1886 (15) -•-•-•-•-•-•-•-■-•-•-•-■ •—_, ■ • -,44, •.... •., ••.. .. _ . .4 44 ovvIc= OF ' CITY TREASU 1" 4„,_-_,.._ • • . At----- . - • ' -r'. ,7,a, 4*D . , ..- ,d01.7P Z • .1:---"----„, . • - /. '.. . , ,...,n , . . ,.. . . \ A..114 a TM 0 . 4 I N -''•.,...in..", N ... --- '•‘' ,p.__...__,\7' + ...., i --._ _ 1 , ? , t , • .. - 1 , . ..,., ' . ,.. 4 , • • • : ■■+ , 1 # *i f 0 f . * ■ 1 _.... ■ ZI : .411116 14 i..11 Ei + c . (f) t ._■, -.---4,-..-•-.--4,--•-•-• • -4.- -•-•-•11 ._ — \ \ 31 ' - rrr:7u04,r\ G \ \ \s_ C \ \ ii►'i// et ".)(:100(7 v ,577 /11 Nb'i7Y/19'fi5 c 7E1 N-�Ji►t1 3:1 . 777V_ 0 NO /_L VOVA YOJ NV7d - VI iti 7j11 ' „mai v I li e;ii 1 • • ' `� 2.4._ l-Pr'< p ;♦_ :�..+ Tom-/ S+ir .y� .v.;t AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF MINNESOTA, SS. [OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.] County of Ramsey. Vacation of Alley in Suburban Hills �se-CE-1/eali being duly sworn, -Addition, CITY CLERS' OE, deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of notice ST.PAUL,March 12, 1886. Whereas,a petition has been sled in thie I office by order of the Common Council of thg of • was taken City of St. Paul,as provided by law, askin for the vacation of the alley between blocks 3 and 4,and extending from Main to Mound streets,in Subufbau Hills Addition to St.Paul, from the ST.P..4 UL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, Minn.;an,the petitioner states that he is the owner of said blocks 3 and 4,in said addition, and that the object and reason for the vaca- during the whole time of the publication of said notice lion asked facts that said n is pr ty nor does it accomodate any yoy other r propepe rt except that of the petitioner,etc.; Now,therefore, notice is hereby given that said petition will be heard and considered by hereinafter stated, has been and is printed and published the Common Council of said city,or a com- mittee to be appointed by said Council, on Tuesday,the 20th day of April,A.D. 1886,at 7:30 o'clock p.in.,at the Council chamber in in the City of St. Paul,Ramsey County,and State of Min- the City Hall. By order of Common Council. THOS. A.PRENDERGAST, moh-13-5w-sat City Clerk. nesota• That the said notice was published in said news- paper fur the period of (S successive commencing on the /fir day of 1n 8C upon which day last mentioned it was first pub- lished,and ending on the /11 day of CW14,t_e__7 18,8 on which day last mentioned it was last published, upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was regularly published, and that dur- ing the whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the said newspaper. '68t.tbscribed and sworn to before me this ..... day of .fl. D. 188/. Printer's Fee, $ t Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. • • • 1,1/4\ tfirsokr I _ 4 . r ' ...- .s'a �' .,,,4'. t'1 w. - • Sr. PAIL L i`F 4 it, BOOR AND STATIONERY CO. • ri't , 14.- g.,'.‘det-, 9,:,,,,,...e ,. ....„,,,,y 2 /6 ./(5' 3 5 1 . AL- /...-._. . .. ...„- .....K..,-. /.../ . .,.1147 _ _, Al -Ct/t4 6 / i id . Z1.01 / e9-‘10-ur r c . • ∎• /-4'---1°(may 7 c'G---�.<.(/ 04 a42ui Z;,/ �idejle/I-WV ley ":-.(4-r-i. :ZZ-‘ • 8 ` - . fie - . R „a ` _ -, u ell--di / 9 „. �__ _�._� .� . / '. , . / / 1' P_ !_.„ J i •= _ - !1,,, u cl.0 OL iJ JtiI T� .0 ,_ i , �f ' • Li--/L-A111-4 12 s 13 ' i .I... /i�ccu kiert:E.hThelgtr62..L.e..6 iftG fr c��.+ �C./i , A , 14 / r_ _ Adam ..i ' /i _ -, a-• ' . _41_ 15 • L 042.4 -‘-y-,, ,1"-/.. .-__` Gcli ,�I 00/ r / r 16 " 46..e.4.....0.4... � [.(1�/ P", 17 �_✓ / / i /, , i e � /. / • p - 20 ' AllIC,.._ O / 21 22 X./ / ' '' »/ Zsei %-� 23 [ L1 .. i Z_ .mil /u_- 24 ia-t-,C)-- d-L!!r•�'f�coeit€ X ,41-- ��wC1 25 ,,i�Lh cu L� Le-€.4. _ _i . L2tc� , - „ - -`...,,,t.- 26 !1_ /f � ` / / - 29 30 AIM&%TIC� 31 3° 83 4 • . (c , =fi m EE iii,.......1p141,,g1,,11. ig K 'C•h I i w OOe* G ? IIE in • \ .■ ' eC R: I' C ' `\. \ m m ATE t 1) ` MIR o O ,',1 K � a . 11 of f Lg . 9ti Vg — — — k _.. EZ <,z 11111 iii t 0 7, BI ST LT 91 - - ti " 6-e›.7-3-612 .--a-ry .4-17---2-3-2-7-Pck VT - O 7I [T • ++ -- s �, n� L OT �y ___ ail / /j 5 < , 1 -75.32411411P191," -},--/-e„--,..._474F, dt,.#77.....7 i ) ").--).-7--xl:)------er .....c_p-Ac-fr--..--- , f •---fr--c.m r:4,-, --.7.--p-r-bif 4-____12..ety --sa 1 9 - %54 g � W 8 ;F*,. rj)-?-r/1-6V* fp '.2"°"--A"Z-‘, ai / , __...„,,,,427,..7•,,,, ,