05-23-12 Council PacketCity Council City of Saint Paul Meeting Agenda City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 Council President Kathy Lantry Councilmember Dan Bostrom Councilmember Amy Brendmoen Councilmember Melvin Carter III Councilmember Russ Stark Councilmember Dave Thune Councilmember Chris Tolbert Council Chambers - 3rd Floor3:30 PMWednesday, May 23, 2012 ROLL CALL COMMUNICATIONS & RECEIVE/FILE 1 AO 12-21 Authorizing the City of St. Paul to enter into a lease agreement with Carroll Avenue Limited Partnership to provide 5,000 square feet of office and warehouse space for police operations. Attachment A - Lease Agreement.pdfAttachments: CONSENT AGENDA Note: Items listed under the Consent Agenda will be enacted by one motion with no separate discussion. If discussion on an item is desired, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. 2 RES 12-838 Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council public hearing to ratify the assessments for the Davern/Jefferson Phase II (Part II) paving/lighting project, constructed as part of the 2011 Residential Street Vitality Project (RSVP). (File No. 19079D, Assessment No. 125201) Sponsors:Tolbert Report of Completion Assessment Roll Attachments: 3 RES 12-806 Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council public hearing to ratify the assessment for alley improvements on the north-south alley in Cumberland Addition Plat I; bounded by Hoyt, Western, Nebraska and Cumberland. (File No. 19120, Asmt No. 115000) Sponsors:Brendmoen Report of Completion Assessment Roll Attachments: Page 1 City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012 May 23, 2012City Council Meeting Agenda 4 RES 12-914 Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council public hearing to ratify the assessment for construction of a sidewalk improvement along the south side of Arlington Avenue East from Westminster to Desoto. (File No. S1003 Assessment No. 100790) Sponsors:Brendmoen Assess Roll 05072012.pdf Rpt Completion.pdf Attachments: 5 RES 12-922 Authorizing the City Attorney to retain the law firm of Dickstein Shapiro, LLP to represent the City in the investigation of the matter of Magner v. Gallagher and the City's withdrawal of its petition. Sponsors:Lantry Dickstein-Shapiro Outside Counsel Agreement.pdf RES 12-922 Financial Analysis.xlsx Attachments: 6 RES 12-923 Authorizing the City Attorney to retain the law firm of Fredrikson & Byron to represent the City in qui tam litigation in the investigation of the matter of Magner v. Gallagher and the City's withdrawal of its petition. Sponsors:Lantry Fredrikson-Byron Outside Counsel Agreement.pdf RES 12-923 Financial Analysis.xlsx Attachments: 7 RES 12-960 Authorizing the City to enter into an agreement with Ramsey County for the City's Design Group. Sponsors:Lantry 20120510094859500.pdfAttachments: 8 RES 12-977 Approving the District Energy Subordination Agreement and consenting to the issuance by the Saint Paul Port Authority of additional bonds for District Energy. Sponsors:Thune Disbursing agreement.DOC subordination agreement.DOC Attachments: 9 RES 12-962 Approving adverse action against the Retail Food (B) Grocery 101-1000 sq. ft. license held by Pa Vang, d/b/a J P Market, 1001 Johnson Parkway, Unit #289. Sponsors:Bostrom Letter & Renewal Invoice.pdf Notice of Intent to Suspend License.pdf SPLC Section 310.05 (m).pdf Attachments: Page 2 City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012 May 23, 2012City Council Meeting Agenda 10 RES 12-967 Opposing the proposed constitutional amendment to restrict the voting rights of Minnesotans by mandating government-issued documents as a condition for voting. Sponsors:Brendmoen, Lantry and Stark FOR DISCUSSION 11 RES 12-982 Approving the amended funding for Round One of Cycle 18 (2012) of the Cultural STAR Program. Sponsors:Lantry and Thune Amended 2012 C-STAR Attachment A round 1 second resolution #12 982.pdf Amended 2012 C-STAR Attachment B round 1 2012 second resolution #12-982.pdf RES 12-843 - Cultural STAR Round One 2012 - Fin Analysis Attachment A 5.4.12.pdf 2012 - Round 1 Board and Mayoral Cultural STAR recommendations 2012 C-STAR Attachment A round 1 second resolution #12 982.pdf 2012 C-STAR Attachment B round 1 2012 second resolution #12-982.pdf Minnesota Boychoir letter.pdf Sounds of Hope Email St. Paul Art Crawl email Festa Italiana MN email Attachments: Page 3 City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012 May 23, 2012City Council Meeting Agenda ORDINANCES An ordinance is a city law enacted by the City Council. It is read at four separate council meetings and becomes effective after passage by the Council and 30 days after publication in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Public hearings on ordinances are held at the third reading. Final Adoption 12 Ord 12-26 Amending Legislative Code sections 63.200 parking requirements; 65.600 land use definitions and development standards for food and beverages; and chapter 66 zoning district uses. Sponsors:Stark Amended Attachment A - Amendments to Definition and Off-Street Parking .pdf Attachment A - Amendments to Definitions and Off-Street Parking for Establishments Serving Alchohol.pdf PC Letter to Mayor&CC - Parking Amendments for Places Serving Alcohol.pdf PC Resolution on Bar Parking Amend 5-27-11.pdf Proposed Bar definition and parking requirement 5-24-2011.pdf Union Park District Council Land Use Committee letter of support Midway Chamber of Commerce letter of support Eileen Haus email.pdf Summit Hill Association letter of opposition SPACC Letter in support.pdf Hamline Midway Coalition letter of support Highland District Council CDC letter of support Grand Avenue Business Association Letter of Support.pdf SPARC letter of support.pdf Brostrom email.pdf Gaius Nelson letter.pdf Gaius Nelson letter 2.pdf Staloch support of Ord 12-26.pdf Goldberg opposition to Ord 12-26.pdf Claddagh letter of support.pdf Attachments: 13 Ord 12-27 Amending Chapter 321 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Rooming and Boarding. Sponsors:Lantry 14 Ord 12-28 Amending Chapter 378 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Bed and Breakfast Residence. Sponsors:Lantry Page 4 City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012 May 23, 2012City Council Meeting Agenda 15 Ord 12-29 Amending Chapter 407 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Hotels. Sponsors:Lantry 16 Ord 12-30 Amending Chapter 360 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Public Swimming Pools. Sponsors:Lantry Second Reading 17 Ord 12-32 Establishing a community advisory committee for the position of Director of the Department of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity pursuant to the provisions of Section 11.01 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code. Sponsors:Lantry First Reading 18 Ord 12-33 Clarifying Chapter 310 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Refund of Fees. Sponsors:Lantry SUSPENSION ITEMS RES 12-890 Approving the City's cost of providing Collection of Vacant Building fees from March 2012, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for June 19, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for August 1, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. VB1208, Asmt No. 128810) Sponsors:Lantry Report of Completion Assessment Roll Attachments: RES 12-893 Approving the City's cost of providing Tree Removal services from March 2012, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for June 19, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for August 1, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. 1208T, Asmt No. 129010) Sponsors:Lantry Report of Completion Assessment Roll Attachments: Page 5 City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012 May 23, 2012City Council Meeting Agenda RES 12-895 Approving the City's cost of providing Boarding and/or Securing services during March 2012, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for June 19, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for August 1, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1208B, Asmt No. 128108) Sponsors:Lantry Report of Completion Assessment Roll Attachments: RES 12-896 Approving the City's cost of providing Trash Hauling services during April 2012, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for June 19, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for August 1, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1209G, Asmt No. 128709) Sponsors:Lantry Report of Completion Assessment Roll Attachments: RES 12-897 Approving the City's cost of providing Demolition services from March 2012 (NON-C.D.B.G. Funds), and setting date of Legislative Hearing for June 19, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for August 1, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1212C, Asmt No. 122013) Sponsors:Lantry Report of Completion Assessment Roll Attachments: ADJOURNMENT Council Meeting Information Web Meetings are available on the Council's website. Email notification and web feeds (RSS) of newly released Minutes, Agendas and Meetings are available by subscription. Please visit www.stpaul.gov/council for meeting videos and updated copies of the Agendas, Minutes and supporting documents. Cable Meetings are live on St Paul Channel 18 and replayed on: Thursdays at 5:30 p.m., Saturdays at 12:30 p.m., and Sundays at 1:00 p.m. (Subject to change) Page 6 City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012 City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1AO 12-21 Name:City Lease for Police Operations Status:Type:Administrative Order Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Authorizing the City of St. Paul to enter into a lease agreement with Carroll Avenue Limited Partnership to provide 5,000 square feet of office and warehouse space for police operations. Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Attachment A - Lease Agreement.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Authorizing the City of St. Paul to enter into a lease agreement with Carroll Avenue Limited Partnership to provide 5,000 square feet of office and warehouse space for police operations. Body ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, BE IT ORDERED,that the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute a one-year lease (Lease Agreement PD/48) between the City of Saint Paul and Carroll Avenue Limited Partnership, as set forth in Attachment A, to provide 5,000 square feet of office and warehouse space for police operations. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-838 Name:Setting Date of Hearing-Davern/Jefferson Phase II (Part II) Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council public hearing to ratify the assessments for the Davern/Jefferson Phase II (Part II) paving/lighting project, constructed as part of the 2011 Residential Street Vitality Project (RSVP). (File No. 19079D, Assessment No. 125201) Sponsors:Chris Tolbert Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Report of Completion Assessment Roll Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council public hearing to ratify the assessments for the Davern/Jefferson Phase II (Part II) paving/lighting project, constructed as part of the 2011 Residential Street Vitality Project (RSVP). (File No. 19079D, Assessment No. 125201) Body WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared the attached Report of Completion of Assessment for the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for constructing new bituminous surface streets with concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevards landscaped with sod and trees, and a new lantern style lighting system and doing all other necessary work to complete said project as part of the 2011 RSVP. Preliminary Order: 11-76 Approved 01/26/2011 Final Order: 11-85 Approved 02/02/2011 WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared for the Council's consideration the attached Assessment Roll listing the benefited property, the property owner, the service provided and the charges for the service; and hereby submits the Assessment Roll for the City Council's consideration to adopt and levy the charges as an assessment against the benefited property; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby accepts and approves said Report of Completion of Assessment and Assessment Roll; and be it further RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 20th day of June, 2012 at 5:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of Saint Paul; and that the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section provide mailed and published notice of the same as required by law. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 1 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Ju s t i n A s h t o n Sa r a h A s h t o n 44 4 F a i r v i e w A v e S Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 1 7 0 6 *4 4 4 F A I R V I E W A V E S *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 HE S S E R E A R R A N G E M E N T W 1 1 O F T OF L O T S 4 A N D L O T 5 09-28-23-13-0130 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 8 5 . 0 0 $ 3 , 7 7 8 . 2 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 8 5 . 0 0 $ 6 6 8 . 9 5 $4 , 4 4 7 . 2 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * ***ESCROW*** Br a d y C R a n d o l p h 15 9 6 J a m e s A v e Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 0 9 *1 5 9 6 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 2 6 B L K 8 09-28-23-14-0186 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ma r k R M e i e r 15 9 7 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 0 *1 5 9 7 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 7 B L K 5 09-28-23-14-0115 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Pa m e l a M e r c i e r 16 0 1 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 0 *1 6 0 1 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 8 B L K 5 09-28-23-14-0116 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 2 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Ab b e y L N e s s 16 0 2 J a m e s A v e Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 0 9 *1 6 0 2 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 2 5 B L K 8 09-28-23-14-0185 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * T a x p a y e r * * * Er i c K N e s s Ne s s 16 0 2 J a m e s A v e Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 0 9 *1 6 0 2 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 2 5 B L K 8 09-28-23-14-0185 ** * O w n e r * * * Jo y M D e c k e r 16 0 6 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 0 9 *1 6 0 6 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 2 4 B L K 8 09-28-23-14-0184 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Da n i e l T M c c a u l e y St e p h a n i e T M c c a u l e y 16 0 7 J a m e s A v e Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 0 *1 6 0 7 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 9 B L K 5 09-28-23-14-0117 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ma t t h e w R M c m a n i m o n Ta n y a M M c m a n i m o n 16 1 0 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 0 9 *1 6 1 0 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 2 3 B L K 8 09-28-23-14-0183 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 3 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Pe t e r S B e l l 16 1 1 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 1 9 2 3 *1 6 1 1 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 1 0 B L K 5 09-28-23-14-0118 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ch r i s t o p h e r C C h a p m a n De a n n a M M r o c z e n s k i 16 1 4 J a m e s A v e Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 0 9 *1 6 1 4 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 2 2 B L K 8 09-28-23-14-0182 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Pa u l S M a r r i o t t 16 1 5 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 0 *1 6 1 5 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 1 1 B L K 5 09-28-23-14-0119 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ja m e s R a y m o n d K o h l e r Je a n K o h l e r 16 1 8 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 0 9 *1 6 1 8 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 2 1 B L K 8 09-28-23-14-0181 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 4 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Ju s t i n e A L e e 16 1 9 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 0 *1 6 1 9 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 1 2 B L K 5 09-28-23-14-0120 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Pa u l C a l v e r n S c h u l z Ga i l M a r i e S c h u l z 16 2 2 J a m e s S t St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 0 9 *1 6 2 2 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 2 0 B L K 8 09-28-23-14-0180 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Tr a c y A S c h m i t z Gr e g C S c h m i t z 63 3 S a r a t o g a S t S St P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 6 - 1 5 2 3 *1 6 2 3 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 1 3 B L K 5 09-28-23-14-0121 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ba r b a r a E B o m e r s i n e 16 5 4 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 1 *1 6 5 4 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 2 8 B L K 7 09-28-23-14-0167 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 5 0 . 0 0 $ 2 , 2 2 2 . 5 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 5 0 . 0 0 $ 3 9 3 . 5 0 $2 , 6 1 6 . 0 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 5 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Ga r y M C o n n e l l y 16 6 0 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 1 *1 6 6 0 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 2 7 B L K 7 09-28-23-14-0166 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Er i c F W e l k e 16 6 2 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 1 *1 6 6 2 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 2 6 B L K 7 09-28-23-14-0165 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ka r e n R O l s o n 16 6 6 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 1 *1 6 6 6 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 2 5 B L K 7 09-28-23-14-0164 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ka t h l e e n P a t r i c i a L a m k i n Ma r k G e r a l d L a m k i n 16 7 0 J a m e s A v e Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 1 *1 6 7 0 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 2 4 B L K 7 09-28-23-14-0163 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 6 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Ma r k G L a m k i n Ka t h l e e n P L a m k i n 16 7 4 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 1 *1 6 7 4 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 2 3 B L K 7 09-28-23-14-0162 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ch r i s t o p h e r J H e r r i g e s 16 8 0 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 1 *1 6 8 0 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 2 2 B L K 7 09-28-23-14-0161 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * T a x p a y e r * * * Ra y m o n d A Z o p f 16 8 0 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 1 *1 6 8 0 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 2 2 B L K 7 09-28-23-14-0161 ** * O w n e r * * * Ry a n D G a r d i n i e r Sa l l y K G a r d i n i e r 16 8 4 J a m e s A v e Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 1 *1 6 8 4 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 2 1 B L K 7 09-28-23-14-0160 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Pa u l A W i n g h a r t An d r e a N W i n g a r t 16 8 8 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 1 *1 6 8 8 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 2 0 B L K 7 09-28-23-14-0159 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 7 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Br e n t A G r i f f i t h Je s s i c a D G r i f f i t h 16 9 2 J a m e s A v e Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 1 *1 6 9 2 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 1 9 B L K 7 09-28-23-14-0158 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Jo h n B S h a n k Al i s o n M S h a n k 16 9 6 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 1 *1 6 9 6 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 1 8 B L K 7 09-28-23-14-0157 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 5 0 . 0 0 $ 2 , 2 2 2 . 5 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 5 0 . 0 0 $ 3 9 3 . 5 0 $2 , 6 1 6 . 0 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ma r y L G r a h e k 17 0 1 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 4 *1 7 0 1 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 30 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0197 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 3 9 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 3 3 . 5 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 3 9 . 0 0 $ 3 0 6 . 9 3 $2 , 0 4 0 . 4 8 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Lo i s H M c c a b e 17 0 2 J a m e s A v e Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 3 *1 7 0 2 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 1 BL K 2 09-28-23-13-0198 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 3 9 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 3 3 . 5 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 3 9 . 0 0 $ 3 0 6 . 9 3 $2 , 0 4 0 . 4 8 ** * T a x p a y e r * * * Su s a n K B e e c h a m Pa t t i A M e i s i n g e r 17 0 2 J a m e s A v e Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 3 *1 7 0 2 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 1 BL K 2 09-28-23-13-0198 ** * O w n e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 8 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Ma r y T B e c k e r 17 0 3 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 4 *1 7 0 3 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 29 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0196 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Re m i r M o s h a V a s s e r m a n 17 0 4 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 3 *1 7 0 4 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . S U B J TO E S M T S L O T 2 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0199 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ni c h o l a s H a n s e n 17 0 6 J a m e s A v e Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 3 *1 7 0 6 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . S U B J TO E S M T S L O T 3 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0200 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Co n n i e A n d e r s o n 17 0 7 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 4 *1 7 0 7 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 28 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0195 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Sa n d r a D L a r s o n 17 1 0 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 3 *1 7 1 0 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 4 BL K 2 09-28-23-13-0201 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 9 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Wi l l i a m R S l o b o t s k i 17 1 1 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 4 *1 7 1 1 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 27 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0194 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ro b e r t J H y l a n d Sa r a T h e r e s e E o l o f f H y l a n d 17 1 4 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 3 *1 7 1 4 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 5 BL K 2 09-28-23-13-0202 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Pa t r i c i a E H a n s o n 17 1 5 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 4 *1 7 1 5 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 26 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0193 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Br e n d a A B u s h p o e l m a n Lo g a n P o e l m a n 17 2 1 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 4 *1 7 2 1 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 25 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0192 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 10 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Mi c h e l l e A B u e g e 17 2 2 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 3 *1 7 2 2 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 6 BL K 2 09-28-23-13-0203 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ma t t h e w G M u r p h y 17 2 4 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 3 *1 7 2 4 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 7 BL K 2 09-28-23-13-0204 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Wa n d a B a h m e t 17 2 5 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 4 *1 7 2 5 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 24 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0191 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Fe d e r a l H o m e L o a n M o r t g a g e C o r p 50 0 0 P l a n o P k y Ca r r o l l t o n T X 7 5 2 6 5 - 0 0 4 3 *1 7 2 7 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 23 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0190 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Al e x i s A A r n o l d 17 2 8 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 3 *1 7 2 8 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 8 BL K 2 09-28-23-13-0205 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 11 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Br a d D R i c h a s o n Me l i s s a D R i c h a s o n 17 3 2 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 3 *1 7 3 2 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 9 BL K 2 09-28-23-13-0206 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ka t h y M T h o m s e n 17 3 3 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 4 *1 7 3 3 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 22 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0189 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ca t h e r i n e A J a c k 17 3 6 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 3 *1 7 3 6 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 10 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0207 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * De n n i s M J o h n s o n Jo h n s o n 17 3 7 J a m e s A v St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 4 *1 7 3 7 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 21 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0188 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r * * * Ma r i e A J o h n s o n 17 3 7 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 4 *1 7 3 7 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 21 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0188 ** * T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 12 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Je s s e S i m o n 13 4 4 M i s s R i v e r B l v d S St P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 6 - 1 8 0 9 *1 7 4 0 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 11 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0208 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Pa t r i c k W O b r i e n Ja n e O b r i e n 17 4 1 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 4 *1 7 4 1 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 20 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0187 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * T a x p a y e r * * * Wi l l i a m F O b r i e n 17 4 1 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 4 *1 7 4 1 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 20 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0187 ** * O w n e r * * * Ro y F D e n e t He l e n A D e n e t 17 4 4 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 3 *1 7 4 4 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 12 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0209 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 13 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Ch r i s t i n a E L u d e s c h e r Al e t h e a R S c h a f f e r 17 4 5 J a m e s A v e Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 4 *1 7 4 5 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 19 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0186 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * T a x p a y e r * * * Ja c k B S c h a f f e r Sc h a f f e r 17 4 5 J a m e s A v e Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 4 *1 7 4 5 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 19 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0186 ** * O w n e r * * * ***ESCROW*** St e p h e n E C o l l i n s Ch r i s t i n e D C o l l i n s 17 4 8 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 3 *1 7 4 8 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 13 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0210 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Su z a n n e M S h e r i d a n 17 5 1 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 2 - 2 1 1 4 *1 7 5 1 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 18 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0185 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 14 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Th o m a s B S i m e r s o n W a l l f r e d Pa t r i c i a A S i m e r s o n W a l l f r e d 17 5 2 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 3 *1 7 5 2 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 14 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0211 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * El i z a b e t h R M i t c h e l l Li n n e a L o r e n 17 5 5 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 4 *1 7 5 5 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 17 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0184 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Sh i r l e y A Z a c k 17 5 6 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 3 *1 7 5 6 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 15 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0212 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 3 9 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 3 3 . 5 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 3 9 . 0 0 $ 3 0 6 . 9 3 $2 , 0 4 0 . 4 8 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Do r e n e E S i m o n s Ja n i c e L S i m o n s 17 5 7 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 4 *1 7 5 7 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . L O T 16 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0183 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 3 9 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 3 3 . 5 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 3 9 . 0 0 $ 3 0 6 . 9 3 $2 , 0 4 0 . 4 8 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 15 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID An d r e a L e a H a n d e v i d t 17 6 2 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 5 *1 7 6 2 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A L O T 1 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0141 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 3 8 . 0 0 $ 1 , 6 8 9 . 1 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 3 8 . 0 0 $ 2 9 9 . 0 6 $1 , 9 8 8 . 1 6 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ga r y R J o h n s o n 17 6 3 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 6 *1 7 6 3 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A E 1 / 2 O F L O T 2 9 AN D A L L O F L O T 3 0 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0140 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 5 8 . 0 0 $ 2 , 5 7 8 . 1 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 5 8 . 0 0 $ 4 5 6 . 4 6 $3 , 0 3 4 . 5 6 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ja y A B o s s F e b b o Sa n d r a E B o s s F e b b o 17 6 6 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 5 *1 7 6 6 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A L O T 2 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0142 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Pa u l D S o r e n s e n Ka r e n W W r i g h t 17 6 9 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 6 *1 7 6 9 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A W 1 / 2 O F L O T 2 9 AN D A L L O F L O T 2 8 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0139 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 6 0 . 0 0 $ 2 , 6 6 7 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 6 0 . 0 0 $ 4 7 2 . 2 0 $3 , 1 3 9 . 2 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 16 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Vi n c e n t E K e e f e Er i n V K e e f e 17 7 0 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 5 *1 7 7 0 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A L O T 3 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0143 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ri c h a r d W R o d g e r s Li n d a L R o d g e r s 17 7 2 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 5 *1 7 7 2 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A L O T 4 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0144 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Er i n n H a l l 17 7 5 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 6 *1 7 7 5 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A L O T 2 7 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0138 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Da v i d B C l a r k 17 7 6 J a m e s A v e Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 5 *1 7 7 6 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A L O T 5 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0145 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 17 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Ri c h a r d S t e w a r t F e l l e r m a n Ho p e J e a n n e t t e F e l l e r m a n 17 7 9 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 6 *1 7 7 9 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A L O T 2 6 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0137 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Jo s e p h D D u l l e a Su s a n E D u l l e a 17 8 2 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 5 *1 7 8 2 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A L O T 6 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0146 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Br i d g e t G r e n g s Ja c k G r e n g s 17 8 3 J a m e s A v e Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 6 *1 7 8 3 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A L O T 2 5 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0136 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * ***ESCROW*** Ma r i l y n K N e i t z 17 8 6 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 5 *1 7 8 6 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A L O T 7 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0147 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 18 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Ja m e s D F r a n z e n Ke n n e t h E F r a n z e n 17 8 7 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 6 *1 7 8 7 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A L O T 2 4 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0135 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ph i l i p R M a r t i n 17 8 8 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 5 *1 7 8 8 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A L O T 8 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0148 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ja m e s G i e f e r 19 1 0 H i g h l a n d P k w y St P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 6 - 1 3 5 1 *1 7 8 9 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A L O T 2 3 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0134 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Wi l l i a m B M i d d l e t o n Ma r l e n e F M i d d l e t o n 17 9 4 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 5 *1 7 9 4 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A L O T 9 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0149 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 19 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Ro s e m a r y C T e p e 17 9 5 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 6 *1 7 9 5 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A L O T 2 2 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0133 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Pa u l J M a d e r Ja n i c e C M a d e r 17 9 7 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 6 *1 7 9 7 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A L O T 2 1 B L K 1 09-28-23-13-0132 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ja n e t K C a s s 17 9 8 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 5 *1 7 9 8 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A L O T 1 0 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0150 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Mi t c h e l l B L u n d q u i s t St e p h a n i e R L u n d q u i s t 18 0 0 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 5 *1 8 0 0 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A L O T 1 1 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0151 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 20 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Jo s e p h P M a g u i r e 18 0 3 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 6 *1 8 0 3 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 HE S S E R E A R R A N G E M E N T E 7 2 18 / 1 O O F T O F L O T S 4 A N D L O T 5 09-28-23-13-0131 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 7 2 . 0 0 $ 3 , 2 0 0 . 4 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 7 2 . 0 0 $ 5 6 6 . 6 4 $3 , 7 6 7 . 0 4 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * ***ESCROW*** Pa m e l a E B r e t h o r s t 18 0 4 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 5 *1 8 0 4 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A L O T 1 2 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0152 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Pa u l B e n i c k Ka t h l e e n M O c o n n o r 18 0 8 J a m e s A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 1 5 *1 8 0 8 J A M E S A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A L O T 1 3 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0153 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 4 . 8 0 $2 , 0 9 2 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ci t y O f S t P a u l 25 4 t h S t W R m 1 0 0 0 St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 2 - 1 6 9 2 *4 2 3 M A C A L E S T E R S T *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T S 1 T H R U 2 8 A N D VA C A L L E Y I N B L K 6 09-28-23-14-0135 ***EXEMPT*** Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 1 , 7 3 6 . 0 0 $ 7 7 , 1 6 5 . 2 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 1 , 7 3 6 . 0 0 $ 1 3 , 6 6 2 . 3 2 $9 0 , 8 2 7 . 5 2 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 21 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Da v i d P H a s e l m a n Ca r o l J H a s e l m a n 42 8 M a c a l e s t e r S t St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 3 0 *4 2 8 M A C A L E S T E R S T *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 1 8 B L K 5 09-28-23-14-0126 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 5 . 0 0 $ 2 , 0 0 0 . 2 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 5 . 0 0 $ 3 5 4 . 1 5 $2 , 3 5 4 . 4 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ma r y J T r u s o 43 2 M a c a l e s t e r S t St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 3 0 *4 3 2 M A C A L E S T E R S T *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 1 7 B L K 5 09-28-23-14-0125 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 5 . 0 0 $ 2 , 0 0 0 . 2 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 5 . 0 0 $ 3 5 4 . 1 5 $2 , 3 5 4 . 4 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * ***ESCROW*** Ri c h a r d W T r a p p Ja n e t L T r a p p 43 8 M a c a l e s t e r S t St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 3 0 *4 3 8 M A C A L E S T E R S T *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 1 6 B L K 5 09-28-23-14-0124 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 5 . 0 0 $ 2 , 0 0 0 . 2 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 5 . 0 0 $ 3 5 4 . 1 5 $2 , 3 5 4 . 4 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Mi c h a e l A B e t t i s o n Br e n d a L H u d s o n 44 2 M a c a l a s t e r S t St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 3 0 *4 4 2 M A C A L E S T E R S T *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 1 5 B L K 5 09-28-23-14-0123 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 5 . 0 0 $ 2 , 0 0 0 . 2 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 5 . 0 0 $ 3 5 4 . 1 5 $2 , 3 5 4 . 4 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 22 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Er v i n V S c h m i t z Lo r r a i n e F S c h m i t z 44 6 M a c a l e s t e r S t St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 3 0 *4 4 6 M A C A L E S T E R S T *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 1 4 B L K 5 09-28-23-14-0122 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 6 . 0 0 $ 2 , 0 4 4 . 7 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 6 . 0 0 $ 3 6 2 . 0 2 $2 , 4 0 6 . 7 2 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Re n e e E S v a r d 45 6 M a c a l e s t e r S t St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 3 2 *4 5 6 M A C A L E S T E R S T *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 1 9 B L K 8 09-28-23-14-0179 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 3 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 1 1 . 3 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 3 . 0 0 $ 3 3 8 . 4 1 $2 , 2 4 9 . 7 6 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * De b r a L J a m e s T r u s t e e De b r a L J a m e s 45 7 M a c a l e s t e r S t Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 3 1 *4 5 7 M A C A L E S T E R S T *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 1 B L K 7 09-28-23-14-0136 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 3 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 1 1 . 3 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 3 . 0 0 $ 3 3 8 . 4 1 $2 , 2 4 9 . 7 6 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Sh a r o n S a t t l e r Sh a r o n S a t t l e r T r u s t 45 9 M a c a l e s t e r S t St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 3 1 *4 5 9 M A C A L E S T E R S T *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 2 B L K 7 09-28-23-14-0137 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 3 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 1 1 . 3 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 3 . 0 0 $ 3 3 8 . 4 1 $2 , 2 4 9 . 7 6 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 23 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Jo h n B H i c k m a n Me l i s s a L H i c k m a n 46 0 M a c a l e s t e r S t St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 3 2 *4 6 0 M A C A L E S T E R S T *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 1 8 B L K 8 09-28-23-14-0178 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 3 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 1 1 . 3 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 3 . 0 0 $ 3 3 8 . 4 1 $2 , 2 4 9 . 7 6 ** * T a x p a y e r * * * Tw i n C i t y F e d S a v L o a n A s s n 80 1 M a r q u e t t e A v e Mp l s M N 5 5 4 0 2 - 2 8 0 7 *4 6 0 M A C A L E S T E R S T *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 1 8 B L K 8 09-28-23-14-0178 ** * O w n e r * * * An n e K u l k a 46 3 M a c a l e s t e r S t St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 3 1 *4 6 3 M A C A L E S T E R S T *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 3 B L K 7 09-28-23-14-0138 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 3 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 1 1 . 3 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 3 . 0 0 $ 3 3 8 . 4 1 $2 , 2 4 9 . 7 6 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St e v e n G P e t e r s o n Ca t h y J P e t e r s o n 46 6 M a c a l e s t e r S t St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 3 2 *4 6 6 M A C A L E S T E R S T *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 1 7 B L K 8 09-28-23-14-0177 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 3 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 1 1 . 3 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 3 . 0 0 $ 3 3 8 . 4 1 $2 , 2 4 9 . 7 6 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Sa n d r a J S a t t l e r 46 9 M a c a l e s t e r S t St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 3 1 *4 6 9 M A C A L E S T E R S T *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 4 B L K 7 09-28-23-14-0139 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 3 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 1 1 . 3 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 3 . 0 0 $ 3 3 8 . 4 1 $2 , 2 4 9 . 7 6 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 24 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Me l i n d a R L o c k a r d 47 0 M a c a l e s t e r S t St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 3 2 *4 7 0 M A C A L E S T E R S T *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 1 6 B L K 8 09-28-23-14-0176 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 3 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 1 1 . 3 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 3 . 0 0 $ 3 3 8 . 4 1 $2 , 2 4 9 . 7 6 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Am y S J o h n s o n Jo h n B J o h n s o n 92 3 E A l p i n e D r Al p i n e U T 8 4 0 0 4 - 1 7 2 0 *4 7 3 M A C A L E S T E R S T *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 5 B L K 7 09-28-23-14-0140 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 3 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 1 1 . 3 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 3 . 0 0 $ 3 3 8 . 4 1 $2 , 2 4 9 . 7 6 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Su s a n G u g g e n b u e h l 47 6 M a c a l e s t e r S t St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 3 2 *4 7 6 M A C A L E S T E R S T *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 1 5 B L K 8 09-28-23-14-0175 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 3 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 1 1 . 3 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 3 . 0 0 $ 3 3 8 . 4 1 $2 , 2 4 9 . 7 6 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Gl e n n T C a r l s o n 47 7 M a c a l e s t e r S t St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 3 1 *4 7 7 M A C A L E S T E R S T *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 6 B L K 7 09-28-23-14-0141 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 6 . 0 0 $ 2 , 0 4 4 . 7 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $2 , 0 4 4 . 7 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Pr e v i o u s l y a s s e s s e d f o r li g h t i n g P r o j . # 1 8 6 2 2 , A s s m t #0 1 0 5 6 7 St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 25 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Th o m a s R T a n g e Sa l l y T T a n g e 17 5 9 S t C l a i r A v e Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 1 9 3 5 *4 8 0 M A C A L E S T E R S T *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 1 4 B L K 8 09-28-23-14-0174 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 6 . 0 0 $ 2 , 0 4 4 . 7 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $2 , 0 4 4 . 7 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Pr e v i o u s l y a s s e s s e d f o r li g h t i n g P r o j . # 1 8 6 2 2 , A s s m t #0 1 0 5 6 7 Wa l t r u s t P r o p e r t i e s I n c Co W a l g r e e n C o S t o r e # 9 7 9 5 Po B o x 9 0 1 De e r f i e l d I L 6 0 0 1 5 - 0 9 0 1 *1 5 8 5 R A N D O L P H A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D V A C A L L E Y A C C R U I N G & L O T S 1 T H R U L O T 9 B L K 8 09-28-23-14-0187 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 1 4 9 . 0 0 $ 6 , 6 2 3 . 0 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 1 4 9 . 0 0 $ 1 , 1 7 2 . 6 3 $7 , 7 9 5 . 6 8 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * As s e s s f o r J a m e s A v e n u e si d e - C o m m e r c i a l P r o p e r t y Jo s e p h E G i l l e s 25 3 8 M c m e n e m y R d Li t t l e C a n a d a M N 5 5 1 1 7 - 1 6 3 7 *1 6 9 5 R A N D O L P H A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 1 7 B L K 7 09-28-23-14-0156 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 5 0 . 0 0 $ 2 , 2 2 2 . 5 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $2 , 2 2 2 . 5 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Pr e v i o u s l y a s s e s s e d f o r li g h t i n g P r o j . # 1 8 6 2 2 , A s s m t #0 1 0 5 6 7 Th o m a s R M u r p h y Pa m e l a J M u r p h y 17 0 1 R a n d o l p h A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 5 4 *1 7 0 1 R A N D O L P H A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . E X AV E L O T 3 0 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0227 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 3 9 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 3 3 . 5 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 3 9 . 0 0 $ 3 0 6 . 9 3 $2 , 0 4 0 . 4 8 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 8 : 4 1 : 1 8 4 / 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 9 D A s s m t : 1 2 5 2 0 1 M a n a g e r : Page 26 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID El i z a b e t h G S h o o p 17 5 7 R a n d o l p h A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 5 4 *1 7 5 7 R A N D O L P H A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 WE B S T E R A D D I T I O N T O T H E C I T Y O F ST . P A U L , R A M S E Y C O . , M I N N . E X AV E L O T 1 6 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0213 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 3 9 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 3 3 . 5 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 3 9 . 0 0 $ 3 0 6 . 9 3 $2 , 0 4 0 . 4 8 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Gw y n n e L E v a n s 14 0 5 S u m m i t A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 2 4 0 *1 7 6 5 R A N D O L P H A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R C O L L E G E A D D I T I O N TO T H E C I T Y O F S T . P A U L , R A M S E Y CO . , M I N N E S O T A L O T S 2 9 A N D L O T 30 B L K 2 09-28-23-13-0167 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 1 1 9 . 0 0 $ 5 , 2 8 9 . 5 5 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 1 1 9 . 0 0 $ 9 3 6 . 5 3 $6 , 2 2 6 . 0 8 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Sa r a h A G o l d s t e i n 44 3 S n e l l i n g A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 1 6 0 *4 4 3 S N E L L I N G A V E S *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 2 / 2 / 2 0 1 1 EL M W O O D L O T 6 B L K 5 09-28-23-14-0114 Gr a d e a n d P a v e 4 4 . 4 5 4 6 . 0 0 $ 2 , 0 4 4 . 7 0 Li g h t i n g 7 . 8 7 4 6 . 0 0 $ 3 6 2 . 0 2 $2 , 4 0 6 . 7 2 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * To t a l G r a d e a n d P a v e : $2 7 6 , 2 5 6 . 7 5 To t a l L i g h t i n g : $4 7 , 7 9 4 . 5 1 Pr o j e c t T o t a l : $3 2 4 , 0 5 1 . 2 6 Le s s T o t a l D i s c o u n t s : $ 0 . 0 0 Pr o j e c t T o t a l : $3 2 4 , 0 5 1 . 2 6 7. 8 7 Re s i d e n t i a l F r o n t a g e : 1 1 , 7 5 2 . 0 0 $ 3 1 0 , 0 2 9 . 5 0 7. 8 7 Co m m e r c i a l F r o n t a g e : 5 3 6 . 0 0 $ 1 4 , 0 2 1 . 7 6 12 , 2 8 8 . 0 0 $3 2 4 , 0 5 1 . 2 6 Fr o n t a g e T o t a l s : 10 3 P a r c e l ( s ) 1 E x e m p t P a r c e l ( s ) St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-806 Name:Setting Date of Hearing-Alley Improvement (bounded by Hoyt, Western, Nebraska and Cumberland) Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council public hearing to ratify the assessment for alley improvements on the north-south alley in Cumberland Addition Plat I; bounded by Hoyt, Western, Nebraska and Cumberland. (File No. 19120, Asmt No. 115000) Sponsors:Amy Brendmoen Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Report of Completion Assessment Roll Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council public hearing to ratify the assessment for alley improvements on the north-south alley in Cumberland Addition Plat I; bounded by Hoyt, Western, Nebraska and Cumberland. (File No. 19120, Asmt No. 115000) Body WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared the attached Report of Completion of Assessment for the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for alley improvements on the north-south alley in Cumberland Addition Plat I; bounded by Hoyt, Western, Nebraska and Cumberland. Preliminary Order: RES 11-1176 Approved 07/20/2011 Final Order: RES PH 11-965 Approved 08/03/2011 WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared for the Council's consideration the attached Assessment Roll listing the benefited property, the property owner, the service provided and the charges for the service; and hereby submits the Assessment Roll for the City Council's consideration to adopt and levy the charges as an assessment against the benefited property; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby accepts and approves said Report of Completion of Assessment and Assessment Roll; and be it further RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 20th day of June, 2012 at 5:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of Saint Paul; and that the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section provide mailed and published notice of the same as required by law. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ 10 : 3 1 : 3 5 4 / 2 3 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 1 2 0 A s s m t : 1 1 5 0 0 0 M a n a g e r : L M Page 1 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Jo s e p h R C u l b e r t s o n Mi c h e l l e M C u l b e r t s o n 15 0 6 C u m b e r l a n d S t St P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 7 - 3 5 2 1 *1 5 0 6 C U M B E R L A N D S T *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 S 8 F T O F L O T 1 8 & AL L O F L O T 1 7 B L K 9 24-29-23-24-0013 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 4 6 . 0 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 . 5 0 $1 5 7 . 5 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ja y m e C S y v e r s e n 12 5 3 4 E l a n d C t Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 2 4 - 8 2 4 0 *1 5 1 2 C U M B E R L A N D S T *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 N 3 2 F T O F L O T 1 8 AN D S 1 / 2 O F L O T 1 9 B L K 9 24-29-23-24-0014 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 4 6 . 0 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 . 5 0 $1 5 7 . 5 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ta n i a L e x 15 2 0 C u m b e r l a n d S t St P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 7 - 3 5 2 1 *1 5 2 0 C U M B E R L A N D S T *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 N 1 / 2 O F L O T 1 9 AN D A L L O F L O T S 2 O A N D L O T 2 1 BL K 9 24-29-23-24-0015 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 1 0 0 . 0 0 $ 2 9 2 . 0 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 1 0 0 . 0 0 $ 2 3 . 0 0 $3 1 5 . 0 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Do n a l d R L o u g h r e y Ja n i c e L L o u g h r e y 15 3 0 C u m b e r l a n d S t St P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 7 - 3 5 2 1 *1 5 3 0 C U M B E R L A N D S T *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 L O T S 2 2 & L O T 2 3 BL K 9 24-29-23-24-0016 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 8 0 . 0 0 $ 2 3 3 . 6 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 8 0 . 0 0 $ 1 8 . 4 0 $2 5 2 . 0 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 10 : 3 1 : 3 5 4 / 2 3 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 1 2 0 A s s m t : 1 1 5 0 0 0 M a n a g e r : L M Page 2 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Ng u y e n D i h n N g u y e n 15 3 6 C u m b e r l a n d S t St P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 7 - 3 5 2 1 *1 5 3 6 C U M B E R L A N D S T *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 L O T 2 4 B L K 9 24-29-23-24-0017 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 6 . 8 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 4 0 . 0 0 $ 9 . 2 0 $1 2 6 . 0 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Pa t r i c i a A F l a h e r t y 15 4 0 C u m b e r l a n d S t St P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 7 - 3 5 2 1 *1 5 4 0 C U M B E R L A N D S T *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 S 1 / 2 O F L O T 2 6 AN D A L L O F L O T 2 5 B L K 9 24-29-23-24-0018 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 6 0 . 0 0 $ 1 7 5 . 2 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 6 0 . 0 0 $ 1 3 . 8 0 $1 8 9 . 0 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Pa u l a T M i t c h e l l 38 7 8 N e w t o n C t Ea g a n M N 5 5 1 2 3 - 1 5 5 2 *1 5 4 8 C U M B E R L A N D S T *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 N 1 / 2 O F L O T 2 6 AN D A L L O F L O T S 2 7 A N D L O T 2 8 BL K 9 24-29-23-24-0019 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 1 0 0 . 0 0 $ 2 9 2 . 0 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 1 0 0 . 0 0 $ 2 3 . 0 0 $3 1 5 . 0 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ro i A w n g S a g a 15 5 6 C u m b e r l a n d S t St P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 7 - 3 5 2 1 *1 5 5 6 C U M B E R L A N D S T *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 L O T 2 9 B L K 9 24-29-23-24-0020 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 6 . 8 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 4 0 . 0 0 $ 9 . 2 0 $1 2 6 . 0 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Su s a n R K i n s m a n Ja m e s P K i n s m a n 40 4 H o y t A v e W St P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 7 - 3 5 2 3 *4 0 4 H O Y T A V E W *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 L O T 3 0 B L K 9 24-29-23-24-0021 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 6 . 8 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 4 0 . 0 0 $ 9 . 2 0 $1 2 6 . 0 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 10 : 3 1 : 3 5 4 / 2 3 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 1 2 0 A s s m t : 1 1 5 0 0 0 M a n a g e r : L M Page 3 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Mi c h a e l W K i e n l e n 40 3 N e b r a s k a A v e W Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 7 - 3 5 2 8 *4 0 3 N E B R A S K A A V E W *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 L O T 1 6 B L K 9 24-29-23-24-0012 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 6 . 8 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 4 0 . 0 0 $ 9 . 2 0 $1 2 6 . 0 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Na t h a n E H i l l 15 0 1 W e s t e r n A v e N St P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 7 - 3 5 3 6 *1 5 0 1 W E S T E R N A V E N *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 L O T 1 5 B L K 9 24-29-23-24-0011 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 6 . 8 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 4 0 . 0 0 $ 9 . 2 0 $1 2 6 . 0 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * We s t e r n P r o p e r t y S o l u t i o n s L l Co R i c h a r d M a n n C h i e f M a n a g e r 48 0 0 F o l w e l l D r Mi n n e a p o l i s M N 5 5 4 0 6 - 3 6 5 2 *1 5 0 5 W E S T E R N A V E N *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 L O T 1 4 B L K 9 24-29-23-24-0010 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 6 . 8 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 4 0 . 0 0 $ 9 . 2 0 $1 2 6 . 0 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Mi c h a e l C R o d r i g u e z 15 0 9 W e s t e r n A v e n u e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 7 - 3 5 3 6 *1 5 0 9 W E S T E R N A V E N *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 L O T 1 3 B L K 9 24-29-23-24-0009 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 6 . 8 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 4 0 . 0 0 $ 9 . 2 0 $1 2 6 . 0 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Jo s e p h S C h a p m a n 15 1 5 W e s t e r n A v e Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 7 - 3 5 3 6 *1 5 1 5 W E S T E R N A V E N *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 L O T 1 2 B L K 9 24-29-23-24-0008 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 6 . 8 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 4 0 . 0 0 $ 9 . 2 0 $1 2 6 . 0 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 10 : 3 1 : 3 5 4 / 2 3 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 1 2 0 A s s m t : 1 1 5 0 0 0 M a n a g e r : L M Page 4 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID St e p h e n J P o r e d a 15 2 1 W e s t e r n A v e N St P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 7 - 3 5 3 6 *1 5 2 1 W E S T E R N A V E N *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 L O T S 1 O A N D L O T 11 B L K 9 24-29-23-24-0007 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 8 0 . 0 0 $ 2 3 3 . 6 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 8 0 . 0 0 $ 1 8 . 4 0 $2 5 2 . 0 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ja m e s T R e e v e Ma r i a D R e e v e 90 4 M o n t a n a A v e W St P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 7 - 3 3 1 9 *1 5 2 7 W E S T E R N A V E N *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 S 1 / 2 O F L O T 8 AN D A L L O F L O T 9 B L K 9 24-29-23-24-0006 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 6 0 . 0 0 $ 1 7 5 . 2 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 6 0 . 0 0 $ 1 3 . 8 0 $1 8 9 . 0 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ma t t h e w G e n e A n d e r s o n Ka t r i n E r d m a n n 15 3 3 W e s t e r n A v e N St P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 7 - 3 5 3 6 *1 5 3 3 W E S T E R N A V E N *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 E X T H E N 1 0 F T ; LO T 7 A N D T H E N 1 / 2 O F L O T 8 B L K 9 24-29-23-24-0161 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 4 6 . 0 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 . 5 0 $1 5 7 . 5 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ar l y n C h r i s t Da v i d C h r i s t 15 3 7 W e s t e r n A v e N St P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 7 - 3 5 3 6 *1 5 3 7 W E S T E R N A V E N *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 T H E N 1 0 F T O F LO T 7 A N D A L L O F L O T 6 B L K 9 24-29-23-24-0160 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 4 6 . 0 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 . 5 0 $1 5 7 . 5 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 10 : 3 1 : 3 5 4 / 2 3 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 1 2 0 A s s m t : 1 1 5 0 0 0 M a n a g e r : L M Page 5 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID An n a M W e b b e r Ja c k W W e b b e r 15 4 7 W e s t e r n A v e N Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 7 - 3 5 3 6 *1 5 4 1 W E S T E R N A V E N *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 S 1 O F T O F L O T 4 AN D A L L O F L O T 5 B L K 9 24-29-23-24-0004 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 4 6 . 0 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 . 5 0 $1 5 7 . 5 0 ** * T a x p a y e r * * * El l e n M O l s o n Ol s o n 10 5 3 2 5 0 t h S t Wo o d v i l l e W I 5 4 0 2 8 - 7 0 2 8 *1 5 4 1 W E S T E R N A V E N *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 S 1 O F T O F L O T 4 AN D A L L O F L O T 5 B L K 9 24-29-23-24-0004 ** * O w n e r * * * Ja c k W W e b b e r 15 4 7 W e s t e r n A v e N St P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 7 - 3 5 3 6 *1 5 4 7 W E S T E R N A V E N *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 S 2 O F T O F L O T 3 AN D E X S 1 O F T L O T 4 B L K 9 24-29-23-24-0003 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 4 6 . 0 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 . 5 0 $1 5 7 . 5 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ma t t h e w D M c k o s k e y Sa r a h E F l a t e n 15 5 1 W e s t e r n A v e N Sa i n t P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 7 - 3 5 3 6 *1 5 5 1 W E S T E R N A V E N *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 S 3 O F T O F L O T 2 AN D E X S 2 O F T L O T 3 B L K 9 24-29-23-24-0002 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 4 6 . 0 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 . 5 0 $1 5 7 . 5 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * ***ESCROW*** St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 10 : 3 1 : 3 5 4 / 2 3 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 1 2 0 A s s m t : 1 1 5 0 0 0 M a n a g e r : L M Page 6 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Be t h A n d e r s o n F l i t t i e Da n i e l R o b e r t F l i t t i e 15 5 7 W e s t e r n A v e N St P a u l M N 5 5 1 1 7 - 3 5 3 6 *1 5 5 7 W E S T E R N A V E N *W a r d : 5 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 8 / 3 / 2 0 1 1 ED W I N M . W A R E ' S C U M B E R L A N D AD D I T I O N P L A T 1 E X S 3 O F T L O T 2 AN D A L L O F L O T 1 B L K 9 24-29-23-24-0001 Al l e y 2 . 9 2 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 4 6 . 0 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 0 . 2 3 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 . 5 0 $1 5 7 . 5 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * To t a l A l l e y : $3 , 5 0 4 . 0 0 To t a l R e a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e : $2 7 6 . 0 0 Pr o j e c t T o t a l : $3 , 7 8 0 . 0 0 Le s s T o t a l D i s c o u n t s : $ 0 . 0 0 Pr o j e c t T o t a l : $3 , 7 8 0 . 0 0 0. 2 3 Re s i d e n t i a l F r o n t a g e : 2 , 4 0 0 . 0 0 $ 3 , 7 8 0 . 0 0 2, 4 0 0 . 0 0 $3 , 7 8 0 . 0 0 Fr o n t a g e T o t a l s : 22 P a r c e l ( s ) 0 E x e m p t P a r c e l ( s ) St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-914 Name:Set Date to Ratify Assessments-Sidewalk Improvement-Arlington-Westminster to Desoto Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council public hearing to ratify the assessment for construction of a sidewalk improvement along the south side of Arlington Avenue East from Westminster to Desoto. (File No. S1003 Assessment No. 100790) Sponsors:Amy Brendmoen Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Assess Roll 05072012.pdf Rpt Completion.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council public hearing to ratify the assessment for construction of a sidewalk improvement along the south side of Arlington Avenue East from Westminster to Desoto. (File No. S1003 Assessment No. 100790) Body WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared the attached Report of Completion of Assessment for the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for sidewalk construction along the south side of Arlington Aveune East from Westminster to Desoto Preliminary Order: 11-563 Approved 04/06/2011 Final Order: 11-603 Approved 05/04/2011 WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared for the Council's consideration the attached Assessment Roll listing the benefited property, the property owner, the service provided and the charges for the service; and hereby submits the Assessment Roll for the City Council's consideration to adopt and levy the charges as an assessment against the benefited property; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby accepts and approves said Report of Completion of Assessment and Assessment Roll; and be it further RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 20th day of June, 2012 at 5:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of Saint Paul; and that the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section provide mailed and published notice of the same as required by law. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ 13:55:51 5/7/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: S1003 Assmt: 100790 Manager: JAO Page 1 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID City Of St Paul Pw 15 Kellogg Blvd W Room 140 Cou St Paul MN 55102-1613 *1417 ARKWRIGHT ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 10/6/2010 MORTON'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 4, 5, 6, AND 7 OF J. M. WARNER'S ACRE LOTS VAC EDGEMONT ST ACCRUING; & SUBJ TO ST, THE FOL LOTS 4 THRU 7 & LOTS 9 THRU 12 & EX N 34 FT; LOT 14 & ALL OF LOT 15 20-29-22-32-0067 ***EXEMPT*** Sidewalk Reconstruction 1.00 17,056.80 $17,056.80 Real Estate Admin Fee 1.00 1,364.55 $1,364.55 $18,421.35 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** Stonecrest Income And Opportunity Fund I Llc 4300 Stevens Creek Blvd Ste 27 San Jose CA 95129-1265 *390 ARLINGTON AVE E *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 10/6/2010 NEWELL'S ADDITION N 34 FT OF LOT 14 & ALL OF LOT 13 20-29-22-32-0019Sidewalk Reconstruction 1.00 0.00 $0.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 1.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** City Of St Paul Cs Pr33098 25 4th St W Ste 1000 St Paul MN 55102-1692 *400 ARLINGTON AVE E *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 10/6/2010 J. W. BASS' ACRE LOTS E 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 LYING N OF J.W. BASS ACRE LOTS (SUBJ TO ESMT & RDS) IN SEC 20 TN 29 RN 22 & IN SD J.W. BASS ACRE LOTS SUBJ TO RD; LOT 21 & ALL OF LOTS 24, 29, 32, 37 THRU 40, 20-29-22-32-0061 ***EXEMPT*** Sidewalk Reconstruction 1.00 28,428.00 $28,428.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 1.00 2,274.24 $2,274.24 $30,702.24 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** Jerome Hedlund 1436 Westminister St Saint Paul MN 55130-3315 *1436 WESTMINSTER ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 10/6/2010 NEWELL'S ADDITION LOTS 1 AND LOT 2 20-29-22-32-0001Sidewalk Reconstruction 1.00 0.00 $0.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 1.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 *** Owner *** John Hedlund Judith Hedlund 1436 Westminister St Saint Paul MN 55130-3315 *1436 WESTMINSTER ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 10/6/2010 NEWELL'S ADDITION LOTS 1 AND LOT 2 20-29-22-32-0001*** Taxpayer *** StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 13:55:51 5/7/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: S1003 Assmt: 100790 Manager: JAO Page 2 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Total Sidewalk Reconstruction:$45,484.80 Total Real Estate Admin Fee:$3,638.79 Project Total:$49,123.59 Less Total Discounts:$0.00 Project Total:$49,123.59 4 Parcel(s) 2 Exempt Parcel(s) StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-922 Name:Dickstein Shapiro, LLP Outside Counsel Agreement Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Authorizing the City Attorney to retain the law firm of Dickstein Shapiro, LLP to represent the City in the investigation of the matter of Magner v. Gallagher and the City's withdrawal of its petition. Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Dickstein-Shapiro Outside Counsel Agreement.pdf RES 12-922 Financial Analysis.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Authorizing the City Attorney to retain the law firm of Dickstein Shapiro, LLP to represent the City in the investigation of the matter of Magner v. Gallagher and the City's withdrawal of its petition. Body WHEREAS, Saint Paul City Charter § 5.02 permits the City, upon recommendation of the City Attorney and in the case of special or unusual circumstances, to appoint outside counsel to represent the City; and WHEREAS, the U.S. Congress has initiated an investigation in the matter of Magner v. Gallagher, and the circumstances under which the City of Saint Paul withdrew its petition to the United States Supreme Court for review; and WHEREAS, the City Attorney recommends the appointment of outside counsel for handling of this matter; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the appropriate city officials are hereby authorized to retain Dickstein Shapiro LLP, 1825 Eye Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20006, to represent the City in this matter under a separate legal services agreement which shall be consistent with the City Attorney's Office Policy Regarding Fees for Legal Services by Outside Counsel and the City Attorney's Office Policy and Procedure for Retaining Outside Legal Counsel. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ City of Saint Paul Financial Analysis Template Instructions Purpose of the Fiscal Analysis Template: Fiscal Analysis Template Tab Budget Reference Tabs Drop Down Menus Tab ● The Drop Down Menus tab (grey tab) is used by OFS only to manage the drop down lists contained in the Financial Analysis template. ● Department staff filling out this form should not attempt to edit this page. ● The Operating Budget Reference and CIB Budget Reference pages (blue tabs) are read-only tabs. They contain guidance on what kind of mayoral and/or council action is required for budget adjustments in both the operating and CIB budgets, and include charter and administrative code citations for these actions. ● If you have questions about what is required to accomplish a particular finance related action, please contact your budget analyst. ● Fill out all of the information in Financial Analysis Template (green tab) of this file. Pop-up windows will appear throughout the file to provide more details on what information is required. ● The top portion of the file, including the fiscal analysis, will need to be filled out for any finance related action, including: - Grants: applying for, accepting and budgeting - Donations: soliciting, accepting, and budgeting - Budget amendments (both resolutions and administrative orders) - Other action with a financial impact ● If the action includes either a CIB or Operating Budget Amendment, the detail accounting codes section must also be filled out. ● If you have further questions, please contact your budget analyst. ● The purpose of this template is to standardize the information accompanying financial resolutions that come before the Mayor and City Council. This form will be required to be submitted as an attachment to all resolutions that contain budget changes, related to grants or donations, or otherwise impact the city's finances. ● Resolutions without this information will not be approved by OFS, and will be returned to the drafter. City of Saint Paul Financial Analysis 1 File ID Number:12-922 2 3 Budget Affected:Operating Budget City Attorney's Office General Fund 4 5 Total Amount of Transaction:$80,000.00 6 7 Funding Source:Other Please Specify:Outside Counsel Activity 8 001-09073 9 Charter Citation:5.02 10 11 12 Fiscal Analysis 13 14 15 Hiring of outside counsel (Dickstein Shapiro) to represent the city in an investigation by the U.S. Congress in the matter of Magner v. Gallagher, and the circumstances under which the City withdrew its petition to the U.S. Supreme Court for review. In order to: Resolution, A.O., or Other Documentation Required? Resolution/AO Action Charter/Code Citation Template Agenda Section 1.)Recognize additional/unanticipated revenues (Ex. Outperforming revenues, outside donations, etc) Budget Amendment Resolution and Public Hearing - Mayor certifies that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the budget - Amend spending and financing to recognize new revenue in the appropriate company and activity C.C. 10.07.1 Budget Amendment or Gifts and Donations Public Hearing 2.)Accept a Grant a.) No Budget Previously Establish for the Grant Award Letter and/or Grant Agreement Budget Amendment Resolution and Public Hearing - Mayor certifies that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the budget - Amend spending and financing to recognize the grant in the appropriate company and activity C.C. 10.07.1 Admin 41.03 Grants Public Hearing b.) Previously Established Grant Budget Award Letter and/or Grant Agreement Resolution Accepting the Grant Funds (No public hearing needed) - Accept the awarded grant funds - Include in the resolution that the grant funds were anticipated in the current year's budget Grants Consent 3.)Transfer Appropriations within Departments: a.) Within the same Fund (Lawson Company)A.O.- Mayor may transfer any unencumbered appropriation balances within a department - Administrative order is prepared to execute the transfer C.C. 10.07.4 Budget Amendment Consent b.) Between Funds (Lawson Companies)Budget Amendment Resolution - Mayor recommends and council approves through resolution to transfer appropriations between companies - Amend spending and financing to recognize transfer C.C. 10.07.4 Budget Amendment Consent Operating Budget Changes Procedures Guide In order to: Resolution, A.O., or Other Documentation Required? Resolution/AO Action Charter/Code Citation Template Agenda Section Operating Budget Changes Procedures Guide 4.)Transfer Appropriations between Departments a.) Within the same Fund (Lawson Company)Budget Amendment Resolution - Mayor recommends and council approves through resolution to transfer appropriations between departments - Amend spending and financing to recognize transfer C.C. 10.07.4 Budget Amendment Consent b.) Between Funds (Lawson Companies)Budget Amendment Resolution - Mayor recommends and council approves through resolution to transfer appropriations between departments - Amend spending and financing to recognize transfer C.C. 10.07.4 Budget Amendment Consent 6.) Allow appropriations to lapse (non-capital improvement dollars) For Lapse of appropriations - Capital improvements see City Charter 10.09. For guidance on budget change procedures for accomplished or abandoned projects, see the CIB Project and Budget Changes Procedures Guide, numbers 1, 2, and 6. None - No action required. -All non-encumbered appropriations will fall to fund balance at the end of the fiscal year. - All encumbered appropriations will be re- appropriated in the following fiscal year's budget for the same purposes C.C. 10.08 N/A N/A 7.)Enact Emergency Appropriation Emergency is defined as "a sudden or unforeseen situation affecting life, health, property, or the public peace or welfare that requires immediate council action", C.C. 6.06 Emergency Ordinances Budget Amendment Resolution - Resolution to appropriate emergency funds is adopted by unanimous affirmative vote by the council C.C. 10.07.2 C.C. 6.06 Budget Amendment Consent 8.)Reduction of Appropriations Report by the mayor of the estimated amount of the deficit Recommendation by the mayor to the city council of steps to be taken - Resolution or other actions deemed necessary by council to prevent or minimize any deficit C.C. 10.07.3 Budget Amendment Consent In order to:Resolution and/or AO Required? CIB Approval?Resolution/AO Action Charter/Code Citation Template Agenda Section 1)Close a completed project with excess balances Administrative Order (Completed by OFS) Periodic Review by CIB Committee - Amend project financing and spending - Transfer excess appropriation to contingency Administrative Code 57.09 (2) City Charter 10.09 - Accomplished projects Budget Amendment Consent 2)Close a completed project with no excess balances (but excess spending authority) Administrative Order (Completed by OFS) Periodic Review by CIB Committee - Amend project financing and spending City Charter 10.09 - Accomplished projects Budget Amendment Consent 3)Close a completed project with no excess balances and no excess spending authority None - Contact OFS with project budget codes to have the project inactivated in the finance system N/A N/A 4)Adding new spending to an existing project (without changing the scope of the project): 4 a ) Financing source is new money CIB Committee Review and Recommendation Mayor recommends via resolution Compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing - Amend spending and financing to recognize new revenue Administrative Code 57.09 (1) City Charter 10.07.1 Budget Amendment or Grants or Gifts and Donations Public Hearing 4 b ) Financing source is contingency (less that $25,000) All proposed uses of contingency must first be reviewed by OFS Transfers within a department require an Administrative Order (Completed by departments. Verified and approved by OFS) A.O.s require Periodic Review by CIB Committee Transfers between departments require a Resolution (Completed by departments. Verified and approved by OFS) - Reduce amount in appropriate contingency fund - Amend project spending and financing to recognize use of contingency Administrative Code 57.09 (3) a City Charter 10.07.4 Budget Amendment Consent CIB Project and Budget Changes Procedures Guide 4 c ) Financing source is contingency (more that $25,000) All proposed uses of contingency must first be reviewed by OFS CIB Committee Review and recommendation Mayor recommends via resolution Public Hearing - Reduce amount in contingency fund ("unallocated reserve account ") - Amend project spending and financing to recognize use of contingency Administrative Code 57.09 (3) b City Charter 10.07.4 Budget Amendment Public Hearing 5) Add a new project OR Expand the scope of an existing project: 5 a ) Financing source is new money CIB Committee Review and Recommendation Mayor recommends via resolution Compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing - Amend spending and financing to recognize new revenue Administrative Code 57.09 (1) City Charter 10.07.1 Budget Amendment or Grants or Gifts and Donations Public Hearing 5 b ) Financing source is contingency All proposed uses of contingency must first be reviewed by OFS CIB Committee Review and recommendation Mayor recommends via resolution Public Hearing - Transfer dollars from contingency to new project - Amend spending and financing to recognize new revenue City Charter 10.07.4 Administrative Code 57.09 (1) Budget Amendment Public Hearing 6)Declare a project abandoned Council Resolution - Identify project as abandoned - Transfer appropriation for the abandoned project to a separate contingency fund ("unallocated reserve account ") - Re-appropriation of the funds needs CIB review, mayor recommendation, and council approval (see either of the "Add dollars to a project" scenarios above) City Charter 10.09 Administrative Code 57.09 (4) Budget Amendment Consent 7)Replace an approved project with a new project 1) Declare an approved project abandoned or completed with excess balances (see process above) 2) Add new project after capital improvement budget is adopted (see process above) - Can accomplish both steps in one resolution Budget Amendment Consent or Public Hearing Departments Affected Budgets General vs. Special Fund Funding Source (Select Department)(Choose CIB or Operating)(Choose General, Special or Capital)(Select Funding Source) Multiple Departments Transfer of Appropriations City Attorney's Office Both Operating and CIB BudgetsGeneral Fund Grant City Council Operating Budget Special Fund Donation Emergency Management CIB Budget Capital Multiple Financial Services Multiple Funds Other Fire and Safety Services General Government Accounts HRA Human Resources HREEO Mayor's Office Parks and Recreation PED Police Department Public Health Public Library Agency Public Works RiverCentre Safety and Inspections Technology and Communications Water Department City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-923 Name:Fredrikson & Byron Outside Counsel Agreement Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Authorizing the City Attorney to retain the law firm of Fredrikson & Byron to represent the City in qui tam litigation in the investigation of the matter of Magner v. Gallagher and the City's withdrawal of its petition. Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Fredrikson-Byron Outside Counsel Agreement.pdf RES 12-923 Financial Analysis.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Authorizing the City Attorney to retain the law firm of Fredrikson & Byron to represent the City in the investigation of the matter of Magner v. Gallagher and the City's withdrawal of its petition. Body WHEREAS, Saint Paul City Charter § 5.02 permits the City, upon recommendation of the City Attorney and in the case of special or unusual circumstances, to appoint outside counsel to represent the City; and WHEREAS, qui tam litigation has commenced against the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the City Attorney recommends the appointment of outside counsel for handling of these matters; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the appropriate city officials are hereby authorized to retain Fredrikson & Bryon, to represent the City in this matter under a separate legal services agreement which shall be consistent with the City Attorney's Office Policy Regarding Fees for Legal Services by Outside Counsel and the City Attorney's Office Policy and Procedure for Retaining Outside Legal Counsel. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ City of Saint Paul Financial Analysis Template Instructions Purpose of the Fiscal Analysis Template: Fiscal Analysis Template Tab Budget Reference Tabs Drop Down Menus Tab ● The Drop Down Menus tab (grey tab) is used by OFS only to manage the drop down lists contained in the Financial Analysis template. ● Department staff filling out this form should not attempt to edit this page. ● The Operating Budget Reference and CIB Budget Reference pages (blue tabs) are read-only tabs. They contain guidance on what kind of mayoral and/or council action is required for budget adjustments in both the operating and CIB budgets, and include charter and administrative code citations for these actions. ● If you have questions about what is required to accomplish a particular finance related action, please contact your budget analyst. ● Fill out all of the information in Financial Analysis Template (green tab) of this file. Pop-up windows will appear throughout the file to provide more details on what information is required. ● The top portion of the file, including the fiscal analysis, will need to be filled out for any finance related action, including: - Grants: applying for, accepting and budgeting - Donations: soliciting, accepting, and budgeting - Budget amendments (both resolutions and administrative orders) - Other action with a financial impact ● If the action includes either a CIB or Operating Budget Amendment, the detail accounting codes section must also be filled out. ● If you have further questions, please contact your budget analyst. ● The purpose of this template is to standardize the information accompanying financial resolutions that come before the Mayor and City Council. This form will be required to be submitted as an attachment to all resolutions that contain budget changes, related to grants or donations, or otherwise impact the city's finances. ● Resolutions without this information will not be approved by OFS, and will be returned to the drafter. City of Saint Paul Financial Analysis 1 File ID Number:12-923 2 3 Budget Affected:Operating Budget City Attorney's Office General Fund 4 5 Total Amount of Transaction:$250,000.00 6 7 Funding Source:Other Please Specify:Outside Counsel Activity 8 001-09073 9 Charter Citation:5.02 10 11 12 Fiscal Analysis 13 14 15 Hiring of outside counsel (Fredrikson & Byron) to represent the City in qui tam litigation in an investigation in the matter of Magner v. Gallagher, and the circumstances under which the City withdrew its petition to the U.S. Supreme Court for review. In order to: Resolution, A.O., or Other Documentation Required? Resolution/AO Action Charter/Code Citation Template Agenda Section 1.)Recognize additional/unanticipated revenues (Ex. Outperforming revenues, outside donations, etc) Budget Amendment Resolution and Public Hearing - Mayor certifies that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the budget - Amend spending and financing to recognize new revenue in the appropriate company and activity C.C. 10.07.1 Budget Amendment or Gifts and Donations Public Hearing 2.)Accept a Grant a.) No Budget Previously Establish for the Grant Award Letter and/or Grant Agreement Budget Amendment Resolution and Public Hearing - Mayor certifies that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the budget - Amend spending and financing to recognize the grant in the appropriate company and activity C.C. 10.07.1 Admin 41.03 Grants Public Hearing b.) Previously Established Grant Budget Award Letter and/or Grant Agreement Resolution Accepting the Grant Funds (No public hearing needed) - Accept the awarded grant funds - Include in the resolution that the grant funds were anticipated in the current year's budget Grants Consent 3.)Transfer Appropriations within Departments: a.) Within the same Fund (Lawson Company)A.O.- Mayor may transfer any unencumbered appropriation balances within a department - Administrative order is prepared to execute the transfer C.C. 10.07.4 Budget Amendment Consent b.) Between Funds (Lawson Companies)Budget Amendment Resolution - Mayor recommends and council approves through resolution to transfer appropriations between companies - Amend spending and financing to recognize transfer C.C. 10.07.4 Budget Amendment Consent Operating Budget Changes Procedures Guide In order to: Resolution, A.O., or Other Documentation Required? Resolution/AO Action Charter/Code Citation Template Agenda Section Operating Budget Changes Procedures Guide 4.)Transfer Appropriations between Departments a.) Within the same Fund (Lawson Company)Budget Amendment Resolution - Mayor recommends and council approves through resolution to transfer appropriations between departments - Amend spending and financing to recognize transfer C.C. 10.07.4 Budget Amendment Consent b.) Between Funds (Lawson Companies)Budget Amendment Resolution - Mayor recommends and council approves through resolution to transfer appropriations between departments - Amend spending and financing to recognize transfer C.C. 10.07.4 Budget Amendment Consent 6.) Allow appropriations to lapse (non-capital improvement dollars) For Lapse of appropriations - Capital improvements see City Charter 10.09. For guidance on budget change procedures for accomplished or abandoned projects, see the CIB Project and Budget Changes Procedures Guide, numbers 1, 2, and 6. None - No action required. -All non-encumbered appropriations will fall to fund balance at the end of the fiscal year. - All encumbered appropriations will be re- appropriated in the following fiscal year's budget for the same purposes C.C. 10.08 N/A N/A 7.)Enact Emergency Appropriation Emergency is defined as "a sudden or unforeseen situation affecting life, health, property, or the public peace or welfare that requires immediate council action", C.C. 6.06 Emergency Ordinances Budget Amendment Resolution - Resolution to appropriate emergency funds is adopted by unanimous affirmative vote by the council C.C. 10.07.2 C.C. 6.06 Budget Amendment Consent 8.)Reduction of Appropriations Report by the mayor of the estimated amount of the deficit Recommendation by the mayor to the city council of steps to be taken - Resolution or other actions deemed necessary by council to prevent or minimize any deficit C.C. 10.07.3 Budget Amendment Consent In order to:Resolution and/or AO Required? CIB Approval?Resolution/AO Action Charter/Code Citation Template Agenda Section 1)Close a completed project with excess balances Administrative Order (Completed by OFS) Periodic Review by CIB Committee - Amend project financing and spending - Transfer excess appropriation to contingency Administrative Code 57.09 (2) City Charter 10.09 - Accomplished projects Budget Amendment Consent 2)Close a completed project with no excess balances (but excess spending authority) Administrative Order (Completed by OFS) Periodic Review by CIB Committee - Amend project financing and spending City Charter 10.09 - Accomplished projects Budget Amendment Consent 3)Close a completed project with no excess balances and no excess spending authority None - Contact OFS with project budget codes to have the project inactivated in the finance system N/A N/A 4)Adding new spending to an existing project (without changing the scope of the project): 4 a ) Financing source is new money CIB Committee Review and Recommendation Mayor recommends via resolution Compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing - Amend spending and financing to recognize new revenue Administrative Code 57.09 (1) City Charter 10.07.1 Budget Amendment or Grants or Gifts and Donations Public Hearing 4 b ) Financing source is contingency (less that $25,000) All proposed uses of contingency must first be reviewed by OFS Transfers within a department require an Administrative Order (Completed by departments. Verified and approved by OFS) A.O.s require Periodic Review by CIB Committee Transfers between departments require a Resolution (Completed by departments. Verified and approved by OFS) - Reduce amount in appropriate contingency fund - Amend project spending and financing to recognize use of contingency Administrative Code 57.09 (3) a City Charter 10.07.4 Budget Amendment Consent CIB Project and Budget Changes Procedures Guide 4 c ) Financing source is contingency (more that $25,000) All proposed uses of contingency must first be reviewed by OFS CIB Committee Review and recommendation Mayor recommends via resolution Public Hearing - Reduce amount in contingency fund ("unallocated reserve account ") - Amend project spending and financing to recognize use of contingency Administrative Code 57.09 (3) b City Charter 10.07.4 Budget Amendment Public Hearing 5) Add a new project OR Expand the scope of an existing project: 5 a ) Financing source is new money CIB Committee Review and Recommendation Mayor recommends via resolution Compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing - Amend spending and financing to recognize new revenue Administrative Code 57.09 (1) City Charter 10.07.1 Budget Amendment or Grants or Gifts and Donations Public Hearing 5 b ) Financing source is contingency All proposed uses of contingency must first be reviewed by OFS CIB Committee Review and recommendation Mayor recommends via resolution Public Hearing - Transfer dollars from contingency to new project - Amend spending and financing to recognize new revenue City Charter 10.07.4 Administrative Code 57.09 (1) Budget Amendment Public Hearing 6)Declare a project abandoned Council Resolution - Identify project as abandoned - Transfer appropriation for the abandoned project to a separate contingency fund ("unallocated reserve account ") - Re-appropriation of the funds needs CIB review, mayor recommendation, and council approval (see either of the "Add dollars to a project" scenarios above) City Charter 10.09 Administrative Code 57.09 (4) Budget Amendment Consent 7)Replace an approved project with a new project 1) Declare an approved project abandoned or completed with excess balances (see process above) 2) Add new project after capital improvement budget is adopted (see process above) - Can accomplish both steps in one resolution Budget Amendment Consent or Public Hearing Departments Affected Budgets General vs. Special Fund Funding Source (Select Department)(Choose CIB or Operating)(Choose General, Special or Capital)(Select Funding Source) Multiple Departments Transfer of Appropriations City Attorney's Office Both Operating and CIB BudgetsGeneral Fund Grant City Council Operating Budget Special Fund Donation Emergency Management CIB Budget Capital Multiple Financial Services Multiple Funds Other Fire and Safety Services General Government Accounts HRA Human Resources HREEO Mayor's Office Parks and Recreation PED Police Department Public Health Public Library Agency Public Works RiverCentre Safety and Inspections Technology and Communications Water Department City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-960 Name:Design agreement-Ramsey County/City Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Authorizing the City to enter into an agreement with Ramsey County for the City's Design Group. Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:20120510094859500.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Authorizing the City to enter into an agreement with Ramsey County for the City's Design Group. Body WHEREAS, Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority wishes to hire the City of St. Paul OFS/RE Design Group for design services to prepare drawings which will designate suite spaces at the Ramsey County 402 Building; and WHEREAS, Council approval is necessary for intergovernmental contracts; and WHEREAS, the Design Group will be compensated for its work; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper authorities are hereby authorized to enter into the attached Agreement with Ramsey County. Financial Analysis None City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-977 Name: Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Approving the District Energy Subordination Agreement and consenting to the issuance by the Saint Paul Port Authority of additional bonds for District Energy. Sponsors:Dave Thune Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Disbursing agreement.pdf subordination agreement.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Approving the District Energy Subordination Agreement and consenting to the issuance by the Saint Paul Port Authority of additional bonds for District Energy. Body WHEREAS: A. The City of Saint Paul, was awarded an Urban Development Action Grant (No. B-81-AA-0028, the "UDAG") for the purposes of the District Energy System (the "District Energy System") owned and operated by District Energy St. Paul, Inc. (f/k/a District Heating Development Company, d/b/a District Energy St. Paul, Inc.) ("District Energy"); and B. In connection with the development of the District Energy System, the City made a loan to District Energy from the proceeds of the UDAG pursuant to a City Loan Agreement dated as of December 1, 1982 as amended from time to time, including amendments dated as of December 1, 1985, August 5, 1988, and July 1, 1997 and a Global Amendment to District Energy Documents and Supplemental Mortgage dated as of December 1, 2007 (the "Global Amendment") (collectively, the "City District Energy Loan Agreement"), and the City District Energy Loan Agreement also provided for loans to District Energy by the City of Community Development Block Grant and tax increment funds, all of which loans, and the obligations of District Energy under the City District Energy Loan Agreement, are secured by a City Mortgage, Fixture Financing Statement and Security Agreement dated as of December 1, 1982, from time to time, including amendments dated December 1, 1985 and the Global Amendment (collectively, the "District Energy City Mortgage"); and C. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "HRA") has previously issued its Variable Rate Demand Purchase District Heating Revenue Bonds in 1982, 1985, 1997 and 1999 for the purpose of financing the District Energy System all of which revenue bonds have since been repaid; and D. The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul (the "Port Authority") has, pursuant to a Joint Powers Agreement with the HRA dated as of April 1, 2003 (the "District Energy Joint Powers Agreement"), previously issued its Variable Rate District Heating Revenue Bonds in 2003, 2005, 2006 and January 2009 and has City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 3 powered by Legistar™ File #: RES 12-977, Version: 1 loaned the proceeds of such Bonds to District Energy for purposes of financing the District Energy System; and E. Proceeds of all of the Bonds issued to date have been disbursed pursuant to the terms of a Disbursing Agreement dated as of December 1, 1982 and entered into among the City, the HRA, the Trustee and District Energy; and F. District Energy has proposed that the Port Authority issue its District Energy Variable Rate Tax- Exempt Bonds, 2012 Series T and District Heating Variable Rate Taxable Bonds, 2012 Series U (collectively the "2012 District Heating Bonds"), in the aggregate principal amount of approximately $6,205,000 to provide funds to finance improvements to the District Energy System; and G. The 2012 District Heating Bonds are to be issued by the Port Authority pursuant to the District Energy Joint Powers Agreement; and H. District Energy will secure its obligation to repay the loan of the proceeds of the January 2009 Bonds and the 2012 District Heating Bonds by granting a first lien leasehold mortgage and security interest in certain real property by executing and delivering an Amended and Restated Mortgage, Fixture Financing Statement and Security Agreement dated as of June 1, 2012 (the "District Energy Bond Mortgage"); and I. The City has previously authorized and executed certain subordination agreements pursuant to which the City has subordinated the liens and security interests granted in the District Energy City Mortgage to the rights of the Trustee under the Mortgage securing the January 2009 Bonds; and J. The loan to be made by the Port Authority from the proceeds of the 2012 District Heating Bonds will require subordination of the City's security interest in the Mortgaged District Energy Property to the interests of the Trustee for the District Heating Bonds (including the January 2009 Bonds and the 2012 District Heating Bonds), and the interest of the bank which issues the letter(s) of credit securing the 2012 District Heating Bonds, which subordination will be evidenced by a Subordination Agreement to be dated as of June 1, 2012 (the "District Energy Subordination Agreement"). K. District Energy has also requested that, in connection with the issuance of the 2012 District Heating Bonds, the 1982 Disbursing Agreement be amended and restated to add the Port Authority as a party and to make certain other changes to reflect the history and stability of the District Energy System; and L. Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469.084(11), provides that any issue of revenue bonds authorized by the Port Authority shall be issued only with the consent of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, by resolution adopted in accordance with law; and M. To meet the requirements of state law, the Port Authority has requested that the City Council give its requisite approval to the issuance of the proposed 2012 District Heating Bonds by the Port Authority, subject to final approval of the details of said bonds by the Port Authority; and N. A Public hearing on the projects to be financed with the proceeds of the 2012 District Heating Bonds was held by the Port Authority after notice was published, and materials made available for public inspection at the offices of the Port Authority, as required by Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), at which public hearing all those appearing who so desired to speak were heard. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, as follows: City Subordination Agreements City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 2 of 3 powered by Legistar™ File #: RES 12-977, Version: 1 1. The City hereby finds that the liens and security interests of the City under the District Energy City Mortgage and the Mortgage is and shall remain subordinate to the liens and security interests securing all bonds issued under the Amended and Restated District Energy Indenture, dated as of September 9, 2009, including specifically the Second Supplement thereto executed in connection with the 2012 District Heating Bonds. 2. The City approves the Subordination Agreement in substantially the form on file with the Office of Financial Services. The Subordination Agreement is hereby authorized and directed to be executed by the appropriate officers of the City, subject to approval of the form thereof by the City Attorney, and with such variations, modifications, additions or deletions as may be necessary and approved by the City Attorney. Any such changes shall be deemed to have been agreed to by virtue of execution of the documents. 3. The loan balances due to the City as of May 16, 2012, which are hereby subordinated to the 2012 District Heating Bonds are: City/HRA Loan $0.00 City UDAG Loan $1,139,732.25 2007 Capital Loan Note $5,750,000.00 2007 Franchise Fee Note $4,908,734.46 4. As a condition to granting the requested subordination, the City is requiring the payment of a Subordination Fee of $17,697.70, which District Energy has agreed to pay. Consent to Issuance of 2012 District Heating Bonds 5. In accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes 469.084(11) and Section 147(f) of the Code, the City Council hereby approves the issuance of the aforesaid 2012 District Heating Bonds by the Port Authority for the purposes described in the Port Authority resolutions adopted May 22, 2012, the exact details of which, including but not limited to, provisions relating to maturities, interest rates, discount and redemption are to be determined by the Port Authority. Consent to Amended and Restated Disbursing Agreement 6. The City hereby finds that it is appropriate to amend and restate the 1982 Disbursing Agreement. The City approves the Amended and Restated Disbursing Agreement in substantially the form on file with the Office of Financial Services. The appropriate officers of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Amended and Restated Disbursing Agreement with such additions, changes or deletions as are approved by the City Attorney. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 3 of 3 powered by Legistar™ 8862643v3 i AMENDED AND RESTATED DISBURSING AGREEMENT DISTRICT ENERGY REVENUE BONDS By and Among HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA THE PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION as Trustee, and DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC. Dated as of June 1, 2012 8862643v3 i Table of Contents ARTICLE I ......................................................................................................................................... 2 DEFINITIONS, EXHIBITS AND MISCELLANEOUS ................................................................... 2 Section 1.1. Definitions................................................................................................................ 2 Section 1.2. Rules of Interpretation. ............................................................................................ 8 Section 1.3. Company Acts. ......................................................................................................... 9 Section 1.4. Benefit of this Agreement. ....................................................................................... 9 ARTICLE 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 10 REPRESENTATIONS OF AUTHORITY AND COMPANY ........................................................ 10 Section 2.1. Representations by the Port Authority. .................................................................. 10 Section 2.2. Representations by the Trustee. ............................................................................. 10 Section 2.3. Representations by the Company........................................................................... 11 ARTICLE 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 12 CONSTRUCTION FUND ................................................................................................................ 12 Section 3.1. Deposits to the Construction Fund. ........................................................................ 12 Section 3.2. Disbursement from Construction Fund. ................................................................. 12 Section 3.3. Construction Costs. ................................................................................................ 12 Section 3.4. Transfers on Completion Date. .............................................................................. 15 ARTICLE 4 ....................................................................................................................................... 16 COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS OF THE COMPANY ......................................................... 16 Section 4.1. Development of the System. .................................................................................. 16 Section 4.2. Authorization by Port Authority ............................................................................ 18 Section 4.3. Disbursements from Construction Fund. ............................................................... 18 Section 4.4. Additional Requirements for Disbursement From Construction Fund. ................. 20 Section 4.5. Establishment of Completion Date. ....................................................................... 20 Section 4.6. Enforcement of Contracts. ..................................................................................... 22 Section 4.7. Title Assurance. ..................................................................................................... 22 ARTICLE 5 ....................................................................................................................................... 23 EVENTS OF DEFAULT AND REMEDIES ................................................................................... 23 8862643v3 ii Section 5.1. Events of Default. .................................................................................................. 23 Section 5.2. Remedies. ............................................................................................................... 23 Section 5.3. Disposition of Funds. ............................................................................................. 24 Section 5.4. Nonexclusive Remedies. ........................................................................................ 24 Section 5.5. Attorneys’ Fees and Expenses. .............................................................................. 24 Section 5.6. Effect of Waiver. .................................................................................................... 25 Section 5.7. Waiver of Stay or Extension. ................................................................................. 25 Section 5.8. Proofs of Claim. ..................................................................................................... 25 Section 5.9. Restoration of Positions. ........................................................................................ 25 Section 5.10. Suits to Protect the Project. .................................................................................... 26 Section 5.11. Performance of the Company's Obligations by the Bank, the Port Authority or Trustee. 26 Section 5.12. Performance by Third Parties. ............................................................................... 26 Section 5.13. Exercise of the Port Authority’s or Bank’s Remedies by Trustee. ........................ 26 ARTICLE 6 ....................................................................................................................................... 27 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................ 27 Section 6.1. Notices. .................................................................................................................. 27 Section 6.2 Binding Effect. ....................................................................................................... 28 Section 6.3. Severability. ........................................................................................................... 28 Section 6.4. Amendments, Changes, and Modifications. .......................................................... 28 Section 6.5. Execution Counterparts. ......................................................................................... 28 Section 6.6. Required Approvals. .............................................................................................. 28 8862643v3 1 AMENDED AND RESTATED DISBURSING AGREEMENT THIS AMENDED AND RESTATED DISBURSING AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the first day of June, 2012, by and between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, a body politic and corporate organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, (the “HRA”); the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a home rule city and municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota (the “City”); the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, a body corporate and politic duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota (the “Port Authority”); U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee a national banking association organized and validly existing and authorized to accept and execute trusts of the character herein provided for with its principal trust office in St. Paul, Minnesota (the “Trustee”); and District Energy St. Paul, Inc., f/k/a District Heating Development Company, d/b/a District Energy St. Paul, Inc., a Minnesota nonprofit corporation (the “Company”). RECITALS WHEREAS, the HRA, the City, the Trustee and the Company have previously entered into a Disbursing Agreement dated as of December 1, 1982 (the “Original Disbursing Agreement”). WHEREAS, the City has previously made a loan to the Company from the proceeds of (a) Urban Development Action Grant No. B-81-AA-27-0028; (b) a United Stated Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant; (c) tax increments derived from the Seventh Place Redevelopment Project; and (d) certain other City funds (collectively the “City Loan”) which is secured by the City Loan Agreement and City Mortgage defined herein. WHEREAS, the HRA and the Trustee have previously entered into an Indenture of Trust dated as of December 1, 1982 (the “Original Master Indenture”) and the HRA and the Company have previously entered into a Loan Agreement dated as of December 1, 1982 (the “Original Master Loan Agreement”). WHEREAS, pursuant to the Original Master Indenture, the HRA has previously issued a number of series of revenue bonds (the “HRA Bonds”) on behalf of the Company, which HRA were subject to the Original Disbursing Agreement, and all of which HRA Bonds have been repaid, and none of which remain outstanding. WHEREAS, in 2003, the Port Authority and the HRA entered into a Joint Powers Agreement dated as of April 1, 2003 (the “Joint Powers Agreement”) whereby the HRA authorized the Port Authority to issue additional bonds under the Master Indenture, and to take all actions necessary, and exercise all powers, under the Master Indenture, the Master Loan Agreement or any prior amendments or supplements thereto. 8862643v3 2 WHEREAS, pursuant to the Original Master Indenture and the Joint Powers Agreement, the Port Authority has issued the following revenue bonds [insert list of Port Authority Bonds] (the “Port Authority Bonds”) on behalf of the Company, which the Port Authority Bonds were also subject to the Original Disbursing Agreement. WHEREAS, the Original Master Indenture and the Original Master Loan Agreement have each been amended, restated and replaced by, respectively, the Amended and Restated Indenture of Trust (the “Master Indenture”) and the Amended and Restated Master Loan Agreement (the “Master Loan Agreement”) both dated as of September 1, 2009. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto wish to amend and restate the Original Disbursing Agreement to reflect the ongoing obligations of the Company, and the rights and responsibilities of the Port Authority, the HRA and the City with respect to the outstanding Bonds. ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS, EXHIBITS AND MISCELLANEOUS Section 1.1. Definitions. The terms defined in this Article I shall for all purposes this Agreement have the meanings herein specified, unless the context clearly otherwise requires. All terms not defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Master Loan Agreement: Act: Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 through 469.165, as heretofore and hereafter amended or supplemented; Accounts: (i) the accounts created and established by Section 5.2 of the Master Indenture and (ii) the accounts within the Operating Fund created and established by Section 3.6 of the Master Loan Agreement. Additional Bonds: any Bonds, other than the June 2012 Bonds, issued pursuant to Article 6 of the Master Indenture; Additional Loan: the loan of the proceeds of a series of Bonds by the Port Authority to the Company provided for in a Supplement to Master Loan Agreement; Additional System: any expansion of the System, whether or not such Additional System is financed in whole or part by the issuance of Additional Bonds; Agreement: this Amended and Restated Disbursing Agreement among the Port Authority, the Trustee, the Company, the HRA and the City as the same may from time to time be amended or supplemented as hereinafter provided; 8862643v3 3 Architect: a professionally certified architect or engineer or firm of architects or engineers registered and qualified to practice as such under the laws of the State of Minnesota and retained or employed by the Company to provide design and engineering services with respect to the System or any Project; Authority: the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and any successor to functions. Bank: a bank which issues a Letter of Credit or a Substitute Letter of Credit with respect to any series of Bonds; Bond Closing: the date on which there is delivery of and payment for any series of Bonds. Bond Counsel: Leonard, Street and Deinard, Professional Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, or any other lawyers or firm of lawyers counsel experienced in matters relating to tax - exempt financing and acceptable to the Port Authority and the Company; Bonds: the June 2012 Bonds, the Port Authority Bonds and any Additional Bonds issued pursuant to the Master Indenture; Bond Year: the period beginning on December 1 in any calendar year and ending on November 30 in the following calendar year; Business Day: any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or other day on which commercial banks in the city in which the principal trust office of the Trustee is located are not open for business; Capital Expenditures: those expenditures by the Company for depreciable property or to maintain improve, upgrade or expand the System, constituting items which are not current expenses under generally accepted accounting principles; City: the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota a home rule city and municipal corporation organized and existing under its charter and the laws of the State of Minnesota; City Loan: collectively the loan to the Company made b y the City from the proceeds of: Urban Development Action Grant No. B-81-AA-27-0028 and from (ii) United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant (the “CDBG Loan”); (iii) tax increments derived from the Seventh Place Redevelopment Project; and (iv) certain other moneys of the City; City Mortgage: the City Mortgage, Fixture Financing Statement and Security Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1982, as amended from time to time, including amendments dated as of December 1, 1985, August 5, 1988, and July 1, 1997 and a Global Amendment to District Energy Documents and Supplemental Mortgage dated as of December 1, 2007 from the Company to the City; as the same may be amended or supplemented in accordance with the terms thereof; 8862643v3 4 Company: District Energy St. Paul, Inc., f/k/a District Heating Development Company, d/b/a District Energy St. Paul, Inc., a nonprofit corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and any permitted successor to such Company under Section 5.11. Company Certificate: a certificate signed by the President, any Vice President or the Chief Operating Officer, or by the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Company and delivered to the Trustee of the Company; Completion Date: the date on which any Project funded hereunder for the benefit of the System is completed as provided in and in accordance with this Agreement; Condemnation: the word Condemnation or phrase “eminent domain” as used herein shall include the taking or requisition by governmental authority or by a person, firm or corporation acting under governmental authority and a conveyance made under threat of Condemnation, provided such conveyance is made with the approval of the Trustee, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and Condemnation Award shall mean payment for property condemned or conveyed under threat of Condemnation; Construction Contract(s): any contracts or agreements entered into from time to time by the Company and providing, among other things, for the acquisition, installation or construction of, or provision of labor, materials, supplies or professional services to, a Project or any System Equipment, all of which Construction Contracts will be held by the Company and are deemed a part of this Agreement and are governed by the provisions hereof; Construction Costs: those expenditure items set forth in Section 3.3 related to acquisition, construction or development of the System, any Additional System, any System Equipment or any Restoration; Construction Fund: the Fund created Section 5.7 of the Master Indenture. Cost, Cost of System or System Costs: the cost items enumerated in Section 3 and any other expenditures with respect to the System incurred in the course of performance or fulfillment of the terms and conditions of this Agreement including, without limitation, the terms and conditions of Article Four hereof; Counsel: any attorney, duly admitted to practice law before the highest court of any state who may be counsel to the Company or the Port Authority; Debt Service Reserve Requirement: as of any date of calculation, the sum of the Reserve Requirements applicable to each of series of Bonds then outstanding as outlined in the Master Indenture; 8862643v3 5 Equipment: the System Equipment and those items constituting equipment, as that term is defined in the Minnesota Uniform Commercial Code, and all fixtures, whether such equipment and fixtures are now owned or are hereafter acquired by the Company for use by the Company; Exhibits: the Construction Contracts and Plans and Specifications for each Project, together with related amendments, modifications, change orders and other related documents. Event of Default: any of the events defined as such in Section 5.1; Fiscal Year: the fiscal year adopted by the Company; Franchise Fees: the franchise fees, or any moneys paid to the Company in lieu of franchise fees, to be collected and remitted to the City, or otherwise applied by the Company pursuant to the Franchise Ordinance; Franchise Ordinance: City of Saint Paul Ordinance No. 16947 initially adopted July 20, 1982 as amended by Ordinance No. 16962, adopted October 5, 1982, by Ordinance No. 17482 adopted August 5, 1987, by C.F. No. 03-484 adopted July 23, 2003 and by Ordinance No. 07-1108 adopted December 12, 2007, and each approved by the Mayor, which Franchise Ordinance is codified as Appendix F, Saint Paul, Minnesota, Legislative Code, as such ordinance may be further amended from time to time, which Franchise Ordinance grants to the Company a non-exclusive franchise to operate within the City a hot water district heating distribution system; Funds: (i) the funds created and established by Section 5.2 of the Master Indenture and (ii) the Operating Fund created and established by Section 3.6 of the Master Loan Agreement; Independent Accountant or Accountant: a nationally recognized certified public accountant or firm of certified public accountants registered and qualified to practice as such under the laws of the State of Minnesota; Independent Consultant: a nationally recognized person or firm who is not an employee or officer of the Company appointed by the Company and satisfactory to the Trustee, qualified to pass upon questions relating to the financial affairs of district heating systems or utilities for the local furnishing of water, steam, gas or electricity and having a favorable reputation for skill and experience in the financial affairs of district heating systems or utilities for the local furnishing of water, steam, gas or electricity; Independent Insurance Consultant: a person or firm who is not an employee or officer of the Company appointed by the Company and satisfactory to the Trustee, qualified to survey risks and to recommend insurance coverage for district heating systems or utilities for the local furnishing of water, steam, gas or and services and organizations engaged in like operations and having a favorable reputation for skill and experience in such surveys and such recommendations, and who may be a broker or agent with whom the Company transacts business; 8862643v3 6 Internal Revenue Code or Code: the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended and the regulations promulgated thereunder; June 2009 Bonds: The $5,000,000 Tax-Exempt Variable Rate District Heating Revenue Bonds, Series 2012-5 Series T and the $1,205,000 Taxable Variable Rate District Heating Revenue Bonds, Series 2012-6 Series U issued by the Port Authority; Letter of Credit: any letter of credit issued to support a series of Bonds, and any substitute or replacement therefor; Loan: the loan or loans made by the Port Authority to the Company from the proceeds of the Bonds, exclusive of any accrued interest paid by the original purchaser of the Bonds upon the delivery thereof, but including the underwriting discount, if any, in connection with the sale of Bonds by the Port Authority to the original purchaser; Master Indenture: the Amended and Restated Indenture of Trust between the Port Authority and the Trustee, dated as of September 1, 2009, as from time to time amended or supplemented; Maturity: when used with respect to any Bond shall mean the date on which the principal of such Bond becomes due and payable as therein or herein provided, whether at the Stated Maturity or by declaration of acceleration, call for redemption or otherwise; Mortgage: the Amended and Restated Mortgage, Fixture Financing Statement and Security Agreement dated as of September 1, 2009, from the Company to the Trustee and the Bank, as the same may be amended or supplemented in accordance with the terms thereof; Net Proceeds: with respect to any property insurance payment or Condemnation award, the amount remaining therefrom after payment of all reasonable expenses incurred in the collection thereof; Official Action: the earliest resolution or other action taken by the Port Authority with respect to a Project and qualified as “official action” as that term is used in the contest of industrial development bonds under Section 103(b) of the Code; Opinion of Counsel: a written opinion of counsel, who may be counsel for the Port Authority or the Company; Original Disbursing Agreement: The Disbursing Agreement dated as of December 1, 1982 and entered into by and among the HRA, the City, the Trustee and the Company; Permitted Encumbrances: the “Permitted Encumbrances” defined in Section 6; Plans and Specifications: the plans and specifications for the acquisition, construction and installation of the System, or any Additional System and any modifications thereto, all of which 8862643v3 7 Plans and Specifications will be held by the Company and are deemed part of this Agreement; and are governed by the provisions hereof; Project: the System, any Additional System, or a Restoration; Project Supervisor: the current President of the Company, any Vice President, or a licensed architect or engineer authorized by a duly adopted resolution of the Company's Board of Directors, and the Project Supervisor shall have full authority to sign any certificate or statement of any kind authorized by this Agreement to be given by the Project Supervisor to the Port Authority or the Trustee, both of whom may rely on any certificate or statement so signed as that of the Project Supervisor and shall not be affected by any notice to the contrary; provided, however, that if the original Project Supervisor, or any successor appointed hereunder, should become unavailable, unable or unwilling to take any action or make any certificate provided for in this Agreement, a successor shall be appointed by the Company by a duly adopted resolution of the Company's Board of Directors, subject to acceptance by the Port Authority and the Trustee, and if the Company fails to make such designation within ten days following such event, the Trustee may appoint as such successor any architect or engineer licensed under the laws of the State of Minnesota; Property: all real estate of the Company, the System, the System Equipment, any Additional System, any Restoration and any Improvements, as they may at any time exist, and all other property and rights referred to or intended to be covered by this Agreement; Reimbursement Agreement: any Reimbursement Agreement between the Company and a Bank pursuant to which a Letter of Credit is issued; Representative: the Chairman of the Port Authority or an officer of the Company, or any other person at any time designated to act on behalf of the Port Authority or the Company, as the case may be, as evidenced by a written certificate furnished to the other party and the Trustee containing the specimen signature of such person and signed the Port Authority by its Chairman or for the Company by an officer; Restoration: the use of Net Proceeds by the Company to repair, restore or rebuild that portion of the System or System Equipment damaged or destroyed or taken by condemnation; Service Agreements: those Hot Water Heating Service Agreements between the Company and the persons identified therein as “Customers”, and any rules and regulations relating thereto, providing for the supply of hot water thermal energy by the Company to the Customers; Supplemental Indenture: any indenture supplemental to the Master Indenture entered into pursuant to Article XII of the Master Indenture in connection with the issuance of a series of Bonds or otherwise; 8862643v3 8 Supplemental Loan Agreement: any loan agreement entered into as a supplement to the Master Loan Agreement in connection with the issuance of a series of Bonds or otherwise; System: the hot water district heating system constructed, acquired and installed or to be constructed or installed, by the Company with the proceeds of the Bonds and the City Loan; provided that “System” as used herein shall include, except as otherwise noted, any Additional System, the construction, acquisition and installation of which is financed by Additional Loans or expenditures of the funds of the Company, whether or not any Additional System is functionally integrated with the System; and provided further that “System” as used herein shall further include any Restoration; and provided further that “System” shall not include “conversion facilities” installed by or on behalf of System customers for the purposes converting System hot water into heat energy for use in a particular structure's heating or water system to enable it to use the heat energy delivered by the System; System Equipment: any and all (i) fixtures or tangible personal property of the Company, now or hereafter attached or affixed to the System, (ii) other tangible personal property of the Company now or hereafter located within or used in connection with the System and acquired, in whole or in part, from Bond proceeds together with any additions to, replacements of and substitutions for any of the foregoing; Term of this Agreement: the period of time commencing on the date of this Agreement and terminating on the final Maturity date last of the of the Bonds to mature; Trustee: U.S. Bank National Association, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and any permitted successor as trustee under Article 10 of this Indenture; Section 1.2. Rules of Interpretation. A. All references in this instrument to designated "Articles", "Sections" and other subdivisions are to the designated Articles, Sections and other subdivisions of this instrument as originally executed. B. The words “herein’ ,”hereof" and “hereunder and other words of similar import without reference to any particular Article, Section or subdivision refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular Article, Section or other subdivision unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. C. The terms defined in this Article shall include the plural as well as the singular. D. All accounting terms not otherwise defined herein have the meanings assigned to them by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants or in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. 8862643v3 9 E. All computations provided herein shall be made in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. F. Articles, Sections, subdivisions, and clauses mentioned by number only are those so numbered which are contained in this Agreement. G. This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. H. The Table of Contents and titles of articles and sections herein are for convenience only and are not a part of this Agreement Section 1.3. Company Acts. Where the Company is permitted or required to do or accomplish any act or thing hereunder, the Company may cause the same to be done or accomplished with the same force and effect as if done or accomplished by the Company. Section 1.4. Benefit of this Agreement. This Agreement is made for the benefit of the Company, the Port Authority, the City and any Bank which might, from time to time, have issued a Letter of Credit to secure any Bonds. In the case of the Bank, which is not a signatory hereto, the Bank shall be deemed and have the rights appertaining to the status of a third party beneficiary of the obligations and duties of the Company hereunder, or otherwise as expressly stated herein. Section 1.5. Review of Supporting Documentation. The Construction Contracts and Plans and Specifications identified herein, or true and correct copies thereof, are, for the convenience and discretion of the parties hereto, held by the Company and are not physically attached to this Agreement. In any case, such Exhibits shall nevertheless be deemed to be exhibits hereto and governed by the provisions hereof. The Company shall make such Exhibits, together with related amendments, modifications, change orders and other related documents, available for inspection at the offices o f the Company by any other party hereto, or any person authorized by such party, during normal business hours. 8862643v3 10 ARTICLE 2 REPRESENTATIONS OF AUTHORITY AND COMPANY Section 2.1. Representations by the Port Authority. The Port Authority makes the following representations as the basis for its covenants and agreements herein: (1) The Port Authority is a body politic and corporate organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota and is authorized to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement. (2) The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance of all covenants and agreements of the Port Authority contained in this Agreement and of all other acts and things required under the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to make this Agreement a valid and binding obligation of the Port Authority in accordance with its terms g are authorized by the Act and have been duly authorized by resolutions of the governing body of the Port Authority. (3) Under the provisions of the Master Indenture, the Port Authority’s interest in this Agreement and certain payments due hereunder are pledged and assigned to the Trustee as security for the payment of the principal and interest and premium, if any, on the Bonds. Section 2.2. Representations by the Trustee. The Trustee makes the following representations as the basis for its covenants herein: (1) The Trustee is a business corporation duly incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota, is in good standing and duly authorized to conduct its business in Minnesota, has power to enter into and execute this Agreement and by proper corporate action has authorized the execution and delivery of this Agreement. (2) The execution and delivery of this Agreement, and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, and the fulfillment of the terms and conditions hereof have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action and do not and will not conflict with or result in a breach of any of the terms and conditions of Articles of Incorporation, its Bylaws, any restriction or any agreement or any instruments to which the Trustee now a party or by which it or its property is bound and do not and will not constitute a default under any of the foregoing and do not and will not result in the creation or imposition of any lien, charge or encumbrance of any nature upon the Trustee’s property contrary to the terms of any such instrument or agreement. (3) There are no actions, suits or proceedings pending, or to the knowledge of the Trustee, threatened, against the Trustee or any property of the Trustee in any court or before any federal, 8862643v3 11 state, municipal or other governmental agency which, if decided adversely to the Trustee would have a material adverse effect upon the ability of the Trustee to carry out its obligations hereunder. Section 2.3. Representations by the Company. The Company makes the following representations as the basis for its covenants herein: (1) The Company is a nonprofit corporation duly incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota, in good standing and duly authorized to conduct its business in Minnesota, has power to enter into and execute this Agreement and by proper corporate action has authorized the execution and delivery of this Agreement. (2) The execution and delivery of this Agreement, the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby and by the Master Indenture, and Master Loan Agreement, and the fulfillment of the terms and conditions hereof have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action and do not and will not conflict with or result in a breach of any of the terms or conditions of its articles of incorporation, its bylaws, any restriction or any agreement or instruments to which the Company is now a party or b y which it is bound, or to which any property of the Company is subject and do not and will not constitute a default under any of the foregoing-and do not and will not result in the creation or imposition of any lien, charge or encumbrance of any nature up on the Company’s property contrary to the terms of any such instrument or agreement. (3) The Company is an organization described in Section 50l(c)(3) of the Code. (4) There are no actions, suits, or proceedings pending or, to the knowledge of the Company, threatened against the Company or any property of the Company in any court or before any federal, state, municipal or other governmental agency, which, if decided adversely to the Company would have a material adverse effect upon the Company or upon the business or property of the Company and the Company is not in default with respect to any order of any court or governmental agency. (5) The Company is not in default in the payment of the principal of or interest on any indebtedness for borrowed money nor in default under any instrument or agreement under and subject to which any indebtedness for borrowed money has been issued. (6) The Company has reviewed and approved the provisions of the Master Indenture and the Master Loan Agreement. (7) The proceeds of the City Loan were disbursed for a “public purpose” in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and limitations applicable thereto, and in accordance with their requirements of the Original Disbursing Agreement. 8862643v3 12 ARTICLE 3 CONSTRUCTION FUND Section 3.1. Deposits to the Construction Fund. The following sums shall be from time to time deposited in the Construction Fund and disbursed accordance with Section 3.2 hereof: (1) The proceeds of the Bonds, except for sums required by the Master Indenture, including any supplement thereto, to be deposited in the Debt Service Reserve Account, or in any other Fund or Account specifically identified therein. (2) The proceeds of any other loan, contribution, grant, bequest, donation or contribution by any person which is specifically designated pursuant to the terms and conditions or agreements relating thereto for the construction, reconstruction, expansion, improvement or renovation of the System, any Additional System, or any System Equipment. (3) Net Proceeds, funds of the Company, and any other sum received by the Company, required to be used for a Restoration or designated by the Company for a Restoration. Section 3.2. Disbursement from Construction Fund. (1) The Trustee shall disburse money from the Construction Fund, to or upon the order of the Company, in payment, or reimbursement for the payment, of items of Construction Cos ts upon receipt by the Trustee of a Company Certificate in the form and substance required by Section 4.3: except that until each Completion Date the Trustee is directed to retain in the Construction Fund a sum equal to five percent (5%) of the estimated total of Construction Costs for the Project for which disbursements are being made; provided, however, that the five percent (5%) retainage provided for in this subsection 3.2(1) shall not be required if and to the extent the Company has received a surety bond, payment and performance bond, letter of credit or other unconditional, irrevocable form of security for such retainage. (2) The Trustee shall create and maintain a separate account within the Construction Fund for each series of Bonds, and a separate account for each deposit of Net Proceeds; provided that to the extent the System, any Additional System or a Restoration may be so unified that the acquisition, construction and development of any two or more thereof may appropriately be treated as a single Project, as set forth a Company Certificate, the accounts relating thereto may be combined and accounted for together. Section 3.3. Construction Costs. Each of the following terms shall be considered a "Construction Cost” when incurred by the Company, and shall be eligible for direct payment to the provider of the good or 8862643v3 13 service, or reimbursement to the Company, from the Construction Fund, to the extent and in the manner set forth in Sections 4.3 and 4.4 and subject to the provisions of the Act; (1) all expenses incurred and to be incurred in connection with the acquisition, construction and installation of a Project, the contract price of all labor, services, materials, supplies and equipment furnished under any contract for construction and installation of the Project or otherwise incurred in connection therewith, including the cost of all System Equipment, power plants and all appurtenances thereto, and of all rights-of-way for access and utility connections to and from the System, and all fees required for recording all financing statements and any title documents relating to the City Mortgage, the Master Indenture, the Master Loan Agreement and any series of Bonds; (2) the expense of preparation of the Plans and Specifications for the System, or any Project, and other facilities necessary or desirable in connection therewith, and all other architectural, engineering, field supervisors, owners oversight reps and supervisory services incurred and to be incurred in the planning, construction and completion of the System or any Project; (3) all legal, Bond Counsel, City Attorney, abstractors’, financial and accounting fees and engraving costs and other expenses incurred and to be incurred in connection with the development of the System, the authorization, sale and issuance of Bonds, and the preparation of this Agreement and supplements thereto, and all other documents necessary to any Bond Closing or required by this Agreement, the City Mortgage, the Master Indenture, the Master Loan Agreement and any series of Bonds and incurred on or before each Completion Date or in connection with the establishment of each Completion Date including compliance with any governmental or administrative rules or regulations on or before such date; (4) each of the following, (i) premiums on all insurance required to be taken out and maintained pursuant to this Agreement, (ii) premiums, policy issuance fees or other expenses associated with insurance or surety bond coverage relating to interest payable on the Bonds if the Company is the insured or beneficiary thereunder, and (iii) annual fees, issuance fees or other expenses associated with any Letter of Credit or other credit facility relating to the Loan, any Additional Loan or any series of the Bonds; provided that, in any case, the expenses fees and other costs provided for in this subsection (4) shall be payable from the Construction Fund only to the extent such items may be, or become, due and owing prior to a Completion Date; (5) all expenses incurred in seeking to enforce any remedy against any contractor, or any subcontractor or any supplier in respect of any default under any contract with such person; (6) all deed taxes, mortgage registry taxes, recording fees, permit fees and other taxes and license and registration fees of every nature whatsoever incurred and to be incurred in connection with acquisition or completion of the System including the financing thereof; 8862643v3 14 (7) the cost of other labor, services, materials, supplies and equipment necessary to complete the construction, acquisition and installation of the System, or any Project, including but not limited to the System Equipment; (8) if the Project is financed by the issuance of Bonds, and an Additional Loan to the Company of the proceeds thereof, all fees and expenses of the Trustee and Paying Agent under the Master Indenture that become due on or before each Completion Date or in connection with the establishment of each Completion Date; (9) all interest accruing on money borrowed by the Company for financing of the Cost of the System, or any Project, including interest accruing on the Bonds during the construction period and for six months thereafter in excess of any Bond proceeds initially deposited in the Bond Fund at Bond Closing for such purpose; (10) without limitation by the foregoing, all other expenses which under generally accepted accounting principles constitute necessary capital expenditures for the completion of the System, not including working capital or expendable supplies or taxes, assessments, or other charges (all of which are nevertheless to be supplied by the Company from its own funds without reimbursement, except as provided in subsection (12) below); (11) all advances, payments and expenditures made or to be made by the Port Authority or the Trustee and any other person with respect to any of the foregoing expenses; and (12) all general, administrative and overhead expenses, including working capital, of the Company during the period of construction of the System, to the extent that revenues of the System, or amounts otherwise deposited in the Operating Account, shall not be available to pay Operating Expenses. The Company shall be solely responsible for paying all Construction Costs with respect to an Additional System until the issuance of the Additional Bonds or proceeds of the financing therefore or with respect to any Restoration, until receipt of Net Proceeds related thereto. Thereafter all Construction Costs may be paid or reimbursed from available monies in the Construction Fund to the extent and in the manner permitted Sections 4.3 and 4.4. If, however, such monies are insufficient to pay in full Construction Costs payable therefrom or are otherwise unavailable to pay any Construction Costs, the Company shall nevertheless promptly pay so much of such Costs as may be in excess of such available monies in the Construction Fund. The Company shall not by reason of the payment of such excess Costs be entitled to any reimbursement from the Port Authority (except from the proceeds of any Additional Bonds issued) in excess of any monies available therefor in the Construction Fund or for any abatement or diminution of the Basic Payments or Additional Charges due under the Master Loan Agreement. Construction Costs shall be separately computed for each Project and shall not be aggregated with Construction Costs for any other Project, except that Construction Costs for two or 8862643v3 15 more Projects may be aggregated in the event that the accounts within the Construction Fund for the related Projects are combined pursuant to Section 3.2. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit the right of the Company to allocate or pro rate Construction Costs between Projects to the extent the Company, Architect and Independent Accountant deem such allocation or pro-ration to be necessary, appropriate or desirable. Section 3.4. Transfers on Completion Date. On the Completion Date of any Project financed whole or part from Bond proceeds, any balance of such Bond proceeds remaining in the Construction Fund in excess of any amount retained therein under subsection 4.5(1)(A)(ii) shall be disbursed by the Trustee to the Company or its order in such amount as may be necessary (and all thereof shall be disbursed if necessary) to pay, or to reimburse to the Company for the payment of, any part of the Construction Costs which has not theretofore been reimbursed to the Company, as the case may be, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 4.3 and 4.4. Any balance of such Bond proceeds remaining in the Construction Fund in excess of any amount retained therein under subsection 4.5(1)(A)(ii) to secure completion by any contractor shall be transferred by the Trustee to the Redemption and Purchase Account or to such other Fund or Account as the Company may direct, and as is allowed by the Master Indenture. Any balance of funds which are not Bond proceeds remaining in the Construction Fund in excess of any amount retained therein under subsection 4.5(1)(A)(ii) to secure completion by any contractor shall be transferred, disbursed or applied as the Company shall direct. Any sums retained in the Construction Fund shall be disbursed upon certification and approval as required under Sections 4.3 and 4.4. 8862643v3 16 ARTICLE 4 COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS OF THE COMPANY With respect to acquisition, construction and development of the System and any Additional System, and with respect to any Restoration, the Company covenants and agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and this Article 4, as such terms and conditions shall apply to each such Project. Section 4.1. Projects. In connection with the acquisition, construction, equipping and development of the System, each Additional System and any Restoration: (1) Plans and Specifications and Architects Contract. Plans and Specifications will be prepared for each Project in excess of $250,000 by the Company and shall be made available by the Company for review in accordance with Section 1.5. The Company will cause each Project to be constructed, installed and equipped in accordance with the Plans and Specifications applicable thereto. The Plans and Specifications may be modified and amended at the discretion of the Company if such modifications and amendments are deemed by the Company to be necessary or desirable to the completion of the Project, do not materially reduce the size or change the character of the Project and will not cause the total Construction Costs to exceed the balance then remaining in the Construction Fund and other funds of the Company or available to the Company to pay such Costs. The Company shall make such Plans and Specifications, together with related amendments, modifications, change orders and other related documents, available for inspection at the offices of the Company by any other party hereto, or any person authorized by such party, during normal business hours. (2) Construction Contracts. The Company shall enter into appropriate Construction Contracts for each Project. Each Construction Contract shall provide that the Contractor will perform its obligations therein for the Trustee at the Trustee’s request should the Trustee succeed to the Company’s interests in the construction Contract after default by the Company. A Construction Contract may be amended or supplemented at the discretion of the Company if such amendments or supplements are deemed by the Company to be necessary or desirable and will not cause the total Construction Costs to exceed then remaining balance in the Construction Fund and other funds of the Company available to pay such Costs. The Company shall make such Construction Contracts, together with related amendments, modifications, change orders and other related documents, available for inspection at the offices of the Company by any other party hereto, or any person authorized by such party, during normal business hours. (3) Installation and Construction. The Company will cause each Project to be installed and constructed substantially in accordance with the Plans and Specifications applicable thereto and wholly within the boundary lines of real property owned or leased by the Company, or permitted to 8862643v3 17 be used by the Company for the System under the Franchise Ordinance, and the Company will provide, or cause to be provided, all other improvements, access roads, utilities, parking facilities, and other items required for a facility fully operable for use as a hot water distribution system. (4) Survey. For certain Projects on real property owned or leased by the Company, the Company will obtain a plat or survey prepared by a registered land surveyor, containing the correct legal description of and showing the dimensions, area, and the location’ of all improvements, easements, encroachments and other visible encumbrances upon, or included within, the Project and a certificate of the registered land surveyor or the Architect showing that the Project is laid out, is within the real property owned or leased by the Company. (5) Completion. The Company will complete each Project as promptly as practicable with all reasonable dispatch except only as completion may be delayed by strikes, riots or acts of God or the public enemy, shortages of materials or supplies or any other reason beyond the reasonable control of the Company for which a reasonable extension of the time of completion shall be granted as determined by the Trustee provided that if the Project is not completed by that date there shall be no resulting liability on the part the Port Authority and no abatement or diminution in the payments required to be made by the Company under the Master Loan Agreement or Reimbursement Agreement. The Completion Date for each Project in excess of $250,000 financed hereunder or by an y Additional Loan shall be established by the Company with the consent of the Trustee which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. (6) Insurance. During the construction period for Project, and until the related Completion Date, the Company shall procure and maintain, or cause to be procured and maintained, property and liability insurance at not less than the limits of coverage or liability required by the Master Loan Agreement. (7) Payment and Performance Bonds. Before any claim for work, materials, and equipment furnished under a Construction Contract is certified for payment by the Project Supervisor for any Construction Contract in excess of $250,000 or such lesser amount as the Company deems necessary in its sole discretion and paid from the Construction Fund by the Trustee, a payment and performance bond shall be secured by the Company from the contractor or each subcontractor, executed by a responsible surety company authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota, naming the Trustee and as co-obligees, in a penal sum equal to the entire amount to become payable under the applicable contract and conditioned as required by the aforesaid statute for the completion of the work in accordance with the Plans and Specifications and for the p ayment of all claims of subcontractors (or sub-subcontractors) and suppliers. Any sums which become payable pursuant to the provisions of any bond so furnished shall be used and applied as provided in Section 4.6. Said bonds shall be delivered by the Company to the Trustee before such contractor commences work. The Company shall not be required to have a bond for work performed by it or to secure a bond from a vendor of any System Equipment who is not responsible for the installation thereof. 8862643v3 18 (8) Title Assurances and Recording. The Company will cause to be delivered such title opinion, policy or binder as is required under Section 4.7, all financing statements, and any title curative documents that the Trustee, the Company, counsel to the Trustee or Bank or Bond Counsel may deem necessary or desirable to perfect or protect the title of the Company in the Project, the lien of the Mortgage and City Mortgage thereon, and the lien of the Master Indenture. Section 4.2. Authorization by Port Authority In accordance with Section 474.03(7) of the Act, the Company is authorized by the Port Authority, and the Company, pursuant to such authorization, agrees: (1) to acquire, construct and install the System and the System Equipment as provided in Section 4.1, upon real property owned by the Company or which the Company is entitled to use under the Franchise Ordinance; (2) to make, execute, acknowledge and deliver any contracts, orders, receipts, writings and instructions, with any other persons, firms or corporations, and in general to do all things which may be requisite or proper for acquiring, constructing and installing each Project; (3) pursuant to the provisions this Agreement, to pay fees, costs and expenses incurred in the acquisition, construction and installation of each Project from funds made available therefor in accordance with this Agreement or otherwise; (4) so long as the Company is not in default under any of the provisions of this Agreement, the Master Loan Agreement or the Mortgage to exercise all authority hereby conferred, which is granted and conferred irrevocably to each Completion Date and thereafter until all activities in connection with the acquisition, construction and installation of each Project shall have been completed. Neither the authorization granted in this Section nor any other provision of this Agreement shall be construed as making the Company an agent or joint venturer with the Port Authority. Section 4.3. Disbursements from Construction Fund. (A) The Port Authority has in the Master Indenture authorized and directed the Trustee to disburse money from the Construction Fund, to or upon the order of the Company, in payment or reimbursement of all items of Construction Costs enumerated in Section 4.1 and certified in writing by the Project Supervisor or the Representative of the Company to the persons entitled thereto except that until such Completion Date the Trustee is directed to retain in the Construction Fund an amount equal to five percent (5%), or such lesser amount as may be authorized pursuant to Section 3.2(1) hereof, of the Construction Costs enumerated in subsections (1), (2), (7) and (10) of Section 3.3 for the Project. Construction Costs incurred in the course of fulfilling the obligations of the Company described in Section 4.1(4), (5), (6), (7) or (8) and 8862643v3 19 Construction Costs enumerated in Section 3.3(3), (4), (5), (6), (8), (9), (12) and, to the extent related to the foregoing, (12), may be paid or reimbursed in full upon receipt by the Trustee of any statement of the payee covering such expenses endorsed by the payee and approved by the Project Supervisor, or, with respect to fees of Bond Counsel or Authority’s counsel, or Trustee’s counsel, the Port Authority respect to all other Construction Costs, each certificate of the Project Supervisor shall contain the following additional information: (1) the amount and nature of each item of Construction Cost and the name and address of the payee, with the payee's statement and if reimbursement is requested, evidence of payment thereof attached; (2) a statement that each item for which payment or reimbursement is requested is or was necessary in connection with the Project and none of such items has formed the basis for any previous payment from the Construction Fund, with a copy of the Architect’s certificate or orders, any, with respect to work completed or materials or supplies delivered for which payment or reimbursement is requested: (3) a statement of estimated remaining Construction Costs on the date of the certificate (whether or not such estimated total Construction Cost exceeds the available proceeds of the Bonds), itemized to show separately the total amount then and theretofore certified for payment and the total amount remaining to be paid (A) under any Construction Contract (as affected by any modifications or additions to the Plans and Specifications since the last certificate) and (B) for all other Construction Costs; (4) with respect to all Construction Cost items incurred and to be incurred under any Construction Contract which provides for the retention of a portion of the contract price, a statement that the total amount then and theretofore certified for payment of such Construction Costs does not exceed the net contract price after deducting any portion stil l withheld by the Company: (5) a statement that each contractor, subcontractor and materialman has filed with the Project Supervisor receipts or waivers of liens for all amounts theretofore above $50,000 or such lesser amount as the Company deems necessary in its sole discretion certified for payment, or any amount therein certified for reimbursement to the Company for payment, for work, materials and equipment furnished by him or that there is on file with the Project Supervisor a cancelled check endorsed by the contractor, subcontractor or materialman evidencing such payment or a letter from the general contractor, if any, to the Project stating that all such payments have been made and indemnifying the Company from any claims for such payment, and attaching true and correct copies thereof: and 8862643v3 20 (6) a statement that the Company is not then in default under this Agreement, nor has any event occurred which but for the lapse of time would constitute an event of default under this Agreement. Section 4.4. Additional Requirements for Disbursement From Construction Fund. No money shall be disbursed from the Construction Fund (other than for Construction Costs which do not require the additional information set forth in Section 4.3) with respect to a Project until there has been filed in accordance with Section 1.5: (1) Plans and Specifications for the Project covering the work, including acquisition and installation of any System Equipment, for which payment is requested; (2) A copy of each Construction Contract or purchase agreement covering the work or items for which payment is requested and (3) Each payment and performance bond required by this Agreement covering the work for which payment is requested. Upon request of the Trustee, the Company shall furnish the receipts or lien waivers or cancelled checks from such contractors, subcontractors and materialmen specified in Subsection 4.3(5) above, and any other documentation which may be deemed necessary by the Trustee as a condition for disbursement of money from the Construction Fund. If at any time the Project Supervisor estimates in accordance with Section 4.3(3) that the total Construction Cost of the Project remaining to be paid from the Construction Fund exceeds the total of the amount of money which in the judgment of the Trustee will be available in the Construction Fund to pay such Construction Costs, the Trustee may require that the Company forthwith deposit in the Construction Fund cash or securities acceptable to the Trustee, in an amount up to 100% of the estimated deficiency. Section 4.5. Establishment of Completion Date. The Completion Date shall be that date on which the Trustee shall acknowledge receipt of the following items relating to a Project, which the Company shall furnish to the Trustee no later than 30 days after completion of the Project: (1) a certificate signed by the Project Supervisor containing an updated description of the System and System Equipment and stating that: (A) the acquisition, construction and installation of the buildings, improvements, equipment and all other facilities comprising the Project have been completed in substantial conformity with the Plans and Specifications; and 8862643v3 21 (B) the entire Construction Cost of the Project has been paid, or is then due and payable in accordance with a certificate of the Project Supervisor and Company Representative submitted in accordance with Section 4.3 hereof, except any amount (not to exceed the amount retained under Section 3.2(1)) which the Trustee agrees to retain in the Construction Fund to secure completion by any contractor; and (C) the Project conforms to all applicable zoning (by special use permit or otherwise), planning and building regulations and laws, environmental protection or pollution control laws and regulations and is suitable and sufficient for efficient operation for the purpose specified in Section 4.1(3); and (D) the certificate is given without prejudice to the rights against third parties which may exist at the date thereof or which may subsequently come into being; and (E) final lien waivers from all contractors involved in the Project have been received; and (F) the Company holds good and marketable title to the Project, including all real and personal property comprising the Project, free and clear of liens prior to or on a parity with the lien of the Mortgage, except Permitted Encumbrances, or in the alternative an owner’s policy of title insurance to the same effect; and (G) if applicable, a mortgagee’s policies of title insurance has been issued by a title insurer qualified to issue such policies in the State of Minnesota insuring the first and prior lien of the Mortgage, and the lien of the City Mortgage, in an amount equal to the insurable value of real property owned by the Company, subject only to Permitted Encumbrances; and (H) all recordings and filings of the instruments pertaining to the Project which are required to perfect (a) the security interest of the Trustee and the Bank under the Mortgage, (b) the security interest of the City under the City Mortgage, and (c) the Trustee's security interest in the Port Authority's right, title and interest, including its rights to receive the Basic Payments, and other sums payable to it or to the City under this Agreement or Loan Agreement and in the Syst em Equipment against all creditors, subsequent purchasers and encumbrances have been made, subject to the effect of bankruptcy, reorganization, and insolvency laws affecting creditors’ rights generally and specifying the further refilings and renewals required in order to continue perfection of such security interests for so long as any Bonds remain outstanding or the City Loan remains unpaid; and (I) all permits necessary for the operation, occupancy and use of the Project have been obtained and are in full force and effect. 8862643v3 22 (2) if there is any surplus in the Construction Fund to be transferred as provided in Section 3.4, a statement from the Project Supervisor, if necessary, describing each item for which a Working Capital Expense has been incurred and certifying the total amount of Working Capital Expenses incurred or to be incurred. Section 4.6. Enforcement of Contracts. In the event of default of any contractor or subcontractor under any Construction Contract or in the event of a breach of warranty with respect to any materials, workmanship or performance, the Company will promptly proceed, either separately or in conjunction with others, to exhaust its remedies against the contractor, subcontractor or vendor in default and against any surety on a bond securing the performance of such contract, provided, however, that the Company may on the advice of its counsel and with the Trustee’s consent refrain from exhausting such remedies if determined by the Company not to be in its best interests and not neces sary to complete the Project. The Company will promptly advise the Trustee of the steps it intends to take in connection with any such default. Any amounts recovered pursuant to any bond or by way of damages, refunds, adjustments or otherwise in connection with the foregoing, after deduction of expenses incurred such recovery, other than any amounts resulting from the loss income, shall be paid into the Construction Fund if received before the Completion Date, and otherwise shall be paid into the Bond Fund, provided that the Company may obtain reimbursement for any payments made by the Company in connection with such action as an item of Cost as provided in Section 4.3. Section 4.7. Title Assurance. At the Bond Closing for the Series T Bonds, Series U Bonds and each series of Additional Bonds, the Company shall cause to be furnished to the Trustee adequate assurances showing with respect to the System good and marketable title in the Company and a mortgage interest held by the Trustee and Bank, and City, as appropriate, subject to Permitted Encumbrances only, in one of two forms: (1) owner's and mortgagee’s policies of title insurance (or at Bond Closing a title binder) to that portion of the Project consisting of real property in an amount equal to at least the insurable value of the real property and improvements thereon and payable to the Company, with respect to the owner’s policy, to the Bank and the Trustee as their interests shall appear with respect to the Mortgage, and to the City, with respect to the City Mortgage; or (2) a title opinion of counsel to the Company; provided that in either case the policy (or binder) or opinion may exclude as an exception any mechanics or materialmen’s liens if payment and performance bonds will be or have been secured as provided in Section 4.1(6). 8862643v3 23 ARTICLE 5 EVENTS OF DEFAULT AND REMEDIES Section 5.1. Events of Default. Anyone or more of the following events is an Event of Default under this Agreement: (1) if an Event of Default shall occur and be subsisting under any Reimbursement Agreement, Master Loan Agreement, the Mortgage or the City Mortgage; (2) the Company shall fail to observe and perform or shall breach any other covenant, condition or agreement on its part under this Agreement for a period of one hundred twenty (120) days after mailing of a notice to it by the Port Authority or the Trustee, specifying such default or breach and requesting that it be remedied, unless the Trustee shall agree in writing to an extension of such time prior to its expiration for such longer period as may be reasonably necessary to remedy such default provided that the Company is proceeding with reasonable diligence to remedy the same. Section 5.2. Remedies. Whenever any Event of Default shall have occurred and be subsisting and subject (in the case of the Port Authority only) to the provisions of Section 9.13 of the Master Loan Agreement, any one or more of the following remedial steps may to the extent permitted by law be taken: (1) The Trustee, the Bank, or the Port Authority (with the prior written consent of the Trustee) may take whatever action at law or in equity may appear necessary or appropriate to collect all sums then due and thereafter to become due on account of the Loan or any Additional Loan or otherwise, or to enforce performance and observance of any obligation, agreement, covenant, representation or warranty of the Company under this Agreement, or any related instrument; or to otherwise compensate the Port Authority, the Bank Trustee or Bondholders for any damages on account of such Event of Default; provided, however, that with respect to any series of Bonds which are, at the relevant time, secured by a Letter of Credit which remains outstanding and as to which there exists no default by the Bank thereunder, neither the Trustee nor the Port Authority shall exercise the remedies authorized by this Subsection 5.2(1) except upon the prior written direction of the Bank, in which case the Trustee shall be obligated to exercise its remedies as provided herein, or with the prior written consent of the Bank; but provided further, that if and to the extent the Trustee Authority shall be precluded from exercising the remedies provided for herein by reason of the foregoing clause, the Bank shall be similarly precluded from exercising any remedies provided herein the benefit of the Bank; 8862643v3 24 (2) The Port Authority (without the prior written consent of the Trustee if the Trustee is not enforcing the Port Authority's rights a manner to protect the Port Authority or is otherwise taking action that brings adverse consequences to the Port Authority) may take whatever action at law or in equity may appear necessary or appropriate to enforce its rights of indemnification under Section 5.17 of the Master Loan Agreement and to collect all sums for fees and expenses then due and thereafter to become due to the Port Authority under Sections 3.5, 5.17 and 9.5 of the Master Loan Agreement; (3) The City may take whatever action at law or in equity may appear necessary or appropriate to collect all sums then due and thereafter to become due on account of the City Loan. Section 5.3. Disposition of Funds. Any amounts collected pursuant to action taken under Section 5.2 (other than sums collected for the Port Authority on account of its rights to indemnification and certain direct payments to be made to the Port Authority under Sections 3.5, 5.16 and 9.5 of the Master Loan Agreement) shall be applied in accordance with the provisions of the Master Indenture, Mortgage and City Mortgage. All other amounts shall be paid directly to the Port Authority. Section 5.4. Nonexclusive Remedies. No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to the Port Authority, Bank, City or Trustee is intended to be exclusive of any other available remedy or remedies, but each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given under this Agreement or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute. No delay or omission to exercise any right or power accruing upon any Event of Default shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver thereof, but any such right and power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. In order to entitle the Bank, Authority (or the Trustee) to exercise any remedy reserved to it in this Article, it shall not be necessary to give any notice, other than such notice as may be herein expressly required or be required by law. Section 5.5. Attorneys’ Fees and Expenses. If an Event of Default shall exist under this Agreement and the City, Bank, Authority or the Trustee should employ attorneys or incur other expenses for the collection of any amounts due hereunder, or the enforcement of performance of any obligation or agreement on the part of the Company, the Company will upon demand pay to the City, Bank, Authority or the Trustee the reasonable fees of such attorneys and such other expenses so incurred. 8862643v3 25 Section 5.6. Effect of Waiver. In the event any agreement contained in this Agreement should be breached by either party and thereafter waived by the other party, such waiver shall be limited to the particular breach so waived and shall not be deemed to waive any other breach hereunder. Section 5.7. Waiver of Stay or Extension. The Company covenants (to the extent that it may lawfully do so) that it will not at any time insist upon, or plead, or in any manner whatsoever claim or take the benefit or advantage of, any appraisement; valuation, stay, or extension law wherever enacted, now or at any time hereafter in force, which may affect the covenants or the performance of this Agreement and the Company (to the extent that it may lawfully do so) hereby expressly waives all benefit or advantage of any such law, and covenants that it will not hinder, delay or impede the execution of any power herein granted to the City, Bank, Authority or the Trustee, but will suffer and permit the execution of every such power as though no such law had been enacted. Section 5.8. Proofs of Claim. In case of the pendency of any receivership, insolvency, liquidation, bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement, adjustment, composition or other judicial proceeding relative to the Company or the property of the Company, Bank, the City, the Trustee or the Port Authority (with the prior consent of the Trustee) shall be entitled and empowered, by intervention in such proceeding or otherwise, (1) to file and prove a claim and to file such other papers or documents as may be necessary or advisable in order to have the claims of the Bank, City or the Port Authority and the Trustee (for themselves and on behalf of Bondholders) (including any claim for the reasonable compensation, expenses disbursements and advances of the City, the Bank, Authority and Trustee, their agents and counsel) allowed in such judicial proceeding, and (2) to collect and receive any monies or other property payable or deliverable on any such claims and to distribute the same. Section 5.9. Restoration of Positions. If the City, the Bank, Authority or the Trustee have instituted any proceeding to enforce any right or remedy under this Agreement, and such proceeding has been discontinued or abandoned for any reason, or has been determined adversely to the City, the Bank, Authority or the Trustee, then and in every such case the Company and the City, the Bank, Authority shall, subject to any determination in the proceeding, be restored to the positions they held prior to commencement of such proceedings, and thereafter all rights and remedies of the City, Bank, Authority shall continue as though no such proceeding had been instituted. 8862643v3 26 Section 5.10. Suits to Protect the Project. The Authority shall have power to institute and to maintain such proceedings as it may deem expedient to prevent any impairment of the Project or any portion thereof, by any acts which may be unlawful or in violation of this Agreement, and such suits and proceedings as the Port Authority may deem expedient to protect its interests in the Project or any portion thereof, including power to institute and maintain proceedings to restrain the enforcement of or compliance with any governmental enactment, rule or order that may be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, if the enforcement of, or compliance with, such enactment, rule or order would impair, adversely affect the Project or be prejudicial to the interests of the Bondholders. Section 5.11. Performance of the Company's Obligations by the City, the Bank, the Port Authority or Trustee. In the event the Company at any time neglects, refuses or fails to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement, the City, Bank, the Port Authority or the Trustee, at their respective options and following at least 30 days written notice to Company (where a period of notice is necessary to avoid a default on the Bonds or to avoid endangering the interest of the City, Bank, the Port Authority, the Trustee or the Bondholders, or to prevent any loss or forfeiture thereof), may perform or cause to be performed such obligations, and all expenditures incurred by the City, Bank, the Port Authority or the Trustee thereby shall be promptly paid or reimbursed by the Company to the City, Bank, the Port Authority or the Trustee, as the case may be, together with interest thereon at then publicly announced prime rate of the Bank to most creditworthy customers on a short-term basis. Section 5.12. Performance by Third Parties. The Authority may permit third parties to perform any and all acts or take such action as may be necessary for and on behalf of the Company to p revent or correct any Event of Default hereunder. The acceptance by the Port Authority or the Trustee of any such performance by third parties shall not any way diminish or absolve the Company of primary liability hereunder. Section 5.13. Exercise of the Port Authority’s or Bank’s Remedies by Trustee. Whenever any Event of Default shall have occurred and be subsisting the Trustee may, but except as otherwise provided in the Master Indenture, Loan Agreement or Mortgage shall not be obliged to, exercise any or all of the rights of the Port Authority or Bank under this Article 9, without notice to the Port Authority and Bank. 8862643v3 27 ARTICLE 6 GENERAL Section 6.1. Notices. All notices, certificates or other communications hereunder shall be sufficiently given and shall be deemed given when mailed by first class mail, postage prepaid, with proper address as indicated below. The Authority, the Company, the Trustee and the Bank may, by written notice given by each of them to the others, designate any address or addresses to which notices, certificates or other communications to them shall be sent when required as contemplated by this Agreement. Until otherwise provided by the respective parties, all notices, certificates and communications to each of them shall be addressed as follows: To the Port Authority: Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul 1900 Landmark Towers 345 St. Peter Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Attn: Executive Director To the Company: District Energy St. Paul, Inc. Hans O. Nyman Energy Center 76 Kellogg Boulevard West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Attn: President To the Trustee: U.S. Bank National Association 60 Livingston Avenue 3rd Floor EP-MN-WS3C St. Paul, MN 55107-2292 Attention: Corporate Trust Department To the City: City of St. Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Attn: Development Division 8862643v3 28 Section 6.2 Binding Effect. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the Bank, the Trustee, the Port Authority and the Company and their respective successors and assigns. Section 6.3. Severability. In the event any provisions of this Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision hereof. Section 6.4. Amendments, Changes, and Modifications. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement or in the Master Indenture, subsequent to the issuance of the Bonds and before the lien of the Master Indenture is satisfied and discharged in accordance with its terms, this Agreement may not be effectively amended, changed, modified, altered or terminated without the written consent of the Trustee and the Port Authority. (2) Notwithstanding any other term, provision or agreement contained herein, during the term of Urban Development Action Grant No. B-81-AA-27-0028, this Agreement shall not be amended in any material respect without the prior written approval of the Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. For the purposes of this subsection, "material" shall mean anything which cancels or reduces any developmental, construction, job creating or financial obligation of any part y hereto by more than ten percent (10%), changes the cities or character of any development activity or increases any time for performance by any party hereto by more than thirty (30) days. Section 6.5. Execution Counterparts. This Agreement may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument. Section 6.6. Required Approvals. Consents and approvals required by this Agreement to be obtained from the Company, the City, the Port Authority or the Trustee shall be in writing and shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Section 6.7. Limitation on Municipality Liability. No agreements or provisions contained in this Agreement nor any agreement, covenant or undertaking by the Port Authority, the City or the HRA contained in any document executed by the Port Authority, the City or the HRA in connection with any Project shall give rise to any pecuniary liability of the Port Authority, the City or the HRA or a charge against its or their general credit or 8862643v3 29 taxing powers, or shall obligate the Port Authority, the City or the HRA financially in any way except with respect to the System and the application or revenues therefrom and the proceeds of the Bonds. No failure of the Port Authority, the City or the HRA to comply with any term, condition, covenant or agreement herein shall subject the Port Authority, the City or the HRA to liability for any claim for damages, costs or other financial or pecuniary charge except to the extent that the same can be paid or recovered from the System or revenues therefrom or proceeds of the Bonds; and no execution of any claim, demand, cause of action or judgment shall be levied upon or collected from the general credit, general funds or taxing powers of the Port Authority, the City or the HRA. Nothing herein shall preclude a proper party in interest from seeking and obtaining specific performance against the Port Authority, the City or the HRA for any failure to comply with any term, condition, covenant or agreement herein; provided, that no costs, expenses or other monetary relief shall be recoverable from the Port Authority, the City or the HRA except as may be payable from the System or its revenues. Section 6.8. Superseding Effect. It is intended and agreed that this Agreement amend and restate, and replace in its entirety, the Original Disbursing Agreement, with respect to all Bonds, and by their execution of this Agreement, the parties hereto consent to such amendment, restatement and replacement. 8862643v3 1 THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA (SEAL) By: Chairman By: Secretary By: Executive Director By: Director, Department of Finance And Management Services Approved as to form: By: Assistant City Attorney (Disbursing Agreement dated as of June 1, 2012 between the HRA, the City, the Port Authority, the Trustee, and the Company) 8862643v3 2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA By: Its Mayor [SEAL] By: Its Director, Department of Planning and Economic Development By: Its Director, Department of Finance and Management Services Approved as to form: By: Assistant City Attorney (Disbursing Agreement dated as of June 1, 2012 between the HRA, the City, the Port Authority, the Trustee, and the Company) 8862643v3 3 THE PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL By Its President 8862643v3 4 DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC. By Its President By: Its Treasurer (Disbursing Agreement dated as of June 1, 2012 between the HRA, the City, the Port Authority, the Trustee, and the Company) 8862643v3 5 U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Trustee By Its [SEAL] By Its (Disbursing Agreement dated as of June 1, 2012 between the HRA, the City, the Port Authority, the Trustee, and the Company) 8862643v3 1 EXHIBIT A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS The Construction Contracts are held by the Company as provided by Section 1.3. 8862643v3 1 EXHIBIT B PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The Plans and Specifications are held by the Company as provided by Section 1.3. City Subordination Agreement Error! Unknown document property name. SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT among CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., and U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Trustee and Credit Provider, Dated as of June 1, 2012 This instrument drafted by: LEONARD, STREET AND DEINARD (RH) Professional Association 150 South 5th Street, Suite 2300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City Subordination Agreement Error! Unknown document property name. SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT [District Energy] THIS SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the 1st day June 1, 2012 by and among (i) the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a home rule charter city and municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota (the “City”), (ii) the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, a body corporate and politic duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota (the “Port Authority”), (iii) District Energy St. Paul, Inc., a Minnesota nonprofit corporation (f/k/a District Heating Development Company) (“District Energy”), (iv) U.S. Bank National Association, national banking association (“Trustee”), as Trustee for the Port Authority’s Tax-Exempt Variable Rate District Heating Revenue Bonds, 2012-5 Series T in the principal amount of $5,000,000 (the “Series T Bonds”) and Taxable Variable Rate District Heating Revenue Bonds, 2012-6 Series U in the principal amount of $1,205,000 (the “Series U Bonds,” and together with the Series T Bonds, the “Series 2012 Bonds”) to be issued by the Port Authority on or after the date of the execution hereof; and (v) U.S. Bank National Association (the “Credit Provider”), as the letter of credit provider with respect to the Series 2012 Bonds and as a co-mortgagee with the Trustee under the District Energy Bond Mortgage (as defined herein) as amended. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, was awarded an Urban Development Action Grant (No. B-81-AA-0028, the “UDAG”) for the purposes of the district heating system (the “District Heating System”) owned and operated by District Energy; and WHEREAS, in connection with the development of the District Heating System, the City made a loan to District Energy from the proceeds of the UDAG pursuant to a City Loan Agreement dated as of December 1, 1982 as amended from time to time, including amendments dated as of December 1, 1985, August 5, 1988, and July 1, 1997 and a Global Amendment to District Heating Documents and Supplemental Mortgage dated as of December 1, 2007 (the “Global Amendment”) (collectively, the “City District Energy Loan Agreement”), and the City District Energy Loan Agreement also provided for loans to District Energy by the City of Community Development Block Grant and tax increment funds, all of which loans, in the principal amounts described on Exhibit A hereto, and the obligations of District Energy under the City District Energy Loan Agreement, are secured by that certain Mortgage, Fixture Financing Statement and Security Agreement dated as of December 1, 1982, recorded December 21, 1982 as Document No. 2164537 (Abstract) and recorded December 20, 1982 as Document No. 730851 (Torrens) in Ramsey County, Minnesota, as such mortgage may have from time to time been thereafter amended, encumbering City Subordination Agreement Error! Unknown document property name. 2 the real property legally described in Schedule A (collectively, the “District Energy City Mortgage”); and WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the “HRA”) has previously issued its Variable Rate Demand Purchase District Heating Revenue Bonds in 1982, 1985, 1997 and 1999 and has loaned the proceeds thereof to District Energy for the purpose of financing the District Heating System all of which bonds have since been repaid; and WHEREAS, the Port Authority has, pursuant to a Joint Powers Agreement with the HRA dated as of April 1, 2003 (the “District Energy Joint Powers Agreement”), previously issued its Variable Rate District Energy Revenue Bonds in 2003, 2005, 2006, January 2009 and September 2009 (together, the “District Energy Bonds”) and has loaned the proceeds of such Bonds to District Energy for purposes of financing the District Heating System; and WHEREAS, District Energy has proposed that the Port Authority issue its Series 2012 Bonds, in one or more series in the aggregate principal amount of approximately $6,205,000 to provide funds to finance improvements to the District Heating System; and WHEREAS, the Series 2012 Bonds are to be issued by the Port Authority pursuant to the District Energy Joint Powers Agreement; and WHEREAS, the City has previously authorized and executed certain subordination agreements pursuant to which the City has subordinated the liens and security interests granted in the District Energy City Mortgage to the rights of the Trustee under the mortgages from time to time, securing the outstanding District Energy Bonds; and WHEREAS, the Credit Provider has agreed to issue its direct pay irrevocable transferable Letters of Credit (collectively the “Letters of Credit”) to secure the Series 2012 Bonds, and District Energy and the Credit Provider have entered into a Letter of Credit Reimbursement Agreement dated as of June 1, 2012 (the “Reimbursement Agreement”) to provide for the reimbursement by District Energy to the Credit Provider for any amounts drawn under each Letter of Credit; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Reimbursement Agreement, and in connection with the Series 2012 Bonds, District Energy has granted to the Credit Provider and the Trustee a first lien mortgage interest in certain real property and assets (collectively the “Mortgage District Energy Property”) pursuant to that certain Amended and Restated Mortgage, Assignment of Rents, Fixture Financing Statement and Security Agreement dated as of September 1, 2009, recorded September 14, 2009 as Document No. 4181698 (Abstract) and recorded September 14, 2009 as Document No. 2086499 (Torrens) in Ramsey County, Minnesota, as such mortgage may from time to time hereafter be amended, encumbering certain real property including the real property legally described in Schedule A (the “District Energy Bond Mortgage”) between District Energy, as mortgagee and debtor, U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee and Credit Provider, and Deutsche Bank AG New York Branch, as co-mortgagees and co-secured parties; the District Energy Bond Mortgage shall secure an aggregate principal indebtedness of $49,630,000, as described on Exhibit B hereto; and City Subordination Agreement Error! Unknown document property name. 3 WHEREAS, District Energy has requested the City to subordinate its lien and encumbrance under the District Energy City Mortgage to the lien and encumbrance of the District Energy Bond Mortgage. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of these presents and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties to this Subordination Agreement agree as follows: (1) Subordination and Consent. Subject to the provisions of Section (2), the District Energy City Mortgage, all debt secured thereby, and all liens, rights, titles, and interests created in favor of the City thereunder or any subsequent holder of the debt secured thereby, are hereby made subordinate, junior and inferior in all respects to the security interests in the Mortgaged Property created by the District Energy Bond Mortgage, and the indebtedness secured thereby. The City hereby consents to the issuance of the Series 2012 Bonds, the loan of the proceeds thereof to District Energy and the execution of the District Energy Bond Mortgage. For the removal of doubt, the rights of the City and/or the HRA to insurance proceeds, condemnation proceeds or other proceeds related to the property encumbered by the District Energy City Mortgage are hereby subordinated to the rights of the Trustee and the Bank under the District Energy Bond Mortgage, and the Trustee and the Credit Provider will control the disposition of such funds in their sole and absolute discretion. (2) Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be a continuing agreement, and it shall remain in full force and effect with respect to the parties until such time as the loans of the proceeds of the Series 2012 Bonds and the City Loan are repaid in full in cash and all amounts due and owing to the Credit Provider under the Reimbursement Agreement are paid in full in cash, and all obligations under the District Energy Bond Mortgage are fully satisfied and discharged. (3) Representations and Warranties. The City represents and warrants to the Trustee and to the Credit Provider, that it is the sole holder and owner of the security interest and mortgage subordinated by this Agreement and the sole holder of the debt instrument secured by the District Energy City Mortgage, and that it has not transferred and will not transfer such security interest and mortgage, or the instrument evidencing the debt secured by the District Energy City Mortgage, without such assignment or transfer being made expressly subject to the terms of this Agreement. Each party warrants to the other parties to this Agreement that they have full right, power and authority to enter into this Agreement, and that this Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered, and that this Agreement is valid, binding and enforceable in accordance with its terms upon each of the parties to this Agreement, except only as such enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy, moratorium, reorganization or other laws, or principles of equity affecting creditor’s rights. (4) Notice. Each party hereto shall furnish to other party a copy of any notice of the occurrence of any Event of Default that such party may issue with respect to the Series 2012 Bonds, the District Energy City Loan Agreement, the District Energy City Mortgage, the Reimbursement Agreement, the District Energy Bond Mortgage or any other documents executed and delivered in connection with the foregoing, within five days of issuing such notice, and at least ten days prior to initiating foreclosure upon any of the Mortgaged Property, provided, however, that the failure to give such notice shall in no way adversely affect the City Subordination Agreement Error! Unknown document property name. 4 enforceability of this Agreement or the subordination of the District Energy City Mortgage. All notices required to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and may be given via courier or overnight delivery or by United States mail, certified mail, return receipt requested and postage prepaid, addressed to the party to whom notice is being given at the address set forth for the receipt of notice in this Agreement, or at such other address as the party to whom notice is being given has notified the other parties as to where such party wishes to receive notices pursuant to this Agreement. To the Trustee: U.S. Bank National Association Corporate Trust Services 60 Livingston Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55107 Attn: Corporate Trust Department To the City: City of Saint Paul City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Attn: Treasurer To the Port Authority: Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul 345 St. Peter Street 900 Landmark Towers Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Attn: President To the Company: District Energy St. Paul, Inc. Hans O. Nyman Energy Center 76 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-1611 Attn: President To the Credit Provider: U.S. Bank National Association EP-MN-S22C 101 East Fifth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Attn: Michael McGroarty With a copy to the Original Purchaser: Piper Jaffray & Co. U.S. Bank Center 800 Nicollet Mall, 13th Floor Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Attn: Public Finance Services (5) Successors and Assigns, Choice of Law, Entire Agreement. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties to this Agreement and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the City Subordination Agreement Error! Unknown document property name. 5 State of Minnesota, and the parties to this agreement consent to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Minnesota, located in Ramsey County, Minnesota and the United States District Court for the District of Minnesota in respect of any litigation concerning their respective rights or obligations under this Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. (6) Counterparts. This Agreement may be simultaneously executed in a number of identical counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original for all purposes and all of which constitute, collectively, one and the same agreement; but in making proof of this agreement, it shall not be necessary to produce or account for more than one such counterpart. [Remainder of page intentionally left blank] City Subordination Agreement Error! Unknown document property name. S - 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Agreement have hereby caused this Subordination Agreement to be executed and delivered as of the date and year first written: CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA By __________________________________ Its Mayor (SEAL) By__________________________________ Its Director, Office of Financial Services Approved as to form: _______________________________ By__________________________________ Assistant City Attorney Its City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of __________, 2012 by Chris Coleman, the Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota on behalf of said public body. ____________________________________ Notary Public (SEAL) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of __________, 2012 by Shari Moore, the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota on behalf of said public body. ____________________________________ Notary Public (SEAL) City Subordination Agreement Error! Unknown document property name. S - 2 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of __________, 2012 by Todd P. Hurley, the Director, Office of Financial Services, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota on behalf of said public body. ____________________________________ Notary Public (SEAL) City Subordination Agreement Error! Unknown document property name. S - 3 PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL By Its President By Its Chief Financial Officer STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of __________, 2012 by Louis F. Jambois, the President and Laurie J. Hansen, the Chief Financial Officer of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, on behalf of said public body. ____________________________________ Notary Public (SEAL) City Subordination Agreement Error! Unknown document property name. S - 4 DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC. By: ________________________________ Kenneth Smith Its President By: _______________________________ Andrew E. Kasid Its Senior Vice President, CFO STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ____ day of ______________, 2012 by Kenneth Smith, the President of District Energy St. Paul, Inc., a Minnesota nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ____________________________________ Notary Public (SEAL) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ____ day of ____________, 2012 by Andrew E. Kasid, the Senior Vice President, Ever-Green Energy, LLC Service Provider to District Energy St. Paul, Inc., a Minnesota nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ____________________________________ Notary Public (SEAL) City Subordination Agreement Error! Unknown document property name. S - 5 U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Trustee By _________________________________ Its Vice President STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of _______________, 2012 by __________________________, the Vice President of U.S. Bank National Association, a national banking association. ____________________________________ Notary Public (SEAL) City Subordination Agreement Error! Unknown document property name. S - 6 U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Credit Provider By ___________________________________ Its Vice President STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ___________ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of ______________, 2012 by _______________, the Vice President of U.S. Bank National Association, a national banking association. ____________________________________ Notary Public (SEAL) City Subordination Agreement Error! Unknown document property name. Sched - 1 SCHEDULE A LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 AND 7, ALL IN BLOCK 21, RICE AND IRVINE’S ADDITION, RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA. EXCEPT THOSE PARTS OF LOTS 6 AND 7, BLOCK 21, RICE AND IRVINE’S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA, AND THAT PART OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY HALF OF HILL STREET, NOW VACATED, AS DEDICATED IN SAID RICE AND IRVINE’S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL ADJOINING SAID LOTS 6 AND 7 DESCRIBED AS COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE EASTERLY 25.00 FEET OF LOT 5, SAID BLOCK 21; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY, ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS 5, 6 AND 7, A DISTANCE OF 131.59 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF A LINE HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS “LINE A, “ SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE LAND TO BE DESCRIBED; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY DEFLECTING TO THE LEFT 104 DEGREES 53 MINUTES 10 SECONDS A DISTANCE OF 69.63 FEET AND SAID “LINE A” THERE TERMINATING; THENCE NORTHERLY DEFLECTING TO THE LEFT 142 DEGREES 14 MINUTES 53 SECONDS A DISTANCE OF 93.47 FEET TO CENTERLINE OF SAID HILL STREET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY, ALONG SAID CENTERLINE OF HILL STREET, A DISTANCE OF 59.18 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY EXTENSION OF SAID “LINE A”; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY EXTENSION OF “LINE A”, A DISTANCE OF 19.34 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO EXCEPT THAT PART OF LOT 7 AND VACATED HILL STREET LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF SAID “LINE A” AND ITS NORTHWESTERLY AND SOUTHEASTERLY EXTENSIONS. TOGETHER WITH A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT OF PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICULAR INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER THE DRIVEWAYS, DRIVE AISLES, ROADS AND SIDEWALKS AS MAY FROM TIME TO TIME EXIST ON THE REAL PROPERTY LYING SOUTH OF THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED PROPERTY THAT IS OWNED BY MORTGAGOR TO PROVIDE REASONABLE PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICULAR INGRESS AND EGRESS TO AND FROM THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY TO PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. ABSTRACT PROPERTY TORRENS PROPERTY TORRENS CERTIFICATE NO. 300445 (LOT 4) City Subordination Agreement Error! Unknown document property name. A - 1 EXHIBIT A Outstanding balances of loans due to the City of Saint Paul and/or the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota from District Energy St. Paul, Inc. as of ____________, 2012: City/HRA Loan $0.00 City UDAG Loan $1,139,732.25 2007 Capital Loan Note $5,750,000.00 2007 Franchise Fee Note $4,908,734.46 Total $11,798,466.71 Subordination Agreement (District Cooling) Error! Unknown document property name. Sch A-2 EXHIBIT B Aggregate principal bond indebtedness consisting of Outstanding September 2009 Bonds and Series 2012 Bonds. January 2009 Bonds Series Principal Amount 2009-1 Series N $12,510,000 September 2009 Bonds Series Principal Amount 2009-5 Series O $13,435,000 2009-6 Series P $ 3,740,000 2009-7 Series Q $ 5,585,000 2009-8 Series R $ 3,760,000 2009-14 Series S $ 4,665,000 Subtotal $30,915,000 Series 2012 Bonds Series Principal Amount 2012-5 Series T $5,000,000 2012-6 Series U $1,205,000 Subtotal $6,205,000 Grand Total for Bonds $49,630,000 City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-962 Name:J P Market License Suspension and Fine Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Approving adverse action against the Retail Food (B) Grocery 101-1000 sq. ft. license held by Pa Vang, d/b/a J P Market, 1001 Johnson Parkway, Unit #289. Sponsors:Dan Bostrom Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Letter & Renewal Invoice.pdf Notice of Intent to Suspend License.pdf SPLC Section 310.05 (m).pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Approving adverse action against the Retail Food (B) Grocery 101-1000 sq. ft. license held by Pa Vang, d/b/a J P Market, 1001 Johnson Parkway, Unit #289. Body WHEREAS,adverse action was taken against the Retail Food (B)Grocery 101-1000 sq.ft.license held by Pa Vang d/b/a J P Market (License ID #20100005274)for the premises located at 1001 Johnson Parkway,Unit #289 in Saint Paul,by Notice of Intent to Suspend License dated April 25,2012,alleging licensee failed to pay delinquent license and late fees of $153.00 and submit a completed Certificate of Compliance Minnesota Workers' Compensation Law form; and WHEREAS,per Saint Paul Legislative Code §310.05 (m)(2),the licensing office also recommended a $500.00 matrix penalty for failure to submit required information in order to maintain the license; and WHEREAS,the licensee did not respond to the Notice of Intent to Suspend License to pay the delinquent license and late fees, submit the required information or request a hearing; and WHEREAS,the Notice of Intent to Suspend License stated that if the licensee failed to pay the delinquent license and late fees,submit the required information or request a hearing by May 4,2012,that the matter would be placed on the consent agenda to impose the recommended penalty; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED,that the Retail Food (B)Grocery 101-1000 sq.ft.license held by Pa Vang d/b/a J P Market is hereby suspended for failure to pay delinquent license and late fees of $153.00. FURTHER RESOLVED,the licensee is ordered to pay a matrix penalty of $500.00 for failure to submit required information in order to maintain the license.Payment of such penalty shall be made within thirty (30) days of the date of the adoption of this resolution. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-967 Name:Opposing the proposed voter ID amendment Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Opposing the proposed constitutional amendment to restrict the voting rights of Minnesotans by mandating government-issued documents as a condition for voting. Sponsors:Amy Brendmoen, Kathy Lantry, Russ Stark Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Opposing the proposed constitutional amendment to restrict the voting rights of Minnesotans by mandating government-issued documents as a condition for voting. Body Whereas the right to vote is fundamental to democracy in America; and Whereas government has a duty to prevent unnecessary bureaucratic barriers that impair the voting rights of Americans; and Whereas Minnesota has been the national leader in voter participation for the past four decades; and Whereas Minnesota is widely acknowledged to have the best system for administering elections in the United States; and Whereas the high level of accuracy and integrity of the election system in Minnesota has been confirmed by statewide recounts in 2008 and 2010; and Whereas the Minnesota Legislature has nonetheless voted to place a proposed constitutional amendment on the ballot to restrict the voting rights of all Minnesotans by mandating possession of a government-issued document to vote; and Whereas the proposed constitutional amendment would deny the right to vote to any eligible voter who is not able to provide a mandated government-issued document; and Whereas many eligible voters would find it difficult or impossible to obtain the necessary government-issued documents that would be required by the proposed amendment; and Whereas the costs that many voters would be forced to bear to obtain the necessary government-issued City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 2 powered by Legistar™ File #: RES 12-967, Version: 1 documents would effectively constitute a poll tax on those voters; and Whereas proven instances of violations of the Minnesota election law consist of isolated, infrequent acts committed by a handful of individuals who would not be deterred by the proposed amendment; and Whereas the proposed amendment would impose a costly, unnecessary and ineffective system of provisional voting on Minnesota voters; and Whereas the costs of implementing the provisions of the proposed amendment would fall almost exclusively on local government and would mandate an increase in property taxes across Minnesota; and Whereas the proposed amendment would disenfranchise many Minnesotans serving in the armed forces or residing overseas by requiring those voters to find government officials to certify their absentee ballots; and Whereas the proposed amendment would discriminate against students attending private colleges and people working for private sector employers by preventing those voters from using legitimate and verifiable documents issued by those private institutions; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that City of Saint Paul opposes the proposed constitutional amendment to restrict the voting rights of Minnesotans by mandating government-issued documents as a condition for voting; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Minnesota voters are encouraged to vote “no” on the proposed constitutional amendment at the November 6, 2012 state general election. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 2 of 2 powered by Legistar™ City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-982 Name:Cultural STAR recommendations Rd 1 2012 Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Approving the amended funding for Round One of Cycle 18 (2012) of the Cultural STAR Program. Sponsors:Kathy Lantry, Dave Thune Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Amended 2012 C-STAR Attachment A round 1 second resolution #12 982.pdf Amended 2012 C-STAR Attachment B round 1 2012 second resolution #12-982.pdf RES 12-843 - Cultural STAR Round One 2012 - Fin Analysis Attachment A 5.4.12.pdf 2012 - Round 1 Board and Mayoral Cultural STAR recommendations 2012 C-STAR Attachment A round 1 second resolution #12 982.pdf 2012 C-STAR Attachment B round 1 2012 second resolution #12-982.pdf Minnesota Boychoir letter.pdf Sounds of Hope Email St. Paul Art Crawl email Festa Italiana MN email Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Approving the amended funding for Round One of Cycle 18 (2012) of the Cultural STAR Program. Body WHEREAS, on May 16, 2012, the City Council amended Attachment A of RES 12-843 by removing Bedlam Theater and Irish Fair of Minnesota to be considered in this resolution, WHEREAS, on July 13, 1994, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul established the Cultural Capital (Cultural STAR) Investment Program, and WHEREAS, the Cultural STAR Program is funded with ten percent of an additional one-half of one percent sales tax on sales transactions that occur within the City, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 297A, authorized by the State of Minnesota, Chapter No. 375, Sec. 46, and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Cultural STAR Program is to promote economic growth in Saint Paul by strengthening the arts and cultural sector and by supporting Downtown as a vital cultural center, and WHEREAS, pursuant to 1998 Minnesota Laws Chapter 389, Article 8, SS 37, Subdivision 1, a citizen review panel, commonly known as the Cultural STAR Board, has completed its biannual review of all proposals for the expenditure of funds in round one of Cycle 18 of the Cultural STAR Program and has made recommendations regarding the proposed expenditures, and WHEREAS, the Mayor has reviewed the applications for funds in round one of Cycle 18 of the Cultural STAR Program and has made recommendations, which are listed in Attachment B attached to this resolution, and WHEREAS, none of the recommended grants listed in Attachment B require a public hearing due to provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 116J, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby approves the projects and amounts listed in Attachment A attached hereto for funding in round one of Cycle 18 of the Cultural STAR Program, and City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 2 powered by Legistar™ File #: RES 12-982, Version: 1 RESOLVED, that expenditures for these projects in these amounts incurred after May 1, 2012 are eligible for reimbursement, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council extends its gratitude to the members of the Cultural STAR Board for their hard work in reviewing the proposals and making recommendation to the Mayor and City Council in this first round of 2012. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 2 of 2 powered by Legistar™ City of Saint Paul Financial Analysis 1File ID Number:12-982 2 3Budget Affected:Operating BudgetPED Special Fund 4 5Total Amount of Transaction:0 6 7Funding Source:Other Please Specify:STAR 8 9Appropriation already included in budget?Yes 10 11Charter Citation:10.07.4 12 13 Fiscal Analysis: This action will provide financing for Cultural STAR Projects via Round 1 of funding in 2012 14 15 SPENDING PLAN - 2012 Cultural STAR Cycle 18 Round 1 16 Accounting CURRENT 17 CompanyUnitAccountActivity Description BUDGET CHANGES 1893090399054777999Undesignated Adopted Budget - City Sales Tax678,210.53(256,000.00) 19 93090310029977000Direct Project Costs-Services955,774.840.00 20 93090310054777000Direct Project Costs-Fees261,351.710.00 21 Detail Accounting Codes: 22 Accounting CURRENT 23 CompanyUnitAccountActivity Description BUDGET CHANGES 1 930 90310 0547 71982 Bedlam Theatre 0.00 56,000.00 930 90310 0547 71982 Bedlam Theatre 0.00 76,000.00 2 930 90310 0547 71988 Irish Fair of Minnesota 0.00 20,000.00 930 90310 0547 71988 Irish Fair of Minnesota 0.00 10,000.00 930 90310 0547 71005 The History Theatre, Inc.0.0010,000.00 930 90310 0547 71006 International Institute of Minnesota 0.0010,000.00 930 90310 0547 71007 Minnesota Boychoir 0.0010,000.00 930 90310 0547 71008 St. Paul Art Collective 0.0010,000.00 930 90310 0547 71009 The St. Paul Conservatory of Music 0.005,000.00 930 90310 0547 71010 Sounds of Hope, Ltd 0.009,000.00 930 90310 0547 71011 Theater Space Project 0.0010,000.00 930 90310 0547 71012 Unico Twin Cities 0.00 20,000.00 930 90310 0547 71012 Unico Twin Cities 0.00 10,000.00 TOTAL:1,895,337.080.00 Financing Changes None NET CHANGE: 0.00 ATTACHMENT A Res #12-982 PROPOSED BUDGET 422,210.53 955,774.84 261,351.71 AMENDED BUDGET 56,000.00 76,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 9,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 1,895,337.08 ATTACHMENT A Res #12-982 Re q A m t R e c I N R e c O U T In $4 4 3 , 5 6 8 $ 6 4 8 , 8 3 3 Ou t $1 1 0 , 8 9 2 $ 0 TO T A L $5 5 4 , 4 6 0 $6 4 8 , 8 3 3 ST A R ID # O r g a n i z a t i o n N a m e Pr o j e c t N a m e Ty p e Re q u e s t e d IN D i s t Re q u e s t e d OU T D i s t Bo a r d R e c In D i s t Bo a r d R e c Ou t D i s t Ma y o r ' s R e c In D i s t Ma y o r ' s R e c Ou t D i s t Council Amended INCouncil Amended OUT 76 9 * B e d l a m T h e a t r e be d - L O W C $2 0 0 , 0 0 0 $1 5 0 , 0 0 0 $1 5 0 , 0 0 0 $56,000 76 9 * B e d l a m T h e a t r e be d - L O W C $2 0 0 , 0 0 0 $1 5 0 , 0 0 0 $1 5 0 , 0 0 0 $76,000 77 8 T h e H i s t o r y T h e a t r e , I n c . E d u c a t i o n a n d M a r k e t i n g S t a f f S u p p o r t $4 1 , 0 0 0 $10,000 77 9 I n t e r n a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t e o f M i n n e s o t a F e s t i v a l o f Na t i o n s $1 0 , 0 0 0 $10,000 78 1 Ir i s h F a i r o f M i n n e s o t a Ir i s h F a i r o f M i n n e s o t a ( 2 0 1 2 ) $4 6 , 0 0 0 $1 0 , 0 0 0 $1 0 , 0 0 0 $20,000 78 1 Ir i s h F a i r o f M i n n e s o t a Ir i s h F a i r o f M i n n e s o t a ( 2 0 1 2 ) $4 6 , 0 0 0 $1 0 , 0 0 0 $1 0 , 0 0 0 $10,000 78 4 M i n n e s o t a B o y c h o i r C u s t o m e r R e l a t i o n s h i p M a n a g e m e nt ( C R M ) sy s t e m s u p g r a d e $1 9 , 5 8 7 $10,000 79 6 S t P a u l A r t C o l l e c t i v e S a i n t P a u l A r t C r a w l $3 2 , 0 0 0 $10,000 79 8 T h e S t . P a u l C o n s e r v a t o r y o f M u s i c C o f f e e C o n c e r t S e r i e s $5 , 0 0 0 $5,000 80 3 S o u n d s o f H o p e , L t d . S o n g s o f H o p e 2 0 1 2 C o n c e r t $9 , 0 0 0 $9,000 80 7 T h e a t e r S p a c e P r o j e c t O r g a n i z a t i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t : s t a f f e x p a n s i o n f o r fu t u r e s t a b i l i t y $1 2 , 2 4 6 $10,000 80 9 UN I C O T w i n C i t i e s Fe s t a I t a l i a n a M N $2 8 , 0 0 0 $20,000 80 9 UN I C O T w i n C i t i e s Fe s t a I t a l i a n a M N $2 8 , 0 0 0 $10,000 RE Q U E S T E D $6 4 8 , 8 3 3 $ 0 Re c o m m e n d e d f o r A w a r d $3 2 0 , 0 0 0 $ 0 $ 3 2 0 , 0 0 0 $ 0 $ 2 5 6 , 0 0 0 $ 0 TO T A L $3 2 0 , 0 0 0 $ 3 2 0 , 0 0 0 $ 2 5 6 , 0 0 0 *A t l e a s t 8 0 % m u s t b e a w a r d e d i n d i s t r i c t ; U p t o 2 0% m a y b e a w a r d e d o u t o f d i s t r i c t ; A T T A C H M E N T B Av a i l a b l e f o r A w a r d Cu l t u r a l S T A R B o a r d R e v i e w 2 0 1 2 R o u n d 1 - M a r c h 2 7 & 2 8 R e s # 1 2 - 9 8 2 * B e d l a m T h e a t r e : $ 3 6 , 0 0 0 f o r s p e c i a l p r o j e c t ; $ 11 4 , 0 0 0 f o r c a p i t a l p r o j e c t - 2 t o 1 m a t c h r e q u i r e d; City of Saint Paul Financial Analysis 1File ID Number:12-843 2 3Budget Affected:Operating BudgetPEDSpecial Fund 4 5Total Amount of Transaction:0 6 7Funding Source:OtherPlease Specify:STAR 8 9Appropriation already included in budget?Yes 10 11Charter Citation:10.07.4 12 13Fiscal Analysis: This action will provide financing for Cultural STAR Projects via Round 1 of funding in 2012 14 15 SPENDING PLAN - 2012 Cultural STAR Cycle 18 Round 1 16 Accounting CURRENTPROPOSED 17 Company UnitAccount Activity DescriptionBUDGET CHANGESBUDGET 1893090399054777999Undesignated Adopted Budget - City Sales Tax1,527,670.53(1,009,460.00)518,210.53 19 93090310029977000Direct Project Costs-Services819,774.84136,000.00955,774.84 20 93090310054777000Direct Project Costs-Fees242,351.7119,000.00261,351.71 21 Detail Accounting Codes: 22 Accounting CURRENTAMENDED 23 CompanyUnitAccountActivity Description BUDGET CHANGESBUDGET 24 930 90310 054771808The Arts Partnership - Year 5 of 101,290,791.68300,000.001,590,791.68 25 930 90310 054771980 Amsterdam Bar and Hall 0.0017,500.0017,500.00 26 930 90310 054771981 Arcata Press dba Saint Paul Almanac 0.0020,000.0020,000.00 27 930 90310 054771982 Bedlam Theatre 0.00150,000.00150,000.00 28 930 90310 054771983 CapitolRiver Council District 17 0.0020,000.0020,000.00 29 930 90310 054771984 District 2 Community Council, Inc.0.005,000.005,000.00 30 930 90310 054771985 Grassroots Culture 0.0020,000.0020,000.00 31 930 90310 054771986 Historic Saint Paul Corporation 0.0020,000.0020,000.00 32 930 90310 054771987 Asian Media Access/Iny Asian Dance 0.005,000.005,000.00 33 930 90310 054771988 Irish Fair of Minnesota 0.0010,000.0010,000.00 34 930 90310 054771989 Katha Dance Theatre 0.0018,000.0018,000.00 35 930 90310 054771990 Keys 4/4 Kids, Inc.0.0012,500.0012,500.00 36 93090310054771991 Minnesota Landmarks Inc.0.0015,000.0015,000.00 37 930 90310 054771992 Minnesota Museum of American Art 0.0030,000.0030,000.00 38 930 90310 054771993 Minnesota Public Radio 0.0025,000.0025,000.00 39 930 90310 054771994 Neighborhood Development Center 0.0010,000.0010,000.00 40 930 90310 054771995 Ordway Center for the Performing Arts 0.0030,000.0030,000.00 41 930 90310 054771996 Asian Media Access, Incorporated for Pan 0.0010,000.0010,000.00 42 930 90310 054771997 Penumbra Theatre Company, Inc 0.0015,660.0015,660.00 43 930 90310 054771998 Remke Corporation, dba The Black Dog Café 0.0011,800.0011,800.00 44 930 90310 054771999 The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra Society 0.0035,000.0035,000.00 45 930 90310 054771000 Winter Carnival 0.0020,000.0020,000.00 46 930 90310 054771001 St. Paul Neighborhood Network 0.0015,000.0015,000.00 47 930 90310 054771002 Special School District No 1 0.009,000.009,000.00 48 930 90310 054771003 Springboard for the Arts 0.0020,000.0020,000.00 49 930 90310 054771004 TU Dance 0.0010,000.0010,000.00 50 TOTAL:3,880,588.760.003,880,588.76 51 Financing Changes 52 None NET CHANGE: 0.00 ATTACHMENT A ReqAmt Rec IN Rec OUT In $443,568 $1,376,233 $456,500 Out $110,892 $273,973 $97,960 TOTAL $554,460 $1,650,206 $456,500 $97,960 STAR ID#Organization Name Project Name Type Requested IN Dist Requested OUT Dist Board Rec In Dist Board Rec Out Dist Mayor's Rec In Dist Mayor's Rec Out Dist 765 The Shoe Factory, LLC Capitalization of Streakin'$18,650 766 Amsterdam Bar and Hall Girls Got Rhythm Fest $19,775 $5,000 $17,500 767 Arcata Press dba Saint Paul Almanac 2013 Saint Paul Almanac $50,000 $20,000 $20,000 768 Ballet Minnesota Building St. Paul Cultural Vitality $18,000 769 * Bedlam Theatre bed-LOW C $200,000 $150,000 $150,000 770 CapitolRiver Council District 17 Music in Mears - 2012 $28,000 $20,000 $20,000 771 Nathan Hanson & Brian Roessler dba Community Pool Community Pool:Deep End $15,000 772 CultureBrokers Foundation, Inc.Selby Avenue Rondo Heritage District Branding & Marketing Initiative $25,000 773 District 2 Community Council, Inc.White Bear Avenue Parade $7,000 $5,000 $5,000 774 Forecast Public Artworks Speaking of Home - St Paul Project Evaluation $30,000 775 Grassroots Culture Lowertown Roots Festival $30,000 $20,000 $20,000 776 Highland Business Association Art on the Move $15,950 777 Historic Saint Paul Corporation Tour Saint Paul: Web & Mobile Application $28,750 $20,000 $20,000 778 The History Theatre, Inc.Education and Marketing Staff Support $41,000 779 International Institute of Minnesota Festival of Nations $10,000 780 Asian Media Access, Incorporated for Iny Asian Dance Theater Hmong Cultural Series $48,000 $5,000 $5,000 781 Irish Fair of Minnesota Irish Fair of Minnesota (2012)$46,000 $10,000 $10,000 782 Katha Dance Theatre Artist-in Residence: Pandit Birju Maharaj & Company from India $40,000 $18,000 $18,000 783 Keys 4/4 Kids, Inc.Pianos on Parade $25,000 $12,500 $12,500 784 Minnesota Boychoir Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems upgrade $19,587 785 Minnesota Chinese Dance Theater Descendants of the Dragon $25,000 786 Minnesota Landmarks Inc.MN Landmarks Full-time Development Position $20,000 $15,000 $15,000 787 Minnesota Museum of American Art Curator of Engagement $35,000 $30,000 $30,000 788 Minnesota Public Radio The Current Fitz Sessions $50,000 $25,000 $25,000 789 Neighborhood Development Center 2012 Selby Ave Jazz Fest c/o Golden Thyme Coffee Café $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 790 Ordway Center for the Performing Arts Ordway Summer Dance $50,000 $30,000 $30,000 791 Asian Media Access, as agent for Pan Asian Artists All. International Asian Dance Symposium and Festival $33,000 $10,000 $10,000 792 Penco Graphic Supply, Inc.Artist Supplies Store $50,000 793 Penumbra Theatre Company, Inc New Theater Seats C $15,660 $15,660 $15,660 794 Remke Corporation, dba The Black Dog Café Black Dog Performance Space Upgrades C $12,000 $11,800 $11,800 795 St Catherine University O'Shaughnessy Accessibility and Safety Improvement Project C $27,533 796 St Paul Art Collective Saint Paul Art Crawl $32,000 797 The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra Society Revel Music Series $50,000 $35,000 $35,000 798 The St. Paul Conservatory of Music Coffee Concert Series $5,000 799 The Saint Paul Festival and Heritage Foundation Saint Paul Winter Carnival: Winter Wonderland Music & Art in Rice Park $40,000 $20,000 800 St. Paul Neighborhood Network Equipping SPNN Youth C $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 801 Independent School District 625 Zero-entry Pool Theater C $300,000 802 Sample Night Live The Penguin Poop Project - A Marketing Initiative $20,000 803 Sounds of Hope, Ltd.Songs of Hope 2012 Concert $9,000 804 Special School District No 1 St Paul Live! - Season 2 $22,000 $9,000 $9,000 805 Springboard for the Arts Resource Center Expansion C $30,000 $20,000 $20,000 806 The Steppingstone Theatre Steppingstone Theatre's 25th Anniversary Season $25,000 807 Theater Space Project Organizational Development: staff expansion for future stability $12,246 808 TU Dance TU Dance Center Open House $18,055 $10,000 $10,000 809 UNICO Twin Cities Festa Italiana MN $28,000 810 Walker-West Music Academy WITHDRAWN - 2012 Artist Series: Educational clinics, workshops, and performance REQUESTED $1,376,233 $273,973 Recommended for Award $436,500 $85,460 $456,500 $97,960 TOTAL $521,960 $554,460 Arts Partnership - Year 5 of 10 Expansion of Ordway performance space $300,000 Cultural STAR Board Review 2012 Round 1 - March 27 & 28 * Bedlam Theatre: $36,000 for special project; $114,000 for capital project - 2 to 1 match required; *At least 80% must be awarded in district; Up to 20% may be awarded out of district; ATTACHMENT B Available for Award City of Saint Paul Financial Analysis 1File ID Number:12-982 2 3Budget Affected:Operating BudgetPED Special Fund 4 5Total Amount of Transaction:0 6 7Funding Source:Other Please Specify:STAR 8 9Appropriation already included in budget?Yes 10 11Charter Citation:10.07.4 12 13 Fiscal Analysis: This action will provide financing for Cultural STAR Projects via Round 1 of funding in 2012 14 15 SPENDING PLAN - 2012 Cultural STAR Cycle 18 Round 1 16 Accounting CURRENT 17 CompanyUnitAccountActivity Description BUDGET CHANGES 1893090399054777999Undesignated Adopted Budget - City Sales Tax678,210.53(160,000.00) 19 93090310029977000Direct Project Costs-Services955,774.840.00 20 93090310054777000Direct Project Costs-Fees261,351.710.00 21 Detail Accounting Codes: 22 Accounting CURRENT 23 CompanyUnitAccountActivity Description BUDGET CHANGES 1 930 90310 054771982 Bedlam Theatre 0.0056,000.00 2 930 90310 054771988 Irish Fair of Minnesota 0.0020,000.00 930 90310 0547 71005 The History Theatre, Inc.0.0010,000.00 930 90310 0547 71006 International Institute of Minnesota 0.0010,000.00 930 90310 0547 71007 Minnesota Boychoir 0.0010,000.00 930 90310 0547 71008 St. Paul Art Collective 0.0010,000.00 930 90310 0547 71009 The St. Paul Conservatory of Music 0.005,000.00 930 90310 0547 71010 Sounds of Hope, Ltd 0.009,000.00 930 90310 0547 71011 Theater Space Project 0.0010,000.00 930 90310 0547 71012 Unico Twin Cities 0.0020,000.00 TOTAL:1,895,337.080.00 Financing Changes None NET CHANGE: 0.00 ATTACHMENT A Res #12-982 PROPOSED BUDGET 518,210.53 955,774.84 261,351.71 AMENDED BUDGET 56,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 9,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 1,895,337.08 ATTACHMENT A Res #12-982 Re q A m t R e c I N R e c O U T In $4 4 3 , 5 6 8 $ 4 0 2 , 8 3 3 Ou t $1 1 0 , 8 9 2 $ 0 TO T A L $5 5 4 , 4 6 0 $4 0 2 , 8 3 3 ST A R ID # O r g a n i z a t i o n N a m e Pr o j e c t N a m e Ty p e Re q u e s t e d IN D i s t Re q u e s t e d OU T D i s t Bo a r d R e c In D i s t Bo a r d R e c Ou t D i s t Ma y o r ' s R e c In D i s t Ma y o r ' s R e c Ou t D i s t Council Amended INCouncil Amended OUT 76 9 * B e d l a m T h e a t r e b e d - L O W C $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 $1 5 0 , 0 0 0 $ 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 $ 5 6 , 0 0 0 77 8 T h e H i s t o r y T h e a t r e , I n c . E d u c a t i o n a n d M a r k e t i n g S t a f f S u p p o r t $4 1 , 0 0 0 $10,000 77 9 I n t e r n a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t e o f M i n n e s o t a F e s t i v a l o f Na t i o n s $1 0 , 0 0 0 $10,000 78 1 I r i s h F a i r o f M i n n e s o t a I r i s h F a i r o f M i n n e s o t a ( 20 1 2 ) $4 6 , 0 0 0 $1 0 , 0 0 0 $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 $20,000 78 4 M i n n e s o t a B o y c h o i r C u s t o m e r R e l a t i o n s h i p M a n a g e m e nt ( C R M ) sy s t e m s u p g r a d e $1 9 , 5 8 7 $10,000 79 6 S t P a u l A r t C o l l e c t i v e S a i n t P a u l A r t C r a w l $3 2 , 0 0 0 $10,000 79 8 T h e S t . P a u l C o n s e r v a t o r y o f M u s i c C o f f e e C o n c e r t S e r i e s $5 , 0 0 0 $5,000 80 3 S o u n d s o f H o p e , L t d . S o n g s o f H o p e 2 0 1 2 C o n c e r t $9 , 0 0 0 $9,000 80 7 T h e a t e r S p a c e P r o j e c t O r g a n i z a t i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t : s t a f f e x p a n s i o n f o r fu t u r e s t a b i l i t y $1 2 , 2 4 6 $10,000 80 9 U N I C O T w i n C i t i e s Fe s t a I t a l i a n a M N $2 8 , 0 0 0 $20,000 RE Q U E S T E D $4 0 2 , 8 3 3 $ 0 Re c o m m e n d e d f o r A w a r d $1 6 0 , 0 0 0 $ 0 $ 1 6 0 , 0 0 0 $ 0 $ 1 6 0 , 0 0 0 $ 0 TO T A L $1 6 0 , 0 0 0 $ 1 6 0 , 0 0 0 $ 1 6 0 , 0 0 0 *A t l e a s t 8 0 % m u s t b e a w a r d e d i n d i s t r i c t ; U p t o 2 0% m a y b e a w a r d e d o u t o f d i s t r i c t ; A T T A C H M E N T B Av a i l a b l e f o r A w a r d Cu l t u r a l S T A R B o a r d R e v i e w 2 0 1 2 R o u n d 1 - M a r c h 2 7 & 2 8 R e s # 1 2 - 9 8 2 * B e d l a m T h e a t r e : $ 3 6 , 0 0 0 f o r s p e c i a l p r o j e c t ; $ 11 4 , 0 0 0 f o r c a p i t a l p r o j e c t - 2 t o 1 m a t c h r e q u i r e d; Shari Moore - Fwd: Cultural Star Support -- Minnesota Boychoir Shari, Please add this into the record for the Cultural STAR agenda item for next week. Pat >>> Margaret Flanagan <flanagan@iphouse.com> 5/17/2012 1:59 PM >>> Dear Mr. Thune: The recent Cultural Star grant awardee list has come to my attention, and for the third time (since fall 2010) the board has failed to grant any funds whatsoever to the Minnesota Boychoir. It seems increasingly the case that Cultural Star program decisions have become dominated by an inner circle of those who serve their own personal/commercial interests; and I think it wholly inappropriate that the board includes members whose organizations are funded handsomely year after year. My hope is that the board's decision is not final, and that with your positive intercession, the Minnesota Boychoir could indeed receive the (matching) funds they requested to help improve their systems infrastructure, aligning well with the objectives of the Cultural Star's Organizational Development Program. Organizational Context: The Minnesota Boychoir trains and nurtures boys and young men ages 7-18 to perform at an exceptional level of musical excellence through study and performance of traditional and contemporary choral works from around the world. A Saint Paul-based cultural treasure for FIFTY YEARS, they are headquartered in Landmark Center, reach 26,000 people annually through free community concerts, commissioned performances, education and outreach activities in area schools; and reach additional young audiences through their co-ed summer arts experience at Concordia College. They partner and collaborate with leading arts organizations including The Minnesota Orchestra, St Paul Chamber Orchestra, TigerLion Arts, U of M Symphony and Chorus, and Zenon Dance Company.They will perform free 50th Anniversary Commemorative Concerts at both Orchestra Hall and the State Capitol this summer, commemorating their long history as a top quality youth/arts organization serving thousands of boys and young men. Many former members (including current board members) cite their participation in the Minnesota Boychoir as having had a transformative effect on their later lives, helping them to focus during important formative years, affecting their subsequent life success. The Minnesota Boychoir’s FY12 organizational budget is $346,281. Administrative expenses (i.e., payroll and benefits) are $164,145 which supports 2.25 FTEs and staff salaries for the “Sing Minnesota” summer program. The attendance at Boychoir events last year was 26,000. From: Patricia Lindgren To: Lantry, Kathy; Moloney, Trudy; Moore, Shari Date: 5/17/2012 2:53 PM Subject: Fwd: Cultural Star Support -- Minnesota Boychoir CC: Iverson, Alexandra Page 1 of 3 5/17/2012file://C:\Documents and Settings\smoore\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4FB510E3mail... Cultural Star Program Recent History: In 2011 the Minnesota Boychoir advanced a STAR application for a community celebration titled "Vive Italia" a collaboration with Maria Jette and Dan Chouinard, expected to reach 500 patrons of all ages for two concerts at the Ordway's McKnight Theater. This event was conceived as a public send- off to the Minnesota Boychoir's 2011 Italian tour, where they performed by prestigious invitation from the Vatican (at St Peter's Basilica), among other venues. The proposed collaboration, designed to showcase the vocal talents of the Boychoir, Ms. Jette and Dan Chouinard – (all of whom have a substantial local following, and have demonstrated their ability to bring audiences downtown) was turned down for funding by the Cultural Star Board. The project was shelved, as a result. In August 2011 the Boychoir advanced an application for organizational development funds to purchase a customer relationship management tool to strengthen its operations and develop the technical infrastructure necessary to ensure its long term, successful growth. With 2.5 FTEs managing artistic outreach, marketing, donor relations, parent communications, etc. this would have greatly improved the Boychoir's ability to: · Build and diversify audiences; · Promote a broad range of cultural offerings; · Produce a long-term impact; and · Leverage additional financial support -- As this application was turned down, Amy Felice encouraged us to re-apply in spring 2011. Migrating the existing database to an integrated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution would consolidate office systems and accounting applications, and improve all aspects of donor/member relationships and management communications. Installation of an integrated CRM system would be of enormous value during the 2012 50th Anniversary Season -- as try to attract new patrons audiences, and manage relationships that will help us grow responsibly in the months and years ahead. As you are aware, the Boychoir has again been turned down for funding Mr. Thune, the Boychoir does not have the resources of the Ordway, the SPCO -- indeed its budget is a fraction of most of the Cultural Star Program's current awardees. The Minnesota Boychoir manages an art organization that reaches 26,000 people annually, with 2.5FTEs. Given this ratio, it is essential that the Boychoir’s office systems are functional and effective, and serve the organization and its many different constituents in a cost effective way. For this reason, the Minnesota Boychoir seeks funds from Cultural Star to strengthen its operations and develop the technical infrastructure necessary to ensure its long term, successful growth: a central objective of the Cultural STAR organizational development program. Please help the Cultural Star Board realize their positive decision to fund the Minnesota Boychoir would make an enormous difference -- and seriously impact the Choir's ability to grow responsibly in the future. Thank you. Margaret Flanagan Minnesota Boychoir Development Page 2 of 3 5/17/2012file://C:\Documents and Settings\smoore\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4FB510E3mail... -- ___________________________ Margaret C. "Peg" Flanagan M.C. FLANAGAN INC. (651) 230 1233 flanagan@iphouse.com www.pegflanaganconsulting.com Page 3 of 3 5/17/2012file://C:\Documents and Settings\smoore\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4FB510E3mail... >>> "Tom Surprenant" <tsurprenant@soundsofhope.org> 5/18/2012 7:53 PM >>> Dear City Council: On behalf of Sounds of Hope, Ltd., I am writing to ask the City Council to look favorably on our request for Cultural STAR funding for an exciting project. As some of you may know, Sounds of Hope, Ltd. has been an active arts organization in the city of St. Paul continuously since 1991. We are very proud of our many contributions to the vibrancy of the city and I would like to mention a few recent highlights before getting to the specific project for which we are seeking Cultural STAR funding: 1. While there are many organizations with an international aspect, few can match the breadth of international performers that we draw to the city each year. For example, last summer we drew young artists aged 9-25 to St. Paul from China, South Korea, Singapore, Vietnam, India, Bulgaria, Russia, Italy, Guatemala, Mexico, Israel, Turkey, and Madagascar. 2. Our summer Songs of Hope concert series presents the songs, dances, percussion, and folkloric dress of these diverse performers to audiences in the downtown area and throughout the city: in theatres and other public venues, in nursing homes, schools, and city parks. Our purpose is to bring to St. Paul residents the music of the world. 3. Numerous talented, local youth go through our programs, getting a unique chance to experience the larger world and to develop a global perspective in an increasingly global environment. This aspect of our work is nationally recognized. In fact, for the second year in a row, the project is now a finalist for a prestigious National Youth Arts and Humanities Program Award. On a more personal level, I can name several St. Paul kids who are now professional musicians in the city and others who are well on their way. The specific project for which we are requesting Cultural STAR funds would help us to grow and to bring even more benefits to the city of St. Paul. For example, we would use some of the funds to hire SPNN to do a five-camera video recording of one of our St. Paul concerts. The video footage would serve many purposes. For one, the full concert would air on Cable-Access TV, giving local residents a global arts experience with young artists from many countries, including a rather unique opportunity to see and hear young artists from Iraq. We would also use edits of the concert along with other video recordings of daily Songs of Hope life to create informational pieces to promote Songs of Hope (and St. Paul) throughout the world. Increasingly, we are searching for young artists in Asia, Latin America, former Eastern European countries, and the Middle East, and it has become important to us to have the tools needed to pursue leads and promote ourselves overseas. To give a couple of examples of recent efforts, we are currently working with a startup cultural organization in Vietnam to create an ongoing program of young artist and other cultural participants coming to St. Paul, and we are actively looking for similar connections in India, China, South Korea, Russia, and other countries. Finally, a portion of the STAR funds would be used to create an informational video to promote the construction of new facilities in St. Paul to house our international projects. Our board of directors is very committed to maintaining our St. Paul identity and we are actively laying the groundwork to develop facilities within the city. In fact, a related project to our Cultural STAR proposal involves having a reception around the main concert to introduce some community leaders to our vision of a busy international center in St. Paul drawing numerous visitors to the city each year from countries worldwide as performers, explorers, tourists, shoppers, learners, and cultural educators. We feel that our project falls squarely within the intent and goals of the Cultural STAR program and we would welcome the opportunity to put city funds to good use. Thank you very much for considering this request. Sincerely, Tom Surprenant, Program Director http://www.soundsofhope.org/ Sounds of Hope, Ltd. 253 East Fourth Street, Suite 205 Saint Paul, MN 55101 USA Telephone: 651-225-4179 Dear Mr. Thune: The St. Paul Art Crawl benefits artists and audience from ALL of St. Paul. It allows artists from throughout St. Paul, from all wards, to make money from their art. > > - The St. Paul Art Crawl draws about 18,000-24,000 visitors to St. Paul TWICE A YEAR. These visitors go to other businesses as well as to the artists. > > - The St. Paul Art Crawl is instrumental in revitalizing Lowertown and the artists community. > > - Even though the amount you requested for us is lower than we firs t asked for, we will use the money for event promotion, organization, and helping the artists and visitors. > > - This is a great opportunity to support a wide variety of arts in St. Paul, and we are appreciative of the support. > > Thank you for your time and for supporting the motion. Jodie L. Ahern > To: Dave Thune, City Council Ward 2 The organizers, committees and the board of Festa Italiana MN would like to thank you and the St. Paul City Council for your continued support. Festa Italiana MN is an educational-oriented free civic event held annually at Harriet Island that showcases the impact the Italian culture has had in the Twin Cities via food, music, cultural exhibits and demonstrations. The event is family friendly and is open to all who wish to attend. Dates for the 2012 Festa Italiana MN is September 21st and 22nd. Thank you, Steve Heckler, Chair Linda DeRoode, Director Pat Mancini, Chair City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:2Ord 12-26 Name:Amendments to Parking for Places Serving Alcohol Status:Type:Ordinance Final Adoption In control:City Council Final action: Title:Amending Legislative Code sections 63.200 parking requirements; 65.600 land use definitions and development standards for food and beverages; and chapter 66 zoning district uses. Sponsors:Russ Stark Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Amended Attachment A - Amendments to Definition and Off-Street Parking .pdf Attachment A - Amendments to Definitions and Off-Street Parking for Establishments Serving PC Letter to Mayor&CC - Parking Amendments for Places Serving Alcohol.pdf PC Resolution on Bar Parking Amend 5-27-11.pdf Proposed Bar definition and parking requirement 5-24-2011.pdf Union Park District Council Land Use Committee letter of support Midway Chamber of Commerce letter of support Eileen Haus email.pdf Summit Hill Association letter of opposition SPACC Letter in support.pdf Hamline Midway Coalition letter of support Highland District Council CDC letter of support Grand Avenue Business Association Letter of Support.pdf SPARC letter of support.pdf Brostrom email.pdf Gaius Nelson letter.pdf Gaius Nelson letter 2.pdf Staloch support of Ord 12-26.pdf Goldberg opposition to Ord 12-26.pdf Claddagh letter of support.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. City Council5/16/2012 2 City Council5/9/2012 2 City Council5/2/2012 2 Title Amending Legislative Code sections 63.200 parking requirements; 65.600 land use definitions and development standards for food and beverages; and chapter 66 zoning district uses. Body WHEREAS, the Planning Commission passed a resolution on May 22, 2009, resolution number #09-33, initiating a zoning study to consider amendments to the zoning code regarding off-street parking facility standards; and City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 2 powered by Legistar™ File #: Ord 12-26, Version: 2 WHEREAS, a public hearing on the proposed off-street parking requirement and design standards zoning amendments was conducted by the Planning Commission on January 22, 2010, and on March 12, 2010, the Planning Commission passed a resolution recommending the off-street parking amendments to City Council for consideration; and WHEREAS, on June 16, 2010, the City Council approved most of the recommended off-street parking amendments, but did not approve parking amendments for establishments serving wine, beer or liquor, and instead asked staff from the Departments of Planning and Economic Development and from Safety and Inspections to do additional study of parking requirements and licensing for these uses; and WHEREAS, staff conducted additional review of establishments serving wine, beer and liquor and considered how they vary in parking demand and impact on the surrounding areas, and in response drafted proposed zoning and licensing amendments that differentiate between these establishments in operation and required parking; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Planning Committee reviewed the draft amendments on April 26, 2011 and forwarded them to Planning Commission for consideration; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the amendments, but held no public hearing since the matter followed up on similar amendments considered and reviewed at Planning Commission in 2010, and forwarded a recommendation to the Saint Paul City Council to amend Chapters 63, 65 and 66 of the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council having conducted a public hearing on _______date__________ on the proposed amendments at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, notice of which was published in the Legal Ledger and sent to the City's Early Notification System; and having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the amendments, in accordance with the provisions set forth in § 61.801 of the Zoning Code and pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes § 462.357; now, therefore, be it THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Legislative Code Chapter 63, Regulations of General Applicability; Chapter 65, Land Use Definitions and Development Standards; and Chapter 66, Zoning District Uses, Density and Development Standards, is hereby amended as follows: [see attachment A] Section 2. For the purposes of articulating the City's basis for enacting the amendments contained under Council File No. ______________, the background and rationale shall include but not be limited to that letter entitled "Planning Commission Recommendation on Amendments to Definitions and Off-Street Parking Requirements for Establishments Serving Wine, Beer and Liquor," dated June 8, 2011, from the Planning Commission to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Saint Paul, which shall be made a part hereof and incorporated into this Council File by this reference. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 2 of 2 powered by Legistar™ ATTACHMENT A - Amendments to Definitions and Off-Street Parking Requirements for Restaurants and Bars Page 1 of 5 Sec. 63.206. Rules for computing required parking. (c) In addition to the requirement of section 63.204, there shall be provided off-street parking spaces for all bars or premises licensed for entertainment class C on-sale intoxicating liquor (excluding restaurants licensed for wine, strong beer, or nonintoxicating malt liquor) or entertainment as provided herein: (1) Issuance of a license to an existing structure not previously licensed for a bar or entertainment class C during the twenty-four (24) months preceding the application, off-street parking pursuant to section 63.207. (2) Expansion of a bar or premises licensed for entertainment class C, licensed structure with an on-sale intoxicating liquor license off-street parking pursuant to section 63.207 at the same rate as transfer or new issuance to an existing structure not previously licensed, plus twenty-five (25) percent of any parking shortfall for the existing building licensed area. "Parking shortfall" shall mean the difference between required parking pursuant to section 63.207 for the existing area as currently licensed structure minus the number of parking spaces actually provided for that area structure. The percentage of the parking shortfall to be provided shall be increased to forty (40) percent if there is a bar or premises licensed for entertainment class C within six hundred fifty (650) feet of the existing establishment. (3) Expansion of a licensed structure with an on-sale intoxicating liquor license, or an upgrade in an entertainment license, when located within six hundred fifty (650) feet of another existing establishment with an on-sale intoxicating liquor or entertainment license shall provide an additional fifteen (15) percent of any parking shortfall. ATTACHMENT A - Amendments to Definitions and Off-Street Parking Requirements for Restaurants and Bars Page 2 of 5 Sec. 63.206(d). Shared Parking Table 63.206(d). Shared Parking General Land Use Classification Weekdays Weekends 2 am – 7 am 7 am – 6 pm 6 pm – 2 am 2 am – 7 am 7 am – 6 pm 6 pm – 2 am Office 5% 100% 5% 0% 10% 0% Retail sales and services 0% 90% 80% 0% 100% 60% Restaurant (not 24 hour) / Bar 10% 70% 100% 20% 70% 100% Residential 100% 60% 100% 100% 75% 90% Theater 0% 40% 90% 0% 80% 100% Hotel Guest rooms 100% 55% 100% 100% 55% 100% Restaurant /lounge 40% 60% 100% 50% 45% 100% Conference rooms 0% 100% 100% 0% 100% 100% Religious institution 0% 25% 50% 0% 100% 50% Reception or meeting hall 0% 70% 90% 0% 70% 100% Museum 0% 100% 80% 0% 100% 80% School, grades K—12 0% 100% 25% 0% 30% 10% ATTACHMENT A - Amendments to Definitions and Off-Street Parking Requirements for Restaurants and Bars Page 3 of 5 Table 63.207. Minimum Required Off-Street Parking By Use Food and Beverages Bar 1 space per 150 sq. ft. GFA Brew on premises store 1 space per 900 sq. ft. GFA Catering 1 space per 900 sq. ft. GFA Establishment with entertainment license class C 1 space per 75 sq. ft. GFA and as required in section 63.206(c) Establishment with on-sale wine, strong beer, or nonintoxicating malt liquor 1 space per 125 sq. ft. GFA Establishment with on-sale intoxicating liquor or entertainment license class A or B 1 space per 100 sq. ft. GFA and as required in section 62.103(f)(3) Restaurant, coffee shop, tea house, deli 1 space per 400 sq. ft. GFA Retail sales and services (…uses above this in the table) Multiuse retail center 1 space per 400 sq. ft. GFA up to 30,000 sq ft GFA, plus 1 space for each additional 800 sq ft GFA over 30,000 sq. ft. GFA. Required parking for uses defined as a “Bar” or establishment with entertainment license class C shall be calculated independently according to Table 63.207. (…uses below this in the table) ATTACHMENT A - Amendments to Definitions and Off-Street Parking Requirements for Restaurants and Bars Page 4 of 5 Sec. 65.610. Bar. An establishment that serves wine, beer, or intoxicating liquor for consumption on the premises any time between midnight and 2:00 a.m. Standards and conditions in traditional neighborhood and B2 community business districts: In traditional neighborhood and B2 community business districts, a conditional use permit is required for a bar of more than five thousand (5,000) square feet in floor area to ensure size and design compatibility with the particular location. Sec. 65.6110. Brew on premises store. Sec. 65.6121. Coffee kiosk. Sec. 65.6132. Coffee shop, tea house. An establishment engaged principally in the sale of coffee, tea, and other non-alcoholic alcohalic beverages for consumption on the premises or for carryout, which may also include the sale of a limited number of food items as allowed under a restaurant C licensce. Standards and conditions in the TN1 traditional neighborhood and B1 business districts: A conditional use permit is required for a coffee shop or tea house of more than 800 square feet in gross floor area or for an accessory cabaret. Drive through uses (primary and accessory) are prohibited. Standards and conditions in T2-T4 traditional neighborhood districts: See section 65.6143, restaurant. Sec. 65.6143. Restaurant. An public establishment eating place engaged in the preparation and sale which serves a substantial portion of its food for consumption at tables or counters located on the premises. This term shall include, but not be limited to, an establishment known as a café, smorgasbord, diner or similar business. Any facilities for carry-out shall be clearly subordinate to the principal use of providing foods for consumption on the premises. Sec. 65.6154. Restaurant, carry-out, deli. . . . Standards and conditions: See section 61.6143, restaurant. Sec. 65.6165. Restaurant, fast-food. Sec. 65.6176. Restaurant, outdoor. ATTACHMENT A - Amendments to Definitions and Off-Street Parking Requirements for Restaurants and Bars Page 5 of 5 Table 66.321. Principal Uses in Traditional Neighborhood Districts Table 66.421. Principal Uses in Business Districts Use OS B1 BC B2 B3 B4 B5 Development Standards Food and Beverages Bar P/C P P P Brew on premises store P P P P Catering P P P P Coffee kiosk P P P P Coffee shop, tea house P/C P P P P Restaurant P P P P Restaurant, carry-out, deli P P P P P Restaurant, fast-food P/C P/C P P Restaurant, outdoor P P P P Table 66.521. Principal Uses in Industrial Districts Use IR I1 I2 I3 Development Standards Food and Beverages Bar P P P Brew on premises store P P P Catering P P P Coffee kiosk P P P Coffee shop, tea house P P P Restaurant P P P Restaurant, carry-out-deli P P P Restaurant, fast food P/C P P Restaurant, outdoor P P P Use T1 T2 T3 T4 Development Standards Food and Beverages Bar P/C P/C P/C Brew on premises store P P P Catering P P P Coffee shop, tea house P/C P/C P/C P/C Restaurant P/C P/C P/C Restaurant, carry out, deli P/C P/C P/C Restaurant, fast food P/C P/C P/C Restaurant, outdoor P P P/C ATTACHMENT A - Amendments to Definitions and Off-Street Parking Requirements for Restaurants and Bars Page 1 of 5 Sec. 63.206. Rules for computing required parking. (c) In addition to the requirement of section 63.204, there shall be provided off-street parking spaces for all bars or premises licensed for entertainment class C on-sale intoxicating liquor (excluding restaurants licensed for wine, strong beer, or nonintoxicating malt liquor) or entertainment as provided herein: (1) Issuance of a license to an existing structure not previously licensed for a bar or entertainment class C during the twenty-four (24) months preceding the application, off-street parking pursuant to section 63.207. (2) Expansion of a bar or premises licensed for entertainment class C, licensed structure with an on-sale intoxicating liquor license off-street parking pursuant to section 63.207 at the same rate as transfer or new issuance to an existing structure not previously licensed, plus twenty-five (25) percent of any parking shortfall for the existing building licensed area. "Parking shortfall" shall mean the difference between required parking pursuant to section 63.207 for the existing area as currently licensed structure minus the number of parking spaces actually provided for that area structure. The percentage of the parking shortfall to be provided shall be increased to forty (40) percent if there is a bar or premises licensed for entertainment class C within six hundred fifty (650) feet of the existing establishment. (3) Expansion of a licensed structure with an on-sale intoxicating liquor license, or an upgrade in an entertainment license, when located within six hundred fifty (650) feet of another existing establishment with an on-sale intoxicating liquor or entertainment license shall provide an additional fifteen (15) percent of any parking shortfall. ATTACHMENT A - Amendments to Definitions and Off-Street Parking Requirements for Restaurants and Bars Page 2 of 5 Sec. 63.206(d). Shared Parking Table 63.206(d). Shared Parking General Land Use Classification Weekdays Weekends 2 am – 7 am 7 am – 6 pm 6 pm – 2 am 2 am – 7 am 7 am – 6 pm 6 pm – 2 am Office 5% 100% 5% 0% 10% 0% Retail sales and services 0% 90% 80% 0% 100% 60% Restaurant (not 24 hour) / Bar 10% 70% 100% 20% 70% 100% Residential 100% 60% 100% 100% 75% 90% Theater 0% 40% 90% 0% 80% 100% Hotel Guest rooms 100% 55% 100% 100% 55% 100% Restaurant /lounge 40% 60% 100% 50% 45% 100% Conference rooms 0% 100% 100% 0% 100% 100% Religious institution 0% 25% 50% 0% 100% 50% Reception or meeting hall 0% 70% 90% 0% 70% 100% Museum 0% 100% 80% 0% 100% 80% School, grades K—12 0% 100% 25% 0% 30% 10% ATTACHMENT A - Amendments to Definitions and Off-Street Parking Requirements for Restaurants and Bars Page 3 of 5 Table 63.207. Minimum Required Off-Street Parking By Use Food and Beverages Bar 1 space per XXX* sq. ft. GFA [In place of XXX, select a number such as 200, 150, 125 or 100] Brew on premises store 1 space per 900 sq. ft. GFA Catering 1 space per 900 sq. ft. GFA Establishment with entertainment license class C 1 space per 75 sq. ft. GFA and as required in section 63.206(c) Establishment with on-sale wine, strong beer, or nonintoxicating malt liquor 1 space per 125 sq. ft. GFA Establishment with on-sale intoxicating liquor or entertainment license class A or B 1 space per 100 sq. ft. GFA and as required in section 62.103(f)(3) Restaurant, coffee shop, tea house, deli 1 space per 400 sq. ft. GFA Retail sales and services (…uses above this in the table) Multiuse retail center 1 space per 400 sq. ft. GFA up to 30,000 sq ft GFA, plus 1 space for each additional 800 sq ft GFA over 30,000 sq. ft. GFA. Required parking for uses defined as a “Bar” or establishment with entertainment license class C shall be calculated independently according to Table 63.207. (…uses below this in the table) ATTACHMENT A - Amendments to Definitions and Off-Street Parking Requirements for Restaurants and Bars Page 4 of 5 Sec. 65.610. Bar. An establishment that serves wine, beer, or intoxicating liquor for consumption on the premises any time between midnight and 2:00 a.m. Standards and conditions in traditional neighborhood and B2 community business districts: In traditional neighborhood and B2 community business districts, a conditional use permit is required for a bar of more than five thousand (5,000) square feet in floor area to ensure size and design compatibility with the particular location. Sec. 65.6110. Brew on premises store. Sec. 65.6121. Coffee kiosk. Sec. 65.6132. Coffee shop, tea house. An establishment engaged principally in the sale of coffee, tea, and other non-alcoholic alcohalic beverages for consumption on the premises or for carryout, which may also include the sale of a limited number of food items as allowed under a restaurant C licensce. Standards and conditions in the TN1 traditional neighborhood and B1 business districts: A conditional use permit is required for a coffee shop or tea house of more than 800 square feet in gross floor area or for an accessory cabaret. Drive through uses (primary and accessory) are prohibited. Standards and conditions in T2-T4 traditional neighborhood districts: See section 65.6143, restaurant. Sec. 65.6143. Restaurant. An public establishment eating place engaged in the preparation and sale which serves a substantial portion of its food for consumption at tables or counters located on the premises. This term shall include, but not be limited to, an establishment known as a café, smorgasbord, diner or similar business. Any facilities for carry-out shall be clearly subordinate to the principal use of providing foods for consumption on the premises. Sec. 65.6154. Restaurant, carry-out, deli. . . . Standards and conditions: See section 61.6143, restaurant. Sec. 65.6165. Restaurant, fast-food. Sec. 65.6176. Restaurant, outdoor. ATTACHMENT A - Amendments to Definitions and Off-Street Parking Requirements for Restaurants and Bars Page 5 of 5 Table 66.321. Principal Uses in Traditional Neighborhood Districts Table 66.421. Principal Uses in Business Districts Use OS B1 BC B2 B3 B4 B5 Development Standards Food and Beverages Bar P/C P P P Brew on premises store P P P P Catering P P P P Coffee kiosk P P P P Coffee shop, tea house P/C P P P P Restaurant P P P P Restaurant, carry-out, deli P P P P P Restaurant, fast-food P/C P/C P P Restaurant, outdoor P P P P Table 66.521. Principal Uses in Industrial Districts Use IR I1 I2 I3 Development Standards Food and Beverages Bar P P P Brew on premises store P P P Catering P P P Coffee kiosk P P P Coffee shop, tea house P P P Restaurant P P P Restaurant, carry-out-deli P P P Restaurant, fast food P/C P P Restaurant, outdoor P P P Use T1 T2 T3 T4 Development Standards Food and Beverages Bar P/C P/C P/C Brew on premises store P P P Catering P P P Coffee shop, tea house P/C P/C P/C P/C Restaurant P/C P/C P/C Restaurant, carry out, deli P/C P/C P/C Restaurant, fast food P/C P/C P/C Restaurant, outdoor P P P/C 1 PLANNING COMMISSION Kathi Donnelly-Cohen, Chair CITY OF SAINT PAUL 25 West Fourth Street Telephone: 651-266-6700 Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor Saint Paul, MN 55102 Facsimile: 651-228-3220 June 8, 2011 Mayor Coleman, Council President Lantry and Members of the City Council Rooms 300, 310, 320 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Planning Commission Recommendation on Amendments to Definitions and Off- Street Parking Requirements for Establishments Serving Wine, Beer and Liquor Dear Mayor Coleman, Council President Lantry and Members of the City Council: Last June, the City Council passed comprehensive amendments to Saint Paul’s off-street parking requirements. Although many simplifications and reductions were adopted, off- street parking requirements for establishments serving wine, beer or liquor were not and the parking requirements remained at: • 1 space per 125 square feet for establishments serving wine or beer (and with no Entertainment licenses) • 1 space per 100 square feet for establishments serving liquor or with Entertainment A or B licenses The planning commission had recommended reduction of required parking for these uses, but concerns about nuisance and parking problems associated with these establishments caused some Council members to not support the changes. Other Council members felt that some reduction to required parking might still be appropriate, if crafted carefully. Therefore, the City Council directed staff from the Departments of Planning and Economic Development, and Safety and Inspections, to examine these issues in greater detail and return to City Council with possible new recommendations for licensing and/or zoning of these establishments. Between June 2010 and February 2011, staff discussed the issues expressed by City Council members and considered a variety of potential changes. Staff focused on characteristics that differentiate one type of use from another in operations and impact 2 on the surrounding area. Based on this analysis, staff drafted licensing and code amendments that more clearly differentiate between the variety of establishments providing food, alcohol, and entertainment services. Staff brought their ideas to the Business Review Council for consideration and feedback in early 2011 and received support for the work. PED and DSI then sent a status report memo to you and followed up with briefing meetings to answer questions and receive input. Based on the input, staff made some revisions to the proposed amendments and then advanced them for consideration by the Planning Commission. The Comprehensive Planning Committee and then the full Planning Commission considered the proposed amendments and now recommend them to you for approval. RATIONALE FOR AMENDMENTS During Planning Commission and City Council review of off-street parking amendments last year, it was clear that uses providing alcohol or entertainment services were of particular interest and concern with regard to parking. These uses in general have more concentrated hours of peak activity than typical commercial businesses, with most patrons coming during mealtimes or for beverage or entertainment service late at night. This creates strong peaks and valleys of parking demand. The more popular an establishment is and the more concentrated the patron use times, the more likely it is that available parking may not be adequate to meet all customer demand during peak use. The recent off-street parking amendments were adopted acknowledging the intent that they provide adequate parking to meet demand for most uses, most of the time, while perhaps not meeting the demand for the most popular uses at the most popular times. To set parking requirements based on peak demand for the most popular uses, as the City has done in the past, created a widespread oversupply of parking, imposing an unnecessary burden on many property owners and inhibiting growth of the City’s economic and tax base. In moving to the lower parking standards, it was recognized that for a handful of businesses with strong peak use, there may be some overflow of parking onto adjacent streets at the peak times; a consequence that neighbors and the City could accept in exchange for parking standards that better met the demand for most businesses. Parking overflow onto adjacent streets is typically not a nuisance other than creating a more competitive parking situation. However, overflow of patrons onto neighborhood streets can create a problem if the overflow occurs late at night or involves patrons who may be loud or behave inappropriately, which more commonly occurs after people have been drinking. The combination of late night operations and alcohol service has been demonstrated to increase the chance of nuisance behavior, as shown in the attached table of complaints leading to “Adverse Action” by the City Council. Patrons leaving establishments late at night when many neighbors are asleep and things are relatively 3 quiet in the city, are more likely to be noticed coming and going to parked cars, particularly if the patron or passengers have been drinking and are engaged in loud or rowdy behavior. For this reason, the imposition of overflow parking onto streets resulting from inadequate parking is a greater burden on neighbors late at night and when the patrons are engaged in drinking, than is the case during the day when most people are awake, the city is louder, and patrons are less likely to have been drinking. Establishments with late night alcohol service and entertainment are also more likely to attract a greater concentration of patrons, with people standing and/or dancing, in addition to sitting at tables. The crowding phenomenon can be observed late at night at any of the popular alcohol service establishments around the city, particularly if the business is offering “Late Night Drink Specials” or other discounts to patrons. This concentration of people is higher than establishments focused on food service, where patrons are seated. Some places may focus on food service during the day and then shift to predominantly alcohol service or entertainment later at night, with a likely increase in patron volume as a result if the place is popular. Therefore, it is expected that parking demand will be higher at popular late night places serving alcohol or providing entertainment than it will be at similarly sized establishments focused on food service. RECOMMENDED AMENDMENTS The recommended code amendments are meant to better differentiate between establishments serving alcohol, the impacts they may create, and parking needs. The highlights are described below. (For a full copy of the text amendments, see “Proposed Amendments to Definitions and Off-Street Parking Requirements for Restaurants and Bars”.) 1. Add new use definition – “Bar” The main change is the addition of a new use definition, “bar”, to differentiate between food and beverage service establishments based on hours of operation. - “Bars” would be defined as establishments serving wine, beer, or liquor and open after midnight, with or without Class A or B entertainment. - “Restaurants” would be establishments serving food, with or without wine, beer, or liquor service, that close by midnight. These places would not be open late at night when more concentrated patron activity focused on alcohol service or entertainment occurs. If the new use definitions are adopted, hours of operation for each establishment would be recorded on City licenses and used for definition purposes. Accompanying licensing amendments provide the mechanism for this change. The new use definitions must then be paired with off-street parking requirements and tables showing which zoning districts the uses are permitted in. 4 2. Required Parking for “Restaurant” It is recommended that the off-street parking requirement for establishments defined as “restaurant” be applied at the current rate for eating establishments without wine, beer and liquor service at one (1) space per 400 square feet of building gross floor area – with the rationale being that patron volume and parking demand does not change based on the type of beverage consumed by diners. 3. Required Parking for “Bar” It is recommended that the parking requirement for “Bar” be higher than for restaurant, due to the potential for increased patron volume and parking demand, with a focus on late night alcohol service and related nuisance concerns from potential overflow parking in the neighborhood. The Planning Commission considered a variety of possible parking requirements, but ultimately decided not to recommend a specific number to the City Council, instead allowing the City Council to consider the options and determine which level it found most appropriate. The following table provides a range of parking requirement options for consideration. Example Businesses that would be defined as “Bars” Ward Estimated Building Gross Square Feet (sq ft) Minimum required = 1/100 (Currently required for places serving liquor or with Entertainment A or B) Minimum required = 1/125 (Currently required for places serving wine or beer) Minimum spaces if required parking = 1/150 Minimum spaces if required parking = 1/200 Arcade Bar 932 Arcade St 6 2500 25 20 17 13 The Cherry Pit 735 White Bear Ave N 7 2800 28 22 19 14 Groveland Tap 1834 St. Clair Ave 3 3000 30 24 20 15 Lonetti's Lounge 1091 Rice St 5 3200 32 26 21 16 Gabe's Roadhouse 991 Lexington Ave 4 7400 74 59 49 37 The Lexington 1096 Grand Ave 2 8000 80 64 53 40 5 CONCLUSION These recommended amendments would help differentiate between types of food and beverage establishments in our City and provide requirements that better match their operation and impact. As a result, restaurant uses would find is easier to open and operate in our City, while bars would continue to be welcome, but held to requirements that match the higher level of intensity and impacts they may create. Sincerely, Jon Commers Chair c: Mary Erickson, Council Research Cecile Bedor, PED Donna Drummond, PED Allan Torstenson, PED Patricia James, PED Merritt Clapp-Smith, PED Christine Rozek, DSI Wendy Lane, DSI Peter Warner, CAO AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number __________11-42_______________ date _______________May 27, 2011____________ Amendments to Off-Street Parking Requirements and Definitions for Restaurants and Bars WHEREAS, the Planning Commission passed a resolution on May 22, 2009, file number #09-33, initiating a zoning study to consider amendments to the zoning code regarding off-street parking facility standards and design; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on the proposed off-street parking requirement and design standards zoning amendments was conducted by the Planning Commission on January 22, 2010; and WHEREAS, on March 12, 2010, the Planning Commission passed a resolution recommending the off-street parking amendments to City Council for consideration; and WHEREAS, on June 16, 2010, the City Council approved most of the recommended off-street parking amendments, but did not approve parking amendments for establishments serving wine, beer or liquor, and instead asked staff from the Departments of Planning and Economic Development and from Safety and Inspections to do additional study of parking requirements and licensing for these uses; and WHEREAS, staff conducted additional review of establishments serving wine, beer and liquor and considered how they vary in parking demand and impact on the surrounding areas, and in response drafted proposed zoning and licensing amendments that differentiate between these establishments in operation and required parking; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Planning Committee reviewed the draft amendments on April 26, 2011 and forwarded them to Planning Commission for consideration and recommendation to the Saint Paul City Council, with no public hearing to be held at Planning Commission since the matter follows up on similar amendments considered and reviewed at Planning Commission in 2010; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the recommendations of the Comprehensive Planning Committee; moved by _____________Merrigan_________________ seconded by _______Ward____________________ in favor ______________Unanimous_________________ against ________________________________________ File # Planning Commission Resolution Page 2 of 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, under the provisions of § 61.801 of the Zoning Code and pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes § 462.357, that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council amendments to Chapters 63, 65 and 66 of the Zoning Code per the attached “Proposed Amendments to Definitions and Off-Street Parking Requirements for Restaurants and Bars” dated 3/23/2011. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission directs the Director of Planning to forward the Zoning Amendments, appropriate documentation, and this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for their review and adoption. Proposed Amendments to Definitions and Off-Street Parking Requirements for Restaurants and Bars [with explanations noted in bracketed text] 1 6/8/2011 Sec. 63.206. Rules for computing required parking. (c) In addition to the requirement of section 63.204, there shall be provided off-street parking spaces for all bars or premises licensed for entertainment class C on-sale intoxicating liquor (excluding restaurants licensed for wine, strong beer, or nonintoxicating malt liquor) or entertainment as provided herein: (1) Issuance of a license to an existing structure not previously licensed for a bar or entertainment class C during the twenty-four (24) months preceding the application, off-street parking pursuant to section 63.207. (2) Expansion of a bar or premises licensed for entertainment class C, licensed structure with an on-sale intoxicating liquor license off-street parking pursuant to section 63.207 at the same rate as transfer or new issuance to an existing structure not previously licensed, plus twenty-five (25) percent of any parking shortfall for the existing building licensed area. "Parking shortfall" shall mean the difference between required parking pursuant to section 63.207 for the existing area as currently licensed structure minus the number of parking spaces actually provided for that area structure. The percentage of the parking shortfall to be provided shall be increased to forty (40) percent if there is a bar or premises licensed for entertainment class C within six hundred fifty (650) feet of the existing establishment. (3) Expansion of a licensed structure with an on-sale intoxicating liquor license, or an upgrade in an entertainment license, when located within six hundred fifty (650) feet of another existing establishment with an on-sale intoxicating liquor or entertainment license shall provide an additional fifteen (15) percent of any parking shortfall. [Text changes above use proposed bar use definition to replace former descriptions of these establishments based on licenses. Text in subsection (3) is moved to the end of subsection (2) and cleaned up for clarity.] Proposed Amendments to Definitions and Off-Street Parking Requirements for Restaurants and Bars [with explanations noted in bracketed text] 2 6/8/2011 Sec. 63.206(d). Shared Parking (table) Table 63.206(d). Shared Parking General Land Use Classification Weekdays Weekends 2 am – 7 am 7 am – 6 pm 6 pm – 2 am 2 am – 7 am 7 am – 6 pm 6 pm – 2 am Office 5% 100% 5% 0% 10% 0% Retail sales and services 0% 90% 80% 0% 100% 60% Restaurant (not 24 hour) / Bar 10% 70% 100% 20% 70% 100% Residential 100% 60% 100% 100% 75% 90% Theater 0% 40% 90% 0% 80% 100% Hotel Guest rooms 100% 55% 100% 100% 55% 100% Restaurant /lounge 40% 60% 100% 50% 45% 100% Conference rooms 0% 100% 100% 0% 100% 100% Religious institution 0% 25% 50% 0% 100% 50% Reception or meeting hall 0% 70% 90% 0% 70% 100% Museum 0% 100% 80% 0% 100% 80% School, grades K—12 0% 100% 25% 0% 30% 10% [Text changes above add the term “bar” to the table and remove the term “not 24 hour” since it is not relevant to the shared parking determination.] Proposed Amendments to Definitions and Off-Street Parking Requirements for Restaurants and Bars [with explanations noted in bracketed text] 3 6/8/2011 Table 63.207. Minimum Required Off-Street Parking By Use Food and Beverages Bar 1 space per XXX* sq. ft. GFA Brew on premises store 1 space per 900 sq. ft. GFA Catering 1 space per 900 sq. ft. GFA Establishment with entertainment license class C 1 space per 75 sq. ft. GFA and as required in section 63.206(c) Establishment with on-sale wine, strong beer, or nonintoxicating malt liquor 1 space per 125 sq. ft. GFA Establishment with on-sale intoxicating liquor or entertainment license class A or B 1 space per 100 sq. ft. GFA and as required in section 62.103(f)(3) Restaurant, coffee shop, tea house, deli 1 space per 400 sq. ft. GFA [*XXX – In place of the XXX for the bar parking requirement, select a number such as 200, 150, 125, or 100. The table below provides examples of the number of parking spaces that would be required under different parking requirement levels for a sample of seven existing businesses that meet the proposed definition of “bar”. This information can assist policy makers in determining what level of parking requirements they find most appropriate for these types of establishments. Example Businesses that would be defined as “Bars” Ward Estimated Building Gross Square Feet (sq ft) Minimum spaces at CURRENT Required = 1/100 Minimum spaces if required bar parking = 1/125 Minimum spaces if required bar parking = 1/150 Minimum spaces if required bar parking = 1/200 Muddy Pig 162 N Dale St 1 1750 18 14 12 9 Arcade Bar 932 Arcade St 6 2500 25 20 17 13 The Cherry Pit 735 White Bear Ave N 7 2800 28 22 19 14 Groveland Tap 1834 St. Clair Ave 3 3000 30 24 20 15 Lonetti's Lounge 1091 Rice St 5 3200 32 26 21 16 Gabe's Roadhouse 991 Lexington Ave 4 7400 74 59 49 37 The Lexington 1096 Grand Ave 2 8000 80 64 53 40 The above proposed changes for Table 63.207. Minimum Required Off-Street Parking By Use, add the newly defined use “bar,” which applies to establishments that serve alcoholic beverages between midnight and 2:00 a.m.. The use “restaurant” applies to all eating establishments with wine, beer and liquor that close by midnight, or establishments with no wine, beer or liquor that close at any hour. All restaurants would be required to provide parking at 1 space per 400 square feet, consistent with the requirement adopted by City Council in 2010 for eating establishments without liquor. The rationale is that the occupancy and related parking demands of restaurants tends to be similar whether Proposed Amendments to Definitions and Off-Street Parking Requirements for Restaurants and Bars [with explanations noted in bracketed text] 4 6/8/2011 or not people have alcoholic beverages with their meal. It is recommended that the required parking for bars be higher than the requirement for restaurants, since the intensity in occupancy is likely grow in places open late at night, when the focus shifts from seated food service to beverage service with more patrons congregating and standing or dancing, in addition to being seated.] Retail sales and services (…uses above this in the table) Multiuse retail center 1 space per 400 sq. ft. GFA up to 30,000 sq ft GFA, plus 1 space for each additional 800 sq ft GFA over 30,000 sq. ft. GFA. Required parking for uses defined as a “Bar” or establishment with entertainment license class C shall be calculated independently according to Table 63.207. (…uses below this in the table) [The above change is made to be consistent with the recently amended term “multiuse center”. However, since the new term expands the uses applicable to a multi-use center beyond just “retail” uses, it is felt that two of the new applicable uses “bar” and “license Class C”, should continue to be calculated according to their unique parking requirements, since those requirements are distinctly higher than the 1 space per 400 sq ft standard which applies to or approximates the other applicable uses.] * * * Sec. 65.610. Bar. An establishment that serves wine, beer, or intoxicating liquor for consumption on the premises any time between midnight and 2:00 a.m. Standards and conditions in traditional neighborhood and B2 community business districts: In traditional neighborhood and B2 community business districts, a conditional use permit is required for a bar of more than five thousand (5,000) square feet in floor area to ensure size and design compatibility with the particular location. [The definition of “bar” differentiates establishments with alcohol service that are open past midnight. Due to the hours of operation, a “bar” will tend to focus on alcohol service over food in the late hours and attract more customers who may congregate standing, in addition to seated, thereby increasing the occupancy of the establishment. The standard for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is modeled on that for restaurant, but the lower threshold of 5,000 sq. ft. is used instead of 15,000 sq ft, since a bar is anticipated to have higher late night occupancy, increasing its visibility and potential impacts in the area, which could be addressed by a CUP. A CUP would also be required in B2 districts, which are commonly used in locations along neighborhood commercial streets similar to traditional neighborhood districts, and the potential impacts on the area are the same whether the property is zoned traditional neighborhood or B2.] Proposed Amendments to Definitions and Off-Street Parking Requirements for Restaurants and Bars [with explanations noted in bracketed text] 5 6/8/2011 Sec. 65.6110. Brew on premises store. [No change in text.] Sec. 65.6121. Coffee kiosk. [No change in text.] Sec. 65.6132. Coffee shop, tea house. An establishment engaged principally in the sale of coffee, tea, and other non-alcoholic alcohalic beverages for consumption on the premises or for carryout, which may also include the sale of a limited number of food items as allowed under a restaurant C licensce. Standards and conditions in the TN1 traditional neighborhood and B1 business districts: A conditional use permit is required for a coffee shop or tea house of more than 800 square feet in gross floor area or for an accessory cabaret. Drive through uses (primary and accessory) are prohibited. Standards and conditions in T2-T4 traditional neighborhood districts: See section 65.6143, restaurant. [Permitted uses are covered by the use tables in Chapter 66; the information should not be duplicated here.] Sec. 65.6143. Restaurant. An public establishment eating place engaged in the preparation and sale which serves a substantial portion of its food for consumption at tables or counters located on the premises. This term shall include, but not be limited to, an establishment known as a café, smorgasbord, diner or similar business. Any facilities for carry-out shall be clearly subordinate to the principal use of providing foods for consumption on the premises. [Proposed text changes to the definition are for clarity and consistency with other definitions.] Sec. 65.6154. Restaurant, carry-out, deli. . . . Standards and conditions: See section 61.6143, restaurant. Sec. 65.6165. Restaurant, fast-food. [No change in text.] Sec. 65.6176. Restaurant, outdoor. [No change in text.] Table 66.321. Principal Uses in Traditional Neighborhood Districts Proposed Amendments to Definitions and Off-Street Parking Requirements for Restaurants and Bars [with explanations noted in bracketed text] 6 6/8/2011 Table 66.421. Principal Uses in Business Districts Use OS B1 BC B2 B3 B4 B5 Development Standards Food and Beverages Bar P/C P P P Brew on premises store P P P P Catering P P P P Coffee kiosk P P P P Coffee shop, tea house P/C P P P P Restaurant P P P P Restaurant, carry-out, deli P P P P P Restaurant, fast-food P/C P/C P P Restaurant, outdoor P P P P Table 66.521. Principal Uses in Industrial Districts Use IR I1 I2 I3 Development Standards Food and Beverages Bar P P P Brew on premises store P P P Catering P P P Coffee kiosk P P P Coffee shop, tea house P P P Restaurant P P P Restaurant, carry-out-deli P P P Restaurant, fast food P/C P P Restaurant, outdoor P P P Use T1 T2 T3 T4 Development Standards Food and Beverages Bar P/C P/C P/C Brew on premises store P P P Catering P P P Coffee shop, tea house P/C P/C P/C P/C Restaurant P/C P/C P/C Restaurant, carry out, deli P/C P/C P/C Restaurant, fast food P/C P/C P/C Restaurant, outdoor P P P/C May 15, 2012 City of Saint Paul Office of the City Council 310 City Hall 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning Amendments to Off-Street Parking Requirements for Establishments Serving Alcohol Dear Council President Lantry and City Councilmembers, At a meeting of the Union Park District Council Land Use Committee on May 8 , 2012 , the Committee expressed its support for the Zoning Amendments to Off-Street Parking Requirements for Establishments Serving Alcohol: The Union Park District Council Land Use Committee supports distinguishing uses as laid out in the proposed zoning amendments and supports lowering parking requirements for the less intrusive uses. Thank you for your consideration during this process. Sincerely, Sarah Kidwell Executive Director UNION PARK DISTRICT COUNCIL 1570 Concordia Avenue, Suite LL100, Saint Paul, MN 55104 p 651-645-6887 | f 651-917-9991 | e info@unionparkdc.org | w www.unionparkdc.org Shari Moore - Regarding the proposed change in parking requirements for restaurants in St. Paul Dear St. Paul City Councilperson, I am opposed to the proposed changes to the parking requirements for restaurants serving alcohol. The drastic change proposed would negatively affect St. Paul residential neighborhoods and I see no good reason to make such a radical change. If change is needed why not incrementally and see how that works out. For instance, change the requirement to 1 parking spot for each 200 sq ft, because once it is changed to 1 parking spot for 400 sq ft there will be no going back. Also, require these restaurants to close by 10:00 PM, not midnight. As a life-time resident and long-time home owner in St. Paul's Fourth Ward I have seen the erosion of neighborhood protections over the past few years. I especially have seen businesses given parking variances with no concern for the neighbors. Please help protect our neighborhoods and vote against this change. There is a good reason this rule was established and that reason has not changed. Thank you for consideration of my request. Eileen Haus 1603 Ashland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 651-645-9981 (home) 651-733-0902 (work) From: Eileen Haus <emhaus1@gmail.com> To: <ward1@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <ward2@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <ward3@ci.stpaul.mn.us... Date: 5/16/2012 9:21 AM Subject: Regarding the proposed change in parking requirements for restaurants in St. Paul CC: <paul.williams@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Page 1 of 1 5/16/2012file://C:\Documents and Settings\smoore\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4FB3838Dmail... Hamline Midway Coalition DISTRICT COUNCIL 11 15 58 W MINNEHAHA AVENUE, ST. PAUL MN 55104 ● 651.494.7682 ● www.hamlinemidway.org May 16, 2012 Russ Stark, Councilmember City of Saint Paul 310-D City Hall 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Saint Paul, Minnesota To the Members of the Saint Paul City Council: Hamline Midway Coalition supports the recommended zoning amendments to the City’s use definitions and off-street parking requirements for establishments serving wind, beer, or liquor that would:  Define a “restaurant” as an establishment serving food, with or without wine, beer, or liquor service that closes by midnight.  Adopt an off-street parking requirement for restaurants of 1 space per 400 sq. ft. of space. This minor change in the zoning code will be highly beneficial to new restaurants that might wish to locate in the Hamline Midway area, as well as existing restaurants that might wish to add wine, beer, and/or liquor service. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Michael Jon Olson, Executive Director Hamline Midway Coalition michaeljon@hamlinemidway.org 651-494-7682 Highland District Council 1978 Ford Parkway Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116 651-695-4005 Fax 651-695-4019 Email: hdc@visi.com Resolution 2012 -20D May 16, 2012 Resolution in Support of Proposed Off Street Parking Changes The Community Development Committee of the Highland District Council supports the Planning Commission's proposed off street parking changes for restaurants and bars. Approved May 15, 2012 Shari Moore - Fwd: Proposed Relaxation of Off-Street Parking Requirements >>> <lbrostrom@comcast.net> 5/16/2012 3:56 PM >>> Dear Ms. Clapp-Smith; I am writing in advance of tonight's public hearing, which I will be unable to attend, to register my great concern about the proposal to relax off-street parking regulations for restaurants and bars in the City of St. Paul. As a resident who lives one block off Grand Avenue, I can attest to the congestion already faced under the current regulations and it is unimaginable what would happen if those would be relaxed. The statement in the Pioneer Press article by the Planning Commission is somewhat disingenuous, in my opinion and experience: The letter states that having restaurant-goers spill into adjacent streets and park in a residential area is "typically not a nuisance" by day, but "overflow of patrons onto neighborhood streets can create a problem if the overflow occurs late at night or involves patrons who may be loud or behave inappropriately, which more commonly occurs after people have been drinking." The "overflow of patrons" starts at rush hour--as residents are getting home and trying to find parking for themselves, and patrons are going to local restaurants and bars for happy hour and dinner. It continues until 1 to 2 am on weekends and somewhat earlier during the week, but that is not always the case for restaurants offering entertainment or promotions. The competition for parking is already intense, and it should not be the residents in these areas that shoulder the burden. Providing adequate parking is a cost of doing business for these establishments, not an entitlement. I'm one of the neighbors who has fought hard over the years to keep parking regulations in our area from being watered down. I was very unhappy with the way the imbroglio around Cupcake was handled by the Mayor's office, given Mayor Coleman's familiarity with the long- standing issues on Grand Avenue surrounding parking. It demonstrated a fundamental disrespect for the concerns of those of us who are paying increasingly higher property taxes in an area that simply does not have enough parking, period. This proposal will only exacerbate an already difficult set of circumstances--and drive more demand for permit parking zones, which I don't think anyone wants. Thank you for listening to my concerns. Lori Brostrom 710 Summit Avenue From: Merritt Clapp-Smith To: Moore, Shari Date: 5/16/2012 4:03 PM Subject: Fwd: Proposed Relaxation of Off-Street Parking Requirements Page 1 of 1 5/16/2012file://C:\Documents and Settings\smoore\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4FB3CFD0mail... Gaius G. Nelson 206 Wheeler Street South Saint Paul, MN 55105 651-690-0199 Russ Stark, Ward 4 Councilmember City of Saint Paul 310-D City Hall 15 Kellogg Blvd., West Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Councilmember Russ, Since my appointment by Mayor George Latimer to the Liquor License Task Force in the mid- 1980’s I have been involved in the development of parking standards for establishments that serve beer, wine and alcoholic beverages. This is an issue that has many impacts on both businesses and residents of Saint Paul. It always has been a difficult balancing act to attempt to encourage a vibrant business community while minimizing detrimental effects on residential neighborhoods. The proposed standards provide an opportunity to help in creating this balance, however, it appears that the changes skew more towards the business community than neighborhoods. I would like to suggest a couple of changes to help create a more neutral impact on all stakeholders. • Change the definition of a bar to establishments open after 11:00pm. Midnight is far to late to allow spillover into residential neighborhoods. The amount of time it takes to clear an establishment, and the lag time for patrons to reach their vehicles will create untenable situations for families trying to sleep. 11:00pm is a reasonable time for true restaurants to close for the night. • Make bars a Conditional Use unless required parking is provided. This will address the large number of retail storefronts across the city that have little or no parking currently available. With the passing of this ordinance, all of these buildings will receive instant non-conforming status for their existing parking shortfalls without providing any additional parking. Conditional Use status would allow the particular conditions of each situation to be addressed. In cases where parking is particularly critical, added conditions will incentivize businesses to help solve the problems they are creating. Some believe that business will act in their own best interest by providing adequate parking for their patrons. This has not held true, as many business owners pay more attention to the cost side of the ledger in these situations, especially when the problems can easily be pushed onto the surrounding neighborhood. Please consider these changes for a more balanced ordinance. Gaius G. Nelson, Planning Commissioner cc: Kathy Lantry, Council President; Chris Tolbert, Ward 3 Gaius G. Nelson 206 Wheeler Street South Saint Paul, MN 55105 651-690-0199 Russ Stark, Ward 4 Councilmember City of Saint Paul 310-D City Hall 15 Kellogg Blvd., West Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Councilmember Russ, Since my appointment by Mayor George Latimer to the Liquor License Task Force in the mid- 1980’s I have been involved in the development of parking standards for establishments that serve beer, wine and alcoholic beverages. This is an issue that has many impacts on both businesses and residents of Saint Paul. It always has been a difficult balancing act to attempt to encourage a vibrant business community while minimizing detrimental effects on residential neighborhoods. The proposed standards provide an opportunity to help in creating this balance, however, it appears that the changes skew more towards the business community than neighborhoods. I would like to suggest a couple of changes to help create a more neutral impact on all stakeholders. • Change the definition of a bar to establishments open after 11:00pm. Midnight is far to late to allow spillover into residential neighborhoods. The amount of time it takes to clear an establishment, and the lag time for patrons to reach their vehicles will create untenable situations for families trying to sleep. 11:00pm is a reasonable time for true restaurants to close for the night. • Make restaurants wishing to serve beer, wine & alcohol a Conditional Use unless required parking is provided. This will address the large number of retail storefronts across the city that have little or no parking currently available. With the passing of this ordinance, all of these buildings will receive instant non-conforming status for their existing parking shortfalls without providing any additional parking. Conditional Use status would allow the particular conditions of each situation to be addressed. In cases where parking is particularly critical, added conditions will incentivize businesses to help solve the problems they are creating. Some believe that business will act in their own best interest by providing adequate parking for their patrons. This has not held true, as many business owners pay more attention to the cost side of the ledger in these situations, especially when the problems can easily be pushed onto the surrounding neighborhood. Please consider these changes for a more balanced ordinance. Gaius G. Nelson, Planning Commissioner cc: Kathy Lantry, Council President; Chris Tolbert, Ward 3 Mr. Thune and other council members: As a longtime resident and property owner within Summit Hill, I welcome the proposed changes to make it easier for restaurants and bars to locate in the Grand Avenue area. A vibrant Grand Avenue with a mix of local, regional, and national establishments is a unique part of our city. The recent resistance by the Summit Hill Association to Cupcake highlights an out of touch, outdated policy that threatens the future of the area. The bottom line is that businesses that aren't welcome will go elsewhere. Many of these such as Cupcake are good, local, destination restaurants and bars. They will find another part of the city or another city which will happily take their tax dollars and employees, as was the case with Noodles and Company. Yes, parking and noise can be problems around the area but would we rather have empty storefronts and a business model of the past that thwarts development? The message from the Summit Hill/Grand Avenue area should be "We welcome your business to our wonderful part of the city and we will be your partner in making your stay successful". Thank you for your attention in this matter. Mark Staloch Osceola Ave. All, Re: parking on Grand Ave. At work. Can not attend hearing. You can not give a way what you do not have. We have a comprehensive plan. there is no parking on Grand !!! Businesses serving alcohol must require more spaces !! No more favors/variances. I your business can not comply, you will have to go elsewhere. We can give, what does not exist. This is a neighborhood. Remember that. I will be more than happy to give you examples, at a later time. I am at work now, tending bar. (ask me about alcohol !) Rosalyn Goldberg 1023 Grand (since 1980 !) Ave., #6 651-293-0374 May 16th 2012 Dear City Council Members: My name is Mary Hogan-Bard and I am the owner of Claddagh Coffee located at 459 West 7th Street. We opened our doors nine months ago on August 15th 2011. Our business is doing well but we see an opportunity to grow our business and respond to the request of many our customers by obtaining a wine and beer license. Unfortunately, under current law we are required to have 10 off street parking spaces which are not available at our location. The proposed ordinance that would make it easier for small restaurants with limited off street parking to serve beer and wine would be a significant boost to our business and I believe to the neighborhood as well. We are in a strong neighborhood with great community. We host artists and openings, authors and book readings, neighborhood meetings, musicians and various other social gatherings. Our hours of business are: Monday- Thursday 7am-8pm. Friday 7am-9pm. Saturday 8am.-8pm. Sunday 8am.-5pm. A number of customers, most of whom live in the neighborhood, have expressed an interest in having a glass of wine or a beer instead of cup of coffee in the evening. We are first and foremost a specialty coffee shop that serves bakery, sandwiches, small plates and other light fare. Adding beer and wine in the evening would help our business be more successful but also be a nice alternative to a full bar and restaurant for our customers. I strongly support the proposed ordinance reducing parking requirements for small restaurants in St. Paul. Thank you for your consideration. Mary Hogan-Bard Owner, Claddagh Coffee City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1Ord 12-27 Name:SPLC Chapter 321 - Rooming and Boarding Amendment Status:Type:Ordinance Final Adoption In control:City Council Final action: Title:Amending Chapter 321 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Rooming and Boarding. Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. City Council5/16/2012 1 City Council5/9/2012 1 City Council5/2/2012 1 Title Amending Chapter 321 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Rooming and Boarding. Body THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 Section 321.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: ****** Sec. 321.05. - Regulations (a) Applicable laws, rules and regulations. No persons shall be granted a license nor shall any person operate a business licensed under this chapter that is not in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including this chapter and Chapter 33, Building Code; Chapter 34, Minimum Housing Standards; Chapter 35, Safety to Life Requirements;Chapter 55, Fire Code; Chapter 60, Zoning Code; and Chapter 331 A, Food. Also Minnesota Statutes Chapter 327 and Minnesota Rules 4625 as amended from time to time. For good cause shown, the health officer Department of Safety and Inspections may grant a variance from the equipment standards provided for in Chapter 331 A when ten (10) or fewer residents are served. (b) Posting of license. Each licensee shall keep the license granted hereunder prominently posted on the premises. (c) Rules and regulations. The department of safety and inspections may promulgate rules and regulations reasonably necessary to the safe and sanitary operation of business establishments licensed under this City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 2 powered by Legistar™ File #: Ord 12-27, Version: 1 chapter. Copies of proposed rules and regulations, and amendments thereto, shall be made available free of charge to the public, and at least ten (10) days' written notice published in the official newspaper of the city shall be provided requesting written comments thereto. Subsequent to the published notice and after consideration of any comments, the health officer may adopt such rules and regulations, or amendments, and shall file a copy of the same with the office of the city clerk. Rules and regulations shall be effective on such date as indicated therein, but in no event shall they be effective prior to twenty (20) days after being filed in the office of the city clerk. ****** SECTION 2 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 2 of 2 powered by Legistar™ City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1Ord 12-28 Name:SPLC Chapter 378 - Bed and Breakfast Residence Amendment Status:Type:Ordinance Final Adoption In control:City Council Final action: Title:Amending Chapter 378 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Bed and Breakfast Residence. Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. City Council5/16/2012 1 City Council5/9/2012 1 City Council5/2/2012 1 Title Amending Chapter 378 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Bed and Breakfast Residence. Body THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 Section 378.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: ****** Sec. 378.05. - Requirements The following requirements shall apply to bed and breakfast residence and shall be used in determining the suitability for a city license: (1) Owner occupied. To qualify for a license as a bed and breakfast residence, the dwelling unit must be owner-occupied. (2) Housing code. The bed and breakfast residence must comply with the housing code. (3) Fire code. The bed and breakfast residence must comply with the fire code. (4) Escape window. Each guest room in the bed and breakfast residence shall be provided with an escape window as defined in the state building code. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 2 powered by Legistar™ File #: Ord 12-28, Version: 1 (5) Smoke detector. A single station hard-wired smoke detector shall be provided in an approved location outside each sleeping area in each guest room in the bed and breakfast residence. (6) Fire extinguisher. A minimum 1A:10BC portable fire extinguisher shall be provided in the kitchen of the bed and breakfast residence. (7) Food ordinance. The owner of the bed and breakfast residence must have a Class 0 food license and comply with the food ordinance Chapter 331A, except that where accommodations are provided for ten (10) or fewer persons, the owner may request in writing to the director of the department of safety and inspections a variance from a portion or portions of the food ordinance for facilities to serve food to the bed and breakfast residence guests only. The department of safety and inspections may grant such a variance and shall keep on file a record of the requirements which have been waived as well as any conditions which have been imposed. (8) State requirements. The bed and breakfast residence shall comply with Minnesota Statutes Chapter 327 and Minnesota Rules 4625 as amended from time to time and any other applicable state statutes, and rules and regulations. (9) Zoning code. The bed and breakfast residence shall conform to the zoning code. ****** SECTION 2 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 2 of 2 powered by Legistar™ City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1Ord 12-29 Name:SPLC Chapter 407 - Hotels Ordinance Amendment Status:Type:Ordinance Final Adoption In control:City Council Final action: Title:Amending Chapter 407 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Hotels. Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. City Council5/16/2012 1 City Council5/9/2012 1 City Council5/2/2012 1 Title Amending Chapter 407 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Hotels. Body THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 Section 407.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: ****** Sec. 407.06. Requirements Applicable laws, rules and regulations. No persons shall be granted a license nor shall any person operate a business licensed under this chapter that is not in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. Hotels shall also comply with Minnesota Statutes Chapter 327 and Minnesota Rules 4625 as amended from time to time and any other applicable state statutes, rules or regulations. ****** SECTION 2 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 2 powered by Legistar™ File #: Ord 12-29, Version: 1 City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 2 of 2 powered by Legistar™ City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1Ord 12-30 Name:SPLC Chapter 360 Ordinance Amendments Status:Type:Ordinance Final Adoption In control:City Council Final action: Title:Amending Chapter 360 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Public Swimming Pools. Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. City Council5/16/2012 1 City Council5/9/2012 1 City Council5/2/2012 1 Title Amending Chapter 360 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Public Swimming Pools. Body THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 ****** Section 360.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 360.02. - Definitions. Definitions of words, phrases, and terms used in this chapter shall be those set forth in Minnesota Administrative Rules 4717.0250 as well as any other state statues or rules relating to public swimming pools . "Public swimming pool" means and includes a bathing place of artificial or partly artificial and partly natural construction located either indoor or outdoor and provided with controlled water supply, where the water is sufficiently deep for complete immersion of the body and is used collectively by numbers of persons for swimming or recreative bathing, together with the surrounding area, buildings, equipment and appurtenances pertaining to such a bathing area, but shall not include a bathing place accessory to a single- or double-family dwelling which is intended only for use of the residents and friends. any pool other than a private residential pool, that is: (1) open to the public generally, whether for a fee or free of charge; (2) open exclusively to members of an organization and their guests; (3) open to residents of a multiunit apartment building, apartment complex, residential real estate development, or other multifamily residential area; (4) open to patrons of a hotel or lodging or other public accommodation facility; or (5) operated by a person in a park, school, licensed child care facility, group home, motel, camp, resort, club, condominium, manufactured home park, or political subdivision with the exception of swimming pools at family day care homes licensed under City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 5 powered by Legistar™ File #: Ord 12-30, Version: 1 Minnesota Statute section 245A.14, subdivision 11, paragraph (a). ******* Section 360.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 360.04. - Licensing requirements; submission of plans and specifications. The following requirements shall apply to the licensing of public swimming pools: (1) No person shall begin construction of a public swimming pool or shall substantially alter or reconstruct any public swimming pool without first having submitted plans and specifications to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)inspector for review and approval. All plans and specifications shall also be submitted in duplicate and the inspector shall arrange for the review and approval of the plans and specifications by the department of safety and inspections building official. No permit to construct, alter or renovate shall be issued by the inspector until approval is granted by the Minnesota Department of Health and department of safety and inspections. (2) The application for a permit to construct or remodel a public swimming pool shall be on forms prescribed by the department of safety and inspections inspector, together with any supporting data as may be required for the proper review of the plans. (3) The pool and facilities shall be built in accordance with the plans as approved by the Minnesota Department of Health and the building official. Changes or modifications of said plans must be submitted to and approved by the Minnesota Department of Health have approval in writing and by the building official. The owner or his agent shall notify the Minnesota Department of Health and director of the department of safety and inspections at specific predetermined stages of construction to permit adequate inspection of the pool and related equipment during and after construction. A final inspection shall be made upon completion of the pool facilities. The pool shall not be placed in operation until such inspections show compliance with the requirements of this chapter. (4) The criteria to be followed by the department of safety and inspections in the review and approval of plans shall be promulgated as rules and regulations as authorized by this chapter. (5) The plans shall be drawn to scale and accompanied by proper specifications so as to permit a comprehensive engineering review of the plans including the piping and hydraulic details and shall include : a. Plan and sectional views with all necessary dimensions of both the pool and surrounding area. b. A piping diagram showing all appurtenances including treatment facilities in sufficient detail, as well as pertinent elevation data, to permit a hydraulic analysis of the system. c. The specifications shall contain details on all treatment equipment, including catalog identification of pumps, chlorinators, chemical feeders, filters, strainers, interceptors and related equipment. Section 360.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 360.05. - Design, construction and operation features. Standards for construction, operation, and maintenance. Minnesota Administrative Rules 4717.0150 to 4717.3970 in effect on the effective date of this chapter, as it City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 2 of 5 powered by Legistar™ File #: Ord 12-30, Version: 1 may be amended from time to time, are hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this chapter. Reasonable regulations shall be promulgated by the director of the department of safety and inspections covering design, construction and operation of public swimming pools. No permit to construct, alter, remodel or license to operate shall be granted unless the pool conforms with these regulations. (b) The regulations shall cover, but not be limited to, the following items: (1) Water supply, sewer and waste connections. (2) Design detail. (3) Materials of construction. (4) Walls, markings and slopes. (5) Overflow gutters and skimmers. (6) Inlets and outlets. (7) Separation, zoning and control of users. (8) Recirculation equipment, piping and appurtenances. (9) Disinfection and chemical feed equipment. (10) Bathhouse and appurtenances, including plumbing fixtures. (11) Ladders, stairs, decks and walkways, diving equipment. (12) Diving, swimming, and bathing areas. (13) Ventilation, lighting and electrical facilities and connections (safety aspects). (14) Safety and lifesaving equipment. (15) Water quality, supervision and cleaning. (16) Operation. Section 360.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 360.06. - Regulations to be promulgated. The department of safety and inspections is authorized to promulgate regulations in connection with the operation and maintenance of public swimming pools for the protection and promotion of public health and safety. The inspector from the department of safety and inspections shall perform inspections at reasonable hours to ensure compliance. Every public swimming pool shall be operated under the close supervision of a designated operator. Every designated operator shall be required to obtain a certificate of competency issued by the department of safety and inspections upon successfully completing a swimming pool operator's training course offered by the department of safety and inspections, for which said department may charge a reasonable fee, or any other swimming pool course approved by the department of safety and inspections. Section 360.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 360.07. - Health and safety. (a) Communicable diseases. No person having a communicable disease shall be employed or work at a public swimming pool. All patrons or swimmers suspected of having an infectious disease shall be excluded. (b) Safety; lifeguards. Appropriate facilities shall be provided for the safety of bathers as may be required by the department of safety and inspections. Competent lifeguards shall be on duty during all swimming periods when so ordered by the director of the department of safety and inspections or when a use fee is charged. (c) Supervision. Every swimming pool shall be under the supervision of a capable individual who shall assume the responsibility for compliance with all parts of this chapter relating to pool operation and City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 3 of 5 powered by Legistar™ File #: Ord 12-30, Version: 1 maintenance. (d) Access. When the swimming pool is not open for use, access to such pool shall be prevented, and such prevention shall be the responsibility of the owner or his agent. (e) Emergency instructions. Instructions regarding emergency calls shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the pool area. (f) Maximum load. Not more than the maximum design bather load shall be permitted in the swimming pool at any one time. Sec. 360.0807. - Inspection. The department of safety and inspections is authorized to conduct such inspections as it deems necessary to ensure compliance with all provisions of this chapter and shall have the right of entry at any reasonable hour to the swimming pool for this purpose. Section 360.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 360.1008. - Licenses not transferable. Licenses issued pursuant to this chapter are not transferable. Section 360.09 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 360.09. - Operation. (a) Records. The operator of each pool shall keep a daily record of information regarding operation, including disinfectant residuals, pH, maintenance procedure, recirculation, together with the other data as may be required on forms furnished by the department of safety and inspections. These data shall be kept on file by the operator for six (6) months for review by said department or submitted periodically to the department as may be required by the director of the department of safety and inspections. Pool water samples shall be submitted to the department as required by the aforesaid director. (b) Maintenance. The pumps, filter, disinfectant and chemical feeders, and related appurtenances, shall be kept in operation at all times the swimming pool is in use and for such additional periods as needed to keep the pool water clear and of satisfactory bacterial quality. Continuous operation of the recirculation system shall be maintained in every swimming pool during seasons of regular use. Sec. 360.1109. - Reissuance after revocation. Reapplication may be made following a license revocation, and upon presentation of evidence that the deficiencies causing revocation have been corrected, the inspector may reissue the license. SECTION 2 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 4 of 5 powered by Legistar™ File #: Ord 12-30, Version: 1 City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 5 of 5 powered by Legistar™ City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1Ord 12-32 Name:HREEO Director Community Avisory Committee Status:Type:Ordinance Second Reading In control:City Council Final action: Title:Establishing a community advisory committee for the position of Director of the Department of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity pursuant to the provisions of Section 11.01 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code. Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. City Council5/16/2012 1 Title Establishing a community advisory committee for the position of Director of the Department of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity pursuant to the provisions of Section 11.01 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code. Body THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 WHEREAS, Section 11.01 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code provides that upon the receipt of a notice of vacancy for the position of Director of the Department of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity, the Mayor and Council shall pass an ordinance to create a community advisory committee to advise the Mayor on the appointment of the new director; and, WHEREAS, a vacancy occurred upon the resignation of Luz María Frías from the position of Director of the Department of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity, effective April 20, 2012; and, WHEREAS, a community advisory committee shall now be convened for the purpose of advising the Mayor on the appointment of a new director; NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 2 That the Council hereby establishes the HREEO Director Community Advisory Committee pursuant to the provisions of Section 11.01 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code Section 3 That the HREEO Director Community Advisory Committee will evaluate eligible persons and make City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 2 powered by Legistar™ File #: Ord 12-32, Version: 1 recommendations to the Mayor, who will in his discretion appoint a new director with the approval of the Council pursuant to Section 11.01(g) of the Saint Paul Administrative Code. Section 4 That the following people are appointed to serve on the HREEO Director Community Advisory Committee: · Cameron Cegelske, League of Minnesota Human Rights Commissions · Billy Collins, YWCA of Saint Paul · Mary DesJarlais, MN AFLCIO / HREEO Commission · Kris Fredson, MN AFLCIO · Jesse Bethke Gomez, Metro State University · MayKao Hang, Wilder Foundation · JaPaul Harris - Co-Chair, Legal Aid Society of Minneapolis / Chair HREEO Commission · Kaohly Her, HREEO Commission · Mark Hughes, E.T. Hughes, Inc. / Mayor's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities · Garat Ibrahim, Somali Community Organizer / Center for New Community · Eric Jolly, Science Museum of Minnesota · Ana Ruby Lee, Northwest Area Foundation · Kevin Martineau, American Indian Family Center · James McLean, Saint Paul Chamber of Commerce · Vic Rosenthal - Jewish Community Action · Lisa Tabor, Culture Brokers, LLC · Gloria Roach Thomas, Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church · Paul Williams - Co-Chair, Deputy Mayor City of Saint Paul Section 5 That the Office of Human Resources shall provide staff to support the HREEO Director Community Advisory Committee throughout all aspects of its work process. That the Office of the City Attorney, the Department of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity, and City Council Research shall provide staff to support the HREEO Director Community Advisory Committee throughout its work, except they shall not participate in the candidate interview process. Section 6 That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after passage, approval and publication. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 2 of 2 powered by Legistar™ City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:2Ord 12-33 Name:Clarifying Section 310.10 regarding the refund of fees. Status:Type:Ordinance Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Clarifying Chapter 310 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Refund of Fees. Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Clarifying Chapter 310 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Refund of Fees. Body THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 Section 310.10 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 310.10. - Refunds of fees. (a) Refund where application withdrawn; service charge. Unless otherwise specifically provided by the particular licensing provisions involved, where an application for any license is withdrawn, the inspector shall refund to the applicant the license fee submitted less a service charge to recover in part the costs incurred in processing the application in the amount of twenty-five (25) percent of the annual license fee. (b) Limitation on refund; other cases. In all other cases as provided in paragraph (c), the director of the department of safety and inspections, or his designee, may upon receipt of a written request refund the license fee, less a service charge to recover in part the costs incurred in processing the application up to twenty-five (25) percent of the annual licensee fee. (c) Bases for refunds. Refunds under paragraph (b) may be made to the licensee or his estate: (1) Where the place of business of the licensee or his principal equipment is destroyed or so damaged by fire or any other cause that the licensee ceases for the remainder of the licensed period to engage in the licensed activity or business; (2) Where the business or licensed activity ceases by reason of the death or illness of the licensee or the sole employee or manager; or (3) Where it has become unlawful for the licensee to continue in the business or licensed activity other than by cancellation, termination, revocation, suspension, denial or any criminal activity on the part of the licensee. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 2 powered by Legistar™ File #: Ord 12-33, Version: 2 SECTION 2 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 2 of 2 powered by Legistar™ City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-890 Name:Vacant Bldg Fee March 2012 Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Approving the City's cost of providing Collection of Vacant Building fees from March 2012, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for June 19, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for August 1, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. VB1208, Asmt No. 128810) Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Report of Completion Assessment Roll Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Approving the City's cost of providing Collection of Vacant Building fees from March 2012, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for June 19, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for August 1, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. VB1208, Asmt No. 128810) Body WHEREAS, pursuant to Admin. Code Ch. 60: Property Service Cost Assessments, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared the attached Report of Completion of Assessment for Collection of Vacant Building fees from the month of March 2012 under Assessment No. 128810 (File No. VB1208); and, WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared for the Councils consideration the attached Assessment Roll listing the benefited property, the property owner, the service provided and the charges for the service as reported by the department providing the service; and hereby submits said Assessment Roll for the City Councils consideration to adopt and levy said charges as an assessment against the benefited property; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby accepts and approves said Report of Completion of Assessment and Assessment Roll; and be it further RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 1st day of August, 2012 at the hour of 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of Saint Paul; and that the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section provide mailed and published notice of the same as required by law. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ 10:15:36 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: VB1208 Assmt: 128810 Manager: TJT Page 1 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Jacob J Plumley Jessica S Liljedahl 1281 3rd St E St Paul MN 55106-5778 *1281 3RD ST E *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 A. GOTZIANS RE OF SIGEL'S ADDITION LOT 26 BLK 27 33-29-22-14-0060Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 012382 957378Inv# Autumn Arh Xiong 1201 4th St E St Paul MN 55106-5307 *1201 4TH ST E *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 A. GOTZIANS RE OF SIGEL'S ADDITION LOT 34 BLK 16 33-29-22-14-0095Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 101990 956931Inv# Tin Thanh Huynh 1349 4th St E St Paul MN 55106-5315 *1349 4TH ST E *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 HAMER'S SUBDIVISION LOT 11 34-29-22-23-0011Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 020467 959572Inv# Kai Moua 1836 Margaret St Saint Paul MN 55119-3449 *1521 6TH ST E *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 SIMPSON'S DIVISION LOT 8 BLK 1 34-29-22-21-0085Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 017823 958970Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:15:36 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: VB1208 Assmt: 128810 Manager: TJT Page 2 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Som Lee 1988 County Road Yy Baldwin WI 54002-5532 *922 6TH ST E *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 FREEMAN'S SUB. OF THE E 1/2 OF BLK. 98 L. DAYTON'S ADD. LOT 1 BLK 98 33-29-22-22-0082Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 09 520072 948337Inv# Amtrust Reo I Llc 4282 N Freeway Fort Worth TX 76137-5021 *856 ALBEMARLE ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 MCKENTY'S OUT LOTS TO ST. PAUL N 2 5/1O FT OF LOT 26 AND S 1 65/1OO FT OF LOT 24 AND ALL OF LOT 25 BLK 3 25-29-23-41-0146Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 106567 959203Inv# Joyce Culver 461 Arlington Ave W St Paul MN 55117-3501 *461 ARLINGTON AVE W *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 EDWIN M. WARE'S CUMBERLAND ADDITION PLAT 1 E 16 FT OF LOT 14 AND EX E 6 FT LOT 13 BLK 11 24-29-23-24-0105Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 108255 959848Inv# Kenneth A Stamper 18000 Vale St Nw Andover MN 55304-1418 *947 BARCLAY ST *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 FAIRCHILD'S REARRANGEMENT OF LOTS 8 TO 15 INC. OF BLK 1 OF CRUICKSHANK'S GARDEN LOTS TO ST. PAUL LOT 2 BLK 2 27-29-22-31-0035Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 015542 958025Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:15:36 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: VB1208 Assmt: 128810 Manager: TJT Page 3 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Gary Rosenbaum 400 Bates Ave St Paul MN 55106-5020 *400 BATES AVE *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 19 ST. PAUL, MINN. NLY 4O FT OF LOT 6 BLK 1 32-29-22-13-0035Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 07 025180 956795Inv# Karen J Roscoe 978 Bayard Ave St Paul MN 55102-4004 *978 BAYARD AVE *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 NIXON ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 15 11-28-23-34-0094Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 021030 959719Inv# Justin Lambert 50 Glen Edge Rd Dellwood MN 55110-1418 *1563 BEECH ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 WEED AND HALLE'S ADDITION LOTS 21 AND LOT 22 BLK 2 34-29-22-12-0091Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 08 039955 959558Inv# Ansel Johnson 807 120th Ave Amery WI 54001-2518 *1020 CARROLL AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 G. V. BACON'S SUBDIVISION SUBJ TO ALLEY AND PARTY WALL AGRT THE W 1O 5/1O FT OF LOT 1O AND EX W 34 FT LOT 11 BLK 4 35-29-23-33-0057Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 08 041347 959847Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:15:36 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: VB1208 Assmt: 128810 Manager: TJT Page 4 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Holly Vang 6260 Alden Way Ne Fridley MN 55432-4823 *357 CASE AVE *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 HOYTS OUT LOTS & SUBD LOTS 14 THRU 19-22 THRU 24 THE S 8.5 FT OF LOT 4 B E CARDINAL'S SUBD AND IN SD HOYTS OUTLOTS & SUB THE E 40 FT OF LOT 23 WHICH IS S OF BE CARDINAL'S SUBD AND W OF 29-29-22-23-0209Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 017803 958965Inv# Ib Property Holdings Llc Bayview Loan Servicing Llc 4425 Ponce De Leon Blvd 5th Fl Coral Gables FL 33146-1837 *108 CESAR CHAVEZ ST *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 WEST ST PAUL BLKS 1 THRU 99 EX SELY QUADRANGULAR PART MEASURING 84 76/1OO FT ON SWLY L AND 143 97/1OO FT ON NELY L PART OF LOTS 1 2 3 4 AND 7 BLK 72 NELY OF L RUN PAR WITH 08-28-22-21-0075Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 09 031640 957111Inv# Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota Co Ocwen Fed Bank Fsb 12650 Ingenuity Dr Orlando FL 32826-2703 *537 CHARLES AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 H. M. RANNEY'S SUBDIVISION BLOCK 11, STINSON'S DIVISION TO ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 22 BLK 2 36-29-23-23-0056Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 09 038596 959345Inv# Michelle L Weiss Matthew Harold Duane Weiss 1879 Iglehart Ave St Paul MN 55104-3525 *1573 CLARENCE ST *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 SYLVAN HEIGHTS ADDITION N 1/2 OF LOT 2 AND ALL OF LOT 3 BLK 4 22-29-22-22-0076Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 10 117713 959069Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:15:36 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: VB1208 Assmt: 128810 Manager: TJT Page 5 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Richard A Bednar 229 E Park St Owatonna MN 55060-4055 *1456 COHANSEY ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 EDWIN M. WARE'S CUMBERLAND ADDITION PLAT 1 VAC ALLEY ACCRUING & FOL; S 1/2 OF LOT 19 & ALL OF LOT 18 BLK 12 24-29-23-24-0125Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 06 115148 914840Inv# Smr Enterprises Inc 8251 230th St E Lakeville MN 55044-8286 *810 CONCORDIA AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 EDWIN DEANS SECOND ADDITION TO ST. PAUL EX AVE LOT 7 BLK 6 35-29-23-43-0022Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 09 032956 957571Inv# Jennifer Doherty 61 Cook Ave W Saint Paul MN 55117-4930 *61 COOK AVE W *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 J. F. EISENMENGER'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 20 BLK 1 30-29-22-23-0023Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 10 009003 952588Inv# Joseph D Kvamme Laura Kvamme 2123 Suburban Ave St Paul MN 55119-4610 *665 DALE ST N *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 DALE STREET ADDITION EX N 47 FT AND EX S 47 FT THE E 8 FT OF LOT 29 ALSO SUBJ TO ESMT THE N 31 FT OF S 78 FT OF LOT 30 35-29-23-11-0112Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 020089 959383Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:15:36 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: VB1208 Assmt: 128810 Manager: TJT Page 6 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp 5000 Plano Pky Carrollton TX 75265-0043 *332 DALY ST *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 DAWSON AND SMITHS SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 11 OF STINSON, BROWN AND RAMSEY'S ADDITION S 3O FT OF LOT 19 BLK 1 11-28-23-11-0028Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 006623 956103Inv# Eh Pooled 1210 Lp Po Box 14525 Austin TX 78761-4525 *1093 EDGERTON ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 LANBERGS RE-ARRANGEMENT OF BLK 13 BEAUPRE & KELLY'S ADDITION LOT 3 29-29-22-21-0145Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 10 119681 959560Inv# Choua Cha Lee 1145 Edgerton St Saint Paul MN 55130-3606 *1145 EDGERTON ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 BEAUPRE & KELLYS ADDITION TO SAINT PAUL, RAMSEY CO., MINN. SUBJ TO ALLEY AND ESMTS THE S 16 FT OF LOT 5 AND N 14 FT OF LOT 6 BLK 5 29-29-22-21-0076Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 09 033035 957573Inv# Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp 5000 Plano Pky Carrollton TX 75265-0043 *1659 EDMUND AVE *Ward: 4 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 GEO. J. ANDERSON'S MIDWAY ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 25 BLK 1 33-29-23-14-0110Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 020547 959593Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:15:36 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: VB1208 Assmt: 128810 Manager: TJT Page 7 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Patricia D Mcfarland 1160 Cushing Cir Apt 323 Saint Paul MN 55108-5021 *873 EDMUND AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 VICTORIA STREET ADDITION TO ST. PAUL W 1/2 OF LOT 7 AND ALL OF LOT 6 BLK 1 35-29-23-24-0027Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 017783 958964Inv# Youa Xiong 832 Englewood Ave St Paul MN 55104-1613 *928 EDMUND AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 FRANKLIN ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 3 BLK 2 35-29-23-24-0234Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 011156 957135Inv# Patrick M Marley Charlene Hessler 579 Forest St St Paul MN 55106-5237 *579 FOREST ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 DAILY AND BERRISFORD'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 95 OF LYMAN DAYTON'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL EX N 2 4/1O FT LOT 31 BLK 95 33-29-22-23-0027Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 07 025195 956796Inv# Coastal States Mortgage Po Box 1790 Boca Raton FL 33429-1790 *1279 GALTIER ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 TILSEN'S FIRST ADDITION LOT 9 BLK 1 24-29-23-43-0009Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 013023 957546Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:15:36 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: VB1208 Assmt: 128810 Manager: TJT Page 8 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Benjamin A Aune 2792 Robinwood Way Woodbury MN 55125-2723 *735 GERANIUM AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 OAK VILLE PARK LOT 18 BLK 16 29-29-22-11-0070Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 008517 956574Inv# Hannah Boles 4458 E Cloudburst Ct Gilbert AZ 85297-9615 *1867 HOYT AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 HILLCREST CENTER LOT 44 BLK 6 23-29-22-22-0113Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 017916 958977Inv# State Of Mn Trust Exempt P0 Box 64097 St Paul MN 55164-0097 *107 HOYT AVE W *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 MERRILLS DIVISION OF RICE STREET VILLAS VAC ALLEY ACCRUING AND LOT 25 BLK 8 19-29-22-22-0119 ***EXEMPT*** Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 016253 958640Inv# Donald R Jennings Diane L Jennings 1404 Idaho Ave E St Paul MN 55106-1218 *1398 IDAHO AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 MAYFIELDS SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 37 AND 38 PIONEER REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING SOCIETY SUBDIVISION, ST. PAUL N 1/2 OF VAC ALLEY ADJ & FOL THE W 10.7 FT OF LOT 5 & ALL OF LOT 6 BLK 38 22-29-22-22-0135Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 006462 956066Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:15:36 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: VB1208 Assmt: 128810 Manager: TJT Page 9 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Hirut Eshetu 1075 Jessamine Ave E #1 St Paul MN 55106-2713 *1075 JESSAMINE AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 CLOVERDALE, ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 19 BLK 6 28-29-22-12-0185Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 09 029742 956797Inv# Bac Home Loans Servicing Lp 400 National Way Simi Valley CA 93065-6414 *308 JESSAMINE AVE E *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 WESTMINSTER ADDITION W 7 FT OF LOT 7 AND ALL OF LOT 8 BLK 8 30-29-22-11-0017Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 016234 958635Inv# Bates Ave Partners Llc 350 St Peter St Ste 200 Saint Paul MN 55102-1511 *1011 JESSIE ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 FAIRVIEW ADDITION LOT 5 BLK 10 29-29-22-24-0110Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 07 044239 959845Inv# James R Krampitz Ann M Krampitz 368 School St E Owatonna MN 55060-3025 *503 KENNY RD *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 BRUNSONS ADDITION PART BLK 1 AND ALL OF 2 THRU 12 W 35 FT OF S 8O FT OF LOT 1O AND E 4 FT OF S 8O FT OF LOT 9 BLK 5 32-29-22-24-0070Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 103082 957342Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:15:36 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: VB1208 Assmt: 128810 Manager: TJT Page 10 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Federal National Mortgage Assn 14221 Dallas Pkwy Ste 11201 Dallas TX 75254-2957 *408 LAFOND AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 SMITHS SUBDIVISION OF BLKS 2 6 7 AND 8 E 1/2 OF LOT 23 BLK 8 36-29-23-21-0131Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 008964 956757Inv# Toufu Vang 596 Lawson Ave E Saint Paul MN 55130-3944 *596 LAWSON AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 ARLINGTON HILLS ADDITION TO ST. PAUL 40/45 THRU 49 LOT 12 BLK 15 29-29-22-13-0144Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 10 116413 958761Inv# Cecilia M Walker 860 Howard St N St Paul MN 55119-3515 *595 MACKUBIN ST *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 H. M. RANNEY'S SUBDIVISION BLOCK 11, STINSON'S DIVISION TO ST. PAUL, MINN. N 27 5/1O FT OF S 63 FT OF E 2 FT OF LOT 3 AND EX E 18 FT THE N 27 5/10 FT OF S 63 FT OF LOT 2 AND N 35 5/1O FT OF S 71 FT OF LOT 1 36-29-23-23-0003Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 09 032969 957572Inv# Quality Construction & Properties Llc 995 University Ave W Saint Paul MN 55104-4705 *247 MARIA AVE *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 LYMAN DAYTON ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL NWLY 4O FT OF LOTS 1 2 AND LOT 3 BLK 50 32-29-22-41-0085Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 10 114819 957918Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:15:36 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: VB1208 Assmt: 128810 Manager: TJT Page 11 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Santrel M Smith 1049 Maryland Ave E St Paul MN 55106-2634 *1049 MARYLAND AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 J. A. AND W. M. STEES ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, RAMSEY CO., MINN. W 1O FT OF LOT 29 AND LOT 28 BLK 7 21-29-22-34-0192Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 022153 959894Inv# Kristin M Hook Adam D Hook 2070 English St Maplewood MN 55109-3427 *1851 MARYLAND AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 HAZEL PARK DIVISION 5 TO ST. PAUL LOT 19 BLK 8 23-29-22-33-0086Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 006502 956081Inv# Paul D Babin 1170 Lealand Rd Maplewood MN 55109-2545 *1683 MINNEHAHA AVE E *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 J. N. ROGERS 4TH ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 22 BLK 4 27-29-22-44-0182Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 015928 958075Inv# Patrick G Loegering Tiffani K Loegering 3547 Rice St Shoreview MN 55126-3013 *1829 MUNSTER AVE *Ward: 3 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 FAIRVIEW SOUTH ADDITION LOT 27 BLK 5 21-28-23-24-0028Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 023681 960191Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:15:36 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: VB1208 Assmt: 128810 Manager: TJT Page 12 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Killer Frog Llc 6662 Ne River Rd Elk River MN 55330-6442 *1620 NEVADA AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 WHEELER'S SUBDIVISION OF LOT 14 OF KERWIN'S OUTLOTS TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 10 BLK 2 22-29-22-13-0080Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 016867 958724Inv# Jeremiah W Saari 440 Maryland St E St Paul MN 55130-3655 *808 ORANGE AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 OAK VILLE PARK W 1/2 OF N 2/3 OF LOTS 1, 2 & LOT 3 BLK 7 20-29-22-44-0102Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 10 117004 958950Inv# Matthew Scott 346 San Carlos St San Francisco CA 94110-2410 *868 PASCAL ST N *Ward: 4 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 COLLEGE PLACE, EAST DIVISION N 4O FT OF S 8O FT OF LOT 2 BLK 10 27-29-23-31-0086Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 024022 960271Inv# Cynthia L Anderson Timothy A Duggan 766 Point Douglas Rd S St Paul MN 55119-5339 *766 POINT DOUGLAS RD S *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 BURLINGTON HEIGHTS, DIVISION NO. 1, RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA LOT 5 BLK 6 14-28-22-21-0005Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 020721 959636Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:15:36 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: VB1208 Assmt: 128810 Manager: TJT Page 13 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Ronald F Davidson 1264 Reaney Ave Saint Paul MN 55106-4038 *1264 REANEY AVE *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 KIEFER, SCHURMEIER AND WILDS SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 1, 2, & 3 OF COLLINS' OUTLOT LOT 9 BLK 3 28-29-22-44-0080Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ***ESCROW***** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 020354 959514Inv# St Paul Urban League Po Box 4516 Saint Paul MN 55104-0516 *401 SELBY AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 KERN'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOTS 24 AND LOT 25 BLK 2 01-28-23-21-0044Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 308043 951060Inv# Darryl S Westerlund 1820 Sims Ave St Paul MN 55119-3402 *1820 SIMS AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 HAZEL PARK DIVISION 4 LOT 5 BLK 3 26-29-22-32-0061Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 017867 958971Inv# Dennis E Bassett Gayle M Bassett 1405 St Clair Ave St Paul MN 55105-2338 *1405 ST CLAIR AVE *Ward: 3 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 SARGENT'S ADDITION LOT 21 BLK 3 03-28-23-34-0207Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 015390 957956Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:15:36 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: VB1208 Assmt: 128810 Manager: TJT Page 14 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Raymond Peter Aquirre 66 9th St E #2006 St Paul MN 55101-4700 *130 SYCAMORE ST E *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 EDMUND RICE'S SECOND ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL EX S 88 FT LOT 1 BLK 9 30-29-22-43-0096Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12 014872 957875Inv# Household Industrial Finance Company 25 Dale St N Saint Paul MN 55102-2227 *1426 WESTMINSTER ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 4/2/2012 JOHN M. WARNER'S ACRE LOTS EX E 156.25 FT; LOT 2 20-29-22-32-0005Vacant Building Fee 1.00 1,100.00 $1,100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,250.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 10 119657 959559Inv# Total Vacant Building Fee:$59,400.00 Total DSI Admin Fee:$6,210.00 Total Real Estate Admin Fee:$1,890.00 Project Total:$67,500.00 Less Total Discounts:$0.00 Project Total:$67,500.00 54 Parcel(s) 1 Exempt Parcel(s) StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-893 Name:Tree Removal March 2012 Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Approving the City's cost of providing Tree Removal services from March 2012, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for June 19, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for August 1, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. 1208T, Asmt No. 129010) Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Report of Completion Assessment Roll Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Approving the City's cost of providing Tree Removal services from March 2012, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for June 19, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for August 1, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. 1208T, Asmt No. 129010) Body WHEREAS, pursuant to Admin. Code Ch. 175: Dutch Elm Diseased Tree, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared the attached Report of Completion of Assessment for Removal of Diseased and/or Dangerous Trees on Private Properties from the month of March 2012 under Assessment No. 129010 (File No. 1208T); and, WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared for the Council's consideration the attached Assessment Roll listing the benefited property, the property owner, the service provided and the charges for the service as reported by the department providing the service; and hereby submits said Assessment Roll for the City Council's consideration to adopt and levy said charges as an assessment against the benefited property; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby accepts and approves said Report of Completion of Assessment and Assessment Roll; and be it further RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 1st day of August, 2012 at the hour of 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of Saint Paul; and that the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section provide mailed and published notice of the same as required by law. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ 10:19:32 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: 1208T Assmt: 129010 Manager: TJT Page 1 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Glacier Park Company Bnsf Railway Co Po Box 961089 Fort Worth TX 76161-0089 * ENERGY PARK DR *Ward: 4 *Pending as of: 4/17/2012 ST. ANTHONY PARK, MINNESOTA SUBJ TO KASOTA AVE HILLSIDE AVE ADJ AS VAC IN DOC 1493O74 AND FOL PART N OF CL OF SD AVE OF BLK F 29-29-23-21-0003Tree Removal 1.00 670.11 $670.11 Park Service Fee 1.00 134.74 $134.74 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $839.85 *** Taxpayer *** Northern Pacific Ry Co 1700 Golf Rd E Schaumburg IL 60173-5860 * ENERGY PARK DR *Ward: 4 *Pending as of: 4/17/2012 ST. ANTHONY PARK, MINNESOTA SUBJ TO KASOTA AVE HILLSIDE AVE ADJ AS VAC IN DOC 1493O74 AND FOL PART N OF CL OF SD AVE OF BLK F 29-29-23-21-0003*** Owner *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv No. 1-12, on BNSF property (18) Bnsf Railway Co Property Tax Dept Po Box 961089 Fort Worth TX 76161-0089 *2 LANGFORD PARK *Ward: 4 *Pending as of: 4/17/2012 ST. ANTHONY PARK, MINNESOTA VAC GIBBS & BAYLISS AVES ACCRUING & EX PART TAKEN FOR UNIV OF MN TRANSIT WAY; BLKS D & BLK E 29-29-23-11-0104Tree Removal 1.00 2,910.21 $2,910.21 Park Service Fee 1.00 134.74 $134.74 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $3,079.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv No. 1-12, on BNSF property (46) Total Tree Removal:$3,580.32 Total Park Service Fee:$269.48 Total Real Estate Admin Fee:$70.00 Project Total:$3,919.80 Less Total Discounts:$0.00 Project Total:$3,919.80 2 Parcel(s) 0 Exempt Parcel(s) StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-895 Name:Boarding Up March 2012 Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Approving the City's cost of providing Boarding and/or Securing services during March 2012, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for June 19, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for August 1, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1208B, Asmt No. 128108) Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Report of Completion Assessment Roll Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Approving the City's cost of providing Boarding and/or Securing services during March 2012, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for June 19, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for August 1, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1208B, Asmt No. 128108) Body WHEREAS, pursuant to Admin. Code Ch. 60: Property Service Cost Assessments, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared the attached Report of Completion of Assessment for Emergency Boarding and Securings and/or Boarding of Vacant Buildings during the month of March 2012 under Assessment No. 128108 (File No. J1208B); and, WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared for the Councils consideration the attached Assessment Roll listing the benefited property, the property owner, the service provided and the charges for the service as reported by the department providing the service; and hereby submits said Assessment Roll for the City Councils consideration to adopt and levy said charges as an assessment against the benefited property; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby accepts and approves said Report of Completion of Assessment and Assessment Roll; and be it further RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 1st day of August, 2012 at the hour of 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of Saint Paul; and that the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section provide mailed and published notice of the same as required by law. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ 10:20:38 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1208B Assmt: 128108 Manager: TJT Page 1 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Red Branch Financial Corp 3972 Pumice Ln Eagan MN 55122-2908 *939 3RD ST E *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 RICHARD MCCARRICKS SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 88 OF LYMAN DAYTON'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 18 BLK 88 33-29-22-24-0179Boarding Up 1.00 21.95 $21.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $176.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16839 Amtrust Reo I Llc 4282 N Freeway Fort Worth TX 76137-5021 *856 ALBEMARLE ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 MCKENTY'S OUT LOTS TO ST. PAUL N 2 5/1O FT OF LOT 26 AND S 1 65/1OO FT OF LOT 24 AND ALL OF LOT 25 BLK 3 25-29-23-41-0146Boarding Up 1.00 11.95 $11.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $166.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16841 St Pauls Ch Home Inc 1964 Summit Ave St Paul MN 55105-1460 *484 ASHLAND AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 WOODLAND PARK ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOTS 7 THRU 12 BLK 14 LOT 12 BLK 14 01-28-23-24-0044Boarding Up 1.00 9.95 $9.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $164.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16778 Us Bank Nat Assoc 400 Countrywide Way Simi Valley CA 93065-6298 *437 BANFIL ST *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 WINSLOW'S ADDITION TO SAINT PAUL LOT 9 BLK 18 01-28-23-34-0016Boarding Up 1.00 11.95 $11.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $166.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16777 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:20:38 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1208B Assmt: 128108 Manager: TJT Page 2 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Adam Strobel Teresa K Strobel 6246 Tennison Way Indianapolis IN 46236-7390 *1420 BIRMINGHAM ST *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 NILSSON'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 19 AND 20 BLOCK 6 AND LOT 1 BLOCK 2 OF ROGERS AND HENDRICK'S ACRE LOTS NO. 2 NILSSONS SUB OF LOT 19 AND 20 BLOCK 6 AND LOT 1 BLOCK 2 OF ROGERS AND 22-29-22-31-0135Boarding Up 1.00 59.75 $59.75 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $214.75 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16792 Ollie K Christian 1007 Central Av W St Paul MN 55104-4726 *1007 CENTRAL AVE W *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 UNIVERSITY SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 1, 2, 3 & 8 HYDE PARK, RAMSEY CO., MINN. LOT 25 BLK 5 35-29-23-32-0110Boarding Up 1.00 342.85 $342.85 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $497.85 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16899 Hua Ying Gao 415 Charles Ave St Paul MN 55103-1907 *415 CHARLES AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 SMITHS SUBD OF BLKS 9 10 15 AND 16 LOT 7 BLK 9 36-29-23-24-0041Boarding Up 1.00 261.95 $261.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $416.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8352 Louell Enterprises Llc 1339 Sperl St West St Paul MN 55118-2623 *126 COLORADO ST E *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 WEST ST PAUL BLKS 1 THRU 99 EX S 45 FT; E 72 FT OF LOTS 9 & LOT 10 BLK 21 05-28-22-34-0037Boarding Up 1.00 283.90 $283.90 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $438.90 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16801 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:20:38 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1208B Assmt: 128108 Manager: TJT Page 3 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Deutsche Bank Nat Trust Co Co Countrywide Home Loans Inc 400 Countywide Way Mail Stop S Simi Valley CA 93065-6298 *1002 CONWAY ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 STINSON'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 79 OF LYMAN DAYTON'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOTS 14 & LOT 15 BLK 79 33-29-22-31-0014Boarding Up 1.00 113.65 $113.65 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $268.65 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16712 Timothy R Mcguigan 3011 Country Drive Little Canada MN 55117-1018 *1202 DALE ST N *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 MARDALE LOTS 13 AND LOT 14 BLK 1 24-29-23-33-0125Boarding Up 1.00 271.95 $271.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $426.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16758 Martin Sanchez Carmen L Sanchez 26 Douglas St St Paul MN 55102-2302 *26 DOUGLAS ST *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 SAMUEL LEECHE'S ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF SAINT PAUL LOT 10 BLK 3 01-28-23-41-0032Boarding Up 1.00 33.90 $33.90 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $188.90 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16718 Youa Xiong 832 Englewood Ave St Paul MN 55104-1613 *928 EDMUND AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 FRANKLIN ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 3 BLK 2 35-29-23-24-0234Boarding Up 1.00 83.65 $83.65 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $238.65 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16802 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:20:38 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1208B Assmt: 128108 Manager: TJT Page 4 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Na Lee 980 Euclid St St Paul MN 55106-5615 *980 EUCLID ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 ADAM GOTZIAN'S SUB. OF BLK. 77, IN LYMAN DAYTON'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 20 BLK 77 33-29-22-31-0138Boarding Up 1.00 33.90 $33.90 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $188.90 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16808 65 West George Llc 33 George St E Unit 1 St Paul MN 55107-3081 *65 GEORGE ST W *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 WEST ST PAUL BLKS 1 THRU 99 E 35 FT OF LOTS 6 AND LOT 7 BLK 83 07-28-22-14-0024Boarding Up 1.00 271.95 $271.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $426.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16896 Jason Patrick Watts Sarah Joyce Watts 1133 Beaverwood Ln Crowley TX 76036-4322 *720 JENKS AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 ARLINGTON HILLS ADDITION TO ST. PAUL 40/45 THRU 49 LOT 5 BLK 18 29-29-22-14-0136Boarding Up 1.00 21.95 $21.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $176.95 *** Owner *** Joseph M Sauber 610 W Franklin Ave Apt 201 Minneapolis MN 55405-3167 *720 JENKS AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 ARLINGTON HILLS ADDITION TO ST. PAUL 40/45 THRU 49 LOT 5 BLK 18 29-29-22-14-0136*** Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8354 Bank Of New York Mellon Trust Co Country Home Loans Inc 400 Countrywide Way Mail Stop Simi Valley CA 93065-6298 *865 JENKS AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 E. M. MACKUBIN'S 2ND ADDITION LOT 27 BLK 1 28-29-22-23-0183Boarding Up 1.00 23.90 $23.90 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $178.90 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16770 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:20:38 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1208B Assmt: 128108 Manager: TJT Page 5 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Chang Lee Chee Y Lee 1546 Clarence St Saint Paul MN 55106-1414 *741 JESSAMINE AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 OAK VILLE PARK LOT 11 BLK 20 29-29-22-11-0127Boarding Up 1.00 35.85 $35.85 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $190.85 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16717 Twin Cities Real Estate Partners Llc 440 Old Long Lake Rd Ste A Wayzata MN 55391-9681 *81 JESSAMINE AVE W *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 STINSON'S RICE STREET ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 16 BLK 5 30-29-22-22-0080Boarding Up 1.00 307.80 $307.80 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $462.80 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8378 Karen K Inman 690 Lafond Ave St Paul MN 55104-1603 *690 LAFOND AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 CHUTE BROTHERS DIVISION NO. 5 ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 3 35-29-23-11-0159Boarding Up 1.00 335.85 $335.85 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $490.85 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8377 Andrew W Braun 763 Lawson Ave E St Paul MN 55106-3119 *763 LAWSON AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 ARLINGTON HILLS ADDITION TO ST. PAUL 40/45 THRU 49 LOT 17 BLK 9 29-29-22-14-0084Boarding Up 1.00 958.75 $958.75 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $1,113.75 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16783 Inv#16807 Inv#16840 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:20:38 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1208B Assmt: 128108 Manager: TJT Page 6 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Henrean Vinson 478 Hazel St N Apt 304 Saint Paul MN 55119-3490 *611 MAGNOLIA AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 JOSEPH R. WEIDE'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 17 BLK 4 29-29-22-12-0202Boarding Up 1.00 11.95 $11.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $166.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16790 Paula A Eklund 14640 Scandia Trl N Scandia MN 55073-6000 *1885 MARYLAND AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 HAZEL PARK DIVISION 5 TO ST. PAUL THAT PART OF LOT 28 LYING W OF E 7 FT AND THAT PART OF LOT 27 LYING E OF W 3 FT BLK 8 23-29-22-33-0203Boarding Up 1.00 199.25 $199.25 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $354.25 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16791 Turn Key Properties Fund Vi Llc 440 Old Long Lake Rd Ste A Wayzata MN 55391-9681 *584 MENDOTA ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 DAILY AND BERRISFORD'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 95 OF LYMAN DAYTON'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOTS 17 AND LOT 18 BLK 95 33-29-22-23-0014Boarding Up 1.00 179.25 $179.25 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $334.25 *** Taxpayer *** Twin Cities Real Estate Partners Llc 440 Old Long Lake Rd Ste A Wayzata MN 55391-9681 *584 MENDOTA ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 DAILY AND BERRISFORD'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 95 OF LYMAN DAYTON'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOTS 17 AND LOT 18 BLK 95 33-29-22-23-0014*** Owner *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16769 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:20:38 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1208B Assmt: 128108 Manager: TJT Page 7 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Tara Fernandez Alonzo Fernandez 36456 Fox Rd Hinckley MN 55037-4733 *652 OAKDALE AVE *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 WOODBURY AND CASE'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINN. EX ALLEY LOT 6 BLK 9 08-28-22-31-0013Boarding Up 1.00 131.45 $131.45 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 345.00 $345.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $516.45 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8379 Inv#15533 Inv#16715 Idpayne Llc Po Box 1017 Charlotte NC 28201-1017 *1055 PAYNE AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 ARLINGTON HILLS ADDITION TO ST. PAUL 40/45 THRU 49 LOTS 26 THRU LOT 30 BLK 5 29-29-22-13-0057Boarding Up 1.00 306.90 $306.90 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $461.90 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8376 Andres Avolos Reyes 719 Preble St St Paul MN 55130-4545 *719 PREBLE ST *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 IRVINES 2ND ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 1 BLK 4 32-29-22-12-0075Boarding Up 1.00 31.90 $31.90 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $186.90 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16898 Homesales Inc 3415 Vision Drive Columbus OH 43219-5200 *787 ROBERT ST S *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 BIDWELLS ADDITION TO WEST ST. PAUL PART S OF EXTENDED N L OF LOT 4 BLK 153 WEST ST PAUL AND N OF BELVIDERE ST OF LOT 13 08-28-22-33-0006Boarding Up 1.00 333.65 $333.65 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $488.65 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8375 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:20:38 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1208B Assmt: 128108 Manager: TJT Page 8 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp 5000 Plano Pky Carrollton TX 75265-0043 *1936 ROBLYN AVE *Ward: 4 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 MERRIAM PARK, RAMSEY CO., MINN. E 1/2 OF LOT 5 AND ALL OF LOT 4 BLK 15 33-29-23-34-0108Boarding Up 1.00 9.95 $9.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $164.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16817 Mi2 Llc 1026 Prior Ave S St Paul MN 55116-2563 *451 SELBY AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 SELBY, MCCLUNG AND VANMETER'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 28 BLK 2 01-28-23-21-0257Boarding Up 1.00 21.95 $21.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $176.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8372 Peter L Michalek Maureen N Michalek 667 S Smith Ave St Paul MN 55107-2621 *667 SMITH AVE S *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 54 ST. PAUL, MINN. W 1O FT OF LOT 7 AND ALL OF LOT 6 07-28-22-32-0059Boarding Up 1.00 589.75 $589.75 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 230.00 $230.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $859.75 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16779 Inv#16789 Jacqueline Young 332 Thomas Ave St Paul MN 55103-1739 *332 THOMAS AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 WARREN & RICE'S ADDITION TO SAINT PAUL LOT 10 BLK 7 36-29-23-13-0029Boarding Up 1.00 23.90 $23.90 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $178.90 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16714 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:20:38 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1208B Assmt: 128108 Manager: TJT Page 9 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Wells Fargo Bank Na As Trustee 400 Countrywide Way Simi Valley CA 93065-6298 *391 THOMAS AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 SMITHS SUBDIVISION OF BLKS 2 6 7 AND 8 LOT 13 BLK 8 36-29-23-21-0150Boarding Up 1.00 45.85 $45.85 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $200.85 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8337 Central Bank 2104 Hastings Ave Newport MN 55055-1501 *424 WABASHA ST S *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 WEST ST PAUL BLKS 1 THRU 99 WITH ESMT & SUBJ TO WABASHA AS OPENED; THE W 105.6 FT OF THE S 72.5 FT OF BLK 34 BEING PART OF LOTS 5 & LOT 6 BLK 34 08-28-22-22-0011Boarding Up 1.00 261.95 $261.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $416.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8353 Barbara J Vadnais 1030 Wakefield Ave St Paul MN 55106-5626 *1030 WAKEFIELD AVE *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 SCOTTEN'S SUBDIVISION BLOCK 71, LYMAN DAYTON'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 8 BLK 71 33-29-22-31-0082Boarding Up 1.00 47.80 $47.80 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $202.80 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16713 Us Bank Nat Assoc Co Specialized Loan Servicing 8742 Lucent Blvd #300 Littleton CO 80129-2386 *890 WESTERN AVE N *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 KINGS SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 24 & 25 OF WILKIN & HEYWARDS ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 6 BLK 1 25-29-23-42-0163Boarding Up 1.00 102.75 $102.75 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $257.75 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8351 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:20:38 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1208B Assmt: 128108 Manager: TJT Page 10 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Nasseh Ghaffari nikou Gale Ghaffari Nikou 13443 Flagstaff Ave Apple Valley MN 55124-7984 *877 WESTMINSTER ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 EDMUND RICE'S FOURTH ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL EX S 3 FT LOT 8 AND ALL OF LOTS 9 AND LOT 10 BLK 11 29-29-22-32-0179Boarding Up 1.00 283.90 $283.90 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $438.90 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16803 Keith J Pederson Bryan Pederson 2750 Dale St N #53 Roseville MN 55113-2368 *721 WILSON AVE *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 4/18/2012 WILDER & DODGE'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 48, LYMAN DAYTON'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOTS 18 & LOT 19 BLK 2 33-29-22-32-0182Boarding Up 1.00 23.90 $23.90 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $178.90 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16897 Total Boarding Up:$6,103.40 Total DSI Admin Fee:$4,600.00 Total Real Estate Admin Fee:$1,295.00 Total Attorney Fee:$185.00 Project Total:$12,183.40 Less Total Discounts:$0.00 Project Total:$12,183.40 37 Parcel(s) 0 Exempt Parcel(s) StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-896 Name:Trash Hauling April 4 to April 25, 2012 Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Approving the City's cost of providing Trash Hauling services during April 2012, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for June 19, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for August 1, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1209G, Asmt No. 128709) Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Report of Completion Assessment Roll Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Approving the City's cost of providing Trash Hauling services during April 2012, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for June 19, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for August 1, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1209G, Asmt No. 128709) Body WHEREAS, pursuant to Admin. Code Ch. 60: Property Service Cost Assessments, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared the attached Report of Completion of Assessment for Providing Weekly Trash Hauling on Private Properties during the time period of April 4 to April 25, 2012 under Assessment No. 128709 (File No. J1209G); and, WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared for the Councils consideration the attached Assessment Roll listing the benefited property, the property owner, the service provided and the charges for the service as reported by the department providing the service; and hereby submits said Assessment Roll for the City Councils consideration to adopt and levy said charges as an assessment against the benefited property; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby accepts and approves said Report of Completion of Assessment and Assessment Roll; and be it further RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 1st day of August, 2012 at the hour of 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of Saint Paul; and that the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section provide mailed and published notice of the same as required by law. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ 10:23:20 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1209G Assmt: 128709 Manager: TJT Page 1 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Us Bank N A 4801 Frederica St Owensboro KY 42301-7441 *991 6TH ST E *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 5/1/2012 H. M. RANNEY'S SUBDIVISION BLOCKS 101 & 102, LYMAN DAYTON'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINN. SUBJ TO & WITH ESMT; LOT 17 BLK 102 33-29-22-21-0192Garbage Hauling 1.00 200.00 $200.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $240.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12-039968 4/11/2012 12-037694 4/4/2012 12-046511 4/25/2012 12-043650 4/18/2012 Charles Mccarty 324 3rd St N Hudson WI 54016-1003 *1734 7TH ST E *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 5/1/2012 KUHL'S 2ND ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 12 BLK 1 27-29-22-44-0009Garbage Hauling 1.00 200.00 $200.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $240.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12-043645 4/18/2012 12-039962 4/11/2012 12-046506 4/25/2012 12-037691 4/4/2012 Kenneth B Hoj Linda K Warner 9156 Jewel Ln N Forest Lake MN 55025-9165 *1365 BERKELEY AVE *Ward: 3 *Pending as of: 5/1/2012 SUNNYSIDE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 6 BLK 1 10-28-23-21-0022Garbage Hauling 1.00 50.00 $50.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $205.00 *** Taxpayer *** Laura Jean Warner 1365 Berkeley Ave Saint Paul MN 55105-2422 *1365 BERKELEY AVE *Ward: 3 *Pending as of: 5/1/2012 SUNNYSIDE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 6 BLK 1 10-28-23-21-0022*** Owner *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12-045471 4/18/2012 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:23:20 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1209G Assmt: 128709 Manager: TJT Page 2 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Nicholas E Lopez 1280 Bush Ave Saint Paul MN 55106-4004 *1280 BUSH AVE *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 5/1/2012 KIEFER, SCHURMEIER AND WILDS SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 1, 2, & 3 OF COLLINS' OUTLOT LOT 5 BLK 2 28-29-22-44-0054Garbage Hauling 1.00 200.00 $200.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $240.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12-046510 4/25/2012 12-043649 4/18/2012 12-039966 4/11/2012 12-037693 4/4/2012 Wayne A Johnson Lorine M Johnson 969 Carroll Ave St Paul MN 55104-5413 *969 CARROLL AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 5/1/2012 DONNELLY'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 11 BLK 2 35-29-23-34-0008Garbage Hauling 1.00 200.00 $200.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $240.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12-043660 4/18/2012 12-037698 4/4/2012 12-046515 4/25/2012 12-039974 4/11/2012 Jeb W Knippenberg 1139 Case Ave Saint Paul MN 55106-3911 *1139 CASE AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 5/1/2012 HILLSDALE, ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 21 BLK 8 28-29-22-13-0201Garbage Hauling 1.00 200.00 $200.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $355.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12-043637 4/18/2012 12-046504 4/25/2012 12-042641 4/11/2012 Kim Theng 2534 Montana Ave E Maplewood MN 55119-3151 *483 COMO AVE *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 5/1/2012 FOUNDRY ADDITION TO ST. PAUL EX SWLY 1O FT FOR AVE SELY 3O FT OF LOT 8 BLK 11 25-29-23-31-0089Garbage Hauling 1.00 100.00 $100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $255.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12-047979 4/25/2012 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:23:20 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1209G Assmt: 128709 Manager: TJT Page 3 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Danielle Stewart 1679 Craig Place Saint Paul MN 55119-4201 *1679 CRAIG PL *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 5/1/2012 HILLCREST CENTER LOT 1 BLK 2 23-29-22-22-0023Garbage Hauling 1.00 150.00 $150.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $190.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12-043643 4/18/2012 12-037690 4/4/2012 12-039961 4/11/2012 Dirk W Meuleners 801 Dayton Ave St Paul MN 55104-6659 *801 DAYTON AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 5/1/2012 NININGER & DONNELLY'S ADDITION TO HOLCOMBE'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOTS 15 AND LOT 16 BLK 2 02-28-23-12-0037Garbage Hauling 1.00 100.00 $100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $255.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12-046537 4/25/2012 Michael C Michlitsch 8083 Boulder Ridge Rd Woodbury MN 55125-3026 *2044 FREMONT AVE *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 5/1/2012 HAZEL VIEW W 1/2 OF LOT 8 AND ALL OF LOT 9 BLK 3 35-29-22-13-0143Garbage Hauling 1.00 150.00 $150.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $305.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12-043738 4/18/2012 12-046501 4/25/2012 Lorna O Rosebrock 2079 Margaret St St Paul MN 55119-3923 *2079 MARGARET ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 5/1/2012 ROBERT L. WARE'S EASTERN HEIGHTS ACRE LOTS E 55 FT OF W 11O FT OF LOT 15 BLK 2 35-29-22-12-0033Garbage Hauling 1.00 200.00 $200.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $240.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12-039965 4/11/2012 12-037692 4/4/2012 12-046508 4/25/2012 12-043648 4/18/2012 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:23:20 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1209G Assmt: 128709 Manager: TJT Page 4 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Matthew Dibble 731 Maryland Ave E Saint Paul MN 55106-2525 *731 MARYLAND AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 5/1/2012 OAK VILLE PARK LOT 17 BLK 10 20-29-22-44-0127Garbage Hauling 1.00 100.00 $100.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $140.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12-037689 4/4/2012 12-039960 4/11/2012 Wendy A Toner 606 Lake St N Prescott WI 54021-1421 *2205 MINNEHAHA AVE E *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 5/1/2012 WATTS PARK, ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 30 BLK 7 26-29-22-44-0179Garbage Hauling 1.00 200.00 $200.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $240.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12-043647 4/18/2012 12-037686 4/4/2012 12-046507 4/25/2012 12-039964 4/11/2012 First Commercial Bank 8500 Normandale Lake Blvd Ste Bloomington MN 55437-3800 *1849 ORANGE AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 5/1/2012 HAZEL PARK DIVISION 5 TO ST. PAUL W 1/2 OF LOT 19 AND ALL OF LOT 18 BLK 4 23-29-22-33-0037Garbage Hauling 1.00 150.00 $150.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $305.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12-039274 4/4/2012 12-039957 4/11/2012 Daniel Boler Simona N Boler 715 Ferndale St S Maplewood MN 55119-5986 *1335 PAYNE AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 5/1/2012 DENNY HILL ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL LOTS 4 AND LOT 5 BLK 4 20-29-22-42-0125Garbage Hauling 1.00 200.00 $200.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $240.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12-046503 4/25/2012 12-037687 4/4/2012 12-039959 4/11/2012 12-043642 4/18/2012 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:23:20 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1209G Assmt: 128709 Manager: TJT Page 5 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Michael J Bertrand Wendy L Bertrand 687 Montana Ave E St Paul MN 55106-1021 *609 REANEY AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 5/1/2012 BORUP AND PAYNE'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 20 BLK 2 29-29-22-43-0085Garbage Hauling 1.00 200.00 $200.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $240.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12-037695 4/4/2012 12-043656 4/18/2012 12-046512 4/25/2012 12-039969 4/11/2012 Thomas Nguyen 400 Old Highway 8 Nw New Brighton MN 55112-3221 *787 SHERBURNE AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 5/1/2012 CHUTE BROTHERS DIVISION NO. 10 ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 19 35-29-23-13-0138Garbage Hauling 1.00 200.00 $200.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $240.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12-037697 4/4/2012 12-043659 4/18/2012 12-046514 4/25/2012 12-039972 4/11/2012 Hien Thuy Bui 595 Thomas Ave Saint Paul MN 55103-1633 *595 THOMAS AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 5/1/2012 MICHELS SUBDIVISION OF SAID BLOCK 5, OF SAID STINSONS ADDITION LOT 22 BLK 2 36-29-23-22-0196Garbage Hauling 1.00 200.00 $200.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $240.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12-046513 4/25/2012 12-043657 4/18/2012 12-039970 4/11/2012 12-037696 4/4/2012 Howard Gackstetter 858 Sims Ave St Paul MN 55106-3826 *617 WELLS ST *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 5/1/2012 CHAS. WEIDE'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 35 OF ARLINGTON HILLS ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 25 BLK 35 29-29-22-42-0183Garbage Hauling 1.00 100.00 $100.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $255.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 12-046938 4/25/2012 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 10:23:20 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1209G Assmt: 128709 Manager: TJT Page 6 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Total Garbage Hauling:$3,100.00 Total DSI Admin Fee:$805.00 Total Real Estate Admin Fee:$665.00 Total Attorney Fee:$95.00 Project Total:$4,665.00 Less Total Discounts:$0.00 Project Total:$4,665.00 19 Parcel(s) 0 Exempt Parcel(s) StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-897 Name:Demolition March 2012 Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Approving the City's cost of providing Demolition services from March 2012 (NON-C.D.B.G. Funds), and setting date of Legislative Hearing for June 19, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for August 1, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1212C, Asmt No. 122013) Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Report of Completion Assessment Roll Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Approving the City's cost of providing Demolition services from March 2012 (NON-C.D.B.G. Funds), and setting date of Legislative Hearing for June 19, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for August 1, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1212C, Asmt No. 122013) Body WHEREAS, pursuant to Admin. Code Ch. 60: Property Service Cost Assessments, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared the attached Report of Completion of Assessment for Demolition of Vacant Buildings from the month of March 2012 (NON-C.D.B.G. Funds) under Assessment No. 122013 (File No. J1212C); and, WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared for the Councils consideration the attached Assessment Roll listing the benefited property, the property owner, the service provided and the charges for the service as reported by the department providing the service; and hereby submits said Assessment Roll for the City Councils consideration to adopt and levy said charges as an assessment against the benefited property; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby accepts and approves said Report of Completion of Assessment and Assessment Roll; and be it further RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 1st day of August, 2012 at the hour of 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of Saint Paul; and that the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section provide mailed and published notice of the same as required by law. City of Saint Paul Printed on 5/22/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ 10:17:28 5/2/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1212C Assmt: 122013 Manager: TJT Page 1 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Eh Pooled 510 Lp 1901 W Braker Ln Ste D200 Austin TX 78758-4088 *717 GERANIUM AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 4/13/2012 OAK VILLE PARK LOT 14 BLK 16 29-29-22-11-0066Demolition 1.00 963.06 $963.06 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $1,003.06 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Kien Tuan Le 578 Thomas Ave St Paul MN 55103-1632 *578 THOMAS AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 4/13/2012 SMITHS SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 12, STINSONS DIVISION OF ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 5 BLK 12 36-29-23-23-0123Demolition 1.00 1,493.00 $1,493.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $1,533.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Total Demolition:$2,456.06 Total Real Estate Admin Fee:$70.00 Total Attorney Fee:$10.00 Project Total:$2,536.06 Less Total Discounts:$0.00 Project Total:$2,536.06 2 Parcel(s) 0 Exempt Parcel(s) StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address