D002100Ne-` �Joc� a l �� p�re; � _/�-p � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 1 WIiEREA5 the Office of Cable Communications (OCC) is producing a special documentary 2 regarding the Central Library's renovation; and 4 WHEREAS, a major portion of the video will be shot in the Library consiruction space on 5 Saturday, January 12, 2002 which will involve outside crew members, actors in costume playing 6 historical figures, and OCC staff, totaling approximately 20 people in ail; and 8 WHEREAS, it will be the most efficient use of production fime to arrange that the crew and 9 talent eat lunch at the Library production/construction site and the OCC has funds available in its 10 budget to provide food for this purpose.. 11 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESQLVED, that the Office of Cab1e Communications be 13 authorized to purchase food for this special production day at a cost not to exceed $125.00. 14 • Approved as to form �i�� !�. ��'� ��� Assistant City Attorne Pete�ector Technology & Mgmt. Svcs. Y C��� �����- Peter Hames, Director Office Financial Svcs. ��� � �Deo,���� � DeparpnenNOffice/councii: Date Inidated Green Sheet No. �� 3 5 � 1 Office of Cable Communications Contact Person & Phone: �n uaate IninaUaate Ily Hansen - 266-8875 � (��,� nu. Q� �Ty c�,��;r Must Be on Council Agenda by (Datey ��9� City Atwmey City Cteck - Numbar �Financial Serv D"v. inanciat Serv/acctE For _Mayor (Or AsR) _ Civil Service Commission Routing � Order Totai # of S(gnaW re Pages 3 (Clip Ail Locations for Signature) act�on rtequesc�a: Approve an adminisk�ative order to purchase food for crew and talent invoived in a special video production shoot regazding the Central Library renovation. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Re}ect (R) Pewonal Service Contracts Must Answer the Folbwing Questions: 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contrad for this department? Planning Commission Yes No CIB Committee 2. Has this personlfirtn ever been a city employee7 Civil Service Commission Yes No 3. Does Nis persoNfirtn possess a skit! nof normally possessed by any curreM city employee? Yes No Explatn all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet fnitiating Problem, tssua, OpportuniTy (Who, wnet, wne�, wnare, wr,y�: The Office of Cable Communications (OCC) is roducing a spcial video documentary regarding the Central Library renovafion. The major part of the video wiil shot on 5aturday, January 12, 2002 and involves appro�mately 20 people. The OCC would like to provide unch to make the most efficient use of everyone's time that day, which wili help malce the production time the most efficient possible. aa�a�a9eg irAPP�o�ed: Production time will be used in the most efficient and cost effective manner. Disadvanta9eslfApproved: NOIIe � � � 2��� el1 1�.�4�'s ��J � 9 V� I o�aaYa��a9es it aot nPQroYea: Time wouid not be as well spent by the crew and talent, and the production could take longer and cost more than if erew and talent did not have to leave the production site. Total Amount of Transaction: S 125.00 CosttRevenue Hudgeted: yes nding Source: Furid 166 Activity Number: 35121 nancial InfortnaUOn: (Euplain) ° c:�userssw.�,N�wDmm�crs�vs�wmyy,noa �e rooa.wya