1884 (3) AFFIDAVIT Oft PURLICATION . STATE OF MINNESOTA, / ell NTY% . ItA ES_ a(. . f > being duly sworn, 'Official Publication.] de uses " d says that the annexed Vacation of that Part of Mississi y printed copy of n Lice at M in and Rillllllllg Throng o _-. .... .�... .r. /� Lot E e2oll. hoyt'S Oat f C Ata-1- e:e.k c<rll!. was taken, Lots. from the SZ: PAUL DAILYi GLOBE, a newspaper which Cm Cr.ERIi•9 OFFICE, ST.Parr,Minn.,SeptemberiG, 1884 WHEREAS,A petition has been filed in this office during the whole time of publication of said notice here- by order of the Corumon Council of the City of St. Paul,as provided by law, asking for the vacation of that part of Mississippi street in and running through lot eleven of Hoyt's Ad- inaf ter stated, has been and is printed and published in ➢ltt di on nn of and Ont Lots to the City of Saint Paul, ., WW'UEREas,The petitioners state that they �1,tI majority of the owners of property on the li1%001 the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of ✓Y1inne- that part of the street which they ask to have vacated,and that the object of said vacation is to enable the owners to subdivide said lot eleven, together with other property adjoining the same. sota. That the said notice was published in said news- ISow,therefore,notice is hereby g,ven, that said petition will be heard and considered by the / Common:Councilof the City of St. Paul, Mtinn., or a conm3ittee to be appointed by them,on Tues- paper f he period of succe ' LUP. day,the 18ttr day of Novemher,A. D. 1834, at -• 7:30 o'clock p.m., at the Council Chamber in -C ea, wi-c / ,- the City Ball. /7 �� By order of Common Council. commen Lng on the J %�day Of /% j� T1aoa.A.PR,ENDERGAST, / "' " Sept 17-5w-Wed City Clerk. 18 pon which day last menti a it was first pub- /4' lished, and ending on the 'day of -1.) 18�which day last mentioned it was last published, upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspaper. 11-----131 Nall Subscribed and sworn to be re me, this - t day of __ _......, r.. .:.: ... T:/ .4. D. I84171____' Printer's Fee, $ le i „dr if i Notary ' blic, Rai . ey C vu,nty, Minn. Al- Fl 1 )AV IT OF PU R 1 LICATi ON. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY. [Official Publication.I i �� o For tie Vacation of Certain Parts and being duly sworn, ,Portions Cr rdississigi Stroot ,�, o- deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of n tree . net11B� WIY�I �;BPtciln tl��5, a 11 ro- of ii-Ct,�,l,-(�z yoe-r--/-4., >1 ..2(U as t ken �` luaCf Idontionod and Doscribod. from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, )newspaper which CITY CLEnit's OFFICE, i 'r.PAUL,Minn.,July 28,1884. t during the whole time of publication of said notice here- ? tcirt:iiuse, •A petition has teen •sled in this office,by order of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, as provided by law,asking for inafter stated, has been, the vacation of su much of Mississippi street and is printed and published in 'I within saiel city described as follows, to-wit: That portion of said street being in block No. four(4)of"[lice the City of St. '.l'rout Brook"addition to St. 7� 7 I Paul;and all that part of said street, together Paul, Ramsey and fate of Ji17�zne- with the alley lying west of`Watson Sc Bice's" l sub-division"13,"also the alley in sub-division i "B,"also that part and portion of said being in the northeast Mrseis- sots. That the said notice wa.s published in said news- eippi street lyin l quarter of the;ng and ortheast quarter of section 80, township•29 north,of ranhe 2'.'west,and also all p 1 that:rndportionofinalle} lyingandbeingeastof `�/ �/ l Mississippi street,as located and graded by the paper for the period of successive x 1`���1 ? Board of 'n1'atcr con nrissioncrs,of the City of 5t.Paur and, i ��ilu u.ms, The petitioners state that they are a commencing on the D —day of alnt majority of e the owners of which and of t and also along the line of said Mississippi ippi and of the allege as above described, and which they ask to have i vacated,and that the object of said vacation is 188 upon which day last mend ned it was first pub- , I the sub era iton and rely ofreland in f thediffer. eat picnd and p4rc{Is of land in which sure l -treet and alleys irrc located Now,therefore, notice is hereby given that 7 aid petition will be heard and considered by thr ■lisped, and ending on the --day of c onnnou(otmirl of the City of St.Paul,or i r,eslay,the l'lli day of October,A D.1881,a' / 0 f 30 o'clock p. m of said day,at the Cannel ll Chamber in the City Hall. 188 , on which day last mentioned it was last published' U By order of the Common Council. } ]� , 0 Tito: A I i i'ino EEC:.AST, tlit Clerk. Q iris)-5,v-w,,.1 upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspaper. _...._ / tW 14iLIL(. Subscribed and sworn to be/ore me, this txt f7 day of_ .4. L. 188 Printer's Fee, $ / Notary t bile, Ram, aunty, ,Minn. 1.) ,-, _ �, !� U hN �Y y t1 t15: 11�w 1,4 11L' t ti 5i M 411\:.., lk s 1 e ilk ),) t p A. 1 — v (�\\‘s -. ‘Al _ _ l Z, w,i .. _ .._:...-.,. w- -•,• �-.- _ ,_ .. .. �.. a _µ - --' .__ ,h'- _� _ - ..,.�^n��>+rLao! •.c-u -+mYe. .:.:n. �..v._ +++e-srac.•...•w:.TS- n is it 1; ■ . ■ x 4 i • A ■II i i t t i d Y t • 1 ! 7 i •tE , 1 i r ■ i c 1 i7 1 li L____ P ry ■t' 1 IM ■ iP I i 1 i 8:7e67-2.,i,.......„7°'Th,r, ,.„ (7?7Ze , �'.e,�� - '_c_' .40/ f „...:7"....ap,_,,,,...7 ‘ e--e— f- C-7 ,,,,,,, „ ,,, 5, , A ,,,,,, .„.....,,a.... z-,,,,e,„__,__„z__ xf___::„.....,0---2-___.- _ \ G a2 --c-c.c l r 7— „r_ _e_ Ae. 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