1888 (12) vv<vvvv,,,,Gov wwwww ww,4$�,—tpwwtotowtve, )4 �,i OFFICE OF' C:� , a d l{b �43 csit2 zreazurer. �� „ l E 4...,,,,,,,,,„,,,.........,t,.„en el e.e,e,ct el e4,i< I a �(1 1 d .„, ` 1 ). , \ a 1 a. 1 � e � , 1 1 -.; No . 1 \, 1 l 1 I � . C � 1 I � L 1 ? ■ \ '4 N., I \ 41k I mi' ik 41/4 UNII, ..,, Irt ` a 1 t: v` t1 1 Ywvv ,vw,Y,MMYYY.XY,F.Y.X.F.Y.YYvvvw ',".4 0,'■)',.' -4,,,,,,,t,,,," 34...,,Jcr OFFIO OF' NO, > ei j . .] cit2 Zreazurer. . ..k'‘-'1,',..?41 7 ",t7e,"e7entet el i V , q ,4 , _ CA; 1 e e e> , 1,,,,%N I I 4 < N\ 1 \RIN'.‘ 0 1, 0 e , ,.. e i \ \ f> ' ‘4,, el Lk.. r kl likk v . ' • - i it IL.1,4 e 2 ' ■ - . 4 co 13 Ne 1 — -- - t •: A ! 1 1 t i 1 i 4, - . 3 / 5- 2o 1 ,L, 33 c. r_ IN . IN (43 I , . . . I - I ..r- 3 3 , 42.c rao /RS' cu . " 61A4 ,7drifi r--- — I 1 I a I I 1 I i I I 1 4/ e .;•, '- a . � ..� To the Honorable the President and Contnon Council of the City of Saint Paul . ( ent,] emen:-- The petition of the under siu:ned respect- 1 fully represent that, they are the owners of a large majority of the property adj oining and, on tom} e , line of the road or str- eet known as New Canada Road as the sate exi f is and passes through 1 oto- , three taillep f Hoyt' s Subdivi sion of the West One-Half of the North-West Quarter of Secttion Twenty-Nine (29) and the South-East Quarter of the North-N,ast Quarter of Section thirty of township twenty nine north of Range Twenty- Two West in the City of Saint, Paul , Minnesota. That, said road as the same runs through said blocks is irregular and is not much travelled. That the diners of said lots are desirous of platting the saane, and dedicating to the city land for streets to conform with the streets as platted through adjoining prop- erty and in order to do so it is necessary and proper that kilt this road as it exists through said lots beacated. That saki road is not now travelled as other streets have been graded which are more suitable and the public travel in that part of the city now seeks such other streets , and on account of the 1 ocati on of said road it wi l l never warrant being kept as a _. »�_ __.,,,_pu l,.i f,; t o et,by. t h e city , ap d can b e made o f u e t o t h e -own- -_...---_�... _.. .._.._�___ _....._ ers of said lots . A plat of said land is hereto annexed and 74_le, ,_,4 G-427;---e-e_e_e, . .. Wherefore your petitioners respectfully ask that you cause said strip of land to be vacated and tinluull ed as a street , under the 'provisions and ordinances of said city. IN f / 4.1-47ii-b• 4&-i-t/r'4.'(.7 ... ) . -.. !I'- g —• cil? I I -..."-- ) -.... \ \\A, • .'1 ql , , , • . . ... . ,)‘? -4,, • , . . ' —4416:,• ... „ . .... .. - • • , - 41111 \ ■'"%\ , .. ■ \ ,, ‘. \N 1 ,•. f 1\ .r ,- 7:-.....-■ ‘,i■- 7:z t''. .-- \ --.......:.-—..-d. , • •7..1 5 15. — ...., it.,.. _,... —— ' '\.\ . , .., . ca,1-7,- i' \ 1 i 4,4„ • \ ,cs.,.;,7.,,...., u..,,....; lik \ 1(1 ,... ‘‘ .. . E ' ■ 8 1 A ( ..........._ ........ alo 4 BERLAND,d 8077 S7 MUL. i i r� # .� i .*4 _4.+� T p WORKS _ o !d; � 4 tip= * ! _� EN J� .,,,,,,. ,- -- - . ..„ _ 0. .. 1 . „4, _,______ __ rit:„...„t_ ___...--;-:„.„.0_,,,,.:,. , ,. .-7.-- - - -- . 45:414\, 7 4 lit ...01' ' --- ,.E.E.E�I II1Iy, 41 .;v.{,�{`.,7.0 oo e Jl:. - 0 s LW.RUNDLETT. ,OFFICE cr#74, ° - � ;' a June 5h1&88.��� Chairman, Committee on Streets , Corn. Council , City. Dear Sir:- �,p In the matter of the vacation of what is known as,,,Little Canada Road through lot 3 of Hoyt' s Out Lots , upon examination I find that Maryland street has been graded from Mississippi street to Brainerd Avenue , thereby forming an outlet for all travel coming South from the North end of the City. The petitioner, John Mongan, is about to plat the property, and in doing so, will dedicate to the Public five times as much ground as is asked to be vacated, and if' the County road is left as it is located at present , it destroys a good many lots, and is no particular benefit to the public. There- fore I see no objection to the vacation as asked for. yours Res tfully t L�JL/CL% i ,1 City E gineer. y-4-3"--4 . ;, 1, to • "_' _ _.•• • 444 at_ • I • 10&414*614 ..% • 1 a '/ • ) ,,, AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION . . 1 ? ,,, fr „vi,.... ., ..:., .• , STATE OF MINNESOTA, SS. County of Ramsey. .0' Ct ,i;/ being duly sworn, deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of notice OFFICIAL PUBLICATIO\. of was taken Vacation of Part of New Canada from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, Road. CITY CLEI{&'B OFFICE, during the whole time, of the publication of said notice, ST.PAUL,July 9, 1888. Whereas,a petition has been filed in this office by order of the Common • hereinafter stated, has been and is printed and published Council of the city of St. Paul, as pro-_ vided by law,asking for the vacation of that part of New Canada road which passes through lot three (3) of Iioyt's in the £Sty of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minne- Subdivision of the west one-half of the northwest quarter(w/of nw 3 )of sec- ' tion twenty-nine(29),and the southeast. quarter of the northeast quarter (se sota. That the said notice was published in said newspaper of no/of section thirty (30) of town- ship twenty-lithe(29) range twenty-two (22),west,in the city of St. Paul, Min- nesota; and whereas, the petitioners for the period of successive state that they are the owners of a large majority of the property affected by said proposed vacation,and that the object and reason for the vacation asked commencing on the v day of ,_ for is for the purpose of platting said lot and dedicating to the city land for streets to conform with the streets as platted through adjoining property. 188. , upon which day last mentioned it was first published, Now,therefore,notice is hereby given that said petition will be heard and con- sidered by the Common Council of said city,on Tuesday, the 21st day of Au- • and ending on the day of gust,A.D.1858,at 7:30 o'clock p.m. at the Council Chamber in the City Hall. By order of Common Council. THOMAS A.PRENDERGAST,City Clerk. 188.7 , on which day last mentioned it was last published, 5wks-rues upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said • newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspaper. 4 /(1/;r74 .' Subscribed and sworn to sef re me ,uis day of CC-4—C 5 A. D. l88 Printer's Fee, $ Notary Pu ic,Ramse unty,Minn., _ • • ,