1879 AFFIDAVIT OF PURLICATION. STATE 8 - MINNESOTA> SS. (�I I Y NOTICE. /; ,NTY OF RAM -- - Official cial Publication. , 9 az,( . being duly sworn, Vacation of Part of Wacoata, Rosabel,Broad- depos,, ,ind says at the annexed printed copy of notice of wa', the Public Levee, Pine, Olive, John, �C _ was taken locust, \Villius, Neill, Kittson, Conway and Water Streets. from, tl2e ST. PAZTL DAILY GLOBE,,a newspaper which CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, - t Sr. PauL, Minn., September 19, 1879. j during the whole time of publication of said notice herein- WHEREAS, A petition has been filed in the City Clerk's office,as provided by la s, by or- der of the Common Council of the City of after stated, has been and i s printed and published in the Saint Paul,for the vacation of the following described parts of the following named streets and the following described part of the Public Levee,all in the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of .Minnesota. county,Minnesota,to-wit: Wacouta street—A length of 204 feet, the same being included between two points re- spectively 152 and 356 feet southeast from Zh.at the said notice was L d in said newspaper for Third street. Rosabel street—A length of 204 feet, the the ind of same being included between two points re- spectively successive. spectively 152 and 356 feet southeast from Third street. Broadway street—A length of 161 feet, the same being comprised between two points re- spectively on the / — day of �� spectively 205 and 356 feet southeast from A Third street. The Public Levee—The northwest portion of the same,extending from the northeast side of 187 upon which day last men ' ned it was r st published,, Sibley street to the northeast side of Broad- way way street,and being of a width of 26 feet — opposite to and adjoining block 29,in St.Paul and ending on the / day 0 f l� Proper,and of a width of 64 feet opposite to and adjoining blocks 3 and 4,in Hopkins'Ad-` dition to St.Paul: also the permanent right-of- way for two passenger railway tracks and for 18/ , on which day l st mentioned it was last published, two transfer railway tracks over the Public Levee,from the northeast side of Sibley street to the Sioux City Railroad, southwest from u n which days or times of publication aforesaid the said Jackson street. ap, Pine street—A length of 56 feet, the same,9 being included between two points respectively a\292 and 348 feet southeast from Third street. newspaper was regularly published, and that during the Olive street—A length of 43 feet, the same P' being included between two points respective-u ly 322 and 365 feet from Third street. iE whole time of the said publication he was one o f the printers John street—A.length of 43 feet, the Live-same„ p being included between two points respective- ly 351 and 394 feet southeast from Third)C street. at and publishers of the said newspaper. Locust street—A length of 43 feet,the same AP/*ie being included between two points respective is 3 ly 382 and street—A feet from Third street. Willing street—A length of 54 feet,the same t being included between two points respective-I ly 393 and 447 feet from Third street. Neill street—A length of 147 feet, the same Subscribed and Sworn o before me, this being included between two points respective- ly 336 and 483 feet southeast from Third 4 street. Kittson street—A length of 390 feet, the day of same being from a point 190 feet southeast from Third street to another point 580 feet from Third wtrNnt. _ .fl.'"D. 187 Printer's Fee, $ ,// 4 , f .Notary Public, Ramse.1 founty 1. f■S\ - . • • J. _ I - _ _ C' �_ z -_ _ ./!�' -�--€ma ,Gc Ace-L—Z.7. 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