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STATE OF MINNESOTA, } SS. County of Ramsey. ' d ,..... . being duly sworn, deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of notice OFFICIAL PTJBLICATIO �/ Vacation of Part of Sibley, Par- I ofta,ken nel/ and Starkey Streets. from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a, newspaper which, CITY CLERK'S OFFICE,t ST. PAUL, April 5, 1888.f Whereas,a petition has been filed in during the whole time of the publication of said notice, this office,by order of the Common Council of the city of St.Paul,as re- quired by law,asking.for the vacation of those certain streets and public grounds hereinafter stated, has been and is printed and published in said city contained and embraced within the following described limits and boundaries,to wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of block 24,in West St. in the ( ty of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minne- Paul Proper, and running thence south- easterly in a straight line towards the northeast corner of block 34,in West St. Paul Proper,to the north line of Delos sots. That the said no 'ce was published in said newspaper street; thence west along the north line of Delos street to the southeast cor- ner of block 24,in West St.Paul Proper, and thence northerly along the east line for the period of successive of said block 24 to the point of begin- ning,the same being a portion of that tract of land lying between blocks 23 and 24,of West St. Paul Proper, in Ramsey commencing on the day of county,Minnesota,arid known as Sib- ley,Parnell and Starkey streets; and Whereas,the petitioners state that _ _ they are the owners of all the property 188.. ..., upon which day last mentioned it was first published, abutting upon and along the line of //--- ---- the land asked r to n vacated,vac that the object and reason for such vacation ' as asked for is,that said land is unused and ending on the day of and useless for any public purpose,and th Na owat o,therefore,public or pnotice rnvate i ishereby njury will given be sustained by the vacation thereof,etc.; 188.. , on which day last mentioned it was last published, that said petition will be heard and con- sidered by the Common Council of the city of St.Paul on Tuesday,the 15th i day of May,A.D. 1888,at 7:30 o'clock p. upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said m.,at the Council Chamber in the City Hall. By order of the Common Council. THOS. A.PRENDERGAST, newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole Apr6-5w-fri City Clerk. time of the said publication he was one of the printers and P publishers of the said newspaper. 1;f>/,,A 1 7„4SV.e4 ' - /® Su scribed and sworn to before me this day of )/1.2 Ot1__----._.A. D. 188 Printer's Fee, $ ' LA/1).4. • Notary Public, Minn. .. < .. c r, • * ' c ..' ,, ' , ---."-----. :.'. • ,.' .'::.:„..';,..';:, ,41 i C ^ 1 ' 0 ://.5L._, ra'• 1._■L C .-Q/La--/(- --a/IA'C'(-k i--71 4 Si ia/L A/e :' '" '-4.' ,. 1 I (, ...........c fr: % '' /'riLe, C../(4,L,O62/1-'CA(..) 4,0 4._ , , v ...., , - . �, ' Li2 ( wh w Y h I .-,4.-- � 7;c4.).,24..., e_izil---, . , C., cLA,c( (0.L.41-e-cje/ /' Q-8-z.4..4%,cQ..) c...AA, -------(1-L-,4.- e/LL)....1 "---- C,8—,,`Q-L,,„),,,i. cL,,.._k 2,1,,,, --)--.0,,e _ct tAI-L.:, -,-, e, I ' " (1-L---L/1-•1 '! . ciL.44., 'L4., L ..e,i4,;,,,L,c oL,,,,i4, ir.-6-E,,, c,e--a.4-1--c,- , ''''-‘11-.)'6- : • (3L.• L Yo . t a_.a/ C,6-1- & 4 5(-, �., .i ...._: ' : ' ' '' :' . '-'.'--- : '— '''''-'44-7; OZ.- . a i.i..,,,, (th.,,,Nry.,,,.„ ,,,,,,;. ..c.,4.__,..__. fi 4 .,ems*- -•_. ,.. ?:-.. '.k♦ �� ��two,�! � ��c Rd . x �'l, C� ..` r 4 r f_■ c ¢ s�. 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