1888 (8) 1... ,,,, 2W ,,, , ei°• ....",., 'Ii. - OFFICE. OF 0‘' •YE,,, C• >>E1, e 1, Ceitv Zreaztirer v>E1, i 4. - ,„,b t 4%4t(%,n cr,A ctl'eir,”'''ect7en;rctiel'',741°,1.,e7er,cil".,%‘t,e,ct 6t, a%4? ‘' 0,„ ‘ a 1.-.11. ? ...%\,.......„ ii . ..- ..... ? ? .../ ? • V 1 ? \ 1 \ ? >, . Ni. -s< ■, Ikilike ‘e 4 e i I I I I it-ilis - , ......, e I 2 3 e 4 . I . \ \ i .N.N. N.".. 'N. '\. N. "iN". "•■•N. N..*\,"\i 1 4, 411 T 1 • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA, ? SS. County of Ramsey. elle./777 (4?lerw• being duly sworn, deposes and says that the annexed printed copy `ut notice of . / `_ was taken from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, during the whole time of the publication of said notice, hereinafter stated, has been and is printed and published .. in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minne- a [OFFICIAL Part of PUBLICATION.' Vacation of Part of Haze/ and Grove Streets. sota. That the said notice was published in said newspaper •' CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, ST.Paul.,Minn.,March 26,1888.f for the period of successive.... - Whereas,a petition has been fired in this office, by order of the Common Council of the City of St.Paul,as re- commencing on the , quired by law,asking for the vacation r-r day of of Hazel street, from Grove street to Dale street,and Grove street,from Ce- dar street to Hazel street; and 188. ..., upon which day last mentioned it was first published Whereas, the petitioners state that they are the sole owners of ali the prop- erty abutting upon and along the line of the streets asked to be vacated, and I that the object and reason for such va- and ending on the day of I cation as asked for is,that said streets greatly interfere with and injure the property of petitioners for cemetery 188.. on which day last mentioned it was last published, , purposes,etc.; g y p that aid1petition will lbe heard and con- sidered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul on Tuesday; the 15th upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said day of May,A.D. 1888, at 7:30 o'clock p. in., at the Council Chamber in the City Hall. newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole �3'order OS.Common Council. mch27-4w tue City Clerk. time of the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newsp, ••r. / / / __. .... .. Subscribed and sworn o before me t�: /4/ day of A. D. 188 Printer's Fee, $ t 'G T ...Notary Public,Ranmounty, Minn. _ 21) __ A e.:. . 111011111Prirr A". -r. - ao:'• .• i ,■ - .. ,-.•,••. •,,'.•-. " (\r. 7-1- --- . .--,\-- ... zr.\_.... ._, ' - ‘ * •-- b ■ /.": 0-dJ‘c ; • .R■ 1 ., — • • . . . 1 , 1 I 1 I 1 1 . i I ; , i 1 --6.- ---c-c-,--+ /Ft.-frvizzai. i v.• . - I . /1---(--c-c 1 1 / "c-L / • . "A'-' rw_.„-c-v----r-r-vz--- i , / / Z , ■ /d 0*--rkx, ce-ti i - 1 .„ , // ca„- • , • 1 ,,i. / ,. ir, ,----- -e--7. ---- _---z-t--z7--/ . , . 1 i i ect ,y./ 1./ - a.,a /fle , , ` 2----p.-K , /1 , / , , . , / • c c-c--t-------- -7-- ' , . . . war 1"1"41rIr N.. A I gyp. 4 rid OH NOS 0 aes t%‘ . 4% tk. t i ,.. . 1 ronillig.M.ZrCemetry goele, - •— tion--- 1-.,',._ For the vecittfat ' azel street,free Grove street t, and Gr tr•et, fro:i'•th eet to H . s,l.-.•. 1:-.- ,-' •it Streets -- DISTRICT COURT 6,2----- 7----- , 6" ' • - ../ County of 7 . c7robt.,;--;:- . .1 ..., /.. .... e_j7 i t.4, -.1`- VS. , , ,.... . __ - _-•-t, 41. ".illa.N)N 4- . . t 11 — /46'4,1- --Cor--e-- ; wOr.-4' .41- _.---V--,040•4f ' t A ,,e-e,--A-e-i- ' k.t/Kelt‘-■-...Z,-- Filed this day of A H • ..,- • 4. D. 188 0 NC Ilikb1 ..."""...e.-,Aee..", 'ie+610., Id.r • ,- Clerk. . pc:„.., ' 2...,,, ze:/, _ . f-7---2.,.... ili Y.7-144k(ai , , 411r1W1 -4 As. ,,,,40011110--1.--- 11111-1- .20.:: ........., ..._. , attorney --■1. l .0/ 'I ao■,,JPP%AIIIIIIIIII4'd°11I' -.., ,...;...._ .0-..w./...../ Ag111.1111,- . - , _ ,'t: --.,• ..:' - • t ra ii›.'s a'' U2 o r./2.!14°1 ..N y Lt2 K o cz t.Z.' 7# i -' R2, ' g \N i-t co O O ct- O p, 1 ; c !�' Oq '4'1/4 sue. ia,• . IN 5 , . . :, , • CD y'" 0 1,...\rk ! . , co • VS. 04 CD j ,I: -,, 1,f ,. 111 i 11 5. (114'141t tu.. t- •, CD y a • Q P R' ' . El N. , ri ). . - 4 - -...101/44.......) . 1 a . . , ' • ' 1 . To the City Cc.iunci 1 of the City of St. Paul: - Your .petitioner, the Lutheran Cemetar, Association, respectfully represents to your body, and prays, as follows: - That it is a duly incorporated Cerneta.ry Association, , and is the owner in fee of the land adjoining the .Portions of streets I hereinafter referred to, 'within the limits of the City of St. Paul , That the plat, or dralinD hereto attached, contains the land and street2hereinafter referred to. That said land was once platted into lots of one arid two thirds acres each, and streets TO ft. aide. That said streets have never been opened or in any way used as streets by the city or any .person. That the streets hereinafter mentioned pass through the said land oweed by said Cemetary Association, which land 1 this association uses solely for cernetary purposes. That the fat that, the sane has been ,platted into I i a-- streets, oreatly interferes with and injures said property for ,c,-,rne- , tary purposes, making portions of said property vvholei•cF,Fal'u-eless .for Purposes of burial. That your _petitioner is the owner of all the oryio--- erty-o-n. el ter side of said streets souht to be vacated. Wherefore your _petitioner prays that -ciaze,1 Street be wacated from Grove Street to Dale Street, and that Grove Street •be vacated from 'Cedar Street to Hazel Street, that being; the .00rtion of said streets passing through and beinli: in said Property of your .reti tictner. Your ,oeti tioner fu'r"ther-states that what ,propertY may 'be acquired by ' this vacation will 'be used ,by it solely for cern- - e ra-fy purpose ' -- -- ..,_ ..-14 -,-- • , . , . .---- --) d_. , . _..... - — . ..._ z_Th 4.4. ._________ __, ______ _ r II 4/ l. ....A.,:vd P...4,,,,, .., kYiF JI'dll�9 �� t S 4 + v �4 ':::4d0' ' A 'f *M 1 .'fi-0. ;, .. �' . �� �� 1606 ' t,t ,4 1; t , � , � ''►► i . , ' r'_ It i r.ji--.4O qq , it4s4 r- ,:'s q a+ .1, (Q I . ,;_s ,_7) , . 200' '.' TY6tZrczs-C_ Sb j ry d 0,S 4, .7 oC/SI 4, 3 2 • • a 5 6 7 8 /2 1/ I 0 9 P \ `7 0:al/(/ A n is C/1 / ' �' 3 14, `'') . f /6 e *4• ► , /9 /7 ,P i d ..^P / 22 '3 e , " " rzz 7 d 1 2G 2s 2 P { f ,. ,09'''' if t li,,'', 3 0 2 ■ 1 Z61 "� 3s- ,1:r 4 3 3 Cieda7- sbi NI• 3 7 3 % 39 40 c cv 0 15 1 G 4-7 4 1 q v .2VI cLri 7e .S