be vacated;.
and - -0‘...-----
Whereas.the Common Council upon C�
the presentation of said petition deemed t fiG"
it expedient that the matter be pro- -- ——
ceeded with and ordered said petition to
be filed of record with the City Clerk, bin Ci t Clerk
g,it being the intention to vacate all
and notice to be given by publication as y
provided by law;and that part.of Oxford street as laid out
between blocks four(4)and five (5) of
Whereas,Due notice by publication Michel &Robertson's addition, not lo-
in the official paper of said city for four eluded in Oxford street as laid out in
weeks,commencing on the 23d day of Ridewood Park addition:
November,A.D.1887,to the effect that
said petition had been filed with the Also,That portion of Benn street de-
City Clerk,stating in brief its object, scribed as follows: Beginning at the
and that the same would be heard and northeast corner of block tour (4)of
considered by the Common Council of Michel & Robertson's addition to St.
the city of St.Paul,on Tuesday,the 3d Paul; thence west one hundred and
day of January, A. I). 1888, at 7:30 seventy six and seventy-one one-hiln-
1 dredths(176 71-100)feet, more or less. •
o'clock in the afternoon of said day at he a northeasterly direction thin-
the Council Chamber in the City Hail of tence,)m
said city;and ty-five and two-tenths (35 2-10).feet,
more or less,to a point thirty-three (33)
/Whereas.At the time and place last i feet north of the north line of block
above designated for the investigation p four(4)measured at right angles there-
:..,1 ,.unaid., .ction of such DroPosed-va- front times east al(n a- Tilts thirty-
cation of part of Oxford and Beun three(33)feet north of the north line of
streets as aforesaid, the investigation said block four (4) one hundred
and consideration thereof was post- eighty-five and two-tenths(185 2-10)feet
poned until the 17th day of .January, more or less, to the westerly line of
1888,at 7:30 p.m.;and Pleasant avenue; thence southwesterly
Whereas,At the time and 'place last to the place of beginning, the iuten-
aforesaid, for the investigation and f tion being to vacate all that portion of
consideration of such proposed vacation f Benn street as laid out in Michel&
of said Oxford and Benn streets, the Robertson's addition and not included
Common Council after hearing all per- in Juliet street as laid out in Ridge
sons interested and being of the opin- wood Park addition which lies north of
ion that the same is necessary and block four(4)of Michel & Robertson's
proper and that the prerequisites there- ; addition,as the same appears of record
fore have all been complied with; now in the office of the Register of Deeds in
therefore, be it 'and for the county of Ramsey, Minne-
Resolved,That all of said portion of sots, be and the same is hereby declared
Oxford street described as follows: Be- to be vacated and discontinued as
ginning at the northwest corner of asked for in said petition,and as herein
block four(4)of Michel & Robertson's above specified.
addition to St.Paul;thence west thirty- Yeas—Ald.Dowlan,O'Conuor,Petsch,
eight and seven-tenths (38 7-10) feet, Cullen, Ryan, Weber, Kenny, Bain,'
more or less; thence southwesterly to Hamm.Bryant,Mines, Mr. Vice Pres-
the southerly line of block tour(4)pro- ident-12.
duced west; thence east two and one- Approved,Jane 18,1888.
half(2k)feet,more or less,to the south-
west corner of block four (4); thence
northeasterly along the westerly line of
said block four(4)to the point of begin-
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