03-811 (2) Return copy to: (e.c.) Council File#
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall Green Sheet# yt(02.
� zy
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
1 WHEREAS, on March 20, 2002, the Council approved CF# 02-233, thereby vacating parts of Wheeler Street
2 and Munster and Graham Avenues; and
4 WHEREAS,the plan to develop the area, for which the street and avenues were vacated has been changed;
5 not all of the vacated area will be required;
7 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the said CF# 02-233 shall be amended as follows:
9 lines 6 through 18 on page 1 of the said CF# 02-233 shall be deleted and the following descriptions
to shall be inserted:
12 The property to be vacated is described as follows:
14 Munster Avenue from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of the
1s Common Council of the City of Saitn Paul on December 4, 1889, to the west line of Davern Street,
16 excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A; and
18 South Wheeler Street from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of
19 the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4th, 1889, to the north line of Norfolk
20 Avenue, excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A; and
22 Graham Avenue from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of the
23 Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4th, 1889, to the west line of Davern Street,
24 excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A
26 Line A
28 Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 28 North,
29 Range 23 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota; thence North 89 degrees 31 minutes 22 seconds East,
30 assumed bearing, along the south line of said Northeast Quarter a distance of 204.15 feet; thence
31 North 28 degrees 36 minutes 22 seconds East, 37.76 feet; thence South 89 degrees 31 minutes 22
32 seconds West, 215.43 feet to the point of beginning of Line A to be described; thence North 42
. 03 - x'11
1 degrees 37 minutes 05 seconds East 241.01 feet; thence North 50 degrees 39 minutes 18 seconds East,
2 246.66 feet; thence North 63 degrees 30 minutes 59 seconds East 75.70 feet; thence North 47 degrees
3 22 minutes 22 seconds East, 104.42 feet; thence North 0 degree 09 minutes 55 seconds West, 3.76
4 feet; thence North 50 degrees 04 minutes 01 seconds East, 52.04 feet; thence South 0 degrees 09
5 minutes 55 seconds East, 1.93 feet; thence North 49 degrees 48 minutes 42 seconds East, 84. 35 feet;
6 thence North 52 degrees 39 minutes 39 seconds East, 102.95 feet to the northerly endpoint of the west
7 line of Block 9, Homecroft an Addition to the City of St. Paul, said Ramsey County, and there
8 terminating.
10 BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that except as hereby amended, all terms and conditions of the said CF# 02-233
shall remain in full force and effect.
Yeas Na s Absent
Benanav ✓ 0 Requested by Department of:
Blake 1 0I I Technology & Management Services
Bostrom ,✓ 0
Coleman 00
Harris 00 ✓ By: Y YG-vc,/,-(_,-._,' '''".--2.-.23
Lan ✓ _"
0 (,,tFtirector
Reiter 0 L--- Form Approved by City Attorney
E'!!MIME a / /
Adopted by Council: Date 3 . Ov-- By A , / ,. •
Adoption Cercir d by Council Secretary
By: /%7 ' . 7 -:-✓ — _ . Ap fro 1-• /Mayor for Sub -i-ssio, to C• i it
Approved • rayon Date / I �. Ai
By: ■t,ciL,e-e-, — /.� ;y.� . -d
7 r i
• I, G
Return copy to: (e.c.) Council File# 03111
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall Green Sheet# '21)6 3q(p2.
,. zy
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
1 WHEREAS, on March 20, 2002, the Council approved CF# 02-233, thereby vacating parts of Wheeler Street
2 and Munster and Graham Avenues; and
4 WHEREAS, the plan to develop the area, for which the street and avenues were vacated has been changed;
5 not all of the vacated area will be required;
7 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the said CF# 02-233 shall be amended as follows:
9 lines 6 through 18 on page 1 of the said CF# 02-233 shall be deleted and the following descriptions
10 shall be inserted:
12 The property to be vacated is described as follows:
14 Munster Avenue from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of the
15 Common Council of the City of Saitn Paul on December 4, 1889, to the west line of Davern Street,
16 excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A; and
18 South Wheeler Street from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of
19 the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4`h, 1889, to the north line of Norfolk
20 Avenue, excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A; and
22 Graham Avenue from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of the
23 Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4`h, 1889, to the west line of Davern Street,
24 excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A
26 Line A
28 Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 28 North,
29 Range 23 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota; thence North 89 degrees 31 minutes 22 seconds East,
30 assumed bearing, along the south line of said Northeast Quarter a distance of 204.15 feet; thence
31 North 28 degrees 36 minutes 22 seconds East, 37.76 feet; thence South 89 degrees 31 minutes 22
32 seconds West, 215.43 feet to the point of beginning of Line A to be described; thence North 42
03 - gii
1 degrees 37 minutes 05 seconds East 241.01 feet; thence North 50 degrees 39 minutes 18 seconds East,
2 246.66 feet; thence North 63 degrees 30 minutes 59 seconds East 75.70 feet; thence North 47 degrees
3 22 minutes 22 seconds East, 104.42 feet; thence North 0 degree 09 minutes 55 seconds West, 3.76
4 feet; thence North 50 degrees 04 minutes 01 seconds East, 52.04 feet; thence South 0 degrees 09
5 minutes 55 seconds East, 1.93 feet; thence North 49 degrees 48 minutes 42 seconds East, 84. 35 feet;
6 thence North 52 degrees 39 minutes 39 seconds East, 102.95 feet to the northerly endpoint of the west
7 line of Block 9, Homecroft an Addition to the City of St. Paul, said Ramsey County, and there
8 terminating.
10 BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that except as hereby amended, all terms and conditions of the said CF# 02-233
shall remain in full force and effect.
Yeas Na s Absent
Benanav ✓ 0 Requested by Department of:
Blake ✓ 0 Technology & Management Services
Bostrom /
Harris ✓ By: Y
Lant ,i 0 , t9irector
Reiter 0 ✓ Form Approved by City Attorney
!'!=J. a /
Adopted by Council: Date I --I1v-. B i. , l 4.
Adoption Cert ' d by Council Secretary
By: /27 kr ' . -s.% _ - Ap.ro l-. Mayor for Sub. ssio, to C. r it
Approved • ►� ayor: Date ''� ~ / i �-_
I ✓ 7
Return copy to: (e.c.) Council File# 03 O c
1 I
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall Green Sheet# '0 yt(9Z
-� zy
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
1 WHEREAS, on March 20, 2002, the Council approved CF# 02-233, thereby vacating parts of Wheeler Street
2 and Munster and Graham Avenues; and
4 WHEREAS,the plan to develop the area, for which the street and avenues were vacated has been changed;
5 not all of the vacated area will be required;
7 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the said CF# 02-233 shall be amended as follows:
9 lines 6 through 18 on page 1 of the said CF# 02-233 shall be deleted and the following descriptions
10 shall be inserted:
12 The property to be vacated is described as follows:
14 Munster Avenue from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of the
15 Common Council of the City of Saitn Paul on December 4, 1889, to the west line of Davern Street,
16 excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A; and
18 South Wheeler Street from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of
19 the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4`h, 1889, to the north line of Norfolk
20 Avenue, excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A; and
22 Graham Avenue from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of the
23 Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4th, 1889, to the west line of Davern Street,
24 excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A
26 Line A
28 Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 28 North,
29 Range 23 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota; thence North 89 degrees 31 minutes 22 seconds East,
30 assumed bearing, along the south line of said Northeast Quarter a distance of 204.15 feet; thence
31 North 28 degrees 36 minutes 22 seconds East, 37.76 feet; thence South 89 degrees 31 minutes 22
32 seconds West, 215.43 feet to the point of beginning of Line A to be described; thence North 42
03 - gii
1 degrees 37 minutes 05 seconds East 241.01 feet; thence North 50 degrees 39 minutes 18 seconds East,
2 246.66 feet; thence North 63 degrees 30 minutes 59 seconds East 75.70 feet; thence North 47 degrees
3 22 minutes 22 seconds East, 104.42 feet; thence North 0 degree 09 minutes 55 seconds West, 3.76
4 feet; thence North 50 degrees 04 minutes 01 seconds East, 52.04 feet; thence South 0 degrees 09
5 minutes 55 seconds East, 1.93 feet; thence North 49 degrees 48 minutes 42 seconds East, 84. 35 feet;
6 thence North 52 degrees 39 minutes 39 seconds East, 102.95 feet to the northerly endpoint of the west
7 line of Block 9, Homecroft an Addition to the City of St. Paul, said Ramsey County, and there
8 terminating.
io BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that except as hereby amended, all terms and conditions of the said CF# 02-233
shall remain in full force and effect.
Yeas I Nays Absent
Benanav ✓ Requested by Department of:
Blakey :✓ I Technology & Management Services
Bostrom ✓ _
Harris ✓ By: W-e--(...e,,A._ - C-,tLr:-,� a -2'6 3
Lantry :% _ ` ail`pirector
Reiter ✓ Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date _ 4,c-f: . dv_. B -�� . //(0_.
P by � Y �
Adoption Cerf d by Council Secretary
By: /27 kr <,, -lJr✓ • Ap!roil • Mayor for Subariss,to y it
Approved . 1% ayor: Date / V'
Return copy to: (e.c.) Council File# 03 1/1
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall Green Sheet#
-� zy
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
1 WHEREAS, on March 20, 2002, the Council approved CF# 02-233, thereby vacating parts of Wheeler Street
2 and Munster and Graham Avenues; and
4 WHEREAS,the plan to develop the area, for which the street and avenues were vacated has been changed;
s not all of the vacated area will be required;
7 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the said CF# 02-233 shall be amended as follows:
9 lines 6 through 18 on page 1 of the said CF# 02-233 shall be deleted and the following descriptions
to shall be inserted:
12 The property to be vacated is described as follows:
14 Munster Avenue from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of the
1s Common Council of the City of Saitn Paul on December 4, 1889, to the west line of Davern Street,
16 excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A; and
18 South Wheeler Street from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of
19 the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4th, 1889, to the north line of Norfolk
20 Avenue, excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A; and
22 Graham Avenue from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of the
23 Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4`h, 1889, to the west line of Davern Street,
24 excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A
26 Line A
28 Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 28 North,
29 Range 23 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota; thence North 89 degrees 31 minutes 22 seconds East,
30 assumed bearing, along the south line of said Northeast Quarter a distance of 204.15 feet; thence
31 North 28 degrees 36 minutes 22 seconds East, 37.76 feet; thence South 89 degrees 31 minutes 22
32 seconds West, 215.43 feet to the point of beginning of Line A to be described; thence North 42
03 - gij
1 degrees 37 minutes 05 seconds East 241.01 feet; thence North 50 degrees 39 minutes 18 seconds East,
2 246.66 feet; thence North 63 degrees 30 minutes 59 seconds East 75.70 feet; thence North 47 degrees
3 22 minutes 22 seconds East, 104.42 feet; thence North 0 degree 09 minutes 55 seconds West, 3.76
4 feet; thence North 50 degrees 04 minutes 01 seconds East, 52.04 feet; thence South 0 degrees 09
5 minutes 55 seconds East, 1.93 feet; thence North 49 degrees 48 minutes 42 seconds East, 84. 35 feet;
6 thence North 52 degrees 39 minutes 39 seconds East, 102.95 feet to the northerly endpoint of the west
7 line of Block 9, Homecroft an Addition to the City of St. Paul, said Ramsey County, and there
8 terminating.
io BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that except as hereby amended, all terms and conditions of the said CF# 02-233
shall remain in full force and effect.
Yeas Na s Absent
Benanav ✓ 0 Requested by Department of:
Blake ✓ 0 Technology & Management Services
Bostrom ✓
Harris 00 ✓ By: Y _,-c , C,�c2yc�� -61.3
Lant ✓ ,;�,tpirector
Reiter 00 r.--- Form Approved by City Attorney ��""
Adopted by Council: Date dv By G A44. /.
Adoption Cerf i-d by Council Secretary y
By: /�,11, < 4l'."ri Ap. o ie. Mayor for Subatiss,to C it
Approved • rayon Date / / i
Y-,/ ��
By: e2 -✓ ./ / � it /(�/ -� -it �
7 1 4
Return copy to: (e.c.) Council File # 03 O G
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall Green Sheet# '2,pp 31(02.
Presented By °=�
Referred To Committee: Date
1 WHEREAS, on March 20, 2002, the Council approved CF# 02-233, thereby vacating parts of Wheeler Street
2 and Munster and Graham Avenues; and
4 WHEREAS, the plan to develop the area, for which the street and avenues were vacated has been changed;
5 not all of the vacated area will be required;
7 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the said CF# 02-233 shall be amended as follows:
9 lines 6 through 18 on page 1 of the said CF# 02-233 shall be deleted and the following descriptions
10 shall be inserted:
12 The property to be vacated is described as follows:
14 Munster Avenue from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of the
15 Common Council of the City of Saitn Paul on December 4, 1889, to the west line of Davern Street,
16 excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A; and
18 South Wheeler Street from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street,as widened by an order of
19 the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4th, 1889, to the north line of Norfolk
20 Avenue, excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A; and
22 Graham Avenue from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of the
23 Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4th, 1889, to the west line of Davern Street,
24 excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A
26 Line A
28 Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 28 North,
29 Range 23 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota; thence North 89 degrees 31 minutes 22 seconds East,
30 assumed bearing, along the south line of said Northeast Quarter a distance of 204.15 feet; thence
31 North 28 degrees 36 minutes 22 seconds East, 37.76 feet; thence South 89 degrees 31 minutes 22
32 seconds West, 215.43 feet to the point of beginning of Line A to be described; thence North 42
03 - gl
degrees 37 minutes 05 seconds East 241.01 feet; thence North 50 degrees 39 minutes 18 seconds East,
2 246.66 feet; thence North 63 degrees 30 minutes 59 seconds East 75.70 feet; thence North 47 degrees
3 22 minutes 22 seconds East, 104.42 feet; thence North 0 degree 09 minutes 55 seconds West, 3.76
4 feet; thence North 50 degrees 04 minutes 01 seconds East, 52.04 feet; thence South 0 degrees 09
5 minutes 55 seconds East, 1.93 feet; thence North 49 degrees 48 minutes 42 seconds East, 84. 35 feet;
6 thence North 52 degrees 39 minutes 39 seconds East, 102.95 feet to the northerly endpoint of the west
7 line of Block 9, Homecroft an Addition to the City of St. Paul, said Ramsey County, and there
8 terminating.
io BE IT ALSO RESOLVED,that except as hereby amended, all terms and conditions of the said CF# 02-233
shall remain in full force and effect.
Yeas Nays Absent
Benanav ✓ Requested by Department of:
Blakey ✓ Technology & Management Services
Bostrom ✓
Coleman ✓
Harris ✓ By:
Lantry ✓ , 1 'rector
Reiter ✓ Form Approved by City Attorney
111111=1111 IMV.■11
Adopted by Council: Date B J j .
Adoption Cert -d by Council Secretary
By: /%'If • ApPro#'e• "Mayor for Sullari-ssio to C. it
Approved • p ayor: Date
Return copy to: (e.c.) Council File #03-q53
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall Green Sheet# (-1 1`"'
Referred To Committee: Date
1 WHEREAS, on March 20, 2002, the Council approved CF# 02-233, thereby approving the vacation of
2 parts of Munster Avenue. South Wheeler Street and Graham Avenue; and
3 WHEREAS, said CF# 02-233 was subsequently amended on September 3, 2003 by CF# 03-811 and on
4 October 15, 2003 by CF# 03-929, thereby changing the legal description of the area vacated to:
5 That part of Munster Avenue lying southeasterly of the Southeast line of West Seventh Street, as
6 widened by an order of the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4, 1889, westerly
7 of the west line of Davern Street and southerly of a line 3.00 feet northerly of and parallel to the south
8 line of said Munster Avenue, excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter
9 described Line A; and
10 South Wheeler Street from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of
11 the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4th, 1889, to the north line of Norfolk
12 Avenue, excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A; and
13 Graham Avenue from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of the
14 Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4`h, 1889, to the west line of Davern Street,
15 excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A
16 Line A
17 Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 28 North,
18 Range 23 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota; thence North 89 degrees 31 minutes 22 seconds East,
19 assumed bearing, along the south line of said Northeast Quarter a distance of 204.15 feet; thence
20 North 28 degrees 36 minutes 22 seconds East, 37.76 feet; thence South 89 degrees 31 minutes 22
21 seconds West, 215.43 feet to the point of beginning of Line A to be described; thence North 42
22 degrees 37 minutes 05 seconds East 241.01 feet; thence North 50 degrees 39 minutes 18 seconds East,
23 246.66 feet; thence North 63 degrees 30 minutes 59 seconds East 75.70 feet; thence North 47 degrees
24 22 minutes 22 seconds East, 104.42 feet; thence North 0 degree 09 minutes 55 seconds West, 3.76
25 feet; thence North 50 degrees 04 minutes 01 seconds East. 52.04 feet; thence South 0 degrees 09
26 minutes 55 seconds East, 1.93 feet; thence North 49 degrees 48 minutes 42 seconds East, 84. 35 feet;
27 thence North 52 degrees 39 minutes 39 seconds East, 102.95 feet to the northerly endpoint of the west
28 line of Block 9, Homecroft an Addition to the City of St. Paul, said Ramsey County, and there
29 terminating; and
30 WHEREAS, the said CF# 02-233, as subsequently amended, did not release utility easements within the
31 area to be vacated;
1 BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that, subject to the herein stated exceptions and with the
2 accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of Qwest
3 Corporation,Northern States Power Company, d.b.a. Xcel Energy, District Energy St. Paul,
4 Incorporated, MCI, Comcast of Saint Paul, Inc., Saint Paul Regional Water Services, and the Department
5 of Public Works, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint
6 Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corporations and departments, waives the right to the
7 utility easements in the vacated area described below:
8 This release of easements shall be subject to the following conditions:
9 1. That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay $300 as an administrative fee for this
10 release of easements which is due and payable upon receipt of a certified copy of this resolution.
11 2. That the resolution releasing the described easements shall not be filed in the Department of
12 Revenue and Records for Ramsey County, Minnesota, nor shall any easements on, under, over or
13 across the herein described right-of-way be released prior to the approval by the proper City
14 officials and officials of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services of the final plat of the property,
15 which shall dedicate new utility easements as required, at the time of filing, to service the
16 development and any other currently served by existing facilities.
17 3. That the developer shall bear the full cost of relocating existing facilities to the new easements to
18 be dedicated.
19 4. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless
20 the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character
21 brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or
22 property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited
23 to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or
24 because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in
25 accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees.
26 5. That the petitioners,their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this
27 resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution
28 and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in
29 all respects with these terms and conditions.
I Yeas I Nays Absent
I Benanav ( ✓ J Requested by Department of:
LBlakey II V _ Technology & Management Services
Bo§trom t/ _
Coleman V
Harris B y:
Lantry t/ Director
-miter Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by tumid: Date \0 2.:1-103 By: .' /.�'C r�. � /J ��
Adoption C: fled by Council Secretary /)/
By: , V Ap.r.ved 0/Mayor for Submisio, to �ou cil
s� f ------��'
Approve. ayor: Date
, .!' �'„,�,��
Return copy to: (e.c.) Council File #0.053
Real Estate Division C.
140 City Hall Green Sheet # H I(' I
Referred To Committee: Date
1 WHEREAS, on March 20, 2002, the Council approved CF# 02-233, thereby approving the vacation of
2 parts of Munster Avenue, South Wheeler Street and Graham Avenue; and
3 WHEREAS, said CF# 02-233 was subsequently amended on September 3, 2003 by CF# 03-811and on
4 October 15, 2003 by CF# 03-929, thereby changing the legal description of the area vacated to:
5 That part of Munster Avenue lying southeasterly of the Southeast line of West Seventh Street, as
6 widened by an order of the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4, 1889, westerly
7 of the west line of Davern Street and southerly of a line 3.00 feet northerly of and parallel to the south
8 line of said Munster Avenue, excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter
9 described Line A; and
10 South Wheeler Street from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of
11 the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4th, 1889, to the north line of Norfolk
12 Avenue, excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A; and
13 Graham Avenue from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of the
14 Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4`h, 1889, to the west line of Davern Street,
15 excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A
16 Line A
17 Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 28 North,
18 Range 23 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota; thence North 89 degrees 31 minutes 22 seconds East,
19 assumed bearing, along the south line of said Northeast Quarter a distance of 204.15 feet; thence
20 North 28 degrees 36 minutes 22 seconds East, 37.76 feet; thence South 89 degrees 31 minutes 22
21 seconds West, 215.43 feet to the point of beginning of Line A to be described; thence North 42
22 degrees 37 minutes 05 seconds East 241.01 feet; thence North 50 degrees 39 minutes 18 seconds East,
23 246.66 feet; thence North 63 degrees 30 minutes 59 seconds East 75.70 feet; thence North 47 degrees
24 22 minutes 22 seconds East, 104.42 feet; thence North 0 degree 09 minutes 55 seconds West, 3.76
25 feet; thence North 50 degrees 04 minutes 01 seconds East, 52.04 feet; thence South 0 degrees 09
26 minutes 55 seconds East, 1.93 feet; thence North 49 degrees 48 minutes 42 seconds East, 84. 35 feet;
27 thence North 52 degrees 39 minutes 39 seconds East, 102.95 feet to the northerly endpoint of the west
28 line of Block 9, Homecroft an Addition to the City of St. Paul, said Ramsey County, and there
29 terminating; and
30 WHEREAS, the said CF# 02-233, as subsequently amended, did not release utility easements within the
31 area to be vacated;
1 BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that, subject to the herein stated exceptions and with the
2 accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of Qwest
3 Corporation, Northern States Power Company, d.b.a. Xcel Energy, District Energy St. Paul,
4 Incorporated, MCI, Comcast of Saint Paul, Inc., Saint Paul Regional Water Services, and the Department
5 of Public Works, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint
6 Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corporations and departments, waives the right to the
7 utility easements in the vacated area described below:
8 This release of easements shall be subject to the following conditions:
9 1. That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay $300 as an administrative fee for this
10 release of easements which is due and payable upon receipt of a certified copy of this resolution.
11 2. That the resolution releasing the described easements shall not be filed in the Department of
12 Revenue and Records for Ramsey County, Minnesota, nor shall any easements on, under, over or
13 across the herein described right-of-way be released prior to the approval by the proper City
14 officials and officials of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services of the final plat of the property,
15 which shall dedicate new utility easements as required, at the time of filing, to service the
16 development and any other currently served by existing facilities.
17 3. That the developer shall bear the full cost of relocating existing facilities to the new easements to
18 be dedicated.
19 4. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless
20 the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character
21 brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or
22 property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited
23 to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or
24 because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in
25 accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees.
26 5. That the petitioners,their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this
27 resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution
28 and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in
29 all respects with these terms and conditions.
Yeas I Nays Absent
Benanav I ✓ Requested by Department of:
Blakey V Technology & Management Services
Coleman ✓
Harris ✓ By: 'U ?1
1•Lantry ✓ Director
-Riter Form Approved by City Attprney
Adopted by suncil: Date \O J 2;2-103 By: ,0 !'��r�l�
Adoption C: fled by Council Secretary I) ' / 1
1 ,
By: / 9 ✓ Ap ,ove k ayor for Submi z to Cou�cil
Approve• /ayor: Date a7 � �1
By: r . t L i l�
J f
Return copy to: (e.c.) Council File #03'g53
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall Green Sheet# ul 1 I
7L _
Presented 6
Referred To Committee: Date
1 WHEREAS, on March 20, 2002, the Council approved CF# 02-233, thereby approving the vacation of
2 parts of Munster Avenue, South Wheeler Street and Graham Avenue; and
3 WHEREAS, said CF# 02-233 was subsequently amended on September 3, 2003 by CF# 03-81 land on
4 October 15, 2003 by CF# 03-929, thereby changing the legal description of the area vacated to:
5 That part of Munster Avenue lying southeasterly of the Southeast line of West Seventh Street, as
6 widened by an order of the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4, 1889, westerly
7 of the west line of Davern Street and southerly of a line 3.00 feet northerly of and parallel to the south
8 line of said Munster Avenue, excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter
9 described Line A; and
10 South Wheeler Street from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of
11 the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4th, 1889, to the north line of Norfolk
12 Avenue, excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A; and
13 Graham Avenue from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of the
14 Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4th, 1889, to the west line of Davern Street,
15 excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A
16 Line A
17 Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 28 North,
18 Range 23 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota; thence North 89 degrees 31 minutes 22 seconds East,
19 assumed bearing, along the south line of said Northeast Quarter a distance of 204.15 feet; thence
20 North 28 degrees 36 minutes 22 seconds East, 37.76 feet; thence South 89 degrees 31 minutes 22
21 seconds West, 215.43 feet to the point of beginning of Line A to be described; thence North 42
22 degrees 37 minutes 05 seconds East 241.01 feet; thence North 50 degrees 39 minutes 18 seconds East,
23 246.66 feet; thence North 63 degrees 30 minutes 59 seconds East 75.70 feet; thence North 47 degrees
24 22 minutes 22 seconds East, 104.42 feet; thence North 0 degree 09 minutes 55 seconds West, 3.76
25 feet; thence North 50 degrees 04 minutes 01 seconds East, 52.04 feet: thence South 0 degrees 09
26 minutes 55 seconds East, 1.93 feet; thence North 49 degrees 48 minutes 42 seconds East, 84. 35 feet;
27 thence North 52 degrees 39 minutes 39 seconds East, 102.95 feet to the northerly endpoint of the west
28 line of Block 9, Homecroft an Addition to the City of St. Paul, said Ramsey County, and there
29 terminating; and
30 WHEREAS, the said CF# 02-233, as subsequently amended, did not release utility easements within the
31 area to be vacated;
1 BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that, subject to the herein stated exceptions and with the
2 accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of Qwest
3 Corporation,Northern States Power Company, d.b.a. Xcel Energy, District Energy St. Paul,
4 Incorporated, MCI, Comcast of Saint Paul, Inc., Saint Paul Regional Water Services, and the Department
5 of Public Works, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint
6 Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corporations and departments, waives the right to the
7 utility easements in the vacated area described below:
8 This release of easements shall be subject to the following conditions:
9 1. That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay $300 as an administrative fee for this
10 release of easements which is due and payable upon receipt of a certified copy of this resolution.
11 2. That the resolution releasing the described easements shall not be filed in the Department of
12 Revenue and Records for Ramsey County, Minnesota, nor shall any easements on, under, over or
13 across the herein described right-of-way be released prior to the approval by the proper City
14 officials and officials of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services of the final plat of the property,
15 which shall dedicate new utility easements as required, at the time of filing, to service the
16 development and any other currently served by existing facilities.
17 3. That the developer shall bear the full cost of relocating existing facilities to the new easements to
18 be dedicated.
19 4. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless
20 the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character
21 brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or
22 property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited
23 to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or
24 because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in
25 accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees.
26 5. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this
27 resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution
28 and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in
29 all respects with these terms and conditions.
I Yeas I Nays Absent
Benanav ✓ Requested by Department of:
Blakey V _ Technology & Management Services
Harris �/ By: ` r?� = �-
Lantry L. Director
Form Approved by City Attorney
Lr' 0 •
Adopted by •uncil: Date \0I2.1.-103 By L` _tom_
Adoption C:/ feed by Council Secretary '1,
By: . < ,/,✓ Ap rye mayor for Submiss to C' cil
Approves fy i ayor: Date /„�a��,� r3
By: l i
i q
Return copy to: (e.c.) Council File #03'g53
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall Green Sheet# u1 1(w
Referred To Committee: Date
1 WHEREAS, on March 20, 2002, the Council approved CF# 02-233, thereby approving the vacation of
2 parts of Munster Avenue, South Wheeler Street and Graham Avenue; and
3 WHEREAS, said CF# 02-233 was subsequently amended on September 3, 2003 by CF# 03-81 land on
4 October 15, 2003 by CF# 03-929, thereby changing the legal description of the area vacated to:
5 That part of Munster Avenue lying southeasterly of the Southeast line of West Seventh Street, as
6 widened by an order of the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4, 1889, westerly
7 of the west line of Davern Street and southerly of a line 3.00 feet northerly of and parallel to the south
8 line of said Munster Avenue, excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter
9 described Line A; and
10 South Wheeler Street from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of
11 the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4`h, 1889, to the north line of Norfolk
12 Avenue, excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A; and
13 Graham Avenue from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of the
14 Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4`h, 1889, to the west line of Davern Street,
15 excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A
16 Line A
17 Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 28 North,
18 Range 23 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota; thence North 89 degrees 31 minutes 22 seconds East,
19 assumed bearing, along the south line of said Northeast Quarter a distance of 204.15 feet; thence
20 North 28 degrees 36 minutes 22 seconds East, 37.76 feet; thence South 89 degrees 31 minutes 22
21 seconds West, 215.43 feet to the point of beginning of Line A to be described; thence North 42
22 degrees 37 minutes 05 seconds East 241.01 feet; thence North 50 degrees 39 minutes 18 seconds East,
23 246.66 feet; thence North 63 degrees 30 minutes 59 seconds East 75.70 feet; thence North 47 degrees
24 22 minutes 22 seconds East, 104.42 feet; thence North 0 degree 09 minutes 55 seconds West, 3.76
25 feet; thence North 50 degrees 04 minutes 01 seconds East, 52.04 feet; thence South 0 degrees 09
26 minutes 55 seconds East, 1.93 feet; thence North 49 degrees 48 minutes 42 seconds East, 84. 35 feet;
27 thence North 52 degrees 39 minutes 39 seconds East, 102.95 feet to the northerly endpoint of the west
28 line of Block 9, Homecroft an Addition to the City of St. Paul, said Ramsey County, and there
29 terminating; and
30 WHEREAS, the said CF# 02-233, as subsequently amended, did not release utility easements within the
31 area to be vacated;
1 BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED,that, subject to the herein stated exceptions and with the
2 accompanying.Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of Qwest
3 Corporation, Northern States Power Company, d.b.a. Xcel Energy, District Energy St. Paul,
4 Incorporated, MCI, Comcast of Saint Paul, Inc., Saint Paul Regional Water Services, and the Department
5 of Public Works, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint
6 Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corporations and departments, waives the right to the
7 utility easements in the vacated area described below:
8 This release of easements shall be subject to the following conditions:
9 1. That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay$300 as an administrative fee for this
10 release of easements which is due and payable upon receipt of a certified copy of this resolution.
11 2. That the resolution releasing the described easements shall not be filed in the Department of
12 Revenue and Records for Ramsey County, Minnesota, nor shall any easements on, under, over or
13 across the herein described right-of-way be released prior to the approval by the proper City
14 officials and officials of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services of the final plat of the property,
15 which shall dedicate new utility easements as required, at the time of filing, to service the
16 development and any other currently served by existing facilities.
17 3. That the developer shall bear the full cost of relocating existing facilities to the new easements to
18 be dedicated.
19 4. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless
20 the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character
21 brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or
22 property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited
23 to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or
24 because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in
25 accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees.
26 5. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this
27 resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution
28 and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in
29 all respects with these terms and conditions.
Yeas ] Nays Absent
Benanav I ✓ I Requested by Department of:
Blakey Technology& Management Services
Harris t./ _ By:I/ft-CZwt
Lantry ✓ Director
Form Approved by City Attorney
Me 0
Adopted by •uncil: Date 10121-103
By: 111 _ter
Adoption Ca/ fled by Council Secretary
By: /',.n .. //./- / Ap proved fr-Mayor for Subxnisl"to 'oacil Approve• fy �' ayor: Date �/� ��
e ,
Return copy to: (e.c.) Council File #03-q53
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall Green Sheet# 0'1 I�'' {
Referred To Committee: Date
1 WHEREAS, on March 20, 2002, the Council approved CF# 02-233, thereby approving the vacation of
2 parts of Munster Avenue, South Wheeler Street and Graham Avenue; and
3 WHEREAS, said CF# 02-233 was subsequently amended on September 3, 2003 by CF# 03-81 land on
4 October 15, 2003 by CF# 03-929, thereby changing the legal description of the area vacated to:
5 That part of Munster Avenue lying southeasterly of the Southeast line of West Seventh Street, as
6 widened by an order of the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4, 1889, westerly
7 of the west line of Davern Street and southerly of a line 3.00 feet northerly of and parallel to the south
8 line of said Munster Avenue, excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter
9 described Line A; and
10 South Wheeler Street from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of
11 the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4`h, 1889, to the north line of Norfolk
12 Avenue, excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A; and
13 Graham Avenue from the Southeasterly line of West Seventh Street, as widened by an order of the
14 Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4`h, 1889, to the west line of Davern Street,
15 excepting therefrom that part lying northwesterly of the hereinafter described Line A
16 Line A
17 Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 28 North,
18 Range 23 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota; thence North 89 degrees 31 minutes 22 seconds East,
19 assumed bearing, along the south line of said Northeast Quarter a distance of 204.15 feet; thence
20 North 28 degrees 36 minutes 22 seconds East, 37.76 feet; thence South 89 degrees 31 minutes 22
21 seconds West, 215.43 feet to the point of beginning of Line A to be described; thence North 42
22 degrees 37 minutes 05 seconds East 241.01 feet; thence North 50 degrees 39 minutes 18 seconds East,
23 246.66 feet; thence North 63 degrees 30 minutes 59 seconds East 75.70 feet; thence North 47 degrees
24 22 minutes 22 seconds East, 104.42 feet; thence North 0 degree 09 minutes 55 seconds West, 3.76
25 feet; thence North 50 degrees 04 minutes 01 seconds East, 52.04 feet; thence South 0 degrees 09
26 minutes 55 seconds East, 1.93 feet; thence North 49 degrees 48 minutes 42 seconds East, 84. 35 feet;
27 thence North 52 degrees 39 minutes 39 seconds East, 102.95 feet to the northerly endpoint of the west
28 line of Block 9, Homecroft an Addition to the City of St. Paul, said Ramsey County, and there
29 terminating; and
30 WHEREAS, the said CF# 02-233, as subsequently amended, did not release utility easements within the
31 area to be vacated;
r .
1 BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that, subject to the herein stated exceptions and with the
2 accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of Qwest
3 Corporation,Northern States Power Company, d.b.a. Xcel Energy, District Energy St. Paul,
4 Incorporated, MCI, Comcast of Saint Paul, Inc., Saint Paul Regional Water Services, and the Department
5 of Public Works, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint
6 Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corporations and departments, waives the right to the
7 utility easements in the vacated area described below:
8 This release of easements shall be subject to the following conditions:
9 1. That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay $300 as an administrative fee for this
10 release of easements which is due and payable upon receipt of a certified copy of this resolution.
11 2. That the resolution releasing the described easements shall not be filed in the Department of
12 Revenue and Records for Ramsey County, Minnesota, nor shall any easements on, under, over or
13 across the herein described right-of-way be released prior to the approval by the proper City
14 officials and officials of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services of the final plat of the property,
15 which shall dedicate new utility easements as required, at the time of filing, to service the
16 development and any other currently served by existing facilities.
17 3. That the developer shall bear the full cost of relocating existing facilities to the new easements to
18 be dedicated.
19 4. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless
20 the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character
21 brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or
22 property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited
23 to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or
24 because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in
25 accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees.
26 5. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this
27 resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution
28 and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in
29 all respects with these terms and conditions.
I Yeas Nays Absent
Benariav I ✓ Requested by Department of:
Blakey V Technology& Management Services
Bostrom t/
Harris By: �r2
Lantry [ ✓ Director
Form Approved by City Attorney
Lea t�� o _
Adopted by •uncil: Date \0 2. L 03 By: �--'" %r",L) 2- .�_'.,1
Adoption C: fled by Council Secretary �')j 1
By Ap Cove by,-Mayor for SubRni ss i ,o to Cowl cil
Approves .y ayor: Date / 1P-A1/11F/2 ,'
Return copy to: BJE \ l nn Council File# AO-4W
Real Estate Division y�e� v a�-
140 City Hall Green Sheet# 111616
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date •
1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of Ronald A. Christenson, as documented in Real Estate
2 Division File Number 17-2001, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and
3 discontinued as public property: and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the easements within those
4 public properties are hereby released.
6 The property to be vacated is described as follows:
8 Wheeler Street from the Southeasterly line of west Seventh Street, as widened by an order of the
9 Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4th, 1889, to the north line of Norfolk
10 Avenue;
12 Munster Avenue from the Southeasterly line of west Seventh Street, as widened by an order of
13 the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4th, 1889, to the west line of Davern
14 Street; and
16 Graham Avenue from the Southeasterly line of west Seventh Street, as widened by an order of
17 the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4th, 1889, to the west line of Davern
18 Street.
20 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the
21 Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions:
23 1. That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for
24 this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution.
26 2. That the petitioners shall replat the development area.
28 3. That the vacation resolution shall not be filed in the Department of Revenue and Records for
29 Ramsey County, Minnesota, nor shall any public properties described herein be vacated, nor shall
30 any utility easements on, under, over or across any properties described herein be released, prior
31 to the approval by the proper City officials and officials of the Saint Paul Regional Water
32 Services of the final plat of the subject property, which shall dedicate new rights-of-way and
Page 2 Council File#
Green Sheet# 111616
1 utility easements replacing those rights-of-way hereby vacated and any subsequent utility
2 easements which may be released.
4 4. That the vacation resolution shall be held for recording until the final plat is ready for filing in
5 the said Department of Revenue and Records.
7 5. That, on behalf of the Department of Public Works of the City of Saint Paul, said vacation shall
8 be subject to the following requirements:
10 a. That full-width utility easements shall be retained on, over, under, and across, all of the
11 vacated right-of-way to protect the interests of the City of Saint Paul Public Works Sewer
12 Utility. Said easements shall be retained until the utilities are properly abandoned and/or
13 relocated to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works and/or, until new
14 easements or right-of-way are properly shown on the new plat and ready for filing.
16 b. That said easements in the right-of-way to be vacated, and in the right-of-way to be
17 dedicated in the new plat, shall reserve the right of the utility to maintain and operate any
18 sewer facility in or upon said easement and to enter upon said easement, or any portion
19 thereof, at any time and from time to time, for the purposes of future construction,
20 reconstruction, inspection, maintenance or repair of the same, or any part thereof; and
21 shall be subject to the following conditions:
23 i. No buildings, structures, trees or any temporary structure, material storage,
24 fixture, or any other objects which may prohibit normal access to sewer facilities
25 for maintenance purposes will be permitted within the easement area.
27 • ii. Improvements in or upon the above described easement that do not prohibit the
28 utility from exercising its reserved rights may be allowed by obtaining written
29 permission from the City of Saint Paul Public Works Sewer Utility with the
30 understanding that the restoration and costs of such improvements shall be the
31 sole responsibility of the petitioner, its successors and assigns in the event the
32 utility exercises its reserved easement rights.
34 iii. Should it be necessary that the petitioner's works or improvements be removed or
35 damaged as a result of Saint Paul Public Works Sewer Utility operations, all
36 removal, replacement or modification costs shall be borne solely by the petitioner.
38 iv. No change from the existing grade within the easement area shall be permitted
39 without written permission from the Saint Paul Public Works Sewer Utility.
41 v. No change in surfacing within the easement area shall be permitted without
42 written permission from Saint Paul Public Works Sewer Utility.
Page 3 Council File# -43.33
Green Sheet# 111616
1 vi. The petitioner, its successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend, and save
2 harmless the Saint Paul Public Works Sewer Utility, its officers, agents,
3 employees, and servants from all suits, actions or claims which shall arise from
4 any injuries or damages received or sustained by any break in any sewer pipe or
5 connection in said reserved easement, arising out of or resulting from any action
6 or negligence of the petitioner, its employees, agents, or business invitees.
8 c. That if redevelopment of the project area begins prior to all dwellings being vacated by
9 their previous owners and redevelopment operations necessitates disruption to any of the
10 vacated streets and/or utilities, the petitioner shall be responsible to provide and maintain
11 safe access and utilities until such properties are legally vacated and the entire site is
12 secured by the petitioner.
14 d. That the petitioners shall dedicate an additional 14 feet along the north side of Norfolk
15 Avenue for the widening of said street and shall be responsible for all costs associated
16 with the reconstruction of said Norfolk Street abutting their development.
18 e. That the petitioners shall dedicate an additional 7 feet along the west side of Davern
19 Street for the widening of said street and shall be responsible for all costs associated with
20 the reconstruction of said Davern Street.
22 f. That the petitioner shall be responsible for the reconstruction of all streets and removal
23 and/or relocation of utilities within their redevelopment area, to the satisfaction of the
24 City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works. Said reconstruction shall include, but
25 not be limited to sanitary sewer connections, storm lines, catch basins, pavement, curbs,
26 gutters, street lighting, street signs and sidewalk, under an ordinance permit issued by the
27 Department of Public Works Street Engineering.
29 6. That, on behalf of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, said vacation
30 shall be subject to the following requirements:
32 a. That full-width utility easements shall be retained on, over, under, and across, all of the
33 vacated right-of-way to protect the interests of the Board of Water Commissioners of the
34 City of Saint Paul. Said easements shall be retained until the water facilities are properly
35 abandoned and/or relocated to the satisfaction of Saint Paul Regional Water Services
36 and/or, until new easements or right-of-way are properly shown on the new plat and ready
37 for filing.
39 b. That said easements in the right-of-way to be vacated, and in the right-of-way to be
40 dedicated in the new plat, shall reserve the right of the utility to maintain and operate any
41 sewer facility in or upon said easement and to enter upon said easement, or any portion
42 thereof, at any time and from time to time, for the purposes of future construction,
Page 4 Council File#
Green Sheet# 111616
1 reconstruction, inspection, maintenance or repair of the same, or any part thereof; and
2 shall be subject to the following conditions:
4 i. No buildings, structures, trees or any temporary structure, material storage,
5 fixture, or any other objects which may prohibit normal access to water facilities
6 for maintenance purposes will be permitted within the easement area.
8 ii. Improvements in or upon the above described easement that do not prohibit the
9 utility from exercising its reserved rights may be allowed by obtaining written
10 permission from the Saint Paul Regional Water Services with the understanding
11 that the restoration and costs of such improvements shall be the sole responsibility
12 of the petitioner, its successors and assigns in the event the utility exercises its
13 reserved easement rights.
15 iii. Should it be necessary that the petitioner's works or improvements be removed or
16 damaged as a result of Saint Paul Regional Water Services operations, all
17 removal, replacement or modification costs shall be borne solely by the petitioner.
19 iv. No change from the existing grade within the easement area shall be permitted
20 without written permission from the Saint Paul Regional Water Services.
22 v. No change in surfacing within the easement area shall be permitted without
23 written permission from Saint Paul Regional Water Services.
25 vi. The petitioner, its successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend, and save
26 harmless the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, its officers,
27 agents, employees, and servants from all suits, actions or claims which shall arise
28 from any injuries or damages received or sustained by any break in any service
29 pipe, water main, or connection in said reserved easement, arising out of or
30 resulting from any action or negligence of the petitioner, its employees, agents, or
31 business invitees.
33 c. That the petitioner shall be responsible for all costs associated with the installation,
34 reconstruction, abandonment, cut off or relocation of water facilities within its
35 redevelopment area, including but not limited to those in Davern and Wheeler Streets,
36 and Norfolk, Graham, and Munster Avenues, according to plans approved by Saint Paul
37 Regional Water Services. Said water facility work shall include, but shall not be limited
38 to, mains, hydrants, water service connection and all appurtenances affixed thereto.
40 7. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained to protect the interest and rights of Northern
41 States Power Company, d.b.a. Xcel Energy, for existing electrical facilities currently located
42 upon, over or under the property which is the subject of this vacation proceeding, until all such
43 facilities are removed from said location and new easements are dedicated; that developer and
Page 5 Council File# A:7-.733
Green Sheet# 111616
1 Xcel system designer shall confer and cooperate on the removal and relocation of facilities; that
2 the petitioner shall be responsible for all costs associated with the installation, reconstruction,
3 abandonment, cut off or relocation of facilities within its redevelopment area
5 8. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest
6 of Xcel Energy Gas and its ability to service existing customers within this area until new
7 easements are dedicated; that when and if these customers are evacuated, Xcel Energy Gas shall
8 release its utility rights in the area; that when construction would be underway for this
9 development,Xcel Energy Gas would install gas pipeline to service the future customers of the
10 development; that the petitioner shall be responsible for all costs associated with the installation,
11 reconstruction, abandonment, cut off or relocation of water facilities within its redevelopment
12 area.
14 9. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained on Wheeler Street, as described above, to
15 protect the interest of Qwest Communications, Inc. until new easements are dedicated; that the
16 petitioner shall be responsible for all costs associated with the installation, reconstruction,
17 abandonment, cut off or relocation of water facilities within its redevelopment area.
19 10. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest
20 of A. T. &T. Broadband, Inc. until new easements are dedicated; that the petitioner shall be
21 responsible for all costs associated with the installation, reconstruction, abandonment, cut off or
22 relocation of water facilities within its redevelopment area.
24 11. That the petitioner, its successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend and save harmless the
25 City of Saint Paul, its officers, and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character
26 brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or
27 property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited
28 to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or
29 because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in
30 accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees.
32 12. That the petitioner, its successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this
33 resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution
34 and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in
35 all respects with these terms and conditions.
13. This vacation will not occur until such time as a development agreement is in
place and approved by all concerned parties.
Page 6 Council File# ,a7-c7.33
Green Sheet# 111616
15 -�, e
Yeas Nays Absent
Benanav ,/ Requested by Department of:
Blakey Technology &Management Services
Coleman g./(k /67-1//e/
Harris ✓ By:
Lantry ✓
'`�� Director
Reiter ✓ Form Approved by City Attorney � ✓
Adopted by Council: Date -I��,�.baba, By: v v lJ[ /1. Rau?
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
By: 'A_ Appror : ry Mayor for Sub .scion to .incil
Approv: r y Mayof: Date ��
By: Al / l�/ �' By:
G:\SHARED\REAL WPdata\VACATE\Bruce\17.2001.resolution.wpd
Donald J.Luna,City Clerk
PAUL CITY OF SAINT PAUL 170 City Hall Tel.: 651-266-8989
Allot Randy Kelly,Mayor 15 W.Kellogg Boulevard Fax: 651-266-8689
Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
rw ID
July 30, 2002
Linda Murphy
Department of Public Works
Room 800, City Hall Annex
Dear Linda:
Please prepare prints showing the vacation of those parts of Wheeler Street, Munster Avenue and
Graham Avenue in the City of St. Paul as fully described in Council File 02-233.
Please be advised that the necessary acceptance and fee have been filed.
Shari Moore
Deputy City Clerk
cc: Valuation Engineer, Technology and Management Services File No.17-2001
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
Saint Paul, Minnesota
May 8, 2002
To the Honorable, the City Council
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Dear Council Members:
We,the undersigned petitioners, hereby accept and
agree to comply with the terms and conditions of
Council File No. 02-233, adopted by the City Council on March 20, 2002,
and approved by the Mayor on March 25, 2002.
FT/ 1
ni3O .
Donald J.Luna,City Clerk
• •
PAUL CITY OF SAINT PAUL 170 City Hall Tel.: 651-266-8989
Randy Kelly,Mayor 15 W.Kellogg Boulevard Fax: 651-266-8689
Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
May 8, 2002
Ronald A. Christenson
Christenson Corporation
12 South 6th Street, Suite 715
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Dear Mr. Christenson:
Enclosed is a copy of Council File 02-233 which was adopted by the City Council on March 20,
2001. The resolution provides for the vacation of those parts of Wheeler Street, Munster Avenue
and Graham Avenue as more fully described in the attached resolution.
Also included is an acceptance of the terms of the resolution which must be signed and filed here
with the administrative fee of$500 as stated in line 14 of the resolution.
Shari Moore
Deputy City Clerk
cc: Valuation Engineer- Technology and Management Services File No. 22001
Return ropy to: LJE \ \ , nn Council File# de7-AV 33
Real Estate Division ," avc �-t 0 3-
140 City Hall Green Sheet# 111616
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of Ronald A. Christenson, as documented in Real Estate
2 Division File Number 17-2001, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and
3 discontinued as public property: and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the easements within those
4 public properties are hereby released.
6 The property to be vacated is described as follows:
8 Wheeler Street from the Southeasterly line of west Seventh Street, as widened by an order of the
9 Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4th, 1889, to the north line of Norfolk
10 Avenue;
12 Munster Avenue from the Southeasterly line of west Seventh Street, as widened by an order of
13 the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4th, 1889, to the west line of Davern
14 Street; and
16 Graham Avenue from the Southeasterly line of west Seventh Street, as widened by an order of
17 the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul on December 4th, 1889, to the west line of Davern
18 Street.
20 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the
21 Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions:
23 1. That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay$500.00 as an administrative fee for
24 this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution.
26 2. That the petitioners shall replat the development area.
28 3. That the vacation resolution shall not be filed in the Department of Revenue and Records for
29 Ramsey County, Minnesota, nor shall any public properties described herein be vacated, nor shall
30 any utility easements on, under, over or across any properties described herein be released, prior
31 to the approval by the proper City officials and officials of the Saint Paul Regional Water
32 Services of the final plat of the subject property, which shall dedicate new rights-of-way and
Page 2 Council File# Da-Q?33
Green Sheet# 111616
1 utility easements replacing those rights-of-way hereby vacated and any subsequent utility
2 easements which may be released.
4 4. That the vacation resolution shall be held for recording until the final plat is ready for filing in
5 the said Department of Revenue and Records.
7 5. That, on behalf of the Department of Public Works of the City of Saint Paul, said vacation shall
8 be subject to the following requirements:
10 a. That full-width utility easements shall be retained on, over, under, and across, all of the
11 vacated right-of-way to protect the interests of the City of Saint Paul Public Works Sewer
12 Utility. Said easements shall be retained until the utilities are properly abandoned and/or
13 relocated to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works and/or, until new
14 easements or right-of-way are properly shown on the new plat and ready for filing.
16 b. That said easements in the right-of-way to be vacated, and in the right-of-way to be
17 dedicated in the new plat, shall reserve the right of the utility to maintain and operate any
18 sewer facility in or upon said easement and to enter upon said easement, or any portion
19 thereof, at any time and from time to time, for the purposes of future construction,
20 reconstruction, inspection, maintenance or repair of the same, or any part thereof; and
21 shall be subject to the following conditions:
23 i. No buildings, structures, trees or any temporary structure, material storage,
24 fixture, or any other objects which may prohibit normal access to sewer facilities
25 for maintenance purposes will be permitted within the easement area.
27 ii. Improvements in or upon the above described easement that do not prohibit the
28 utility from exercising its reserved rights may be allowed by obtaining written
29 permission from the City of Saint Paul Public Works Sewer Utility with the
30 understanding that the restoration and costs of such improvements shall be the
31 sole responsibility of the petitioner, its successors and assigns in the event the
32 utility exercises its reserved easement rights.
34 iii. Should it be necessary that the petitioner's works or improvements be removed or
35 damaged as a result of Saint Paul Public Works Sewer Utility operations, all
36 removal, replacement or modification costs shall be borne solely by the petitioner.
38 iv. No change from the existing grade within the easement area shall be permitted
39 without written permission from the Saint Paul Public Works Sewer Utility.
41 v. No change in surfacing within the easement area shall be permitted without
42 written permission from Saint Paul Public Works Sewer Utility.
Page 3 Council File#
Green Sheet# 111616
1 vi. The petitioner, its successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend, and save
2 harmless the Saint Paul Public Works Sewer Utility, its officers, agents,
3 employees, and servants from all suits, actions or claims which shall arise from
4 any injuries or damages received or sustained by any break in any sewer pipe or
5 connection in said reserved easement, arising out of or resulting from any action
6 or negligence of the petitioner, its employees, agents, or business invitees.
8 c. That if redevelopment of the project area begins prior to all dwellings being vacated by
9 their previous owners and redevelopment operations necessitates disruption to any of the
10 vacated streets and/or utilities, the petitioner shall be responsible to provide and maintain
11 safe access and utilities until such properties are legally vacated and the entire site is
12 secured by the petitioner.
14 d. That the petitioners shall dedicate an additional 14 feet along the north side of Norfolk
15 Avenue for the widening of said street and shall be responsible for all costs associated
16 with the reconstruction of said Norfolk Street abutting their development.
18 e. That the petitioners shall dedicate an additional 7 feet along the west side of Davern
19 Street for the widening of said street and shall be responsible for all costs associated with
20 the reconstruction of said Davern Street.
22 f. That the petitioner shall be responsible for the reconstruction of all streets and removal
23 and/or relocation of utilities within their redevelopment area, to the satisfaction of the
24 City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works. Said reconstruction shall include, but
25 not be limited to sanitary sewer connections, storm lines, catch basins, pavement, curbs,
26 gutters, street lighting, street signs and sidewalk, under an ordinance permit issued by the
27 Department of Public Works Street Engineering.
29 6. That, on behalf of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, said vacation
30 shall be subject to the following requirements:
32 a. That full-width utility easements shall be retained on, over, under, and across, all of the
33 vacated right-of-way to protect the interests of the Board of Water Commissioners of the
34 City of Saint Paul. Said easements shall be retained until the water facilities are properly
35 abandoned and/or relocated to the satisfaction of Saint Paul Regional Water Services
36 and/or, until new easements or right-of-way are properly shown on the new plat and ready
37 for filing.
39 b. That said easements in the right-of-way to be vacated, and in the right-of-way to be
40 dedicated in the new plat, shall reserve the right of the utility to maintain and operate any
41 sewer facility in or upon said easement and to enter upon said easement, or any portion
42 thereof, at any time and from time to time, for the purposes of future construction,
Page 4 Council File# deg-c7.j
Green Sheet# 111616
1 reconstruction, inspection, maintenance or repair of the same, or any part thereof; and
2 shall be subject to the following conditions:
4 i. No buildings, structures, trees or any temporary structure, material storage,
5 fixture, or any other objects which may prohibit normal access to water facilities
6 for maintenance purposes will be permitted within the easement area.
8 ii. Improvements in or upon the above described easement that do not prohibit the
9 utility from exercising its reserved rights may be allowed by obtaining written
10 permission from the Saint Paul Regional Water Services with the understanding
11 that the restoration and costs of such improvements shall be the sole responsibility
12 of the petitioner, its successors and assigns in the event the utility exercises its
13 reserved easement rights.
15 iii. Should it be necessary that the petitioner's works or improvements be removed or
16 damaged as a result of Saint Paul Regional Water Services operations, all
17 removal, replacement or modification costs shall be borne solely by the petitioner.
19 iv. No change from the existing grade within the easement area shall be permitted
20 without written permission from the Saint Paul Regional Water Services.
22 v. No change in surfacing within the easement area shall be permitted without
23 written permission from Saint Paul Regional Water Services.
25 vi. The petitioner, its successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend, and save
26 harmless the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, its officers,
27 agents, employees, and servants from all suits, actions or claims which shall arise
28 from any injuries or damages received or sustained by any break in any service
29 pipe, water main, or connection in said reserved easement, arising out of or
30 resulting from any action or negligence of the petitioner, its employees, agents, or
31 business invitees.
33 c. That the petitioner shall be responsible for all costs associated with the installation,
34 reconstruction, abandonment, cut off or relocation of water facilities within its
35 redevelopment area, including but not limited to those in Davern and Wheeler Streets,
36 and Norfolk, Graham, and Munster Avenues, according to plans approved by Saint Paul
37 Regional Water Services. Said water facility work shall include, but shall not be limited
38 to, mains, hydrants, water service connection and all appurtenances affixed thereto.
40 7. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained to protect the interest and rights of Northern
41 States Power Company, d.b.a. Xcel Energy, for existing electrical facilities currently located
42 upon, over or under the property which is the subject of this vacation proceeding, until all such
43 facilities are removed from said location and new easements are dedicated; that developer and
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Green Sheet# 111616
1 Xcel system designer shall confer and cooperate on the removal and relocation of facilities; that
2 the petitioner shall be responsible for all costs associated with the installation, reconstruction,
3 abandonment, cut off or relocation of facilities within its redevelopment area
5 8. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest
6 of Xcel Energy Gas and its ability to service existing customers within this area until new
7 easements are dedicated; that when and if these customers are evacuated, Xcel Energy Gas shall
8 release its utility rights in the area; that when construction would be underway for this
9 development, Xcel Energy Gas would install gas pipeline to service the future customers of the
10 development; that the petitioner shall be responsible for all costs associated with the installation,
11 reconstruction, abandonment, cut off or relocation of water facilities within its redevelopment
12 area.
14 9. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained on Wheeler Street, as described above, to
15 protect the interest of Qwest Communications, Inc. until new easements are dedicated; that the
16 petitioner shall be responsible for all costs associated with the installation, reconstruction,
17 abandonment, cut off or relocation of water facilities within its redevelopment area.
19 10. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest
20 of A. T. &T. Broadband, Inc. until new easements are dedicated; that the petitioner shall be
21 responsible for all costs associated with the installation, reconstruction, abandonment, cut off or
22 relocation of water facilities within its redevelopment area.
24 11. That the petitioner, its successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend and save harmless the
25 City of Saint Paul, its officers, and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character
26 brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or
27 property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited
28 to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or
29 because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in
30 accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees.
32 12. That the petitioner, its successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this
33 resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution
34 and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in
35 all respects with these terms and conditions.
13. This vacation will not occur until such time as a development agreement is in
place and approved by all concerned parties.
Page 6 Council File# �a7-x7.33
Green Sheet# 111616
4 •
15 -,, r‘ S -'\
Yeas Nays Absent
Benanav kV. Requested by Department of:
I Blakey I ,/ Technology& Management Services
I Bostrom I ,/
Coleman ✓ O✓��%�C� 9-
Harris ✓ By:
Lantry ✓ Director
Reiter ✓ Form Approved by City Attorney )��^�
� o r
Adopted by Council: Date �. � ,b By: /. gati?
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
By: A_ - __ Appro r"y Mayor for Sub 'ssion to 41ncil
Approv: ► Mayof: Date
By: / By: f:21,-1—.1,-,c.m ' Aridedist-
GASHARED\REAL WPdata\VACATE\Bruce\17.2001.reso]ution.wpd
Notice is hereby given that the petition of Ronald A.
Christenson, for the vacation of city right of way in the area
bounded by Davern Street, Norfolk Avenue and West Seventh Street
for the Gateway Village Project as more fully described on file
and on record in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul,
Minnesota, will be heard and considered by the Saint Paul City
Council at a meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on the
3rd floor of City Hall and Court House on the 20th day of March,
2002 at 5 :30 P.M.
Dated February 21, 2002
Shari Moore
Deputy City Clerk
(February 25, 2002)
PA u ' Interdepartmental Memorandum
To: All Council Members
From: Peter White
Right of Way ngineer ru
140 City Hall
Date: February 19, 2002
Subject TMS Real Estate Divis on Vacation;File No 17-2001
..... ...................................
I recommend that a public hearing before the City Council be held on March 20,2002:
The purpose of this hearing is to consider a resolution to vacate city right of way in the area bounded
by Davern Street on the east,Norfolk Avenue on the South,and West Seventh Street on the west and
north, in order to construct a new mixed use development by the Christenson Corporation.
This property is located in City Council District 3, Planning District 15
cc: Shari Moore
City Clerk's Office
170 City Hall
GASHARED\REAL WPdata\VACATE\Bruce\17.2001.Hrg Rqst.wpd
Fred Owusu,City Clerk
A[x L r LIB OF SAINT PAUL 170 City Hall TeL: 651-266-8989
Norm Coleman,Mayor 15 W.Kellogg Boulevard Fax: 651-266-8689
Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 Web:http://www.cLstpauLmn.us
August 10, 2001
Peter White
Valuation Engineer
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall
Dear Peter:
I refer to you to check as to form and sufficiency and for recommendation, the
attached petition of Ronald A. Christenson for the vacation of those parts of Muster
Ave., Graham Ave., and Wheeler Ave., for the Gateway Village Project according to
the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Saint Paul City
Shari Moore
Deputy City Clerk
I(we),the undersigned,constituting a majority of the owners(or their legally designated representatives)of the abutting properties,do
hereby petition the Council of the City of Saint Paul to vacate its interests in the property(ies)legally described as follows:
Lk Aler'l /14-/A4 __feee,kf <f/ ' )-z( ,FA L-44
5$ee7g 4e. /Ai-4c .;761/4,e,h,e_ ,
request this vacation for the 'flowing reason(s). (Indicate whether you will be building on the site.)
L?4iii lc W7T %—v&e-*SeP,
I(we)have attached six copies of the site plans of any development intended for construction on the lands to be vacated.
Person(s) responsible for payment of vacation fee
and for acceptance of the terms and conditions of
Contact Person the vacation:
Name: //7' - /t/7i1cCp2. Name:
Phone: 1p(2 -3.E3 - 7/-73 (/7-3T..3/Q`J hone:
Address: ej} r jS h�0,,•.,, /7,.J Address:
/2 -ftf. � �5�`• ,_1 %Tff 7 /._'-
44 N. '4'7• 5f-(O 7—
Alternate Co tact Verson
Name: 1‘-,00pQ , Name:
Phone: IP/Z — 3 ` '7 — /7 c 7 Phone:
Address: /2 fo. ,Ce J J7' Z20 Address:
1//i,g/ • • ST c{d
:,44-18-2t 0 .,_ P.06 97
Signatures of Owned_;:R przsantttivr4y+of Property(ies)B∎r----
SAINT PAUL, MN 55104-6836
- SAINT PAUL, MN 55116-3010
• 1 4�ei �.dmila - STEVE MOBERG
SAINT PAUL, MN 55116-3011
.`---, ),. .____e___K j'Nkfla % Illiki k.4. -
SAINT PAUL, MN 55116-3011
' ;Ji ,'+SU-tl-- j—\!LT_ s
7 -
SAINT PAUL, MN 55116-3010
SAINT PAUL, MN 55116-3011
--1/V1 dit.A-4 C — SAINT PAUL, MN 55116-3010
/ ° "',a"-( Omer ooc ortn.Fwd. the above�end I do swear end Mar can of the this
�� LetebY vaftY on
potion was signed in t°y presence by the petsoa described in We preiUon.
Sobeerlbed and swain to before me this /
de),of ,P6it ii II— ,1999 Dc.(,!/At
LL A�iL_ .., /Pets - Notary /
My commission expires / _3I—05
(GitoKf-t osws)
r 't, NOTARY Platt /41
', yXp1 JMPAiie JN
01/18/00 09:35 TX/RX NO.3795 P.006 II
��. P.CK.437
Signature, of t.)wnert-,v Repretiantative(s)of l opertyC'ies)T LOUIS & LAUREAN ZAMPINO
\\I SAINT PAUL, MN 55116-3005
/ ......„,,,_........,....% _ _ ....._
�4. u vvlA, ,.1,i //://,/ Lif KACIE M. VACCARO
1387 DA SE
SAINT PAU VERN L, MN TRE 551 T 16-3004
SAINT PAUL, MN 55101-2240
SAINT PAUL, MN 55116-3011
SAINT PAUL, MN 55116-3010
SAINT PAUL, MN 55116-3011
t / °1-Y\i/C-Aa,--t/VvV-cti-z_ -
SAINT PAUL, MN 55116-3010
/�� i a4tioner,ot ooe of rho ti000a in the above Iaatter,and I do P� hereby swear and ratty that esh of the si�rtrtes Off�
pen60n WAS signed in my presome by the person clorrited in the petition.
/Ili' Sobseeibed and sworn to before me this dy'of �/L45/- trir ZOO,/
.1 & 4. t
My comtniuion expires I— 3/ —05
(Ntacf-I Oswir)
01/18/00 09:35 TX/RX NO.3795 P.006 III
-..--417—S1121210 107•M7 P.Wk./VI
Sisnatnres of Owner(S)/Representativets! of Propertyt.«v i Below:
' SAINT PAUL, MN 55116-3011
SAINT PAUL, MN 55116-3010
PLATTEVILLE, WI 53818-2058
K— . •. ` Al s ,
16/' '' „/ 1 R / 1753 NORFOLK AVENUE
x I SAINT PAUL, MN 55116-3025
116k>E&f ni‘
liv SAINT PAUL, MN 55116-3034
' tt ', r( ^
/ I /v` ,�Oner•of not of the petition=in the above mater,and Ida berrby swear and verify that=eh of ehc lipsnuma on deh
petition was signed in my prueece by the Person described hs the petidoa. �j
Subscribed ad svwrn to before me this I
day of/I'/
� ael-?-i. 4. J
Petitioner — Notary
My commission expires /-31 CU
.;i t` �' £ vY COMMISSION
. }PIRES JAN.31,2006
01/18/00 09:35 TX/RX NO.3795 P.006 N
JPN-19-2000 09:49 P. ;;p.,
Signatures of Owner(s)/Representative(s)of Property(ies)P
SAINT PAUL, MN 55116-3031
BURNSVILLE, MN 55337-2914
1' 75 - 3L/ 46445-fors
SAINT PAUL, MN 55116-3031
tes.cta�L I A', yor one attic petitloness in the aDOve malice,and!do hereby swear and verify chat each of die signatures an ibis
petition was signed n my presence by the pets=described in the petition.
/ if Subscribed and sworn������ to ar me this 1F/1
day of 41.505 - 1999- (
4; Sktil licitzti_
7 J
Petitioner r Notary
My commission expires /_31-OS
(.01tr ef-10rvg) "a0"
! IR S JAN.31,2005
01/18/00 09:35 TX/RX NO.3795 P.006
08/10/01 08:47 FAX 6123387236 CHRISTENSON BLDG CORP. Z002
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