02-76 (2) Page 1 of 1 Shari Moore - CF#02-76 MPR vac. of 9th St. From: Linda Murphy<linda.murphy @ci.stpaul.mn.us> To: <shari.moore @ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 5/16/2002 1:04 PM Subject: CF # 02-76 MPR vac. of 9th St. CC: <peter.white @ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <juan.ortiz @ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <earl.carlson @ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <bruce.engelbrekt @ci.stpaul.mn.us> 22-2001 9th Street (MPR) Juan : Approved CF# 02-76. TWO YR COMPLIANCE !!! Shari,just an update: You sent me a memo that the acceptance and fee have been filed so I had the map drawn up. One condition of the vacation is that it not be recorded until they have been approved for building permits or 2 years, whichever comes first. They haven't submitted plans yet and are a long way from approval, so I will hold onto the drawing until they have an approved site plan. Linda Murphy Public Works Right-of-Way Technician 800 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Ph# 651-266-6127 Fax# 651-298-4559 CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Donald J.Luna,City Clerk . s � P A u L CITY OF SAINT PAUL 170 City Hall Tel.: 651-266-8989 4 Randy Kelly,Mayor 15 W.Kellogg Boulevard Fax: 651-266-8689 Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 AIM roar May 7, 2002 Linda Murphy Department of Public Works Room 800, City Hall Annex Dear Linda: Please prepare prints showing the vacation of that part of 9th Street in the City of St. Paul as fully described in Council File 02-76. Please be advised that the necessary acceptance and fee have been filed. Sincerely, PT 7 - - , Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk cc: Valuation Engineer Technology and Management Services File No.22-2001 • Return copy to:jao ouncil File# 0,�-�4, Real Estate Division ---Sk•■•A.3:3 9410 a.. 140 City Hall � Green Sheet# RESOLUTION Am - CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that,upon the petition of Minnesota Public Radio (MPR), as documented in Real 2 Estate Division File Number 2001-22, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and 3 discontinued as public property: 4 5 The property to be vacated (the Vacation Area) is described as follows: 6 7 See Attached Map & Description in Exhibit"A" 8 9 10 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 13.0, codified March 1, 1981, of.the 11 Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 12 13 14 1. That the petitioner, its successors and assigns shall pay$500.00 as an administrative fee for this 15 vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. 16 17 18 2. That the vacation shall not be effective and this resolution shall not be filed for recording with 19 the County until the petitioner is ready to pull permits and begin said reconstruction. Until that • - 20 time, Ninth Street shall remain as it currently is and continue to be treated as a public street in all 21 respects. 22 23 That a permanent utility easement shall be retained on, over,under and across the vacation area on 24 behalf of the City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works to reserve the right of the City to 25 maintain and operate any sewer in or upon said easement area and to enter upon said easement or 26 any portion thereof at any time and from time to time, for the purposes of future construction, 27 reconstruction, inspection, maintenance, or repair of the same or, any part thereof. Said utility 28 easement shall be subject to the following conditions: 29 30 a. No buildings, structures,trees or any temporary structure, material storage, fixture, or any 31 other objects which may prohibit normal access to utility facilities for maintenance purposes will be 32 permitted within the easement area provided that the foregoing does not prohibit paved surfaces. 33 34 • • oa—'l� 1 b. Improvements in or upon the above described easement that do not prohibit the City from 2 exercising its reserved rights may be allowed by obtaining written permission from the Department 3 of Public Works Sewer Division with the understanding that the restoration and costs of such 4 improvements shall be the sole responsibility of the petitioner,its successors and assigns in the event 5 the City exercises its reserved easement rights. 6 7 c. Should it be necessary that the petitioner's works or improvements be removed or damaged 8 as a result of the Department of Public Works operations,all removal,replacement or modification 9 costs shall be borne solely by the petitioner. 10 11 d. No change from the existing grade within the easement area shall be permitted without 12 written permission from the Department of Public Works Sewer Division. 13 14 e. No change in surfacing within the easement area shall be permitted without written 15 permission from the Department of Public Works Sewer Division. 16 17 f. The petitioner, its successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend, and save harmless 18 the City of Saint Paul,its officers, agents,employees,and servants from all suits, actions, or claims 19 which shall arise from any injuries or damages received or sustained by any break in any service pipe 20 or connection in said reserved easement arising out of or resulting from any action or negligence of 21 the petitioner, its employees, agents, or business invitees. 22 23 That a turn-around for the remaining portion of Ninth Street sufficient for the traffic needs of the 24 abutting property owners shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works. 25 26 That the petitioner shall be responsible for all abandonment and/or reconstruction of utilities within 27 Ninth Street;reconstruction of Ninth Street and the intersections of Ninth with Cedar and Ninth with 28 Minnesota; removal or placement of street lights and signs,all of which are necessary due to this 29 vacation, and all to be accomplished to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works. 30 31 That after this vacation becomes effective, the petitioner, and/or its successors and 32 assigns, shall be responsible for snow removal, salting and sanding the remaining portion of 33 Ninth Street (not including the sidewalks adjacent thereto)between Cedar and Minnesota Streets 34 for as long as such remaining portion is used as a public street. The petitioner shall hire its own 35 maintenance contractor to the extent petitioner deems necessary. The petitioner, and/or its uccGssors & assigns shall be responsible for any and all costs associated with snow removal, 5 salting and sanding as required herein. 37 That the petitioner shall meet with the abutting property owners over the next year and work with 38 them to obtain a valid petition for vacating the remaining portion of Ninth street between Cedar and 39 Minnesota Streets,provided said property owners can come to a consensus. 40 41 42 3. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained on, over,under and across the vacated area on 43 behalf of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul to reserve the right of the 44 Board to maintain and operate any water facility in or upon said easement and to enter upon said 45 easement, or any portion thereof, at any time and from time to time, for the purposes of future 46 construction,reconstruction,inspection,maintenance or repair of the same or any pert thereof. Said 47 utility easement shall be subject to the following conditions: 48 1 a. No buildings,structures,trees or any temporary structure,material storage,fixture, or other 2 or any objects which may prohibit normal access to water facilities for maintenance purposes 3 will be permitted within the easement area. 4 5 b. Improvements in or upon the above described easement that do not prohibit the Board from 6 exercising its reserved rights may be allowed by obtaining written permission from Saint 7 Paul Regional Water Services with the understanding that the restoration and costs of such 8 improvements shall be the sole responsibility of petitioner,its successors and assigns in the 9 event the Board exercises its reserved easement rights. 10 11 c. Should it be necessary that the petitioner's works or improvements be removed or damaged 12 as a result of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services operations, all removal, replacement 13 or modification costs shall be borne solely by the petitioner. 14 15 d. No change from the existing grade within the easement area shall be permitted without 16 written permission from the Saint Paul Regional Water Services. 17 18 e. No change in surfacing within,the easement area shall be permitted without written 19 permission from the Saint Paul Regional Water Services. 20 21 f. The petitioner, its successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend and save harmless 22 the Board of Water Commissioners or the City of Saint Paul,its officers,agents,employees, 23. and servants from all suits, action or claims which shall arise from any injuries or damages 24 received or sustained by any break in any service pipe, water main, or connection in said 25 reserved easement,arising out of or resulting from any action or negligence of the petitioner, 26 its employees, agents or business invitees. 27 28 29 4. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest 30 of Qwest Communications, Inc. 31 32 33 5. That the following conditions be followed as stated by St. Paul Fire&Safety: 34 35 a. Petitioner will reinforce and upgrade the structure of MPR Drive(the alley immediately east 36 of the existing MPR building)to handle emergency vehicle weights. The existing structure 37 has been reviewed and can be reinforced to meet loading requirements to provide safe access 38 to Seventh Street. 39 40 b. The specified 12-foot width and required turning radius for City emergency vehicles will be 41 maintained on MPR Drive to provide safe access to Seventh Street. 42 43 c. A fire hydrant will be provided at the end of Ninth Street on the cul-de-sac created by the 44 street closure. MPR will work with Public Works and the Water Department to assure the 45 relocated water main provides appropriate water pressures to Ninth Street. 46 47 d. Petitioner will have all utility relocation work is completed prior to the closure of Ninth 48 Street at Cedar Street and have emergency vehicle access during the relocation work. 49 50 . 51 . 0a -1c, 1 6. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest 2 of A.T. &T. Broadband, Inc. 3 4 7. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained on, over, under and across the vacated area to 5 protect the interest of District Energy of Saint Paul. Compensation for and full relocation costs to 6 be paid will be incurred by the petitioner,this includes routing small bore pipe from Cedar Street to 7 Minnesota Street on Ninth Street and including service to the existing MPR building.The relocation 8 of any facilities must be coordinated to minimize system downtime because of service disruptions 9 to other customers. 10 8. That the Petitioner shall actively participate with the Saint Paul on the Mississippi 11 Design Center in a collaborative review and evaluation of all plans for improvements to be constructed in the vacated area. 12 87 9. That the pethioner its successors and assigns agrees to indemnify,defend and save harmless the City 13 of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character brought 14 as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person,persons or property on account 15 of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited to, a claim brought 16 because of any act of omission,neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or because of any claims 17 or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, 18 whether by the petitioners or any of its agents or employees. 19 20 21 -97. 10.That the vacation resolution shall not be filed and recorded with Ramsey County until two years 22 from the date of the Council resolution and the petitioner has received permits, whichever occurs . 23 first. Until such time, Ninth Street shall remain a public right-of-way. 24 25 That if the petitioner fails to commence construction within three years of the date of the Council 26 Resolution, the vacated property shall revert back to the City as a public-right-of-way. 27 28 29 -10-11•That the petitioners, its successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this 30 resolution,file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and 31 shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all 32 respects with these terms and conditions. . Yeas Na s Absent Benanav ��I I Requested by Depa.luient of: Blake w� Technology&Management Services Bostrom ,/ Coleman ,✓ Harris ✓ By: Lant !/ Director Reiter II MM. Form A live' . `.. Attorney �i!!��r7�i A 111.—"uulg dopted by r suncil: Date ` ._kk r By: Nkr f Adoption C ed by Council.ecretary BY .. __ - ` ppro ed by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved ayor: Date _ A , �a- � / By: �� i 1 Y / By: I �' ,,..•14) • v O co )d oe� •,-..y d . .. \ 'S 5 'd 11,,,..1).4 ckh1 -Cc,-� J '>• � . a� �o4-4:*, F g.- r erfy2 r � C g$ .?...x.1ar ., • co •y o 8 yp ° im m < i . :- ' ,.a n n v `c - s ,4 b V F r'J, �i w3 m .�' 4142,-4.-bra''''e S .E �� -'4 �'rrG'.r4-.......:c YL .a s i fir?F �.i d2� p�' \Cr'41.:-5T;.4:--- .�' z. �{, 6 `may--;;.-i p. 0O/. - aC- -�iygH \./ V K "���a' �'7.a9�'`�?rY'... Y�Jx W kJ' iii ca viz ft +`, d x-»f.,•� p7 s: A J 4O co 3 2 : °��166� : b ....-z.e,...,7.!-g7i(:„.Z.,,:-. :-0g6! Is p{ •-•k-Fr,•-::::....,LC ...--1',.,-..'.. ...''' r-L': .7"..::...7.1•,-.,•'..."L- -4147."5W. :•:;.d.,4.''-.:!::i..' . ''..•.1i'Y.A:f.-....•''''..,..•''''.:-.'.i.:• '';:ijk.0-;1:.P.in-.; --„4%,,,'.''.',341,',Y.,•-i • t/ 03•e ` eJ V ( ray . .61 6.8 '• - • ,a6 \ , r <5 S \ p o i • • • . . �d, X13 , s \ / N.41 CD . „., ,,,,--"\/ ti� g ,/‘/</r/� i Z)K// ,./".; / sss� ,/ h° /r - MINNESOTA PUBLIC RADIO mpr) THOMAS 1 K/6/N Executive Vice President Chief Administrative Officer General Counsel RECEIVED March 15, 2002 MAR 18 2002 MAYOR'S OFF!LE To the Honorable Mayor Randy Kelly The Saint Paul City Council 170 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mayor Kelly and Council Members: On behalf of the petitioner, I hereby accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of Council File No. 02-76, adopted by the City Council on January 23, 2002, and approved by the Mayor on January 25, 2002. Sincerely, .7 7/(AMU1 J /C . - Thomas J Kigin Executive Vice President Enclosure ft/Minnesota Public Radio/Capital Project 2000/Street Vacation/Accept Terms&Conditions.doc/TJK:kt 45 EAST SEVENTH STREET SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 55101-2274 telephone 651.290.1553 facsimile 651.290.1243 wehsite • http:i/www.mpr.arg } CV m 2, b r Do H * W 34 030 w 3$ � d CEO n z MJ▪ K t* O yK N 03 2M VI H MI w H V7 1.4 DJ 00 tai Z K c C) VJ W c N W 1.< H CV .. H C) C lv H ro '` D, ca C) : < 1 ;U C37 #' z ° H n I 'V }-1 .. czzZ � 1 ev z I C) H 1 xl 1-4 Kr CZ i Cz] Fj C) N3 "Jg t4 CnHHp 1 L=J � C) H rC) 'V H ?$ FG 09 19 20 1-3 ® Nvxf Di N 1 H CV CV 03 � OCV () H O o� CH hjDo Do *0 CO H C ils H r N H O t0 b N co v M 60 CI Lii n".1 FZ-3 0D1 0 Cn PC d H Ds 0 0 m H 30L b1I-1 s H b 0 to Ii t9 6) # 0 w 1..4 r F-, w I b t0 t0 Q) 1 H - - co i FC t9 m F4 to N N CO 13O 0 gO o 0Oo• 0 N Flo 0 N N vt �J a O r N a 0 U !+o 0 N N C.o O a IQ J 0m N N m m ••1 A x •• O 0 m+i A ro UA 4-)0 0 0 0 00 0 F O O In yr N •-I m cn 0 0�1 -1-1C) P.o •ri CO CO Uo 4 0m m� 0 QZ H O O N O In CO O W mn Li-0.1 roc rl mUa o a H ro ° zz' mw (//m-•i U Cu Wm U 00z ZXF Ha 2 4 CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Donald J.Luna,City Clerk S A A[U"L r P CITY OF SAINT PAUL 170 City Hall Tel.: 651-266-8989 Randy Kelly,Mayor 15 W.Kellogg Boulevard Fax: 651-266-8689 Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 AAA* January 29, 2002 Minnesota Public Radio 45 East Seventh Street Saint Paul,MN 55101 Attn: Thomas Kigin Dear Petitioners: Enclosed is a copy of Council File 02-76 which was adopted by the City Council on January 23,2002. The resolution provides for the vacation of that part of 9th Street as more fully described in the attached resolution. The Ordinance pertaining to vacations requires that the compensation specified in the resolution must be paid within sixty(60)days after adoption of the resolution. Also enclosed is an acceptance of the terms of the resolution which must be signed and filed here within said time. Sincerely, ' tip 74YeMee Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk cc: Valuation Engineer- Technology and Management Services File No. 22-2001 Enc. CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Donald J.Luna,City Clerk SP AIA UN LT L CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 170 City Hall Tel.: 651-266-8989 Randy Kelly,Mayor 15 W.Kellogg Boulevard Fax: 651-266-8689 ti* Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MIMI mow. • January 29, 2002 . Minnesota Public Radio 45 East Seventh Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 Attn: Thomas Kigin Dear Petitioners: Enclosed is a copy of Council File 02-76 which was adopted by the City Council on January 23, 2002. The resolution provides for the vacation of that part of 9th Street as more fully described in the attached resolution. The Ordinance pertaining to vacations requires that the compensation specified in the resolution must be paid within sixty (60) days after adoption of the resolution. Also enclosed is an acceptance of the terms of the resolution which must be signed and filed here within said time. Sincerely, 7Y6/di-ee Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk cc: Valuation Engineer- Technology and Management Services File No. 22-2001 Enc. Saint Paul, Minnesota January 29, 2002 To the Honorable, the City Council • Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Council Members: I, the undersigned petitioner, hereby accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of Council File No. 02-76, adopted by the City Council on January 23, 2002, and approved by the Mayor on January 25, 2002. Return copy to: jao c 1 File# —(2(P Real Estate Division 140 City Hall 0-r Green Sheet# 1 $8^0 RESOLUTION - CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By 04"--1 , Referred To / Committee: Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of Minnesota Public Radio (MPR), as documented in Real • 2 Estate Division File Number 2001-22, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and 3 discontinued as public property: 4 5 The property to be vacated (the Vacation Area) is described as follows: 6 7 See Attached Map & Description in Exhibit"A" 8 9 10 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the 11 Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 12 13 14 1. That the petitioner, its successors and assigns shall pay$500.00 as an administrative fee for this 15 vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. 16 17 18 2. That the vacation shall not be effective and this resolution shall not be filed for recording with 19 the County until the petitioner is ready to pull permits and begin said reconstruction. Until that 20 time, Ninth Street shall remain as it currently is and continue to be treated as a public street in all 21 respects. 22 23 That a permanent utility easement shall be retained on, over,under and across the vacation area on 24 behalf of the City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works to reserve the right of the City to 25 maintain and operate any sewer in or upon said easement area and to enter upon said easement or 26 any portion thereof at any time and from time to time, for the purposes of future construction, 27 reconstruction, inspection, maintenance, or repair of the same or, any part thereof. Said utility 28 easement shall be subject to the following conditions: 29 30 a. No buildings, structures, trees or any temporary structure, material storage, fixture, or any 31 other objects which may prohibit normal access to utility facilities for maintenance purposes will be 32 permitted within the easement area provided that the foregoing does not prohibit paved surfaces. 33 34 o a-'l(0 1 b. Improvements in or upon the above described easement that do not prohibit the City from 2 exercising its reserved rights may be allowed by obtaining written permission from the Department 3 of Public Works Sewer Division with the understanding that the restoration and costs of such 4 improvements shall be the sole responsibility of the petitioner,its successors and assigns in the event 5 the City exercises its reserved easement rights. 6 7 c. Should it be necessary that the petitioner's works or improvements be removed or damaged 8 as a result of the Department of Public Works operations, all removal,replacement or modification 9 costs shall be borne solely by the petitioner. 10 11 d. No change from the existing grade within the easement area shall be permitted without 12 written permission from the Department of Public Works Sewer Division. 13 14 e. No change in surfacing within the easement area shall be permitted without written 15 permission from the Department of Public Works Sewer Division. 16 17 f. The petitioner, its successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend, and save harmless 18 the City of Saint Paul,its officers, agents,employees, and servants from all suits, actions, or claims 19 which shall arise from any injuries or damages received or sustained by any break in any service pipe 20 or connection in said reserved easement arising out of or resulting from any action or negligence of 21 the petitioner, its employees, agents, or business invitees. 22 23 That a turn-around for the remaining portion of Ninth Street sufficient for the traffic needs of the 24 abutting property owners shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works. 25 26 That the petitioner shall be responsible for all abandonment and/or reconstruction of utilities within 27 Ninth Street;reconstruction of Ninth Street and the intersections of Ninth with Cedar and Ninth with 28 Minnesota; removal or placement of street lights and signs, all of which are necessary due to this 29 vacation, and all to be accomplished to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works. 30 -- 31 That after this vacation becomes effective, the petitioner, and/or its successors and 32 assigns, shall be responsible for snow removal, salting and sanding the remaining portion of 33 Ninth Street (not including the sidewalks adjacent thereto) between Cedar and Minnesota Streets 34 for as long as such remaining portion is used as a public street. The petitioner shall hire its own 35 maintenance contractor to the extent petitioner deems necessary. The petitioner, and/or its succ �sors & assigns shall be responsible for any and all costs associated with snow removal, 5 salting and sanding as required herein. 37 That the petitioner shall meet with the abutting property owners over the next year and work with 38 them to obtain a valid petition for vacating the remaining portion of Ninth street between Cedar and 39 Minnesota Streets, provided said property owners can come to a consensus. 40 41 42 3. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained on, over,under and across the vacated area on 43 behalf of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul to reserve the right of the 44 Board to maintain and operate any water facility in or upon said easement and to enter upon said 45 easement, or any portion thereof, at any time and from time to time, for the purposes of future 46 construction,reconstruction,inspection,maintenance or repair of the same or any pert thereof. Said 47 utility easement shall be subject to the following conditions: 48 oa-" tp 1 a. No buildings, structures,trees or any temporary structure,material storage,fixture, or other 2 or any objects which may prohibit normal access to water facilities for maintenance purposes 3 will be permitted within the easement area. 4 5 b. Improvements in or upon the above described easement that do not prohibit the Board from 6 exercising its reserved rights may be allowed by obtaining written permission from Saint 7 Paul Regional Water Services with the understanding that the restoration and costs of such 8 improvements shall be the sole responsibility of petitioner,its successors and assigns in the 9 event the Board exercises its reserved easement rights. 10 11 .c. Should it be necessary that the petitioner's works or improvements be.removed or damaged 12 as a result of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services operations, all removal, replacement 13 or modification costs shall be borne solely by the petitioner. 14 15 i. No change from the existing grade within the easement area shall be permitted without 16 written permission from the Saint Paul Regional Water Services. 17 18 e. No change in surfacing within the easement area shall be permitted without written 19 permission from the Saint Paul Regional Water Services. 20 21 f. The petitioner, its successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend and save harmless 22 the Board of Water Commissioners or the City of Saint Paul,its officers,agents,employees, 23 and servants from all suits, action or claims which shall arise from any injuries or damages 24 received or sustained by any break in any service pipe, water main, or connection in said 25 reserved easement,arising out of or resulting from any action or negligence of the petitioner, 26 its employees, agents or business invitees. 27 28 29 4. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest 30 of Qwest Communications, Inc. 31 32 33 5. That the following conditions be followed as stated by St. Paul Fire & Safety: 34 35 a. Petitioner will reinforce and upgrade the structure of MPR Drive(the alley immediately east 36 of the existing MPR building) to handle emergency vehicle weights. The existing structure 37 has been reviewed and can be reinforced to meet loading requirements to provide safe access 38 to Seventh Street. 39 40 b. The specified 12-foot width and required turning radius for City emergency vehicles will be 41 maintained on MPR Drive to provide safe access to Seventh Street. 42 43 c. A fire hydrant will be provided at the end of Ninth Street on the cul-de-sac created by the 44 street closure. MPR will work with Public Works and the Water Department to assure the 45 relocated water main provides appropriate water pressures to Ninth Street. 46 47 d. Petitioner will have all utility relocation work is completed prior to the closure of Ninth 48 Street at Cedar Street and have emergency vehicle access during the relocation work. 49 50 . 51 oa -pc, 1 6. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest 2 of A.T. &T. Broadband, Inc. 3 4 7. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained on, over, under and across the vacated area to 5 protect the interest of District Energy of Saint Paul. Compensation for and full relocation costs to 6 be paid will be incurred by the petitioner,this includes routing small bore pipe from Cedar Street to 7 Minnesota Street on Ninth Street and including service to the existing MPR building.The relocation 8 of any facilities must be coordinated to minimize system downtime because of service disruptions 9 to other customers. 10 8. That the Petitioner shall actively participate with the Saint Paul on the Mississippi 11 Design Center in a collaborative review and evaluation of all plans for improvements to be constructed in the vacated area. 12 8:- 9. That the petitioner its successors and assigns agrees to indemnify,defend and save harmless the City 13 of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character brought 14 as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person,persons or property on account 15 of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited to, a claim brought 16 because of any act of omission,neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or because of any claims 17 or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, 18 whether by the petitioners or any of its agents or employees. 19 20 21 -9:- 10.That the vacation resolution shall not be filed and recorded with Ramsey County until two years 22 from the date of the Council resolution and the petitioner has received permits, whichever occurs 23 first. Until such time, Ninth Street shall remain a public right-of-way. 24 25 That if the petitioner fails to commence construction within three years of the date of the Council 26 Resolution, the vacated property shall revert back to the City as a public-right-of-way. 27 28 29 -1@-11•That the petitioners, its successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this 30 resolution,file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and 31 shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all 32 respects with these terms and conditions. • • Yeas Na s Absent Benanav Requested by Department of: Blake Technology&Management Services Bostrom ,/ 0 Coleman ,/ 0 Harris By: Lant Director Reiter II0 Form A. , ove• k Attorney Adopted by r ■uncil: Date ` ._.. _ By: `' 0% Adoption C ed by Council.ecretary By: • - - - ppro ed by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved ayor: Date A r� By: i� / 44 1 /'■•ty By: / V D ..-\\>\.$ \to \ eN 00 ti�0 �"'' L / \/// /• El ` O;1 : ;\ T. ape .4N'/ , TT N iii. �� VryJ 77 (?>--,:.-.2?--.----54'7.— 7 6v, \T�. p wl NNNN `- �� 45W24-', V ` ;1 "�- '+,µR,�° eta 00_6,4 CT1 '0 ` fie-4,6-,,,,,;„,47,,,�+ - '^ CO ^ r O co ► N A f W 0 y o°a;g co c.toar• 8808 Ui �! ar d G '-+z to 7 09 `� �� ° off ' n�� V'l �O Cfu :; a o pp �S- �• Z--?C '--1-q St;.-q2--k. _ VI,4,e, P,E 6; .--..-4.4-.17„-:---.,.7 (—'' 01 --,--„ -a -a,- IT, 0 to 0 Fi to E,- ° / O r tr00 d O A �.f 7 m W off `,.,4"--2. CZ' m N s ---4,...;) , Z eta g ° $ co R\ �`n YO ,..7.< JL^..tQ Return copy to:jao ou cl File# Q,V Real Estate Division �°� a� 3ooa, 140 City Hall &rN. Green Sheet# t► j $g'p RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By 64-1 U..`■ Referred To / Committee: Date dMPv 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of Minnesota Public Radio (MPR), as documented in Real 2 Estate Division File Number 2001-22, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and 3 discontinued as public property: 4 5 The property to be vacated (the Vacation Area) is described as follows: 6 7 See Attached Map & Description in Exhibit"A" 8 9 10 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the 11 Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 12 13 14 1. That the petitioner, its successors and assigns shall pay$500.00 as an administrative fee for this 15 vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. 16 17 18 2. That the vacation shall not be effective and this resolution shall not be filed for recording with 19 _ the County until the petitioner is ready to pull permits and begin said reconstruction. Until that 20 time, Ninth Street shall remain as it currently is and continue to be treated as a public street in all 21 respects. 22 23 That a permanent utility easement shall be retained on, over,under and across the vacation area on 24 behalf of the City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works to reserve the right of the City to 25 maintain and operate any sewer in or upon said easement area and to enter upon said easement or 26 any portion thereof at any time and from time to time, for the purposes of future construction, 27 reconstruction, inspection, maintenance, or repair of the same or, any part thereof. Said utility 28 easement shall be subject to the following conditions: 29 30 a. No buildings, structures, trees or any temporary structure, material storage, fixture, or any 31 other objects which may prohibit normal access to utility facilities for maintenance purposes will be 32 permitted within the easement area provided that the foregoing does not prohibit paved surfaces. 33 34 o a.-'1(0 1 b. Improvements in or upon the above described easement that do not prohibit the City from 2 exercising its reserved rights may be allowed by obtaining written permission from the Department 3 of Public Works Sewer Division with the understanding that the restoration and costs of such 4 improvements shall be the sole responsibility of the petitioner,its successors and assigns in the event 5 the City exercises its reserved easement rights. 6 7 c. Should it be necessary that the petitioner's works or improvements be removed or damaged 8 as a result of the Department of Public Works operations,all removal,replacement or modification 9 costs shall be borne solely by the petitioner. 10 11 d. No change from the existing grade within the easement area shall be permitted without 12 written permission from the Department of Public Works Sewer Division. 13 14 e. No change in surfacing within the easement area shall be permitted without written 15 permission from the Department of Public Works Sewer Division. 16 17 f. The petitioner, its successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend, and save harmless 18 the City of Saint Paul,its officers, agents,employees, and servants from all suits, actions,or claims 19 which shall arise from any injuries or damages received or sustained by any break in any service pipe 20 or connection in said reserved easement arising out of or resulting from any action or negligence of 21 the petitioner, its employees, agents, or business invitees. 22 23 That a turn-around for the remaining portion of Ninth Street sufficient for the traffic needs of the 24 abutting property owners shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works. 25 26 That the petitioner shall be responsible for all abandonment and/or reconstruction of utilities within 27 Ninth Street;reconstruction of Ninth Street and the intersections of Ninth with Cedar and Ninth with 28 Minnesota; removal or placement of street lights and signs, all of which are necessary due to this 29 vacation, and all to be accomplished to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works. 30 31 That after this vacation becomes effective, the petitioner, and/or its successors and 32 assigns, shall be responsible for snow removal, salting and sanding the remaining portion of 33 Ninth Street (not including the sidewalks adjacent thereto) between Cedar and Minnesota Streets 34 for as long as such remaining portion is used as a public street. The petitioner shall hire its own 35 maintenance contractor to the extent petitioner deems necessary. The petitioner, and/or its successors & assigns shall be responsible for any and all costs associated with snow removal, S salting and sanding as required herein. 37 That the petitioner shall meet with the abutting property owners over the next year and work with 38 them to obtain a valid petition for vacating the remaining portion of Ninth street between Cedar and 39 Minnesota Streets, provided said property owners can come to a consensus. 40 41 42 3. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained on, over, under and across the vacated area on 43 behalf of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul to reserve the right of the 44 Board to maintain and operate any water facility in or upon said easement and to enter upon said 45 easement, or any portion thereof, at any time and from time to time, for the purposes of future 46 construction,reconstruction,inspection,maintenance or repair of the same or any pert thereof. Said 47 utility easement shall be subject to the following conditions: 48 oa•�4o 1 a. No buildings, structures,trees or any temporary structure,material storage,fixture, or other 2 or any objects which may prohibit normal access to water facilities for maintenance purposes 3 will be permitted within the easement area. 4 5 b. Improvements in or upon the above described easement that do not prohibit the Board from 6 exercising its reserved rights may be allowed by obtaining written permission from Saint 7 Paul Regional Water Services with the understanding that the restoration and costs of such 8 improvements shall be the sole responsibility of petitioner,its successors and assigns in the 9 event the Board exercises its reserved easement rights. 10 11 c. Should it be necessary that the petitioner's works or improvements be removed or damaged 12 as a result of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services operations, all removal, replacement 13 or modification costs shall be borne solely by the petitioner. 14 • 15 d. No change from the existing grade within the easement area shall be permitted without 16 written permission from the Saint Paul Regional Water Services. 17 18 e. No change in surfacing within the easement area shall be permitted without written 19 permission from the Saint Paul Regional Water Services. 20 21 f. The petitioner, its successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend and save harmless 22 the Board of Water Commissioners or the City of Saint Paul,its officers,agents,employees, 23 and servants from all suits, action or claims which shall arise from any injuries or damages 24 received or sustained by any break in any service pipe, water main, or connection in said 25 reserved easement,arising out of or resulting from any action or negligence of the petitioner, 26 its employees, agents or business invitees. 27 28 29 4. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest 30 of Qwest Communications, Inc. 31 32 33 5. That the following conditions be followed as stated by St. Paul Fire & Safety: 34 35 a. Petitioner will reinforce and upgrade the structure of MPR Drive(the alley immediately east 36 of the existing MPR building) to handle emergency vehicle weights. The existing structure 37 has been reviewed and can be reinforced to meet loading requirements to provide safe access 38 to Seventh Street_ 39 40 b. The specified 12-foot width and required turning radius for City emergency vehicles will be 41 maintained on MPR Drive to provide safe access to Seventh Street. 42 43 c. A fire hydrant will be provided at the end of Ninth Street on the cul-de-sac created by the 44 street closure. MPR will work with Public Works and the Water Department to assure the 45 relocated water main provides appropriate water pressures to Ninth Street. 46 47 d. Petitioner will have all utility relocation work is completed prior to the closure of Ninth 48 Street at Cedar Street and have emergency vehicle access during the relocation work. 49 50 . 51 oa -'1 (P 1 6. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest 2 of A.T. &T. Broadband, Inc. 3 4 7. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained on, over, under and across the vacated area to 5 protect the interest of District Energy of Saint Paul. Compensation for and full relocation costs to 6 be paid will be incurred by the petitioner,this includes routing small bore pipe from Cedar Street to 7 Minnesota Street on Ninth Street and including service to the existing MPR building.The relocation 8 of any facilities must be coordinated to minimize system downtime because of service disruptions 9 to other customers. 10 8. That the Petitioner shall actively participate with the Saint Paul on the Mississippi 11 Design Center in a collaborative review and evaluation of all plans for improvements to be constructed in the vacated area. 12 8.- 9. That the pelf fioner its successors and assigns agrees to indemnify,defend and save harmless the City 13 of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character brought 14 as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person,persons or property on account • 15 of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited to, a claim brought 16 because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or because of any claims 17 or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, 18 whether by the petitioners or any of its agents or employees. 19 20 21 -9.- 10.That the vacation resolution shall not be filed and recorded with Ramsey County until two years 22 from the date of the Council resolution and the petitioner has received permits, whichever occurs 23 first. Until such time, Ninth Street shall remain a public right-of-way. 24 25 That if the petitioner fails to commence construction within three years of the date of the Council 26 Resolution, the vacated property shall revert back to the City as a public-right-of-way. 27 28 29 -10-11•That the petitioners, its successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this 30 resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and 31 shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all 32 respects with these terms and conditions. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav ��0 Requested by Department of: Blake IIIPAPil Technology &Management Services Bostrom ,/ Coleman ,/ Harris ✓ By: Lant IIIIIIi 0 Director Reiter 00 IMME Form A live. ► `' Attorney C -1 i'-M ir� 111 . Adopted - Adopted by r suncil: Date ` ._.∎ _ 0 o� By: ���� Adoption C ed by Counci.ecretary By: - v"'PPro ed by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved ayor: Date . Al, ri By: �� / aPff„/'∎/ By: I T •• Q).3, \J 4-. 0 n}•� S s o. III p m� ` od y. -f(' 4. -4- °.,4,0-1-1,4p.''''''37,--:.........\ '''.P ., r 4 .S1 ♦ 03 r' g,Y v v v �� '.tr• : cR : ^$R CY ,. F�' /• 4• w�i • M - . Wi i -( u T • ..— a°' .hi • rn O v"�y ��r�5 t�• C1 z cO aY S0[ M ° .s 1-1) R O L( u N ° W v H co ... .-1 1 o 6. o. 5 c� 26 z� 8H•X626 OA ' L°t Vill,r 80� f-, [o _ d" (Y) Lt) mo�d} , O4y',S.r a tr • - V 9 v t � bS6�\• ,66'8 N • N .-- ` amp CO ,as p, en Os 0 7 h... A40, . lj4 / '‘ , • •( • 3 \ A'S / ").:.-, \\,(eZ Al' CO yq^ v / / \\ sue �/ ~vbd////i:// / „,..... < :-,- , . / Z; NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the petition of Minnesota Public Radio, for the vacation of that part of 9th Street as more fully described on file and on record in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, Minnesota, will be heard and considered by the Saint Paul City Council at a meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on the 3rd floor of City Hall and Court House on the 23rd day of January, 2002 at 5 : 30 P.M. Dated December 10, 2001 Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk (December 13 , 2001) S:\I N I P \ Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL AAAA To: All Council Members From: Peter White b{4 0 Right of Way Engineer :'.. 140 City Hall Date: December 7, 2001 Subject: TMS Deptartment Vacation File No 2001-22 I recommend a public hearing before the City Council be held on January 23rd,2002. The purpose of this vacation is to release City interest in Ninth Street between Cedar and approximately 109 feet easterly of Cedar as part of Minnesota Public Radio's re-development of their facilities. This property is located in City Council District 2, Planning District 17. cc: Shari Moore, City Clerk's Office (for publication) Meghan Riley, City Attorney's Office (200122hr.date) CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owusu,City Clerk SAINT A u L CITY OF SAINT PAUL 170 City Hall Tel: 651-266-8989 140, Norm Coleman,Mayor 15 W.Kellogg Boulevard Fax: 651-266-8689 Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 Web:http://www.ci.stpaul.mn.us AAAA TDD:651-266-8509 November 2, 2001 Peter White Valuation Engineer Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Dear Peter: I refer to you to check as to form and sufficiency and for recommendation, the attached petition of Minnesota Public Radio for the vacation of that part of Ninth Street according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Saint Paul City Clerk. Sincerely, Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk Attachments PETITION TO VACATE CITY INTEREST I(we),the undersigned,constituting a majority of the owners(or their legally designated representatives)of the abutting properties,do hereby petition the Council of the City of Saint Paul to vacate its interests in the property(ies) legally described as follows: That part of Ninth Street,adjacent to Block 13,Roberts&Randalls Addition,according to the recorded plat thereof and Tract B,Registered Land Survey No. 391,Ramsey County,Minnesota lying northeasterly of a line drawn from the northwest corner of said Block 13 to the southwest corner of said Tract B and lying southwesterly of the easterly line of said Tract B prolonged southeasterly to the northerly line of said Block 13. I(we)request this vacation for the following reason(s). (Indicate whether you will be building on the site.) Minnesota Public Radio("MPR")intends to build an office building on the portion of Ninth Street proposed to be vacated. The proposed building would connect the existing MPR building with the 480 Cedar Building across Ninth Street,to create one contiguous structure. This contiguity would create more efficient working relationships within MPR,and the additional structures would provide necessary floor space for MPR. MPR plans to improve the street leading up to the vacated portion of Ninth from the east,in order to create an appropriate cul de sac. I(we)have attached six copies of the site plans of any development intended for construction on the lands to be vacated. Person(s)responsible for payment of vacation fee and for acceptance of the terms and conditions of Contact Persons the vacation: Name: Thomas Kigin Name: Thomas Kigin Address: Minnesota Public Radio Address:Minnesota Public Radio 45 East Seventh St. 45 East Seventh St. St.Paul,MN 55101 St. Paul,MN 55101 X90 /55V Name: Roger Behrens Name: Address: Faegre&Benson LLP Address:, 2200 Wells Fargo Center 90 South Seventh Street Minneapolis,MN 55402 s. Signatures of Owner )/Representative(s) of Property(ies)Described Below: Ai ellk2 Jon Gutzmann Jon utzmann Public Housing Agency of St.Paul - Executive Director o 480 Cedar Street, Public Housing Agency of St. Paul, signing on behalf Suite 600 of and with the authority of Public St. Paul,Minnesota 55101 Housing Agency of St.Paul /� 1�`A V la J IC4- 1-:"--c Thomas Kigin homas Kigin Minnesota Public Radio The Executive Vice President ofFinnesota 45 East Seventh Street Public Radio, signing on behalf of and with the Suite 600 authority of Minnesota Public Radio St.Paul,Minnesota 55101 I, 'f l)((:-_ , S, C `POE, i Z L ,am employed by the petitioner, or one of the petitioners in the above matter;and I do hereby swear and verify that each of the signatures on this petition was signed in my presence by the person described in the petition. 5t' Subscri ed and sworn to before me this / day of ,2001. 0 )'1)\4 c Signature Notary My commission expires / -31 '"c d 0 6 M1:810471.01 al: MI PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY S A I N T P A U L The attached Resolution No. 01-10/24-2 was approved by the Board of Commissioners of the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul (PHA) on October 24, 2001. In it the Board ratifies the Purchase Agreement executed by the PHA and Minnesota Public Radio (MPR), which specifically refers to the vacation of Ninth Street (Purchase Agreement, Section 1.13). The resolution also authorizes the PHA's Executive Director to execute necessary documents related to the sale, lease, and HUD approval of the sale of the property. Date: October 3j, 2001 F. Allen Hester Assistant to the Executive Director 480 Cedar Street•Suite 600 • Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101-2240 651-298-5664 • Fax 651-298-5666 PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL RESOLUTION NO. 01-10/24-2 SALE OF 480 CEDAR BUILDING WHEREAS, the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul (PHA) owns the office building at 480 Cedar Street in Saint Paul, Minnesota(the "480 Cedar Building") and maintains its Central Administrative Office and Rental Office as well as commercial office space and a parking ramp; and WHEREAS, a declaration of trust has been recorded in favor of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) relating to the title of the 480 Cedar Building in connection with HUD Development Project No. MN 1-33 (MNP46001033); and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) desires to purchase the 480 Cedar Building for$7.9 million, a price which was previously approved by the PHA Board of Commissioners on January 24, 2001 as reflecting the replacement value of the property; and WHEREAS, the PHA and MPR signed a Purchase Agreement on October 17, 2001 which is subject to HUD's release of its declaration of trust on the property ; and WHEREAS, MPR and the PHA have tentatively agreed that the PHA will lease its office space on the third and sixth floors of the 480 Cedar Building from MPR on terms and conditions which have been presented to and fully considered by the Board at this meeting; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners finds that this sale and leaseback of 480 Cedar Street are in the best interests of the Public Housing Agency; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul as follows: 1. After review and consideration of the Purchase Agreement for the sale of the 480 Cedar Building to Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) at the price previously approved by the Board of Commissioners, the Purchase Agreement is hereby ratified, subject to HUD's approval and release of the declaration of trust; and 2. After consideration of the terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement for the PHA to lease the third and sixth floors of the 480 Cedar Building from Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) after the sale closing, the Lease Agreement is hereby approved and the Executive Director or his designees are hereby authorized to execute any related documents which are necessary; and 3. The Executive Director or his designee are authorized to seek HUD approval to amend the PHA's Agency Plan for Fiscal Year 2002 to describe the disposition of the 480 Cedar Building; and 4. The Executive Director is authorized and directed to execute and submit a property disposition application to HUD along with all further documents and information as required by HUD respecting approval of the sale of 480 Cedar Building. APPROVED ON OCTOBER 24, 2001 • CERTIFICATE OF BOARD SECRETARY The undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1) That he is the duly qualified and acting Secretary of the Board of Commissioners of the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul (Local Public Agency), and the keeper of the records of the Local Public Agency; 2) That the attached Resolution No. 01-10/24-02 is a true and correct copy of the resolution as adopted on the 24 day of October , 20 01 ; 3) That the seal affixed below constitutes the official seal of the Local Public Agency and this Certificate is hereby executed under such official seal; and 4) That the undersigned is duly authorized to execute this Certificate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the said Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul, this 24 day of October , 20 01 14 - illattik I SecrIVary (SEAL) Legal Description Property is: Fee Owner Lot 3, Block 13, Roberts & Abstract Minnesota Public Radio Inc Randall's Addition to Saint 45 7th St E Paul. St. Paul, MN 55101 All that part of Lot 2 in Block 13, Roberts & Randall's Addition to Saint Paul lying West of Westerly line of Lot 4 in said Block 13, produced to 9th Street. This report represents the professional opinion of Old Republic National Title Insurance Company regarding ownership of the above described properties; it is not intended, nor shall it be construed, as a guarantee of title. Old Republic National Title Insurance Company assumes no liability for errors or omissions. Sincerely, / z,/, ;:oiirc-__Lorette Schmaltz lilt Assistant Vice President Old Republic National Title Insurance Company • Old Republic National Title Insurance Company 400 2nd Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55401 October 31, 2001 Thomas Kigin Minnesota Public Radio 45 East Seventh Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 To whom it may concern: Old Republic National Title Insurance Company does hereby certify that a search of Ramsey County, Minnesota tax records discloses that, as of October 31, 2001, the owners of the properties abutting the public right- of-way described as That part of Ninth Street, adjacent to Block 13, Roberts & Randalls Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof and Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 391, Ramsey County, Minnesota lying northeasterly of a line drawn from the northwest corner of said Block 13 to the southwest corner of said Tract B and lying southwesterly of the easterly line of said Tract B prolonged southeasterly to the northerly line of said Block 13. Legal Description Property is: Fee Owner Tract B, Registered Land Torrens Public Housing Agency Survey No. 391 480 Cedar St Suite 600 St. Paul, MN 55101 All that part of Lot 2, Torrens Minnesota Public Radio Inc Block 13, Roberts & Randall's 45 7th St E Addition to St. Paul, lying St. Paul, MN 55101 West of the dividing line between Lots 5 and 6 in said Block produced to the North line of said Lot 2, except that part of Lot 2 lying West of the dividing line of Lots 3 and 4, in said Block, produced to the North line of said Lot 2. (Continued) �.. ,u qtr✓ airelleie i ♦I'1tl! . • 4t `, % :°4 N.e.. 4 7AP ..- ' c %, .. ct Os. . . •—x--- 1.99 :-• . 1 „ / c 9 �' ` •O o. �` �� c o 1l /'� r-. > �o �y y4. / +lit '1� P",_ Y CA a/ ' b n r� �� mac' / irc, ` ,-4 c- N r /. / 41111 ,.. 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P— t • . \ c- \ \'Mrrrr/' m Z_m --1 m-‹ XmO m CD 0 cZ n Km m > 0 m cZ z K � 7J Cn M C) I \ (f) -0 -. -1 o -o"t3 - WABASHA STREET lv p c CD II cD CO / \ \ / Cn r-f- sv • = \ / - i rn CD 2 N r ` Dm = -I 711 rn M 0 m (-) ilemir x 0 .--h plakomi // / O C I G = 0 C} m �^ m V! >Q �� ZI _. �j e--f o T��' OC -I D m 77 Z D E m r' m 0 T a_ Gym mD - i CD V N D cl.) to �m m m ii o -0 Z 0) X /jo d _ i o H cn ir 7J 6 l'_ 11 r 1 6 a — o C X M � X C1 Z — -- — ° � �: � Z G) 1 . l Z0C - Do m'J- = m - - CEDAR STREET z>> I w� m m Cl) ° m . , I . . , . m 0z I O X I `�� X •1. m m . Cl) Cn A . Cn K .'. o . CD cT) C O . -. rn 7J2 II Dm I m 0 rm C Z .I1. o m - 0 m I m z m 0 .,� -I -o m 0 ZD I- - Z m . m cn , I C . C . °Z Cl) ■ m CD >--1 ZH s. mCrn RAMP DOWN _�\ s -n m m D m I Y }$: Dm > o Z Z ��, z 0 Z Z o n 0 Z Kg / zD -- Z R c A 511'n 0 ^' O m D F