1886 (10) - r 4 • ... .. --■=4,-...-4,--e.-..-..- ..M.M.ICE OM. Cr.i ."‘Z..\% ' •■■■ . . .v(:,,___, , • . .„ . 0 ,c7. • .3. . • . ; IL? • i, ,. ,1 „,; •t+ . + ■ , ■ 0 . . t' 1 1 c , V-4 ft, z 11 I W • • 4.- - - •. • • I - •• • i ' AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA, SS i L>AL PUBLICATION.] p aunty of 9arnsey.. it _________ , • ' f being duly sworn, .. VACATION :or OF deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of notice Part of Alloy in Blocks 25, 26, 27128 e and 29 of Merriam Park, s95 ---__ of - was taken )t, CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, m- ST•PAUL,Aug,25, 1885. sy Whereas a petition has been filed in this .in olSee by order of the Common Council of the from the ST. PAUL DAILY' GLOBE, a newspaper which city of saint Paul,as provided by law,asking for the vacation of the southerly eight and ,e one-half(8/)feet of that certain public alley- on way which rung through the middle of blocks during the whole time of the publication of said notice se 25'26'2,28 and 29 of Merriam Park, accord- -si ins to the recorded plat thereof on file in the 1e, office of the Register of Deeds for the county ad of Ramsey,Minnesota; and r;. Whereas the etitioners state that the hereinafter stated, has been and is printed and published °° p yewn tai all the alley asked to be vacated,and that the — object of the vacation asked for is to enable in the City of Ramsey of _ the petitioners to widen Marshall Avenue t• Paul, Ramse County, State o Min- the from thirty-three feet to fifty feet, according to said plat,etc- __ Now,therefore,notice is hereby given that said petition will be heard and cons de ed by nesota. That the said notic was published in said news- _.2, the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul, ue; or a committee to be appointed by said Coun- \ u3 ell,on Tuesday,the8th day of October,A.D. 1885,at 7:30 o'clock p. m-. at the Council paper for the period of 'V successive -i 1m. Chamber,in the City Hall. a.s By order of Common Council. THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, a aug27-5w-th City Clerk. commend, on the day of ak.-7 ?Id 188 upon which day last mentioned it was first pub- " / lisped, an ding on the, / day of....-.1- / 1880, on which day last mentioned it was last published, upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole time of' the said publication he was one of' the printers and publishers of said newspaper Subscribed and sworn to before me this i day of 1 . 41. D. 1880 Printer's Fee $ 1/1';viti_ (A A A to i tin Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. • a _..• ._... ..__:. ... W W AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. County of Ramsey. . _.. (, GvL...._s- ._. - being duly sworn, deposes and says that the annexed printed copy at notice 4.4...., of . 2 ........... was taken from the ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, , during the whole time of the publication of said notice, a novzo hereinafter stated, has been and is printed and published ` _ —-- — 1 Vacation[OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.] in the Gity of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minne- i of Part of Alley Panning through Blocks 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 of sota. That the said notice was published in said newspaper Merriam Park. V� CITY CL"•B'S OFFICE, • for the eriod of r/ ti �successive sT.P DL,Nov.27,1885.S , 4., .T a ily f.4.,12.4, .4.1l1,10. . Whereas a petition h. been filed in this of- flee by order of the c:..„on Council of the comn Cing the day of City of St,Paul, a • ovided by law, asking for the vacation t+" southerly eight and ono-half(8'n feet that certain public alley, which runs through be middle of blocks 25, 188(.`1.., upon which day last mentioned it was first published, 26,27,28 and d of tMerri ion flair according ffing of the Registerroo Deeds for the County of 'n Ramsey.Minnesota;and and en g on the . -�" day of all f the property ioln the line of that they portion of the alley asked to be vacated and that the object of the vacation asked for is to enable the petitioners to widen Marshall avenue 188 , on which day last mentioned it was last published, from 33 to 50 feet,according to accompany- ing plat, etc. Now,therefore,notice is hereby given that said petition will be heard and considered by upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the said the to Common Council of said city,or a coin_ Tuesday,the 5thoday of January,A.D Council,1886', at 7:30 o'clock p. m., at the Council Chem- newspaper was regularly published, and that during the whole � her In the City Hall. By order of Common Council. THOS. A. PItENDERGAST, nov28-5w-sat time of the said publication he was one of the printers and City Clerk. publishers of the said newspaper. Su scribed and sworn to ore me this W . "74. ,, day of . Oi..-e-- A. D. 188 �- Printer's Fee, $ ` 1.-AY1))-4H 4'('(.4-IfY11,(4k14-C4-elk.:__ Notary Public, amsey County,Minn. • • __-_~_ • --' ----�__. _ _-_--�- _ _--_ ' _ _ _ _ - _ ` - _ - _ � -_ - __ m.4 ��. • Wir AFFIDAVIT OF _ STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) ss. County of Ramsey. � ✓' Whereas, All the owners , benty-' V twenty-five(25), twenty-six (26), twenty-j _.—.- being duly sworn, seven (27), twenty-eight (28) and twenty- nine'�(29), of Merriam Park, according to the recorded plat thereof on file in the office' deposes and says that the , flexed printed copy of notice of of the Register of Deeds for Ramsey county, within have petitioned the M of limits ioned the Co on Coucilulof _ was taken from said city to vacate the southerly eight and one-half feet of that certain public alley- the SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, during way which runs through the middle of said' above described blocks; and, Whereas, The said petitioners are the whole time of the publication oi said notice,hereinafter stated, the owners of all the property on the line of said public alleyway, and are residents within said city, and said petition duly set has been and is printed and published in the English language in forth good and sufficient reasons for the vacation of said part of said alleyway, was accompanied by a plat of said alleyway 1 the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minnesota, and of said several blocks, and was duly verified by the oath of two of the said peti- tioners, to-wit: William R. Merriam and and published and generally circulated in said county for more William J. Fuchs; and, Whereas, The said Common Council did, at its meeting held Nov.27, 1885, duly than one year next preceding the date of the first publication order the said petition to said filed of did by �vitln the City Clerk of said city, and did by their resolution of that date direct hereinafter named. That the said notice was duly printed and the said City Clerk to give notice .y P that stir petition would be heard and considered by said Common Council, published in said newspaper at a meeting thereof appointed to ben held P on Tuesday, Jan. 19, 1886, at 7:30 o clock p. m., at the council chamber in the city hall, in said city;and,- 9-etre43-wetnle-• Whereas, The said City Clerk did give due notice of the time and place of hearing said petition, by the-publication of a copy' #.a9.... ' of said resol ion,for four weeks, at least i once in eacTn week, inihe St. Paul Daily Globe, the official paper for said city, and -40 : . . ,, the date appointed for such hearing was not less Than ten days from the expiration of such publication; and, on the Whereas, At the said meeting of said Common Council, held on said Jan. 19, -- p.1886, at 7:30 o'clock m. the cousidera- /��LL w ,,.. - day of 188 & tion and hearing of said petition was duly adjourned and postponed until the regular meeting of said Common Council,appointed on which day last mentioned it was last p blished, upon I to be held on Tuesday, Feb. 2, A. D. 1886, at 7:30 D. M.; and, Whereas, At said last named regular which days and times of publications aforesaid the said news- meeting, the said petition was duly heard, considered and investigated, and the said Common Council, after hearing all persons paper was regularly printed and published, and that during the interested, and being of the opinion that the said part of said alleyway hereinbefore described should be vacated; therefore, whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers Reso e-h, That feet the said certain public P and one-half feet of that certain public alleyway, which runs through the middle of said blocks 25, 26, 27, 28 and, 29 of and publishers of the said newspaper. Merriam Park, aecording to said-iecordect plat thereof, be and is hereby vacated and! discontinued as a public alleyway, as asked �! s. 14101 '�_, for in said petition, such vacation and dis- ee�„1 continuance to take effect and be in force whenever and as soon as the said John L. subscribed and savor to belt me this Merriam. his heirs or assigns, shall give, convey and dedicate to the public use for _.,_.,,_...•..3—A �_,, the purposes of a public alleyway, the day of southerly eight and one-half feet off of the y south end of all lots in said several blocks, / / which now lie north of the north line of A• 1) 188 . said alleyway as the same is now located, according to said recorded plat of said Merriam Printer's fee, $ //. / onveyan ea o r dedicat on ctosbe duly said re- �/ , re- corded in the office of said Register of i i/ d"4 / / Deeds. i / ' - Yeas—Aid.Cumings,Dowlan, O'Connor, Notary Public,Ramsey Co nty,MinnPetsch, Cullen, Sanborn, Jonnson, Kahl, Starkey, Bryant, Minea, Long, Mr. Presi- dent-13. Approved Feb. 4, 1886. • T O T H E H O N . , THE COMMON COI'NC 1 L OF THE CITY OF 3T, PAUL. GENTLEMEN, Y +i!ft MTIONERS, JOHN L. MERRI,AM, 1008 'MA. 1 . FUCI4s,,A IT`ZENS OF SAID CITY , RESPECTFULLY ASK THAT THE commer4 COUNCI L 1.41I LL vACATE THE SOUTHERLY EIOHT AND ONE HALF fP 1-21 FEET OF THAT CERTAIN PUPLIC, ALLEY-'iv.'v WHICH RtU s THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF PLOCKS TWENTY FIVE TwENTY Six WO TWENTY SEVEN (27, ) TWENTY EIGHT 4281 AND TWENTY NINE (29 , ) OF MERRIAM PARK, ACCORDING TO THE RE- CORDED PLAT THEREOF, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE REG- ISTER OF DEEDS FOR THE COUNTY OF RAMSEY , MINNESOTA, THAT YOUR PETITIONER JOHN L. MERRIAM, I s THE >C LE OWNER IN FEE, OF ALL AND SINc;ULAR THE SAID AROVE nESCRIR- . ED REAL ESTATE, A ND OF ALL PROPERTY ON THE LINE OF THE SAID ALLEY-!';AY, EXCEPT THAT YOUR PETITIONER w'A. J. FUCHS I$ THE OWNER t ,, FEE, OF LOT ONE 411 IN BLOCK TWENTY FIVE OM, / OF SAID mERgl AF' PARK, THAT THE REASON FOR $UCH vACATION• is TO ENARLE YOUR PETITIONERS TO WIDEN MARSHALL AVENUE, FROM THIRTY THREE FEET, TO FIFTY FEET, ACCORDING TO SAID PLAT, IT RE1NG THE INTENTION OF sA ID PETITIONER JOHN °L MERRIAM TO PLAT /ANDS BELONGING TO HIM , LYING Wjaa. OF SAID MERRI Am PARK) AND To THEREIN DEDICATE AN ADDITIONAL FIFTY 00) FEET FOR SAID MARSHALL AVENUE, 3O AS TO MAKE SAID AvENUE ONE HUN- DRED FEET WIDE , ALONG THE ENTIRE SOUTH LINE OF SAID AND SAID PETITIONER JOHN L. MERRIAM FURTHER AGREES THAT AS SOON AS THE SAID SOUTHERLY EIGHT AND ONE HALF 48 t-2) FEET OF SAID ALLEY-WAY SHALL RE SO VACATED SY THE COMMON COUNC I L, SAID PETI TIONER WI LL vE, CONVEY AND DED- ICATE TO THE C. I TY , FOR THE PURPOSES OF A:4 ALLEY-WAY , THE SOUTHERLY EIGHT AND ONE HALF FEET I8 1 -2 FT. ) OFF OF THE SOUTH END OF ALL LOTS IN SAID SEVERAL FLOCKS, WHICH NOW LIE NORTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID ALLEY-WAY AS THE SAME IS NOW LOCATED ; TO THE END THAT THERE SHALL STILL RE A TWENTY (201 FOOT ALLEY-WAY THROUGH ALL OF SAID RLOCKS, EXCEPT THAT THE SAME SHALL SE LDC,ATED AND RUN EIGHT AND ONE HALF 48 1E481 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID ALLEY-WAY, AS THE SAME I s NOW LOCATED. YOUR PETITIONER FURTHER STATES, THAT THE PLAT WHICH Is ANNEXED TO AND ACCOP1PANIES THIS PETITION , IS A TRUE PLAT OF SUCH ALLEY-WAY PROPOSED TO RE LOCATED I N PART:- THE BLACK LI NES ALONG THE ALLEY AND MARSHALL A'r'ENUE - I N- D ATI NG THE SAID SEVERAL PROPOSED CHANGES : THE RED LINES SHOWING THE PLAT OF SAID ALLEY AND MARSHALL AVENUE AS NOW RECORDED , AND YOUR PETITIONERS WI LL EVER PRAY &C.) r �illiir: � L; • . v' r )� '� S1=A% 44%21A) • •i 1 • !Y ♦ its'• • `• '\y. ,/' �a�r c�r�� Th J x-- THE STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 1 {. RAMSEY COUNTY I x 4i mi., R. MERRI Am, AND Wm. J. FUCKS, CAME PERSONALLY, 0. PEFORE ME, AND BEING SEVERALLY.' DULY S`O, RN DEPOSE AND SAY, THAT THE FOREGOING PETITION BY THEM SUBSCRI RED 1 S TRUE TO THEIR KNOWLEDGE, EXCEPT THE MATTERS THEREIN STATED ON THEIR INFORMATION AND RE Li EF, AND AS TO THOSE MATTERS THAT THEY RELIEVE IT TO RE TRUE. 1 SUBSCRIBED & S`�ORN TO BEFORE ME� 1 THIS . . ✓. .4% z/ - t-' it / ,"7,-,:,,,,,,,,. . . . DAY OF AI)GUSfi, 1 , . . . . . . . x. Jow ( . . . Y:':�.V. �, .: . .� ': 1 . . ��;� '/ . . . . I