220397 (3) • • THE ST. PAUL ABSTRACT AND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, the undersigned Abstracter, hereby certifies unto the City of St. Paul, in re : Application for ±ham vacation of the alley lying Northerly of Block 12 Terrace Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, State of Minnesota, from the Northwesterly extension of the Easterly line of the Westerly 10 feet of Lot 14 Block 12, Terrace Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, State of Minnesota to Western Ave. That the following is a true and complete listing of the real estate along the line of said section of public alley, and that the name or names of the apparent record owner or owners in respect to each parcel of land is truly stated and set opposite the description in each case : 1 Y (Except S' ly 145 feet) , the E' ly 11 feet of Lot 3 and all that part of Lots 1 and 2 Northerly of Southerly line of above described part of Lot 3 produced to Easterly line of said Lot 1 Block 12, Terrace Park Addition to the City of St.Paul, Ramsey County, State of Minnesota Apparent record owner : Grover Dimond Associates, Inc. , (Minnesota corporation) , an undivided I interest; Douglas M. DeCoster, an undivided 1 interest. 2 The West 49 feet of Lot 3 Block 12, Terrace Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, State of Minnesota - Apparent record owner : Marie Svanhauser. ..- 27 -4 35S 3 Lot 4 and the E. of Lot 5 Block 12, Terrace Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota - Apparent record owner : Naiditch & Sons, a co-partnership consisting of William Naiditch, Bessie E. Naiditch, Paul Naiditch & David Naiditch. 7SF c � ' 2GG 2 377 4 F Lot 6 and W. of Lot 5, Block 12, Terrace Park Addition to the City of St. Paul - Apparent record owner : Walter J. Gaertner. ,X 5 f Lot 7 Block 12, Terrace Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, subject to the rights acquired by the City of St.Paul for the opening, widening & extending of Oakland St. , together with so much of alley in said Block 12 as accrued to said premises by reason of the vacation thereof - Apparent record owner: Peter H. Goiffon & Josephine C. Goiffon, / 3v"S a ,.. .. (as joint tenants) . .W- o ,p7A... 6 .{ Lots 8 and 10 Block 12, Terrace Park Addition to the City of St.Paul - Apparent record owner: Kraus-Anderson of St. Paul Co. 7 •- Lot 9 Block 12, Terrace Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, State of Minnesota, subject to the rights acquired by the City of St.Paul by "188" Deeds 13 - Apparent record owner: Ann F. Anderson. 3os 1;.225- 3 -27 8 Lot 11 Block 12, Terrace Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, except that part thereof taken for street - --%o6/S- .. * Apparent record owners : Stuart E. Gale & Sandra F. Gale, his wife, an undivided 1/2 as joint tenants; and Zane M. Hancock & Shirley P. Hancock, his wife, an undivided 1/2 as joint tenants. L- .2 34` , -� .. ,,� - • • ' '• 777- ss?l 9 4- Lot 12 Block 12, Terrace Park Addition to the City of St. Paul - Apparent record owner: Alden T. Ikeda. 4t1 /71/x' $ Or?- /7 �-a "fe- 10 ?- Lot 13 Block 12, Terrace Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey` County, State of Minnesota. Subject to the rights acquired by the City of St. Paul for Oakland Ave. , by "192" Deeds 23 - Apparent record owner : Florence Bambenek. 3.• 3 6414./....-1 . .22G. - 34.90 11 All of Lot 14 that lies Northerly of Oakland Ave. , excepting the r ,,, ,,., Westerly 15 feet thereof; also the Easterly 5 feet of Westerly 15 ,,A , ,, feet of Northerly 25 feet of Lot 14 Block 12, Terrace Park Addition ...xA..4‘ to the City of St.Paul - Apparent record owner: Roger L. Lingofelt & Shirley K. Lingofelt, husband and wife (as joint tenants) . i! 33 .....- . • 12 '1. Lot 1, Summit Court, being a rearrangement of Terrace Court - 1---- ,"-- --4:.• Apparent record owner: Marie L. Griggs. 6 `` 1 ; 13 t Lot 10 of Summit Court, being a rearrangement of Terrace Court, St.Paul, Ramsey County, Minn. except that part thereof described as follows : Commencing at a point on the E' ly line of Lot 9 of said Summit Court 40 feet S. of the NE corner thereof, thence E' ly 71 feet on a line drawn at right angles with said E' ly line to place of beginning of the premises to be excepted, thence SE' ly to a point on S' ly line of Lot 10, 77 2/10 feet from the SW corner of said Lot 10, thence SW' ly along said S' ly line to said SW corner of Lot 10, thence N' ly along W' ly line of said Lot 10 to its intersection with line aforenamed as drawn at right angles with E. line of Lot 9, thence E' ly on said line to point of beginning - Apparent record owner: Charlotte H. Shepard. 2),...-0-;•-- j 02 .�- -.z. bt . 14 All that part of hot 100, aummit Court, being a Rearrangement of Terrace Court, St.Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota described as follows : Beginning at a point on the E. line of Lot 9 of said Summit Court 40 feet S. of NE corner thereof, and running thence E. 71 feet on a line drawn at right angles with said E. line to place of beginning of premises intended to be described, running thence SE' ly to a point on S' ly line of said Lot 10, 77. 2 feet from SW' ly corner of said Lot 10, running thence SW' ly along said S' ly line to SW' ly corner of said Lot 10, running thence N. along W. line of said Lot 10 to its intersection with line aforenamed as drawn at right angles with E. line of said Lot 9, and running thence E' ly on said line to place of beginning - Apparent record owner : Alice Borup. , - 51.,-- .-. �-d " z s_ .2. 9f/G? 15 • - That triangular parcel of land situated in the NEi of SW-I of Sec. 1, T.28, R.23, described as follows to wit : Commencing at the inter- section of Ramsey Street with an alley which lies Northwest of Block 12, Terrace Park Addition to St.Paul, running thence from said point of intersection SW' ly along N. line of said alley 333 feet more or less to E. line of land formerly owned by E. S. Burbank, running thence NW' ly along E. line of said Burbank's land 243.3 feet more or less to S. line of Ramsey Street, running thence E. along said S. line of said Ramsey Street to said point of intersection, the place of beginning, excepting the extreme E' ly point of said triangle to wit : About 12.64 feet of said Ramsey Street about 10.3 feet on said alley & about 7.2 feet on the base according to a survey made by D.L.Curtice; also subject to a certain agreement for a private alley was along W' ly line thereof recorded in "M" Misc. 701 - Apparent record owner: The University Club of St. Paul, a Minnesota corporation. Taxes and Judgments not reported. Witness the signature of an authorized officer of the said Company ana its corporate seal this 25th day of May, 1964 at 8 A.M. ST. PAUL ABSTRACT AND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY BY r / An Authorized ignature 7--c- ; #2 For Andrews Allen Co. Oct. 26, 1964. Mr. James Sexton, Room 202, 965 Payne Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: We enclose a copy of Coun.• . File N.. 20397, published • October 24, 1964, which provides for z va A an of the alley lying northerly of Block 12, Terrace '. • .•ition to the City of 1 St. Paul, Ramsey County, Stet- - 4 nnes. from the northwesterly extension of the easterly 1 west 10 feet of Lot 14, Block 12, Terrace Park Ad. . on to rle • ,-rn A ue; and also a copy of Section 228, Legislati : Code, as a = nded, pertaining to vacations. You will note t : the ordi, ; es requires that the can- pensation specified n the Ntaluti, ust be paid, and a surety o bond in the amo . J ' f ied •. filed within thirty (30) days after publicat: . of the resolution. We : so enclose acceptance of the terms of the resolution which must al• • be signed • filed here within said time. Very truly yours, hp City Clerk Saint Paul, Minnesota, October 26, 1964. To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned petitioners, hereby accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of Council File No. 220397, adopted by the Council on October 16, 1964. i 411 11.1 05.00 previously submitted.