Passed by the Jom 'on Council of the City of 5 , Paul at its
n�eet,in;r held On December 4th,A: D. 1888.
Whereas,The owneis of the property
abutting upon and along the line of
Lafayette avenue have petitioned the
Common Council of the city of St. Paul n l
to vacate that part ofLafajetteavenue, -I, .1.hos•h renders-st, , •Cit, y Clerk of the i'it,v Of
formerly Herkimer street,lying north-.
west of the northwesterly line of Lafay-
ette,avenue(as opened by the Board of
Public Yorks under the order of the
St } al) do hereby certify t h fit I have co*`Ipar-
• Common Council approved Nov. 10,
1880), produced from Grey & Cobb's ' Q
subdivision of lot 0of Bass'addition tioner ed {,he attached i�gint,ed dory of resolution with
Out Lots,to the southwesterly corner •
of lot 5,in block 7 of Warren & Wins-
low's addition (the intention being to
vacate all that part of the old street t,ie ()r1?'inal thereof as (missed by the Con+"'or
lying northwesterly of a 'street 66 feet
wide,now known as Lafayette avenue,
as opened and traveled between the
points above named),which said petition Council of +,h e City o t St f'aul at its nle et incr
duly sets forth the facts and reasons
for said vacation, and was dilly aeceni-
panied by a plat thereof as proposed
to be vacated• and er
Whereas,The Common Council,upon ) held 1)eC. �1P,r 4tri,�. D.1�}zK, and do fUr' her Ce,r-
the presentation of said petition,deemed
it expedient that the matter be proceeded
with and ordered Said petition tobe filed , t,ifY that the said cony is a t,r'ue and correct_,
of record with the City Clerk,and no-
tice to be given by publication as pro-
vided by law;and
Whereas,Due noticeby publication in ; col.; and transcript of said UrilTinal and of
the official paper of said city for four
weeks,commencing on the 26th day of
October, A. D. 1888,to the effect that
said petition had been filed with the t,!-1 e lv i0l A t,he f'e o f
City Clerk, stating in brief its object,
and that the same would be heard and
considered by the Common Council of
the city of St. Paul, on Tuesday,the
4th day of December,A.D.1888, at 7:30
o'clock in the afternoon of said day,at
the Council Chamber in the City Hall of ''au1
said city;and I Witneo SS .,rle se: e J ' . C. Of. 6',
Whereas, At the time and place last
eresaid,for the investigation and con-
aslderation of such proposed vacation
IV said Lafayette avenue, the Com- this 14t,h day of -c e' •l.D. I Z.
mon Council, after hearing all persons
interested and being of the opinion that
the same is necessary and proper,and
that the prerequisites therefor have all 4e:-been complied with; now, therefore, le
be it / � ---- -I���*--
Resolved,That all of said Lafayette
avenue,formerly Herkimer street,lying '`
northwest of the northwesterly line of _, •
Lafayette avenue (as opened by the „ C 1 t y Clerk.
Board of Public Works,under the order
of the Common Council approved Nov.
10, 1880), produced from Grey&Cobb's
subdivision of lot 6 of Bass'addition of
Out Lots,to-the southwesterly corner of
lot 5,in block 7 of t%arren&Winslow's
addition,the same being all that part of
the old street lying northwesterly of a
street 66 feet wide,. now known as
Lafayette avenue,, as opened and
traveled between the points above
named,as the same appears of record
in the office of the Register of Deeds in
and for the county of Ramsey,Minne-
sota,be,and the same is hereby declared
to be vacated and discontinued as asked
for in said petition,and as hereinabove
Yeas--Aid. Bluin, -Cullen, i;oniey,
Fischer,Gehan,Ham m,Kavanagh Leit-
hauler,Minea,Melody,Suilivan,Vi eber,
Bickel,Mr.Vice President-14. ,
Approved Dec.5,1888.
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County of Ramsey. f
� 4�v being duly sworn,
Vacation of Part of Lafayette
deposes and says that the annexed printed copy 01 notice venue (Formerly Herkimer
�] _��� Street.
Of..._ --.
--. -." ".".- :-.-.`. '(J4Tra.S taken CITY CLERK'S UFFICF,t1
ST. PAUL,Oct.,25,1888.f
Whereas,a petition has been filed in
from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper whiff li, this office by order of the Common
Council of the City of St.Paul,as re-
quired by law,asking for the vacation
of all that portion of
during the whole time of the publication of said notice, LAFAYETTE AVENUE(FORMERLY HER-
hereinafter stated, has been and is printed and published 4 lying northwesterly of the northwest
lino of Lafayette avenue (as opened by
the Board of Public Works, under the
order of the Common Council approved
in the GSty of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minne- Nov.10, 1880), produced from trey&
Cobb's subdivifion of Lot 6, Bass's Ad-
dition of Outlots,to the southwesterly
corner of Lot 5, Block 7, Warren&
sota. That the said notice was published in said newspaper Winslow's addition(the intention being
to vacate all that part of the old street
lying northwesterly of a street sixty-six
feet wide, now known as Lafayette
for the period of successive �'�"� avenue,as opened and traveled between
the points above mentioned);and
- pWL•ereas, the petitioners state that
�/ l7 they are a majority of the owners of the
commencing on the day of frontage of property aoutting on La-
fayette avenue, and that the
_ reason for the vacation asked
for is that a change of grade
188.. ..., upon which day last mentioned it was first published, I has been ordered on a portion of said
Lafayette avenue,involving a large as-
/l sessmeut for damages to property
� affected by said change of grade,and
and ending on the �v, day of ! that if that portion of said Lafayette
avenue above referred to and particul-
arly described is vacated and discon-
tinued,it will not be necessary to make
188..1 , on which day last mentioned it was last published, anything but a nominal assessment• for
damages and benefits for said change of
grade: and that the vacation asked for
would subserve public interests, and
upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said that said portion of said street is not
used or needed for public travel,etc.
Now,therefore,notice is hereby given
that said petition will be heard and
newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole • considered by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul on Tuesday, the
14th day of December, A. D. 1888, at
7:30 o'clock p. m., at the Council
time of the said publication he was one of the printers and Chamber in the City.Hall.
By order of the Common Council,
publishers of the said newspaper. ; oet.26-5t-fri. City Clerk.
Subscribed and sworn,to before me his
v day of
D. 188
Printer's Fee, $
1,0)2AAA t 44 k r idt7 .
Z'otary Public,Ramsey County,Minn.
`0 _ .
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