1882 (3) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION . STATE OF MINNESOTAt ss. COUNTY F A . (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.) ( , 1 b(j--_._being duly sworn, Vacation of Part of Block '1I Dayton de oss and says that the annexed printed copy of notice and Irvine's Addition. / ' / CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, of _ • _.... -- _,_,/../.1..."/ /�_i iii i as taken ST.PAUL,Minn., October 10,1882. WHEREAS, a petition has jbeen filed in this office,as provided by law,by order of the Com- . GLOBE, mon Council of the City of St.Paul,asking for f1'Oy72 t e ST. PAUL DAILY (rLOBE, a newspaper which the vacation of the strip of land forming the entrance to Maiden Lane, in block 71, of Dayton & Irvine's addition to St. Paul, and during the whole time of publication of said notice here- described as follows: Commencing at a point on the northerly line of Lot 26,in Block 71, of Dayton&Irvine's addition to St.Paul, twenty- four feet westerly from the northeasterly corner inafter stated, has been and is printed and published in of said lot; thence running southwesterly along 1 p p the southerly line of Maiden Lane 433 feet to the northeasterly corner of Lot 25,in said block; thence running northerly at right angles to Selby r• . County, avenue,to the southerly line of said avenue; the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Jtlinne- thence running easterly to the place of beginning. The petitioners state that they are the owners of a ma- sota. That the said notice w published in said news- jorityof all the property owned on the line of / said Maiden Lane,and on the line of property asked to be vacated,and the facts and reasons for such vacation are as follows: That said le Maiden Lane,as now laid out, intersects Selby a7 r the period of /` successive avenue at an obtuse angle,making it,if so used, �,¢_ inconvenient of access and difficult to drive !//� through the entrance,that the portion of land d g commencing a �f A in on the..- / forming the entrance to said lane has never been /\ 5 l -•- used as a drive-way,but entrance to Selby ave- nue has been made through a piece ..f ground lying immediately west of the entrance to said lane,which land the owner thereof proposes to 188 �zcpon which day last mentioned it was first pub- lane,which land the owner thereof proposes to deed to the city"as a public highway and as an G entrance of said Maiden Lase to Selby avenue," should the vacation asked for be made. lzshd e , and ending on the..... / day of at 1 .JAc/ Now,therefore, notice herby given, that said petition will be heard and co sidered by the . !Common Council of the Ci+v of `�t. Paul, on ` Tue&day,the 21st day of No, cbmr.A.D, 1882, 1881-on which day last mentioned it was last published, at 7:30 o'clock p.m.,at th oil Chamber, f in the City Hall. By order of Common'Council. THOMAS A. PREND'?.RGAST,City Clerk. upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the oat 11-wed-4w. said newspaper was regularly published, and that clur ing the whole tim e )f the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said/newspaper. ai Subscribed and Sworn to before me, this day of \ -Y1-0---.i--- /i.g.-1 .f1• D. 188 2_• Printer's Fee, / , - Ad/OIL% liftll0 r/ Notar, 'blie, Ramsey liFty, Minn. 1' 61 r‘:.. .\c\\*\\ • • • (.1) cr,,, 4 iNational Paper t . Company, / / / '2N/ / / 1 / ��..______ , evc,„/"(A-,- L - i_____,__ , , , . - 1, ,. .....,,, . . , / ; - witi, 4.- _ • . , . ' • .,__, . . e_. . C% <( �_ //I -- a - .; , � x ( 6/,,, %,,,,,., ‘Or i i; 4.----t--< 2_4_ e...„____.____,J. OP f / . 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