D002093CTTY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TAE MAYOR ADi�TISTRATIVE ORDER • BUDGET REVISION No: 1��vad 9 � Date: / � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor In Section 1�.�7.4 of the Ciry Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation to amend the 2001 budget of the Capital Improvement Budget fund, the Director of the Deparhnent of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Financine Current Budeet Chanae Amended Bud�et 2001 Capital Maintenance Program Emergency Contingency CO1-9T031-0279-00000 Parks and Recrearion C01-9T03 ]-�xx-93003 All Other Financing CO1-9T031 • S`_pendin $ 60,204.00 $ 479,807.00 $ 640.849.00 $ 1,180,860.00 - $ 60,204.00 +$ 60,204,00 -0- -0- $ -0- $ 540,011.00 $ 640.849.00 $ 1,180,860.00 2001 Capital Maintenance Program Emergency Contingenoy C01-9T031-0279-00000 Parks and Recreation CO 1-9T031-xxxx-93003 All Other Spending CO1-9T031 $ 60,204.00 $ 479,807.00 $ 640,849.00 $ 1,180,860.00 - $ 60,204.00 +$ 60,204.00 -0- -�- $ -0- $ 540,011.00 $ 640.849.00 $ 1,180,860.00 Q ��� � .�� Approvedby: BudgetDirector �� Parks and Recreation CANTACT PFRSON pN0 PF10NE Barr266-640Q Mf15T BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) Informational TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES AC710N REQUESTED: � DA7E INRIATED �� ��� GREEN SHEET ��� NO. 113262 12/11/07 IGN UMBER FO OUTING ROER INITIAl10FTE 1 DEPARTMENTDIRECTOft ❑ cm arroaNEv Z FINANCV+LSERVICESDIR. ❑ muvoRCORnssisrnrun iHCrwuopre CL7P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) o crrvcouNCa 3 CRY CLERK 4 FINANCIAISERV/ACGT6 r J Parks - Judy Barr 300 CHA Approval of a budget revision to provide Capital Maintenance Program contingency funding ($60,204) for ventilation improvements to the Forestry Garage to address health and safety issues. RECOMMEN�ATIONS� Appmve (A) ot RGecl (R) _ PLANNIN6 COMMISSION __, CIBCOMMITfEE __ CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION INITlATING PROBLEM. lSSUE, OPPORTUNIN (W ho, W hac, When, W4ere. W hy) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT$ MUST ANSWER THE PQLLOWMG QUESTIONS: 1. Hast�ispersoNfrmevetwo�kedunderacontraMforthistl¢paAmen�� YES NO 2 Has ihrs persoNfirm e�er been a city employee? VES NO 3. DOes th�s persoNfirtn powess a skdl not normalty possessed by any Wrrenl mty employee'+ YE$ NO 4, Is �his Derson/frm a targeted vendo(� YE$ NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Forestry Garage ventilation system needs to be updated to ensure the garage and office buiiding does not accumulate issions from the vehicles stored in the building. This is necessary to comply with basic OSHA health and safety requirements. Until the ventilation is complete, Forestry vehicles must be stored outside instead of the building built for their safe storage. During the winter this poses additional problems with operation of hydraulic equipment and accelerated wear and tear to expensive City-owned equipment. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. Identified problems will be adequately resolved and vehicles will be able to be moved back into the garage without causing air quality problems i� the garage, crew room and office spaces. Trucks will continue to be stored outside in the elements and subject to potential vandalism. ��u�$���� �ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED The garage space will be unusable until such time as funding is allocated. �1tt� -� � LUU v"tp�y �s' ;� �_:�� ' TOTAL AMOUNT OF TR.4NSACTION $ 60.204.00 cosvREVenueauocerEO�ciRC�oNE� v�s No � DINGSOURCE 2001 Capital Maintenance Continqencv ACTMTI'NUMBER C01-9T-0279-00000 ANCIAL INFORMATION. (EXPtAIN) �:1FOrmsYgreensheet. wpd