1888 (9) --,-...-.--.--w-,.../.■••11,..■•••■••■-••■■••••••-••■-..--..--- .. _ ,NON■'\...\• 'N>1 11,1 1 111. -N.1.11? y WV ct,4, .42 ,47..49i7,47...ei441:41:442.y.S...,4”42 cl.,<4, tl err''' '3C OFFICE OF Zreazurer. f %dhAerlet'•7;4741.7°,17e7474%°e70.74%wcr7e7e:Ve:e.:.e.“%act i IN■ i .1P c7L-1,1 N\ 1k co1/4: (2 k t.> i , • I e 3 „ , , , ‘„ çct ,., , e '14, 0 tt N i \ e e \ e N. t. cikk,, I e e \ i .... e . I I II . ' t 4 . I e .(.....) e q . . ■ * \c. e ' • six.N.N. ....,. •• •-.., .... -., ..... -,... ..... •4 Or TtI0-7- , , Qr 4 . t, ., ,... , ill* Pio ttovi ) rs it 0 • Y � ;1 J NO 0.Nk 2 SS D R NOYE 5. C.P. ROVES. ER.CUTLER. t - --'7-t --- OYES f3 R OS.&CUTLER, 1 , ri '1° Ani4-•.nr.- "'' iiiii ii I 7 Iln 1-1 'rirlirvAl" Whole sale Drug Os t s -)y/ (1 /i C c6//170/■ Ki/ , '/(ff._ _ _.....,„.,.., Feb 22/88 I hereby certify for Noyes Bros & Cut- ler that we are the owners of lots,9,lo,and 11 in Stinson Brown & Ramsey' s addition to St Paul and that we have recently purchased lot 8 in the same addition ift-jeg.., 0--/----AA-Ypt--- -j2411 Aoi_44,4:Cf., /Z-14)--7 4 A170-11-fe-4,4/1---6-41--- ---1-- -/----7--X,7- .!Y---Zv'"- ---------`---- ' 4: 21 iii *IiiiiTL1iiiiui � �%/,--T:e i\ .,• i viiit �e LI _fJ� 111 0111 1©O�II 1 • T �11r�1-II'111�olt0��11I1� , ;., � , •'11111111 II11 ��'IIl 1111110111:11 'o . 0 . • j p q' "r►�Qo?` W, t' Jai 11T[ _._ Mill III I, 111!II IIIIlphO �,_.�n— —_ -----j �[1Ef�o f !.®t!©� 6[171 i,� ' ''m© Od�oo o® �i��', ITIII1!l tf El t121f El io�[ILIA n trs 0 p 0 r /; l` 0 tall a.,. 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MUER a% -. - II I-._.!�� 011i� !x'10 °l a #'ff�f_f'I'I, Hurl- I O EII� sif� .- �� r '��,,\\ 1 Brub 1, 1 .,.. a ��� 11111111 i llllf 11 Il; I� ! \\ ! ■ 11111:11111111111 it AIIA111011115 ...0 �•�l^I��Il, 1N Ns •oort.� I �0 1111 �1L11�; "1"1511111111 IE®IIII e app ''' Eop000po l . - 1 GOOF Boa; -:11 :n ii 111111 F111111.l n ore o o o 11 l (.. • 1 111 III .. .�� Win• \11-•,-.. . oiuo nc '� © �I ,I I \ I 1I 11 t o lll1111�110.0 0 Pr-,7---..,'"e '�°©I ! 011! ®Itl�7 11 1'`![ ��II 111 11'11' 4 r„ IiiIIES X010 D a t�troo I ttatry II f 4 f I I I�11I'II:II, ►��t�. :1, 1'• / ,, ,i,+! 7,-. ®!7[3: f s�']: a' a 0 0 tt©tta�I��' 0 I d+, °° I s g I . o ._ I'0.II E�I�I�LII� �i —e. ._._._._- I ,i �: -I -- o©Icy /i --�--® ©® ���,,,;,��, �± j i!I r111y ce" , 11 I - - I• . F L ©o 1 4! •- 1a .. i Elul. I I i I,N'.4'4-', *1d 41 � ' 1■ �-- ^ .C _ 1 �111111111111-11 .._ ,. © '! 1 77" .AIIIIIILEI111 �I J i I LI i I .'11 ' „,,II 41 T II'T.II,1 ,t Li. .,,,.. „ ;,,,„,,,,..,,,,>.„t r,,1: __ . .,LE..., , ,s, „, _, _ 1 „ ,:',..,....)›.1850111F,4,,. ,::-,4r . , -'-''.,- .,'_=3v-i_ 7 !_47 arw -1; ..,„,_72.,.,.....N..,... 2.-2.:___,.., - - ,,....„.0 i ,,, , -4,,,, _.....„ ,, .., .. „,,,... _, .,._,,, „, . . ,,, __.,_, _, _., ,..., -,, or-7' ',,, ,. -..• -A,'41K, -,*------ - _‘.--- „,,,,,,,,,,p,,,,,,_,,,,.__ ..,__, _ _ ,ii,„Th ,tnoil- 14, a: _..„-„..... _. __ , ,,v „,„..,,A _ -L:i- v aywii &mu ,T134-- , ., , __ / 2 -_-6-)-- / , 4--) „--_-- 44".(/ /1,1 X4,_ /0. All?Ar7e4i:yi_citLe,v i z,//t4‘z_e_s, a 4 6„_e,/„___c_e_ee, 0......e.".”....j z do 15..". 7 i is k z:j t':2 7, ..a....te. . if/7:1 I g 4 r r z<7_i„....... r . j` ' (4!. .,■___.. .__.e Ag_t C. ‘. 6-47 rek—r--06-'-‘4, ,,E1,1, ,,,,_„(- -e-67... .. ____ _,°"12-6-7,,,,, _ /4-- ■ /1"24.---C-Cr-re //)..z.....c.jr_,K__ (Y le"-4. . 644 424-4.- ' --- - D.R.NOYES- C.P. NOVES. E.N.CUTLER. F ! ' I NOYESROS,&CUTLER,. 'nor t' ' Wholesale Druggists.I , , ' r rv7 I L. / __ A._ �ri , - D'Y.--rte--e-�-r .. (ia.._�_�r�,:,....„,,,,,_,,..,..1 ,, ,� (7( / 0 , / / 1-4--.- /o/_ / �� / .-v-z..,.-.-- ti---- —.�' ---A a-e—,__,, o/-6,__-4 �,&L � � / /L dr,t /--rr- , G / e Z ,;e-- , (AIL.. --Vic,- ---4 , ,itr-r,.....z_-.)2--wt--- 1--z---4-e--)--e-r aL---4"4-r,"-E-L'A 2---try,e- --, C.4-4-i 1.4-)7--- ,-,-.-1-1-- / /C-l-a-y C.-/„&-t-(_.-e-L--A :-....4 „Ag.,--c.- 1,,...iy- Ae..,...„ . 1.-'414E--, IZA°71-1/1/1...1/ / (1.-7,(_.{4,. I r+- 1-C NZ/tjtze, W ci6ii 4 CAfr-vvr-----iP-xz---icz- / , ,, , .yam __ __ /' 67 7r_,_.,,,-.,_--=,-___,,,,, . _11',,Z,____. .Z:--::-- �!G?� Gam" r .-.--- ,�, D.A N O Y E S. C.P.NOYE15. E:H.CUTLER. I it � F .\OYES EROS.&CUTLER, `'"Y' Wholesale Druggists. IT ..-OL,�► = gij7_,,egel /SOU. 6tyLe_/6 ---- „A___, 4, /ILL- ‘-e-e--4----'-"--- ---Y � � , �rw , t-t.o , .. ,, ,...„..,„6,,i, _ ,,,,,„. r z,__,_,p„.,. ,,/_„:,4 ivh_-6t_e_1_771-c`Y‘ fri/t_mttz_o_4,-,__0.._.„A -c,./1:7. ---7 • _,./_ -6.-,--- - Ice:7_,:ie/-7,:x k_r____,/ko,„" . a „Ai,c_i_.6.....„.t r ..„,c„____di•--------fs €7t,,, 0, , , rt,,,t,„/ / / ,- /-1-e,-------A, ,A,,„,7 "...,(/", 1--r l�.►,hL ts e �G . f (� �_t_e__„/„._,,,e_c_i4-- 7 c....) ei ____ ctii-,--4-4--- 4/7-kv-A hyll/fill /0 r ...,.....sa••••••""k. \ I t. 0 ) ■ gn.,,,,,t .1-:..ro:„.;...,,:l Nlii N \ 1 o 5=rt,<-,----f 5'' -4.-,''a'a .., mom',1 l' F'el,sa. 1 e.'< 2 gp.," 2,.,,N 1111 ill ' .t r::7.,g 5- 't-th"::,-,== , 14k ttC N I el,- • . ... , . . .... - • \ . ■ 1 ZN, ' \ . , • \ \ ilti.a• j 1 io I . \0\ \ . \ \ \ I\\ .-.• 4.r--,v u: z ak kk,N4\ \ , , S ‘ 111 ylbirk, R 'i'ts,,i _0 -0 ,..,r. ,..,, = \ A\ , • ■ t l'( 141\AS‘Hi '„ 0..... kl, , , \ k \ ' ' . ■ \ , , , -\, la. • D.R.NOYES - C..P. N OYEt . E.H.CUTLER. 1' \ OYES BROS CUTLEH, „i i ii i Irvv1 HIM ' Wholesale Druggists. rr;t� r fiv:. HIi ii 1 a,. L- %, / r C: 400) R:fy cp(__._....„ , _7. ..e.a/77/..ci.,,,,,_.:L, /ia,,,,,:„.aliba.A.„jef g2"V ZI/o-L-c--, 1-4 6; (/,,_ ,„...„, . . /41 ►� /y � , ,,,_,4.1.,-e-A_ A" ., . '," J Gt-d---e.-)-- , e7t---c--w--.2-,_ ..e.:34 ??. v-, , „..,,,______ /, -cam -- e_L-e,-Q, /k tt , / 1---1._--C,t zee. ➢' a� ¢0r-�,� .Q .. . 7(71,--e-el.- L,-a,,y -fi Gt--c-,t,,, /1 a-a---Gt 4.-.,-,-,9 - r 7.-b ityre„.„,e-,,,-- c.>--to„)1,g - .z---z-,ti.,1 4---tom- --oug-&- r .l u h•t,P,, cLia_o J. Cr-a----ct Kt."--e9---2-e."--L--%-:-L-----Ge---tru-1-4-% 14--- f F i \7 \ , '!r icre 47r 61..-,t-0 11---e-6-1-2--t-:7 f----,41 7 ,l-41_-t..‘.----. (4 1-1-71-t-Is.-3--,-A 6e-e-7--c,ckA / f/r1L' -4' ii--1.-4--C.,--&-W C‹<73-1-/ Of- t-4--;-j?-f eiLd-c-tAel-t„., 41-0-A,t,-1,-4,4 1 e-7 f�/ N 11,4- if 6 7 "A,--L, J__c.,,,,_,„--4---,--A--,1,-"--lo-r,<-.--c t4z o-ed-A,--,„r--i-)-7 4-,_ 0/---14-4,--cic.-4,--,...„,„ 4,---A 1.4.-- 2 ing cloud on our title ,and we very confidently expect ,on examina- tion of the facts in the case ,that your honorable body will grant our request We have just purchased lot 8 block 14 Stinson,Brown & Ramsey addition,so now own all pwrerty affected Very Respectfully r► .'antnbsxo no,,taocixe yl trrob i.non T lsv ow bsu *•ifl* Imo no bvols nt trssz ; Sl rw Ybod etdeloriori trio' tsrUsees. 014 al a t32"t "•tt `to not* SPecps t •rtro YIM alte is dN.[d 8 Sot booluislmq taut •v*( e-Y beSaet'ta vt-requq the nab wen as,notftbba yll t toelt;e& y7/eV • • St Paul Jan 13th 1888 To the Icon The Common Council of St Paul Gentlemen, We are the owners of lots 9 ,10 & ll ,block 14 Stinson,Brown & Ramsey' s Addition,and the majority of the owners along the line of the(supposed)alley way asked to be vacated. On some maps of the city there appears outlined as wind- ing across lots 9 lo,an Alley way or possibly a drive way to a stable on lot lo,see Popkins ' Atlas By reference to the original recorded plat of this addi- tion you will find that , although some tracings appear indicating an alley; as a matter of fact ,no such alley was ever located no width given-- or ever dedicated --- the"streets"alone being dedi- eated,and no refernce whatever made to an alley You will also find another good reason to doubt the intention of the proprietors to dedicate such an alley in the fact that the figure 9 ,indicating lot 9 is in the supposed alley way lines . I enclose copy of arti- cles of dedication and a rough sketch of the original plat Public use of such alley has never been had.In 1869 when I came to St Paul there wa s an old roadway in front of the brick house ,but the space indicated by the supposed alleay wa s enclo- sed as private property and has been since. Mr D.L.Curtice , whose letter I enclose , asserts , as you will noticelas-se414e that there has been no public use of it for a much longer time ,and he is ,no doubt correct Richmond St is now opened the alley way , if it exist- ed, would be of no use whatever to anyone ,unless to ourselves a s owners of lots 9,10 11,on which it appears ,and we therefore res- pectfully ask that it be vacated,in order to relieve us of a seem- • Inser afteX wt L, 139" fl to itsfvfon t-torsmort err rtott e:Tt 1'7 l-TINeLtnn',) 161 Aoo 10111 alt •:toi a/onwo . els sr a-formai °,7_+!qo!ssfli ot3 tmainoit! OjA 'teems:4 :7', rmenSool,-1.1;r1 •betsefly ed 4 + b.111114 VAW Vjfq :At.b9.!0(1CM.1)".L+ to nU Ar,131,s1 rr ) r'/Wit 10'!, a4+ lo aqam olon nO ot iw vilb e Taltesoq /0 tg. yeriA matol 'tor ssolva 411 **DA 'Rolltgoq eoetol .1-01 e.r..Jn#a 1*.DI bfgritiool lerti31-10 r,°1,1° none.Totort "Irr 1%10 6,11 liprre tvevtIgrri° orrfos ,sfsgs01:+liz •f 11 w lrf.......12. 420.1 • "", one .fnet ln °loth/7i s as ;r: ••.1 -abet; 71U.1, ztelf.1,it 1:14,14-eigipig -toy, -fp tirr.r: YLr. 8; Li iv 1 :a 11"t`:''t 17)-f e 4 ot P-•"otsfiNientiaD° lo no4tririni o+ nosevi booig 31/1.t !Taliw•flia 0/(174 fft g r. tefit ±vel oil °tam oftra to Sao eaoLette I ■ItHinit .,ginv yell* 1)000ctria tett ..a1.LL e azig 3 e41*• G late* tame a byte rooktionmis nmle 0081 la1.604 /eqd laysn aid 1,11* Itotra to eau oildui 1491-1liett* 'to tryto'rt r1 ysivbsol Ole fte a /1101 o+rs IsmiT o+ 9nr ftotono a Ma yserZe Imawsroo ott xd .,Ott+eottorti ***q* 11:4:4 Pd, enrlorl •eyfir Inait/o0v.t.1 rteo•-1 00°1 7;Ects ,r*IfKroicT start-NT ea bee +sita.* C iW 4.4t • $16UL1 geaol ; or., 31 wt ia,tvi1 iisC or i s +tot +1 10 etus oilcfmr w tX94')(7 t 0o o, cirmb • -tatxe t 1 !* Vale VoLLe e'f:t 010 bonsIo wori of: t8 e n mnyteenr10 . 11. frliarattnrf(nita tft "Ml7nttAW ,ser on to -,;,1pow ei)e s•Totrots,it ew 4-isteineqqs t1 rIfity,U °lie 34°11 zr&f7°4,to ' 'f', V V 4 4.4 CS/2 S /L3 4° / // 3 • •1 Ns) 6‘ 3 /3 /0 s‘ 3/ 4.1 Ise ,17 0 •s- 8 .18 2 9 PIM 7 4g0 27 /9 14 as 2.0 3 . "ft 4,7AN 4ta 244 .0) a/ 44e 23 2 / 4 4 Co 4% • • .€1.7./..€.0.-c-e-w,e-f-. • • 4-•-•-:e•C t a--e/ 7,74:t *104' ' 4 1 • • P i h A 1, 111644.4/Ai "11114Notc. • 3 , • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION . . STATE OF MINNESOTA, sS. County of Ramsey.t...../i..--,---E--/40:22.- . •/� being duly sworn, • deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of notice of . was taken from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, during the whole time of the publication of said notice, hereinafter stated, has been and is printed and published _ [OFFIC - IAL PUBLICATION,) in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minne- K 4acatiop of Stinson A//ey in B/ock �4, sota. That the said notice was published in said newspaper ' 6roH,n, & Aamsey's' Addition. GO rtilrnne.r,Zre'sh°2-6,PFia for the period of ...successive Cr - ST.PAUL , t'�//� > f'''���jjj �//I� Ble�,l d a of---.-.------ -_- - �,/ th�Woffice b A Ps been filed in CO1nmP,rlCing on the / y "'—i cil of the cit ordCommon C law.askin Y of ,as required ouu- dld Lion: �tinsone vacawll❑ ° alle �n for IR8j upon which day last mentioned it was first published, Whereas, The Bro & Ramsey�s they are the o e Petitioners state Pro nftY abuttingrupon° a majority eftthe line and and ending on the /� day of and thatthe oU eC�sked t° be along the vacation asked for and reason for ted, not of an is.that such never hasY Pubhc use or said alley is 188. , on which day last mentioned it was last published, been,a benefit,a„d Now therefore,notice is hereby that said Petition will be Y given sidered by the heard and con- upon which days or times of publication aforesaid .the said aaY or St Pau!Corn °n Council of the Y of May,A.U. Tuesday,the 15th Hall t the Council Chamber ino'tbe Ci y newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole BY order of the Common Council. Thos.A.PREFER Mch 27-iwtues City Clerk. tues time of the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said ne"":.,s:er. . it /4” Subscribed and sworn to se • e me this . % Iday of • t,-", 4. / / A. D. 188 efr Printer's Fee, $ WAiitt Mitt 4, Notary Pu lie,Ramsey County,M nn. • • i • A '• Th •