1887 r•-••-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•0-•-•-••-•-•-•-•0•• • • • -- 1 II: --tk) p it ' ilk 01' 0 ■ L , + 4 t /\ II t ., ■ \Z.\ I 00. It** NI, • • • r'sj s ; 5 , i 1 ... . 4 + .z. . , ‘s=. ,---), • , . ,, , • p\--NJ ,-.7 t o t , .) `-:,,,,,, 6 . 4.--2. ''.C.) •--.—" ""*-' '7...--.-*--'.....—. *--.0.-1':*--1.---'-."-•-■--■;-■- f HHHI1SAFUH,I, A.LIO + AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION . STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. ..... cc ./�Geer✓ being duly sworn, deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of notice of & -- was taken from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, during the whole time of the publication of said notice, herein- after stated, has been and is printed and published in the (,ity Vacation Io of PUBLICATION.] art fsc Vation of Fart of Osceola Avenue. of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minnesota. That CITY CLERK'S OFFICE,1 ST.PAUL,Oct.17,1887.1 Whereas.A petition has been filed in . the said notice was published in said newspaper for the period this office, by order of the Common Council,as required by law,asking for the vacation of that part of Osceola ave- �� � one described as e of Pleasant nt aCommencing t Of •- successive commencing on the north line of Pleasant ave at the intersection of the east line of Osce- oia avenue with said north line of Pleas- ant avenue; running thence northerly On the_ l� day of 188 , upon on the easterly line of Osceola avenue two hundred ninety-eight and fifty- , two-one hundredths (298 52,100) feet more or less,to northerly line of block which day last mentioned it was first published, and ending three(3)of Highland Park;thence west- erly across Osceola avenue to the point of intersection of the north line of block l'l7 day of "7l ISti'�, on which I westerly erl l said Osceola Park with h nce on the / westerly said of Osceola avenue; thence southerly along the westerly line of Osee- ola avenue two hundred thirty-four and thirty-six-one hundredths(234 36-100) day last mentioned it was last published, upon which days or feet,more or less,to the northerly line of Pleasant avenue; thence easterly along the northerly line of Pleasant avenue to the place of beginning; and times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was • whereas,The petitioners state that they are the owners and a majority of the owners of the property abutting upon and along the line of said part of regularly published, and that during the whole time of the said Osceola avenue asked to be vacated, and that the object and reason for such vacation is,that the said part of Osceola ' avenue can never be used for the pur- publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the poses of a street without very great ex- pense and great injury to property on both sides of the same,and the pet;tiou- ers will dedicate to the public for the said newspaper. purposes of a street that portion of said block four (4) located between the red +a' lines as shown upon the plat attached to said petition; Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that said petition will be heard', and considered by the Common Council I of the City of St.Paul on Tuesday,the 6th day of December,A.D.1887,at 7. Subscribed and sworn to bef re me this o'clock p.m.at the Council Chamber, `' the City Hall. As By order of the.Com.mon-Counci1, THOS.A. A PIENDERGST, City Clerl day of I pet 17-§w-sat A. D. 1887 Printer's Fee, $ (./07lli Notary Public Rams County, Minn. y � y y, .'l t %L- - - lir:, --"---1., , STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTYOF RAMSEY IN THE MATTER OF THE VACATION OF A PART OF OSCEOLA AVENUE TO THE HONORABLE THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST4 PAUL:— ThE_ UNDERSIGNED,YOUR PETITIONERS MAITLAND E.GRAVE'S AND LOUIS C*HAY OF ST.PAUL MINNESOTA, RESFECTFULL Y REPRESENT* IST:.. THAT YOUR PETITIONER MAITLAND EsCRtVES IS THE OWNER OF BLOCK FOUR 141 AND ALL OF BLOCK THREE 131 OF HIGHLAND PARK EXCEPT LOT SIX 161 THERE OF ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE CF THE REGISTER OF DEEDS OF RAMSEY COUNTY,MINNESOTA AND YOUR PEA TITIONER LOUIS C.HAY WWNS LOT SIX 161 AFORESAID AND THEY DESIRE TO HAVE VACATED THAT PORTION OF OSCEOLA AVENUE DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS TO WIT: COMMENCING ON THE NORTH LINE OF PLEASANT AVENUE AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE EAST LINE OF OSCEOLA AVENUE WITH SAID NORTH LINE OF PLEASANT AVENUE RUNNING THENCE t:ORTHERLY ,ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF OSCEOLA AVENUE TWO HUN- w;'.:N ANL, NINETY E I :GHT ANL 52-ICiOTHS FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE NORTHER.LY LINE OF SAID BLOCK THREE 131 AFOREAA ID;THENCE WESTERLY ACROSS OSCEOLA AVENUE TO THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF BLOCK FOUR 141 WITH ThE WESTERLY LINE OF OSCEOLA AVENUE,THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WES, ERLY LINE CF OSCEOLA AVENUE TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY FOUR AND 36—#0OTHS FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF PLEASANT AVENUE;THENCE EAST- ERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF PLEASANT AVENUE TO THE PLACE OF BEGIN..., NING: ANL, YOUR PETITIONERS OWN ALL THE PROPERTY ON THE LINE OF SAID PART OF OSCEOLA AVENUE WHICH THEY ASK TO HAVE VACATED* 2ND .: YC ; ETITIONERG RESPECTFULLY REPRESENT AS THE FACTS AND REA- SONS FOR SUCH VACATION THAT OSCEOLA AVENUE AS NOW LOCATED BETWEEN SAID BLCOV::. THREE 131 AND FOUR 141 RUNS THROUGH A BLUFF OR EMBANKMENT FIFTY • g. FEET I N HEIGHT AND THE SAME CAN NEVER BE GRADED OR USED FOR THE PURPO- SES OF A STREET WITHOUT VERY GREAT EXPENSE AND GREAT INJURY TO THE PRO- PERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF THE SAME. THAT A RAVINE RUNS FROM PLEASANT AVENUE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY SIDE OF BLOCK FOUR 14! AFORESA10 AND THE EXPENSES OF GRADING A STREET LOCA TED I N SAID RAVINE WOULD BE MERELY NOMINAL A S COMPARED WITH THE EXPENSE OF GRAD I NG SAID OSCEOLA LOCATED AVENUE AS NOW S{XNEIN BETWEEN SAID NIKISRSC BLOCKS AND YOUR PETITIONERS OFF" ER IN CASE SAID OSCEOLA AVENUE IS VACATED AS THEY ASK HEREIN TO DE— UIt.;ATE TO THE PUBLIC FOR THE USES OF A STREET THAT PORTION OF SAID BLOCK FOUR 141 LOCATED BETWEEN THE RED LINES AS SBOWN UPON THE PLAT HERETO ATTACHED AND HEREWI TH PRESENTED SO THAT SA ID STREET MAY RUN THROUGH SAID RAVINE. WHEREFORE YOUR PETITIONERS PRAY THAT THAT PORTION OF OSCEOLA AVENUE PARTICULARLY DESCRI BED HEREIN MAY BE VACATED* G2'�c�✓ r ST ATE OF M I NNESOTA / 0 COUNTY OF RAMSEY SS MAITLAND Es GRAVES AND 044-44-° G / RE I NG DULY SWORN DEPOSE AND SAY EACH FOR H I MSELF THAT HE I S ONE OF THE PETIT I O NE'.RS I N THE MATTER ABOVE ENTITLED, THAT HE HAS READ THE FOREGOING PETITION AND KNOWS THE CONTENTS THEREOF AND THAT THE SAME I S TRUE. SUOSC'R/I BEG AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THI :_3AY OF ACTOBER A,D.s 1867 t C(Y NOTARY PUBLIC M I I.N• • c \ 0 ■, * ,.........el........, x ':‘, '......... 'AN ,e .....__. ilk \ 1111■444N1 '44''''' s 1 L Ns. ■ 1 \ :„.. te,5.-, • a .. .-,. t , k , .., l,p ''V ■ v , ■ t .'', .i. , • . t ,,, - 1\ v kn\ I k„,, -. AD N. 1 ..\ \---) 0 ... -AL. • e pz,. i air[. is- • T 1 N. CI, i • a r N. \ :,..,.,"‘-<.,,,. Pi/ ezr ) - ---- 1 )110-`•.-c -' , a ... ■: N 4, i . , `\--4 • • • 1-,m N N '`i i\i. °i(° ,t,o