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To the Honorable the Common Coun 11 4of the,City of St. Paul :
The petition of the indP signed respectfully represents :
That he is the owner of 'lots 141, 11023 163, 'd04, 105, 106,
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107 and 108, in Union Park, iamsey 4ourfty, according to the plat
there pr, and was such owner at the t o land1was platted into
said iOdition and prior thereto.
'hat the said land was duly platted, and the plat was approved
and adopted according to law, and the strip of land dedicated as
an alley in the rear of said lots is shown by the annexed sketch
taken from the original plat.
Your petitioner requests that the said alley as originally
dedicated be vacated, and that in lieu thereof an alley be laid
out through said lots as shown by the annexed map.
' That the proposed change of alley will prove of gre ene-
fit to the property, and make the same more eligible fo
purposes', and make the said: lots more valuable. And that said pro-
posed ,alley will in all .respects be more valuable and better for
alley' purposes . than the one here asked to be vacated.
And! your ietitioner hereby offers to dedicate to the city and
public for alley purposes the strip indicated on said map hereto
annexed ' s ,Proposed location of alley" upon the alley so platted
in the rear. of said. lots being vacated.
w That there are ao Other owners of the land through which said
.proposed alley'„is prayed for.
-Wherefore your petitioner asks that the said original alley
be vacated, , and he may be permitted to dedicate for alley purposes
in lieu thereof the strip indicated on said map as "Proposed loca-
tion of .alley. i'
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