97-1530 (2) T FORM TNT-98 Complete and Return To:
Department of Revenue
Property Tax Division
Mail Station 3340
St. Paul, Minnesota 55146-3340
Phone: (612) 296-5145
Fax: (612) 297-2166
Name of Governmental 13nft; Name of Person Falling Out Fom�
Mailing Address Telephone.. .:... ... ..
Roam 2;4(x, City Ball Sair t Paul ifn 55 '02 {612 266 : 854;3
1. Date of Certification of Payable 1998 Proposed Property
Tax Levy to County Auditor: Sept. 15, 1997
2. Amount of Payable 1998 Proposed Property Tax
Certified to County Auditor: $63,843,263
All taxing authorities other than school districts are required to certify their payable 1998 proposed
property tax levy (minus their 1998 certified HACA) to their county auditor on or before September 15,
1997. School districts are required to certify their payable 1998 proposed property tax levy (minus their
1998 certified HACA) on or before September 30, 1997.
Date of Publication or Posting of Notice (Must Be
2 to 6 Business Days Prior to the Public Hearing)
a. Month and Date: DQce .�6--er
b. Day of Week:
Newspaper Used for Publication of Notice
or (for a City of 2,500 Population or Less)
the Name of the Three Races Where Your
Notice was Posted: 5-5114.7f Thu / �onef 19j-t'SS
1. Month and Date Public Hearing Held: b ec.ew■ ()-e 9, ' t7 ? "7-
2. Day of Week Public Hearing Held: Tip e s cQ Q*.
3. Time of Day Public Hearing Held: (o 3c' .
4. ' Month, Date, Day of the Week, and Time
of Day for Additional Public Hearings Held
(Counties Only): N A
5. Month, Date, Day of Week, and Time of Day
Continuation Hearing Held
(If One was Held): MA
6. Month, Date, Day of Week, and Time of Day Dec e.n / 19 9 -
. Subsequent (Levy Adoption) Hearing Was Held: r
(,, ednesdccy.. f. /71 ,
7. Amount of Payable 1998 Final Property Tax Levy Adopted �/
at Subsequent Hearing (Minus 1998 Certified HACA):
A subsequent hearing must have been held one or more days after the initial public hearing, or
immediately following the continuation hearing or on a date subsequent to the continuation
hearing, if a continuation hearing was held.
1. Date of Certification of Payable 1998 Final Property 1,42-c l�
Tax Levy to County Auditor: /
2. Amount of Payable 1998 Final Property tax Levy
Certified to County Auditor (Minus 1998 Certified HRCA):
I, the representative of the above mentioned county, city, school district, or metropolitan special taxing
district, certify that the foregoing information is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
I, Shari Moore, Acting Deputy City Clerk of the City of Saint
Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the attached
copy of Council File No. 97-1530 as adopted by the City Council on
December 17, 1997 and approved by the Mayor on December 20,
1997 with the original thereof on file in my office.
WITNESS, my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul,
Minnesota, this 4th day of March 1998.
Shari Moore
Acting Deputy City Clerk
O“`)(\yy e t� S �\11- e� E Council File # t ■ t530
Grp \11l J°\ Green Sheet# a \v 3O
Presented By:
Referred To: Committee: Date
1 WHEREAS,the Mayor has proposed budgets for the City of Saint Paul for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1998, in accordance with
2 the City Charter and Chapter 56 of the Administrative Code; and
4 WHEREAS,the City Council, after publication of the notice in the newspaper on December 3, 1997, held a public hearing on
s December 9, 1997,on the Mayor's Proposed 1998 budgets, as required by the City Charter and applicable state and federal laws; and
7 WHEREAS,the Council has revised the Mayor's proposed budgets as herein set forth; now therefore be it
9 RESOLVED,that in accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in the City Charter and other laws applicable thereto,
10 the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt the 1998 budgets as proposed by the Mayor with such monetary changes, additions,
11 and deletions as are hereby adopted and which, along with total budgets, are set forth on the attachments to this resolution; and be it
13 FURTHER RESOLVED,that the expenditures in dollars as may be made by the several offices,departments, bureaus, and agencies of
14 city government during the fiscal year 1998 shall be and are hereby approved and money appropriated by the adoption of the budgets
1s in the total sums set forth herein, and be it
17 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the estimated financing set forth in the 1998 adopted budgets is hereby approved; and be it
19 FURTHER RESOLVED,that the adoption of the 1998 budget for the Community Development Block Grant Fund (100)and Governmental
20 Employment and Training Program Fund (345)are multi-year budgets based on estimates for grants which have fiscal periods which
21 differ from the City's normal budget year(January 1 through December 31); the authority to implement these adopted multi-year budgets
23 commences only at the beginning of the grant period and shall extend beyond December 31, 1998,through the end of the grant period
24 and;during the year when each individual grant is accepted by the City Council,the budget will be amended to match the actual grant
25 amount for the entire multi-year period; and be it
27 FURTHER RESOLVED,that the City Clerk is directed to publish the 1998 budget summary pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section
28 471.6965 in the format prescribed by the Office of the State Auditor, and be it
30 FINALLY RESOLVED,that the Budget Director be and is hereby authorized to prepare the final 1998 Budgets in accordance with the
31 actions taken herein and to equalize or balance the revenue sources and appropriation expenditures as necessary.
Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of:
Blakey ✓Bostrom ✓ � j BUDGET OFFICE
Megard 1 f l r By:
'Ratunaa .,t l n4. ✓
Thune Approval Recommended by Budget Director:
Adopted by Council: Date � ,--( \°°\'-1 By:
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: Form ed by city
By: By:
(/ -C
r�Approved by Mayor: Date t LA 2„d s Approv , by M S sion to 'ouncil:
By r� l By:
Premed by the Sainl Paul Budget Office(H.\USERS\BUDGET123\YR1998\COUNCIL',R SBUD WK4 12/8(97)
c1`l - \ 530
` 1998 Budget Process Council's Fiscal Changes
12/17/97 5:30 PM General Fund and Debt Funds
Change from Mayor's-Adopted by Council
Description Source of Recommendation Line Item Spending Financing
No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget"
No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget"
Winter Carnival Multi Cultural events Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) 00252 35,000 35,000
No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget**
OJfice_offioancial Services
Repayment of HRMS Advance 1.7M Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 00110-0260 5,452
Fire PERA Pension UAAL Fringes Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) Various (1,096,000)
Restore funding related to firefighters Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 05120-Oxxx 355,321
Shift funding for Overtime into Contingency Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) i 05120-0548 191,182
Delete funding related to the Overtime Budget Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 05120-Oxxx (191,182)
Delete funding related to Chief Fire Investigator Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 05110-oxxx (88,389)
Delete funding related to Fire Dispatch Supervisor Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 05140-0xxx (75,750)
Purchase 2 CairnslRlS Smoke Intrusion Helmets Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) 05120-0848 50,000
Zero out neg.adjustment for code enforcement Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) 05113-0577 62,244
Add contingency funding related to environmental Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) 05113-0548 90,434
health inspectors
Add funding for implementation of department
recommendations i n- C.n-s tMr3+^"Ata Council Action (12/17) 05001-0548 150,000
Add paramedic revenue i l R.1q;' Council Action (12/17) 05101-4070 407,104
Houuingarndunformatio_n_Off ce
No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget"
No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget**
No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget**
Labor Relations
No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget"
Expanded Sat.service hours Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) 03402 66,017
Expanded Sun.service hours Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) . 03402 • 57,232
Expanded weekday service hours Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) 03402 131,685
Library Materials Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 03401 (50,000)
.Licens_e lnspec_tion and Env_ironmentall?rotection
No Change to Mayors Proposed Budget**
May_or's Office
No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget"
eaf andJ3ecreation
Stump removal program($5,000 per ward) Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 03195 35,000
Additional funding related to Rec Director position Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 03100 55,000
Funding for part-time staff for rec center mtc/Park mtc Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 03132,03171,03172 100,000
Re-sodding soccer fields at McMurray Comte-of-the-Whole(12/10) 03171-0321 40,000
Mayor's Office-Budget Section H:\USERS\BUDGET\123\YR1998\TRAKCNCL 12/18/97 11:44 AM Page 1
g9 _\ 530
1998 Budget Process Council's Fiscal Changes
12/17/97 5:30 PM General Fund and Debt Funds
Change from Mayors-Adopted by Council
Description Source of Recommendation Line Item Spending Financing
Planning conomic_Del✓elopment
No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget**
Police 2epartraent
Police PERA Pension UAAL Fringes Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) various (637,894)
Police Grant-Sexual Offender Notification Program Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) 04100 125,000 62,500
Sexual Offender Notification Program w/County Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) 04100 35,000
Parts and Fuel-in Contingency Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) 04001 50,000
Tentative Settlement-Labor Contract-SPPF Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) various 726,122
State of Minn Gang Strike Force Spending Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 04000 154,860
and state reimbursement 154,860
COPS MORE II Grant-local match transfer from Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 04010 225,980
General Fund fund balance 225,980
State of Minnesota Overtime Grant Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 04100 125,000 125,000
1998 Safe&Sober Grant Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 04100 31,200 31,200
Auto Theft grants Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 04100 45,792 45,792
Minnesota Cities grant Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 04000 8,000 8,000
Right of Way adjustments-funding for salaries Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) 02155-0111 (1,554)
Right of Way adjustments-funding for salaries Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) 02155-0161 (71)
Right of Way adjustments-funding for fringes Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) 02155-0439 (465)
Technology__&banagen enLServlces
Vendor Outreach Program-in Contingency Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) 01250 91,150
HRMS Repayment as Advance,not financing Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 01125 (170,000)
Adjustment to 1998 PC Replacement Program Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 01120 28,000 28,000
HRMS System Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 01125 f bal 2,147,618
fund balance contribution 01125-0567 1,005,000
fund balance repayable advance 01125-0535 1,142,618
GeneraLG_D ernmentAccounts
Specified Contingency
Heritage Preservation Foundation Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 09061 100,000
A_m_ounts fo be_Sptee slioilariostss!ep_aetn._ents
The amounts listed below represent the accumulated changes for Employee Insurance
and Retiree Insurance across the entire General Fund.Fringe benefits are no longer
centrally budgeted,but rather spread throughout department budgets.The changes
listed here will ultimately be allocated to all those department budgets in the General •
Fund. Therefore,even those budgets marked as No Changes to the Mayor's Proposed
Budget"will likely be adjusted by their proportionate share of the changes listed below.
Department budgets for Employee Insurance fringes Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) various (327,430)
Department budgets for Retiree Insurance fringes Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) various 117,811
Propelly_T_ax Leyyfinancing
No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget
Fire Pension Amortization Aid Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) 1 09011 433,487
Police Pension Amortization Aid Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) 1 09010 (932,962)
Interest Earnings estimate Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) 00000 175,000
Fund Balance
Use of Fund Balance to Balance Council Action (12/17) 00000 190,786
Mayor's Office-Budget Section H:\USERS\BUDGET\123\YR1998\TRAKCNCL 12/18/97 11:44 AM Page 2
' 1998 Budget Process Council's Fiscal Changes
12/17/97 5:30 PM General Fund and Debt Funds
Change from Mayor's-Adopted by Council
Description Source of Recommendation Line Item Spending Financing
Total, Council's Changes 2,967,365 2,967,365
Mayor's Proposed General Fund Budget 157,514,387 157,514,387
Council's Preliminary General Fund Budget 160,481,752 160,481,752
Balance Indicator Current Status: Balenced_Bu_dget 0
I '
No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget
Total, Council's Changes 0 0
Mayor's Proposed Debt Budget 51,035,677 51,035,677
Council's Preliminary Debt Budget 51,035,677 51,035,677
Balance Indicator Current Status: Bal_anced_uslget 0
Mayor's Office-Budget Section H:\USERS\BUDGET\123\YR1998\TRAKCNCL 12/18/97 11:44 AM Page 3
' 1998 Budget Process Council's Fiscal Changes
12/17/97 5:30 PM Special Funds
Change from Mayors-Adoptedy Council
Description Source of Recommendation Line Item Spending Financing
No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget"
No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget"
EinanciaLSe es
Donations for Inaugural expenses Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 30101 84,700 84,700
Capitol City Partnership-approved spending Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) 30101 125,000
Capitol City Partnership-contingency spending Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) 30101 125,000
Capitol City Partnership-Foundation Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) 30101 125,000
Capitol City Partnership-Parking&Transit Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) 30101 125,000
Fair Housing Contract with SMRL in Hum Rights Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 30150-0218 35,000
Fair Housing Contract with SMRL in Hum Rights-CDBG Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 30150-7199 35,000
Eire and_Safety_Se,yices
No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget"
No usingJnforma tioo_Off c e
No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget**
CDBG funding for library materials Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 33428-0381 50,000
CDBG Contingency Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 33428-7118 50,000
License,Jnsp_ect on_an_dEn__ironmental_Protection
No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget**
Pafks-ansfile_c_rea do n
No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget"
Planning& .c9Qoinic_J)Rv_eJopnien_t
Purchasing additional parking meters Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 36100-9831 100,000
Purchasing additional parking meters Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 36140-0558 100,000
Funding related to Acct III converted to retaining Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 36075-0112 (31,338)
services of EDP Programmer Trainee in Technology Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 36075-0161 (1,454)
and Management Services Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 36075-0439 (9,363)
Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 36075-0558 39,185
Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 36000-9830 (2,970)
Tentative Settlement-City/Police Federation Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) various 26,987
and associated financing 26,987
Police PERA Pension UAAL Fringes Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) various (45,896) (45,896)
COPS MORE II Grant Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8)
spending fund 436 903,921
federal funds 677,941
local match(transfer from General Fund) 225,980
LLEBG 1(1996-1998)Carry over Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 34139 260,158 260.158
LLEBG 11(1997-1999) Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) ' 34140 593,412 593,412
Police memo 11/4/97(Wasley) less CF 97-1395
Snow Lot
Police memo 11/13/97(Brown) Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 24050 131,500 131,500
' State of Minnesota Weed&Seed
University/Summit Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 34142 75,000 75.000
Econ Small Area Neighborhood Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 34141 121,650 121,650
Federal Weed&Seed Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 34101 90,000 90,000
Federal COP Demonstration Center grant Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) fund 436 987,442 987,442
Mayor's Office-Budget Section H:\USERS\BUDGET\123\YR1998\TRAKCNCL 12/18/97 11:44 AM Page 1
'1998 Budget Process Council's Fiscal Changes
12/17/97 5:30 PM Special Funds
Change from Mayor's-Adopted by Council
Description Source of Recommendation Line Item Spending Financing
Federal COP Training Urban Lab grant Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) fund 436 88,733 88,733
Ramsey County(reimbursement for city costs) Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) fund 436 71,833 71,833
Gun Violence Prevention Program(one year funding) Comte-of-the-Whole(12/10) fund 436 50,000
Funded from the one time 1997 COPP budget 50,000
public Health
Block Nurse program(CDBG Funding, to be adopted Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) n/a n/a
in the CDBG budget) $20,000
i'_ublic Woiks
Sewer Utility Fund-sewer fees Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) (200,000)
Sewer Utility Fund-interest earnings Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) 200,000
Reduce funding related to FTE,change steps Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 12155-0111 46,765
Reduce funding related to FTE Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 12155-0111 (23,791)
Reduce funding related to FTE Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 12155-0111 (42,789)
Reduce Neg. Incr. Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 12155-0161 (920)
Reduce Fringes Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 12155-0439 (5,921)
Reduce Use of Fund Balance Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 12000-9830 (26,656)
Reduce Transfer to Spec.Fund. Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 12202-0588 (21,844)
Reduce Revenue Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 12205-4301 (21,844)
Reduce funding related to FTE, Shift to ROW Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 12110-0111 (49,328)
Reduce CSC,for FTE shift to ROW Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 12110-0290 (2,916)
Increase other services,keep spending equal Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 12110-0299 66,329
Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 12110-0439 (14,085)
Reduce funding related to FTE, Shift to ROW Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 12006-0111 (15,942)
Reduce CSC,for FTE shift to ROW Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 12006-0290 (2,041)
Increase other services,keep spending equal Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) ! 12006-0299 22,535
Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 12006-0439 (4,552)
Reduce funding related to FTE, Shift to ROW Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) i 12010-0111 (4,720)
Reduce CSC,for FTE shift to ROW Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 12010-0290 (583) ,
Increase other services,keep spending equal Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 12010-0299 6,651
Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 12010-0439 (1,348)
Reduce funding related to FTE, Shift to ROW Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 22201-0111 (18,627)
Reduce CSC,for FTE shift to ROW Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 22201-0290 (2,916)
Increase other services,keep spending equal Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 22201-0299 26,862
Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 22201-0439 (5,319)
Reduce funding related to FTE, Shift to ROW Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 22211-0111 (64,932)
Reduce CSC,for FTE shift to ROW Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) . 22211-0290 (5,832)
Increase other services,keep spending equal Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 22211-0299 89,305
Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 22211-0439 (18,541)
Increase funding for ROW Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 32001-0111 199,739
Reduce Fees for other Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 32001-0219 (18,352)
Increase CSC for ROW shift Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 32001-0290 14,580
Decrease testing services for ROW shift Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 32001-0294 (35,000)
Decrease Investigations for ROW shift Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 32001-0298 (165,000)
Decrease Misc Services for ROW shift Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 32001-0299 (53,000)
Increase Fringes for ROW shift Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 1 32001-0439 57,033
Reduce Sewer payments to MCES Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) I 22200-0544 (935,160)
Adjust Current Value Credit with MCES Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 1 22200-0526 (193,427)
Increase refunds for Sewer MCES changes Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 22200-0521 127,000
Reduce Revenue for Stroh's to Sewers Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 22200-4314 (1,304,587)
Increase revenue from Refunds Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 22200-6917 100,000
Increase revenue from MCES refunds Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 22200-6915 203,000
No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget"
Mayor's Office-Budget Section H:\USERS\BUDGET\123\YR1998\TRAKCNCL 12/18/97 11:45 AM Page 2
Ck 9 -\s-
' 1998 Budget Process Council's Fiscal Changes
12/17/97 5:30 PM Special Funds
Change from Mayor's-Adopted by Council
Description Source of Recommendation Line Item Spending Financing
Leshaology Managein nLS_enzic_es
Cable TV
carry over funds received in 1997 for INet Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 31121-9830 100,000
expansion into 1998 for spending 31121-0518 100,000
Information Services
PED database application conversions Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 31115-7305 39,185
Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) 31115-0111,0439 39,185
HRMS Project Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8)
Full costs of HRMS at requested level 11100 2,370,909
general fund balance contribution 11100-7000 1,005,000
general fund balance advance 11100-7000 1,142,618
special fund fund balance 11100-9830 223,291
Real Estate Management Fund-City Hall Annex
revisions to Renovation Project(scope,accessibility, City Council(12/17) 11050-0898 1,008,131
HVAC and electrical infrastructure,and cost estimates)
sprinklers 103,000
contingency 90,369
Loans,Retained Earnings,other 11050-9925,6906 1,008,131 .
Y_arisnts epar_ttnents
The amounts listed below represent the accumulated changes for Employee Insurance
and Retiree Insurance across all Special Funds.Fringe benefits are no longer
centrally budgeted,but rather spread throughout department budgets.The changes
listed here will ultimately be allocated to all those department budgets in the Special
Funds. Therefore,even those budgets marked as"No Changes to the Mayor's Proposed
Budget"will likely be adjusted by their proportionate share of the changes listed below.
Department budgets for Employee Insurance fringes Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) various (159,035) (159,035)
Department budgets for Retiree Insurance fringes Comte-of-the-Whole(12/3) various 57,221 57,221
Reduce spending to balance rate reduction Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) Various (215,787)
Reduce revenue for rate reduction Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) Various (215,787)
Total, Council's Changes 6,215,376 6,215,376
Mayor's Proposed Special Funds Budget 214,529,816 214,529,816
Council's Preliminary Special Funds Budget 220,745,192 220,745,192
Balance Indicator Current Status: Balanced_Budget 0
Mayor's Office-Budget Section H:\USERS\BUDGET\123\YR1998\TRAKCNCL 12/18/97 11:45 AM Page 3
a( -\s ?
1998 Budget Process Council's Fiscal Changes
12/17/97 5:30 PM Capital Improvement Budget
Change from Mayor's-Adopted by Council
Description Source of Recommendation Log No. Spending Financing Source
Barks and Recreation
Rice Park Improvements Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) CF-1797195 (70,000) (70,000) Nbd STAX
70,000 70,000 Cult STAX
Highwood Park and Preserve Project Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) CF-0197113 330,000
(City contribution toward acquisition of 12-acre LaFavor 155,000 DNR grant
parcel adjacent to Taylor Park in citizen participation 155,000 pvt grant
District 1. $310,000 to be financed w/state/private grants) 20,000 Pr Yr CIB
(96 Cntgy)
Dunning Stadium and Recreation Center Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) CF-1397042 (1,500,000) (1,500,000) CDBG
1,500,000 1,500,000 Nbd STAX
Homecroft Rec.Center Building Addition Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) CF-1597008 40,000 40,000 Pr Yr CIB
&Site Improvements(preliminary design)
('97 Cntgy)
North Dale Community Recreation Center Building Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) CF-5597180 60,000 60,000 Pr Yr CIB
(preliminary design) ('97 Cntgy)
Griggs Recreation Center Redesign Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) CF-1197185 50,000 50,000 Pr Yr CIB
(preliminary design) ('97 Cntgy)
Pig's Eye Dump Land Acquisition Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) CF-0197025 100,000 100,000 Nbd STAX
(Submitted to CIB as"Pig's Eye Soccer Park
Rice/Arlington Field Lighting Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) CF-0697013 85,000 85,000 Pr Yr CIB
Territorial Road Lighting Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) SU-1297187 10,000 10,000 MSA
Constr-plans/specs-1998 funding only
Remaining funding for construction in 1999. •
(38,000 MSA,11,000 assmnts in'99)
(Total project cost:59,000)
Community Library and Information Center Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) CF-5597112 (500,000) (500,000) CDBG
500,000 500.000 Nbd STAX ;
Rice St.Library/St.Paul Police Dept Central Dist Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) CF-0697160 (400,000) (400,000) CDBG
400,000 400,000 Nbd STAX •
St.Anthony Branch Library Improvements Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) CF-1297XXX 250,000
50,000 Priv.match
200,000 Pr Yr CIB
('96 Contgy),
PJanning_&_Economi_c_Deyelopm ent
Family Services Center Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) CF-0397137 (500,000) (500,000) CDBG
500,000 500,000 Nbd STAX
Comprehensive Hsg Real Estate Dev.Fund Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) RE-6697127 900,000 900,000 CDBG
(900,000) (900,000) Nbd STAX
• Capital City Homes-Homeownership Dev.Opport Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) RE-6697128 1,000,000 1,000,000 CDBG
(1,000,000) (1,000,000) Nbd STAX
Comprehensive Home Purchase/Rehab Fund Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) RE-6697126 900,000 900,000 CDBG
(900,000) (900,000) Nbd STAX !
Economic Development Loan Leverage Fund Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) RE-5597144 100,000 100,000 CDBG
Mayor's Office-Budget Section H:\USERS\BUDGET\123\YR1998\TRAKCNCL 12/18/97 11:45 AM Page 1
• 1998 Budget Process Council's Fiscal Changes C
12/17/97 5:30 PM Capital Improvement Budget
Change from Mayor's-Adopted by Council
Description Source of Recommendation Log No. Spending Financing Source
(100,000) (100,000) Nbd STAX
Livable Communities grant application matching Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) RE-6697XXX 350,000 350,000 Nbd STAX
Pilot neighborhood bank lending program for Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) RE-6697XXX 1,250,000 1,250,000 Nbd STAX
economic/housing development
Phalen Corridor industrial development:targeted Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) RE-6697XXX 1,900,000 1,900,000 Nbd STAX
loan/grant funding
Loan/grant pool for neighborhood Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) RE-6697XXX 500,000 500,000 Nbd STAX
GeneraLGo_v_er nienL4cc9ynis
City Sales Tax Comte-of-the-Whole(12/8) CF-6697XXX
Civic Center Debt Service 4,494,000
4,369,000 STAX
STAR Program 125,000 Int.Emgs.
Neighborhood projects 5,609,000
4,609,000 STAX
700,000 Int Emgs
300,000 Ln Repay
Cultural projects 1,037,000
922,000 STAX
100,000 Int Erngs
15,000 Ln Repay
Total,Council's Changes 16,065,000 16,065,000
Mayor's Proposed CIB 54,180,000 54,180,000
Council's Preliminary ClB 70,245,000 70,245,000
Balance Indicator Current Status: Balanceflau_dyat 0
Mayor's Office-Budget Section H:\USERS\BUDGET\123\YR1998\TRAKCNCL 12/18/97 11:45 AM Page 2
Barbara J. Skone ,being
duly sworn on oath, says: that he is, and during
all times herein stated has been, Clerk of
Northwest Publications, Inc., publisher of the
newspaper known as the Saint Paul Pioneer
Press, a newspaper of general circulation within
the City of St.Paul and the County of Ramsey.
That the Notice hereto attached was cut from the
columns of said newspaper and was printed and
published therein on the following dates:
3rd day of December 19 7
day of , 19
day of , 19
day of , 19
day of , 19
day of , 19
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Subscribed and sworn to before me this
9 day of 4)-e-CO3,7112-e4--- , 19 9 7
•' 3 0—.1 —
Notary • .lic
■/2-7Sc' County, Minnesota
My commission expires /-3/ , A' O 'C%
��1t;;,,.. LYNDA B.BANY
t�J' My Comm.Expires Jan.31,2000
Form 246 Adv.
Notice of Proposed
Total Budget and Property Taxes
The City of Saint Paul
Ramsey County, and
Saint Paul Public Schools - District 625
will hold a public hearing regarding the City and County's 1998 budgets and
the School District's current budget and the amount of property taxes each
governmental unit is proposing to collect to pay for the costs of services that the City
and County will provide in 1998, and the School District's costs for the
1998-99 school year.
Spending: The total budget amounts below compare the City and County's 1997
total actual budgets with the amount each proposes to spend in 1998.
1997 Total Proposed 1998 Change from
Actual Budget Budget 1997-1998
City of Saint Paul $476,764,887 $477,259,880 0.10%
Ramsey County' $370,793,492 $388,758,830 4.85%
• Income Maintenance (Public Assistance payments) are not included each year.
Taxes: The property tax amounts below compare that portion of the current budget
levied in property taxes by the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County for 1997 with
the property taxes each proposes to collect in 1998.
1997 Property Proposed 1998 Change from
Taxes Property Taxes 1997-1998
City of Saint Paul $ 64,186,727 $ 63,843,263 -0.54%
Ramsey County $155,022,836 $158,068,057 1.96%
Attend the Public Hearing
All City of Saint Paul and suburban Ramsey County residents are invited to attend
the joint public hearing to express their opinions on the budgets and the proposed
amount of property taxes on:
Tuesday, December 9, 1997, at 6:30 p.m.
Arlington High School Cafeteria
1495 Rice Street, St. Paul, MN 55117
Free parking in school lots
Ramsey County property appraisers will be available for individual
market value consultations in adjacent rooms beginning at 5:30 p.m.
Interpreters will be available for deaf/hard-of-hearing, and also for Spanish and Hmong
speaking participants. Handicapped accessible. 1
City Council/HRA 1998 Budget Meeting on December 8th, 1997 http://wwwl.stpaul.gov/counci1/1998/budget/dec0897budgetca.htm I
Saint Paul City Council Committee-Of-The-Whole &
Saint Paul H.R.A. Committee-Of-The-Whole Budget
Monday, December 8, 1997 at 10:30 A.M.
With Possible Meeting Continuation to 1:00 P.M.
City Council Chambers,3rd Floor
City Hall and Court House
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
Staff Contact: Greg Blees at 266-8577 E-mail to Greg Blees
Meeting Agenda:
1)City Council Makes Spending and Financing Decisions On Requests to Amend the Mayor's Proposed 1998 City
Budget and HRA Budget:
a)Continue Review of Options To Amend Operating Budgets, including:1)Parks and Recreation Issues,
Discussion with Bob Piram.
2)Fire and Safety Services Issues.
3)Status of Existing Block Nurse Program, and Options to Expand.
4)CDBG Money For Human Services, Projects,Administrative Costs
and Contingency.
5)All Other Previously Identified Requests Not Reviewed 12-3-97.
6)Budget Director's Technical Adjustments.
b)Review of Options To Amend Capital Improvement Budget, including:
1)Five Year Projection of Anticipated Projects for CIB Bonding.
2)Review of Sales Tax Budgets/STAR Program/Cultural Program.
3)Previously Identified Capital Requests.
4)Budget Director's Technical Adjustments.
2)Determine If This Budget Meeting Should Be Continued to 1:00 P.M.
3)Review Preliminary Agendas for Future Budget Meetings:
Tuesday December 9 Joint Public Hearing-6:30 p.m.
* Joint Truth-In-Taxation Public Hearing With Saint Paul Schools and
Ramsey County at Arlington Senior High School.
Wednesday December 10 Budget Meeting at 10:00 am:
* Make All Final Decisions to Adjust The Proposed 1998 Budget.
* Budget Director's Review and Comments On City Council's Decisions for
the 1998 City and HRA Budgets.
Wednesday December 17 Budget Meeting at Regular Council/HRA Meetings:
* Formal Adoption of Budgets and Tax Levies.
1 of 1 3/9/98 9:01 AM