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1889 (3)
N JP CI) A % l'‘ \\ r -- , 1 Nr , I • i ,t_ r a Ic 1C t „show zng pa,7L J of L o/W57-/9D ,yvE , c/IESCEN7- CoviiT 4ND f/LLE / IN 5LocIf 2 fr/DEVVOOO P4RI1 as 07. eo 7e Vcccccted 4A/D PRoPoJED fiEfl/9RA/NCBEN/E,vT r -1 Ill , lli I /r /7 /6 " N /ii- L 0418 RriI0 o L /o h// lit ,.4 2 . i ,, II 11111111111,7k-. C R S c e iv-7H , la 3 1, /i /3 h I •• yy l ���,� PB''-',,,' .\ir' "h . is P'k 1:1,, ' *,,, TM T..�S.:e''•.›$''^‘,c 4-' .,y ;`,. i 1 i ' 4 l, I , i 1 ' i I+ - y . 1 ¢ a �r 1' , : It / , -..': . it4r, 1 4',4,i, ,E5,,,,,, J l 4,.,,,,,. j w- i , to ! r r 1 a ,. ! f 2 f St. Paul, Mirin. Sept. 4th.88. To the Honorable The Mayor and Common Council of the City of St. Paul, Minn 4..1,:-- 4,1 44.7 t a.t,c,4„-24-1 ? The undersigned respectfully, retitionl your Honorable body to vPdate following described portions of streets and alleys in Ridgewood Park Addition to the City of St. Paul . viz. That portion of Crescent Court - _ - lying between the lot lire of lots 10 and 11 block 3 of said Addition_ as produced across said street, and the junctionof said Crescent Court with Lombard Ave: Also that Portion of Lombard Ave. lying between the common lot line of lots 16 and 17 block 1 as produced across said Avenue and Ridgewood Ave: 0 And also that portion of the alley in block 2 lying between the common lot line of lots 14 and 15 block 2,as produced across said alley and 2.4, • -19 Crescent Court. —r A 2/1,t-z-ta a4-e<4.7 z2 ig • .41 ,/ AO/ /aef (77-deyzttL r r. I' 0 ems_ .// c--7---__ 1 /q # 6) F- - ..-- .e__._,..,_.__7 ,---,, ,e_ e--Cr /2 ,c.. 0-e---7--2-..--z_.4— ,./. — C _ , --e,-tom_._ --e-----e-------,-----4V-Z---(-____ 1 / . eZ(../...0_7_,,.. 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Prt, cp C w 7;r:o'6'.'.,:.,,'-:3.c''rf:=,' C-P -,^Z7G,--,.-0 a-'-',7,,,,"P,*■-1'A-6■-•' -"'" "",""- ,,,_(:). ki. -S (b... • -0", ••••f'J p cp.-■0--p ',C C Ccip ,--C) ti —.....--•C'.. ,-•"'Or... *4 ...... ••• AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION . STATE OF MINNESOTA, SS [OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.] County of Ramsey. Vacation of Portions of Crescent Court, Lombard Avenue and • Alley in Block Two (2), All., . - e_e.G being duly sworn, In Ridgewood Park Addition, CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, ' `T.PAUL,Dec.64:sn8ein 8.f deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of notice Whereas,A petition has bled in this office, by order of the mon Council,as req uired by law, g for_/' the vacation of that portion of scent was taken Court lying between the lot line of lots Of................ . . . ten(10)and eleven (11),of block three (3),in Ridgewood Park addition to the city of St.Paul,as produced across said Ores- from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, cent Court with Lombard of also, that portion of Lombard avenue lying between the common lot line of lots during the whole time of the publication of said notice, sixteen(is)and eventeen(17),of bi9ek one(1),in said Ridgewood Park addi- tion,as produced across said avenue, and Ridgewood avenue; and also that hereinafter stated, has been and is printed and published portion of the alley in block two(2), lying between the common lot line of lots fourteen (14) and fifteen (15), of block two(2),in said Ridgewood Park in the Gity of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minne- addition,as produced across said alley, and Crescent Court;and Whereas, The petitioners state that they are residents of said city of St. sota. That the said notice was published in said newspaper Paul,and a majority of the owners of the property abutting upon and along the line of the said streets and alley asked to be vacated,and that the reason .... successive C� for asking said vacation is that a por- tion the period Of_..- of said Ridgewood Park addition, including said streets and alley, has been asked to be vacated said streets and commencing on the � day of alley asked to be vacated are not used as a public highway by any one; now, therefore, Notice is liereby given that said peti- 1882, upon which day last mentioned it .was first published, tion will be heard and considered by the Common council of the city of St. Paul,on Tuesday,the 15th day ofJan- nary,A.D.1889,at 7:30 o'clock p. m., and ending on the day of at the Council Chamber in the City Ilan. By order of the Common Council. • THOS.A.PRENDERGAST, 188f , on which day last mentioned it was last published, Dec.7 5w Fri. City Clerk. 1 upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspaper. , 2*i 7 -------c(7 A .--47' - - o.44.) Subscribed and sworn to before this 5- day of • "SZC. ---4---f.-- A. D. 188 Printer's Fee, $ . d4-17-1N-eft.iZei( Notar Public, msey County,Minn. • • • t? 41* 'VP - •