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-aoaelp pas penmen Sgaaaq si amss am pus
`aq rasa '1s 3o Sip piss al`(Palisa os) slol
1tto e,1SoH Jo (9) x!s lot g2noagl pus aaeo
*pseud es pails lddlss!sslp o uoilaod pas
lard 1tg1 11s pas gaaaa os 1sgj 'P ° (
sl 1l`sasseaaaa pas aadoad sl ao;
packs ss aolisavn am ism noluldo
aq1 ;o ilalaq pus `palsaaalal suos
-cad Its Zalasaq ism `Ilaano;i uommol aq1
`aallou piss al panoliaam could aql is`598T
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pas `•IIsH Silo am al aagmsg0
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-nod plus lsni 2allsls apsm aoaq ssq `088
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`salaam ano;ao;Sip piss ;o aBdsd maw am
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4aal0 Silo am gllm paoaaa ;o palg Sint)sum
liaann0 nom moo am Jo aapao am no aoilui
-ad galgm`saanoililad am ;o om1 3o R1uo am
Sy paglaae Slap sem pus`palsote aq o1 pasod
-oad ss';oaaagi geld s Sq palasdmoaas SInP
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agl guao;1aa Slap ao11t,ad galgb`peaogaam
snorts 1aaals Iddlsslss!Lk piss ;o nonacid pat
lard gem ale5se of mud 1S 3o SIla am Jo Ila
-ano0 uommo)aq1 paaollllad aesq 'visa uE
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vaoamo aqi do Sli ofsm V `svauaHAi
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piq gang Sundwoaau;sunt pcq guuoutn
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Talon pipe
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Cow on Council , St ,Paul ,
Cent Z emen:
In the matter of the
petition of L , K. Stone and others asking for the vacation
of a portion Of Mississippi street and your order
directing a report as to what streets should he grad ..?
to ccccofr'mocZcte the travel :
I find , from an examination of the records and
plats that McMlenamy and Cera7,ium streets wouZd , if ex-
tended ) take the place of this T,ortion of ,Jississip pi
street ) and understand that a roadway has ?peen graded
along the lines of these streets extended , so as to ac-
corr: o( ate traz'oZ and that it 2s ,)roposed , when A!iSSiSSip-
pi street is vacated to dedicate for St," eez; ) rposes
that portion Of lot 5 , I'oyt ' s o tZots , lying within the
lines of said streets if exta red ,
This wiZ Z result it givi< g a half street around
the northwest corner of said lot 6, i;:: ,} lace of .'.fissis -
q r� V
O �
I. p c4.
••° QLa � a
County of Ramsey.
being duly sworn,
deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of notice
**. •
of , was taken
from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper whieh,
during the whole time of the publication of said notice,
hereinafter stated, has been and is printed and published
in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minne-
I°Metal Publication.j
sota,. That the said notice was published in said newspaper VACATION
Of that Portion of Mississippi
Street as runs through Lot 6,
for the period of successive .... C-4; of "Hoyt's Ou.t Lots."
. .
coinmencing on the 77 day of CITY CLER OFFICE,
. Minn., an ry 29,,1885.
WHEREAS a petition hh filed in this office
by order of the Co Ct un he City of
Saint Paul,aud as ov dheyilla%ft,the
askitig for
188,3, upon which day last mentioned it was first Wished, the vacation of o m h of Mississippi street as
passes over an hr gh lot 511(6) at "Hoy.t's
and ending on the day of 1 Out Lots' (so-ca led),in said city of St.Paul,and
WHEREAS the etitioners!state that they are
the ov xt,3111 of a majority of the property on the
line of the vacation asked for,and that the object
of said vacation is, that the petitioners are de-
sirous ot subdividing said lot six(9)into lots and
188.6 , on which day last mentioned it was last published, bloc ks,and that the line of the passage of said
Mississippi street over and through said lot ore-
vents the subdivision thereof with regularity,and
in conformity with the subdivision of surrounding
upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said pro erty.
Now,therefore, notice is hereby given,that
said petition will be heard and c insidered by the
Common Council,of Saint Paul,on a committee
newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole to be appointed by them on Tuesday,the 17th
, day of March.A.D. 1885,at 7:30 o'clock p.,111.,
at the Council Chamber in the city hall.
By order of the Common Council.
. ,
time of the said publication he was one of the printers and THOS.A.PRENDERGAST
jan.29.5wAh Clerk.
publishers of the said newspaper.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
1/1 day of
A. D. 1881
Printer's Fee, $
11 (Atit(A: CA4k
Notary Public, amsey County,Minn.
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