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%-_ :.being duly sworn,
deposes and says that the annexes printed copy of notice of
4110 — - was taken
from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which,
during the whole time of the publication of said notice, herein-
after stated, has been and is printed and published in the City
of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minnesota. That
the said notice was published in said newspaper for the period Vacation of Part of Argwri ht Street.
ate 7 n t"
of successive -. commencing CITY PAUL, OFFICE, jj
Sr. PAUL,April 30,1887.j
o byai Whereas, titioheh has Common filed Council hof
on the vS. _ day of ._...-.. 188/7, upon the City of St.Paul,as required by law,ask
/ ing for the vacation of all that part of Ark-
wright street lying between Lafayette ave-
nue(formerly Herkimer street)and a diago-
which day last mentioned it was first published, and ending nal line drawn across said Arkwright street
lift` from the northeast corner of lot nine (a).
block four (4), Warren R Winslow's Addi-
tion,to the center of the west side of lot six-
On the —..-_._._.-day Of / 188 ', on which day teen(18),block seven (7), Warren &low's
Whereas,yeas,Addition; and
Whereas, The petitioners state that they
are a majority of the owners of the property.
last mentioned it was last published, upon which days or abutting upon said street, and the object an
reason for the vacation asked for is,that t
public interests would be subserved by t
vacation asked for, etc., and,that if a
times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was street is vacated as asked for, a new etre
will bt opened from the alley in said bl'
four(4)across said block seven (7), of sa
addition,to Lafayette avenue, without
regularly published, and that during the whole time of the said expense to the property owners or to f
Now,therefore, notice is hereby given tb'
said petition will be heard and considered t
the Common Council of the City of St. Paul
publication he was one of the printers- and publishers of the on Tuesnai•,the glstday of June,A.D.1887,
at 7:30 o'clock pi m.at the Council Chamber
in the City Hall.
By order of the Common Council.
said newspaper. / - THOS.A.PRENDERGAST,City Clerk.
Subscribed an r sworn to Wore me this
lday of •
A. D..188/
Printer's Fee, $
Utah C
Notary Public, Ramsey Ci unty, Minn.
/ •
I ,
--------- - �: being duly sworn,
deposes and says that the . 1.1exed printed copy of notice of
-- ..- was taken
from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which,
during the whole time of the publication of said notice, herein-
after stated, has been and is printed and published in the City
of St, Paul; Ramsey County, and State of Minnesota,. That,
Vacation of Part of Ar/wright
the said notice was published in said newspaper for the period Street.
f /
of � successive__ ..-.__--_ commencing ST.PALL,April 30,\.887.
Whereas, A petition has been filed in
G,Y/ �/� this office by order of the CommoL1 oun.
on the °`' day of ��� 1 1887 , upon cil of the City of St.Paul,as rewired
by law,asking for the vacation of all
that part of Arkwright street lying be-
tween Lafayette avenue (formerly Ier-
Rhich day last mentioned it was first published, and ending aaa Arkwright street�f Heine
across northeast coiner of lot nine (9),block
four(4),`Darren& Winslow's Addition,
v to the center of the west side of lot six-
on the _.----day of.... 1887, on whole day teen (18), block seven (7),`Darren
Winslow's Addition;and
Whereas, The petitioners state that
last mentioned it was last published, upon which days or they are a majority of the owners of the
property abutting on said street, and
the object and reason for the vacation
asked for is,that the public interests
times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was would be subserved by the vacation
asked for,etc.,and,that if said street is
vacated as asked for,a new street will
be opened from the alley in said block
regularly published, and that during the whole time of the said four (4) across said-block seven(7),of
said addition, to Lafayette avenue,
without any expense to the property-
owners or to the city,etc.
publication he was one of the printers and publishers of the Now,therefore,notice is hereby given
h that said petition will be heard and con-
sidered by the Common Council of the
City of St.Paul on Tuesday, the 21s,
said newspaper. day of June,A.D.1887,at 7:30 o'clo�cl
p.in.at the Council Chamber in the ait
:37 order of the CommCouncil.
THOS.A,A NDERUASTy2-5w-mon City Clei#•"
Subscribed and sworn to before me_this
(3) day of
, 77
D. 1881.
Printer's Fee, $
Notary Public, Ramse y County, Minn.
7 A
=` °' To the Honorable the President and Members of the Common
4) = 3
)4 `' Council of the City of Saint Paul,Minnesota.
The undersigned respectfully represent that they are a
majority in cumber of all the owners of property abutting
upon Arkwright Street in said City and that they own a majori-
ty of the frontage of said property abutting on said Street.
That said Street is a Street extending from Lafayette
Avenue to the North City limits.
That, the only outlet to the south is across the right of
way of the Saint Paul,Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway Co.
and the Saint, Paul and Northern Pacific Railroad Company;and
that the present crossing over the Saint, Paul,Minnepolis &
Manitoba Railway tracks is at grade,and that over the tracks
of the Saint Paul and Northern Pacific Railroad Company,is
upon a temporary bridge,constructed by the latter Company.
That, said croslings are dangerous in the extreme to life and
That the public interests would be subserved by the vaca-
tion and discontinuance of all that part of Arkwright Street
lying between Lafayette Avenue (formerly Herkemier Street)
and a diagonal line drawn amps said Arkwright Street,f rom
the North east corner of Lot nine (9) Block four (4) Warren
Winslow's Addition to the centre of the west side of lot
sixteen (16) Block seven (7) Warren & Winslow's addition.
The undersigned further represent that if Arkwright Stre-e
is vacated and discontinued as asked for,that, a new street
shall be opened from said alley in said Block four(4),across
said Block seven (7) of said Warren & Winslow's Addition to
Lafayette Avenue,without any expense to the property owners,
or to the City,of the sale width ap the present Arkwright St.
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