96-1592 (2) Return copy to Council File#` —V& V Real Estate Division RECEIVEr 140 City Hall `,.N 1 0 Green Sheet # 3cASG C RESOLUTION i. rnvisioN 4Iii OF SAINT PAUL, MINN 0A Presented By/ 'I % ' ... Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, on November 29, 1973, the Council adopted CF#262656, vacating and discontinuing as 2 a public street: 3 that portion of North St. Albans Street lying between the extended Southerly line of 4 Block 9, Butterfield Syndicate No. 2 and the extended Northerly line of Lot 16, Block 5 1, Butterfield Syndicate No. 2, Ramsey County; and 6 WHEREAS, the said vacation was subject to certain conditions and reservations, including the 7 condition that the petitioner convey to the City of Saint Paul a portion of the street to be vacated s described as follows: 9 A strip of land 7.00 feet wide, lying westerly of and immediately adjacent to the 10 existing centerline of North St. Albans Street between the extended Southerly line of ii Block 9, Butterfield Syndicate No. 2 and the centerline as extended of vacated Burgess 12 Street; and 13 A 10.00 foot strip of land, lying westerly of and immediately adjacent to the existing 14 centerline of North St. Albans Street between the centerline as extended of vacated 15 Burgess St. and the extended Northerly line of Lot 16, Block 1, Butterfield Syndicate 16 No. 2; and 17 WHEREAS, the petitioner, Catholic Cemeteries, did not comply with the above condition and has 18 stated that it no longer desires the vacation; 19 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that CF#262656 is hereby declared null and void and the 20 vacation of the above described portion of St.Albans Street is hereby rescinded. Yeas Nays Absent Blakey Requested by Department of: Bostrom Finance & Management Services I Guerin I Harris ` Megard By: / l_pti_ Rettman --- ' Director Thune ,../ Form Approved by City Attorney 0`\\ I II ? 1 �' o Adopted by council: D e ii c, 2�, i Iy4- By: et. G-/l/yti�-�- 1"Z - ! -qG Adoption . ified-by o -c 'ecretary By: 6q- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Ma or: Date %Z7?A By: ,[G_S!/ ' By: ----)71- (L . ►. OFF ME CO. RECORDER ' SIEY(CC(NTY(MNN 71 RECOf�tp D C e RECEIVED 1991 118 A11. 23 AUG 21 1997 n i RECORDER CITY CLERK. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss. DE.RUTY -.,,-f%/FD CITY OF ST. PAUL ) Alf('; 2 0 1997 d+ I, Frances Swanson, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy of Council File No. 263141 as adopted by the City Council on February 21, 1974 and approved by the Mayor on February 24, 1974 with the original thereof on file in my office. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS, my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, this 25th day of June 1997. ' °a;�� '', Deputy City Clerk 4: It`,' ':' 3I Inctru # :� TO Orie,t4 .`-., Filing fee ®-.�`���_. RETURN ,TO Rec copy Cz d Cer copy 1� Initials -7S-\-- (7 d Pd by/bill g 3 VACATION BOOK # I page 003043 �: S7 71-leturs y• ~ n, P40, T gs N DATED• fi ' COUNCIL' it's & d ,. ates`'& MISC.' INFO. cam' ' `6'. . /. / ATTACHMENTS: • • r:".-r.� .. . .. _ .. . r• nail File No. 263141=Bp'Patrick 7. Moedlen...:. Jai r. • •• e• • • •i solved; That:upon the that section of; 11 I.• bdie street hereinafter described,be • the same hereby L.vacated and dis-' esbntinued as a public street: I ' dtVacate the West 20 feet of North ...St. Albans Street lying between !ront Street and the extended ' northerly line of Lot 16 Block 1, fi •Buttereld Syndicate Add. No. 2; ;Butterfield expressly to the following con- • :ions and reservations: t:l. That the vacation be subject to all t-- E "� ''�pit' . 4i the terms and conditions of Cha ENTERED "k E $..• ter 228 of the Legislative Code, as. ".•1qrf, 'N `r..• amended. tf .i Cl�� 2. That a permanent sewer easement ! r'l '.r�.l�. , • be retained over the easterly 5• DIRECTOR, : .tie"-....Y P , A iO feet of that portion of North St. • Q, ,- Albans Street herein proposed to Ramsey Cr�y;fi ;x y, ,,3tie$(}Ya be vacated, subject to the follow-' In", restrictions: a. That no buildings or other per- • By manent structures will Ise a1- ; lowed within the easement • area. . , p-'aIbrt, no changes in grade or elevation- from the existing [round line will be permitted, and no change in rurfacing will • '!'"' be allowed without written per- r.. minion from the D1rec•or of the Department of Public Works. 3.. That the petitioner be required to pay to the City the sum of $1,000.00 as compensation for the vacation and furnish the City with a bond in the amount of 85,000.00. Adopted by the Council February 20, 1974. Approved February 21, 1974. • • _.. .February 23, 1974) ■I r NOTICE OF PEARING FOR SZACATION •I i Vacation of Portion of Street Notice is hereby given that the peti- ,tion of The Catholic Cemeteries for the vacation of the West 20 feet of the North 143.85 feet of St. Albans Street 'between Burlington Northern Railroad 'and the South line of Front Ave., as more particularly shown on the plat attached to the petition, has been or- dered filed in the office of the City IClerk of the City of St. Paul, Minne- ota by the Council, and said petition' Will be heard and considered by the !Council at a meeting thereof to be held In the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House on the'20th day of February, 1974, at ten o'clock A.M. Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota, this 16th day of January, 1974. HARRY E. MARSHALL. � i City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, Minn. _ (January 19, 1974) • y — F.M.S. . L ESTATE DIVISION Date: 12/2/96 Green Sheet Number: 39500 Contact Pe • > one Number. DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 4 CITY COUNCIL Peter Wlu e 266-8850 > <> :.;:;.;:.>;::- 1 CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR 2. FIN.&MGT.SVC.DIR. Must be on Council Agenda by: 3 MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) TOTAL# OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: To declare CF#262656 null and void, and to rescind the vacation of a part of St. Albans Street. Ref: 1. Resolution for consideration; 2. Copy of CF#262656; 3. Map of area vacated by CF#262656; 4. Statement by petitioner. RECOMMENDATIONS:APPROVE(A)OR REJECT(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO PLANNING COMMISSION A STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? CIS COMMITTEE Explain all YES answers on a separate sheet and attach. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) S DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL 6 INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why?): The petitioner had not met all the terms and conditions of the vacation. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: This will bring closure to a project that has been inactive since 1973. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' !"i M 41 n`4s4 1'"fie. J A�, 3= ,: 7 .t ,,sh +. ,c ,. j* None ',,.....>'S'c.s.^y't*«- .fr...+yrri,9r4:>a- +-. .u, er[.:.;..0..a-,a ,{. -�M $ern :: #'- a.wE t<�zx ,r '.. ,. ? '� ..y.+" rte l '1'd w.r 1 �V>, �. 'y 1 i em'�.N�`,4p� yet ., #"``.,�' _ DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: This file would remain inactive.. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $0.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE: N/A ACTIVITY NUMBER: N/A Y ,,,, y e.,; ,.,. ✓ ,e ,,d k it,::x ,r v S$$i C) k :.i ,,yr y > J g FINANCIAL INFORMATION EXPLAI y e .r ) a _4 N� "+ u" i t?� � . `f r3 n'I �$��yM �!'�q'7y�+,r � a� t ,;,..f,,,, s ,�} r � � t '�`& &7C.4H tr� 4"{ �� �r)� r - . •tea THE CATHOLIC CEMETERIES 400 Selby Avenue •Saint Paul { THE ARCHDIOCESE OF SAINT PAUL AND MINNEAPOLI Minnesota 55102 �#� � '� ;,?z� .� ; ... � ,: : „� 612/228-9991 , .o.�. At %4 November 25, 1996 RECEIVED NOV 2 7 1996 Mr. Earl Carlson REAL ESTATE DIVISION Real Estate Division CALVARY Department of Finance and Management Services St Paul 140 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 SAINT MARY'S Minneapolis Dear Mr. Carlson: ;A1NTANTHONYS Thank you for forwarding the City Council resolution (CF #262656), Minneapolis dated November 29, 1973, to my office. My office staff found it humorous that the resolution was discovered in the "dead files". GETHSEMANE New Hope After reviewing the documents, The Catholic Cemeteries is no longer interested in pursuing the vacation of this street; from our viewpoint, the ASSUMPTION resolution can be rescinded at this time. New Hope If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free RESURRECTION Mendota Heights to contact my office. Thank you. Sincerely, THE CATHOLIC CEMETERIES „: John ohn M. Cherek Director JMC:sma WH17E CI Ta CLERK COUr1C 11 + PINK N8E 1)P .ply 'T C4∎NARY -nDEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL /'. ;•.,j j�yY y t� BLUE - MAYOR File N�. �-' uncil Resolution Presented By /,l 6.464_ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon the petition of the City of Saint Paul and the Catholic Cemeteries, that section of public street here- inafter described, be and the same hereby is vacated and discon- tinued as a public street: That portion of North St. Albans Street lying between the extended Southerly line of Block 9, Butterfield Syndicate No. 2 and the extended Northerly line of Lot 16, Block 1, Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. 2, Ramsey County; subject expressly to the following conditions and reservations: 1 . That the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Chapter 228 of the Legislative Code, as amended. 2 . That the City will construct a security fence, and the cost of the common area of this fence will be paid by the City paying 11/16 and the Catholic Cemeteries paying 5/16 . 3 . That the petitioner, the Catholic Cemeteries, convey to the City of Saint Paul a portion of the above-named street proposed to be vacated and legally described as follows : • A strip of land 7 feet wide, lying westerly of and immediately adjacent to the existing centerline of North St. Albans Street between COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against By Sprafka Tedesco Mme .President Butler Form Approved by 'ty ttorney Adopted by Council: Date / • Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITY CLERK rl9/1 PINK rr FIN•A NtE (� �1' -ff FP __ C* AFY - DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �� ® BL — MAYOR File N0. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2 . the extended Southerly line of Block 9, Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. 2 and the centerline as extended of vacated Burgess St. A strip of land 10 feet in width, lying west- erly of and immediately adjacent to the existing centerline of North St. Albans Street, between the centerline as extended of vacated Burgess St. and the extended Northerly line of Lot 16, Block 1, Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. 2 . 4. That a permanent sewer easement be retained over the Easterly 45 feet of this street extending the entire length of the proposed vacation for the protection of the existing 42-inch sewer, and also allow for the future construction of a new storm sewer to be built easterly of the centerline. 5. That as compensation for the vacation, the petitioner, the Catholic Cemeteries, be required to pay to the City of Saint Paul the sum of $9,648 .68 and provide the City with a bond in the amount of $10,000.00. COUNCILMEN� Nays Yeas Requested by Department of: DreleC Konopatzki In Favor Meredith Against By wpm Roedler Tedesco Mme.President mac Hunt NOV 2 9 1973 Form Approved b ity At..rney Adopted by Council: Date /V. Certifi P d by Co • y By Y Approv, • by May• : Dat. •a� •L! Y Approved by May. for Submission to Council By I A.4._ By ` , PUBLISHED DEC 0 8 1973 ►".„ S r • e k c • • C • ::::':....,..7.': .tj.:i _ . _. c :P.; 8 °.) 3 '‘331i2libliq ORIGINAL CITY OF INT PAUL TO PAYOR _ DEPARTMENT OF N4 ^ 3 3 RECEIPT 14 1 `..k. 191`f RECEIVED OF —�. '`/ — ..I�.._'_ ' �,.": i� $ 100 , ' . � � ' r •FO' • lit. A'_�♦_ . :1 L! • . o! ►L c off. \ I - 0€39-44 BY /I/I__. 114h.► 1 • L , 1 / / Department of Finance and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (612) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (612) 266-8855 SAINT CITY OF SAINT PAUL PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor AAA* November 13, 1996 Catholic Cemeteries Archdioceses of St. Paul 244 Dayton Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir or Madam: On November 29, 1973, the City Council approved a resolution (CF #262656) to vacate the following public right-of-way: That portion of North St. Albans Street lying between the extended Southerly line of Block 9, Butterfield Syndicate No. 2 and the extended Northerly line of Lot 16, Block 1, Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. 2, Ramsy County. This vacation was subject to a number of conditions, all of which were satisfied except a provision that the petitioner, the Catholic Cemeteries, convey to the City a portion of the street to be vacated. Since that condition was never met, the resolution has not been filed with Ramsey County and, in effect, the street remains public right-of-way. This matter was recently discovered in the"dead files" in the Office of the City Clerk, and was referred to the Real Estate Division for resolution. CF #262656 can be recorded if you will send us a deed conveying that portion of the street to be vacated described as follows: A strip of land 7 feet wide, lying westerly of and immediately adjacent to the existing centerline of North St. Albans Street between the extended Southerly line of Block 9, Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. 2 and the centerline as extended of vacated Burgess St; and A strip of land 10 feet in width, lying westerly of and immediately adjacent to the existing centerline of North St. Albans Street, between the centerline as extended of vacated Burgess St. and the extended Northerly line of Lot 16, Block 1, Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. 2. If you feel that the vacation is no longer necessary, please let me know and CF #262656 will be rescinded. I wij1 - it until December 11, 1996 for your decision. If I have not heard fr om you by then, I • u do not intend to pursue this and I will initiate action to rescind the• r�$°yt1o°fig YatSi°x So E t / 262,06 le 4ettCa oe e . . °. or a t`4,pjtc sattt s 414 • t Ette et VA sp.of ra t`(,0-ea a C°`�'oea10 J Sa�t eels°v.`eoe acts to a �g�t,y oe'a ee�a st Ae�aet' tcemee• at s aSeet, of° t 9, e ei6• eee4..t1° 4o.0.g,bet°ot2 er°ca SP e P'aa n' a at .t \w t3 tttt ,pat cO itt S t eet et y Ica ettyeta S, cm g to Se✓.opt` $1"-�o tt',ei�i,60.e e tee ,,et est\\ 4tee cto 1gaet-egNI ta•„�ot6•ve ,..0,13%-,0 o tine•$to•2, ex4teese l at.00, eels Lei a s ac s.. a et e s'e'.de$se s a to ete2 5 aeat�t c°os�°��>b a at 1• s1 ttie a e�ty 'II” CC ae,as e ,e'o this 4_11 4 ttc esst;y£SceaC f e ete Ga.N'no of 2• secu.mor the tc tt tY�e e Gttpove, Goya 4 pCata°t etit,ve9't o1 tZo bea° ylt6• oe - co %w e . .6,s ,taatetesaut a .not 4 a 1 a et N ea. 3- G a•f-'t a see"to 1 to V�ettSO$ 5 tote '. .aat att ex ,pa t ce of Si4 e�,tetert to tb e tex9 e$ut 2 to yt l9 s. e°tee's tStO aa• ettaea ate tettt ett• e e, e t Oc -0 eel's et --y ttttatcatte asst' eet a c�o�t,d 5e even e,1-y 5t. tet d tr atea$to ete ept " Nts the e�5 St4ty e y eA,0.e�e a°t ex t 1v teeapg,e;Nteeteg e s 6e o5y di' a t co,a gv oStn13uttte 'et t eae'ye re c 'ea$,oa v.1 e.t ee eyasa to�ae .. 16'te A '.tpao�et et a tte° t. aU°a ZraSe e'teis sot ttt ct a ac iet oe st� 4• tee.voe tep x,e 45ewco stye Al Baca C ettoe•t.42.o,utllet�t1 t t cs'eliotto lsti.t10e Si°s eertet io'a tee ti.Qa seli' tees 9 sot tc vet,$5 Avg e t eltt of ettatattse 9 a9afsettovt6 atee 29, 5• ti-dc"eCtty o, '6 tt tie o�est'bet 8• t1 tee VP" 9. coJO°�3o 19'13• X19' py t4 ,pet 19131 $ tea vent 9,vet 4 (-73 arch) W O O O n a L m N pig11 n n o II , m v 1� 1 1 m m O ' l m O 3 [ i , 01‘411 m m T1; D w m r., I ^o\1' O 1 i iii m n m o m D ,.. uni M cD cn r>91 r C v m { z m --I M kr. 11 —4,L O T K m n fl > cn .. < W I 1 In - D m m < 1 HU U) O O v O H r { co { n ` il -1_ o Z ■ D m co O " ` Cr-, ') m I al m �, { V1, m D n 0 n'. a K o . c N ' Z N February 17, 1976 Sr. Pierre Regnier City Attorney Room 647, City fall St. Paul, Minnesota ATTENTION: Mr. Jerome Segal Dear Sir: Attached is a copy of a resolution, C.F. 262656, granting the petition of the city and the Catholic Cemeteries for the vacation of a portion of North St. Albans Street. Please advise this office whether Condition No. 3, requiring the conveyance of certain property, has been completed. Very truly yours, City Clerk Attach. ABO:dcm February 10, 1975 Mr. Pierre Regnier City Attorney Attention: Mr. Jerome Segal Attached is a copy of a Resolution C.F. 262656 granting the petition of the City and the Catholic Cemeteries for the vacation of a portion of North St. Albans Street. Please advise this office whether condition No. 3 requiring the conveyance of certain property has been complied with. Very truly yours, City Clerk ABO:sm June 12, 1974 Mr. R. Scott Davies City Attorney 647 City Hall Attention: Mr. Jerome Segal Dear Sir: References made to a resolution C.F. 262656, adopted November 29, 1973, vacating a portion of North St. Albans Street. Please advise this office whether condition No. 3, requiring the conveyance of certain property, has been completed. Very truly yours, City Clerk ABO:dcm • 1 • June 6, 1977 "iarriehtLansing City Attorney Roam 647, City Hall Attention: Mr. Segal " Dear Sir; Reffrence is made to C.F. 262656 adapted November 29, 1973, granting the petition of the City and Catholic Cemeteries for the vacation of a portion of North St. Albans St. Please advise this office whether condition nudber 3 has been completed requiring conveyance to the City of certain property. If the conveyance has not been completed we would ask your advice on how to proceed in this utter and whether' we should request • Resolution rescinding this Council File in view of the fact that the compensation, bond and acceptance have been filed. Very 'may your!, City Cleric attach. AB%w • • • r a -+1ial93a1■ "1 asuiaasaaiaaas , "V= " Z., CITY OF SAINT PAUL s ^o OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY _, June 14 , 1977 HARRIET LANSING \ J. William Donovan Valuation Engineer 286 City Hall Re: Vacation Resolution C. F. No. 262656 North St. Albans Street Dear Mr. Donovan: The City Clerk has asked to be advised whether the Catholic Cemeteries has conveyed a strip of land to the City of Saint Paul as a condition to the above resolution. I can ' t locate any office file on this matter, but I seem to recall that there was a description that was drawn up previously, but was not adequate for recording purposes . Would you please check your records and determine whether this condition has been complied with, and if not, advise the City Clerk and the undersigned as to whether this condition may or will now be complied with by the Catholic Cemeteries Association. Yo-,rs very tru y, 'OM.E J. EGA A• _istant City Attorney J S:cg CC: City Clerk V City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121 October 22, 1979 Mr. J. Wm. Donovan Valuation Engineer Room 286, City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Deer Sir: Reference is made to a resolution of the Council, C.F. No. 262656, which granted the petition of the City of St. Paul and the Catholic Cemeteries for the vacation of a portion of North St. Albans Street. Condition # 3 of the resolution has never been completed and I call your attention to a letter you sent to Catholic Cemeteries on October 31, 1978, and my inquiry is whether they have ever responded to your letter and condition # 3. Very truly yours, Rose Mix City Clerk Attach. ABO:la cc: Public Works Dept. - City Attorney October 31, 1978 Catholic Cemeteries Ar hdi cese of St. Paul 21► Dayton .Ave2ms St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Vacation Resolution Council Pile No. 262656 North St. Albans Street Dear Sir: The above resolution was passed by the City Connell on Noverbetr 29, 1973. The conditions of said resolution were accepted by the Catholic Cemeteries on December 10, 1973. Condition. No. 3, of said resolution, has never been =rioted. It states as follows: 3. That the petitioner, the Catholic Cemeteries, convey to the City of Saint Pahl a portion of the above-named Street pro- posed to be vacated and legally described as fo110 : A strip of land 7 feet *ride, lying westerly of and immediately adjacent to the existing centerline of North St, Albans Street between the extended Southerly line of Block 9, Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. 2 and the centerline as extended of vacated Burgess St. A strip of land 10 feet in width, lying westerly of and immediately adjacent to the existing center- line of North St. Albans Street, between the center- line as extended of vacated mess St. and the extended Northerly line of tot 16, Block 1, Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. 2. We are thereby sending you a Quit Claim Deed which we ask that the Catholic Cemeteries, Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis execute and return to this office, Room 286, Court Rouse. U you have any questions s feel free to call me or Willard Jones of this office, 298-5317. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, J. William Donovan Valuation and Assessment Engineer JWD:WPJ:ley Enclosures: 1 ,cayi of Resolution No. 262656 oY Accce tance from Catholic Cemeteries A CITY OF SAINT PAUL GtTY.N. rr In J' Harry E. Marshall c 4'1 .1` a Albert B. Olson City Clerk and .A ,"-:.�' �t Council Recorder Council Secretary „�A nc OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 October 16, 1973 64 Mr. J. William Donovan Valuation Engineer Room 286, City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: The City Council today referred to you for consideration and recommendation the attached petition of the City of Saint Paul and the Catholic Cemeteries to vacate a portion of St. Albans St. Yours very truly, rk .„)(2)4 4 ity 4 ABO:jmw Attach. i 6/,/ , Pt). S.-74,-„,,,, LiLe,,,,,,:j ,A4 .,p_...3 ,--...,,,_,..i- F.7 -r r' ., f 1I aq Aj ,, t, ,. '®'® • CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY October 12, 1973 R. SCOTT DAVIES Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 Building Dear Sir: Enclosed please find petition of the City of Saint Paul and the Catholic Cemeteries to vacate a portion of St. Albans Street. The petition has been examined as to form and sufficiency, and I wish to report that the petition is signed by the requisite number of property owners and is in sufficient form as is required by Chapter 228 of the Legislative Code. Your very t ly 4 l I I JEROME J. SEG�L Assistant Cjty- Attorney V JJS:er Encl. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121 PETITION TO VACATE PUBLIC STREET To the Honorable Members of the Council of the City of Saint Paul The City of Saint Paul is presently the owner of all of the property abutting the east side of St. Albans Street from the Northerly line of the Burlington Northern Railway right-of-way to the South line of the alley in Block 1 , Butterfield Syndicate Addition No. 2. This property serves as the site of the Public Works maintenance garages. All of the property abutting the West side of this portion of St. Albans Street is owned by The Catholic Cemeteries. A map of this area showing the portion of North St. Albans Street in question in red is attached to this Petition. The City of Saint Paul , Department of Public Works, desires to vacate this portion of North St. Albans Street to enable a private roadway to be constructed from Front Avenue leading into the Dale Street maintenance yards. It will then be possible to enclose this roadway along with the entire Dale Street maintenance yards with a new security fence to reduce vandalism. The Catholic Cemeteries also wish to vacate this portion of St. Albans Street to secure additional land for gravesites. If such vacation of street be granted, it would allow the City of Saint Paul and the Catholic Cemeteries to jointly construct a common fence to secure the properties. In accordance with Section 228.02 of the Legislative Code, the City of Saint Paul , by its Mayor, and The Catholic Cemeteries hereby jointly petition the City Council of the City of Saint Paul to vacate all that portion of North St. Albans Street lying between the Northerly right-of-way line of the Burlington Northern Railroad and the Southerly line as extended of the alley in Block 1 , Butterfield Syndicate Addition No. 2. An ownership report and a plat of the area affected are attached to this petition. Respectfully submitted, Vii. 1 War 4 LAWENCE D. COHEN Mayor Subscribed and Sworn to before me this /46 day of 06,,,t�--fr J , 1973 Notary Public, Ramsey County l I My commission expires 7�/Q/7c7 t) F. RET T NER J.-mil UBLIC — WI:NNE:LTA SEY COt1NTY B. CHARLES TIERNEY � on Expires July 12, 1979 Secreta ry,The Catholic Cemeteries .v w�wwrw t Subscribed and Sworn to before me this-5 i day of --4_s.�x,.,,1973 ihj Notary Public, Ramsey County My commission expires BERNICE RUMM>ENIE,Not Public, Ramsey Co., Minn. APPROVED AS TO FORM: My Commission Expires May 18th, 1980, V( /, Ass i sta t C c1-17 Atto Y • r • • • • • • .. sa kl4wRJr .• . • • • • Nom% ��►9�riW W 4 . I • B!/'f! /YD'f' '�,5' .. mow as...7: ".;(, 1 t .f. _ , j . t 4Q `. a \N \ ' y t .� a �(`c }•yy y� >. \`r7 •. }. Ii .....J.•UNE.4Ne-,J .SEC!6-?Y-P3 ■ I y ' t %5 ` Y t ' In t i r ,T.l 4 , }:•-r a?'..1 6" •.:,'f..p. CO I - - - - .-.1 .I 139 h9•� • : t 1 a , wi ; t i a. .. I . i t. y , I ` i, r i t �- -'I k 1 i 1 1 f •. f Fr " e - - - , 1 t I I il (‘ tt.‘" ) ::Thl ‘e, .i.j.• li) r.-A 1 1 �� i t1j°t i .,, , /lo 1.- 1 1 1,=g. ,! _%o_ t ,l 1 E _ f j 1 v � r I a % N • 't.l j I "1 ,W!.4I R t Z Gf ,■ I V I iL ~; 1cy� , ` ^Ito 1 A. • ^, ?e I k I � ti� ` J,-,s. IO• 40 Qy. f, ,✓14VE NEB 5ktii,,recc z`,--}<....4-4.-4'---.: 1 Jam' U_ -10 O -r -t - - e ro 0 -4-- di, �- 70 J. WILLIAM DONOVAN ?_98-5317 Valuation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Aar't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 216 City Hell Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 To: The Honorable Mayor, Council President, and Members of the City Council From: J. William Donovan, Valuation Engineer Date: November 26, 1973 Subject: Petition of the City of St. Paul and the Catholic Cemeteries for the vacation of that portion of North St. Albans Street lying between the Northerly right-of-way line of the Burlington Northern Railroad and the Southerly line as extended of the alley in Block 1, Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. 2. Hearing - November 28, 1973 The City of St. Paul, Department of Public Works, desires the vacation to enable a private driveway to be constructed from Front Avenue leading into the Dale Street maintenance yards. It would then be possible to enclose this roadway along with the entire Dale Street maintenance yards with a new security fence to reduce vandalism. The Catholic Cemeteries also wish the vacation in order to secure additional land for grave sites. If the vacation is granted, it would allow the City of St. Paul and the Catholic Cemeteries to jointly con- struct a common fence to secure the properties. The subject street is unimproved, dedicated to a width of 60 feet, extends to a length of 1,310 feet, comprising an area of 78,600 square feet. The Department of Public Works reports that in cooperation with the Valuation Bureau, they have negotiated a proposed Agreement between the City of St. Paul and the Catholic Cemeteries providing for the construction of a joint fence on the new common property line and maintenance of the common fence. The Department recommends that one of the terms and conditions of the vacation resolution be that the Catholic Cemeteries enter into the proposed Agreement with the City set- ting forth these points and incorporate said Agreement in the vacation resolution by reference. The Department further recommends that a description of the vacated right-of-way to be deeded to the City be directly incorporated into the vacation resolution. The staff of the City Planning Department has reviewed the matter and finds no planning objections to the proposed vacation. The Catholic Cemeteries has subsequently submitted a second petition to vacate the westerly 20 feet of North St. Albans Street between the northerly limits of this proposed vacation and Front Avenue. The abutting property owner on the East side of St. Albans has indicated that he has substantial concern about this pro- posed vacation. The public hearing on this matter would tentatively be scheduled for the latter part of January, 1974. , F._ 7u -2- There were no objections from any other public or private agencies involved; therefore, in view of the foregoing, I recommend the vacation be approved subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. That the description of the street to be vacated read as follows: Vacate that portion of North St. Albans Street lying between the extended southerly line of Block 9, Butterfield Syndicate No. 2 and the extended northerly line of Lot 16, Block 1, Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. 2, Ramsey County. 2. That the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Chapter 228 of the Legislative Code, as amended. 3. That the petitioner, the Catholic Cemeteries, be required to enter into an agreement with the City of St. Paul setting forth certain terms and conditions as they apply to construction and future maintenance of the security fence, all to the satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Public Works. 4. That the petitioner, the Catholic Cemeteries, convey to the City of St. Paul a portion of the above named street proposed to be vacated and legally described as follows: A strip of land 7 feet wide, lying westerly of and immediately adjacent to the existing centerline of North St. Albans Street between the extended southerly line of Block 9, Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. 2 and the centerline as extended of vacated Burgess St. A strip of land 10 feet in width, lying westerly of and immediately adjacent to the existing centerline of North St. Albans Street, between the centerline as ex- tended of vacated Burgess St. and the extended northerly line of Lot 16, Block 1, Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. 2. 5. That a permanent sewer easement be retained over the easterly 45 feet of this street extending the entire length of the proposed vacation for the protection of the existing 42 inch sewer, and also allow for the future construction of a new storm sewer to be built easterly of the centerline. 6. That as compensation for the vacation the petitioner, the Catholic .Cemeteries, be required to pay to the City of St. Paul the sum of $9,648.68 and provide the City with a bond in the amount of $10,000.00. L cti u T .i' F• P rr 4. is + r, r l'7.- 74,4 K n , ? ty v a VF r 0 AL/ � F(' y ' -, 4 i}h :�. � {..:' ' ` , . . •-r.7-ss'lV vgs Av N 34,w,,,-✓ lid . yY^ V Q tt11• Lk) Sk c_ o{'•� .y W V ■ , a°ii 1 vi }777 ,;M i O , , ' I I � M I 1 Q r _ 1ii I . 0 � i 4-' ■ _' J,s•i�t I_ _ • I �.-4 . ,:.5' .4?-04::f:. ';;. • '� e 4 1114 4.,* 1.q 9:: 1Ir 1 o f irm - - - - '- - ° k. 4\1 1•. , . , .. ,.I i / 1 v 1 _ ` 10% - -- u e`F 1 � � `� ' jl F It t r a o tb M, 1 LkJ a • y, a ii1 l Iflø$e '. I v pp c" _s I.^l of i— — V V > '\ . t 01• 0 01,:-. 1 1 1-- --1 iti ` I . I V __' ' -I - - e.e : u /t 1., I 1 • per` - N.I 1{ .: I 1 • 1 ° * ` }•- I T r ' I 1 t. ! ,...- ! ,''.*'::' '''''' 4 it 4 0 1, N . �� �•l �� 1 �� „; 1~ boil/ CV/747 7. • December 10, 1973 Mr. B. Charles Tierney, Secretary The Catholic Cemeteries Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis 244 Diyrton Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: We enclose a copy of Council File No. 262656, published on December 8, 1973, which provides for the vacation of a portion of No. St. Albans St., as more fully described therein. The ordinance pertaining to vacations requires that the compen- sation specified in the resolution must be paid, and a surety bond in the amount specified must be filed within thirty days after publication of the resolution. We also enclose an acceptance of the terms of the resolution which must also be signed and filed here within said time. Yours very truly, City Clerk jmw Encs. cc: Mayor Cohen • r�wff'.tM /i)$,0., •r;�,4 .�[,t s I�y,•,:i 7(',i .{ ,, , ,5 [ J `x • ,,, ,. f.'' i, wb•L br i,4. b'?P," �4 r ... r++ ,ll a .d-.� , is i.a"..4" 1"y t''''',1,'$` /0 , r .t L4.r .',�,C '+. t& E.. ,•^'� 4. �'` •s ,,I,,`,'14 * :, ,1 .t.•to% r.,,TM T1'' {,4t;14&+ I�j� S wk `# Sart t '4,t ,I'" t• 1 K _ .1 ! J, h ,. c�" :3• �r .: !( [ 3 SrS r ,'� :7, .L i ^.W h t. ' ' .w.sK ' rt. rrt , ( ( •t dr,C-a5f'a 'P.''"'. r e 44 .;1 a, `sY•fP ' + i', r 'y1 t -,:t} 1 1 1 u �.ear ,, r�# �rZA I{ a r '01.;'•.1 '1, 110.-. �* S t #[ ,.,1 4 .r .. . e i ' 7 ' 19 �• l-Ae.... � a &. ''44 ,$ t r s. 1 ,s [ ) ••>�a ti t • ...lili 111 l -, ` It \ , [. , t R cv z V ;1 3 r rtiy v:� p_ .�\ � 'lea ,l ' r, -11,,`4, Qv3�:.'°t 41 + ' �4. h`'. -7rma r [ 'prr 1.4, c �(r' aC 11°10£ k 1 14,` ,lay'& ; e .t, CYr.�,l64i`I •-� • I. t.t 0�A ' I ` i i ( •'60.0 o i ,.1 d � . ,r1' � � 1: '- , 1 I .o „ , . ,jsd i; IS. . . . . . ,11 I , - I�� •7. •••/ `. 1.'t_.•,....,...J`.. —��— 1• .� G1G l ad...6' ` ` o a I 1 1 14 �� , ,!.,,,, 10.7 .. .-: 1.41,0 t 3 � 0. u04� [�p1 V r I I' — 1 .�/ - - - -, 4 u . 'f — �• ,IS I� I 1 • c• • S l P7 � I 1 1 t. L w t.;j , . +i t 'a ,"h s� sa•,v:,�r'�r`�'-�.v�►.�:� 7 1L,1 11 O 1 b7 jr is rtal�y ' • 4, 'i •,.,.;-,.___(),L4,-,4,l�i}�K ly.+1. , , v ; v � • ,, �aq��,r r a'.i z r ,+ - 1...• k 11� ` cam`110 I I , . , 1 i ! �j vii° 'Fnf 1 $ 4 T x ti„1 ∎ 1 - b [� y yy 1 I Saint Paul, Minnesota December 10, 1973 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Ladies and Gentlemen: We, the undersigned petitioners, do hereby accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of Council File No. 262656, adopted by the Council on November 29, 1973. THE CATHOLIC CEMETERIES By. . e(LL� I THE CATHOLIC CEMETERIES B. Charles Tierney, ./ IL `♦♦'. Director ARCHDIOCESE OF SAINT PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS '1�,^ Howard J. Fox, 244 DAYTON AVENUE ' ^� 1` •♦.J Assistant Director SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 • • February 6, 1974 ♦♦' •♦♦ Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: Council File No. 262656 Vacation of a Portion of North St. Albans Street Dear Mr. Marshall : As requested in your letter of January 29th, I return bond of The Catholic Cemeteries with the acknowledgement corrected as requested by the City Attorney. I also enclose the power of attorney pro- vided to Thomas 0. Swan on behalf of St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company. I trust this completes the city' s requirements in this regard. Very truly yours, THE CATHOL C CEME'fE SES t . 2 l B. Charles Tierney BCT:mlp Enclosures CALVARY ST. MARY'S ST. ANTHONY'S GETHSEMANE RESURRECTION Saint Paul Minneapolis Minneapolis New Hope Mendota Heights MEMBER NATIONAL CATHOLIC CEMETERY CONFERENCE • January 29, 1974 The Catholic Cemeteries 244 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ATTENTION: Mr. B. Charles Tierney Dear Sir: I am returning to you the bond filed in connection with the vacation of a portion of North St. Albans Street together with a letter of the City Attorney requesting certain changes and addi- tional information. When the bond is in proper form, please return it to me for processing. Yours very truly, City Clerk ABO:mjf Attach. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY January 25, 1974 R. SCOTT DAVIES Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 Building Re: Council File No. 262656 Vacation of a Portion of North St . Albans Street Dear Sir: I have examined the enclosed Surety Bond supplied by the Catholic Cemeteries pursuant to the above vacation of street resolution. This bond is not sufficient because the acknowledgment attached thereto states that Leo C. Byrne and B. Charles Tierney have both signed as officers of the Catholic Cemeteries, the principal of the Surety Bond; whereas in fact only B. Charles Tierney' s signature appears on the bottom. We request that the bond be re-executed on behalf of the Catholic Cemeteries , and that the acknowledgment be typed on the same page as the signature . We also require the filing of the necessary power of attorney given to Thomas 0. Swan on behalf of St . Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company which is not attached to the bond. Please call this to the attention of the Catholic Cemeteries, and ask/that the deficiencies be corrected. Yours ,rery ruly ;' JE 01'I1E J. S ; AL °,,, As-/st .nt ity A orney JJS:er Att. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121 B. Charles Tierney, THE CATHOLIC CEMETERIES .♦p, �� *p♦. SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 35102 Director ARCHDIOCESE OF SAINT PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS Howard J. Fox, 244 DAYTON AVENUE l Assistant Director ♦ � / January 22, 1974 ••''*ft*.•00.•♦♦ Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of St. Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul , MN 55102 Re: Council File No. 262656 Dear Mr. Marshall : Enclosed find bond in the amount of $10,000 and our check in the amount of $9, 648.68, both submitted as required by the vacation of a portion of North St. Albans Street and noted in your letter of December 10, 1973. I also enclose executed acceptance of the terms of the Council Vacation Resolution. Very truly yours, THE ATH I CCEMII'ERIES IB. harles Tierney BCT:mlp Enc: Surety Bond - $10,000 Check - $9, 648.68 Acceptance of Council Terms cc: John Bellows CALVARY ST. MARY'S ST. ANTHONY'S GETHSEMANE RESURRECTION Saint Paul Minneapolis Minneapolis New Hope Mendota Heights MEMBER NATIONAL CATHOLIC CEMETERY CONFERENCE `p►TT py.,..7 _____ ., 1 , a ....,.....,: It „_5P,IRE.77-77,7 • 4 fri, /17".........:Ei i 1 CI TY OF SAINT PAUL -LJ Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hap & Court House 65102 Daniel J. Dunford, P.E. Director November 20, 1973 Mr. J. William Donovan Valuation Engineer Room 286 City Hall BUILDING Re: Proposed vacation of NORTH ST. ALBANS STREET between the extended south line of Block 9 and the extended north line of Lot 16, Block 1 , Butterfield Syn- dicate Addition No. 2 Dear Mr. Donovan: The City of St. Paul , as represented by the Department of Public Works , and the Catholic Cemeteries are co-petitioners for the vacation of the referenced portion of North St. Albans Street. This street is unimproved, dead-ended to the south at the Burlington Northern right-of-way, is 60 feet wide and approximately 1 ,310 feet long. The description of the pro- posed vacated street right-of-way should be amended to properly read as follows : That part of North St. Albans Street lying between the extended southerly line'b-f61oi`k -9, Butterfield S y nd'f extended northerly line of Lot 16, Block 1 , ButterlfieldaSyndicate Addj-t-Lon_No. 2, Ramsey County. The Department of Public Works , in cooperation with your Bureau of Valua- tions , has negotiated a proposed Agreement (copy attached) between the City of St. Paul and the Catholic Cemeteries providing for the joint vaca- tion petition, some vacated right-of-way conveyance to the City by the Cemetery, joint fence construction on the new common property line and maintenance of the common fence. In accordance with our recent discussions , it is suggested that one of the terms and conditions of the vacation Resolution be that the Catholic Ceme- teries enter into the proposed Agreement with the City setting forth these points and incorporate said Agreement in the vacation Resolution by refer- ence. It is further suggested that a description of the vacated right-of- way to be deeded to the City be directly incorporated into the vacation Ir Y .+ Mr. J. William Donovan -3- November 20, 1973 F„• 41f Please disregard the letter dated November 6, 1973 from Walter A. Hurtley. ps ver ruly, David 0. Loskota, P.E. Office Engineering Division WAH/DOL/dkt Attachment cc: Walter A. Hurtley Frank J. Hogrefe G. Kent Schonberger Richard L. Wheeler CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT VINCENT M. COUGHLIN November 8, 1973 PLANNING COORDINATOR Mr. J. William Donovan Valuations Engineer Bureau of Valuations 286 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Re: Proposed vacation of a portion of N. St. Albans Street adjacent to Calvary Cemetery Dear Sir: In response to your letter of October 25, 1973, the staff of the Planning Department has reviewed the matter of vacating a portion of N. St. Albans Street as shown on your plan and finds no planning objections to the pro- posed vacation as petitioned by the City of St. Paul and the Catholic Cemeteries. Sincerely, Vincent M. Coughlin VMC:da 701 rel.e rn t7t, n ' , \_"/°117.3 4.04 40.4144 •44r1/ 421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612) 298-4151 Western Union Telegraph Company 1313 Winter Street Northeast Minneapolis, Minneso a 551+13 October 30, 1973 Mr. J. William Donovan Valuation Engineer Bureau of Valuations 286 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 • SUBJECT: Petition of the City of St. Paul and the C.; tholic Cemeteries for the vacation of a portion o St. Albans Street as shown shaded in red on th• attached plan. This is to advise you that the Western Union elegraph Company does not have cable or line facilities with n the area of your project. Any additional information or restrictions are listed below. Thank you. %;15.?". R. P. Migis Manager Technical Services Minnesota —North Dakota RPM/gt Attach. 3 /2.3 ,, Northwestern Bell 2000 West County Road B2 St. Paul , Minnesota 55113 OCT 31 1973 Mr. J. William Donovan Valuation Engineer City Hall , Room 286 St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: Your letter and attached map of October 25, 1973 described a portion of St. Albans Street as being petitioned for vacation by the Department of Public Works. The Telephone Company has no interest in retaining easement rights at the location shown to be vacated on the detailed map. Sincerely, f /. --117 4ID c P1. Engineer 1 RFB:hw /14, ,; , ,,,,ii 7/,j ,z_e_ ik. 1 NSp NORTHERN S T A T E S P O W E R C O M P A N Y SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 November 5, 1973 Bureau of Valuation 286 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Attn: J. William Donovan Re: Vacation of St. Albans from South of Front Avenue to North of Hubbard. Dear Sir: The above mentioned vacation area has been reviewed by our Company and we have no gas or electric facilities located within the described area. Yours truly, 4'd 4stiel Hank Drabczak • DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES 101 EAST TENTH STREET SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 a CHIEF STEVE CONROY.DIRECTOR '� 1` FIRE PREVENTION ASST CHIEF EDWARD HEINEN 1r�1►�" -- FIRE FIGHTING ASST CHIEF ROBERT PYE r ,,, SCUM RESCUE r -AL:., AMBULANCE M- FIRE MARSHAL WALTER SHIMEK PARR-MEDIC November 6, 1973 J. William Donovan Valuation Engineer 286 City Hall St. Paul, Minn. 55102 Dear Mr. Donovan; In regards to your request for a vacation of a portion of St. Albans Street, we suggest more information be obtained due to buildings and storage in the area. incer ly, - l E. Heinen Assistant Fire Chief EH:ld IA? t. /0/7,3/7,3 "Your Safety Is Our Concern" DEPARTRAENT R. H. ROWAN CHIEF OF POLICE OF POLICE CITY OF ST. PAUL 101 E 10TH STREET ST PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 October 26, 1973 (612)-291-111 Mr. J. William Donovan Valuation Engineer Bureau of Valuations 286 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Donovan: There is no objection to this proposed vacation of a portion of St. Albans Street as requested by the City of St. Paul and Calvary Cemetery. The location of the Public Works Department buildings and the Cemetery presently prevent use of the portion of St. Albans Street. Yours truly, R. H. Rowan Chief of Police Ca . Wilfred 0. J rk s Traffic Superintendent WOJ:el CC:Valuation File • D.J. BLAKELY J.S. GRIFFIN R,F. LA BATHE W.W. MCCUTCHEON DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE PATROL DIVISION SERVICE DIVISION INVESTIGATIVE DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION ® ti 4 m --.+► If d �J CITY OF SAINT PAUL, l CLIFFORD W.HAMBLlN BOARD r MINNESOTA Ganaral Manager ' ` OF ,r t LEO s �.,. 71jOMAS D. M061 t ra 4e,. DEA V?. `I; F7` a ,11Pt. of DFStribi ilr i• r7 F { '€fl&f f tF .1. mEu it „f � 1114111 ii, pt. of Ater$y o fr-.. -,:.„, . , , , ,. ' -7- 40,71...,,,% i�fir..x :1 fr,`. October 29, 1973 Mr. J. William Donovan Valuation Engineer Room 286 City Hall Re: Proposed vacation of St. Albans Street as shown shaded red on the attac Dear Mr. Donovan: hed plan. The Water DePartrttent has no objection to the above referenced vacation. Very truly yours, . , , ■A i°° -.7'‘,e-6' - ‘.-4 Z'''‘ (-.- 7 Cli . W H. ,. in AJC:is G e, .. Meager attactanent cc: Mr. David Loskota • ',.�W.f eT``�, 3F .0. Igfe �VR SEaJ .4. t/� 13 0 L J. WILLIAM DONOVAN 298 9Q'5317 Valuation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Asr't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 266 City Hell Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 To: The Honorable Mayor, Council President, and Members of the City Council From: J. William Donovan, Valuation Engineer Date: October 25, 1973 Subject: Petition of the City of St. Paul and the Catholic Cemeteries for the vacation of St. Albans Street from the N'ly line of the Burlington Northern Railway Right of Way to the south line of the alley in Block 1, Butterfield's Syndicate Addition No. 2, as shown shaded in red on the attached plan. The petitioners desire the vacation to expedite the construction of fencing, separating City owned property from the Catholic Cemeteries, within the pro- posed vacation area. I therefore recommend a public hearing on this matter be held before the City Council on November-14; 1973. bsn.-` Attach. 4 ) w • • S. E. 1/4 Sec. 26-29-23 co. ! ?t' A L I R 0 1 I K S 1 :1 i a ,W A P E 4 H IO J /� S °D �QJ I i //Ip191 117141 V 1//1 p;1161' 116, 0 0/01 f 1114.7 7161 e: I V INI Iii 41/sno t/its,ll tl7f .JIIt71tl ,,,m1 4 N 1114 "1 ld• 4 /),/f puj r -rtu'..� - 1ztM w !n.r ar - i1r72L�M? 14410 1 I_L 1 - . , 1. 1 .1 , 1- L. 1. 1 H 1.I « 1 r1; , I - 14.�. , / N__ -—4P F-R-O-N-7 .__ziN. —...4/4...-- 1 -- -- •--1° I -.--AVE. - - 4 r I 1 �_.--. e 4T 4 /f 1/1 t !/ ro f I 7 r f 1 a f � �� • t I 'r I 4 a/ 11 diI nI/I N III 13 r IZ1111(11 AM 11f •7 dNP 10y ` 1 II ,.I 1 I - I , I . 1 - - - ,.e/1, I0 ty 111:n ,$;/VII;4.'t" Pr.../V/ Y'st 3 i 9 0 IMi $ ;I 1 I I i I 1 11 , 2,5 /4'11;/1 1/1 I/o•1,4 1 7 1 4:3 I• 3 r 1� 171' I ! ' • 1 'Q L ai JI L _J_,-.y.,',2,_-_ __:____ I_J _J__ ' 'ill$ l I � T_-1-- 1 I !,c7..', l >o • IZI.4/4,/7;/t:/9 2011/;22;231 21;28:17 U'2910 j ',. tf t. 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I. . i 1-1 7 1 AM Al« II :/ 14 1 N mitt/9 ro 12/ 2t tl 24 5r t4 1J tI•z1 so 1i a N 1/3 /Z /!IN a 1 e 1 7 1■ !5 i•1 ' 1 ' tf rf 1 h r zy !1 ( >° i 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 •/ l Ilt W , 1 1 1 '. ■ I ; 11 ■ : I _--•I _I_ I 1 ' _. _f- .- _es - --,. ri -`.s-L»..-- 1 .1..1�._1--i_L_ 77�7i !! .I as'.. 1 1 T -�; i to %∎MY; G 1i 'TO rut-4-or- , 6 ■ II /4 /1 /z 1/ /0 I I 7 ! a 4 ! 1 I i /7;1n;/91ZO 21 122 0 53 104 1 25 jr7;28'241!0 4I/7 /5 /1 re re f7 44 2, N 1 �{ I 1 1 I ! , I , 1 \� b E _ Ia. 'f' - - - - - - - - - I 4444 II 1 i 1 I I L...1.. .. !' .. -.. • o taber 30, 1973 Rt. :.:;bert Trudeau, :xirector Finance A Manneenent Services Room 113, City Hill A. Foals Minnesota Deer Sir t he City Council will hold a .public hearttg en Nbos giber 28 i in the matter of the petition of the City of St. '�iul anti the catholic Cemeteries for the vacation of it. Albans street from the N'ly line of the 3urlington Northern Railway Right of Way to the south line of the alley in flock Is tterr isll's Syndicate Azditian Ito, 2. Will you please send notices to abutting property owners as required by law? Yours very truly,, City Clerk law cc: Public Works Dept. Valuation Ingineer