1888 (18) BE,L.ANOI&AOTT,"7 PA I[. AI \ I.*1 Al en -..e,„4.- .i'N--- ',' -i_ _., v F c.: 4:, .-,. y,- -1, - vP., °. -tc&.., � / �' .14 ji ---..".*.d V; y � A Nt. 0 Jl i 'W4 Flvs. L.W.RUND E r'.•° "' ." °° " Aug 2nd 288E4 �i Com ittee on Streets, Common Council , City. Gentl err.en:- I see no objection to the vacation of the streets as ask- ed for by the enclosed petition of M. MMealey et.al . , and as shown on the plan sub itted. Yours Resp- fully City Engineer. "■ ..' ......"...,....."0..,... , ,, -W.,,,' ,., A,+,, ■/•• {7. I‘,° p • 0, * k ci- PaA,i,c -- (1 ,Lte, ./Llezz. / / , 0 c,'- , 1 5i1"ce.,i4-41z-Ch ao-eu-a-C , CA,t-tZ tk.c. Iir er424/;4.k = OA" . 7f.%. 4Z-ch. l#14_, 01A,2 d . s1444,14.1,t1- Ce,i,L,c.i_e.- cuL4;47z- , . Ct - ciA.A.-C c ..4z • / - - 4.-i -e tg-ci_ . V l r ci.A.A.A.rt...- c/ka4)-cA.A.4..L.tql/trt,Cf, 4g adar.44,u) ayi,ca..4.4, (2,1A-0 Z.- a&u ,. caszniie, e-gt ,,,,,,,D4--,,,, /a,„: i-0,,,...., , ,f . ...--- 4e4/4.4..,...,..........„ az,ci,e-,..„ ac-c.o-tr-Zii4,1,-i2,4---_ ic-t.t.u.. ---e,(, : ai,e2 • -444 ac_ea / /Id/ 2 ,- ' , . ' 1 ..7d(, ',71--p.d.,4,411 no", 41i. z.Z.e--7,t1 6zae_ • t aoei.i..4(.4 . .. f / / • - --- /,--ez ,,,, o A4 4■ cza,-..., 1 ...A...it, tx,_ / i• Ve_1-1 awo if • • • '�'� it ° 07-72;"-fr-}-7-/Q ide L14/4/ Aro c)---y-ft) ‘w7,147, 77,'/1-9-17QP p 1 i r N .....‘ :\\ _ N k.../ I • ijç ■ \ ,--.....,:,--•:. 74 .... ,0• (,_,......?:. \i‘ k )N \ F 2,--f: r.-.\ ■ - 7::.,7.-;E y \� • U4 \''''* ' .:.\ i • \k\i•‘-‘, . it .i.\..-"Itri li,!•i- ---------is c-'.-3 !".• C':::,,,,,,- r' l' T''''''1■',), -,, 1 ' 4 ' ki: , ...'.- %■■ 'v --_ - . . _ - 44.,,,, ' ;\1 . , .. ---,\, • I ,,,,,.\ . ,4,.. • t r f I • c\.) ve-1 co(\ t 7000e ka •••S \ •••••,..) (13 CO r sz) (..‘) 4.‘ .1\ N.Q Z.1 01•% 01■1