D002103CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TfIE MAYOR ADMIl�TISTRATIVE ORDER • ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER, No:��a aid3 Date: 7 �� WHEREAS, it is an annual tradition for the Mayor of Saint Paul to invite mayors from around the State of Minnesota to Saint Paul during Winter Carnival for a reception; and WHEREAS, b;� accepting the Mayor's invitation many mayors and their families andlor guests come to Saint Paul, stay in our hotels, eat in our restaurants, shop in our stores and spend dollars in our local economy; and WHEREAS, the reception is paid for solely through dollars raised specifically for this event from corporate patrons to the City and such funds have been properly accepted by the City Council as a gift to the City; THEREFORE, it is ordered that the proper City officials are hereby autharized and directed to enter into agreements with various vendors to provide services, including food and beverages of varying kinds, entertainment, and associated expenses, for a reception where the City serves as host to a quasi-civic function for mayors from around the State of Minnesota to be held on Saturday, February 2, 2002 in the lobby of Ecolab at a cost not to exceed �,000.00 Funding Code: GL-O50-30113 APPROVED AS TO FORM ��� ���� � j AssishntCityAttomey Date � " 2Z�" � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL �(��S' DATEINITIATED � OO "� GREEN SHEET NO. 10 3 CON7ACT PERSON AND PHONE INI7IAUDATE INITIAUDATE eenWatson266-8 IGN �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �CINGOUNC�L G� p Ub18ERFp OUTING �NATTORNEY �CITVCLERK MUSTBEONCOUNCIIAGENDA6Y(DATE) RDER ❑ PINANCIALSERVICESOIR. � FINANQALSERVJFCCSG NA MAYOR(ORASSISTANn ❑ TOTAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGES � CIIPALLLOGATION5FOR51GNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Signature on attached Administrative Order authorizing and directing staff to enter into agreements for the Mayor's W inter Carnival Reception. RECOMMENDATION$' Appro ¢(A) Re�xt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE F04LOWING QUESTIONS' PLANNING GOMMiSSION 1. H25Ihis persoNfrm everwork2tl unde�a cOn�ract fo� thi5 tlepaRment� CBGOMMITTEE YES NO CNILSERVICECAMMISSION 2 Hasthisperson/firmeverbeenacityemployee? YES NO — 3 Does ihis person(frm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cunent city employee? — YES NO 4 Is ihis person/frm a targetetl ve�tlor? VES NO F�cplain all yes answers on sepante sheet afW attach to green sheec. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY(Who, Wh2t, When, Where. Why) � or traditionally hosts a reception during Winter Carnival where Mayors from around the State of Minnesota are invited aint Paul to partake in the festivities. Reception is scheduled for Saturday, February 2, 2002 in the lobby of Ecolab. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED We will be able to continue with longstanding tradition of hosting the reception. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None j DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED We won't be able to enter into agreements with caterers, etc. TOTALAMOUNiOFTRANSAGTION� 15.000 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE GL-O�JO- ACTIVITYNUMBER 30113 FINANCIAL MFORMATION (EXPLAIN) Financial obligations are all paid from funds raised from corporate community specifically for this event. S: IFOrmslgreensheet. wpd