266896 (3) oii v ii ® <M os Zr 0 T P I II. 1 \ i v tN ..Q, rn -1 , p s 111111' 1 n 71 0 Z j I \ lull k [ . ■ I, \ 1 ■ \ \ ./U ■ •O CD . §,, ; } § \ \ {\ ® \ 2 co 2 ........N‘k 9 $ / { ca \ \ ® � � ( 1 \ w� 3 H \i \ N { > . K ( > R t ` m � � . FL'. --C ) n m / z \ • \ %% K ` > _ \ _ [ 2 : Q = % ,,,,\ \ \ 3 0 ' e m 2 a } ! : j H # ` A I = m ' %j z ) / - /o , j / > H _ \ > m \ , %� / . G 3 c , > ( mZ \ - . ; , } N 5 t _ . G m > • w < ` ) 4,:,.. ` / / Q M y\ ' a H i { . , . !y C _rn / m 1 - . - ' Cn m , . J \P [ K to " \ to to UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Field Real Estate and Buildings Office P.O. Box 69069 St. Paul, MN 55169 437:DRF: lms June 9, 1977 City Of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk Bureau of Records 386 City Hall St. Paul , MN 55102 Gentlemen: In response to your request dated June 6, 1977 we hereby agree to the terms and conditions of the Resolution of the City of St. Paul City Council C.F. No. 266896 vacating a portion of Roblyn Avenue. Sincerely, 40/41/#3h:14.7 D. Ray Frisby Field Manager Field Real Estate and Buildings Office June 6, 1977 r United States Postal Service Area Real Estate and Office Bldg. P.O. Box 69069, St. Paul, Minn. 55169 Attention: Mr. D. Ray Frieb/ Dear Sir; Refferance is made to a Resolution of the St. Paul City Council C.F. No. 266896 vacating a portion of Roblyn Ave., please be admixed that this office has received the required compensation and a written covenant as required in, conditions No. 5 and 6 but to have not received to this petit a letter of the petitioner accepting the terms and conditions of the Resolution. Upon filing of a letter agreeing to the terms • and auditions of the Resolution, we will certify completion of the vacation. Very truly yours, City Clerk ABO/cw UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Area Real Estate and Building Office P.O. Box 69069 St.Paul, MN 55169 437:EGK: lms April 5, 1977 Department of Public Works Room 234, City Hall St. Paul , MN 55102 Attn: Mike Klasson Subject: Industrial Station Postal Facility St. Paul , MN 55104 Gentlemen: Enclosed is a covenant to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul as required to fulfill a condition of a resolution of the council of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, vacating a portion of Roblyn Avenue, Council File No. 26896 adopted by the Council March 11 , 1976 and approved March 12, 1976. This covenant should complete all requirements of the resolution for vacation of Roblyn Avenue. If you have any questions please call Eldon Kinnunen at this office 725-7302. Sincerely, 4/444;14141 D. Ray Frisby Field Manager Field Real Estate and Buildings Office Enclosure As stated l This instrument was prepared by March 22, 1976 United States Postal Service 180 East Kellogg St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 •�J 7 0 / 7 AT OTION: Mr. Lea McAuliffe (, Dear Sir: We enclose a copy of Council File No. 266896, published March 20, 1976, which provides for the vacation of a part of Roblyn Avenue (as more fully described therein). The ordinance pertaining to vacations requires that the compensation specified in the resolution must be paid, and a surety bond in the amount specified must be filed within thirty (30) days after publication of the resolution. We also enclose an acceptance of the terms of the resolution which must also be signed and filed here within said time. Yours truly, City Clerk AO/sc inc. I When writing the U.S . Post Or^ice for comnli ance of the terms q.nd condition' , adlress letter to attention of 04/ , Les . McAuliffe 80 e • KeJ_Lo (61 ) • November 18, 1975 Mr. J. William Donovan Room 286, City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: The City Council referred to you for recommendation the attached petition of the United States Postal Service to vacate a portion of Roblyn Avenue near Pascal Street. Very truly yours, City Clerk Attach. ABO:dcm 1 r I i November 6, 1975 Mr. Pierre Regnier City Attorney Building Dear Sir: The City Council referred to you for check as to form and sufficiency the attached petition of the United States Postal Service to vacate a portion of Roblyn Avenue near Pascal Street. Yours truly, City Clerk AO/sc Att. February 17, 1976 Mr. Pierre Regnier City Attorney Room 647, City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: The City Council requests that you prepare a resolution granting the petition of the United States Postal Services for the vacation of part of Roblyn Avenue subject to the terms and conditions recommended by the Valuation Engineer. Very truly yours, City Clerk A130:din 6 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION OF ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS To: The Honorable Mayor, Lawrence D. Cohen From: J. William Donovan, Valuation Engineer Date: January 23, 1976 Subject: Petition of the United States Postal Services for the vacation of that part of Roblyn Avenue abutting Lots 1 and 2, Block 5, J. F. Eisenmenger's Second Addition. Hearing - February 3, 1976 The petitioner proposes to develop the public street cited above with the abutting land for the construction of a one-story brick Post Office and vehicle storage facility. Roblyn Avenue is a 60 foot wide dedicated street. It is proposed to vacate a 71.4 foot length at the east end of the dead ended street, as shown on the attached plan, containing 4,281+ square feet. The Department of Public Works reports that there is a 15-inch sewer located in Roblyn and extends from Pascal Street east to a manhole located approxi- mately 20 feet west of the east end of the dead ended Roblyn Avenue. It will be necessary to relocate the manhole and two catch basins at the cost and expense of the petitioner, as more fully defined in Condition No. 3 below. The Water Utility reports there is an active 6-inch water main and a water hydrant located in Roblyn Avenue to be vacated. It will be necessary, there- fore, to relocate the hydrant approximately 72 feet westerly and install a new 6-inch valve. The Water Utility, therefore, requires that the contractor or petitioner pay for all costs involved with the hydrant relocation and valve installation, all to the satisfaction of General Manager of the Water Utility. The Department of Fire and Safety Services requires proper access to the fire hydrant located at the 'dead end of Roblyn Avenue during construction and after final completion. Clearance for the hydrant on Carroll Avenue east of Pascal should also be maintained. Northern States Power Company reports that there are abandoned gas main and services within the area to be vacated that are no longer in use. The petitioner, being the United States Postal Services, a governmental organ- ization, has advised that it is their policy not to pay compensation for the Telephone 612/298-5317 286 City Hall, Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Lawrence D. Cohen Page Two vacated land because the land use remains for governmental purposes. The appraised value of the subject land being vacated amounts to $2,850.00. In view of this, I have recommended below that the Postal Services be required to pay to the City the sum of $400 as compensation for the vacation, being the approximate administrative cost to process this matter. There were no objections to the vacation from any of the other public agencies or private utilities reporting on this matter. Therefore, in view of the fore- going, I recommend that the vacation be granted, subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. That the description of the vacated property read as follows: Vacate all that part of Roblyn Avenue lying between a line running from the Southeasterly corner of Lot 14, Block 4, J. F. Eisenmenger's Second Addition, to the Northeasterly corner of Lot 1, Block 5, J. F. Eisenmenger's Second Addition, and a line running from the Southwesterly corner of Lot 13, Block 4, J. F. Eisenmenger's Second Addition, to the Northwesterly corner of Lot 2, Block 5, J. F. Eisenmenger's Second Addition. 2. That the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Chapter 228 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended. 3. That the petitioner be responsible for all costs and expenses for the construction of a new manhole and two new catch basins immediately west of the vacated area to provide for adequate drainage. 4. That the sewer manhole and catch basins located within the vacated area become the responsibility of the petitioner to properly abandon or properly utilize privately, as approved by the Sewer Division of the Department of Public Works. 5. That the petitioner be responsible for all costs and expenses for the relocation of the water hydrant and installation of new valve, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of the Water Utility. 6. That the petitioner, the United States Postal Service, be required to pay to the City the sum of $400 as compensation for the cost of processing said vacation. 7. That in lieu of a bond, the United States Postal Service, furnish the City with a written covenant, conditioned to hold the City harmless from any and all damages, claims for damages, costs, charges and expenses of every kind and nature arising or growing out of the vacation and conveyance of id deed. �� '_ 0""11111111° • Si ,,—. ,--- ,p-- .a.r. . - PASCAL S i 1-1, c. c. i . _ r-1 r k , OD c....', 1 -.4 0 I o-- ,-- . 1 co 0 —4 i . 1 - • . I ;10 / H i 01 t: 0 0 1 7 M . i• .1.. 0/ rai CO 1 I i V.' CO I 0 / , i ____I V— . ■ I Z : (e., r- . ,a, I 7:. '1 ---- , . 4 (i .."‹ r .1/4 N.,.." 'O , . - 7 0 ,.. C. ",...1, r-, -,..., - .. • ,-, ?_.. . 1 , i .1;1;:z..•. =,z. - , 0%1 k ••••••■• la I ..t. • > 'ts i 1.. 4..a. - S...• t I ' ‘' I -\--.., •:::. m -..t.) _ , Z.. 0.1 1 . i 1 C t Z k' C „ :s‘. 0 ener, Z i ‘s C te-L' 1 4i fi G........... ...,......... .......„.,,....:...... ,._ r,,, \\\\:::,-„\ \ \ , \s„,24 . 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Z C Z / • / ) o ® r 1 o / o _ / ? n ' / O / .D 1 O L?W. ` z d —�/ i/ // \\ o , c; . 1° ;_- /,- _-—_.__._ -_—__ _.— —.- , \ / _ ; J _ _r i , » m • 7 1 I . u u 7 ' I 0 l 1 Z c 1 fi C I N = ' 1 t L i J. 4 I I 113 - r f CO I T4 ., L / 1 f {! = s Z - 1 %- i I !� O NO 0 , 1 f ` i V 247 I� . � \ 1 i / r_��--_----- --------.--�--J - 1 0 s/ N V'.Nr us 0/ I o W - I _I m l I I . 1 aI IN 8 1 u ( 24 , i I ti /�l \\ 1 `\ i F \ ' 24721 I ' O I ROB / \ , — ran - ��- �_ — `_� — �_ _ ' t j0 I ! l�Z PROPBRTy LINE. 331.24 .Q i or . .R _d � i r {II t �.131T1JM1NOVS-Salt ^ rZ el t ..} �v' S E w� Y= EXISTING ISULINLSS = Iii I.L ` ii g s L — ce _ __ _� -1 _:-�--�--. _ -: ---- _.: _ L ' • O I— D at i to 4g .:z4,.: Z a a w O O 1 m Og J W < °jr 0 V F a u Ch. Z OMNI U • W w u. • V 0 0 < W °D 1D W ro U V I pg 1L °O W C 0 9 Y S A /fir - 5 V/ W J U u a , u O d 0 J ":3 m 2 o � m o c4 IL Z CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION OF ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS To: The Honorable Lawrence D. Cohen, Mayor From: J. William Donovan Valuation and Assessment Engineer Date: December 17,1975 Subject: Petition of the United States Postal Service for the vacation of all that part of Robin Ayenue lying between a line running from the Southeasterly corner of Lot 14, Block 4, J. F. Eisenmenger's Second Addition, to the Northeasterly corner of Lot 1, Block 5, J. F. Eisenmenger's Second Addition, and a line running from the Southwesterly corner of Lot 13, Block 4, J. F. Eisenmenger's Second Addition, to the Northwesterly corner of Lot 2, Block 5, J. F. Eisenmenger's Second Addition. The petitioner, who owns the property abutting the subject street, desires the vacation in order to develop the subject street along with the abutting properties for the construction of a one-story brick Post Office and vehicle storage facility. In order to expedite this matter,the petitioner has requested a hearing as soon as possible; therefore, I recommend a public hearing before the City Council be held on February 3, 1976. 70 AN& (2have- zakm- 0/1 4Ky Ated Telephone 612/298-5317 286 City Hall, Saint Pau , Minnesota 55102 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA MEMO ROUTING SLIP / ;KVA., CIRCULATE x Roger A. Mattson - Room 113 D>T,/ 9 FILE � INFOR- MATION Thomas Kelley - 365 NOTE AND RETURN I PER CON- VERSATION VERSATION ��,A SEE ME /1/1 , // FOR SIG- NATURE I REMARKS: Petition of United States Postal Service - vacation of Roblyn Ave. (Setting of Hearing Date) If the attached meets with your ap. "Tfi Z��i a'�3 .•rward to Thomas K hank you. nz,`' Q Au , Mi y RECEl kt, rtn, 'G a DEC`� 4 0 1 8 ,g75„ ► FINANCE �. MGMT. SERV. 0 G pOM���S �R s �i 9� 2� (3\ ��� �! 5f'tit,E� FROM: DATE cc) Donovan 12/18/75 PHONE 5317 Fbffi 286 (5-75) OM 01 : 12/1975 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: December 17, 1975 TO: THOMAS J. KELLEY, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FR: J. Wm. Donovan, Valuation Engineer, (Ext. 5317) Department of Finance & Mgt. O tt! Services RE: Petition of the United States Postal Service for the vacation of part of Roblyn Avenue, J. F. Eisenmenger's Second Addition. ._.- ACTION REQUESTED: Hearing for the subject vacation before the City Council will be set for February 3, 1976. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Petitioner desires the vacation in order to develop the subject street along with the abutting properties for the construction of a one-story brick Post Office and vehicle storage facility. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Letter to the Mayor APPROVAL: Thomas J. Kelley, City Administrator December 30, 1975 Mr. Roger Mattson, Director Dept. of Finance and Management Services Room 113, City Mall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: The City Council will hold a public hearing on 3, 1976 to consider the petition of United States Postal Service for, the vacation of part of Roblyn Avenue. Will you please send notices to property owners as required by law. Very truly yours, City Clerk ADO:dcm cc: Valuation Engineer Public Works Dept. r U. Oil NOTICE OF HEARING VVacation FOR VACATION of Street Notice is hereby given that the peti- tion of the United States Postal Service of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for the vacation of the following street: That part of Roblyn Avenue lying between a line running from the southeasterly corner of Lot 14, Block 4,J.F.Eisenmenger's Second Addition,to the northeastrly corner of Lot 1, Block 5, J. F. Eisenmeng- er's Second Addition, and a line running from the southwesterly corner of Lot 13, Block 4, J. F. Eisenmenger's Second Addition, to the northwesterly corner of Lot 2, Block 5,J.F.Eisenmenger's Second Addition; as more particularly shown on the plat attached to the petition, has been or- dered filed in the office of the City, Clerk of the City of St. Paul, Minne- sota, by the Council, and said petition will be heard and'considered by the Council at a meeting thereof to be held in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House on the ri of February 1976 at ten o'clock A. . Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota, this 30th day of December, 1975. ROSE MIX, City Clerk of the city of St. Paul, Minnesota. (January 10, 1976) (221-4- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSMENT DIVISION 113 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 January 9, 1976 ° ' ' Or File X1710, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. on February 3, 1976 on the petition of the United States Postal Service for the vacation of: All that part of Roblyn Avenue lying between a line running from the southeasterly corner of Lot 14, Block 4, J. F. Eisenmenger's 2nd Addition, to the northeasterly corner of Lot 1, Block 5, J. F. Eisenmenger's 2nd Addition, and a line running from the southwesterly corner of Lot 13, Block 4, J. F. Eisenmenger's 2nd Addition, to the northwesterly corner of Lot 2, Block 5, J. F. Eisenmenger's 2nd Addition. For further information, contact the Valuation Bureau of the Finance Department, Room 286 City Hall, or telephone 298-5317. To comply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance and Management Services is charged with informing you of this public hearing. If you have any questions, it is recommended that you attend this public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your views, both pro and con, known to the City Council. ROGER A. MATTSON DIRECTOR ; . r. ; ?*. . : •• ne. • ,.); I 'Or) iu • -t•-•': . ! 112 ' •fi;; 5 • ; 51.);. R,r1. :q179P, bn : • • " ): . .• • . • : • • to.r. . , . • • ..; 1 ; •• I 7corir•)ti..; -sr-,'11 . ..)1:'.)tic7- t (1; rrit.31)5, :1:!:tf+' • : rflil t; • 1511+. y.1171 qtil It C'3 • "" • • 1.; ( l : Lr t .krrr •oltr .:711r;t1•• • l'"or ' . :)•" f-;315[1,..fornc):,:./: al I; qt • • •r+ !)AGfil :3 i 1.1 rvr troy joi ..; "rtr.; •,- ;..1* • ;) 91•11 o1 1... . • • Orb )'G • February 3, 1976 -Nir. Roger Mattson, Director Department of Finance Room 11 , City 'gall St. Paul , Minnesota Dear Sir: The City Council today continued to February 17, 1976 a hearing on the petition of the United Statcs Postal Service for the vacation of a • part of Roblyn Avenue. Very truly yours, 1 City Clerk A330:dcm cc: Valuation Engineer Public Works Department •