244976 (2) Council File No. 244516—By Robert F. CD lgl1 File No. 244976._ Peterson— alglish, by request_ By James J Resolved, That upon the petition of 244516 lved That resolution, Roy T.public stre t Co., Inc., that section ing to thePe atdionune 17, 1969Cper' 1i1o' of public street hereinafter described Street ac of that be and the same hereby street: and tensionlof gheetween the easteoyPar discontinued as a in Block south hn o y That part of Park Street lying be- Street Villas 1�Ierrill's of the alle 0. s tween the outh line of theyalley rinoBlock le 4 f Merrill th line the the alley y in B1 on Division of Merrill's easterly extension eof amended and v�d ethat the Rice hs e e the north line of the alley in Block shall co is 4, Merrill's Division of Rice Street conditionspl with tePetitioner Villas; Auive Code, as Section d8 of the Legisd subject expressly to the following con- gust 20, 1969; be it on or before ditions and reservations: there. Further Resolved, 1 the That terthe ms and vacation conditions subject cSec� shall l resolution. pay Rey the cost of ause petitioner. tion 228 of the Legislative Code,as esolution. Publication of amended; 2. the That of $3,740 00 as compensaY Approved Jul t ye2201969 July 22, 1969. pay the Cit tion for the vacation and provide (Jujj1969) the City with a bond in the amount of $2,000.00. Adopted by the Council June 17,1969. Approved June 17, 1969. (Tune 21, 1969) and proper same: all reasonable Ding to Dated: June 17, 1969. taken _ such as g She ARTHUR A. STEWART, precautions f her car when Retired District Judge the rear Serving Pursuant to Then she could have the Sec. 484.61 M.S. alighted. completely BRIGGS and MORGAN, if it was parked comp °' of her driveway' Attorneys for Petitioners, slanted portion w-2262 1st Natl. Bk. Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. 55101 YES. "It is negligence for a p n (June 21) 15 slips to unleash and NH.LEGAL LEDGER•••N vats person attacks a ORDER FOR HEARING PETITION TO muzzle a dog that then "The city ADMIT WILL AND NOTICE the judge held. TO CREDITORS citizen," the same shoes as a stands in rson and is responsible. S ATE O of Ram SOTA, private person sued in cases where A city may if done by PROBATE COURT it would be negligence File No. 125336 a private citizen.' a Estate of For personal VILMA E. JOHNSON, (State laws vary. Decedent IT IS ORDERED that the petitioi filed herein to admit to -T probate thi last will of decedent be hnn'" Tuesday. "'^ " zt 0. 07,7 . RICHARD A. SCHNARR CITY OF SAINT P A U L ANTHONY J. CREA tot CHIEF ENGINEER DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 � Et iffi 1 5 4' ROBERT F. PETERSON , ° ," Commissioner ,a " d g3 ,s,,lid-.t,111.` .. s...: (, k , September 9, 1969 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk 386 City Hall B U I L D I N G Dear Mr. Marshall : Attached herewith please find four prints on cloth showing the vacation of the portion of Park St. described in Council File No. 244516, adopted June 17, 1969, Roy T. Spannaus Co. , Inc. , petitioners, as amended by Council File No. 244976, adopted July 22, 1969. I am returning the entire file herewith. Yours truly, ' lc ard ,J - Ins Office/E gineer RJH/nb Attach: Harry E. Marshall CITY o Albert B. Olson City Clerk and �` . Council Recorder Commissioner of Registration - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 September 3, 1969 Mr. Richard Hawkins Office Engineer Public Works Dept. Dear Sir: Will you please prepare four prints on cloth showing the vacation of the portion of Park St. described in the attached Council File No. 244516, adopted June 17, 1969, Roy T. Spannaus Co., Inc., petitioners, as amended by Council File No. 244976, adopted July 22, 1969? Please return the entire file to this office so that certi- fied copies of the resolution can be filed with the Ramsey County Register of Deeds. Very truly yours, City ) -rk ( ng