(Official Publication.)
•• being duly sworn., 1
Vacation of that portion tion of Hlbhlani
deposes . nd say that the annexed Fade addition i�icluding till
p / �1 printed copy of notice Park, together with the alloy
oil the north, also the one el
o f.
.....� ... .. .. .. .. .... .. was taken the west sides thereof, to�othorwitt
from the tT. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which a portion of Falrinonllt, place all
St, Albans Street.
during the whole time of publication of said, notice here- CITY CLERIC'S OFFICE,
ST.PAUL, Minn.,May 10th,1884,
WUEREAS, A petition has been filed in this
ana ter stated, has been and as Tinted and office,by order of the Common Council of the
f p published in City of St,Paul,as provided by law asking for
the vacation of that part and portion of High
laud Park addition to St. Paul,and described as
r y follows in said petition, viz: "Said park, to-
the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of .rnne- gaiter with the alleys on the north and west
sides thereof,and all that part of Fairmount
place,(so called)as lays south of the north line
of the alley running along the north side of said
sota. That the said notice was published in said news- park,and all that part of St. Albans street, as
lays northwesterly of the intersection of said
l Farrmount street with said St. Albans street,"
according to the plat of said addition on file in
paper for the period of ........ .. success e the office of the Register of Deeds,in and for
the County of cOmmencan on the / which for a deed k e bloc, 7,of and a lieu the for
accept the same quantity of
block 7,of said addition, for
day of.. / w tt h adee said petition.been
Said executed and sub-
mitted petitioners and
conveyancers named aforesaid, state that they
are the owners in fee of all of said property iu-
188 upon which day last went' ned it wa first pub- chided in said petition arru deed.
Now, therefore, Notice"'is hereby given,that
said petition will be heard and considered by the
��,J Common Council of the City of Saint Paul, or a
lisped, and ending on the °y day o . committee to be appointed by said Council, on
_ the first Tuesday of July,1884, being the first
day thereof,at 7:30 o'clock p.m.,at the Coun-
cil chamber in the city hall
188, which day last mention d it was last published, lily order of the Common Council.
r TiidS.4.PRPNBPvRQAST,city Clerk.
n+ay 17, 6-w,sat. , , ,
upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the
said newspaper was regularly published, and that during
the whole time of the said publication he was one of the 1
printers and publishers of the said newspaper.
— RPNU-(��
Subscribed and sworn to b/,6t'e m�this
4cy r----- -
day 01
�4 ✓1. D, 18
Printer's Fee, $
li il .
Notary Publ. , Ramsey . . ty, .Minn.
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