1889 (4) . ' pNN.•N.'N:-'N.'N'\:.- 'N.- - - - •'\:'!\ - • -*\":.• W) e , , ■ % ,A . k-, e■ 44,A. *'■'s';'.' , v 6 its i , -se,A , e : lij ■ • : ' ‘ ■,.! ‘1440___' ---44. : Ile e 7.e. e • ) III • e , • e ,_ ,i.)■. . . e 0. •'N. e ' • ,,, .< .. . e NN • . e 1 e '-' 11111 • i - . 1 --...„, \ . ., ... , • In e = . . I . ., 4 e 1 , •', .... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,4 . ■to ? ,, ,44':47,142.117,:4141,47,,,y,y,,,,41:417.0.V,V 49.141.V....4,,,r12414,W0:417.3Cc: • <.'''' .+?5. .-'e i <0 4 ..loartz.saas a;Ta ^• .,,,A. .5v • J>c vo-el •.'>, 30 UOI330 _.` _ •.' • %Gt 4t,tt,L%L%atNVLta'Ve74t7Zat'Ve7417e171::Ve17.17(4 Cta 0,el'e,dt ‹ • ANNN,M''''; S$ • • ‘ ,‘••N.N.N.• •N.•N.N.N..) p..".".• "... ^-.<..4. -.0........ ..........,• -...-0.,... -,... -S 4<3 ,% i _.6*. .....st (1141) _ ■•• t.14.,. ZS* •Ae4 t / ,s... .... e, N'.... •••• tIll e e „(iiitht. icz, ..'-... 1 i e 1 1 .... e N'r 1 e • A, TH Ik, 0 4,. I. C"› 1 e ,■` ' ' ... <2> 4 ., eyv 49 4k n>,...12anzaall, a4Ta tist>4 11,,,ENai, ao uoisasac) 1 e 7.,.e,.c%e>ennt 7e,Ze7e,°,/.7e7e7e7er7ent'Ve,7-76,7e:",t;7,1-Te7,17..Q,<. h:N.)... .............. .... ,,,,.. ).-••<>;--,. ............•-N....•........., I • gZ C:: � �- 0 � 9 � - i • sr Th IN r 1 X v%, ,r '3 ° ‘•I Q [T■n1 Cr ot• Einill — — C., ,-.– '-'' O Ell.4 I I 7 •y .# � a • • r .K , . .+ ryrs,. s r" r • • 17ul flt rll��rl�If r i:ai[rettb Tit. .Q ffi;r:n& .Pres't ert4 lanxgcr. t. ittul,,fItittn. October 15, 1833. Common Council of the City of St.Paul. Gentlemen : - I am informed that your Honorable Body will take under consideration this evening the vacation of Brook Street , in this City . As I am unable to be present to present the views of k this Company with reference to such vacation, I thought best to I' address you this communication, in the hope that when the subject is reached, it will be given such careful and just consideration as its merits warrant . The vacation of this street , to the best of my knowledge and belief, will work no harm to any person or in- terest , unless to this Company and to Mr Lindeke; and, as the lat- ter gentleman favors the plan, the requirement of any money con- sideration on the part of the City would certainly seem unjust. It is true that the vacation of this street would be of benefit to this Company and possibly to Mr Lindeke, but it would be of uncer- tain value, and your liberal action in the matter will be appre- ciated by the undersigned. Very respect fully, k-4,(Kr--o97 Presi dent General Man ager• • To tie Honorable the Presi cent and Connor Council of the City of Saint Paul. (;entl en en :- The under sign ed, the owners of all the ahuttin property on PI-ook-St et .lying_ nor ;:h- o- Seventh Street and south of Street , heinJ, one b Jock in leinth , respectfully ask your Honorable Body to vacate the •name, said Brook Street as oriOnally laid out, from ( rove Street to Con- way Street. All south of Seventh Street has heretthfore been vacated , leaving nothing left of said street bet that part which yaj.r petitioners ask to he vac atea , it is hut one bJ ock in len 7th and cannot he used or a street. Your peti- tioner$ ask its vacation on such terms as are usual prescribed • in sech cases by the comron. council . Your petitioners attach hereto a plat of t}rat part of the street proposed to he vaca- ted. ,--eAti a t.G 4a. /7" •g R.esF;ect,fully . .g1i ;7— A.L46--2 51/itF, of Minnesota, County of R SS .amsey being duly sworn says each for irnsel f that the ?acts and statements set d5 orth in the for es.oinr petition are true., of kith( their own ►r owl edge.. Subscribed and sworn to be- ; ,, .. fore me this //, day of_ 3; _------- o ,try 'uhl i c, Minn. tir 4V.I.....04 i t ''N Iii rI\, \N.) a.,';%;C/I)v.n eii•_,..„:,.„.. k ,__,_,,,,__,.,...„ .,.......,,,,.,9, , . f, , , ,.....E ., ..,, ,.... .:..2:. , N ,...._ , . e ) , 1P .20 41.79::: ' ,7,E ,,,s -_, ryf .__ •, ,.:cr,,.1`p, CD , ''',Cs.'.. I "e r' CZ •ik.e.= i '1"Fil F'D CD C4 cn, I ,C,..,CAD '-'".•-•• I 444 E g t:r.2,. •. , 1 ■—■■ 8 , 4 ' 'l P: I . I -.. PT, a, ° rh='. r ti)1, ' 1\cf t; ' 4- . , ,k.:.• ' -, -• „ • A5... , f . .z.- ...-,;';--:5.2 5 •,, th ---- c 1 ,-; •-..--,..,..c...= .. ..,...- • :;.:::"-.,,--',c.'•-:.../.... ,. c t...... -------, ellibt \1/4r) g'1 ''')." cr ,.,.,-b:-.••='5;" 41 or k-V . c" I CD eD ,•:-.., E 1:, ^c ! ..- -''"'6'' . - . . ,•s• • .. . . . • , . . 00.44 401'''• ix, . - t•_. t' 1 14 • li • > I C), ' . \f' 1 1P\• k) t ‘1 .t. ' iiSt\ ... • • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATiON . STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. County of Ramsey. • 4.... being duly sworn, deposes and says that t .-nnexed printed copy of notice of 1010 ~ was taken from the SA NT PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, during the whole time of the publication or said notice,hereinafter stated, has been and is printed and published in the English language in the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minnesota, [OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.] and published and generally circulated in said county for more Vacation of Brook Street. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE,t ST. PAUL,Dec.6,1888. than one year next preceding the date of the first publication Whereas,A petition has been filed in this office, by order of the Common Council,as requirac-y law, asking for hereinafter named. That the said notice was duly printed and the vacation of Brook street,from Sev- enth street to Grove street; and, Whereas,The petitioners state that published in said newspaper for the period of they are residents of said city of St. p h Paul,and the owners of all the abutting property along the entire Brook street, tom/ and that the reason for said vacation is successi v L�U on.... of each week i that all of said stook street south of Seventh street has herertofore been va- �� i Gated,leaving nothing left petitioners ask to / have vacated,which is but one block in length,and cannot be used for a street; i now,therefore, day c '—� 77.------he_ , which da y last mentioned Notice is hereby given that said peti- tion will be heard and considered by the Common Council of the City of St. it was first published, and en al'- • o the Paul,on Tuesday,the 15th day of San- ' nary, A. D. 1889, at 7:30 o clock �i _--- - p. m., at the Council Chamber in the " da v oi'.._ -i/ City order 188 By order of the Common Council. THOS.A.P IENDERGAST. dec7-5W-fti City Clerk. on which day last menti � °d it was last published, upon which days and times of publications aforesaid the said news- paper was regularly printed and published, and that during the whole time of the said publication he was one • • jnters and publishers of the sal. •. .cl• le; ilh'Imir;.0",4":41111110 4, Sub- ribed and sworndi before me is /`' day of r � A. D 188 Printer's fee, $ /J., otary Public,Ramsey Count;,4111, .