04-25-2012 Council PacketVVednesdoy, April 35i2V12
IT,iom3m 0=6
Council President Kathy Lanby
Councilmember Dan Bostrom
Councilmember Amy8rendnoon
CouncVmember Melvin Carter 0/
CoonoVmembe/ Russ Stark
Counc8mon`bor Dave 7huoe
Cnuncilnember Chris Tolbert
3:30 PM
City Hall and Court House
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
Phone: 651-266-8560
Council Chambers - 3rd Floor
Note: Items listed under the Consent Agenda will be enacted by one motion with no separate
discussion. If discussion on an item is desired, the item will be removed from the Consent
Agenda for separate consideration.
1 Authorizing the City to enter into Agreement Number 91616 with the Minnesota
Department of Transportation (k4nDOT).BiosoenoeContorPnojed-S.P.
Sponsors: Stark
Attachments: MaQOT Agreement 91616 with Activity�No
2 Approving adverse action against the House Sewer Contractor license held by
Doboszenski & Sons, Inc. d/b/a Doboszenski & Sons, Inc. for the City of Saint
Sponsors: Lantry
Attachments: Notice of Intent to Susloend License -,qf
3 AppnovngadverneootionagainottheMannegeCenter - A(Cnmmencia|)and
Massage Practitioner licenses held by Lucinda A. Pepper d/b/aEmbodied
Health, LLC located at250O University Avenue West in Saint Paul.
Sponsors: Stark
Attachments: Notice of Intent to Suspend Licenagapdf
SPLC Section 310,05 (M).Ddf
City m Saint Paul Page 1 printed on 41251201
City Council Meeting Agenda April 25, 2012
4 Approving the issuance ofa Liquor Outdoor Service Area (Pato) license and
waiving the 46day notice requirement for Los Ocampo Mexican Restaurant
Inc. d/b/a Los Ocampo Mexican Restaurant located at 1751 Suburban Avenue.
Sponsors: Lantry
Attachments: Letter from licensee-Ddf
5 Approving adverse action against the Auto Repair Garage and Second Hand
Dealer - Motor Vehicle Parts licenses and Alarm Permit (New) held byKer
Vang d/b/a MC Auto Repair &Tire Service located at 1202 Dale Street North in
Saint Paul.
Sponsors: Brendmoen
Attachments: Notice of Intent to Suspend LicenspL.pdf
6 Approving adverse action against the Dance or Rental Halls license held by
Rivertuwn Theatre, LLCd/b/aRivedown Theatre, LLC located at62YSmith
Avenue South in Saint Paul.
Sponsors: Thunm
Attachments: Notice of Intent to Susloend Lice— -Af
SPLC Section 310.05 (M�.Ddf
7 Approving adverse action against the MAD-Music Machine (4@ $17.00) and
MAD-Game Machines (14@ $17.00) licenses held by St. Croix Amusement,
Inc. d/b/a SL Croix Amusement for the City ofSaint Paul.
Sponsors: Lantry
Attachments: Notice of Intent to Suspend Licen�i �.df
SPLQ Section 310,05_(m pdf
City m Saint Paul Page printed on 41251201
City Council Meeting Agenda April 25, 2012
9 Authorizing the application to the Department of Employment and Economic
Development for contamination investigation and cleanup grants and hothe
Metropolitan Council for tax base revitalization grants for the Starky, Rayette,
Mattress Faotury, Habitat for Humanity Heedquartera, Saint Paul Youth
Housing, 1389 University, and Old Home sites.
10 Approving the minutes of the December 7.14.21 and 2D.2U11 City Council
Minutes 12-Q7-1 l.pdf
Minutes 12-14-12,pdf
Minutes 12-21 -1 l,pdf
Minutes 12-28-1 1,pdf
11 Presentation of the 2012 Sustainable Saint Paul Awards.
Sponsors: Lantry
An ordinance ima city law enacted by the City Council. Itio read at four separate council
meetings and becomes effective after passage by the Council and 30 days after publication in
the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Public hearings on ordinances are held at the third reading.
12 Creating Chapter 375of the Legislative Code ho establish m license for
Sponsors:� Lanhry and Thune
13 Amending Chapter 31Oof the Legislative Code to impose |ioonaure fees for
pedioab vehicles and drivers.
Sponsors: Thune
Attachments: Ord 11 -63 Ltjq�h�ment A�.df
Ordinance amending Chapter 310,08 - Pedicab Fees.pdf
14 Amending the Zoning Map of Saint Paul aa recommended in the North
End-South Como District 6 Plan and 40-Acre Zoning Study.
Sponsors: Bmndmomn
City m Saint Paul Page printed on 41251201
City Council Meeting Agenda April 25, 2012
15 Amending Chapter 287of the Saint Paul Legislative code pertaining tothe
definition of excessive police and nuisance enforcement services.
SPonsors: Lantry
Ord 12-25 Amending Chapter 6Oof the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining tuthe
District 9 Gateway Zoning Study.
Sponsors: Thune
Attachments: D9gatewayzoninqr)cmemotg)mMgyg[qnggga�
D9 T3 zoninq letter,Ddf
Meetings are available on the Council's website. Email notification and web feeds (RSS) of
newly released Minutes, Agendas and Meetings are available by subscription. Please visit
www.stpaul.gov/council for meeting videos and updated copies of the Agendas, Minutes and
supporting documents.
Meetings are live onSt Paul Channel 18 and replayed on: Thursdays mtS:3Up~nn, Saturdays md
12:30 p.m., and Sundays at 1:00 p.m. (Subject to change)
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