02-08-2012 Council PacketCity Council City of Saint Paul Meeting Agenda City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 Council President Kathy Lantry Councilmember Dan Bostrom Councilmember Amy Brendmoen Councilmember Melvin Carter III Councilmember Russ Stark Councilmember Dave Thune Councilmember Chris Tolbert Council Chambers - 3rd Floor3:30 PMWednesday, February 8, 2012 ROLL CALL COMMUNICATIONS & RECEIVE/FILE 1 CO 12-4 Letters from the Department of Safety and Inspections declaring 317 Baker Street West and 838 Robert Street South as nuisance properties. (For notification purposes only; public hearings will be scheduled at a later date if necessary.) Sponsors:Thune 317 Baker St W.OTA.pdf 838 Robert St S.OTA.pdf Attachments: CONSENT AGENDA Note: Items listed under the Consent Agenda will be enacted by one motion with no separate discussion. If discussion on an item is desired, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. 2 RES 12-275 Approving the Memorandum of Agreement (January 1, 2012) between the City of Saint Paul and the International Union of Elevator Constructors, Local 9 - 2012 Wage and Fringe Adjustment. (To be laid over one week for adoption.) Sponsors:Lantry Elevator Constructors MOA 2012 Wage and Fringe.pdfAttachments: 3 RES 12-271 Approving the Mayor's appointment of Amy Brendmoen to serve on the Metro Cities Board of Directors. Sponsors:Lantry Page 1 City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012 February 8, 2012City Council Meeting Agenda 4 RES 12-214 Reappointing Luz María Frias as Director of the Department of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity. Sponsors:Lantry and Carter III 10-19-11CommisrecommendationDOC011912.pdf Reappointing Luz Frias to Kathy Lantry-Council. 1.20.2012.pdf Attachments: 5 RES 12-272 Accepting a donation of e-mail marketing services from iXfactor to City Council ward offices. Sponsors:Brendmoen 6 RES 12-210 Authorizing the Fire Department to accept a donation of $100.00 from the Residential Mortgage Group (RMG) Inc. to continue to provide public safety and community education to the City of Saint Paul and its residents. Sponsors:Lantry Financial Detail RMG 12-210.pdf RMG 12-210.pdf Attachments: 7 RES 12-196 Approving the City's cost of providing Collection of Certificate of Occupancy Fees Services from December 2011, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for March 6, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for April 18, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. CRT1205, Asmt No. 128204) Sponsors:Lantry Report of Completion Assessment Roll Attachments: 8 RES 12-197 Approving the City's cost of providing Demolition Services during December 2011 (NON-C.D.B.G. Funds), and setting date of Legislative Hearing for March 6, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for April 18, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1208C, Asmt No. 122002) Sponsors:Lantry Report of Completion Assessment Roll Attachments: 9 RES 12-198 Approving the City's cost of providing Boarding and Securing Services during December 2011, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for March 6, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for April 18, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1205B, Asmt No. 128104) Sponsors:Lantry Report of Completion Assessment Roll Attachments: Page 2 City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012 February 8, 2012City Council Meeting Agenda 10 RES 12-199 Approving the City's cost of providing Excessive Use of Inspection Services from October 28 to December 9, 2011, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for March 6, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for April 18, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1204E, Asmt No. 128303) Sponsors:Lantry Report of Completion Assessment Roll Attachments: 11 RES 12-200 Approving the City's costs for providing Tree Removal Services from January 2012, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for March 6, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for April 18, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. 1206T, Asmt No. 129005) Sponsors:Lantry Report of Completion Assessment Roll Attachments: 12 RES 12-206 Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council public hearing to ratify the assessment for construction of a sanitary sewer connection at 1817 Wellesley Avenue, as requested by the property owner in connection with the Fairview Avenue reconstruction project. (File No. 19094C, Assessment No. 126005) Sponsors:Tolbert Report of Completion Assessment Roll Attachments: 13 RES 12-208 Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council public hearing to ratify the assessment for construction of sanitary sewer connections, as requested by the property owners, in connection with the Page/Woodbury RSVP. (File No. 19077C, Assessment No. 126001) Sponsors:Thune Report of Completion Assessment Roll Attachments: 14 RLH TA 12-78 Amending Council File RLH AR 11-117 to delete the assessment for Emergency Boarding and Securing and/or Boarding of Vacant Building during August 2011 at 680 MINNEHAHA AVENUE EAST. (File No. J1201B, Assessment No. 128100) Sponsors:Lantry Page 3 City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012 February 8, 2012City Council Meeting Agenda RECONSIDERATION 15 RES 12-236 Accepting the gift of travel, lodging, and conference registration, not to exceed $1700, from the Strategy Institute, for Department of Planning and Economic Development staff member Christina Morrison to travel to the Urban Transportation Summit (UTS), March 6 and 7, in Toronto, Canada. (To be laid over to February 15 for public hearing) Sponsors:Lantry UTS conference brochure RES PH 12-23 - UST Conference Gift Acceptance.xls Attachments: 16 RLH TA 11-505 Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1203G1, Assessment No. 128706 at 381 CLEVELAND AVENUE NORTH. Sponsors:Stark 381 Cleveland Ave N. hauler.DOC 381 Cleveland Ave N. photo.DOC Attachments: FOR DISCUSSION 17 RLH FOW 11-239 Appeal of Robert Hartnett to a Re-Inspection Fire Certificate of Occupancy With Deficiencies at 1037 JUNO AVENUE. (Public hearing held February 1) Sponsors:Thune 1037 Juno.appeal.11-9-11.pdf 1037 Juno Ave.MLS Photo.11-21-11.pdf 1037 Juno Ave.Hartnett Ltr 11-29-11.doc Attachments: 18 RES PH 11-1071 Approving adverse action against the Animal Boarding (Commercial) license application submitted by Sandra Belisle, d/b/a Sandy's Professional Dog & Cat Grooming, 360 Clifton Street. (Public hearing held September 21, 2011; laid over from December 14, 2011) Sponsors:Thune Unconstested License Matter.pdf License Group Comments Text.pdf Class R License Application.pdf Council Resolution #11-11.pdf Final Petition Requirements Notification Letter.pdf Notice of Intent to Deny License.pdf Letter requesting a public hearing.pdf Notice of Council Hearing.pdf SPLC Chapter 348.pdf Licensee's email correspondence.pdf Attorney testimony.pdf Attachments: Page 4 City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012 February 8, 2012City Council Meeting Agenda ORDINANCES An ordinance is a city law enacted by the City Council. It is read at four separate council meetings and becomes effective after passage by the Council and 30 days after publication in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Public hearings on ordinances are held at the third reading. Third Reading, No Public Hearing 19 Ord 12-2 Memorializing City Council action granting the application of MGM Properties LLC to rezone portions of 1105, 1111, 1117, 1121, and 1125 California Avenue West from R4 One-Family Residential to B2 Community Business and to amend Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 60 pertaining to the Saint Paul zoning map to reflect the same. (Public Hearing held December 21, 2011.) Sponsors:Brendmoen Second Reading 20 Ord 12-3 Memorializing City Council action granting the application of Wulff Family Mortuary for the Rezoning from R4 Single-Family Residential to VP Vehicular Parking at 1756 Nebraska Avenue East and 1755 Nevada Avenue East, and amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the Saint Paul zoning map. (Public hearing held December 21, 2011) Sponsors:Bostrom First Reading 21 Ord 12-5 Memorializing City Council action granting the application of Apex Auto Salvage, Inc to rezone the property at 198 Minnehaha Avenue East from I1 Light Industrial to I2 General Industrial, and amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the Saint Paul zoning map. (Public hearing held January 18) Sponsors:Thune Apex Auto Rezone Ordinance.pdfAttachments: 22 Ord 12-8 Amending Chapter 157, Traffic Code, General Parking Restrictions, to restore no-parking zone and limited-term parking zone violation language to the Code, which language was inadvertently deleted from the September 28, 2011 revisions. Sponsors:Lantry SUSPENSION ITEMS ADJOURNMENT Page 5 City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012 February 8, 2012City Council Meeting Agenda Council Meeting Information Web Meetings are available on the Council's website. Email notification and web feeds (RSS) of newly released Minutes, Agendas and Meetings are available by subscription. Please visit www.stpaul.gov/council for meeting videos and updated copies of the Agendas, Minutes and supporting documents. Cable Meetings are live on St Paul Channel 18 and replayed on: Thursdays at 5:30 p.m., Saturdays at 12:30 p.m., and Sundays at 1:00 p.m. (Subject to change) Page 6 City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012 City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1CO 12-4 Name:OTA 2 Addresses Status:Type:Communications & Receive/File Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Letters from the Department of Safety and Inspections declaring 317 Baker Street West and 838 Robert Street South as nuisance properties. (For notification purposes only; public hearings will be scheduled at a later date if necessary.) Sponsors:Dave Thune Indexes:Order to Abate Nuisance, Ward - 2 Code sections: Attachments:317 Baker St W.OTA.pdf 838 Robert St S.OTA.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Letters from the Department of Safety and Inspections declaring 317 Baker Street West and 838 Robert Street South as nuisance properties. (For notification purposes only; public hearings will be scheduled at a later date if necessary.) City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS Steve Magner, Manager of Code Enforcement CITY OF SAINT PAUL Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor 375 Jackson Street., Suite 220 Saint Paul, MN 55101-1806 Telephone: 651-266-8989 Facsimile: 651-266-1919 Web: www.stpaul.gov/dsi 361 January 26, 2012 11-290184 Anne M Haney 1512 125th Avenue NE #117 Blaine MN 55449-4749 Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) Dear: Sir or Madam The Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Unit, Department of the Department of Safety and Inspections, Division of Code Enforcement, hereby declares the premises located at: 317 BAKER ST W With the following Historic Preservation information: NONE and legally described as follows, to wit: Dawsons Addition Lot 14 Blk 13 to comprise a nuisance condition in violation of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 45.02, and subject to demolition under authority of Chapter 45.11. On January 11, 2012 a Building Deficiency Inspection Report was compiled and the following conditions were observed. This list of deficiencies is not necessarily all the deficiencies present at this time. This building(s) is subject to the restrictions of Saint Paul Ordinance Chapter 33.03 and shall not again be used for occupancy until such time as a Certificate of Compliance or a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. All repairs must be in accordance with appropriate codes. Changes or additions to the electrical system, mechanical system, or the plumbing system may necessitate updating or upgrading the systems involved. Description of Building: two-story wood frame house and a detached wood frame shed. An Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer January 26, 2012 317 BAKER ST W page 2 The following Deficiency List is excerpted from the September 28, 2011, Notice of Condemnation letter. LACK OF MAINTENANCE/DILAPIDATION 1. WALLS: The interior walls are defective. There are walls that are open to the studs. Repair all wall defects and finish in a professional manner. PERMIT REQUIRED. 2. CEILINGS: The interior ceilings are defective. There are ceilings that are open to the studs. Repair all ceiling defects and finish in a professional manner. PERMIT REQUIRED. 3. ELECTRICAL WIRING: There are improperly run electrical wires. Properly install all wiring. PERMIT REQUIRED. FIRE HAZARD 4. EXTENSION CORD WIRING: There is extension cord wiring throughout the dwelling. Immediately cease use of all extension cord wiring. 5. SMOKE DETECTORS: Lack of properly installed and/or operable smoke detectors. Provide functioning smoke detectors. 6. BLOCKED EXITS: The exits and/or access to exits are blocked by storage and refuse. Provide exits for occupants and emergency personnel. UNSANITARY CONDITION 7. REFUSE/DEBRIS: There is an excessive accumulation of refuse and debris throughout the dwelling. Remove refuse and debris from dwelling. LACK OF BASIC FACILITIES 8. FURNACE/HEAT: The furnace has been removed. Install a furnace to ensure adequate heat. PERMIT REQUIRED. 9. HOT WATER: The gas to the water heater is off. The water heater is not properly vented. There is no record of a permit for the recent water heater installation. Properly install the water heater. PERMIT REQUIRED. 10. BATH TUB/SHOWER: There is no working bath tub or shower. Install bath tub/shower. PERMIT REQUIRED. 11. BATHROOM SINK: There is no bathroom sink. Install bathroom sink. PERMIT REQUIRED. 12. CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR: Missing or improperly located carbon monoxide detector. Per MN State Statute 299F.50, immediately provide and maintain an approved carbon monoxide alarm in a location within ten (10) feet of each sleeping area. Installation shall be in accordance with manufacturers instructions. January 26, 2012 317 BAKER ST W page 3 13. CODE COMPLIANCE: Due to the number of deficiencies, a Code Compliance Inspection will be required before a Placard Lift will be issued. Other Violations: These deficiencies must be corrected in order to bring this property into compliance with the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 14. EAVES/SOFFITS: The eaves and soffits are in a state of disrepair or deterioration. Repair all defects, holes, breaks, loose or rotting boards, to a professional state of maintenance. Permit may be required. 15. EXTERIOR WALLS: The exterior walls and/or trim of the house and/or garage has defective, peeled, flaked, scaled or chalking paint or has unpainted wood surfaces. Scrape and repaint to effect a sound condition in a professional manner. 16. WINDOWS: The windows and/or storm windows are in a state of disrepair. Replace all missing or broken window glass. Make all necessary repairs to frames, sashes, hardware and associated trim in a professional manner. Permit may be required. 17. SCREENS: The window and/or door screens are missing, defective or in a state of disrepair. Provide proper window and door screens for all openable windows and doors. Screens must be tight fitting and securely fastened to the frames. 18. DEFECTIVE STAIRS. Stairs are broken, defective, or in disrepair. Repair in a professional manner. SIDE STAIRS. PERMIT REQUIRED. 19. GUARDRAIL/HANDRAIL: There are missing or defective guardrails. Provide all stairways, porches, decks or steps which are more than 30" high with guardrails and intermediate rails with openings in the guardrail no more than four (4) inches apart and in accordance with the State Building Code. SIDE STAIRS. As owner, agent or responsible party, you are hereby notified that if these deficiencies and the resulting nuisance condition is not corrected by February 26, 2012 the Department of Safety and Inspections, Division of Code Enforcement, will begin a substantial abatement process to demolish and remove the building(s). The costs of this action, including administrative costs and demolition costs will be assessed against the property taxes as a special assessment in accordance with law. As first remedial action, a Code Compliance Inspection Report must be obtained from the Building Inspection and Design Section, 375 Jackson Street, Suite 220, (651) 266-8989. This inspection will identify specific defects, necessary repairs and legal requirements to correct this nuisance condition. You may also be required to post a five thousand dollar ($5,000.00) performance bond with the Department of Safety and Inspections before any permits are issued, except for a demolition permit. Call the Department of Safety and Inspections for more information at 651-266-8989. If this building is located in a historic district or site (noted on page 1, above, just below the property address) then you must contact Heritage Preservation (HPC) staff to discuss your proposal for the repairs required by this order and compliance with preservation guidelines. Copies of the guidelines and design review application and forms are available from the January 26, 2012 317 BAKER ST W page 4 Department of Safety and Inspections web site (see letterhead) and from the HPC staff. No permits will be issued without HPC review and approval. HPC staff also can be reached by calling 651-266-9078. As an owner or responsible party, you are required by law to provide full and complete disclosure of this "Order to Abate" to all interested parties, all present or subsequent renters and any subsequent owners. The property shall not be sold, transferred or conveyed in any manner until the Nuisance Conditions have been abated and the Certificate of Code Compliance or Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. The Enforcement Officer is required by law to post a placard on this property which declares it to be a "nuisance condition", subject to demolition and removal by the City. This placard shall not be removed without the written authority of the Department of Safety and Inspections, Division of Code Enforcement. The department is further required to file a copy of this "Order to Abate" with the City Clerk's Office. If corrective action is not taken within the time specified in this order, the Enforcement Officer will notify the City Council that abatement action is necessary. The City Clerk will then schedule dates for Public Hearings before the City Council at which time testimony will be heard from interested parties. After this hearing the City Council will adopt a resolution stating what action if any, it deems appropriate. If the resolution calls for abatement action the Council may either order the City to take the abatement action or fix a time within which this nuisance must be abated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and provide that if corrective action is not taken within the specified time, the City shall abate this nuisance. The costs of this action, including administrative costs will be assessed against the property as a special assessment in accordance with law. If you have any questions or request additional information please contact Matt Dornfeld between the hours of 8:00 and 9:30 a.m. at 651-266-1902, or you may leave a voice mail message. Sincerely, Matt Dornfeld Vacant Buildings Enforcement Inspector cc: Legistar Approval list and City Council ota60135 5/11 DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS Steve Magner, Manager of Code Enforcement CITY OF SAINT PAUL Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor 375 Jackson Street., Suite 220 Saint Paul, MN 55101-1806 Telephone: 651-266-8989 Facsimile: 651-266-1919 Web: www.stpaul.gov/dsi 352 January 26, 2012 10-319910 Farid Farzanehkia 838 Robert St S St Paul MN 55107-3232 ABN AMRO Mortgage Group PO Box 5064 2600 W Big Beaver Road Troy MI 48084 Tri Star o/b/o Pinnacle Financial Group 2611 Technology Dr Orlando FL 32804 MERS PO Box 2026 Flint MI 4850-2026 Chase Home Finance LLC 800 Brooksedge Blvd Westerville OH 43081 National Field Reps 136 Maple Avenue Claremont NH 03743 Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) Dear: Sir or Madam The Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Unit, Department of the Department of Safety and Inspections, Division of Code Enforcement, hereby declares the premises located at: 838 ROBERT STREET SOUTH With the following Historic Preservation information: NONE and legally described as follows, to wit: Auditors Sub Of L6 Bidwells Lot 10 to comprise a nuisance condition in violation of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 45.02, and subject to demolition under authority of Chapter 45.11. On January 18, 2012 a Building Deficiency Inspection Report was compiled and the following conditions were observed. This list of deficiencies is not necessarily all the deficiencies present at this time. This building(s) is subject to the restrictions of Saint Paul Ordinance Chapter 33.03 and shall not again be used for occupancy until such time as a Certificate of Compliance or a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. All repairs must be in accordance with appropriate codes. Changes or additions to the electrical system, mechanical system, or the plumbing system may necessitate updating or upgrading the systems involved. An Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer January 26, 2012 838 ROBERT ST S page 2 Description of Building: One and one-half story wood frame, single-family dwelling. Interior  Mold throughout the basement  Missing electrical fixtures and cover plates – exposed wiring  Burst hot water heating lines and expansion tank  Missing or unapproved hand rails  Chipped/peeling paint  Dry plumbing water traps – venting sewer gases  No GFCI protected electrical outlets in the bathroom or kitchen  Open water and drain lines  No smoke or carbon monoxide protection  No heat source in the bathroom  Storage of vehicle parts  Missing wall mounted heating appliance; open wall; improperly abandoned gas line  Water shut off valve missing handle  Unapproved bathroom floor covering – open  Area in basement used as habitable space does not have approved egress Exterior  Broken, boarded window  Damaged floor covering on the rear porch  Damaged storm/screen doors  Gas service meter removed  Electrical meter yellow tagged off  Water service off  Damaged and missing storm and screen windows  Plumbing vent line capped As owner, agent or responsible party, you are hereby notified that if these deficiencies and the resulting nuisance condition is not corrected by February 27, 2012 the Department of Safety and Inspections, Division of Code Enforcement, will begin a substantial abatement process to demolish and remove the building(s). The costs of this action, including administrative costs and demolition costs will be assessed against the property taxes as a special assessment in accordance with law. As first remedial action, a Code Compliance Inspection Report must be obtained from the Building Inspection and Design Section, 375 Jackson Street, Suite 220, (651) 266-8989. This inspection will identify specific defects, necessary repairs and legal requirements to correct this nuisance condition. You may also be required to post a five thousand dollar ($5,000.00) performance bond with the Department of Safety and Inspections before any permits are issued, except for a demolition permit. Call the Department of Safety and Inspections for more information at 651-266-8989. If this building is located in a historic district or site (noted on page 1, above, just below the property address) then you must contact Heritage Preservation (HPC) staff to discuss your January 26, 2012 838 ROBERT ST S page 3 proposal for the repairs required by this order and compliance with preservation guidelines. Copies of the guidelines and design review application and forms are available from the Department of Safety and Inspections web site (see letterhead) and from the HPC staff. No permits will be issued without HPC review and approval. HPC staff also can be reached by calling 651-266-9078. As an owner or responsible party, you are required by law to provide full and complete disclosure of this "Order to Abate" to all interested parties, all present or subsequent renters and any subsequent owners. The property shall not be sold, transferred or conveyed in any manner until the Nuisance Conditions have been abated and the Certificate of Code Compliance or Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. The Enforcement Officer is required by law to post a placard on this property which declares it to be a "nuisance condition", subject to demolition and removal by the City. This placard shall not be removed without the written authority of the Department of Safety and Inspections, Division of Code Enforcement. The department is further required to file a copy of this "Order to Abate" with the City Clerk's Office. If corrective action is not taken within the time specified in this order, the Enforcement Officer will notify the City Council that abatement action is necessary. The City Clerk will then schedule dates for Public Hearings before the City Council at which time testimony will be heard from interested parties. After this hearing the City Council will adopt a resolution stating what action if any, it deems appropriate. If the resolution calls for abatement action the Council may either order the City to take the abatement action or fix a time within which this nuisance must be abated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and provide that if corrective action is not taken within the specified time, the City shall abate this nuisance. The costs of this action, including administrative costs will be assessed against the property as a special assessment in accordance with law. If you have any questions or request additional information please contact Dennis Senty between the hours of 8:00 and 9:30 a.m. at 651-266-1930, or you may leave a voice mail message. Sincerely, Dennis Senty Vacant Buildings Enforcement Inspector cc: Legistar Approval list and City Council ota60135 5/11 City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-275 Name:Elevator Constructors MOA 2012 Wage & Fringe Adjustment Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Approving the Memorandum of Agreement (January 1, 2012) between the City of Saint Paul and the International Union of Elevator Constructors, Local 9 - 2012 Wage and Fringe Adjustment. (To be laid over one week for adoption.) Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Elevator Constructors MOA 2012 Wage and Fringe.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Approving the Memorandum of Agreement (January 1, 2012) between the City of Saint Paul and the International Union of Elevator Constructors, Local 9 - 2012 Wage and Fringe Adjustment. (To be laid over one week for adoption.) Body RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorandum of Agreement (January 1, 2012) between the City of Saint Paul and the International Union of Elevator Constructors, Local 9 - 2012 Wage and Fringe Adjustment. City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-271 Name:Approving the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Amy Brendmoen to serve on the Metro Cities Board of Directors. Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Approving the Mayor's appointment of Amy Brendmoen to serve on the Metro Cities Board of Directors. Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Approving the Mayor's appointment of Amy Brendmoen to serve on the Metro Cities Board of Directors. Body RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointment made by the Mayor, of Amy Brendmoen to serve on the Metro Cities Board of Directors. Appointment Name Position Term Expires Amy Brendmoen Saint Paul Delegate February 9, 2014 City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-214 Name:Reappointing Luz María Frias as Director of the Department of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity. Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Reappointing Luz María Frias as Director of the Department of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity. Sponsors:Kathy Lantry, Melvin Carter III Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:10-19-11CommisrecommendationDOC011912.pdf Reappointing Luz Frias to Kathy Lantry-Council. 1.20.2012.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Reappointing Luz María Frias as Director of the Department of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity. Body WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 183.19 subdivision 8 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, the Saint Paul Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity commission conducted an assessment of the Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity Department Director’s performance in conjunction with the expiration of her three year term; and, WHEREAS, as a result of this assessment, the Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity Commission, in a letter dated October 19, 2011, recommended to Mayor Christopher B. Coleman that Luz María Frias be reappointed as Director of the Department of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 11.01 of the Saint Paul Administrative code, Mayor Christopher B. Coleman has notified the Saint Paul City Council that he has accepted the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission’s recommendation and plans to reappoint Luz María Frias to serve an additional three (3) year term as Director of the Department of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOVLED, that the Saint Paul City Council joins the Mayor in reappointing Luz María Frias as the Director of the Department of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity for an additional three (3) year term. City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-272 Name:iXfactor Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Accepting a donation of e-mail marketing services from iXfactor to City Council ward offices. Sponsors:Amy Brendmoen Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Accepting a donation of e-mail marketing services from iXfactor to City Council ward offices. Body WHEREAS, City Council ward offices are permitted to send Email newsletters to constituents that opt-in to receive them, and WHEREAS, iXfactor is a Minnesota-based firm focused on providing email marketing solutions, and WHEREAS, iXfactor has offered Email marketing services free of charge to the Ward 5 City Council office and other Ward offices, if desired, for a period of one year or until the volume of Emails sent exceeds pre-set limits stipulated in the contract, therefore be it RESOLVED that the City of St. Paul thanks iXfactor and accepts this offer. Financial Analysis None City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-210 Name:RMG Donation Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Authorizing the Fire Department to accept a donation of $100.00 from the Residential Mortgage Group (RMG) Inc. to continue to provide public safety and community education to the City of Saint Paul and its residents. Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Financial Detail RMG 12-210.pdf RMG 12-210.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Authorizing the Fire Department to accept a donation of $100.00 from the Residential Mortgage Group (RMG) Inc. to continue to provide public safety and community education to the City of Saint Paul and its residents. Body WHEREAS, the Residential Mortgage Group (RMG) has offered to donate $100.00 to the Saint Paul Fire Department on behalf of Paul and Lynn Haslach, and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Fire Department would like to accept this donation from RMG Inc., and WHEREAS, the public purpose of this donation is to continue to provide public safety and community education to the City of Saint Paul and its residents, and NOW THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council, on behalf of the citizens of Saint Paul, accept this donation of $100.00 from RMG Inc. and extend their sincere appreciation to this organization and Paul and Lynn Haslach. City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ City of Saint Paul Financial Analysis 1File ID Number:12-210 2 3Budget Affected:Operating BudgetFire and Safety ServicesSpecial Fund 4 5Total Amount of Transaction:100.00 6 7Funding Source:Donation 8 9Charter Citation:10.7.1 10 11 12Fiscal Analysis 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 The Saint Paul Fire Department received a donation of $100.00 from Residential Mortgage Group. This donation will be used to support public safety services and community education events. The account code for this donation is 510-35113-6905 (2100-1035113-42730). City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-196 Name:Certificate of Occupancy December 2011 Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Approving the City's cost of providing Collection of Certificate of Occupancy Fees Services from December 2011, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for March 6, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for April 18, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. CRT1205, Asmt No. 128204) Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes:Assessments, Nuisance Abatement Code sections: Attachments:Report of Completion Assessment Roll Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Approving the City's cost of providing Collection of Certificate of Occupancy Fees Services from December 2011, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for March 6, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for April 18, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. CRT1205, Asmt No. 128204) Body WHEREAS, pursuant to Admin. Code Ch. 60: Property Service Cost Assessments, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared the attached Report of Completion of Assessment for Collection of Certificate of Occupancy fees from the month of December 2011 under Assessment No. 128204 (File No. CRT1205); and WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared for the Council's consideration the attached Assessment Roll listing the benefited property, the property owner, the service provided and the charges for the service as reported by the department providing the service; and hereby submits said Assessment Roll for the City Council's consideration to adopt and levy said charges as an assessment against the benefited property; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby accepts and approves said Report of Completion of Assessment and Assessment Roll; and be it further RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 18th day of April, 2012 at the hour of 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of Saint Paul; and that the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section provide mailed and published notice of the same as required by law. City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ 12:42:53 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: CRT1205 Assmt: 128204 Manager: TJT Page 1 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Bee Vue 21301 Furman St Ne Wyoming MN 55092-9626 *1726 4TH ST E *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 12/8/2011 HEINEMANN, SHIRK AND STIERLE'S SUBD'N OF LOTS 18 AND 19 OF LEE'S SUBURBAN HOMES LOT 14 BLK 2 34-29-22-14-0032Cert. of Occupancy 1.00 255.00 $255.00 DSI Admin Fee 115.00 1.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $405.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 07 118061 940178Inv# Wheeler Cleveland Hague 275 Northwestern Llc 7800 Metro Parkway Ste 300 Bloomington MN 55425-1509 *275 4TH ST E *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 12/8/2011 WHITNEY AND SMITHS ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOTS 4 AND LOT 5 BLK 14 32-29-22-33-0053Cert. of Occupancy 1.00 1,656.00 $1,656.00 DSI Admin Fee 115.00 1.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,806.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 08 080075 941500Inv# Lawrence Walker Lawrence Walker Rev Trust 629 St Anthony Ave St Paul MN 55104-4846 *675 AURORA AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 12/8/2011 CHUTE BROTHERS DIVISION NO. 1 ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINN LOT 17 35-29-23-41-0048Cert. of Occupancy 1.00 170.00 $170.00 DSI Admin Fee 115.00 1.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $320.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 10 921636 940190Inv# Bradford Properties Llc 2806 W Lake Of Isles Pky Minneapolis MN 55416-4338 *400 CHARLES AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 12/8/2011 SMITHS SUBD OF BLKS 9 10 15 AND 16 LOT 56 BLK 16 36-29-23-24-0055Cert. of Occupancy 1.00 320.00 $320.00 DSI Admin Fee 115.00 1.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $470.00 *** Owner *** Marpe Holdings Ii Llc 336 Pondridge Cir Wayzata MN 55391-1373 *400 CHARLES AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 12/8/2011 SMITHS SUBD OF BLKS 9 10 15 AND 16 LOT 56 BLK 16 36-29-23-24-0055*** Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 10 409726 941244Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 12:42:53 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: CRT1205 Assmt: 128204 Manager: TJT Page 2 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Secure Mini Storage Ltd Ptnsh Dept Pt Mn 25556 Po Box 25025 Glendale CA 91201-5025 *246 EATON ST *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 12/8/2011 RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL PARK NO. 11 VAC STS ACCRUING & LOT 22 BLK 1 08-28-22-12-0106Cert. of Occupancy 1.00 700.00 $700.00 DSI Admin Fee 115.00 1.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $850.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 08 179850 939179Inv# Brent Hybben 967 Euclid St Saint Paul MN 55106-5614 *967 EUCLID ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 12/8/2011 STINSON'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 80 OF LYMAN DAYTON'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 23 BLK 80 33-29-22-31-0126Cert. of Occupancy 1.00 200.00 $200.00 DSI Admin Fee 115.00 1.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $350.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 262495 939452Inv# David Mckee 12917 Highclere Dr Burnsville MN 55337-3732 *1888 MARGARET ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 12/8/2011 ROBERT L. WARE'S EASTERN HEIGHTS EX S 161 2/1O FT THE E 1/2 OF LOT 2 BLK 3 35-29-22-22-0065Cert. of Occupancy 1.00 170.00 $170.00 DSI Admin Fee 115.00 1.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $320.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 08 208455 950888Inv# John R Mann Barbara J Mann 893 Deer Oak Run Mahtomedi MN 55115-2703 *1704 REANEY AVE *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 12/8/2011 J. N. ROGERS 4TH ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 4 BLK 4 27-29-22-44-0169Cert. of Occupancy 1.00 255.00 $255.00 DSI Admin Fee 115.00 1.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $405.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 09 042775 940403Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 12:42:53 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: CRT1205 Assmt: 128204 Manager: TJT Page 3 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Sarin Properties Llc 1875 Dellwood Ave Roseville MN 55113-6103 *1174 RICE ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 12/8/2011 STINSON'S RICE STREET ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINN. LOTS 15 AND LOT 16 BLK 2 30-29-22-22-0010Cert. of Occupancy 1.00 180.00 $180.00 DSI Admin Fee 115.00 1.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $330.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 10 515590 941250Inv# Daniel J Towle 4 Dove Ln North Oaks MN 55127-2507 *891 ROSE AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 12/8/2011 EASTVILLE HEIGHTS LOT 19 BLK 2 28-29-22-22-0011Cert. of Occupancy 1.00 460.00 $460.00 DSI Admin Fee 115.00 1.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $610.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 07 038535 939455Inv# Cappies Trucking Inc 1384 Sylvan St St Paul MN 55117-4606 *1384 SYLVAN ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 12/8/2011 SECTION 19 TOWN 29 RANGE 22 SUBJ TO SYLVAN ST AND SEWER ESMT AND EX N 423 FT PART OF NE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 WLY OF SOO L PLAT NO 2 AND NLY OF N P RY R/W IN SEC 19 TN 29 RN 22 19-29-22-31-0013Cert. of Occupancy 1.00 180.00 $180.00 DSI Admin Fee 115.00 1.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $330.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 08 145808 938976Inv# Caberallo Llc 8053 E Bloomington Fwy Ste 300 Bloomington MN 55420-1045 *1168 VIRGINIA ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 12/8/2011 AUERBACH & HAND'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL LOT 12 BLK 7 25-29-23-12-0075Cert. of Occupancy 1.00 230.00 $230.00 DSI Admin Fee 115.00 1.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $380.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 10 510223 941254Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 12:42:53 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: CRT1205 Assmt: 128204 Manager: TJT Page 4 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Thomas Huynh Ai Hoa Tran 3007 Valento Ln Little Canada MN 55117-1273 *611 VIRGINIA ST *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 12/8/2011 KUHN'S SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF LAFONDS ADDITION TO SAINT PAUL LOT 14 36-29-23-12-0145Cert. of Occupancy 1.00 568.00 $568.00 DSI Admin Fee 115.00 1.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $718.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 07 031382 939904Inv# Larry M Saliterman Comment 5005 Old Cedar Lake Rd St Louis Park MN 55416-1621 *1622 WHITE BEAR AVE N *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 12/8/2011 HILLCREST CENTER SUBJ TO AVE & ESMTS; W 1/2 OF GARY PLACE VAC ADJ & EX N 265 1/3 FT LOT 1 BLK 4 23-29-22-22-0048Cert. of Occupancy 1.00 329.00 $329.00 DSI Admin Fee 115.00 1.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $479.00 *** Owner *** Private Bank Minnesota 222 South 9th St Ste 3800 Minneapolis MN 55402-3809 *1622 WHITE BEAR AVE N *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 12/8/2011 HILLCREST CENTER SUBJ TO AVE & ESMTS; W 1/2 OF GARY PLACE VAC ADJ & EX N 265 1/3 FT LOT 1 BLK 4 23-29-22-22-0048*** Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 09 330729 938941Inv# Total Cert. of Occupancy:$5,673.00 Total DSI Admin Fee:$1,610.00 Total Real Estate Admin Fee:$490.00 Project Total:$7,773.00 Less Total Discounts:$0.00 Project Total:$7,773.00 14 Parcel(s) 0 Exempt Parcel(s) StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-197 Name:Demolitions December 2011 (NON-C.D.B.G) Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Approving the City's cost of providing Demolition Services during December 2011 (NON-C.D.B.G. Funds), and setting date of Legislative Hearing for March 6, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for April 18, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1208C, Asmt No. 122002) Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes:Assessments, Nuisance Abatement Code sections: Attachments:Report of Completion Assessment Roll Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Approving the City's cost of providing Demolition Services during December 2011 (NON-C.D.B.G. Funds), and setting date of Legislative Hearing for March 6, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for April 18, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1208C, Asmt No. 122002) Body WHEREAS, pursuant to Admin. Code Ch. 60: Property Service Cost Assessments, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared the attached Report of Completion of Assessment for Demolition of Vacant Buildings during the month of December 2011 (NON-C.D.B.G. Funds) under Assessment No. 122002 (File No. J1208C); and WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared for the Council's consideration the attached Assessment Roll listing the benefited property, the property owner, the service provided and the charges for the service as reported by the department providing the service; and hereby submits said Assessment Roll for the City Council's consideration to adopt and levy said charges as an assessment against the benefited property; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby accepts and approves said Report of Completion of Assessment and Assessment Roll; and be it further RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 18th day of April, 2012 at the hour of 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of Saint Paul; and that the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section provide mailed and published notice of the same as required by law. City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ 12:45:20 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1208C Assmt: 122007 Manager: TJT Page 1 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID State Of Mn Trust Exempt P0 Box 64097 St Paul MN 55164-0097 *1173 BRADLEY ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 1/3/2012 BEAUPRE & KELLYS ADDITION TO SAINT PAUL, RAMSEY CO., MINN. S 5O FT OF LOT 2 BLK 2 29-29-22-21-0030 ***EXEMPT*** Demolition 1.00 13,519.39 $13,519.39 DSI Admin Fee 115.00 1.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $13,674.39 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** NON C.D.B.G. Funds Bac Home Loans Servicing Lp 400 National Way Simi Valley CA 93065-6414 *695 BRADLEY ST *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/3/2012 SUBDIVISION OF AND ADDITION TO IRVINE'S ADDITION OF OUT LOTS TO SAINT PAUL LOT 7 BLK 2 32-29-22-21-0048Demolition 1.00 15,642.01 $15,642.01 DSI Admin Fee 115.00 1.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $15,797.01 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** NON C.D.B.G. Funds Home Solutions Partners Iv Reo Llc 8117 Preston Rd Ste 160 Dallas TX 75225-6399 *688 SHERBURNE AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 1/3/2012 SYNDICATE NO. 1 ADDITION LOT 3 BLK 2 35-29-23-14-0184Demolition 1.00 14,139.85 $14,139.85 DSI Admin Fee 115.00 1.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $14,294.85 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** NON C.D.B.G. Funds Total Demolition:$43,301.25 Total DSI Admin Fee:$345.00 Total Real Estate Admin Fee:$105.00 Total Attorney Fee:$15.00 Project Total:$43,766.25 Less Total Discounts:$0.00 Project Total:$43,766.25 3 Parcel(s) 1 Exempt Parcel(s) StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-198 Name:Boarding Up December 2011 Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Approving the City's cost of providing Boarding and Securing Services during December 2011, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for March 6, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for April 18, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1205B, Asmt No. 128104) Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes:Assessments, Nuisance Abatement Code sections: Attachments:Report of Completion Assessment Roll Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Approving the City's cost of providing Boarding and Securing Services during December 2011, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for March 6, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for April 18, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1205B, Asmt No. 128104) Body WHEREAS, pursuant to Admin. Code Ch. 60: Property Service Cost Assessments, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared the attached Report of Completion of Assessment for Emergency Boarding and Securing and/or Boarding of Vacant Buildings during the month of December 2011 under Assessment No. 128104 (File No. J1205B); and WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared for the Council's consideration the attached Assessment Roll listing the benefited property, the property owner, the service provided and the charges for the service as reported by the department providing the service; and hereby submits said Assessment Roll for the City Council's consideration to adopt and levy said charges as an assessment against the benefited property; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby accepts and approves said Report of Completion of Assessment and Assessment Roll; and be it further RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 18th day of April, 2012 at the hour of 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of Saint Paul; and that the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section provide mailed and published notice of the same as required by law. City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ 12:47:22 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1205B Assmt: 128104 Manager: TJT Page 1 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Morning Rays Group Llc Co James Billings Trustee Po Box 29575 Brooklyn Center MN 55429-0575 *1169 7TH ST W *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 CLARKE'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL EX ST LOT 16 BLK 5 11-28-23-42-0114Boarding Up 1.00 276.95 $276.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $431.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8197 Jeffrey J Gomez Kathleen L Bremer 653 Western Ave N Saint Paul MN 55103-1663 *1007 ARUNDEL ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 NEURU AND WALLRAFFS ADDITION TO ST. PAUL N 31 5/1O FT OF S 64 FT OF LOTS 1 THRU 4 AND EX E 88 FT THE S 32 5/10 FT OF SD LOTS 1 THRU LOT 4 BLK 1 25-29-23-24-0124Boarding Up 1.00 21.95 $21.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $176.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#7822 Vanderbilt Mortgage And Finance Inc Po Box 9800 Maryville TN 37802-9800 *875 AURORA AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 MILTON ADDITION LOT 27 BLK 1 35-29-23-31-0133Boarding Up 1.00 45.85 $45.85 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $200.85 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#7912 Richard W Ellis Sherree F Ellis 826 Fuller Ave Saint Paul MN 55104-4836 *911 BEECH ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 STINSON'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 111 OF LYMAN DAYTON'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 24 BLK 111 33-29-22-22-0015Boarding Up 1.00 11.95 $11.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $166.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16353 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 12:47:22 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1205B Assmt: 128104 Manager: TJT Page 2 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID William L Acree 1145 Glendon St N St Paul MN 55119-3606 *1359 BURR ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 STONE & MORTON'S 2ND ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, RAMSEY CO., MINNESOTA EX S 25 FT LOT 7 AND ALL OF LOT 6 BLK 2 20-29-22-31-0078Boarding Up 1.00 520.00 $520.00 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $675.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8161 Deutsche Bank National Trust Company 1100 Virginia Dr Fort Washington PA 19034-3204 *906 CONCORDIA AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 J. W. FALLIHEE'S REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK 2, ROGER'S 2ND ADDITION TO ST. PAUL EX AVE LOT 5 BLK 2 35-29-23-34-0018Boarding Up 1.00 11.95 $11.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $166.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#7859 Polly Vasquez Charles Vasquez 1128 Cook Ave E St Paul MN 55106-3325 *1128 COOK AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 HILLSDALE, ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 13 BLK 4 28-29-22-13-0143Boarding Up 1.00 11.95 $11.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $166.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16351 Twin Cities Real Estate Partners Llc 440 Old Long Lake Rd Ste A Wayzata MN 55391-9681 *715 COOK AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 ARLINGTON HILLS ADDITION TO ST. PAUL 40/45 THRU 49 LOT 13 BLK 3 29-29-22-14-0045Boarding Up 1.00 35.85 $35.85 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $190.85 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#7829 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 12:47:22 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1205B Assmt: 128104 Manager: TJT Page 3 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Marcel R Thompson 840 Cook Av E St Paul MN 55106-3216 *840 COOK AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 LOCKWOOD'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL LOT 10 BLK 3 28-29-22-23-0140Boarding Up 1.00 360.20 $360.20 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $515.20 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8166 Leroy Hayes Jr Leroy Hayes 9443 Misty Bridge St Houston TX 77075-5023 *910 COTTAGE AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 LANE'S PHALEN GROVE ADD., ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 10 BLK 5 21-29-22-32-0110Boarding Up 1.00 11.95 $11.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $166.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#7948 Shane D Klein 3354 S Flower St Apt 83 Lakewood CO 80227-4663 *2106 DAYTON AVE *Ward: 4 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 DESNOYER PARK RAMSEY CO., MINN. LOT 16 BLK 52 05-28-23-11-0048Boarding Up 1.00 33.90 $33.90 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $188.90 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#7940 Emk Holding Co Llc 80 Virginia St Saint Paul MN 55102-2114 *62 DOUGLAS ST *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 SAMUEL LEECHE'S ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF SAINT PAUL N 9O FT OF LOT 8 AND N 9O FT OF W 3 FT OF LOT 9 BLK 4 01-28-23-41-0046Boarding Up 1.00 467.30 $467.30 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $622.30 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#7909 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 12:47:22 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1205B Assmt: 128104 Manager: TJT Page 4 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Rebecca Lynn Bertini Phyllis F Bertini 2259 7th St N Maplewood MN 55109-2807 *872 DULUTH ST *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 J W BASS SUBD OF LOTS 15 14 AND THAT PART OF 13 OF COLLINS OUT LOTS W 1O FT OF VAC ALLEY ADJ AND LOT 20 BLK 1 28-29-22-41-0073Boarding Up 1.00 513.40 $513.40 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 230.00 $230.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $783.40 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8168 Inv#8180 Bac Home Loans Servicing Lp 400 National Way Simi Valley CA 93065-6414 *464 EARL ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 H. F. SCHWABE'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA SUBJ TO ESMT OVER E 1O FT THE N 4O FT OF LOTS 17 18 AND LOT 19 BLK 1 33-29-22-42-0075Boarding Up 1.00 11.95 $11.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $166.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#7836 Perry A Mccollum 2089 Hawthorne Ave E Saint Paul MN 55119-3217 *1102 GERANIUM AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 CLOVERDALE, ST. PAUL, MINN. W 1/2 OF LOT 4 AND ALL OF LOT 5 BLK 6 28-29-22-12-0173Boarding Up 1.00 43.90 $43.90 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $198.90 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8157 Jim Bern Company 1336 W Towne Square Rd Mequon WI 53092-5046 *2240 GLENRIDGE AVE *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 WIENSCH BATTLE CREEK ADDITION LOT 4 BLK 2 02-28-22-44-0059Boarding Up 1.00 261.95 $261.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $416.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16322 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 12:47:22 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1205B Assmt: 128104 Manager: TJT Page 5 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Daniel Mills Cynthia J Mills 5735 138th St Ct Apple Valley MN 55124-6462 *528 HARRISON AVE *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 TERRACE PARK ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, RAMSEY CO., MINN. LOT 30 BLK 10 01-28-23-31-0147Boarding Up 1.00 23.90 $23.90 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $178.90 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16350 Mary Vasquez 1117 Hudson Rd St Paul MN 55106-6107 *1117 HUDSON RD *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 H. F. SCHWABE'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA LOT 32 BLK 4 33-29-22-42-0158Boarding Up 1.00 23.90 $23.90 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $178.90 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#7939 Danmark Properties Llc 5858 Blackshire Path Inver Grove Heights MN 55076-1620 *760 JESSAMINE AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 OAK VILLE PARK LOT 5 BLK 23 29-29-22-11-0175Boarding Up 1.00 271.95 $271.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $426.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16354 Andrew W Braun 763 Lawson Ave E St Paul MN 55106-3119 *763 LAWSON AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 ARLINGTON HILLS ADDITION TO ST. PAUL 40/45 THRU 49 LOT 17 BLK 9 29-29-22-14-0084Boarding Up 1.00 21.90 $21.90 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $176.90 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16414 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 12:47:22 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1205B Assmt: 128104 Manager: TJT Page 6 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp 5000 Plano Pky Carrollton TX 75265-0043 *773 LIVINGSTON AVE *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 KOERNER PLACE, ST. PAUL, MINN. E 40 FT OF LOT A & EX N 60 FT LOTS 4, 5 & 6 & ALL OF LOT 7 08-28-22-33-0014Boarding Up 1.00 11.95 $11.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $166.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8155 Ezekiel Donald Otmar Fricke 860 Margaret St St Paul MN 55106-4527 *860 MARGARET ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 W GRUBE'S SUBDIVISION OF BLK. 104, LYMAN DAYTON'S ADD. TO ST. PAUL E 1/2 OF LOT 1O AND W 1/2 OF LOT 11 BLK 104 33-29-22-22-0160Boarding Up 1.00 21.95 $21.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $176.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#7932 Elias Gonzales 1100 Barclay St Apt 12 St Paul MN 55106-2879 *923 MARGARET ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 ROBERT P. LEWIS' SUBDIVISION OF BLK. 106 LYMAN DAYTON'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 27 33-29-22-22-0049Boarding Up 1.00 21.95 $21.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $176.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8031 Bennett D Greenly 823 Ocean St St Paul MN 55106-4027 *823 OCEAN ST *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 MESSERLI AND ESCHBACH'S ADDITION LOT 11 BLK 2 28-29-22-44-0021Boarding Up 1.00 261.95 $261.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $416.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8053 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 12:47:22 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1205B Assmt: 128104 Manager: TJT Page 7 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Citifinancial Services Inc 1111 Northpoint Dr Suite 100 Coppell TX 75019-3831 *310 PAGE ST E *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 Lots 22 And Lot 23 Blk 42 08-28-22-42-0204Boarding Up 1.00 47.80 $47.80 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 230.00 $230.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $317.80 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#7860 Inv#8153 Edelmira O Anderson David C Anderson 1432 Interlachen Cir Woodbury MN 55125-8859 *464 ROBERT ST S *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 WEST ST PAUL BLKS 1 THRU 99 W 40 FT OF LOT 9 & ALL OF LOT 2 BLK 66 08-28-22-21-0117Boarding Up 1.00 298.85 $298.85 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $453.85 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8032 Morrow Partners Inc Po Box 836 Lake Elmo MN 55042-0436 *1046 SELBY AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 ROGERS' ADDITION TO ST. PAUL EX AVE LOT 2 BLK 6 02-28-23-22-0107Boarding Up 1.00 286.90 $286.90 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $441.90 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#7863 Us Bank Na Trustee Select Portfolio Servicing 3815 South West Temple Salt Lake City UT 84115-4412 *902 SELBY AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 BROWN'S FIRST ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL RAMSEY CO., MINNESOTA EX AVE LOT 3 BLK 3 02-28-23-21-0058Boarding Up 1.00 21.95 $21.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $176.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16324 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 12:47:22 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1205B Assmt: 128104 Manager: TJT Page 8 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Gholamreza Ashrafzadehkian 3817 Beard Ave S Minneapolis MN 55410-1040 *774 SHERBURNE AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 SYNDICATE NO. 1 ADDITION LOT 9 BLK 3 35-29-23-13-0210Boarding Up 1.00 271.95 $271.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $426.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8023 Deutsche Bank National Trust Company 888 E Walnut St Pasadena CA 91101-1802 *900 SHERBURNE AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 VERNON-ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA LOT 3 BLK 2 35-29-23-24-0098Boarding Up 1.00 11.95 $11.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $166.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8147 Myrna V Little Michelle L Youngberg 1274 St Clair Ave St Paul MN 55105-2817 *1274 ST CLAIR AVE *Ward: 3 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 FRIENDSVILLE LOT 2 BLK 1 10-28-23-12-0044Boarding Up 1.00 241.42 $241.42 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $396.42 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#7929 Scenic Hills Holdings Llc 12527 Central Ave Ne # 327 Blaine MN 55434-4861 *1990 SUBURBAN AVE *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 SCENIC HILLS NO. 5 SUBJ TO RDS; THE FOL TRACT; LOTS 15, 16, 17, 18 & LOT 19 BLK 20 35-29-22-34-0011Boarding Up 1.00 563.85 $563.85 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $718.85 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#7838 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 12:47:22 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1205B Assmt: 128104 Manager: TJT Page 9 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Bac Home Loans Servicing Lp 400 National Way Simi Valley CA 93065-6414 *312 SUPERIOR ST *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 WINSLOW'S ADDITION TO SAINT PAUL W 1/2 OF LOT 2 BLK 5 01-28-23-43-0056Boarding Up 1.00 21.95 $21.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $176.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#7837 Bac Home Loans Servicing Lp 400 National Way Simi Valley CA 93065-6414 *535 VIRGINIA ST *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 WARREN & RICE'S ADDITION TO SAINT PAUL LOT 10 BLK 24 36-29-23-13-0151Boarding Up 1.00 285.85 $285.85 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $440.85 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8158 Bayview Loan Servicing Llc 4425 Ponce De Leon Blvd 5th Fl Coral Gables FL 33146-1873 *601 WESTERN AVE N *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 SMITHS SUBDIVISION OF BLKS 2 6 7 AND 8 LOTS 14 & 15 BLK 8 36-29-23-21-0216Boarding Up 1.00 21.95 $21.95 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $176.95 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8144 Houa Vang 740 Western Ave St Paul MN 55103 *740 WESTERN AVE N *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 HUMPHREY'S ADDITION TO SAINT PAUL LOT 6 BLK 2 25-29-23-43-0108Boarding Up 1.00 33.90 $33.90 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $188.90 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#8139 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 12:47:22 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1205B Assmt: 128104 Manager: TJT Page 10 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Xai Thao Vuepao Thao 1791 82nd St New Richmond WI 54017-7120 *217 WHITE BEAR AVE N *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 55 ST. PAUL, MINN. SUBJ TO AVE THE E 148 9/10 FT OF N 68 5/10 FT OF S 167 FT OF LOT 1 03-28-22-11-0086Boarding Up 1.00 23.90 $23.90 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $178.90 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#7813 Woodbridge Apartments 1000 W 80th St Bloomington MN 55420-1009 *1512 WOODBRIDGE ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 RICE STREET VILLAS SUBJ TO ST AND ESMTS; VAC ST AND ALLEY ACCRUING AND BLK 10 24-29-23-14-0128Boarding Up 1.00 502.90 $502.90 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $657.90 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16323 Vester Joseph Shashanna Joseph 390 Cottage Ave W Apt 6 Saint Paul MN 55117-4248 *862 WOODBRIDGE ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 LEWIS SECOND ADDITION TO ST PAUL BLOCKS 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15 S 4 FT OF LOT 7 AND EX S 4 FT LOT 8 BLK 7 25-29-23-41-0178Boarding Up 1.00 36.40 $36.40 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $191.40 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16349 Mn Housing Fin Agency Co Us Bank Home Mortgage Po Box 1030 Minneapolis MN 55480-1030 *526 YORK AVE *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 1/13/2012 EDMUND RICE'S FIRST ADDITION TO ST. PAUL W 4O FT OF E 95 FT OF LOTS 14 AND LOT 15 BLK 2 29-29-22-31-0135Boarding Up 1.00 35.85 $35.85 DSI Admin Fee 1.00 115.00 $115.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 Attorney Fee 5.00 1.00 $5.00 $190.85 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv#16352 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 12:47:22 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1205B Assmt: 128104 Manager: TJT Page 11 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Total Boarding Up:$6,007.82 Total DSI Admin Fee:$4,830.00 Total Real Estate Admin Fee:$1,400.00 Total Attorney Fee:$200.00 Project Total:$12,437.82 Less Total Discounts:$0.00 Project Total:$12,437.82 40 Parcel(s) 0 Exempt Parcel(s) StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-199 Name:Excessive Use of Inspections Oct 28 to Dec 9, 2011 Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Approving the City's cost of providing Excessive Use of Inspection Services from October 28 to December 9, 2011, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for March 6, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for April 18, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1204E, Asmt No. 128303) Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes:Assessments, Nuisance Abatement Code sections: Attachments:Report of Completion Assessment Roll Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Approving the City's cost of providing Excessive Use of Inspection Services from October 28 to December 9, 2011, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for March 6, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for April 18, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. J1204E, Asmt No. 128303) Body WHEREAS, pursuant to Admin. Code Ch. 60: Property Service Cost Assessments, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared the attached Report of Completion of Assessment for Excessive Use of Inspection Services for Property Code Violations during the time period of October 28 to December 9, 2011 under Assessment No. 128303 (File No. J1204E); and WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared for the Council's consideration the attached Assessment Roll listing the benefited property, the property owner, the service provided and the charges for the service as reported by the department providing the service; and hereby submits said Assessment Roll for the City Council's consideration to adopt and levy said charges as an assessment against the benefited property; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby accepts and approves said Report of Completion of Assessment and Assessment Roll; and be it further RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 18th day of April, 2012 at the hour of 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of Saint Paul; and that the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section provide mailed and published notice of the same as required by law. City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ Download finished. McAfee Web Gateway has finished downloading file: http://stpaul.legistar.com/View.ashx? M=F&ID=1720438&GUID=C33D0611-C1B5-438E-852A-BFC415C0CC83 Click here to get the file. McAfee Global Threat Intel Report: Minimal Risk Website Country Code: Destination IP: Source IP: Triggered Rule Set: Gateway Antimalware Triggered Rule: Block if Virus was Found File Type: application/pdf File Size :11898 City of St. Paul Acceptable Internet Use Policy Click here for Internet Policy For assistance, please contact ishelp@ci.stpaul.mn.us generated 2012-02-07 12:32:25 by McAfee Web Gateway 13:55:32 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1204E Assmt: 128303 Manager: TJT Page 1 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Antonio Chavez 951 Bradley St Unit 1 Saint Paul MN 55130-4005 *1730 5TH ST E *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 HEINEMANN, SHIRK AND STIERLE'S SUBD'N OF LOTS 18 AND 19 OF LEE'S SUBURBAN HOMES W 1/2 OF LOT 12 AND E 1/2 OF LOT 13 BLK 1 34-29-22-14-0009Excessive Consumption 1.00 100.00 $100.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $135.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 304213 948485Inv# 11 304213 948484Inv# Alan Conard 103 Wildwood Beach Rd St Paul MN 55115-1670 *1041 6TH ST E *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 H. M. RANNEY'S SUBDIVISION BLOCKS 101 & 102, LYMAN DAYTON'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINN. EX N 1O FT FOR ALLEY LOTS 19 AND LOT 20 BLK 101 33-29-22-21-0079Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 282098 948010Inv# Duane R Callahan Judith A Callahan 1098 Alvarado Dr Saint Paul MN 55109-1901 *1101 6TH ST E *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 A. GOTZIANS RE OF SIGEL'S ADDITION LOT 19 BLK 7 33-29-22-12-0112Excessive Consumption 1.00 150.00 $150.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $185.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 012745 948011Inv# Jeannine Xee Thao 1602 6th St E Saint Paul MN 55106-3617 *1602 6TH ST E *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 G. V. BACON'S ADDITION EX E 3O FT LOT 14 AND ALL OF LOT 15 BLK 11 34-29-22-12-0153Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 241267 948382Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 13:55:32 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1204E Assmt: 128303 Manager: TJT Page 2 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Robert H Kemptner 653 Hyacinth Ave E Saint Paul MN 55106-1910 *1210 7TH ST E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 MESSERLI AND ESCHBACH'S ADDITION LOT 6 BLK 3 28-29-22-44-0103Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 09 512738 944523Inv# Charles Mccarty 1093 4th St E Saint Paul MN 55106-5340 *1734 7TH ST E *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 KUHL'S 2ND ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 12 BLK 1 27-29-22-44-0009Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 258491 948283Inv# Pravin Madhav Bhakta 6000 Lakeland Ave N Crystal MN 55428-2984 *746 7TH ST E *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 KELLER'S SUBDIVISION OF BLK. NO. 11 IN LYMAN DAYTON'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL NWLY 1/2 OF VAC ALLEY ADJ AND SUBJ TO ST LOT 6 BLK 2 32-29-22-11-0101Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 301506 950229Inv# Landmark Community Bank N.a 711 Sixth Ave Ne Isanti MN 55040-4857 *498 BEAUMONT ST *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 SUBDIVISION OF AND ADDITION TO IRVINE'S ADDITION OF OUT LOTS TO SAINT PAUL E 45 FT OF W 9O FT OF N 56 FT OF LOT 1 BLK 5 32-29-22-21-0105Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 298783 949595Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 13:55:32 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1204E Assmt: 128303 Manager: TJT Page 3 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Midtown Quality Homes Llc 5214 Forest Rd Hopkins MN 55345-4329 *1200 BEECH ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 A. GOTZIANS RE OF SIGEL'S ADDITION LOT 10 BLK 31 33-29-22-11-0124Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 282171 947449Inv# Lorna Arlene Del Castillo 1207 Beech St St Paul MN 55106-4727 *1207 BEECH ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 A. GOTZIANS RE OF SIGEL'S ADDITION LOT 23 BLK 32 33-29-22-11-0110Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 282187 947451Inv# Raymond C Lindquist Alice Lindquist 1740 Beechwood Ave St Paul MN 55116-2412 *1740 BEECHWOOD AVE *Ward: 3 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 LANE'S HIGHLAND PARK VAC ALLEY ACCRUING AND FOL, E 1/2 OF LOT 11 AND ALL OF LOT 10 BLK 21 16-28-23-13-0163Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 249679 950596Inv# Adam Strobel Teresa K Strobel 6246 Tennison Way Indianapolis IN 46236-7390 *1420 BIRMINGHAM ST *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 NILSSON'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 19 AND 20 BLOCK 6 AND LOT 1 BLOCK 2 OF ROGERS AND HENDRICK'S ACRE LOTS NO. 2 NILSSONS SUB OF LOT 19 AND 20 BLOCK 6 AND LOT 1 BLOCK 2 OF ROGERS AND 22-29-22-31-0135Excessive Consumption 1.00 100.00 $100.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $135.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 302553 948223Inv# 11 302553 950177Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 13:55:32 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1204E Assmt: 128303 Manager: TJT Page 4 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Angela M Johnson 1741 Blaire Ave St Paul MN 55104-1703 *1741 BLAIR AVE *Ward: 4 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 FOREST LAWN ADDITION TO ST. PAUL PART SLY OF ALLEY OF TERRITORIAL RD VAC ADJ AND LOT 5 BLK 1 33-29-23-12-0043Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 292397 944539Inv# Antonio H Chavez 951 Bradley St Unit 1 St Paul MN 55130-4005 *951 BRADLEY ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 EDMUND RICE'S FIRST ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 10 BLK 10 29-29-22-31-0033Excessive Consumption 1.00 75.00 $75.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $110.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 10 706272 948366Inv# Larry D Harris 432 Brainerd Ave St Paul MN 55101-3510 *432 BRAINERD AVE *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 THOMAS SUBDIVISION OF LOT 1 OF BASS' ACRE LOTS LOT 7 BLK 1 20-29-22-33-0099Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 296884 947092Inv# Vang Meng Fang 331 Edmund Ave N Saint Paul MN 55103-1710 *1174 BURR ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 BEAUPRE & KELLYS ADDITION TO SAINT PAUL, RAMSEY CO., MINN. EX N 63 FT LOT 3 BLK 2 29-29-22-21-0031Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 296935 947752Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 13:55:32 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1204E Assmt: 128303 Manager: TJT Page 5 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Jerry Yung Moua P Yang 1065 Case Ave St Paul MN 55106-3909 *1065 CASE AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 GOVERNOR JOHNSON ADDITION W 62 5O/1OO FT OF LOTS 17 AND LOT 18 BLK 4 28-29-22-13-0092Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Taxpayer *** Youa Xiong 1065 Case Ave St Paul MN 55106-3909 *1065 CASE AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 GOVERNOR JOHNSON ADDITION W 62 5O/1OO FT OF LOTS 17 AND LOT 18 BLK 4 28-29-22-13-0092*** Owner *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 304710 951123Inv# Burnet Realty Inc 7550 France Ave S Ste 300 Edina MN 55435-4765 *1572 CASE AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 OLIVER & MURPHY'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, RAMSEY CO., MINN. VAC ALLEY ACCRUING & FOL; E 10 FT OF LOT 4 & EX E 5 FT; LOT 5 BLK 1 27-29-22-42-0009Excessive Consumption 1.00 150.00 $150.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $185.00 *** Owner *** David Hursh Melissa J Manley 1572 Case Ave St Paul MN 55106-3604 *1572 CASE AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 OLIVER & MURPHY'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, RAMSEY CO., MINN. VAC ALLEY ACCRUING & FOL; E 10 FT OF LOT 4 & EX E 5 FT; LOT 5 BLK 1 27-29-22-42-0009*** Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 269451 944814Inv# Sns Property Solutions Llc Po Box 386 New Prague MN 55071-0386 *749 CASE AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 ARLINGTON HILLS ADDITION TO ST. PAUL 40/45 THRU 49 E 35 FT OF LOT 13 BLK 19 29-29-22-14-0157Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 296956 946602Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 13:55:32 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1204E Assmt: 128303 Manager: TJT Page 6 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Thomas Phung 1600 128th Ln Nw Coon Rapids MN 55448-1573 *573 CHARLES AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 SMITHS SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 12, STINSONS DIVISION OF ST. PAUL, MINN. E 1/2 OF LOT 57 BLK 12 36-29-23-23-0182Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 242232 945897Inv# Lee Thao Moua 754 Charles Ave Saint Paul MN 55104-2720 *754 CHARLES AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 CHUTE BROTHERS DIVISION NO. 10 ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 4 35-29-23-13-0124Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 016216 947120Inv# Bruce Kusler 6445 84th St Se Kulm ND 58456-9611 *926 CHARLES AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 FRANKLIN ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 2 BLK 3 35-29-23-24-0169Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 303055 950802Inv# Norbert J Anderson 1444 Como Blvd E St Paul MN 55117-3314 *1444 COMO BLVD E *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 NORTH SHORE ADDITION LOT 15 BLK 2 23-29-23-24-0166Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 272608 947199Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 13:55:32 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1204E Assmt: 128303 Manager: TJT Page 7 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Daniel G Kerkvliet 1434 4th Ave Baldwin WI 54002-5563 *1038 CONWAY ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 STINSON'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 79 OF LYMAN DAYTON'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 6 BLK 79 33-29-22-31-0006Excessive Consumption 1.00 150.00 $150.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $185.00 *** Owner *** Jerry L Morgan 1038 Conway St St Paul MN 55106-5609 *1038 CONWAY ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 STINSON'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 79 OF LYMAN DAYTON'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 6 BLK 79 33-29-22-31-0006*** Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 08 116589 943229Inv# Robert Segovia 1040 Conway St St Paul MN 55106-5609 *1040 CONWAY ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 STINSON'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 79 OF LYMAN DAYTON'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 5 BLK 79 33-29-22-31-0005Excessive Consumption 1.00 125.00 $125.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $160.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 285397 948389Inv# 11 285397 948390Inv# Fred T Vanderbeek Po Box 7182 St Paul MN 55107-0182 *474 CURTICE ST E *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 PAUL MARTIN'S 1ST ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL LOTS 2 & LOT 3 BLK 4 08-28-22-44-0033Excessive Consumption 1.00 150.00 $150.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $185.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 08 049697 950689Inv# Anthony Scott 1219 Desoto St Saint Paul MN 55130-3565 *1219 DESOTO ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 THOMAS SUBDIVISION OF LOT 1 OF BASS' ACRE LOTS N 1O FT OF LOT 15 AND ALL OF LOT 16 BLK 1 20-29-22-33-0107Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 295846 949598Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 13:55:32 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1204E Assmt: 128303 Manager: TJT Page 8 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID James J Mitchell Marion D Mitchell Po Box 222 Stillwater MN 55082-0222 *571 EARL ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 W. A. DANA'S REARRANGEMENT OF LOTS 1 THRU 12 AND 17 BLK. 2 SKIDMORE & CASSIDY'S ADD TO ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 3 & LOT 4 33-29-22-24-0220Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 299685 948285Inv# Eh Pooled 1210 Lp Po Box 14525 Austin TX 78761-4525 *1093 EDGERTON ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 LANBERGS RE-ARRANGEMENT OF BLK 13 BEAUPRE & KELLY'S ADDITION LOT 3 29-29-22-21-0145Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 10 119676 945676Inv# John Byrd 1217 Edgerton St St Paul MN 55130-3524 *1217 EDGERTON ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 DITTMANN'S SUBDIVISION ETC. N 1/2 OF E 1/2 OF LOT 19 20-29-22-34-0176Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 297758 947394Inv# James R Larsen 10402 Huntington Dr Eden Prairie MN 55347-4936 *993 EDGERTON ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 FAIRVIEW ADDITION EX W 47 65/1OO FT LOT 1 BLK 9 29-29-22-24-0092Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 291863 944302Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 13:55:32 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1204E Assmt: 128303 Manager: TJT Page 9 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Corey A Tesdahl 999 Edgerton St Saint Paul MN 55130-3939 *997 EDGERTON ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 FAIRVIEW ADDITION LOT 2 BLK 9 29-29-22-24-0094Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 295514 945835Inv# James Swartwood Po Box 17255 Minneapolis MN 55417-0255 *364 ERIE ST *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 STINSON AND RAMSEYS SUBD ETC. S 11 50/100 FT OF W 65 FT OF LOT 1 AND N 14 FT OF W 65 FT OF LOT 2 BLK 2 12-28-23-23-0019Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Taxpayer *** Marjorie A Hathway Trustee 660 3rd St Clayton WI 54004-9016 *364 ERIE ST *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 STINSON AND RAMSEYS SUBD ETC. S 11 50/100 FT OF W 65 FT OF LOT 1 AND N 14 FT OF W 65 FT OF LOT 2 BLK 2 12-28-23-23-0019*** Owner *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 303030 950299Inv# Constance Regina Anderson 880 Euclid St St Paul MN 55106-5613 *880 EUCLID ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 ADAM GOTZIAN'S SUB. OF BLK. 76, LYMAN DAYTON'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 1 33-29-22-32-0045Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 300409 951153Inv# Nancy C Stolpestad 2193 Fairmount Ave St Paul MN 55105-1151 *2193 FAIRMOUNT AVE *Ward: 4 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 KINGS MAPLE WOOD LOT 31 BLK 1 05-28-23-43-0026Excessive Consumption 1.00 225.00 $225.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $260.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 267685 943241Inv# 11 267685 950052Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 13:55:32 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1204E Assmt: 128303 Manager: TJT Page 10 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Jose M Luna 1235 Fremont St St Paul MN 55106-5323 *1235 FREMONT AVE *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 MURPHY'S REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK 20 OF A. GOTZIAN'S REARRANGEMENT OF SIGEL'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL NO PART OF ALLEY TURN AROUND AS VAC ADJ & FOL E 64 9/10 FT OF LOT 5 AND THE 33-29-22-14-0098Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 294561 942942Inv# Julie E Bates 398 Fry St St Paul MN 55104-3704 *398 FRY ST *Ward: 4 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 MILHAM PARK, RAMSEY CO., MINN. LOT 23 BLK 2 33-29-23-41-0067Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 296926 948017Inv# Hazel Ray Lynn Chambers 917 Fuller Ave St Paul MN 55104-4742 *917 FULLER AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 MILTON ADDITION LOT 16 BLK 2 35-29-23-31-0151Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 297713 947205Inv# Marshall L Brown Valerie K Brown 5480 Blackberry Trl #136 Inver Grove MN 55076-1231 *24 GEORGE ST E *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 ENCLAVE TOWNHOUSES SUBJ TO ESMTS & COMMON AREA IN LOT 1 BLK 1 ATTRIBUTABLE TO & LOT 2 & LOT 13 BLK 1 08-28-22-23-0171Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 295088 945834Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 13:55:32 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1204E Assmt: 128303 Manager: TJT Page 11 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Quetico Property Mgmt Llc Po Box 862 Lake Elmo MN 55042-0862 *166 GEORGE ST W *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 NELSON STEVENS AND KING'S ADDITION TO WEST ST PAUL SUBJ TO ESMTS; THAT PT OF LOT 7 LYING N OF THE S 5.6 FT & THAT PT OF THE W 9.6 FT OF LOT 6 LYING N OF THE S 29.80 FT & THE N 24.20 FT OF THE S 07-28-22-13-0172Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 292905 948018Inv# Steven A Wigen Sherry N Mueller 349 Geranium Ave E St Paul MN 55130-3724 *349 GERANIUM AVE E *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 JOHN MONGAN'S STEWART PARK ADDITION LOT 21 29-29-22-22-0058Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 296237 947209Inv# Patrick T Her Xong Her 1700 Edgemont St N Maplewood MN 55117-2417 *597 GERANIUM AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 JOS. R. WEIDE'S 4TH ADDITION TO ST. PAUL E 22 FT OF LOT 17 AND ALL OF LOT 18 BLK 1 29-29-22-12-0133Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 294837 946515Inv# Anthony A Brown Arieana L Brown 636 Gotzian St St Paul MN 55106-4637 *636 GOTZIAN ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 BLUFF ADDITION LOT 6 AND PART OF LOT 7 WLY OF A L RUN FROM NW COR OF SD LOT 7 TO PT ON S L OF AND 8 FT FROM SW COR OF LOT 7 33-29-22-12-0089Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 264260 943231Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 13:55:32 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1204E Assmt: 128303 Manager: TJT Page 12 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Layne M Brose David E Brose 650 Gotzian St St Paul MN 55106-4637 *650 GOTZIAN ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 BLUFF ADDITION SELY 1O FT OF LOT 2 AND ALL OF LOT 3 33-29-22-12-0086Excessive Consumption 1.00 125.00 $125.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $160.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 282155 943233Inv# 11 282155 950047Inv# Peter Chang 1916 Willow Ave N Minneapolis MN 55411-1811 *745 HAWTHORNE AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 OAK VILLE PARK W 1O FT OF LOT 13 AND ALL OF LOT 12 BLK 8 20-29-22-44-0092Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 289343 944301Inv# Terrance J Peltzer 658 Iowa Ave W St Paul MN 55117-3417 *656 IOWA AVE W *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 LANE'S NORTH DALE PARK SUBJ TO ESMTS; EX W 44 FT LOT 42 & ALL OF LOT 43 BLK 7 23-29-23-11-0199Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 279776 947557Inv# Daniel J Benner Patricia L Benner 1253 James Av St Paul MN 55105-2947 *1253 JAMES AVE *Ward: 3 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 LEXINGTON PARK PLAT 8 LOT 18 BLK 3 10-28-23-13-0182Excessive Consumption 1.00 150.00 $150.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $185.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 289239 943070Inv# 11 289239 948316Inv# 11 289239 948317Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 13:55:32 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1204E Assmt: 128303 Manager: TJT Page 13 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Keith J Pederson 10708 Maple Chase Dr Boca Raton FL 33498-4813 *911 JENKS AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 HOWARDS ADDITION TO SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA LOT 24 28-29-22-23-0069Excessive Consumption 1.00 100.00 $100.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $135.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 292112 944299Inv# 11 292112 944540Inv# Mary J Brand 604 Jessamine Ave E St Paul MN 55130-3745 *604 JESSAMINE AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 J. M. WARNER'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINN. LOT 2 29-29-22-12-0187Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 146999 944279Inv# Sabrina Yer Xiong 742 Jessamine Ave E Saint Paul MN 55106-2508 *742 JESSAMINE AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 OAK VILLE PARK LOT 10 BLK 23 29-29-22-11-0180Excessive Consumption 1.00 150.00 $150.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $185.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 265372 944790Inv# Zia Lee 904 Jessamine Ave E Saint Paul MN 55106-2639 *904 JESSAMINE AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 EASTVILLE HEIGHTS LOT 9 BLK 15 28-29-22-22-0070Excessive Consumption 1.00 125.00 $125.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $160.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 289117 944392Inv# 11 289117 944782Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 13:55:32 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1204E Assmt: 128303 Manager: TJT Page 14 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Nicole L Capaul 874 Johnson Pkwy St Paul MN 55106-3420 *874 JOHNSON PKWY *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 TRACYS OUTLOTS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF NEW CANADA, RAMSEY CO., AND STATE OF MINNESOTA W 1O5 2/1O FT OF N 51 FT OF LOT 1 BLK 10 27-29-22-32-0068Excessive Consumption 1.00 100.00 $100.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $135.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 302529 947961Inv# 11 302529 948660Inv# Earnest Henderson Ann Henderson 394 Lafond Ave St Paul MN 55103-1659 *394 LAFOND AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 SMITHS SUBDIVISION OF BLKS 2 6 7 AND 8 LOT 27 BLK 8 36-29-23-21-0127Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Taxpayer *** Twin Cities Real Estate Llc 440 Old Long Lake Rd Ste A Wayzata MN 55391-9681 *394 LAFOND AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 SMITHS SUBDIVISION OF BLKS 2 6 7 AND 8 LOT 27 BLK 8 36-29-23-21-0127*** Owner *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 256189 950786Inv# Brenda Peterson 359 Lawson Ave E St Paul MN 55130-3930 *359 LAWSON AVE E *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 HENDRICKSONS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL LOT 23 29-29-22-23-0069Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 296206 947194Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 13:55:32 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1204E Assmt: 128303 Manager: TJT Page 15 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Houa Lor Sia Vang 1428 Margaret St St Paul MN 55106-4816 *1428 MARGARET ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 BIRMINGHAM'S ADDITION LOTS 4 AND LOT 5 BLK 2 34-29-22-21-0107Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 301318 948541Inv# Seunguk Oh Eunyoung Oh 2370 Golf Dr Woodbury MN 55129-2300 *359 MARIA AVE *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 LYMAN DAYTON ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL NWLY 48 95/1OO FT OF LOTS 1 2 AND 3 EX SWLY 1O FT OF SD LOT 3 BLK 18 32-29-22-13-0071Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 299724 946468Inv# Fue Yang 1508 Maryland Ave St Paul MN 55106-2803 *1508 MARYLAND AVE E *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 MARYLAND HEIGHTS EX W 15 FT LOT 3 & ALL OF LOT 1 & LOT 2 BLK 1 27-29-22-21-0005Excessive Consumption 1.00 150.00 $150.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $185.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 248528 942680Inv# Kim R Knutson 458 Maryland Ave E St Paul MN 55130-3655 *458 MARYLAND AVE E *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 FLISRAM'S ADDITION LOT 1 29-29-22-22-0001Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 296934 948293Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 13:55:32 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1204E Assmt: 128303 Manager: TJT Page 16 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Jerome E Tillman 557 Maryland Ave E St Paul MN 55130-3638 *557 MARYLAND AVE E *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 DITTMANN'S SUBDIVISION ETC. E 33 FT OF W 97 FT OF LOTS 2O AND LOT 21 20-29-22-34-0181Excessive Consumption 1.00 125.00 $125.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $160.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 297485 946595Inv# 11 297485 948490Inv# James P Drontle Nasteha Moalin 51 Mcknight Rd N St Paul MN 55119-4616 *51 MCKNIGHT RD N *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 ROTHSCHILD BATTLE CREEK HEIGHTS LOT 9 BLK 1 02-28-22-14-0010Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 266637 949881Inv# Margaret A Humphrey 1702 Minnehaha Ave W St Paul MN 55104-1153 *1702 MINNEHAHA AVE W *Ward: 4 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 WOOD LAWN PARK ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA LOT 1 BLK 3 33-29-23-12-0001Excessive Consumption 1.00 75.00 $75.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $110.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 268940 946484Inv# Michael J Finley Toby E Finley 15180 Edgewater Cir Ne Prior Lake MN 55372-1154 *1123 PAYNE AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 JOSEPH R. WEIDE'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINN. S 12 1/2 FT OF LOT 4 AND ALL OF LOT 3 BLK 3 29-29-22-12-0141Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 291484 944780Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 13:55:32 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1204E Assmt: 128303 Manager: TJT Page 17 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Gary C Southward 82 Mounds Blvd St Paul MN 55106-6323 *723 PLUM ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 20 ST. PAUL, MINN. NELY 38 FT OF LOT 12 & ALL OF LOTS 13 14& LOT 15 33-29-22-32-0175Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 297776 945893Inv# Pascale P Lapoint Douglas Lapoint 1482 N Innsbruck Dr Fridley MN 55432-5920 *1182 REANEY AVE *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 E. C. BOWEN'S ADDITION LOT 15 BLK 2 28-29-22-44-0199Excessive Consumption 1.00 150.00 $150.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $185.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 274216 946516Inv# 11 274216 946517Inv# 11 274216 946518Inv# Aaron Urban 1237 Selby Ave St Paul MN 55104-6424 *1237 SELBY AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 ANNA E. RAMSEY'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL EX AVE LOT 25 BLK 6 03-28-23-12-0108Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 284490 950180Inv# Slava S Podokshik Lucy Lubyanitsky 1167 La Rochelle Ter Sunnyvale CA 94089-1789 *832 SHERBURNE AVE *Ward: 1 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 SYNDICATE NO. 1 ADDITION LOT 9 BLK 4 35-29-23-13-0187Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 249381 946442Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 13:55:32 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1204E Assmt: 128303 Manager: TJT Page 18 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID David Moua Ong Yang 1541 Sims Ave St Paul MN 55106-3507 *1541 SIMS AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 VERPLANCKS SUBDIVISION OF LOT 5, BLOCK 1, CRUICKSHANKS GARDEN LOTS, ST. PAUL, MINN. EX N 22 FT; THE FOL; W 5.01 FT OF LOT 9 & ALL OF LOTS 7 & LOT 8 BLK 1 27-29-22-42-0014Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 305536 950973Inv# Linh V Tran Huong M H Tran 1567 Sims Ave E St Paul MN 55106-3507 *1567 SIMS AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 HENNEN SIMS COURT LOT 1 BLK 1 27-29-22-42-0142Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 305528 950977Inv# 811 Smith Llc 3363 Oasis Ave N Stillwater MN 55082-1342 *811 SMITH AVE S *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 DAWSON'S REARRANGEMENT OF BLOCK 55 OF BANNING AND OLIVER'S ADDITION TO WEST ST PAUL MINN LOT 1 BLK 55 07-28-22-33-0107Excessive Consumption 1.00 150.00 $150.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $185.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 016728 949886Inv# Bac Home Loans Servicing Lp 400 National Way Simi Valley CA 93065-6414 *1939 STILLWATER AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 BEAVER LAKE HEIGHTS LOT 18 BLK 9 26-29-22-31-0061Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 293285 947745Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 13:55:32 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1204E Assmt: 128303 Manager: TJT Page 19 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Davie Veit Karen Veit 2629 Norway Pine Dr White Bear Lake MN 55110-8708 *2043 STILLWATER AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 DEN E. LANE'S NOKOMIS PARK LOT 17 BLK 1 26-29-22-42-0047Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 294385 945636Inv# Son T Dinh Thoa K Nguyen 434 Tower St St Paul MN 55119-4031 *434 TOWER ST *Ward: 7 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 SUN-RAY TERRACE ADDITION NO. 1 SUBJ TO NO ACCESS ESMT IN DOC 1389929 LOT 11 BLK 1 35-29-22-41-0011Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 300081 948318Inv# Wells Fargo Bank Fc Dept Mac X7801 013 3476 Stateview Blvd Fort Mill SC 29715-7203 *444 VIEW ST *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 A. VANCE BROWN'S SUB. OF STINSON, BROWN & RAMSEY'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 39 BLK 23 11-28-23-13-0075Excessive Consumption 1.00 150.00 $150.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $185.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 10 920155 947642Inv# Richard A Wybierala Richard A Wybierala Trustee 625 Lake Shore Dr Sauk Centre MN 56378-1034 *427 WHITALL ST *Ward: 5 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 EDMUND RICE'S FIRST ADDITION TO ST. PAUL LOT 1 BLK 6 29-29-22-32-0079Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 303018 948102Inv# StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 13:55:32 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1204E Assmt: 128303 Manager: TJT Page 20 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID The George Group North Llc 14001 53rd Ave N Plymouth MN 55446-1834 *1015 YORK AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 DAWSON'S EARL ST. ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, RAMSEY CO., MINN. EX E 13 FT LOT 24 AND ALL OF LOTS 21 22 AND LOT 23 BLK 73 28-29-22-31-0047Excessive Consumption 1.00 150.00 $150.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $185.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 143504 948014Inv# Bola Alyese Olutayo Ogundare 1529 York Ave E St Paul MN 55106-3510 *1529 YORK AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 BROKMEIERS SUBDIVISION LOTS 3 4 21 AND LOT 22 BLK 2 27-29-22-31-0020Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Taxpayer *** Folasade A Alyese Ogundare 1529 York Ave E St Paul MN 55106-3510 *1529 YORK AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 BROKMEIERS SUBDIVISION LOTS 3 4 21 AND LOT 22 BLK 2 27-29-22-31-0020*** Owner *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 301610 951013Inv# Michael C Kelly Janelle R Kelly 2212 Princeton Ave St Paul MN 55105-1121 *1759 YORK AVE *Ward: 6 *Pending as of: 1/18/2012 BIRMINGHAM'S PARK LOT 26 BLK 2 27-29-22-41-0029Excessive Consumption 1.00 50.00 $50.00 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $85.00 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** 11 300495 948659Inv# Total Excessive Consumption:$5,675.00 Total Real Estate Admin Fee:$2,695.00 Project Total:$8,370.00 Less Total Discounts:$0.00 Project Total:$8,370.00 StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 13:55:32 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: J1204E Assmt: 128303 Manager: TJT Page 21 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID 77 Parcel(s) 0 Exempt Parcel(s) StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-200 Name:Tree Removal January 2012 Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Approving the City's costs for providing Tree Removal Services from January 2012, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for March 6, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for April 18, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. 1206T, Asmt No. 129005) Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes:Assessments, Nuisance Abatement Code sections: Attachments:Report of Completion Assessment Roll Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Approving the City's costs for providing Tree Removal Services from January 2012, and setting date of Legislative Hearing for March 6, 2012 and City Council Public Hearing for April 18, 2012 to consider and levy the assessments against individual properties. (File No. 1206T, Asmt No. 129005) Body WHEREAS, pursuant to Admin. Code Ch. 175: Dutch Elm Diseased Tree, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared the attached Report of Completion of Assessment for Removal of Diseased and/or Dangerous Trees on Private Properties from January 2012 under Assessment No. 129005 (File No. 1206T); and, WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared for the Councils consideration the attached Assessment Roll listing the benefited property, the property owner, the service provided and the charges for the service as reported by the department providing the service; and hereby submits said Assessment Roll for the City Councils consideration to adopt and levy said charges as an assessment against the benefited property; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby accepts and approves said Report of Completion of Assessment and Assessment Roll; and be it further RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 18th day of April, 2012 at the hour of 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of Saint Paul; and that the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section provide mailed and published notice of the same as required by law. City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ 12:49:20 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: 1206T Assmt: 129005 Manager: TJT Page 1 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID Us Bank Nat Assoc 400 Countrywide Way Simi Valley CA 93065-6298 *275 BAKER ST E *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/11/2012 WOODBURY AND CASE'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINN. EX N 1O FT LOT 10 BLK 6 08-28-22-13-0114Tree Removal 1.00 324.90 $324.90 Park Service Fee 1.00 91.39 $91.39 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $451.29 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv No. 15-11, West side of garage.West side of garage along fence.(2) Travis W Hansberger Lane M Hinsperger 736 Caribou Ln Eagan MN 55123-3035 *277 BAKER ST E *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/11/2012 WOODBURY AND CASE'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINN. EX N 1O FT LOT 11 BLK 6 08-28-22-13-0115Tree Removal 1.00 835.76 $835.76 Park Service Fee 1.00 91.39 $91.39 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $962.15 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv No. 15-11, East side of garage 4 foot stump with suckers on east side of garage.(3) Brian P Joyce 730 Bidwell St St Paul MN 55107-3344 *730 BIDWELL ST *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/11/2012 JACKSON AND BIDWELL'S ADDITION TO WEST ST. PAUL, DAKOTA CO., TERRITORY OF MINNESOTA LOT 7 BLK 1 07-28-22-41-0128Tree Removal 1.00 236.19 $236.19 Park Service Fee 1.00 102.22 $102.22 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $373.41 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv No. 15-11, No Location provided Salomon B Delgado 736 Bidwell St St Paul MN 55107-3344 *736 BIDWELL ST *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/11/2012 JACKSON AND BIDWELL'S ADDITION TO WEST ST. PAUL, DAKOTA CO., TERRITORY OF MINNESOTA LOT 6 BLK 1 07-28-22-41-0127Tree Removal 1.00 1,054.86 $1,054.86 Park Service Fee 1.00 102.22 $102.22 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,192.08 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv No. 15-11, North side of backyard.(2) StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address 12:49:20 1/18/2012 Public Improvement Assessment Roll by Address Project: 1206T Assmt: 129005 Manager: TJT Page 2 Ratification Date: Resolution #: Owner or Taxpayer Property Description Item Description Unit Rate Quantity Charge Amts Property ID James M Connolly Colleen Ann Sorg 120 Delos St W St Paul MN 55107-2133 *120 DELOS ST W *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/11/2012 WEST ST PAUL BLKS 1 THRU 99 E 1OO FT OF LOTS 1 AND LOT 2 BLK 29 07-28-22-11-0001Tree Removal 1.00 246.88 $246.88 Park Service Fee 1.00 102.22 $102.22 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $384.10 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv No. 15-11, East side of property in between two fences on the property line (50/50) with 409 Winslow Ave.(1) Richard J Hagerman 284 Richmond St St Paul MN 55102-3144 *284 RICHMOND ST *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/11/2012 WATSON & RICE'S SUBDIVISION C OF BLOCK 1, STINSON, BROWN AND RAMSEY'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL LOT 13 BLK 2 12-28-23-21-0009Tree Removal 1.00 1,368.00 $1,368.00 Park Service Fee 1.00 91.39 $91.39 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $1,494.39 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv No. 15-11, In backyard, approximately 100 feet east of house by fence (2) Frank Rangel Clementine Rangel 409 Winslow Ave St Paul MN 55107-2139 *409 WINSLOW AVE *Ward: 2 *Pending as of: 1/11/2012 WEST ST PAUL BLKS 1 THRU 99 LOT 9 BLK 29 07-28-22-11-0008Tree Removal 1.00 246.88 $246.88 Park Service Fee 1.00 102.22 $102.22 Real Estate Admin Fee 35.00 1.00 $35.00 $384.10 *** Owner and Taxpayer *** ** PLEASE NOTE ** Inv No. 15-11, West side of backyard on the property line (50/50) with 120 Delos St. W.(1) Total Tree Removal:$4,313.47 Total Park Service Fee:$683.05 Total Real Estate Admin Fee:$245.00 Project Total:$5,241.52 Less Total Discounts:$0.00 Project Total:$5,241.52 7 Parcel(s) 0 Exempt Parcel(s) StPaul_Assessment_Roll_Assessment_by_Address City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-206 Name:Fixing Date of Hearing - Sanitary Sewer Connection Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council public hearing to ratify the assessment for construction of a sanitary sewer connection at 1817 Wellesley Avenue, as requested by the property owner in connection with the Fairview Avenue reconstruction project. (File No. 19094C, Assessment No. 126005) Sponsors:Chris Tolbert Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Report of Completion Assessment Roll Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council public hearing to ratify the assessment for construction of a sanitary sewer connection at 1817 Wellesley Avenue, as requested by the property owner in connection with the Fairview Avenue reconstruction project. (File No. 19094C, Assessment No. 126005) Body WHEREAS, pursuant to Admin. Code Ch. 76: Sewers and Drains, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared the attached Report of Completion of Assessment for construction of sanitary sewer service connections and/or storm sewer stubs at the request of property owners in connection with the Fairview Avenue reconstruction project: Preliminary Order: 11-317 Approved 02/23/2011 Final Order: 11-350 Approved 03/16/2011 ; and WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared for the Council's consideration the attached Assessment Roll listing the benefited property, the property owner, the service provided and the charges for the service; and hereby submits the Assessment Roll for the City Council's consideration to adopt and levy the charges as an assessment against the benefited property; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby accepts and approves the Report of Completion of Assessment and Assessment Roll; and be it further RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had on the assessment on the 21st day of March, 2012 at the hour of 5:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of Saint Paul; and that the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section provide mailed and published notice of the same as required by law. City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ 7 : 5 5 : 0 7 1 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 9 4 C A s s m t : 1 2 6 0 0 5 M a n a g e r : L M Page 1 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Sa m u e l R D r a h n Ca m i l a L D r a h n 18 1 7 W e l l e s l e y A v e n u e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 5 - 2 0 1 1 *1 8 1 7 W E L L E S L E Y A V E *W a r d : 3 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 7 / 1 5 / 2 0 1 1 MA C A L E S T E R V I L L A S S E C O N D AD D I T I O N L O T 1 5 B L K 2 09-28-23-12-0116 Sa n i t a r y S e w e r C o n n e c t i o n 1 . 0 0 2 , 2 4 0 . 0 0 $ 2 , 2 4 0 . 0 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 1 . 0 0 1 7 9 . 2 0 $ 1 7 9 . 2 0 $2 , 4 1 9 . 2 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * To t a l S a n i t a r y S e w e r C o n n e c t i o n : $2 , 2 4 0 . 0 0 To t a l R e a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e : $1 7 9 . 2 0 Pr o j e c t T o t a l : $2 , 4 1 9 . 2 0 Le s s T o t a l D i s c o u n t s : $ 0 . 0 0 Pr o j e c t T o t a l : $2 , 4 1 9 . 2 0 1 P a r c e l ( s ) 0 E x e m p t P a r c e l ( s ) St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-208 Name:Fixing Date of Hearing - Sanitary Sewer Connections Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council public hearing to ratify the assessment for construction of sanitary sewer connections, as requested by the property owners, in connection with the Page/Woodbury RSVP. (File No. 19077C, Assessment No. 126001) Sponsors:Dave Thune Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Report of Completion Assessment Roll Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Approving assessment costs and setting date of City Council public hearing to ratify the assessment for construction of sanitary sewer connections, as requested by the property owners, in connection with the Page/Woodbury RSVP. (File No. 19077C, Assessment No. 126001) Body WHEREAS, pursuant to Admin. Code Ch. 76: Sewers and Drains, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared the attached Report of Completion of Assessment for construction of sanitary sewer service connections and/or storm sewer stubs at the request of property owners in connection with the Page/Woodbury RSVP project: Preliminary Order: 11-76 Approved 01/26/2011 Final Order: 11-85 Approved 02/02/2011 ; and WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has prepared for the Council's consideration the attached Assessment Roll listing the benefited property, the property owner, the service provided and the charges for the service; and hereby submits the Assessment Roll for the City Council's consideration to adopt and levy the charges as an assessment against the benefited property; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby accepts and approves the Report of Completion of Assessment and Assessment Roll; and be it further RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had on the assessment on the 21st day of March, 2012 at the hour of 5:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of Saint Paul; and that the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section provide mailed and published notice of the same as required by law. City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ 9 : 0 7 : 5 0 1 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 7 C A s s m t : 1 2 6 0 0 1 M a n a g e r : L M Page 1 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Je r o l d J D a n i e l s 43 4 B e l v i d e r e S t E St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 7 - 3 1 5 0 *4 3 4 B E L V I D E R E S T E *W a r d : 2 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 7 / 1 5 / 2 0 1 1 TH E W E S T S T . P A U L R E A L E S T A T E AN D I M P R O V E M E N T S Y N D I C A T E AD D I T I O N N O . 2 L O T 2 B L K 2 2 08-28-22-44-0042 Sa n i t a r y S e w e r C o n n e c t i o n 1 . 0 0 2 , 1 5 6 . 0 0 $ 2 , 1 5 6 . 0 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 1 . 0 0 1 7 2 . 4 8 $ 1 7 2 . 4 8 $2 , 3 2 8 . 4 8 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * La k e s A r e a H o m e B u y e r s I n c 60 1 6 7 t h A v e N e Fr i d l e y M N 5 5 4 3 2 - 4 4 4 3 *2 1 2 M O R T O N S T E *W a r d : 2 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 7 / 1 5 / 2 0 1 1 LA W T O N S R E A R R A N G E M E N T O F BL O C K 1 5 O F W O O D B U R Y A N D CA S E S A D D I T I O N T O S A I N T P A U L N 1/ 2 O F L O T 1 2 B L K 1 5 08-28-22-31-0031 Sa n i t a r y S e w e r C o n n e c t i o n 1 . 0 0 1 , 8 4 8 . 0 0 $ 1 , 8 4 8 . 0 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 1 . 0 0 1 4 7 . 8 4 $ 1 4 7 . 8 4 $1 , 9 9 5 . 8 4 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * La k e s A r e a H o m e B u y e r s I n c 60 1 6 7 t h A v e N e Fr i d l e y M N 5 5 4 3 2 - 4 4 4 3 *6 9 0 M O U N T H O P E A V E *W a r d : 2 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 7 / 1 5 / 2 0 1 1 LA W T O N S R E A R R A N G E M E N T O F BL O C K 1 5 O F W O O D B U R Y A N D CA S E S A D D I T I O N T O S A I N T P A U L S 1/ 2 O F L O T 1 2 B L K 1 5 08-28-22-31-0032 Sa n i t a r y S e w e r C o n n e c t i o n 1 . 0 0 1 , 9 6 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 6 0 . 0 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 1 . 0 0 1 5 6 . 8 0 $ 1 5 6 . 8 0 $2 , 1 1 6 . 8 0 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Pa t r i c i a A P r i c e 69 5 M o u n t H o p e A v e St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 7 - 3 0 1 9 *6 9 5 M O U N T H O P E A V E *W a r d : 2 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 7 / 1 5 / 2 0 1 1 CH A S . F . M E Y E R ' S S U B D O F B L K 1 4 , WO O D B U R Y A N D C A S E ' S A D D T O WE S T S T . P A U L E X S 1 0 F T L O T 1 1 & AL L O F L O T 1 2 B L K 1 4 08-28-22-31-0046 Sa n i t a r y S e w e r C o n n e c t i o n 1 . 0 0 1 , 7 9 2 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 9 2 . 0 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 1 . 0 0 1 4 3 . 3 6 $ 1 4 3 . 3 6 $1 , 9 3 5 . 3 6 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ro b e r t M W i l l e 56 6 R o b e r t S t S St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 7 - 2 9 3 3 *5 6 6 R O B E R T S T S *W a r d : 2 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 7 / 1 5 / 2 0 1 1 WE S T S T P A U L B L K S 1 T H R U 9 9 W 1 / 2 OF V A C M A U R I C E S T A D J A N D F O L LO T S 4 A N D L O T 5 B L K 9 4 08-28-22-24-0055 Sa n i t a r y S e w e r C o n n e c t i o n 1 . 0 0 1 , 8 3 9 . 6 0 $ 1 , 8 3 9 . 6 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 1 . 0 0 1 4 7 . 1 7 $ 1 4 7 . 1 7 $1 , 9 8 6 . 7 7 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s 9 : 0 7 : 5 0 1 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 2 Pu b l i c I m p r o v e m e n t A s s e s s m e n t R o l l b y A d d r e s s P r o j e c t: 1 9 0 7 7 C A s s m t : 1 2 6 0 0 1 M a n a g e r : L M Page 2 Ra t i f i c a t i o n D a t e : R e s o l u t i o n # : Ow n e r o r T a x p a y e r Pr o p e r t y D e s c r i p t i o n It e m D e s c r i p t i o n Un i t R a t e Qu a n t i t y Ch a r g e A m t s Property ID Th o m a s J G a u Re b e c c a S D a l e 25 8 W y o m i n g S t E St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 7 - 3 1 3 1 *2 5 8 W Y O M I N G S T E *W a r d : 2 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 7 / 1 5 / 2 0 1 1 BR O W N A N D J A C K S O N ' S A D D I T I O N TO W E S T S T . P A U L E X W 1 1 0 FT T H E N 11 9 F T O F B L K C 08-28-22-43-0096 Sa n i t a r y S e w e r C o n n e c t i o n 1 . 0 0 2 , 2 6 8 . 0 0 $ 2 , 2 6 8 . 0 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 1 . 0 0 1 8 1 . 4 4 $ 1 8 1 . 4 4 $2 , 4 4 9 . 4 4 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Th o m a s G L l o y d Ma r y K L l o y d 26 4 W y o m i n g S t E St P a u l M N 5 5 1 0 7 - 3 1 1 8 *2 6 4 W Y O M I N G S T E *W a r d : 2 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 7 / 1 5 / 2 0 1 1 MC C L U N G ' S S U B D I V I S I O N O F B L O C K 69 B R O W N & J A C K S O N ' S A D D I T I O N TO W E S T S T . P A U L L O T 9 08-28-22-43-0084 Sa n i t a r y S e w e r C o n n e c t i o n 1 . 0 0 2 , 3 9 4 . 0 0 $ 2 , 3 9 4 . 0 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 1 . 0 0 1 9 1 . 5 2 $ 1 9 1 . 5 2 $2 , 5 8 5 . 5 2 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * Ty D T h o m p s o n Jo s e p h F H o y l e 38 4 6 X e r x e s A v e N Mi n n e a p o l i s M N 5 5 4 1 2 - 1 8 2 7 *4 5 3 W Y O M I N G S T E *W a r d : 2 *P e n d i n g a s o f : 7 / 1 5 / 2 0 1 1 TH E W E S T S T . P A U L R E A L E S T A T E AN D I M P R O V E M E N T S Y N D I C A T E AD D I T I O N N O . 2 L O T 8 A N D S U B J T O HW Y L O T 9 B L K 3 0 08-28-22-44-0080 Sa n i t a r y S e w e r C o n n e c t i o n 1 . 0 0 2 , 2 1 2 . 0 0 $ 2 , 2 1 2 . 0 0 Re a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e 1 . 0 0 1 7 6 . 9 6 $ 1 7 6 . 9 6 $2 , 3 8 8 . 9 6 ** * O w n e r a n d T a x p a y e r * * * To t a l S a n i t a r y S e w e r C o n n e c t i o n : $1 6 , 4 6 9 . 6 0 To t a l R e a l E s t a t e A d m i n F e e : $1 , 3 1 7 . 5 7 Pr o j e c t T o t a l : $1 7 , 7 8 7 . 1 7 Le s s T o t a l D i s c o u n t s : $ 0 . 0 0 Pr o j e c t T o t a l : $1 7 , 7 8 7 . 1 7 8 P a r c e l ( s ) 0 E x e m p t P a r c e l ( s ) St P a u l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ R o l l _ A s s e s s m e n t _ b y _ A d d r e s s City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RLH TA 12-78 Name:Amending assessment for 1696 Grand Ave Status:Type:Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Amending Council File RLH AR 11-117 to delete the assessment for Emergency Boarding and Securing and/or Boarding of Vacant Building during August 2011 at 680 MINNEHAHA AVENUE EAST. (File No. J1201B, Assessment No. 128100) Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes:Assessments, Nuisance Abatement, Special Tax Assessments, Ward - 7 Code sections: Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Amending Council File RLH AR 11-117 to delete the assessment for Emergency Boarding and Securing and/or Boarding of Vacant Building during August 2011 at 680 MINNEHAHA AVENUE EAST. (File No. J1201B, Assessment No. 128100) Body WHEREAS on January 4, 2012, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul adopted Council File No. RLH AR 11 -117, said Resolution being the Ratification of Assessment for Emergency Boarding and Securing and/or Boarding of Vacant Building during August 2011 at 680 MINNEHAHA AVENUE. (File No. J1201B, Assessment No. 128100); and WHEREAS, the property at 680 Minnehaha Avenue, being described as: Theo Hamm Brewing Co Addition Vac Sts & Alley Accruing & Fol Lot 16 Warren's Garden Lots & Ex E 9.14 Ft; Lot 3 Blk 1 & All Of Lots 4 Thru Lot 19 Blk 1 Schurmeier & Evan's Add & Lots 1 And Lot 2 Blk 8 Irvines 2nd Add & Part Of Lot 6 Blk 8 Irvines 2nd Add & Part Of Water Power Reservati, with the property identifification number 32-29-22-12-0117 was assessed an amount of $492.80; and WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment as it was made in error; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, that the reduction of $492.80, plus any accrued interests, be funded by the Exempt Assessment Fund. Council File No. RLH AR 11-117 is hereby amended to reflect this change. City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES 12-236 Name:Authorizing Christina Morrison to attend the Urban Transportation Summit Status:Type:Resolution Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Accepting the gift of travel, lodging, and conference registration, not to exceed $1700, from the Strategy Institute, for Department of Planning and Economic Development staff member Christina Morrison to travel to the Urban Transportation Summit (UTS), March 6 and 7, in Toronto, Canada. (To be laid over to February 15 for public hearing) Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:UTS conference brochure RES PH 12-23 - UST Conference Gift Acceptance.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. City Council2/1/2012 1 Title Accepting the gift of travel, lodging, and conference registration, not to exceed $1700, from the Strategy Institute, for Department of Planning and Economic Development staff member Christina Morrison to travel to the Urban Transportation Summit (UTS), March 6 and 7, in Toronto, Canada. (To be laid over to February 15 for public hearing) Body WHEREAS, the Strategy Institute has convened a set of panelists for the 10th Annual Urban Transportation Summit and has invited staff member Christina Morrison to speak regarding Saint Paul's experiences in encouraging economic development through planning for multi-modal transportation; and WHEREAS, the UTS will occur March 6 and 7, 2012 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada; and WHEREAS, the Strategy Institute has offered to reimburse the city for air travel, pay lodging expenses, and waive the registration fee, in order to enable city staff to participate in the conference; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that attendance at the conference will fulfill a public purpose by giving staff the opportunity to receive feedback on our work from other organizations developing similar urban transit systems, and to learn about key trends, challenges, and solutions in transportation and land use planning; and WHEREAS, the UTS attracts international participation from agencies involved in transportation planning, infrastructure, public works, policy, roads, traffic engineering, and design and construction; and WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds of $530 in excess of those estimated in the 2012 budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that said budget be amended as indicated in the attached financial analysis; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2012 budget, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City accepts the gift of travel, lodging, and registration not to exceed $1700; City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 2 powered by Legistar™ File #: RES 12-236, Version: 1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City thanks the Strategy Institute for this opportunity. City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 2 of 2 powered by Legistar™ SUMMIT Transportation 10TH ANNUAL 4UESDAY City of Saint Paul Financial Analysis 1 File ID Number:RES PH 12-23 2 3 Budget Affected:Operating Budget PED Special Fund 4 5 Total Amount of Transaction:530 6 7 Funding Source:Grant 8 9 Charter Citation:CC 10.07.1 10 11 12 Fiscal Analysis 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Detail Accounting Codes: 28 29 Project CURRENT AMENDED 30 Fund Activity Object (if applicable) Description BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 31 32 Spending Changes 33 34 126 36075 .0251 Air fare 2,000 530 2,530 35 - - - 36 TOTAL:530 37 Financing Changes 38 39 126 36075 6905 Reimbursemt Grant - 530 530 40 - - - 41 TOTAL:530 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Accept grant for reimbursement of air fare for the Urban Transportation Summit City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:3RLH TA 11-505 Name:381 Cleveland Ave N Status:Type:Resolution LH Tax Assessment Appeal Agenda Ready In control:Legislative Hearings Final action: Title:Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1203G1, Assessment No. 128706 at 381 CLEVELAND AVENUE NORTH. Sponsors:Russ Stark Indexes:Special Tax Assessments, Ward - 4 Code sections: Attachments:381 Cleveland Ave N. hauler.pdf 381 Cleveland Ave N. photo.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. City Council2/1/2012 2 ReferredLegislative Hearings1/17/2012 1 Title Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1203G1, Assessment No. 128706 at 381 CLEVELAND AVENUE NORTH. Tax Assessment Worksheet Cost: $150.00 Service Charge: $155.00 Total Assessment: $305.00 Gold Card Returned by: PETER WRIGHT Type of Order/Fee: HAULER Nuisance: HAULER SERVICE Date of Orders: OCTOBER 6, 2011 Compliance Date: OCTOBER 10, 2011 Re-Check Date: OCTOBER 10, 2011 Date Work Done: OCTOBER 11, 2011, DROP OFF CONTAINER, ONE WEEK SERVICE, REMOVE CONTAINER Work order #: 11-286700 Returned Mail?: no City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 2 powered by Legistar™ File #: RLH TA 11-505, Version: 3 Comments: file closed and owner has currant service History of Orders on Property: No Body WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has attached to this Council File both a report of completion outlining the costs and fees associated with Trash Hauling Services from October 01 to October 26, 2011 (File No. J1203G, Assessment No. 128703) and the assessment roll including all properties for which these assessments are proposed for Council ratification; and WHEREAS, the City Council’s Legislative Hearing Officer has reviewed an appeal of this assessment and developed a recommendation for the City Council with respect to this assessment; and WHEREAS, a public hearing having been conducted for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council and having been considered financially satisfactory; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, that pursuant to Chapter 14 of the Saint Paul City Charter, said assessment is hereby ratified and payable in one installment. City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 2 of 2 powered by Legistar™ garborder60171 6/10 Yog hais tias koj hais lus Hmoob thiab koj tsis to taub tsab ntawv no, hu rau tus txhais lus ntawm (651) 266 -1918. Nws yog pab dawb zwb. Si usted habla el Español y no entiende esta nota, llama (651)266 -6008 para un traductor. No costo. Gayle D Geisenhoff 3332 Benstein Rd Commerce Township MI 48382-1901 Occupant 381 CLEVELAND N St Paul MN 55104-5106 As owner or person(s) responsible for: 381 CLEVELAND AVE N you are hereby served with notice that the above property is in violation of Chapter 34.11(7) and (8) and Chapter 32.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: Failure to provide proper garbage containers and/or weekly garbage pick-up. A Property Code Enforcement Inspector has investigated the above property and has been unable to determine if garbage is being removed on a weekly basis from the property in compliance with the City's mandatory garbage pickup law, Chapters 34.11 and 32.03. You are hereby ordered to provide the name, account number, and telephone number of the licensed garbage hauler that is providing garbage removal service at the above address. The hauler must be licensed with the City of St. Paul and must be picking up garbage at the above address on a weekly basis. If you fail to provide this information, if you have no current g arbage service, and/or you do not obtain weekly garbage service, the City, pursuant to Chapter 32 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, intends to provide garbage service to the above address and collect the costs of the services from the owner(s) of the prope rty by assessment. Legal Notice You have a deadline of October 10, 2011: to provide the requested information to the inspector listed below. If you do not obtain weekly garbage service by a licensed garbage hauler t the above address by the above deadlin e or if any additional violations of the mandatory garbage service ordinance, Section 32.03, are discovered at the above address pursuant to Section 357.07. The city's costs in providing refuse service for the property will be collected from the owner(s) r ather than being paid by the tax payers of the city; and that such future costs will be collected by assessment against the property as defined. If you do not obtain weekly garbage service or file an appeal before October 10, 2011, the City may provide weekly garbage collection service to the above address and charge all costs against the property as a special assessment to be colle cted in the same way as property taxes. Charges: If the City provides garbage collection the charges will include the costs of all trips to the address, the cost of the container, a minimum charge of $50 per week for garbage pick-up, and other costs for bulky or unusual refuse as outlined in a fee schedule that will be delivered to the property along with the refuse container. The above actions against your property are civil in nature FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY ALSO RESULT IN A CRIMINAL CITATION Appeals: You may appeal this order and obtain a hearing before the City Council by completing an appeal application with the City Clerk before the appeal deadline noted above or seven (7) days after the date mailed, whichever comes first. No appeals may be filed after that date. You may obtain an appeal application from the City Clerk’s Office, Room 310, City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102. The telephone number is (651) 266-8688. You must submit a copy of this Correction Order with your appeal application. *WARNING Code inspection and enforcement trips cost the taxpayers money. If the violations are not corrected within the time period required in this notice, the city’s costs in conducting a re-inspection after the due date for compliance will be collected from the owner rather than being paid by the taxpayers of the city. If additional new violations are discovered within the next following 12 months, the city’s costs in conducting additional inspections at this same location within such 12 months will be collected from the owner rather than being paid by the taxpayers of the city. Any such future costs will be c ollected by assessment against the real property and are in addition to any other fines or assessments which may be levied against you and your property. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS DIVISION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT 375 Jackson St, Suite 220 Saint Paul, MN 55101-1806 ORDER TO PROVIDE GARBAGE SERVICE Issued by: Joel Essling Badge Number: 322 Phone Number: 651-266-1904 October 06, 2011 322 Date: October 06, 2011 HP District: File #: 11 - 284342 Property Name: Folder Name: 381 CLEVELAND AVE N Survey Info: PIN: 322923410123 City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:2RLH FOW 11-239 Name:1037 Juno Avenue Status:Type:Resolution LH Fire Ordered Windows Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Appeal of Robert Hartnett to a Re-Inspection Fire Certificate of Occupancy With Deficiencies at 1037 JUNO AVENUE. (Public hearing held February 1) Sponsors:Dave Thune Indexes:Fire C of O Letter, Ward - 2, Windows Code sections: Attachments:1037 Juno.appeal.11-9-11.pdf 1037 Juno Ave.MLS Photo.11-21-11.pdf 1037 Juno Ave.Hartnett Ltr 11-29-11.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. City Council2/1/2012 2 ReferredLegislative Hearings1/10/2012 1 Laid OverLegislative Hearings11/22/2011 1 Title Appeal of Robert Hartnett to a Re-Inspection Fire Certificate of Occupancy With Deficiencies at 1037 JUNO AVENUE. (Public hearing held February 1) Purpose of Appeal (Only egress windows) Date of Order(s) November 2, 2011 Inspector/Key Staff Rick Gavin Body WHEREAS, in the matter of the Appeal of Robert Hartnett to a Re-Inspection Fire Certificate of Occupancy With Deficiencies at 1037 JUNO AVENUE, the Legislative Hearing Officer has reviewed the appeal and considered the testimony of City staff and the appellant; and WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that the City Council deny the appeal and grant an extension for 90 days; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby accepts and adopts the Legislative Hearing Officer's recommendation in this matter. City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™ 310 CITY HALL 15 WEST KELLOGG BOULEVARD SAINT PAUL, MN 55102-1615 EMAIL: legislativehearings@ci.stpaul.mn.us PHONE: (651) 266-8560 FAX: (651) 266-8574 November 29, 2011 Robert Hartnett 2113 Carroll Ave St. Paul MN 55104 RE: Appeal for property at 1037 Juno Avenue Dear Mr. Hartnett: This is to confirm that on November 22, 2011 at the Property Code Hearing, Marcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer recommended continuing the matter to Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 1:30 p.m. in Room 330 City Hall to give you time to look at design options. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 651-266-8563. Sincerely, Mai Vang Legislative Hearing Officer cc: Fire Supervisors (email) Pat Fish (email) Rick Gavin (email) City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1RES PH 11-1071 Name:Sandy's Professional Dog & Cat Grooming License Denial Public Hearing Status:Type:Resolution-Public Hearing For Discussion In control:City Council Final action: Title:Approving adverse action against the Animal Boarding (Commercial) license application submitted by Sandra Belisle, d/b/a Sandy's Professional Dog & Cat Grooming, 360 Clifton Street. (Public hearing held September 21, 2011; laid over from December 14, 2011) Sponsors:Dave Thune Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Unconstested License Matter.pdf License Group Comments Text.pdf Class R License Application.pdf Council Resolution #11-11.pdf Final Petition Requirements Notification Letter.pdf Notice of Intent to Deny License.pdf Letter requesting a public hearing.pdf Notice of Council Hearing.pdf SPLC Chapter 348.pdf Licensee's email correspondence.pdf Attorney testimony.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. City Council12/14/2011 1 City Council11/16/2011 1 City Council10/5/2011 1 City Council9/21/2011 1 Title Approving adverse action against the Animal Boarding (Commercial) license application submitted by Sandra Belisle, d/b/a Sandy's Professional Dog & Cat Grooming, 360 Clifton Street. (Public hearing held September 21, 2011; laid over from December 14, 2011) Body WHEREAS,adverse action was taken against the Animal Boarding (Commercial)license application submitted by Sandra Belisle d/b/a Sandy's Professional Dog &Cat Grooming (License ID #20070000410)for the premises located at 360 Clifton Street in Saint Paul by Notice of Intent to Deny License August 30,2011, alleging licensee failed to obtain petition support from at least seventy-five (75)percent of owners of all private residences,dwellings and apartment houses located within one hundred-fifty (150)feet of the premises by August 5, 2011 required by Saint Paul Legislative Code § 348.04 (b); and WHEREAS,the licensee also failed to complete all other outstanding requirements by August 26,2011 which were outlined in a Final Petition Requirements Notification Letter sent on by July 22, 2011; and City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 2 powered by Legistar™ File #: RES PH 11-1071, Version: 1 WHEREAS, the licensing office recommended denial of the license; and WHEREAS,the licensee did respond to the Notice of Intent to Deny License to request a public which was held on September 21, 2011; now therefore be it RESOLVED,the Animal Boarding (Commercial)license application submitted by Sandra Belisle d/b/a Sandy's Professional Dog & Cat Grooming is hereby denied. This resolution,and action taken above,is based upon facts contained in the August 30,2011,Notice of Intent to Deny License sent to the licensee and the arguments made at the public hearing on September 21, 2011. City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 2 of 2 powered by Legistar™ Download finished. McAfee Web Gateway has finished downloading file: http://stpaul.legistar.com/View.ashx? M=F&ID=1560829&GUID=EB14852E-E022-4F8B-8820-890123B1511D Click here to get the file. McAfee Global Threat Intel Report: Minimal Risk Website Country Code: Destination IP: Source IP: Triggered Rule Set: Gateway Antimalware Triggered Rule: Block if Virus was Found File Type: application/pdf File Size :9447303 City of St. Paul Acceptable Internet Use Policy Click here for Internet Policy For assistance, please contact ishelp@ci.stpaul.mn.us generated 2012-02-07 12:33:32 by McAfee Web Gateway City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1Ord 12-2 Name:Walgreens - MGM Zoning Ordinance Status:Type:Ordinance Third Reading - No Public Hearing In control:City Council Final action: Title:Memorializing City Council action granting the application of MGM Properties LLC to rezone portions of 1105, 1111, 1117, 1121, and 1125 California Avenue West from R4 One-Family Residential to B2 Community Business and to amend Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 60 pertaining to the Saint Paul zoning map to reflect the same. (Public Hearing held December 21, 2011.) Sponsors:Amy Brendmoen Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. City Council2/1/2012 1 City Council1/25/2012 1 Title Memorializing City Council action granting the application of MGM Properties LLC to rezone portions of 1105, 1111, 1117, 1121, and 1125 California Avenue West from R4 One-Family Residential to B2 Community Business and to amend Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 60 pertaining to the Saint Paul zoning map to reflect the same. (Public Hearing held December 21, 2011.) Body WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 462.357 and Leg. Code § 61.800, MGM Properties LLC duly petitioned to rezone from R4 One-Family Residential to B2 Community Business; certain portions of those properties commonly known as (1) Torrens property: 1105, 1111, 1117, 1121, and 1125 California Ave W, legally described as approximately the northerly 35.5 feet of those properties commonly known as 1125 California (Lot 22), 1121 California (Lot 23), Part of 1111 California (Lot 25), and part of 1105 California (Lots 27and 28) and, more specifically, the parts of Lots 22, 23, 25, 27 and 28, Block 1, CLIFTON DALE, Ramsey County, Minnesota lying northerly of a line described as beginning at a point on the west line of Lot 22, said Block 1, distant 86.63 feet northerly of the southwest corner of said Lot 22; thence easterly to a point on the east line of Lot 28, said Block 1, distant 87.01 feet northerly of the southeast corner of said Lot 28 and there terminating. (2) Abstract property: the approximate northerly 35.5 feet of those properties commonly known as 1117 California (Lot 24), and Part of 1111 California (W ½ Lot 26) and Part of 1105 California (E ½ Lot 26), and, more specifically, the parts of Lots 24 and 26, Block 1, CLIFTON DALE, Ramsey County, Minnesota lying northerly of a line described as beginning at a point on the west line of Lot 22, said Block 1, distant 86.63 feet northerly of the southwest corner of said Lot 22; thence easterly to a point on the east line of Lot 28, said Block 1, distant 87.01 feet northerly of the southeast corner of said Lot 28 and there terminating; and WHEREAS, on November 2, 2011, the Planning Division certified the petition as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area to be rezoned and having been consented to by at least two- City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 2 powered by Legistar™ File #: Ord 12-2, Version: 1 thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, on November 22, 2011, the Planning Commission's Zoning Committee duly held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Admin. Code §107.03, submitted its recommendation to the Commission for approval; and WHEREAS, on December 2, 2011, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition and moved to recommend its approval to the City Council; and WHEREAS, on November 10, 2011, notice of public hearing before the City Council on the said petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City and written notice of the public hearing were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, on December 21, 2011, the City Council conducted a public hearing at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, and the Council, having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition, does hereby undertake the following: THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, incorporated by reference under Leg. Code § 60.303, is hereby further amended by rezoning the following described properties from R4 to B2 Community Business: (1) Torrens property: the properties commonly known as 1105, 1111, 1117, 1121, and 1125 California Ave W, legally described as approximately the northerly 35.5 feet of those properties commonly known as 1125 California (Lot 22), 1121 California (Lot 23), Part of 1111 California (Lot 25), and part of 1105 California (Lots 27and 28) and, more specifically, the parts of Lots 22, 23, 25, 27 and 28, Block 1, CLIFTON DALE, Ramsey County, Minnesota lying northerly of a line described as beginning at a point on the west line of Lot 22, said Block 1, distant 86.63 feet northerly of the southwest corner of said Lot 22; thence easterly to a point on the east line of Lot 28, said Block 1, distant 87.01 feet northerly of the southeast corner of said Lot 28 and there terminating. (2) Abstract property: the approximate northerly 35.5 feet of the properties commonly known as 1117 California (Lot 24), and Part of 1111 California (W ½ Lot 26) and Part of 1105 California (E ½ Lot 26), and, more specifically, the parts of Lots 24 and 26, Block 1, CLIFTON DALE, Ramsey County, Minnesota lying northerly of a line described as beginning at a point on the west line of Lot 22, said Block 1, distant 86.63 feet northerly of the southwest corner of said Lot 22; thence easterly to a point on the east line of Lot 28, said Block 1, distant 87.01 feet northerly of the southeast corner of said Lot 28 and there terminating; and Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 2 of 2 powered by Legistar™ City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1Ord 12-3 Name:Wulff Funeral Home rezoning ordinance Status:Type:Ordinance Second Reading In control:City Council Final action: Title:Memorializing City Council action granting the application of Wulff Family Mortuary for the Rezoning from R4 Single-Family Residential to VP Vehicular Parking at 1756 Nebraska Avenue East and 1755 Nevada Avenue East, and amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the Saint Paul zoning map. (Public hearing held December 21, 2011) Sponsors:Dan Bostrom Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. City Council2/1/2012 1 Title Memorializing City Council action granting the application of Wulff Family Mortuary for the Rezoning from R4 Single-Family Residential to VP Vehicular Parking at 1756 Nebraska Avenue East and 1755 Nevada Avenue East, and amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the Saint Paul zoning map. (Public hearing held December 21, 2011) Body WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §61.800 of the Legislative Code, the Wulff Family Mortuary duly petitioned to rezone 1756 Nebraska Avenue East, being legally described as R. F. MARVIN'S ADDITION TO ST PAUL E 4 FT OF LOT 7 AND SUBJ TO ALLEY OVER SE COR LOT 6 BLK 1, and 1755 Nevada Avenue East, being legally described as R. F. MARVIN'S ADDITION TO ST PAUL LOT 25 BLK 1, from R4 Single-Family Residential to VP Vehicular Parking; the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on September 21, 2011, as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the properties situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 22, 2011, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission for approval; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on December 2, 2011, and recommended approval to the City Council; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on November 17, 2011, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on December 21, 2011, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 2 powered by Legistar™ File #: Ord 12-3, Version: 1 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul as incorporated by referenced in §60.303 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That the property at 1756 Nebraska Avenue East being more particularly described as R. F. MARVIN'S ADDITION TO ST PAUL E 4 FT OF LOT 7 AND SUBJ TO ALLEY OVER SE COR LOT 6 BLK 1 be and is hereby rezoned from R4 to VP. That the property at 1755 Nevada Avenue East being more particularly described as R. F. MARVIN'S ADDITION TO ST PAUL LOT 25 BLK 1 be and is hereby rezoned from R4 to VP. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval, and publication. City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 2 of 2 powered by Legistar™ City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1Ord 12-5 Name:Ordinance memorializing rezoning of 198 Minnehaha to I2 Status:Type:Ordinance Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Memorializing City Council action granting the application of Apex Auto Salvage, Inc to rezone the property at 198 Minnehaha Avenue East from I1 Light Industrial to I2 General Industrial, and amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the Saint Paul zoning map. (Public hearing held January 18) Sponsors:Dave Thune Indexes: Code sections: Attachments:Apex Auto Rezone Ordinance.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Memorializing City Council action granting the application of Apex Auto Salvage, Inc to rezone the property at 198 Minnehaha Avenue East from I1 Light Industrial to I2 General Industrial, and amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the Saint Paul zoning map. (Public hearing held January 18) Body WHEREAS, Apex Auto Inc., File # 11-298-888, has applied for a Rezoning from I1 Light Industrial to I2 General Industrial under the provisions of § 61.801(b) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, on property located at 162-168 Minnehaha, 172 Minnehaha, 184 Minnehaha, 198 Minnehaha, and 0 Pennsylvania, legally described as PIN 312922120003 - With No Access to Hqy The N 1 Ft Of Lots 20 & 21 & All Of Lot 4 Blk 1; PIN 312922120004 - W 35Ft Of Lot 5 Blk 1; PIN 312922120005 - E 40 Ft Of Lot 5 Blk 1; PIN 3129220006 - Lot 6 Blk 1; PIN 312922120007 - Ashton And Sherburne's, Addition With No Access to Hwy N 1 Ft of Lots 18 & 19 & All of Lot 7 Blk 1; PIN 312922120008 - W 1/2 Of Lot 8 Blk 1; PIN 312922120019 - With No Access To Hwy; The N 1Ft Of W 50 Ft Of lot 15 & N 1 Ft Of Lot 16 & Also E 1/2 Of Lot 8 & All of Lots 9 & Lot 10 Blk 1; PIN 312922120012 - Ashton And Sherburnes addition With No Access To Hwy The N 1 Ft Of E 1/2 Of Lot 17 Blk 1; PIN 312922120013 - Ashton And Sherburnes addition With No Access To Hwy The N 1 Ft Of W 1/2 Of Lot 17 Blk 1; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on December 8, 2011, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of § 61.303 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made findings of fact and recommended approval of rezoning to the City Council on December 16, 2011; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, on January 18, 2012, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application. City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 2 powered by Legistar™ File #: Ord 12-5, Version: 1 THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul as incorporated by reference in § 60.303 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That the property at 162-168 Minnehaha, 172 Minnehaha, 184 Minnehaha, 198 Minnehaha and 0 Pennsylvania being more particularly described as: PIN 312922120003 - With No Access to Hqy The N 1 Ft Of Lots 20 & 21 & All Of Lot 4 Blk 1; PIN 312922120004 - W 35Ft Of Lot 5 Blk 1; PIN 312922120005 - E 40 Ft Of Lot 5 Blk 1; PIN 3129220006 - Lot 6 Blk 1; PIN 312922120007 - Ashton And Sherburne's, Addition With No Access to Hwy N 1 Ft of Lots 18 & 19 & All of Lot 7 Blk 1; PIN 312922120008 - W 1/2 Of Lot 8 Blk 1; PIN 312922120019 - With No Access To Hwy; The N 1Ft Of W 50 Ft Of lot 15 & N 1 Ft Of Lot 16 & Also E 1/2 Of Lot 8 & All of Lots 9 & Lot 10 Blk 1; PIN 312922120012 - Ashton And Sherburnes addition With No Access To Hwy The N 1 Ft Of E 1/2 Of Lot 17 Blk 1; PIN 312922120013 - Ashton And Sherburnes addition With No Access To Hwy The N 1 Ft Of W 1/2 Of Lot 17 Blk 1; and Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 2 of 2 powered by Legistar™ ..title An ordinance memorializing City Council action granting the application of Apex Auto Salvage Inc for the Rezoning from I1 Light Industrial to I2 General Industrial of 198 Minnehaha Ave E and amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the Saint Paul zoning map. ..body W HEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and § 61.800 of the Legislative Code, Apex Auto Salvage Inc/ duly petitioned to rezone 198 Minnehaha Ave E, being legally described as 312922120003 – W ith No Access to Hqy The N 1 Ft Of Lots 20 & 21 & All Of Lot 4 Blk 1; 312922120004 – W 35Ft Of Lot 5 Blk 1; 312922120005 – E 40 Ft Of Lot 5 Blk 1; 3129220006 – Lot 6 Blk 1; 312922120007 – Ashton And Sherburne’s, Additio W ith No Access to Hwy N 1 Ft of Lots 18 & 19 & All of Lot 7 Blk 1; 312922120008 – W 1/2 Of Lot 8 Blk 1; 312922120019 – W ith No Access To Hwy; The N 1Ft Of W 50 Ft Of lot 15 & N 1 Ft Of Lot 16 & Also E 1/2 Of Lot 8 & All of Lots 9 & Lot 10 Blk 1, Rezoning from I1 Light Industrial to I2 General Industrial; the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on , as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and W HEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 8, 2011, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission for approval; and W HEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on December 16, 2011, and recommended approved to the City Council; and W HEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on November 28, 2011, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and W HEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on January 18, 2012, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul as incorporated by reference in § 60.303 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That the property at 198 Minnehaha Ave E, being more particularly described as: W ith No Access to Hqy The N 1 Ft Of Lots 20 & 21 & All Of Lot 4 Blk 1; and W 35Ft Of Lot 5 Blk 1; and E 40 Ft Of Lot 5 Blk 1; and – Lot 6 Blk 1; and Ashton And Sherburne’s, Additio W ith No Access to Hwy N 1 Ft of Lots 18 & 19 & All of Lot 7 Blk 1; and W 1/2 Of Lot 8 Blk 1; and W ith No Access To Hwy; The N 1Ft Of W 50 Ft Of lot 15 & N 1 Ft Of Lot 16 & Also E 1/2 Of Lot 8 & All of Lots 9 & Lot 10 Blk 1 be and is hereby rezoned from I1 to I2. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Phone: 651-266-8560 City of Saint Paul Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:1Ord 12-8 Name:Traffic Code - Amending Chapter 157 Status:Type:Ordinance Agenda Ready In control:City Council Final action: Title:Amending Chapter 157, Traffic Code, General Parking Restrictions, to restore no-parking zone and limited-term parking zone violation language to the Code, which language was inadvertently deleted from the September 28, 2011 revisions. Sponsors:Kathy Lantry Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Amending Chapter 157, Traffic Code, General Parking Restrictions, to restore no-parking zone and limited- term parking zone violation language to the Code, which language was inadvertently deleted from the September 28, 2011 revisions. Body THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 Chapter 157 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 157.01. - Stopping, standing and parking. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle on any street or highway so as to interfere with or interrupt the passage of other vehicles unless otherwise provided by state law. (Ord. No. 11-84, § 1, 9-28-11) Sec. 157.02. - Removal of illegally stopped vehicles. (a) Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle standing upon a street or highway in violation of any law, such officer is hereby authorized to move such vehicle or require the driver or other person in charge of the vehicle to move the same to a position off the main traveled part of such street or highway. (b) When any police officer finds a vehicle unattended upon any street or highway or upon any bridge or causeway or in any tunnel where such vehicle constitutes on obstruction to traffic, such officer is hereby authorized to provide for the removal of such vehicle and remove the same to a place of safekeeping established by law. (Ord. No. 11-84, § 1, 9-28-11) Sec. 157.03. - Stopping or parking prohibited in certain places. (a) No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or other recognized emergency authority or in obedience to a traffic-control device, in any of the following places: (1) Across any curb, on a sidewalk or boulevard, lawn or grass plot except as provided in section 157.04, state fair parking district, or section 157.05, parking or stopping on a public way; City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 1 of 3 powered by Legistar™ File #: Ord 12-8, Version: 1 (2) In front of or within five (5) feet, of the throat of any public or private driveway or alley, or in such a manner as to block such driveway or alley; (3) On that portion of a private road or driveway lying between the public right of way line and the curb line of the adjacent street or if no curb the edge of pavement. (4) Within an intersection; (5) Within ten (10) feet of a fire hydrant; (6) On a crosswalk; (7) Within twenty (20) feet of a crosswalk at an intersection; (8) Within thirty (30) feet upon the approach to any flashing beacon, stop sign, sign indicating direction of travel, or traffic-control signal located at the side of a roadway; (9) Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within thirty (30) feet of points on the curb immediately opposite the ends of a safety zone, unless a different length is indicated by signs or markings; (10) Within an area designated as a bus stop for a length of eighty (80) feet or as signed; (11) Within fifty (50) feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing; (12) Within twenty (20) feet of the driveway entrance to any fire station, and on the side of a street opposite the entrance to any fire station within seventy-five (75) feet of said entrance when properly signed; (13) Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when such stopping, standing, or parking would obstruct traffic; (14) On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge of the curb of a street; (15) Upon any bridge or other elevated structure upon a highway or within a highway tunnel, except as otherwise provided by ordinance; (16) At any place where official signs prohibit stopping; (17) On private property of any person without consent of such property owner; (18) Any place on public property which is not at the time open for the use of vehicular traffic; (19) At any place on any pathway, sidewalk area for pedestrians or other portion of any public property which is not intended for the use of vehicles; (20) On any street or alley, at the same location, for more than forty-eight (48) consecutive hours; (21) In the front or rear entrance to any building so as to block a fire escape or exit from any building.; (22) In any no-parking zone now or hereafter established; (23) For any time period longer than the time allowed as indicated by signage in limited-time parking areas now or hereafter established. (b) No person, firm or corporation operating any business or parking facility shall park vehicles on the streets or alleys adjacent to or in the vicinity of such business or parking facility for longer than ninety (90) minutes. (c) No person shall move a vehicle not owned by such person into any prohibited area or away from a curb such distance as is unlawful. (d) No person shall, for camping purposes, leave or park a travel trailer on or within the limits of any street or highway or on any street or highway right-of-way, except where signs are erected designating the place as a camp site. (e) No person shall stop or park a vehicle on a street or highway when directed or ordered to proceed by any peace officer invested by law with authority to direct, control, or regulate traffic. (f) No person shall park any vehicle or allow any vehicle to remain parked or standing upon any street or alley within one hundred (100) feet of any place where tree trimming is being performed by the division of parks and recreation or a designee; and the director of the department of parks and recreation is hereby authorized to procure signs of such size as to be easily legible indicating that tree trimming work is in progress and that parking is banned within one hundred (100) feet of the location of such work; and the director or his/her designee is further authorized to place or cause to be placed a sufficient number of such signs in each and every location where tree trimming is being or is about to be carried out so as to inform the public of the parking restriction in the area. (g) No vehicle shall be parked in any alley in the congested district, as the term "congested district" is defined in section 151.02(5), except to load and unload only, but shall leave such space promptly upon completion of that operation and shall not park for more than thirty (30) minutes at any one time. (h) No vehicle or any part of a vehicle shall be parked in any alley outside the congested district, as the term "congested district" is defined in section 151.02(5), or load and unload in the alley, unless at least ten (10) feet City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 2 of 3 powered by Legistar™ File #: Ord 12-8, Version: 1 of the alley is left available for the free movement of traffic and the vehicle is five (5) feet or more from of any driveway or garage entrance and, on the side of the alley opposite to said driveway, also maintains twenty (20) feet or more from said driveway or garage entrance. (Ord. No. 11-84, § 1, 9-28-11) SECTION 2 The remainder of Chapter 157 shall remain unchanged. SECTION 3 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. City of Saint Paul Printed on 2/7/2012Page 3 of 3 powered by Legistar™