1886 •a. •nsa�l _ • .4 .—• ` ' _
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State of Minnesota
County of Ramsey
. , // / ..-.0 ,•
Beofre me -
a Notary Public within and for the County of Ramsey and State of
-.. ,
Minnesota on the -2- 6 day of May 1888, ersonalLy *pear ed
t.„,,e,a.1.).-r. /.. 4.:
and two of the persons whose names are subscribed to the
A. i
within petition, and to me peTsonally known to be the same persons
who subscribed their names to said petition, and made oath that the
statements set forth in said petition are true , of their awn
knowledge , and that the names subscribed thereto represent the
ownership of a majority of the frontage property abutting upon
the street asked to be vacated.
iel:g4,e4.4.t.A., 1)a_tclvtlitU..46 ,
Notary Public
Ramsey County
Gt-T.---1.4.-----z.---7 y- ----being duly sworn,
& -----
deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of notice of U (aFFICIAL—PUBLICATION)--
a"(N, was taken Vacation of Strect &mon Lots 1 at
2 and 9 and 10 of Smith & Lott
Unt .
from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, Lots
during the whole time of the publication of said notice, herein- • Sr.PAUL,June 15, 1886.
Whereas,a petition has been filed in th
Office by order of the Common Council of ti
after stated, has been and is printed and published in the City lc oitry titfe Svta.etiPtaionolv 07 tra.otvisilteredetbyrolottowi,ot;swic
from Gale street to Grotto street, betwe.
lots one(1)and two (2)and nine (9)and t.
(10)of & Lott's Out Lots to St.P at
of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minnesota. That and, Smith -
Whereas,the petitioners state that they a
the owners of a majority of the frontage
• • the property abutting upon stret
the said notice was published in said newspaper for the period 1 and that the object and reason for the vac
of \-6.-- Itoiloi;y1 asked t woplfoocrkiss that hi
successive. commencing west from Grotto it does lel osth connect oser wti
any street running east from Dale Street
street, and because t
owners of lots. one and,two of said out lc
have agreed to dedicate land for the coutir
on the /i ---
day of .188 C , upon -ation of Rondo street through said lots o
7, 'and two sixty-six feet wide, etc.;
- o'''' Now,therefore, notice is hereby given th
said petition will be beard and considered
the Common .Council of rikili city
which day last mentioned it was first published, and ending neosod,aletrp3.012ayaotrtifiri auwi,
c eil.Ch.ambel•
the City Hall.'
t , By order of Common Council.
on the /3 day of 188k, on which 5w-ii‘i recs.( .n.PRENDERGAST,
City Clerk
..1.4t junc-15-
day last mentioned it was last published, upon which days or
times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was
regularly published, and that during the whole time of the said
publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the
said newspaper.
t N
Subscribed and sworn to bet - m/
e this
./ / day of
A. D. 188 (;:, •
Printer's Fee, $
t ,
1/0..uwout, jlic.xiicfr Njoi\oue_et)
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn.