D002102CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIl�IISTRATIVE ORDER • No: f�Do �l D a Date: J / � JD a, ADMII�TIS'TRATTVE ORDER, That the proper City officials aze hereby authorized and d3rected to enter into an agreement with the Danish Pastcy Shop Inc., P.O. Box 17279, St. Paul, MN 55117 to pay expenses arising from the twelve 2002 Expanded Staff meetings attended by 65 - 70 Division of Pazks and Recrearion managers, supervisors and city-wide specialists, not to exceed $900. Zyese meetings improve communicafion and provide an opportunity for staff development and training, while saving staff time and money, and aze all held at a Division facility. • APPROVED AS TO FOKM X1 o.t%-�, � s stant Ciry Attomey Date , . . _ _ ° ,DOOo?/Q� DEPAflTMENT/OFFICE/COUNGL OATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET �J�� NO. 11Q090 „ rks and Recreation.. 12-18-Oi - CANTACTPERSONAp1DPHONE INRIAVDATE iN111AVDASE SCF1Uffll - ZGFYB�2 IGN � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR `� �� � CITY COUNCIL NUMBER W A pOUTING 2 CITY ATTORNEY �� �� Y CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (OATE) OPDEq 3 FINANqAL SERVICES D1R. ❑ FINANCIAL SERV/ALCTG . � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) r J PARKS AND RECREATION , TOTAI S OF SIGNAiURE PAGES � GLIP ALL LOCAilONS FOB SIGNA7URq AC'f10N REUUESTED: ,. Approval of funding for Division of Parks and Recreatio� Expanded Staff ineetings held monthly in 2002 at Division facilities including the Phalen Golf Clubhouse, noi to exceed 5900. , HECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ �RI PEFGSONNL SEflVICE CONTMCTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLONANG QUESTIONS: ' _ PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Has ihis person/firm ever worked under a conttact for this Eepartment? CIB COMMITfEE YES NO � CIVIL SEAVICE CQMMl551pN �. Has rhis person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? � - YES NO 3. �oes tMS paison(firm possess a skill not normally possesseO by any currem cfty employee? YES NO 4. Is Mis persoNfrzm a cargeted vendor? VES NO Eapivn all yaz answero on separa[e aheet antl attach to 8men sheet. . �TING PFOBIEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): f Opportunity to improve communication and provide training for the Division's 65 - 70 managers, supervisors, and city- ' wide specialists on a monthly basis in 2002. These meetings are afl held at a Division faciiity. These funds wilt.be used ` to provide refreshments. t; . ' ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: , These monthly meetings improve communication and provide an opportunity for staff development and training, while saving staff time and money. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: � �� � � ��� None �, . DISADVANTAGESIFNQTAPPROVEQ C��� �����NE� Staff will not have refreshmeMS. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION t y JOO. COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONEI YES NO 'DINGSOURCE Parks and Recreation pCTNITVNUMBEP Various d�' �b0 - ` ,,. t �' ..� �� �'e 4NCIAL iNFORMA710N: (EXPLAIN) . . �/iN i $ �1�Uc� �i�'�� G:4O7VIWPIExpanded Szafflgreensheet2002.wpd "` °