1885 (2) �,Ryh3it'GNI
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10 the Cor,. ittee on streets , St . Paul ,
Gentlemen: — ‘n the
matter of the enclosed petition asking for a vacation
Of the alley in the block 3 , Hopkins Addition to St .
Paul , ;)etween Pakouta and Rosabel streets :
It ap,.ears from the ,Jetition attached to the
plat that the wish of the owners is to vacate the so�:th
half of sr,'id alley and they propose in Zieu of the strip
south end of the
vacated to c e z cat e from theA Zots on the north xx' side
of the alley a strip 14 feet wide which , with the
north half of the alley will make a new a2Zey 20 feet
w�rie the . sos,th line of which will be the cen.tJr line
of the present alley , I s& ii? no objection to carrying
out the wishes of the owners .
Tespect fu lli ,
C y '2J7
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County of Ramsey.
�+ I Official Publication.I
C ' I1 , X/_-... . being duly sworn, Vacation of Alloy in Block
No, 3,
deposes and says that the annexed printed cope of n2otice > ookin's Addition to St. Paul,
h / / CITY CLt;n$'s Ot?rca,
of-L-,/ .. L7 AO i€' .( �— if was taken ST.PAUL,Minn.,December 1,A.D.1884. }
/ WUEItEAS,A petition has been filed in this office
by order of the Common Council of the City of
from the ST. P.4 UL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which St.Paul,as provided by law, asking for the
vacation of the alley running through block
number three(3)of llopkin's Addition to St.
Paul,from Wacouta to Itueabel street; and,
during the whole time of the publication of said notice a majority of the ounersu frthe state that they are
property fronting
on said alley, and that the object of said vaca-
tion is to change the location of said alley and
hereinafter stated, has been and is printed and published alley,i e immediately[n width by opening a new
p alley,immediately northerly and ad ofniny said
alley proposed to be vacated,Men y feet in
�y 71� width,and also for the reason that sail alley as
in the City of St. Paul,Ramsey Count and State of.Min- now existing is e,notice is hereby reby giv.
y y, Now,therefore,notice is hereby ,given, that
said petition will be heard and considered by the
Common Council of the City of St. Paul. or a
committee to be anpointed by them, on
nesota. That the said notice was published in said news- Tuesday,the 20th day of January, A. D. 1885,
at 7:30 o'clock p.m., at the Council Chamber 19.
the City Hall.
By order of Common Council.
paper for the period of ./(4/k--6 sLs successive. �
Dec. 2-5w-Tues. THOS.A.PnaxnaHOaer,
City Clerk.
commencing on the
day o f - ---' 9-
188 upon which day last mentioned it was first pub-
lished, d ending on the —day of.al../---, ,. , 1 '
188 on which day last mentioned it was last published,
upon which days or times of publication aforesaid the
said newspaper was regularly published,and that during
the whole time of the said publication he was one of the
printers and publishers of the said newspaper.
Subscribed and sworn to be ore me this
1 day of
/ I /
•.D, 1880
Printer's Fee$... /
Notary Publ, , Ramsey e s ty, Minn.
The undersigned petitioners respectfully represent to your
Honorable ody that they are a majority of the owners in fee of
the propertyfPont ing on the :L11 ey running through Block No.3 in
Hopkin' s addit ion to St. Pail , from Wacouta to Rosabel Street;
That your petioners respectfully request and petition that
said alley he vacated and discontir;ued, for the following reasons:
viz: - That it is desired and intended to change the location of
said alley and increase the same in width,by opining a new alley
immediately northerly and adjoining said alley proposed to be
vacated twenty (20) feet in width, and for the reason that said
alley as now existing, is of insufficient width,and is situate
partly upon ground proposed to be occupied by the construction of
a large and convenient building necessary for public use in
connection with the business of said Union Depot Company, one of
said petitioners and property-owners; That a plat of skid alley
proposed to be vacated is hereto attached.
Wherefore your petitioners ask that :the prayer of this peti-
tion be g:-anted.
11%164 ' ' /-e. (0?iti6-4- 63, &i
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C. B. Bruno i,Sec' of the S t. Paul Union
Depot Co. , and o/ , two of the uet ition3rs
above nail id,being duly swo -n, say that the 'foregoing pelt ition and
the facts therein stated are true, as they verily believe,
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