1886 (2) 4 • , .. H • CO 1■• N - i t # % . ■t i k Nlih, )--1-.. # • 0 1 - ; ‘ '‘ i • t : 1:14 ti t ; . 1 ) . , ■ , i 4t ' • i ■t , - en ‘-:----.-1,2 ) i■ . i , _.- .,--, , -■ .t ) t. ' ; ..) ... ..-.;,.„,,i, , . ,•., • ,i,„ idlIllhllh------ #t r* t.30ftkasmoi, AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA, } ss. County of Ramsey. being duly sworn, deposes and says that t annexed printed copy of notice of was taken from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, during the whole time of the publication. of said notice, hereinafter stated, has been and is printed and published Vacation of Fart of Mound Stre3t. in the city of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minne- CITY CLERK'S OFFICE,1 ST.PAUL,Oct. 25,1885. sota. That the said notice was published in said newspaper Whereas,a petition has been Sled in this office by order of the Common Council of the City of St.Paul,as provided by law,asking �i i�i1�� for the vacation of that part of Mound street for the period of �y vim,. successive /� between Hiatvatha street and Reserve street, P formerly Geneva st et,between blocks 18 and 22,Suburban Hill Addition,and commencing Whereas,the petit' r ate that they are / a owners of the p on either side of g on the W day of l 'v� a street asked t v ted,and that the 'bject and reasoi f r e vacatioi asked for i s,that said stre t.as now laid out between i the points named, s across a deep ravine, 188... ., upon which day last mentioned it was first published, and is impracti able r travel on account of the grade,etc., nd that the petitions s will open up and ded ate to the public a street • extending from H wxtha street to Re erve and ending on the y.3 day Of..___.... . street.and also from 1'horn street toHiawatha t street. • Now,therefore,notice is hereby given that said petition Rill be heard and considereu ny t 188 , on which day last mentioned it was last published, the common Council of the City of St.Paul cn Tuesday, the 7th day of December,A. D. c 1886. at 7:30 o'clock p. m.,at the Council r. Chamber,in the City Hall. upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said ' By order of Common Council. P Y P I _ THOS. A.PRENDERGA — . oct26-5w-tues City ity Clerk. t newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspaper. ✓fir Subscribed and sworn to bet.; e me this day of A. D. 188 Printer's Fee, $ 1/0 Notary Public,Ramsey County,Minn. r iivi , 'ff'316--(4 11 i 7/./--;-- ,-- ., d.„-, X2ez,,,,,/,_ ,.,.......,z_ o/eee-,...._ : ii ' ' 3 "- ‘`4.4- . , 9 fi 1 _jezii E_I 4, 3 _ 7..,/ i 6 jee -44;7(7 --e7C------e--.1eW- ir-/Ai&--.$1re .400,e---e--0..: -, e..e... : ' r ...2-, le_ __,_._.e_- -c. l*fc- 4. e,-.:f.-. , .-- .1- /8v ,e,Z. i°��, 4-z-1- � . -. -� ,) GAL. ,.P • , �i�G aej .-zu��. �-�+� Gnu di -- -G, _ ./-��- -4. u 6- Zi- % ,./., . - Z,.__..„... ..} .,_..-z .,e„.._.._...L.z. --,--.-----4.- - ,------ --t-t 1c P E_-,G, ovz-z� 4.:.7„, 6 . 17 MilirGe----e-c-e-s..ft. �� Gr-- �.. 2ut.L. � -- / 18 _ (i ,e , .i?� -� 3 ,4--- 1r, / 19 ,arm , s e� , / /hi �/i �'!/�f% 1 20 'f-'' Ql---f-G-‘ -9Z-c---r-e----- -(.-Ae. --,--G-^e----=-- G-Z E----l- e ."- . ---- .-, ', -c-- t--. e...., ------e.-- 14i-t---e6 . 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