1888 (5) r......_.....,....._.....___ • • • •• __ • •_ • I , ',z, I . (,) • ir..,.5 ■- .. 8 •,(' . % I , t . t . 11 1 71 V \ I . Ck' A. • I \c 't=, t . s . . . 1 i t t • ! ,›? • t.l. •0 1. 4 1 1 l■ / I , "•.)*I'f'--j ,„,,,* ',..1".'■ _.,.._71'. - l•-•-•-•-*-- • - •-.--.0 • ...__ __.,_ 1 .-L-fmnsvmd, ALIO i+ , t , " •. ..E0 mom.m.mo . _ -•-•-•-••-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-• - • ii ■-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•- 1•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•■•-•-•-•-• 4_ • I - AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION . STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. - / being duly sworn, deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of notice of was taken from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, during the whole time of the publication of said notice, herein- after stated, has been and is printed and published in the (sty [OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.] Vacation of Streets and Alleys in of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minnesota. That .West St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate Ad- the said notice was published in said newspaper for the period di: on No. 5. of successive COQ commencing CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, J • ST.PAUL,Minn.,Feb.14,1888.} on the._-__----..._/51 day of v C/[� 188r, upon Whereas,a petition has been filed in this office, by order of the Common Council of the City of St.Paul,as re- which day last mentioned it was first published, and ending of the treets aid asking alleys in West vacation Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate Addition No.5; and Whereas, the petitioners state that on the 7`z. day of &-e--- 188 ', on which they are a majority of the owners of property in said addition,and the object and reason for such vacation as asked for is to allow of the opening and dedi- day last mentioned it was last published, upon which days or eating of such streets as are shown on a plat accompanying said petition,for the reason that the streets in said addition as now platted form no means of com- times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was munication with adjoining property; Now,therefore,notice is hereby given that said petition will be heard and con- sidered by the Common Council of the regularly published, and that during the whole time of the said City of St. Paul on Tuesday, the 3d day of April,A.D.1888, at 7:30 o'clock p. m.,at the Council Chamber in the City Hall. publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the By order of the Common Council, THOS.A.PRENDERGAST, feb15-5w-wed City Clerk. said newspaper. //a OF Subscribed and sworn to befo e i e this • /0— _. _day of � 2717% A. D. 188 6 Printer's Fee, gyp' h,Lc' J Notary ublic, amsey County, Minn_ r 7. 1 I -: ,_..--,,, . li t; f, Il, 4 /t flk,c,„., ,:tilte . . C'. \ ''‘I\ fl\ '1/4.\ yam ' \ \ I I,.I k N it \ ir 1 \ �? 11 1 k lk r' i III ] ■ \ \\t\ IbNikk ft r. g. ■ L • 1 a 1 t 9 a 1 i t Y: 9 . Y . r s • 1 ■ 7 g 3 } . • } I 2I1 - - - - - - • */_ 30 — of __, 32 ■ ,, /,-- Y-- - Ir , I / ---Y4 /_,(Ti-,-(-df,,,,/ } 4,74,,,,Az 2 OAJt/66 Lti__OW / ei - PC?_ _,A r/Z- t--Z , 4 , I • _7ZJ 0 / /2-/C/ m_to4 -1_• -(_ / ,,,,,c2_,,.,,,c , Ve} ■ f /_ 4r, / az4 o' / c c____-4/u(... 1:-/—Z Or A r /"._ \c4 .9 .0-4/1.64 j7,/),2,t/f-7,77 4----",z,d-t- .0----e2-4-ai .o c/ale_j—,--t."7,0. `--1-1-2-2/fri_ of ,-/---1-2/-6- Kr---dp"-- IlY /re je, 614 --/- -/-1/1,./. 11. 77--"Ce-/C1-?._,--,----./.,tr (--1 3! .(Z _ ,g,Gd , ,,e■ ' ai,e, .- ,,,,,d_} i 1 iii � , '7,-,,-7k1 V ,„ ,[3-Z., , ,,,,, 7/ „../..., 7,,,,,„/„.,----,,,, L��� i 7 -41- eiiilitr- , _/ _ • ?/1/1-,a .6??,_ 4," . _ . 54.2 / i 8 1 1:2/(4/C-11 -4-WA a- / 7 - 1 ,a__,/ -1/2 19 _ ILL/0--/ -74// -�?� /if A - r / 1 rl - . / di-,t. to _ �'1'7/I7t / /'0 > 22 �Yz�l / C' r 4. / 2," 3:3 a - / I i .r l I i ! ' / 29 _ The Capi y Real C ' a:ld improvement Company. / ' fitil ,I • 7#r IMP e4y A PAA4Petli4441 14-c-s7 .:‘ i -1-4- f / , t _ - h• / 30 � Gliv z'�'ti, j itil € V �+W .6r'4F STATE OF u INNESOTA, ss. County of -- �- On this l' : �___-dad of / „ , me V G-u(" x personallu appeared - -.. ,- / to me known to be the p son-V described in and who exeent the forefoin • instrument, and acknouwledled that exec"ted the same as free act and deed. Signed sealed and de1�j din the ores( of �, er,. , N. , y Pudic, �' / RAMSE COUNTY, MINNESOTA. i a • 11111111111111111 --■ — g`c I.0 . . . "•-i.• IF, q —,- . '...— 1 7. ''7 . ■ '1111 I I ill,s.V%i t. ,..,6•." ', 'I ,.., r--- ------_ , -L------------------------____ Ai