96-1544 (2) -Return copy to: V.\0 S �' �'�� �� Council File# 9(- IS L Real Estate Division .1k■ c ■ 140 City Hall 1 Green Sheet# 400.1g RESOLUTION A rnevA 1C • SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 .111,U0, Presented By J Referred To Committee: Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of K/B Fund III, as documented in Finance Department 2 File Number 13-1996, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and discontinued as 3 public property: and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the easements within those public 4 properties are hereby released. 5 The property to be vacated, as shown in Exhibit A, pages 1, 2 and 3, is described as follows: 6 Tracts D, P, R, ZZ, and, FFF, Registered Land Survey No. 518, together with that portion of 7 Tract BBB, Registered Land Survey No. 518, lying between elevations 100.42 feet and 104.76 8 feet and lying within the following described boundaries: 9 Commencing at Point L shown on said Tract BBB; thence N54° 51' 16"E along the 10 common tract line of Tracts BBB and CCC, Registered Land Survey No. 518, a 11 distance of 2.93 feet to the actual point of beginning of the parcel to be described; 12 thence N35° 14' 16"W a distance of 12.30 feet; thence N54° 45' 44"E a distance of 13 5.87 feet to the common tract line of Tracts BBB and FFF, Registered Land Survey 14 No. 518; thence S35° 14' 16"E along the common tract line of said Tracts BBB, FFF 15 and CCC, a distance of 12.30 feet; thence S54° 51' 16"W along the common tract line 16 of Tracts BBB and CCC, Registered Land Survey No. 518, a distance of 5.87 feet, 17 more or less to the actual point of beginning. 18 that portion of Tract BBB, Registered Land Survey Nol. 518, lying above a sloping plane 19 surface having an elevation of 94.30 feet along Line E shown on said Tract BBB, and an 20 elevation of 100.42 feet along Line F shown on said Tract BBB, and lying within the following 21 described boundaries: 22 Commencing at said Point L; thence N54° 51' 16"E along the common tract line of 23 Tracts BBB and CCC, Registered Land Survey No. 518, a distance of 2.93 feet; thence 24 N35° 14' 16"W a distance of 12.30 feet to the actual point of beginning of the parcel to 25 be described, thence N35° 14' 16" W a distance of 10.52 feet to the point of beginning 26 of Line E; thence N54° 45' 44"E a distance of 5.87 feet along said Line E to the point 27 of termination of said Line E; thence S35° 14' 16: E along the common tract line of 28 Tracts BBB and FFF, Registered Land Survey No. 518, a distance of 10.52 feet to the 29 point of beginning of Line F; thence S54° 45' 44:W a distance of 5.87 feet, more or 30 less, along said Line F to the actual point of beginning, said point also being the point 31 of termination of said Line F. 32 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of 33 the Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 34 I. That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay $500.00 as an administrative fee v 35 for this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this 36 resolution. up to $12,500 staff time and $161 ,000 for the appraised value ,_. S a ■• lac. it I 9 nsert below: rnehd.4 ,a.1 „ (cu. — I 31411 AC-6. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns should provide all reasonably requested financial documentation prior to the receipt of any deeds. 1 2. That the petitioner's their successors, and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save 2 harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers, and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of 3 any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, 4 persons, or property on account of this vacation or petitioner's use of this property, including 5 but not limited to a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of 6 said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or 7 regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of their agents or 8 employees 9 3. That, to accommodate pedestrian access and circulation, the petitioner shall, on or before July 10 1, 1997 or such later date as may be agreed to in writing by the City, dedicate skyway 11 easements, to be described when the survey is completed after construction, as shown on 12 Exhibit B, pages 1 and 2. 13 4. That the skyway easements so dedicated shall be operated and maintained by K/B Fund III in 14 accordance with Skyways Cls ter 140 of the Saiint Paul Le is ative ode, including but not limited, to havifig the skyways open during establ'lshed skyway hours. 15 5. l hat the petitioner's their successors, and assigns, shall within 60 days of the effective date of 16 this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this 17 resolution and shall within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this 18 resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. 7C SGe 4tsoy inner . 19 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, for the sum of $161,000 representing the value of the City's 20 interest in the properties herein vacated as established by an independent appraisal, the proper City 21 officials shall convey the said City interest to K/B Fund III, as provided in Chapter 51.01(8) of the 22 Administrative Code. 23 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to 24 accept, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, the skyway easements, as shown in Exhibit B, pages 1 and 25 2, to be dedicated by K/B Fund III. 26 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City shall dedicate an easement, to be described when the 27 survey is completed after construction, through that part of the Loft Level of Town Square occupied 28 by Town Square Park, to accommodate exhaust ducting from the Skyway Level retail area. See Yeas I Nays Absent Blakey ( ✓ Il Requested by Department of: Bostrom ✓ [ Finance & Management Services Guerin ✓ Harris ✓ J V Megard ✓ By Rettman I ✓.I ifx/v Director IThune JI ✓I Form Approved by City Attorney 11111:4011[ CI I Adopted by Council: Date (,m_. t I `igc, By: _,‘, --/-,//-20k-V)-t-e----N Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Ma : Date ��j � f_ By: By: / l� C- �� - lsyy Additional page of amendments to Council File 96-1544: FINALLY BE IT RESOLVED, access (via easement and public space) shall always allow public access to the Town Square Park during Park hours; FINALLY, the petitioners,their successors, and assigns shall hold an opening benefit and contribute those proceeds to a designated Saint Paul charity, FINALLY, nothing in this vacation resolution commits the City of Saint Paul or the Housing Redevelopment Authority to any funding now or in the future; FINALLY BE IT RESOLVED, the $161,000 appraisal dollars is to be placed in the HRA/PED development fund. I 0-J 1,- t- u, - Cr, 0, o et) (V O 0 **- 10 1 0 hi I I 0 a! C. 1— i 0 : 0 Ili 1- 0 t-i 1 4 I In U hi o .-- hi i t x - ;-- 0) 0 t I IX 0 Z LL1 i I 1 I . 1 I i ff,1 I .1) ..-; ., 0, 0 t-- i C 1 j -.i i j i ozr "." ! en 4' •f- i a " 0i 0 21 0 - hi t # - 1- 1- 0 i ffi Lii i - U -4! 1 I X I 0, , 1 1 01 i ... 111 0i 0) 14 it; 1 111 I- U r.) I.4 1.--1 i .!-.! 1..4 W 1 U.. o 01 Z rl 1 T Z i 0 Z -j -‘-klii U LA 1 .... 1.4 3-1 (t) ry t 1.-. 1.1). 0 C-1,, i- Li. 1 0 cia '5 E . WI •Ir "..' 1....1 N.6. 1 O X. t 2: y: o I 1- I i t-1 1 (tc 1 W I 10 W U i .)-- X I , . t X !..i....- 47 i 0) cc • O IL t re.; W X, H i ri X rt Z 0.) 1- a g:- 11- - 0 i * :t•-• ili 0 I L. I..) i :::::; OW W E i C I• X 1-i iy:. a .•1: ,. ill i tii a_ i 0, « W 1 0, . WW rl C X CC DOHERTY 2800 Minnesota World Trade Center 3500 Fifth Street Towers 30 East Seventh Street 150 South Fifth Street 1401 New York Avenue,N.W. 2370 One Tabor Center Suite 11(10 1200 Seventeenth Street RUMBLESaint Paul,Minnesota 55101-4999 Minneapolis,Minnesota 55402-4235 Washington,D.C.20005 Denver,Colorado 80202-5823 BUTLER FAX (612)291-9333 Telephone(612)340-5555 Telephone(202)393-2554 Telephone(303)572-6200 FAX(612)291-9313 FAX(612)340-5584 FAX(202)393-3131 FAX(303)572-6203 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION Attorneys at Law Writer's direct dial number (612) 291-9406 Reply to St.Paul office RECEIVED February 14 , 1997 FEB 141997 CITY CLERK VIA HAND DELIVERY City Clerk City of Saint Paul Room 170, City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard St . Paul, MN 55102 Re: Letter of Acceptance of K/B Fund III Council File No. 96-154 Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed is the signed Letter of Acceptance for the Substituted and Amended Resolution by the City Council adopted on December 11, 1996, File No. 96-154, for vacation of certain public properties . Also enclosed is a check in the amount of $500 in payment of the administrative fee . Please call me with any questions . Sin erely, , i ,ada, / I i'i inda T. Hatten LTH276365.1tr Enclosure c : Ms . Carolyn M. McCann Saint Paul, Minnesota February 3, 1997 RECEIVED To the Honorable, the City Council FEB 12 1997 Saint Paul, Minnesota DOneriy Kuinple & Butler Dear Council Members: We, the undersigned petitioners, hereby accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of Council File No. 96-154, adopted by the City Council on December 11, 1996, and signed by the Mayor on December 20, 1996. K/B FUND III, a Delaware general partnership By K/B OPPORTUNITY FUND III, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, Its General Partner By KB OPPORTUNITY INVESTORS, a California general partnership By KOLL INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT, INC., d/b/a K/B REALTY ADVISORS, a California corporation, Its Ge•• al Partner By gr- Its A , LTH 275088 acc