1889 (7) ? v . W—ss M� � ��• c�! �l:l� -& -�a--""“--,», �R i y OFFICE, OF a p> • ; } Ci! Z�azu £ > IN ; ; : y& . % ,% �Q . / •' % / )` . \ 1%\ \ N . } oo / / , . O { ) / ) § \ . \ ( / / . . \ Z ` / § . \ / e . ) N, & : m } ( / , �� \ \ . ) e / / � � � � / . & : ) )\ \ / . \ I • \ � I 0 ��� ƒ. /�� ) ' � k } 1 < ` e � , }/• «• ,,�\ M - / \.N`°–° e/�\^oz ^, . , \\, )�. 1V*4 Ci!£ u�azur£ /, . ° �e% %4�%%%e=2 / 1 ` . ) ) e �) ) � Z \ } � C.)1 � ( � . ) . \ • } . , / . \NA4 % \ / % 7. 7 / ) / ( �2 / � � } � Z wN� / . . , � / ' �� �� � � ) � \ ,. \ . , § ) ° _ ' % . �. ice / 1 & . � � - / ) C4 \ , �� � ��` ) k ) ) % * / ( / / ' \ . e N N.N.N. , x N *, To the President and Members of the Common Council of the City of St .Paul,Minnesota , Gentlemen: Your petitioners respectfully represent that they are a majority of the owners of the property through which the road or street hereinafter na ied,exists or passes, and that they are a majority of the owners of the property through which that portion of the road or street, :.ereinafter named,sought to be vacated, exists or passes . That your petitioners desire that that portion of the street or road known as "Pleasant Place " , and ;situated adjacent to or between '.locks Three ( 3 ) and Four (4 ) of J .C.Stout ' s Addition to Sun nit Park,in St.Paul,L.Iinnesota,be vacated and discontinued, that is to say: All that part of said street known as Pleasant Place located and situated between Pleas- ' ant Avenue and East of the '',Tes t line of Lot Twenty Pour (24. ) in said Block Three and east of the west line of Lot Seven (7 ) in said Block Four (4) when said west lines are extended so as to meet each other. That your petitioners desire to substitute for said portion of said street known as Pleasant Place , so sought to be vacated,a new street or a new road, beginning at the west line of said Lots ;{our and Seven extended so as to_meet each other as aforesaid,ar_o extending from that point Easterly , to Oceola Avenue,as shown by the black lines on the drawing or plat submitted herewith and, as a part hereof. That the reason of this petition and for such vacation, is, that the character of the surface of the ground and the topography of the land over which said portion of said street sought to be vacated,passes ,and said new proposed extension of said. street passes, are such that it will be much easier to improve and ;cork said new street than it is to improve and work said old street , and the public will be much better acconireodated by said proposed new street than they are or can be, by said old street ,and the property of your petitioners and the property of all owners of property in the neigghborhood of said proposed vacation and said proposed new street ,will be greatly bonefitted and enhanced in • value by said proposed vac ati on and the subst i tuti on o f said pr o- posed new street . The drawing or plat submitted herewith, indicates by the red lime s thereon, the platting of said property as tie same i s now o f rec ord in the Register's office o f said Ramsey County, and the black lines on said plat or map submitted herewith show and indicate the proposed new street and ne'w platting of said property . J .C .Stout is the owner of the property shown by said red lines anal said old platting as Lots 1,2, 3,4,5,6,7,8, ; and 26,27 ,28,29, 30, 31 ,and 32 of said block Three ,and Lots 1,2, 3,4, s�and the East Half of Lot 5, in said flock Four; and Mrs Putnam m owns Lots 6 and the ' est Half of Lot 5,in said Block 4,and Dent;gre owns Lot 7 in s _.i 1 :lock Your ,and Geo.C-.Stout own Lo to 25 in said Block Three ,and J .C .Stout own 1/3 of Lots 9, 10, 11 , and the East 30 feet of Lot 12,in said I lock 4, and of Lots 12, 13,20,21,22, and the East 30 feet of Lots 14 and 19 and the West 1/2 of Lot 11 , in said Block Three . • Wherefor your petitioners ask that such proceedings may be had and taken herein by your Honorable Body, as will cause the purpose of this petition to be acc omplished and said street be vacated as aforesaid,and your petitioners are ready to comply with such rules ,laws and regulations as are applicable thereto.• • _ ° c.iL; -r,A75:‘ Aaka 06-/-iiietA -t-{„tt,t,a4.A", ,e„, j ! ��-, Gam- i( j/K 021--LA -4/2ey,a," lAzeu/t_ell if • k.. t lit ' , 1 K State of .iinnesota, ) ) es . County of Ramsey . ) *J .C . St out, firs t being duly sworn, on oath says: That ai'fiant has read the foregoing petition and knows t. contents thereof, and is one of said petitioners ,and that the matters set forth in said petition are true of this affiant ' s own knowled€ e. critf Subscribed and F rn to before,- li1 e on t hi s �aj� � day dc' J1 Xjr, l���� . J olary Public ,Ramsey County, 'inn.