SS. -
/ � / _ ._being duly sworn, Vacation of Part of Warren Street and
depo es and says that the annexed printed copy of notice Stlel't)nrne AYenTie,
r f
of ,__ O 'i___.L/ u�/�L- `/ was taken, Whereas,a petition has been filed in this o8ice,
as provided by law, by order of the Common
from 'he ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, Conan u f the Warren r t, Paul,asking for the
a newspaper which cacation of Warren street, from Palley street to
Jackson street, and Sherburne avenue, from
Jackson street to the east line of Ashton street;
during the whole time of publication Of said notice here- Whereas,the petitioners state that they are a
majority of the owners of property on the line
of the proposed vacation, and that the object
and reason for such vacation is that that part of
has been and is printed and published in said streets as now laid out arc practicably im-
passable,stated, p p passable, and to make them ppassable would
greatly damage the property on the line of said
streets and destroy the fine prospect from that
the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, and State of MMinne- part of the city;that if such vacation should
be made as asked for the petitioners will deed
other property,to change the line of said streets,
and make them passable, etc.,free of all ea-
sot That the sai no e s �z bl pyaid news- penes to the city.
"� Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that
said petition will be heard and considered by
the Common'Council of the City of St. Paul,or
gaper for ttl e p rind of_ i 0 sit essive �_ a committee to be appointed by them,on Tues-
�\ / day,the 20th day of February, A. D. 1883, at
7:80 o'clock p.m., at the Council Chamber in
the City Hail.
commencing on the.. ___.day of: _ — By order of Common Connoil, air
an 5-tued;ia-4w City Clerk.
188 3 upon which day last mentioned it is fir t ub- ,
lished, and ending on the day of. ._ fi .___ t/
1880, on which day last mentioned it zva. last published,
upon which days or times of publication, aforesaid the
said newspaper was regularly published, and that clur
ing the whole time ,f the said publication he was one of
the printers and publishers of the said nezvspa e .
Subscribed nd Sworn to before me, this
1 *c
3 day of . _
A / ..f1. D. 188
Printer's Fee, $ (/ /
. I '" I 3,17
Note , Public, Ramsey County, Minn.
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