97-239 (3) SAINT PA U L PL Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL AAAA ww <ECEIVED FEB -71997 To: All Council embers Y CLERK From: Peter White Right of Way Engineer 140 City Hall Date: February 6, 1997 I recommend a public hearing before the City Council be held on; The purpose of this vacation is to vacate Gilbert Avenue from E. Line of the W. 22' of Lot 24 extended NE'ly to the W. Line of Lot 40 extended NE'ly, Blk 1, Merriam Pk 4th Addn.. This property is located in City Council District 4, Planning District 1112 '1 The subject petition is in proper form and has been signed by the requisite number of property owners. cc: Fran Swanson (Gilbert Ave) CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE ' Fred Owusu,City Clerk :A AU t N IT CITY OF SAINT PAUL 170 City Hal! TeL: 612-266-8989 041, Norm Coleman,Mayor 15 W.Kellogg Boulevard Fax: 612-266-8689 Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 Web:http://www.stpauLgov 01111111 TDD:266-8509 mow November 1, 1996 Mr. Peter White ' Valuation Engineer Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Dear Sir: I refer to you to check as to form and sufficiency and for recommendation, the attached petition of L & H Properties for the vacation of that portion of Gilbert Avenue from the East Line of the West 22' of Lot 24 extended Northeasterly to the West line of Lot 40 extended northeasterly, all in Block 1, Merriam Park 4th Addition, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Saint Paul City Clerk. Very truly yours, .- GL2 t:QO ILO aA00Y1 Frances Swanson Deputy City Clerk FS Attachment transmit.fms LONNY D. THOMAS, P.A. MidAmerica Bank Building,Suite 120 6949 Valley Creek Road Woodbury,Minnesota 55125 Telephone(612)735-9262•Fax(612)735-9062 LONNY D.THOMAS, E80. (612)735-6837 October 31, 1996 City Clerk for the City of St. Paul Ramsey County Courthouse RECEIVE, 15 West.Kellog Boulevard Room #170 NOV 1 1996 St. Paul, MN 55102 CITY CLERK RE: L&H Properties Vacation Petition Our File No. 1177-000 Dear City Clerk: Enclosed for filing please find petitioner L&H Properties' request for vacation of certain city streets abutting its property, a Certified Ownership Report legally describing the lands in question, and a plat map containing a visual description of said lands. In addition, enclosed also is a check for$100 to cover the vacation petition filing fee. Thank you for your assistance. Please contact the undersigned with any questions or comments. Very truly yours, onny D. Thomas LDT/gme Enclosures cc: Don Harvey Ron Leonard David Drach Also Licensed to Practice in Wisconsin PETITION TO VACATE CITY INTEREST I (=•c), •hc undc-igncd, cc-5:i::::ing a .. zjcr:)of the O'^". c:a (c::L,cir icgz.'iy dcs:gnz:cd ;tf:cs:::<tivcs) of:hc zbu:;.^�r:c.c- cs, do r:..ion .-c Co:...cil of:l-.c G, of Sair.t Pact :o\t�:c is .-tc:css in :`.c _- T:r1•(ics)icgz;ly Ccs^b:d is fo;ic•-s: That portion of Gilbert Avenue from the East line of the West 22 feet of Lot 24 extended Northeasterly, to the West line of Lot 40 extended Northeasterly , all in Block 1 , Merriam Park 4th Addition I (we) request this vacation for the following reason (s) . The small section of Gilbert Avenue that Petitioner requests to be vacated is a paved lot which is exclusively maintained by Petitioner L & H Properties (e . g. , plowing, cleaning, repairs , etc. ) . This section of Gilbert AVenue is not a through street with any means of passage and therefore is of little or no use to the City . This "roadway" - is now and always has been used as a private parking lot -for Petitioner L & H Properties and Petitioner has no plans to alter the current use of the property. Since Petitioner L & H Properties is already incurring osts of maiptaininq a "public roadway" which is of no use to the (G•c�hz"c a. aChc SX ccp:c.S G he s::c plans Lf zzy d._. -,cn1 :r.:ended for c ..s::ur.:c.; o; :he lz-Cs :o be vaca:co. City , Petitioner respectfully requests that the City vacate its interest Contact Person in this small section Person(s) responsible for p2yment of of Gilbert Avenue . vacation fee and for acceptance of the terms and conditions of the vacation: Na Lonny D. Thomas , Esq. L & H Properties 735-8837. Ytc;;c: 645-5897 Add:css: 6949 Valley Creek Road :.dd:css: 2104 Gilbert Avenue Suite 120 , MidAmerica Bank Bldg. St. Paul , MN 55104 Woodbury, MN 55125 David Drach , Esq . . .,c-c: 347-8000 .-.«:cam 105 South Fifth Street Minneapolis , MN 55402 • ?hc-c: Signatures of Owner(s)/Representative(s) of Propert)'(ies) Below: . PC /..' ` L & H Properties 21(74 Gilbert Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 �R✓L CP Rail System • 105 South Fifth Street Minnpapolic , MN 55402 • I _ ,am the petitioner or one of the petitioners in the above matter, and I do hereby wear and verify that each o he si^t. urc •n this petition was sip d iii my presence by the person described in the petition. (Petitioner Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1//_12 day of lJ & .A. 199 /s Mary) (<alt><f-10>vg) 1:'./..,l is li. t:/11.,Y'.fii��s i: . • CERTIFICATE IN VACATION PROCEEDINGS Owners abutting Gilbert Avenue, from the East line of the West 22 feet of Lot 24 extended Northeasterly, to the West line of Lot 40 extended Northeasterly, all in Block 1, Merriam Park 4th Addition. OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, hereby certifies unto the City of St . Paul, in re : Application for the vacation of the lands described above. That the following is a true and complete listing of the real estate along the line of said section of public street and that the name or names of the apparent record owner or owners in respect to each parcel of land is as follows : MME, Inc . , a Minnesota Warranty Deed corporation Dated November 3 , 1981 1 . to Recorded July 1, 1982 Donald L. Harvey, as to an #2149633 undivided fifty percent (50%) The Westerly 27 feet of Lot 24 interest as tenant in common, and Lots 25, 26 , 27, 28 and and Ronald C. Leonard, as to 29, Block 1, Merriam Park 4th an undivided fifty percent Addition to Saint Paul . (50%) interest as tenant in AND common Lot 31, Block 1, Merriam Park Fourth Addition, City of St . Paul except that part which lies southwesterly of the following described line : Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of said Lot 31, distant 130 feet southwesterly of the northeast corner thereof; thence run northwesterly to a point on the northwesterly line of said Lot 31, distant 100 feet southwesterly of the most northerly corner thereof and there terminating, and together with that part of said Lot 31 which lies southwesterly of Line 1 described below and northeasterly of Line 2 described below: Line 1 . Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of said Lot 31, distant 130 feet southwesterly of the northeast corner thereof; thence run northwesterly to a point on the northwesterly line of said Lot 31, distant 100 feet southwesterly of the most northerly corner thereof and there terminating; Line 2 . Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of said Lot 31, distant , 130 feet southwesterly of the northeast corner thereof; thence run northwesterly to a point on the northwesterly line of said Lot 31, distant 110 feet southwesterly of the most northerly corner thereof and there terminating. Free from all incumbrances EXCEPT that certain mortgage running in favor of First National Bank of Minneapolis in the original amount of $500 , 000 . 00 . MME, Inc . , a Minnesota Warranty Deed corporation Dated November 3 , 1981 2 . to Recorded July 1, 1982 Donald L. Harvey, as to an #723849 undivided fifty percent (50%) That part of Lot 30, Block 1, interest as tenant in common, lying Northeasterly of a line and Ronald C. Leonard, as to drawn from the most Southerly an undivided fifty percent corner of said Lot 30 through (50%) interest as tenant in a point on the Northwesterly common line of said Lot 30 distant 130 feet Southwesterly from the most Northerly corner of said Lot 30 ; Those parts of Lots 32 to 40 inclusive, Block 1, and that part of adjoining Cretin Avenue, formerly Montgomery St . , vacated, all lying Northeasterly of a line drawn from a point on the Southeasterly line of said Lot 32 distant 110 feet Southwesterly from the most Easterly corner of said Lot 32 through a point on the Northwesterly line of said Lot 40 distant 40 feet Southwesterly from the most Northerly corner of said Lot 40 ; all in "Merriam Park, Fourth Addition City of Saint Paul" . (And other property, see record) Free from all incumbrances, EXCEPT that certain mortgage running in favor of First National Bank of Minneapolis in the original amount of $500, 000 . 00 . Elias F. Drake and Caroline M. Warranty Deed Drake, his wife, Girart Hewitt Dated April 24 , 1879 and Allie Hewitt, his wife Recorded May 18 , 1879 3 . to Book 89 of Deeds, page 170 The Chicago, Milwaukee & A strip of land 100 feet in St . Paul Railroad Company width extending in a NW' ly and SE ' ly direction across the S . 1/2 of NE1/4 , Sec . 32, T. 29, R. 23 , described as follows : All that part of S . 1/2 of NE1/4 , Sec . 32 , T. and R. aforesaid, which lies within a distance of 50 feet on either side of centre line of proposed railroad of the Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railroad Company, to be constructed from near Chestnut Street in Saint Paul, through S . 1/2 of NE1/4 of Sec . 32 , to Minneapolis as said centre line has been surveyed and is marked, fixed and located by stakes and monuments on the ground by said company, equal to 6 427/1000 acres more or less . Richard B. Ogilvie, the duly Quit Claim Deed appointed, confirmed, Dated February 19, 1985 qualified and acting Trustee Recorded March 14 , 1986 of the Property of the #2305506 Chicago, Milwaukee, St . Paul (See Exhibit A attached and Pacific Railroad Company, hereto) Debtor, acting not as an individual but solely as said Trustee under the authority of the Court in certain proceedings for the Reorganization of a Railroad under amended Section 77 of the Federal Bankruptcy Act in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division ( "Court" ) entitled "In the Matter of Chicago, Milwaukee, St . Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, Debtor, " Case No. 77-B-8999 4 . to SLRCO, Inc . , a Minnesota corporation ✓ v - � Tw ^,�J .�.,.r .tic v+...,. • • • • t 37 1 .1 7 n.yn;airt ''' ,,M1 4 ✓ hill 'ice ,?N•...... •,�`tNrl)1<'!.T.. � ( '1 k, 4C.h...... A , ,L,O'�.:......r..ri11......rwtr» wa.,...-...w..—....'--.W.,i•..t-a:.4........ 1 i ,i.2.��V.'.. �`1`'A►'V'''�h4e..,,y,�yAr:,;r ���,,�ti� ,nt..t..,�,i,. F. xi< a' i.1 '9't r/ ? 't 3 :d .^'... f ''" •r""^F'1 i1 '!�dx'F'tE�f• {J,3. + r :it.f. �4V II!"Kt,4!4`•* a4..!'y..}.. ,ei'''....,.. I..=*R••'ltf ..khri h{e•t A-,ieil.:4-44,a..+..,+ ate. , , 1 ry4 .' _. 1 1 . ' L 1. QUIT CLAIM DEED l',',.. Li 1; • CO� ^ • QUIT CLAI DEED made this !4 day of _/ _ iy yr, .. - 1ri� . 1985, between: � . f � o l � ` 'tr H�t '2 RICHARD B. OGILVIE, the duly appointed, confirmed, ;',• " •. qualified and acting Trustee of the Property of c., ■ the CHICAGO, MILt{AUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC U ` } RAILROAD COMPANY, Debtor, acting not as an individual .` ; but solely as said Trustee under the authority ,of r _" the Court in certain proceedings for the Reorganization .../ , of a Railroad under amended Section 77 of the I. :' ,�_• - Federal i;an:.rul:tc, Act in the United States :.istrict ;a 9 ; . Court for the Northern I/istrict of Illinois, Eastern Division ("Court") entitled "In the Matter of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad '• Company, Debtor," Case No. 77-B-8999; the GRANTOR .o • and co am SLRCO, Inc., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, whose address is Soo, Line Building, Fifth and Marquette, .c i Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440; the GRANTEE V ' [' m . . W I T N E S S E T H: Z ''• Pursuant to Order No. C-' entered February •• '-..a c:, , .. Pi , 1985, by the Court in said Case No. 77-B-8999, in • ' .:• .f - consideration of the sum of Ten and no/100 Dollars ($10.00) __ and other good and valuable consideration to GRANTOR in hand F ' paid by the GRANTEE, the receipt and sufficiency whereof is hereby acknowledged by the GRANTOR, the GRANTOR hereby . CONVEYS AND QUIT CLAIMS unto GRANTEE, its successors and - iassigns, free from all liens, security interests and encumbrances, except as provided in said Order, without any covenants or ,• I warranties of title whatsoever, and without. recourse to the i t GRANTOR, all of the GRANTOR's right, title and interest, i • legal and equitable, whatsoever, in and to the real property, t4 •.a estates, roadbed, right-of-way, station grounds, railroad ix : . _+ ± yards, lines of railroad, fixtures and all appurtenances thereto, including those easements granted hereunder, all as • r""' described in Schedule A attached hereto and by reference 1 made a part hereof, situated in the Counties of Washington ) and Ramsey in the State of Minnesota. :.?..1 i/ RET17R;; l0: TON CRAY ' 1 03452 TT coil, TII .E INSURANCE Co. 4 ; by 1;1:5'1' h.1t1i:CIUN 51'itEE1' � � RAMSEY COUNTY /4 • CIIIC,tru, "tL1.I101S.GUbU_I { w'-:f MINNESOTA O / DEED TAX DUE HEREON: 52.20 .' DEED TAX AMOUNT- �� Exhibit /4- Pagel of Pages • ,*"..•:.::: • i:'7. ,-,,P4-:.:0;: t. - 1LL d"' 4 � -S Y ,V w . �,...[�. �•L.+wa,w.�+. .>i.re.SlriWhl1^iaf�wZer+.aa.v ■.. -.1-✓ a.r • 4 7.h+3]i1 n i:4� .fq.:.tn+ 4 - ,,(.. 'Z ' 1 1 rrti kl t�i , i�4,�.1.. 4 h'7 .� ., n ' 4,14:47,.,u 'C • t 4,r 4.e .0;41 10,14.. ^ t,k1,•!!.',.olow-,*,+. tii.M1't.S,`��Y''K 04.!, hr :r'4',, ;:,G JK,•46.44/o.. w.. may:.a,_vy k,::.4, ".,,. .r :r u. . t • Together with, and incl.-din,:din,: without limitation ; r • for lack of specific enumeration, all of the GRANTOR's interest, t� i }.T= if any, which the GRANTOR mayra:•e _.. and to the following: Y • t ' :' (1) As to Property Conveyed to GRANTEE, but not R.. "::.a including Property Excepted (as the same are . ''•; . s ;'i'"w described in Schedule A): . ir } , (a) Adjoining streets, alleys, roads and highways, . ∎. S: whether heretofore cr hereafter vacated; (b) Reversions, remainders and future estates, • . , rights and interests; and - • is (c) Rights in coal, oil and .gas and minerals, of , i 4. whatsoever kind or nature now known to exist, or hereafter disco•:ered, in or on the said '' Property Conveyed to Grantee. as • , (2). As to Property Conveyed to GRANTEE and including• If4 Easements Granted to GRANTEE (as the same are fl described in Schedule A) : ' ' ii• i : __ All structures, _ _gyres and improvements u • 'located thereon,-inch:ding, without limitation, all trackage, industrial sidings, buildings, 'ji' bridges, trestles, culverts, viaducts, right- - r �. of-way fences, signal and communication : ti 1 facilities, electrical facilities and equipment, ] and all appurtenances of and to the foregoing, ;; • of whatsoever kind and description, irrespective ri • of how classified Cr affixed. • I All of the rights and cb_irations created hereunder 1 ' shall inure to, and be enforceable by, the respective grantees and successors and assigns of the .GRANTOR and GRANTEE. . • 3 • . IN WITNESS WHEREOF,. this instrument is executed by • • the GRANTOR, RICHARD B. OGILVIE, not as an individual but I solely in his capacity as Trustee of the Property of the • i i : N PACIFIC COMPANY, . ,'•,��� •�. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL.AND -IC RAILROAD CG.S - �W�t ( Debtor; and by the GRANTEE the day and year first above•N i i written. E ' ' -• 3 a k t GRANTOR:: • - J as i. ;• : / ''' ‘ 2.----.---- ; • . ! .--- i — - s `. P.iC - D B. OGILVIE, not as an .'-_,.•.._j '. in•d. i3::al but solely as [..` 1 • Trustee of the Property of the+ter CHIL,tGO, MIL14,\UKEE, ST. PAUL • J A:�n PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, [ Debtor f —i s• • L. : - . • • Exhibi'L Paged of ages C ,:,,.,4:::1.. ..1.rr•;M'+.F .n u ^ ..... '?S> 4s 4 r# ' !yX � !Fgr:- Z' r i 1vtr sY ni 1 s i � ,. r r L; ,, : ry r h ,(t •t 5 f w +.uvr„� ua ..�.,a �. :..i Y...,, Wr.•wtw.'aWm • ,, 4. ri,t .•r fi t ry 4 .a..i?-. ,<<7`.ati "%"ati', o- J44, 'f •��R 1wa' �M.kr?n:.6^•. .^ ; ,,. ,..«.i •••!,':":1''''.. ,.rS.Y?i .+.r. '- a 1 . ••''' 'A 7T..-if 0 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) 1:-"."0 n 4 ) SS. li COUNTY OF COOK ) F;y ' ;} M ; On this .' :- day of .%c 1985, before 1 ,:�•, . ',V, me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County "':'`:• - and State aforesaid, personally appeared RICHARD B. OGILVIE, "-• "?�^•-� not as an individual but solely as Trustee of the Property �= ''` . ` J; - of the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD i COMPANY, Debtor, to me known to be the identical person N • e named in, and who executed, the foregoing Quit Claim Deed, dated /cp.....•„� /`1 , 1985, and acknowledged that he executed the same as his voluntary act and deed as Trustee as aforesaid, • pursuant to the authority granted to him as Trustee in said Order No i e;, I" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and official • seal. oo a �' i. n k Margare C. Baxter Notary Public, Cook County, Illinois • F • • t; ye,, • '. My Commission expires July 23, 1988. Grantor's FEIN is 36-6000639 t , •..: ', This instrument was prepared by: 1 I 3 Margaret C. Baxter Isham, Lincoln. & Beale y Three First National Plaza ' ? Chicago, Illinois 60602 -./ . - . J Tax statements for real property described herein s':al1 be sent to: •• SLRCO Inc. Soo Line Building A"..,:-- . Fifth and Marquette / Minneapolis, MN 55440' , ; t , . : , ' 4 O a J.; J t a III' + . i • MiiiiiMMMOWMO l'' ' • 1 .`6 _ �'• ] �` -3- k r - ':} { ,c I P • L� ? . i . EY.hibi Pa e 3 ofi �O Pages • • • +.t �§,; ) u1.,,�'44 f �x .. i t1 . ..-' A. ., tf ti .,F. !J 1i 7. iyA . yt .� ,..,.w.t ,..a..w.�.,......u.r.-m.�...e- ._a..-.w .�....a......u:.su tr- - "+' f.;•_•47 d4 ° � a '" A• ,,'• f .:.4 f ! Y''' S� e-4.. -4"'r V `�Y�,�ym., Y ;, i .:m• , 4"•'' . like _ (+ r � UI k!.t`t4i4�e<y +f` �►»x'•1#1��" ak•�7bff '+ca^iC�dM� ..=Ms�t+w o.-..r�. . a k M`ev�wai+F'Aif4�J i 'jam. ..1� f1 r• i7 {. c(-F.FnI'1.F. OF i'Pt!PERT1' C� L'ETWF.}:; !;E !•tIRT. .!i: !1:,.':EStl1'A • t"Z''y �'ALCAT101 FCTI 6 1 b• 0. 1...i'7. m`C r .•rt t ,rte r! f. Between 1:ewrort and St. Paul cnt!es of Washington "7 ,• - ��(,�� and kamsey,'more particularly described as follows:•:'i'' •-,i73-• Commencing at the south live of the N 1/2 of the SW li4 of Section 36, ' • ,. . ; Township 28 North, Range 22 West of the 4th P.M., also known as • } Milepost 402.338, at approximately Railroad Engineer's Survey Station k? '• , No. 434+62, and extending in a northwesterly direction a distance of approximately 15.20 miles in and through the Counties of Washington and • :',T. Ramsey and terminating at the Ramsey/Hennepin County Lire on the uesr • line of the NW 1/4 of Section 3:, ..•wnr•hi, :t!'. range .•1 Vet of • • . the 4th P.M., also known as Nt1epost 41:.« Van. •.!ltionally kr:cwn as • Railroad Engineer's Survey Station No. 332+17.7, «21 of which is r.ure particularly described on station maps designated V.M::.14B/S-L-1, S-L-2 ` (Newport); V.MN.2/S-L-1 through S-L-R, inclusive, (St. Paul), and 5-1.-10 . 1 through S-L-16, inclusive, (St. Paul), all of which are included herein t and made a part hereof by reference. co 0 Also, Grantor's so-called Ford Line in St. Paul, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the point of switch in the centerline of the most u a 3 southerly main track of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific �. . W • 1' Railroad Company approximately 460 feet southwesterly cf as measured i �� along said centerline from the north line of the NE 1/4 of Section 12, � Township 28 North, Range 23 West of the 4th P.'..., also known as Railroad • - I Engineer's Survey Station No. 0+26.2, and extending in a southwesterly . y direction a distance of approximately 5.12 miles in and through the . f - County of Ramsey and terminating at a point approximately 125 feet : • \ southeasterly of as measured along said centerline ffrom.. the north line "• '?' . d 3 of the SE 1/4 of Section 17, Township 28 North. ranee 23 West of the : 4th P.H., also known as Railroad Engineer's Survey Station No. 54+40, i fr 7 all of which is more particularly described on station raps designated 1'.:1N.28/F-1 through F-6, inclusive, (St. Paul). all of which are 1 included herein and made a part hereof by reference. PROPERTY EXCEPTED - SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS GRANTED TO GRANTEE... f' . c EXCEPTING, HOWEVER, all that part of the Grantor's real property in the 1 • 1.'WI:SW Section 36, Township 28 North, Range 22 West in the Town of Newport, Washington County, Minnesota, lying southwesterly of a line i - parallel to and distant 50 feet southwesterly of as measured perpendicular to the centerline of the Grantor's main track. SUBJECT, i HOWEVER, to the following easement: GRANTOR 1:ereby grants to GRANTEE an s, 1 easement of sufficient width required for the continued use, repair, i maintenance, operation, reconstruction and replacement of the track, • signal and communication pole line and facilities and appurtenances - 1 '_:. ' O 1 thereto presently located thereon which are utilized or held for use in C. N the conduct of the Railroad; upon cessation of use for the period of S , a ! twelve (12) consecutive months, or prior removal or relocation thereof, St OCR this easement. shall be extinguished without further action of the •f1 i I parties, and GRANTEE. at GRANTEE's expense, shall promptly remove the same; 'failing which, GRANTOR may give GRANTEE written notice to remove i . 1 • same, and, except for occurrences of force r:.:ieure, if not removed "� within one hundred twenty (1'20) days from and altar the date of rciimmemmoirm. GRANT EE'a receipt of said nonce, such tract. ar:o signal and i communication pole line shall be deemed abandoned and .shall become the 1- 1; property of the GRANTOR place. Following such abandonment, removal t or relocation, upon written notice by GRANTOR to GRANTEE, GRANTEE. agrees • :r E. - to execute such document or documents as may he furnished by GRANTtP. to f 1 ' -, remove the foregoing easement as an eaceptinn t. CRANTOk's'title and to $ ! C61 deliver such document or documents to GRANTOR at, or prior•to, the { e { expiration of the aforesaid one hundred twenty {1_0) day.period. • i ig I� '` Schedule "A" - Page 1 of 3 i Y C • Exhibit , Page of C2.. ages t • •N..'x Jw;.•-."-. goer,* 4Ae$il�' •A''J •'..P.'" '"" r aali'_ •—r..ull+i4.a....�..d:S..7.a.. .;..4' - .. •., .....a.,a...._..+..`.Jr ul Jrf .• . ,...e....•,, 1* ty I . �e� V `•?: + ,,.., ti jy � : b ,; r J P y X, •i > ! + . . . ,. ,�0 lAcr'7 Y1Yil tsr` ' a. + "tdt 9'.04t4,'"{S i. 1,0 �= ,.-e,. . ^�y vf,,,'r. ti _,A+.F--,,, • , f:, .CD ' . , • • , , C�, f ALSO t k" In i . EXCF1TING, all that part of the Grantor's real property in Lot 5, :1 Section 4; the S',SWIt and the SW1tSE'-t Section 3; Section 10, and the •... -y SW%NWtt Section 11, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey Ccunty, 4 Minnesota, all lying southwesterly of the following described lines: ""~"::' 4--. - Beginning at a point on the north line of the SWI.SWIt of said Section 3 distant 30 feet west of the ncrthea.st corner thereof, thence southeasterly 1600 feet on a line towards the southeast corner of the SEI:SWIt of said Section 3, thence southeasterly to a point on the cast ! • `. . - i .f line of said Section 10 distant 690 feet north of the southeast corner - of the 1:E•'t of said Section 10, thence continuing on the last described rs • ti course to a point'200 feet southwesterly of-as measured perpendicular to r�,; • the centerline of the Grantor's main track, thence southeasterly parallel to said main track centerline ro the south line of the SW':.N '; - • . of said Section I1. ALSO EXCEPTING, all that part of the 1.'WbSWIt Section 11, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, Minnesota lying southwesterly of a line parallel to and distant 200 feet southwesterly of as measured Q` t perpendicular to the centerline of the Grantor's main track and lying •.+ . northeasterly of the north line and a southeasterly projection of the - north line of that property in said NW-tSW'i of said Section 11 conveyed F;: .'i to Port Authority of the City of St. Paul by a quitclaim deed dated June . i 13, 1963 recorded on June 20, 1963 in Book 1850 of Ramsey County Records i' ' ce at page 582. • m 1c ALSO . , . • EXCEPTING, all that part of the Grantor's real property in Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 38 of Rice 8 Irvine's Addition to the City of St. Paul, .- • Ramsey County, Minnesota according to the recorded plat thereof lying . •;• • southwesterly of a line parallel to and distant 10 feet t-cethwesterly of as measured perpendicular to the centerline of the Grantor's most A southwesterly side track as now established. a ALSO EXCEPTING, all that part of the Grantor's real property in Lots 1 . through 5, Block 69 of Irvine's Enlargement to the City of St. Paul, • Ramsey County, Minnesota according to the recorded plat thereof lying • southwesterly of a line parallel to and distant 10 feet southwesterly of as measured perpendicular to the centerline of the Grantor's most southwesterly side track as now established. ' ALSO • } Q�' i . EXCEPTING, all that part of the Grantor's real property in Lots 1 through 8, Block 1 of the Rearrangement of Oppenheim's Addition to the YCity of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, according to the recorded o : plat thereof lying southwesterly of a line parallel to and distant 10 N feet southwesterly of as measured perpendicular to the centerline of the a � Grantor's most southwesterly side track as now established. • O . a 1 ;, - ALSO • - i EXCEPTING, all that part of the Grantor's real property in lots I through 4 and in Lots 11 through 15, Block 3, Boulevard Addition to the mace City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota according to the recorded plat thereof lying east of a line parallel to and distant 130 feet east • { of the west line of said Block 3 and lying west of n line parallel to and distant 20 feet west of the east line of said Lot 15. , i L' I °� - Schedule "A" - Page 2 of 3 - - { . _ i - } . t• i • Exhibit, Page of Pages '; ,y • • .:::: . . J r n �•i w Ni.,wi o.ar 4+ i4, L wo+w�••1u./L.trnf.�n S. t t�1 r.. .itr.»..i.'.w.L.n .+ :.s.s ....a.__�i..: �? ' f�1.t�k l^! .�M1t'`f ti'' St 4 d. �.,,'Y)f'`�v1!'� t .. � � a+ylQgyti .4 y,. +{�a`C�jr0�3LC+C�1�rr aka.yc.r Y a .. . .... ..s.r+r.w.. r.r t •r".skw;t+7Ls.• t £ n ALSO 1 ire ;;::;;;:;:lor all that part of the Grantor's rea: 1•roperty,in Lots 25, 26 p;`�°E C`,j ? - ock 31, Thomas Daly's Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey '•;u nnesota lying northwesterly of a lire parallel to and distant•t'::"A rthwesterly of as measured perpendiruar t o the centerline of 's main track. z�1 " t f.,. _ ALSO•f'• ? f r EXCEPTING, all that part of the Grantor's real property in Section 11, Township 28 North, Range 23 West in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, {' ■ Minnesota, lying south of the south line of the alley in Block 1, Beck 4 and Breckenridge's Addition to the City of St. Paul and lying g southeasterly of a line parallel to and distant 25 feet southeasterly of ' y as measured perpendicular to the cencerrir.c cf the Gr:�htor's so called i Frd Line main track. ALSO .4 EXCEPTING, all that part of the Grantor's real property in Section 11, wz Township 28 North, Range 23 West in the City cf St. Paul, Ramsey County, m Minnesota, lying south of the south line of Audebon Street and lying '•'1 Sr northwesterly of a line parallel to and distant 25 feet northwesterly of .,. • as measured perpendicular to the centerline of the Grantor's main track. s , ALSO U S • i EXCEPTING, all that part of the Grantor's real property in the N1dI,NW1/4 Z "11 Section 21, Township 28 North, Range 23'West in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying southwesterly of the southwest line of 1', Return Court and lying south of a line parallel to and distant 25 feet — �^ " south of as measured perpendicular to the centerline of the Grantor's track extending from the east line towards the west line of said NW'tN'J'. _ { • ALSO P EXCEPTING, all that part of the Grantor's real property in the Ivan : Section 21 , Township 28 North, Range 25 Lest in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying southwesterly of the southwest line of Return Court and lying north of a line parallel to and distant 25 feet north of as measured perpendicular to the centerline of the Grantor's • ' track extending from the east line towards the west line of said NI.1.r1l:1/4. I • •',...--f t - . off , rV �fo � � • , mn2,28 d 14B 1 . ,-- - Schedule "A" — Page 3 of 3 • ' L- 7,j ; 1. 'f of L.Pages Exhibit Page i Taxes and Judgments, not reported. Witness the signature of an authorized officer of the said Company this 1st day of July, 1996 at 7 o ' clock a.m. OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By: !yw 7'l An Authorized Signature For: Thomas & Paiement Order No. : A96-21868