222673 (2) ipUNAL TO CITY CLERK. er CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOUNCIL NO. 2226 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE 7' 4 ' ' J tea. ' DATF —_ 7' / RESOLVED, That upon the petition of City Homes, Inc. , and others, that section of public alley hereinafter described be and the same hereby is vacated and discontinued as a public alley, viz: ''That part of the east-west alley in Block 12, Dawson' s Lake Como and Phalen Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co. , Minnesota, lying between Westminster Street and the easterly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 35E;" subject expressly to the following conditions and reservations: 1. that the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Section 228 of the Legislative Code regulating the procedure and prescribing conditions for the vacation of public grounds, streets, alleys and highways in the City of Saint Paul; 2. that the vacation be limited to that part of the east-west alley in Block 12, Dawson's Lake Como and Phalen Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co. , Minnesota, lying between Westminster Street and the easterly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 35E; 3. that, if required by the Department of Public Works, suitable barricades be installed at the expense of the petitioners; 4. that the petitioners pay to the City the sum of $950.00 as compensation for- the vacation and provide the City with a b•, id i- the amount of $1,000.00; // .' 4'/V ',ROVED be it ' f `' / W ,/ Asst. Corpora ion Counsel COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council— 19 Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19 Loss _In Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor Against Rosen President, Vavoulis NAL TO CITY CLBRK 0. { CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. 2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Page 2. RESOLVED FURTHER, That this resolution be and hereby is deemed to supersede the prior Resolution of this Council, Council File No. 22184+6, approved February 9, 1965. MAR 2 6 1965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays Dalglish MAR 2 6 Holland ( pproved 19— Loss U. hi Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor '1/41 Against Res ri• Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED APR 3 1965 1OM 6-62 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK i.--A= CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL '� `' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF / RESOLVED, That upon the petition of City Homes, Inc. , and others, that section of public alley hereinafter described be and the same hereby is vacated and discontinued as a public alley, viz: "That part of the east-west alley in Block 12 , Dawsonts Lake Como & Phalen Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co. , Minnesota, lying between Westminster Street and the easterly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 35E;" subject expressly to the following conditions and reservations: 1. that the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Section 228cf the Legislative Code regulating the procedure and prescribing conditions for the vacation of public grounds, streets, alleys and highways in the City of Saint Paul; 2 . that the vacation be limited to that part of the east-west alley in Block 12 , Dawsonts Lake Como & Phalen Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co. , Minnesota, lying between Westminster Street and the easterly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 35E; 3. that, if required by the Department of Public Works, suitable barricades be installed at the expense of the petitioners; 4. that the petitioners pay to the City the sum of $950.00 as compensation for the vacation and pro- / vide the City with a bond in the amount of $1,000.00. a Ed O' i •P• oVED, igIli 44 t • !. .ration Counsel FEB 9 1965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish FEB 9 1965 Holland Approved 19 Loss In Favor �/ ^,(��-, Meredith -Peterson > Actinc Mayor Against osen : Sloe Pxesiaen ' PUBLISHED FEB 13 99bb 142 . . c ey 1 - • • • • y April 5, 1965. Mr. Stuart Fit dsom, 938 Minn. Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: We enclose a copy o .'e No. 222673, published April 3, 1965, which prov j - va a ion of that pit of the east west alley in Block , Dawso Lake ••mo and Phalen Addition to the City of St. Paul ying betwe: Westminster Street and the easterly right-of—way 1 - of Inters Highway 35E; and also a copy of Sec. 228, legisl s ive Code, •=rtaining to vacations. You •• e th. the`_•- •inance requires that the com.. pensation s•- c led in the resolution must be paid, and a surety Mond in the • ount specs o ed must be filed 4ithin thirty (30) days after purls ,tion of the ,=solution. We o encl an acceptance of the terms of the resolution which must al • and filed here within said time. Very truly yours, hp City Clerk I March , 1965 Mr. Stephen L. Maxwell Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sirs , .,: • Mr. Donald Hanson Attached is a copy of a roraolUt oun i - File No. 221846, granting the petition of City Homes, 406., et al or the vacation of an alley in Block 12, Dawson's Lake Como and Phalen Avenue tion. The conditions of the re ution we , not fulfilled within the time limit and now the petitioners wish p sue the matter. Will you please prepare the necessary resolution providing for an extension of time in which to comply with the conditions? You will recall that in the past, the resolution is merely republished with an additional paragraph superseding the or eaoluticn►, , Very truly yours, City Clerk Ao/ng Feb. 15, 1965. Mr. Stuart Radsom, Attorney at Law, Minnesota Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. S5101. Dear Sirt t^te enclose a copy of Council ` • e o. 221846, published February 13th. 1965, which p•• ' •r th cation of that part of the east-west alley in Bloc 2, Daw..• Is Cano and Phalen Addn.i and also a copy of Sec. 224 Legislati• Code, as amended, pertaining to vacations. You will note tha he ord ce requires that the compen- sation specified 4::1`yreso -t be paid, and a surety bond in the amount spec ed must be fit-. within thirty (30) days after pub- lication of th. resolution. W'e 1 o enclose n) acceptance of the terms of the resolution which must als• e signed : • filed here within said time. Very truly yours, hp City Clerk Dec. 8, 1964. AMM144‘ Mr. Eltor A. Dehn, Valuation and Assessment Engineer. Dear Sir: The Council referred to yo, ,r -ommenda.tion the attached petition of City Home, Inc., and other. • the vacation of the premises abutting alley in Block 12, e so Lak; 4 ., o and Phalen Avenue Addition to the City of Sint Paul Hearing in th tter will held on January 20th. 1965. Very truly yours, hp City Clerk Hon. James J. Dalglish, Dec. 1196" AMMOMMO444‘ Commissioner of Finance. Dear Sir: The Council will hold a lea • _ • • January 20th. 1965 in the matter of the petition ity H'" Inc., and others for the vacation of the east-we $l• 12, Dawson's Lake Como and Phalen Avenue Adci on tat City t , Saint Paul. Will you kind end notices abutting property owners? Will you please also send notice to cart Radsom, Attorney at Law, Minnesota Building? Very truly yours, City Clerk ng Dec. 8, 1964. Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir; For your information, t Qunoil hold a hearing on January 20th. 196 5 in the matter o of City Home, Inc., and others for the vacation of the ting alley in Block 12, Dawson's Lake Como and P.. n to the City of Saint Paul. truly yours, hp City Clerk DUPLICATE TO PRINTER , CITY OF ST. PAUL F,o�NCIt NO.`�, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _ DATF RESOLVED, That upon the petition of City Homes, Inc. , and others, that section of public alley hereinafter described be and the same hereby is vacated and discontinued as a public alley, viz: "That part of the east west alley in Block 12 Dawson' s Lake Como & Phalen Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co. , Minnesota, lying between Westminster Street and the easterly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 35E;" subject expressly to the following conditions and reservations: 1. that the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Section 22 cf the Legislative Code regulating the procedure and prescribing conditions for the vacation of public grounds, streets, alleys and highways in the City of Saint Paul ; 2. that the vacation be limited to that part of the east-west alley in Block 12, Dawson' s Lake Como & Phalen Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co. , Minnesota, lying between Westminster Street and the easterly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 35E; 3. that, if required by the Department of Public Works, suitable barricades beinstalled at the expense of the petitioners; 4. that the petitioners pay to the City the sum of $950.00 as compensation for the vacation and pro- vide the City with a bond in the amount of $1,000.00. FEB 9 1965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays b.. Dalglish FEB 9 Holland Approved 19_ Loss In Favor Meredith e--getets on_ L Mayor Against _. • stgs4entM 1031 141 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTRA-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION O 22i8 TO: James J. Dalglish, Commissioner of Finance FROM: J. William Donovan, Asst. Valuation Engineer DATE: January 18, 1965 SUBJECT: Petition of City Homes, Inc. and Anna Weier to vacate the east-west alley in Block 12, Dawson's Lake Como & Phalen Avenue Addition Hearing - January 20, 1965 This petition has been signed by all of the owners abutting the pro- posed vacation, and it is stated that the alley will be required for a commercial development. The description of the proposed vacation should exclude the part of said east-west alley which lies within the right-of-way of Highway 35E. At the present time this area is unimproved, and there are no reports of installations by the Northern States rower Company or the telephone company. In order that the development proposed may be proceeded with, I recommend that the petition be granted subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. that the vacation be subject to all the terms and condi- tions of Section 228 of the Legislative Code regulating the procedure and prescribing conditions for the vacation of public grounds, streets, alleys and highways in the City of St. Paul; 2, that the vacation be limited to that part of the east- west alley in Block 12, Dawson's Lake Como & rhalen Ave- nue Addition, lying between Westminster Street and the easterly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 35E; 13EAg11 �ozl,t occt` 1 that, if required by the Department of r�ublic Works, suit- � \able barricades be installed at the expense of the peti- loel 04 toe loners; 8190. t1�a treys iven and° west hereby e1°e ors"Lrt gat the petitioners pay to the City the sum of $950 as °m tb tice°f Ccaion 2f 9e P'dhe,131°i Ipensation for the vacation and provide the City with yeti!,vac v$1°a e.a Pyaol, noe, et, r y and in the amount of $1,000. lley and p sale oyt Aster sattjCUlat'°e C°e°a l by i... ester-T.gote ea r \bun eAvenaStreet.lat eyed o tb ounce a� aa 1 e p °td n ?no ti40%es b Ci`1 o e,bpelrea ce�, s etitjc of to inner.0.1 cil ate C°C uYt p ce 111, 0'4 11s? tU °{fist pad pt�tt� e d rn all an3an11ary °a�s acre° bty,e CAty dal °f tbi.a tbcrcof- r the 2�k.A . 'nnesota, a\la e °n °,c1° p1. 1`.1964. 31t i (7)11 - -1 65 at tea st'e ember• GSVe Cty °f \ \ 19 tea f 9 T 13 °f t- \ \, V aV day ° 11013'gCCU' Mina•2 1965) ° 12. S 26,1964' iDe/ 41r77,::;;:--t:-7, . `$ 1 111,11 GESTORREET GE AND HIGHWAY C I T Y O F S A I N T PA is g= EUG T• T CHIEF ENGINEER ; e "^ ENGINEERING COORDINATOR Capital of Minnesota - * .:- e 7,A C. A. TESTER • °' SUPERINTENDENT OF SANITATION DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 i� ° - a MILTON ROSEN Mille fa ea fi`-,4 0% - -� ;� - Commissioner _ __ . y t ;: -7 a+r�''fiDror "*"1 s7-- WILLIAM P. BEHRENS - �-<` j * l 1 t 4 m 1 Deputy Commissioner v m a /' " a 141 11'1 s,E :aP mss,?. ., January 15, 1965 Mr. James Wm. Donovan Assistant Valuation Engineer 286 City Hall Re: Proposed vacation of alley in Blk. 12, Dawson's Lake Phalen Avenue Addition. Dear Mr. Donovan: This alley in now unimproved and contains no sewer or water facilities. In reviewing the matter of this proposed vacation with our sewer, grading and traffic engineers, it was concluded that the vacation be granted as proposed. I, therefore, recommend that the alley be vacated, providing that proper barricades be constructed across the alley on the west side of Westminster Street. Yours very truly, Jldberg ill r H JG/ba Approved: A /‘(edt-4. E gene V. Avery - Chief Engineer 7 Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works ✓' ,i CITY PLANNING BOARD OF SAINT PAUL 1315 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA phone Co 4-4612 Exi.251 It ' 0- f; January 5, 1965 Mr. Eltor A. Dehn Valuation Engineer 286 City Hall Dear Mr. Dehn: The Planning Board staff has reviewed the petition to vacate the east=west alley in Block 12, Dawson's Lake Como S Phalen Avenue Addition. From a planning point of view, the staff has no objection to the vacation of this alley. From data and information made available to us, there apparently are no garages which depend upon access from the alley, and we, therefore, recommend approval of the requested alley vacation. I Very truly yours, B. R. TeA.I.P. BRT:FS Acting Director of City Planning CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota/// � • e attifteat a Jt tc BUREAU OF Tenth and Minnesota Streets DIVISION OF FIRE PROTECTION DEAN MEREDITH, Commissioner FIRE PREVENTION Levi L. Shortridge John P. Talbot Fire Chief RALPH G. MERRILL, Deputy Commissioner Fire Marshal December 14, 1964 Mr. Eltor A. Dehn Valuation Engineer Bureau of Valuations 286 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Dehn: Ve would like to confirm your letter of December 9, 1964, regarding the vacation of the east-west alley in Block 12, Dawson's Lake Como & Phalen Avenue Addition, from Westminster Street to Interstate Highway 35E. :de at the St. Paul Fire Derartment have no objections. Sincerely, Levi L. Shortrid_e Fire Chief LLS:mas 22 Qr CLIFFORD W. HAMBLIN WATER DEPARTMENT ROY W. HOLZER General Manager SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Supt. of Distributio+, LEONARD N.THOMPS BOARD OF WATR, OMMISSIONERS F. W. GALLAGHER Technical Adviser Supt. of Water Supply COMMISSIONER BERNR < . HOLLAND, President C.A.FLACK ROSS A. THUMA Registrar MILTON ROSEN JAMES J. DALGLISH ( } 3 Supt. Filtration z � 403 22 SUPPLY MISSISSIPPI RIVER LAKES PUMPING DISTRIBUTION December 15, 1964 Mr. Eltor A. Dehn Valuation Engineer 286 City Hall Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Vacation of alley west of Westminster Street in Block 12 We have no objection to the proposed vacation of the east-west alley in Block 12, Dawson's Lake Como & Phalen Avenue Addition, from Westminster Street to Interstate Highway 35E. Very truly yours, Cli rd W. H mblin G-• 1al Manager CWH:imp cc: Mr. Hyman Goldberg Department of Public Works 3 ate , roue SEa STEPHEN L. MAXWELL CORPORATION COUNSEL RICHARD J.,@ATTIS FIRST ASSISTANT p%TT .r ♦ L ROBERT.E.O'CONNELL ~ � SPECIAL ASSISTANT CIVIL DIVISION :t1 THOMAS J. STEARNS DONALD C. HANSON JOHN J. MC NEIL JEROME J. SEGAL OFFICE OF THE CORPORATION COUNSEL NEIL P. CONVERT CRIMINAL DIVISION CITY OF SAINT PAUL DANIEL A. KLAS LEGAL DEPARTMENT GERALD A.ALFVEBY PAUL J. KELLY 316 CITY HALL, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 JON R. DUCKSTAD ARTHUR M. NELSON December 7, 1964 To the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul The attached petition of City Home, Inc. and others for the vacation of the premises abutting alley in Block 12, Dawson's Lake Como and Phalen Avenue Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minn. , is in proper form and has been signed by the requisite number of property owners. Yours very truly, J n J. cNeil Assistant Corporation Counsel JJMcN:paw attached n * lq f CLC°(V • 4,w I G I I zI Robert 43. Gerber, Jr. 4`"T,'"°m Albert B.Olson City Clerk and , Council Recorder Commissioner of Registrations; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota, 55102 Dec. 2, 1964. Mr. Stephen L. Maxwell, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: The City Council referred to you for approval the attached petition for the vacation of the east west alley in Block 12, Dawson's Lake Como & Phalen Avenue Addition. Very,, yyours,63 614)-if hp ity Clerk ee � ;i C°./.‘p ±. 6 ' FC ` • \gt, t1/44,tt 22 . - - < • PETITION FOR VACATION ,5S To the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul c( c/o City Clerk , Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55102 We, the undersigned, constituting all of the owners of the land affected by this petition fpr vacation, hereby request your honorable body to vacate the east-west alley in Block 12, Dawson's Lake Como & Phalen Ave. Addition. The request for vacation is that it is our desire and intention to erect commercial buildings on the land we own, and the necessity of an alley no longer exists. The vacation of said alley as it exists today, will not affect anyone, as your petitioner will need the entire block 12 for the purposes of its commercial uses. The entire block, when construction has been completed, will constitute an improvement in the area over the present existing conditions. CITY HOME, INC. , BY it - w.. _.........,......, 4„aait,„ rpree.. . Your petitioner is the present contract for deed purchaser from Anna Weier , said contract being dated Record owners hereby assent to and join in the foregoing petition for vacation. r a Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of October, 1964. MARY C. r Ev-cl M-C Notary Pub,:.::, Rar::_f.y Couny, M,•, ,. My Commissslon Expi-ar: .'r.!y 9, 1966 State of Minnesota County of Ramsey ss. Richard J. Wohl, being first duly sworn, states that he is the President of City Homes, Inc. , the petitioner in the foregoing Petition. That he has read said Petition and knows the contents thereof and that the same is true , o th e f his knowledge, information and belief. '� ‘ II Subscribed an sworn to before me this ;30th day f N.v. •• ' �� (� � »� M commis�sion eires July, 1966. RImsey County, nnesota. , 0 ; 2I 1 ,,r0 '- I 20 II 20 .. — — f s. 9 1 I 2 , f l3 : 18 14 /7 /4 K 20: 124 8- ' 16 15 o� 0 14, ,`0 '.1 /44.8_ p /./0 1, ....(____ ,,,, ,. , , 1,ty E o „ s 1 40 f� s 1 'G 1. _� ,. .,:y l ,, ., ' „ .' fro 138.04, a aa+ 71 to -y. , a '71I\ „ c' i l !2 13 14 /S 1 G 17 18 9 ti ! •P 2.._-_.-_ q J N ' '� 1 1 N I� { , ( ' ' 5 ...311N, 0 29 28 27I 26 2S � 24 23 ' 22 ":),21-,7 20 o 44• r f\, go9917 ti. . C , �r e`� / 1c� / i//E O il { a +:Ay9 I i i „ 8 1 1 , • - _ ;J Ft I2 /3 I rs IG 17 18 194.:.! J P V\ 8 do t I 13 0 ( • I '. S 31 JO 29 28 t ,27 26 25 24 ; 23 22 I 21 �(1 N to /, ( • ,....._ _. •` r1 i _.1�_ -+ I! L. r• • I.. 4 J8.34 ,Y'•., / O ! / ��``yy e: r >, 4 0 38.391 .et. �.---` _1' 1 i>i I I / 1 8 lir.9 10. i I t 12 13 14 1 15 11 G 17 18 19 '/r !�' .1_ ; / K 1 ' _w•1 ` L / , __, N ..,_ __/4. '2%-_-: i' ',\, .',',"5/ 4 / „ 5 20 ''' 4fi c'7 4-(+ ; i i ,'4 23 22 21 , �r I / ' i..4(7 ! / 7 40 / r. 1 .. ... "..--Ic7 // °µ_ ,41/E _ _ - / / . • • OFFICIAL RAMSEY COUNTY ABSTRACT OF TITLE OWNERSHIP REPORT AS T 0 Premises abutting alley in Block 12, Dawson 's Lake Como and Phalen Avenue Addition to the City of St . Paul, Ramsey County, Minn. State of Minnesota Office of SS County of Ramsey County Abstract Clerk The Abstract Clerk of Ramsey County hereby certifies that the present apparent ownership of the premises in the caption hereof according to the records in the Office of Register of Deeds and/or Registrar of Titles is shown by exhibit listed belown da and numbered One (1) to Two A L Given at St. Paul, Mi' esott 24thiay of November 1964 at 8 o' clock A. M. Liabil'ilT:Nr unf.er -ails Certificate is limited ')) to .c$25.00. Witness my nap and ceal cf Office. FH // Abs- act Clerk of Ramsey County by t #10929 ISSUED BY COUNTY ABSTRACT CLERK 152 COURT HOUSE ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA OEP80 Form ABC-1800 30M 10-63